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01x11 - The Big Fish / Ramshackle House Ride

Posted: 03/19/24 18:50
by bunniefuu
(light, upbeat music)

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ Up on the hill

♫ Let's watch them as they play

♫ Playing all day

♫ Hooray ♫ - The adventures of

Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend Corky.

♫ Bottle Top Bill ♫

- [Corky] I think we should go down to the river today Bill.

- [Bill] Great idea Corky.

- [Corky] Will we have an adventure, Bill?

- [Bill] You bet.

Today's adventure's called The Big Fish.

(birds chirping)

- [Corky] How will we get to the river?

- [Bill] Watch.

- That's a good idea, a trail bike.

Let's go Bill.

(horn honking)

Are you sure you packed everything, Bill?

- Too right, Corky.

This'll be the best picnic ever.

- And look, there's the perfect place to have it,

right near the water.

- [Bill] We've got some nice fresh bread.

- [Corky] And some cheese.

- [Bill] And fruit.

- [Corky] And the tastiest chocolate cake ever.

- Mmm, that's a great looking cake Corky.

- With just the right amount of chocolate.

- I can hardly wait!

- [Corky] I hope no wild animals want to steal our picnic.

- [Bill] Don't worry Corky,

there's no wild animals around here.

- Whoa!


(water splashing)

What was that?

- The Whopper

- The what?

- The big Whopper, and he's stolen our chocolate cake.

- What are we going to do?

- We're going to get it back, that's what.

Come on Corky, we've got work to do.

- Why have we come here to the shed, Bill?

- You'll see, Corky.

We're going to catch the Whopper, that's what.

- Why is he called the Whopper, Bill?

- The Whopper is the biggest fish in the river, Corky.

He's a legend.

- He is?

- Lots of people have tried to catch the Whopper,

but no one's done it.

Now, where's my fishing gear?

- No one at all, Bill?

- No one until now, Corky.

- Does that mean you're going to catch him, Bill?

- Spot on, Corky, I'm going to catch the Whopper.

First, we need to find a good place to go fishing.

I'll reckon this is the place, Corky.

- Should we start fishing here, Bill?

- The first thing we need to catch the Whopper is some bait.

- What about an apple?

- Good idea, Corky.

The Whopper won't say no to a nice apple like that.

- Bill, why do you want to catch the Whopper?

- The Whopper's a legend, Corky.

Whoever can catch him will be an even bigger legend,

and that's going to be me.

- Will you be a hero, Bill?

- You bet, Corky, they'll tell stories about me

catching the Whopper, they might even sing a song about me.

- A song about you, Bill?

I can't wait to hear that.

Look at that butterfly, Bill.

- I can't, Corky, I have to concentrate on fishing.

- How long does fishing take, Bill?

- The secret to fishing, Corky, is patience.

- You mean you have to wait for the fish?

- You've got it, Corky.

(Corky yawns)

- Will we have to wait long, Bill?

- I hope not, Corky.

- That's good, because it's a bit boring just sitting here.

- You're right, Corky.

What we need is a boat.

- [Corky] How about that boat, Bill?

- She's a beauty, Corky.

It looks perfect for checking the Whopper, come on.

- I'll row, Bill, you catch that Whopper.

(upbeat music)

- This looks like a good spot, Corky.

- Throw your line out, Bill.

Where did the line go?

- It's here somewhere.


(water splashing) Whoa!

- Bill, are you all right?

- I think so.

(yells in surprise)

- What was that, Bill?

- That was the Whopper, Corky.

- There it goes!

It's getting away.

(water splashing) - After it, Corky!

- What about here, Bill?

- Good idea, Corky, this looks exactly the sort of place

where the Whopper would hide.

- You don't think the Whopper

is too clever to be caught, Bill?

- No way, Corky.

No fish can outsmart me, watch.

We'll get him this time, for sure.


I've got a bite, Corky.

- Is it the Whopper, Bill?

- It's very big, I think it is the Whopper, Corky.

- We won't sink, will we Bill?

- No chance, Corky, I've got him now.


(water splashing) Whoa.

- I don't think that's the Whopper, Bill.

Do you think catching the Whopper is too hard?

- We can't give up now, Corky.

We've only just started.

This'll get him, you watch.


Look Corky, I've got another bite.

- Do you think it's the Whopper this time?

- We'll soon see.


I think it's definitely the Whopper, Corky!

- What do we do, Bill?

- Hang on!

(both yelling)

- Bill, maybe you should let go!

- No way, Corky!

This Whopper won't beat me.

- [Corky] Where's he taking us?

- [Bill] I don't know, but wherever he goes,

we'll follow all the way.

(water rushing)

- I really think you should let go, Bill.

- Never, Corky!

- Bill!

He'll pull us over the waterfall!

- What waterfall?

- This waterfall!

(Bill yelling)


(Bill yelling) (water splashing)

Oh no, I hope Bill's all right.

(water splashing)

- Corky!

- Up here, Bill!

- Come on down, Corky!

- Have you lost the Whopper, Bill?

- He's gone, Corky.

- Okay, I'm coming.

Woo hoo!

I'm sorry you lost the Whopper, Bill.

- He's a tricky customer, Corky, but I'm even trickier.

This time, I'll use a banana to catch him.

- Are you sure we shouldn't go home, Bill?

- No fish is going to beat me, Corky.

- [Corky] I hope you're right.


- Whoa!

- Here we go again.

- [Bill] Where is he taking us this time?

- [Corky] It looks like we're going down to the sea.

- [Bill] The sea?

- [Corky] Down to the pier where the big crane is,

the one that lifts all the cargo onto the ships.

- [Bill] Why is he taking us down there?

- [Corky] I don't know,

but I don't wanna end up on a big ship.

We might never get back home.

- [Bill] We'll be fine, Corky, trust me.

- [Corky] Let go, Bill!

- But I've caught the Whopper.

- No you haven't.

The Whopper has caught you!

Oh no, look!

- [Bill] What is it?

- We're heading straight for those ships.

I can't look, Bill.

(both yelling)

We're leaking, Bill.

- Don't worry Corky, the Whopper is tiring.

He'll give up any second now.

- Somebody should tell that to the Whopper.

- [Bill] Won't be long now.

- I think we're sinking, Bill.

- I've nearly got him, Corky!

- Bill, we're sinking!

- Oh no!

- Now what do we do?

- Yell for help.

- [Both] Help! Help!

- [Bill] Keep yelling Corky,

there has to be someone somewhere who can help.

- [Corky] I don't think anyone will hear us, Bill.

- [Bill] The Junkosaur's Islands be here,

maybe they'll hear us.

- [Corky] I don't think so.

- [Bill] We'll yell anyway.

- [Both] Help! Help! Help!

- Did you hear that, JoJo?

- I did, Dad.

- It sounds like Bill and Corky.

- It is Bill and Corky!

- [Both] Help!



- What are they doing, Dad?

- It looks like they