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02x04 - The Snow Puppy / The Sheep Who Cried Wolf

Posted: 03/19/24 18:54
by bunniefuu
(light cheerful music)

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ Up on the hill

♫ Let's watch them as they play

♫ Playin' all day

♫ Hooray

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend Corky.

♫ Bottle top Bill

- [Corky] It looks like a great day for an adventure, Bill.

- [Bill] It sure does, Corky.

And today's adventure's called The Snow Puppy.


- [Bill] We have a visitor, Corky.

Who could it be?

- [Corky] Don't you remember, Bill?

We invited a friend over.

- [Bill] Which friend?

- [Corky] Neighbor Ned, of course.

- [Bill] That's right.

He's come to look through our telescope.

- Hello, Bill.

Hello, Corky.

- Come in, Ned.

- Our telescope is upstairs.

- Boy, I can hardly wait to look through it.

- Here it is.

- Great.

Uh, what do I do?

- Just look right through there.

- Wow.

(gentle music)

I've never looked through a telescope before.



- [Corky] What do you see, Ned?

- [Ned] I see very wooly things with four legs.

- [Bill] If they're wooly, I guess they're sheep.

- They are.

They're Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep.

Oh boy.

- Now what do you see?

- [Ned] Another thing with four legs.

But it's bigger than a sheep, and it's not wooly.

It's a cow.

Maisy the cow.


And I can see, uh, I don't know what I see.

Something really strange.

- Let me have a look.

- [Corky] What is it, Bill?

- [Bill] It's the far away mountains, Corky.

- [Ned] But what's all that white stuff on top, Bill?

- [Bill] That's snow.

- Snow?

That's amazing.

I've never seen snow before.

- Never?

- Never ever.

- Would you like to take a trip to the snow, Ned?

- Would I ever.

- That's a great idea, Corky.

- Then let's get going.

- [Ned] How will we get to the snow?

- [Bill] We'll fly there.

- [Ned] In a plane?

- [Corky] In our air balloon.

- [Bill] Stand by to board, everyone.

(whistle, whistle, whistle)

- Ready for the snow?

- You bet.

- Then here we go.

(gentle music)

- This is terrific.

But where are the mountains?

- They're this way, Ned.

- Oh, yeah.

And just look at all that snow.

(gentle music)




- [Ned] How long will it take to get to the snow?

- [Corky] Not long now, Ned.

- [Bill] We're almost there.

- I can't wait to play in the snow.

It'll be so much fun.

- It is fun, Ned.

But you have to be careful.

- I'll be careful.

I'm always careful.

- [Bill] Stand by to land, everyone.

- [Corky] Standing by, Bill.


- Look at this snow.

I can almost touch it.


- Are you okay, Ned?

- I'm better than okay.

I'm touching snow.


- Now, where shall we go first?

- Let's go down here.

This looks fun.

- Remember, Ned.

- Be careful.

- Don't worry, I'm being...



- Ned!

- Whoa.

- Jumping jellybeans.

We've got to catch him.

(ding ding)

(ding ding)

- [Corky] We'll need something fast, Bill.

- [Bill] I've got just the thing, Corky.

- A snow sled.

Good idea, Bill.

- Whoa.

(gentle music)

- I hope Ned doesn't crash into anything.

- [Bill] Oh no, Corky.

I see two big rocks down there.

- [Corky] I see them, too, Bill.

Big, hairy rocks.

- [Bill] Hairy rocks?

That can't be right, Corky.

- [Corky] They're not hairy rocks.

They're snow monsters.

- It's our friends, Chip and Flip.

- I hope they can stop Ned.

- Whoa.

- What's that, Flip?

- It looks like a boy.

- A boy in a lot of trouble.

- We'd better help him out.

- What about something to catch him?

- Good idea, Chip.

This net should do it.


- Whoa.

- Good catch.

- Great catch.

- Good work, Flip and Chip.

- [Corky] You saved our friend.

- Bill, Corky.

What a surprise.

- How nice to see you.

- Nice to see you, too.

- And this is our friend, Ned.


- Where's he gone?

- Bill, Corky, hurry!

Run quickly.

They're snow monsters.

- It's alright, Ned.

They're our friends.

- Ned, look out.


- Oh, dear.

(xylophone music)

- Ned, can you hear me?

- Speak to us, Ned.


- I'm here.

Come and hide so the monsters can't get us.

- They won't harm you, Ned.

- They're our friends.

- Let's help you out of there.

- And pull, ugh.

- Are you alright?

- Is anyone hurt?

- We're all fine, thanks.

- Ned, meet Flip and Chip.

- You're friends with snow monsters?

- (laughs) They might be snow monsters,

but they're friendly snow monsters.

- Gosh.

(dog barks)

- That sounds like a dog.

(splat, swoosh, splat, splat)

- [Flip] It is dog.

- [Chip] It's our dog.

- [Corky] You have a dog?

- [Chip] Her name's Frosty.

- That's great.

I love dogs.



- Frosty likes you, Ned.

- Can she play fetch?

- She loves playing fetch.

- Fetch, Frosty.


I'm coming, too, Frosty.

- Ned, wait, Ned.

- Frosty.


- We have to go after them.

- Quickly.

(tense music)

- Ned, Frosty.

- Blow me down, Ned's got himself lost.

- And Frosty, too.

- Where could they have gone?

- We'll look down this side of the mountain.

Come on, Chip.

- That leaves this side of the mountain for us, Bill.

- Let's get cracking.

(gentle xylophone music)

- [Bill] What can you see, Corky?

- [Corky] It looks like a hole in the ice.

- [Bill] It's an ice cave.

- Should we search inside the cave?

- I'm sure they wouldn't be in there.


Blow me down, they are in there.

Come on.

(tense music)

- [Corky] What's the up ahead, Bill?

- [Bill] I think there are tunnels.

- [Corky] I think there are lots of tunnels.

- Ned, Frosty, are you there?

Which way would they have gone?


- Frosty's down there.

- [Ned] Bill, Corky, is that you?

- And Ned's down there.


- Now Frosty's there.

- [Ned] Hello.

- And now Ned's there.

- I'm all confused, Bill.

We'll never be able to find them.

- [Ned] But I'm right here.

- [Both] Ned!

- We found you, uh sort of.

- But where's Frosty?

- I thought she was here.

- First she was lost, now she's hiding.

Catching this puppy is hard work.

- Bill, lunch is how we'll solve this problem.

- Lunch is a great idea, Corky.

But we've got to catch Frosty first.

- And we will.

With this.

Right, follow me.

(gentle music)

(whistle, whistle)

- Now we just have to wait.

(sniff, sniff, pant)

- There she is.


- Quick, catch her, Bill.

- Here goes.

(whistle, boom, boom)


(laughs) No, Frosty.

Don't, I can't see.

- Bill, where are you going?

- Uh-oh.

Where am I going?



(tense music)

- We're coming, Bill.




- [All] Whoa.


- Are we safe now?

- Couldn't be safter, Ned.

- Actually, Bill.

My feet feel funny.

- Now you mention it, Corky, my feet feel funny too.

- So do mine.

- I don't like this.

- What do we do?

(crack, crack, crack)

- Whatever we do, we should do it fast.

(tense music)

- [All] Whoa.


- We're alright, Frosty.

But where are Bill and Corky?

- [Bill And Corky] Down here.

- [Bill] This time we need your help, Ned.

- [Corky] And fast.

- It's alright.

I'll rescue you.

I just have to work out how.


This is no time for games, Frosty.

Whoa, I get it.

Smart dog, Frosty.

- Ned.

- Frosty.

- Where are you?


- Here we are.

- Great going, Ned.

- Are we glad to see you.

- Grab hold, Bill.

- Allie-oop.

Your turn now, Corky.


I got you, Corky.

- But who's got you?

- I have.

- Quick, pull us up, Ned.

(all scream)

- Whew, that was close.

Thanks, Ned.

- What a great idea to dig through the snow.

- It was Frosty's idea.

- [Bill And Corky] Thanks, Frosty.


- Time to get you home.

- Flip and Chip will be so worried.


(gentle xylophone music)

- All aboard, everyone.

(whistle, whistle)

- Thanks so much for finding Frosty.

- Come again, soon.

- [All] Bye, Chip, bye, Flip.

- Bye.

- Bye.

- [All] Bye, Frosty.


- What a great trip.

Thanks, Bill.

Thanks, Corky.

I love the snow.

- I found a much better place for our next trip.

- What place is that, Corky?

- Right here in the middle of a hot, sandy desert.

- A desert?

What's there?

- No idea, Ned.

But I know this much.

There's definitely no snow.

- (laughs) When you're right, Corky, you're right.

(gentle music)

- [Corky] What's our adventure about today, Bill?

- [Bill] It's a great one, Corky.

It's about the sheep who cried wolf.

- [Corky] I can guess where we are, Bill.

It's Mrs. Whistlehead's farm.

- [Bill] That's right, Corky.

- [Corky] And I can guess that

we're looking after Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep.

- Right again, Corky.

Because the Great Wild Wooly might

try and let them out of their pen.

- That Great Wild Wooly is a very tricky sheep.

- But none of his naughty tricks will work today, Corky.

Because I have a special plan.

- What special plan is that?

- [Bill] The special plan to build this fence up

so it's extra tall and strong.

- [Corky] Make that extra super tall and strong.

- The Great Wild Wooly won't be able

to let the sheep out now.

- But Bill, is there something else

we should do with the sheep pen?

- It's all done, Corky.

Just look how strong this gate is.

(sheep bleats)

- What was that, Bill?

- It sounded like a sheep.

(sheep bleats)

- It sounds like a sheep in trouble.

- And they might need help.

Let's get cracking.

- [Corky] The sound came from over there, Bill.

- [Bill] What are those things?

- [Corky] They're hay bales.

- But no one is ever in the hay bales.

Hold on, Corky, there is someone there.

- [Corky] It's a sheep.

- [Bill] Not just a sheep, Corky.

- [Both] It's the Great Wild Wooly.

(sheep bleats)

- You poor thing.

- Did the hay bales fall on you?

(sheep bleats)

- And now you're trapped?

(sheep bleats)

- We have to help him, Bill.

- Time for action, Corky.

Let's get these hay bales off him.


- They're too heavy, Bill.

We need more than just the two of us.

- Not a problem, Corky.

There'll soon be three of us.

- [Corky] Three of us, Bill?

- [Bill] Yes, look who's coming.

- [Corky] I see him.

- [Bill And Corky] Sandy the Scarecrow.

- Sandy, are we glad to see you.

- Hello, Bill.

Hello, Corky.

- We need your help, Sandy.

(sheep bleats)

- Oh, dear.

What's happened to the Great Wild Wooly?

- He's trapped under these hay bales.

- And we need to move them.

- Say no more.

I'll help.

(sheep bleats)

- Ready?

- Ready.

- And lift.


- Paint me pink.

Even three of us aren't enough to move these heavy bales.

- [Corky] I know what we need, Bill.

- [Bill] What's that, Corky?

- [Corky] We need a big machine to help us.

- [Bill] What sort of machine?

- [Corky] We need our crane.

- [Bill] Spot on, Corky.

Our crane will lift those hay bales with no problem at all.

- Sandy, will you look after the Great Wild Wooly?

- While we get the crane?

- I can do that.

I'll look after him.

- We'll be as quick as we can.

- Or even quicker.

(sheep bleats)

- You poor thing.

Are you thirsty?

(sheep bleats)

I'll get you some water.

You stay there.

Well, of course you'll stay there,

because you're trapped.

Sorry, I'll get that water.

(gentle music)

(sheep bleats)

(boing, boing)

- I hope the Great Wild Wooly isn't hurt.

- Right, Corky.

Even though he's naughty, we don't want

anything bad to happen to him.

- We're coming Great Wild Wooly.

(exciting music)

- Here's your water, I got it.

Uh, Great Wild Wooly?

Where did you go?

- [Bill] Stand back, Sandy.

- We're ready to rescue him.

- But Bill, Corky.

He's gone.

- Gone?

He couldn't have gone.

- He was trapped.

Well, it looked like he was trapped.

- Hmmmm.

- What is it, Corky?

- Bill, what if he wasn't really trapped?

- If he wasn't trapped, then that means

it was a trick.

- A naughty trick.

- A very naughty trick.

- That Great Wild Wooly makes me hopping mad.

- And now he might be trying to let the sheep out.

- No way.

Jump on, Sandy.


(gentle music)

- This trick is going to be on the Great Wild Wooly.

- Why's that, Bill?

- Because he'll never get through

our special super strong fence.

(sheep bleat)

(sheep bleats)

- [Corky] Oh no.

- [Bill] The sheep have escaped.

But how?

- [Corky] There's how, Bill.

The gate.

- Uh oh.

You were right, Corky.

There was something else we had to do.

- We had to lock the gate.

- I'll stop those sheep.

- Be careful, Sandy.

- Now you sheep be nice and stop right there.


(sheep bleat)


- That wasn't very nice, Great Wild Wooly.

- Look out, Sandy.

- Whoa.

- Jumping jellybeans.

Sandy's in trouble.

- After them, Bill.

- [Bill] We have to save Sandy

before the Great Wild Wooly leads the sheep into the hills.

- [Corky] If they hide in there, we'll never find them.

(tense music)

- Hold her steady, Corky.

- Will do, Bill.

- Missed.

- But you were close, Bill.

- Time for another go.

- Got them.

- Good grab, Bill.

(sheep bleats)

- That naughty Great Wild Wooly.

- He made us think that he was in danger.

- But it was just a trick.

- Gently does it, Bill.

- Gently it is, Corky.

(sheep bleat)

(sheep bleats)

(exciting music)

- Thanks, Bill.

Thanks, Corky.

- This time, Corky, we won't make the same mistake.

We'll lock the gate.

- [Corky] Good and tight.

- [Bill] There's no way the Great Wild Wooly

can get into the sheep pen now.

- I don't know, Bill.

I think there's something else we should do.

- It's all done, Corky.

Good and proper.

(sheep bleats)

- What's that?

- Bill, Corky, over there.

(sheep bleats)

- It's the Great Wild Wooly again.

- And there's something wrong with him.

- Seriously wrong.

(sheep bleats)

- Look at those spots.


- Listen to that cough.

- Do you think he's sick?

(sheep bleats)

- He looks very sick, Bill.

- You don't think it's another trick?

- I don't think so, Corky.

- You should get him to a doctor.

And fast.

(exciting music)

- [Bill] I know the fastest way to do it.

- [Corky] How's that, Bill?

- [Bill] Look at this, Corky.

- [Corky] Our flying machine.

- [Bill] This will get us to the doctor in a flash.

- Sandy, you look after the Great Wild Wooly.

- We'll get the stretcher to carry him.

- Poor Great Wild Wooly.

We take you to a doctor and you'll soon be better.

Huh? That's funny.

Your spots are rubbing off.

(sheep bleats)

Great Wild Wooly, you shouldn't run about if you're sick.

- Here we are.

- Now just lie on this, Great Wild Wooly.

- Where did he go, Sandy?

- He's suddenly a lot better.

- But he looked so sick.

- He must be very sick.

I've never seen anyone whose spots rubbed off.

- I don't believe it.

- The spots were paint.

- Because the Great Wild Wooly painted them on.

- That naughty Great Wild Wooly isn't sick.

It's another trick.

- But his trick won't work,

because this time we've locked the gate

so he can't let the sheep out.

- Sorry, but I think he can let the sheep out.

(sheep bleats)

- [Bill] Blow me down, Corky.

He's building a bridge over the fence.

- [Corky] That's the other thing we had to do, Bill.

- [Bill] We should have locked up the crane.

(sheep bleat)

- Watch out.

- Oh, no.

It's happening again.


- Here we go for a second time, Corky.

- But this is the last time, Bill.

- Because we won't be tricked by the Great Wild Wooly again.

- Help.

(exciting music)

- [Corky] This looks like a job for the scoop, Bill.

- [Bill] The scoop it is, Corky.

Let's get it nice and close.

(exciting music)

- [Corky] Got them.

- Great scooping, Corky.


- [Corky] That naughty Great Wild Wooly

made us think he was very sick.

- But it was just another trick.

Gently down with the sheep.

(gentle music)

- [Corky] And gently down with Sandy.

- Thanks, Bill.

Thanks, Corky.

(laughs) Again.

(sheep bleats)

- The Great Wild Wooly won't fool us again, Bill.

- You said it, Corky.

(sheep bleats)

(sheep bleat)

(sheep bleats)

(sheep bleats)

- What's that racket?

(sheep bleats)

- Oh dear. The Great Wild Wooly is going to fall.

He needs our help.

- I don't think so, Sandy.

- It's just another trick.

- Sorry Great Wild Wooly.

It's not going to work this time.

- We know you're not really in danger.

(sheep bleats)

- I don't like the look of this, Corky.

- I don't either, Bill.

(sheep bleats)

- Bill, Corky.

I really do think he's in danger this time.

- [Corky] You're right, Sandy.

This doesn't look like a trick at all.

(sheep bleats)

- It's a real rescue this time.

Come on.

(sheep bleats)

- I'll grab you Great Wild Wooly.

- I'll grab you, Bill.

- And I'll grab you, Corky.

- Now what, Bill?

- Uh, I don't know.

(all scream)

- Hang on everybody.

- Hanging on.


(sheep bleats)

- We were very lucky, Great Wild Wooly.

You got us into terrible trouble there.

- Because we thought you were playing a trick.

- When you really were in danger.

- I hope you've learned a lesson.

Even when tricksters tell the truth,

no one believes them.

(sheep bleats)

- Corky, do you really think the Great Wild Wooly

has learned his lesson?

- He might have learned his lesson today, Bill.

But tomorrow he'll probably forget all about it.

- (laughs) When you're right, Corky, you're right.

(all laugh)

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ See you again

♫ Good bye

♫ Bottle Top Bill.

(Southern Star jingle)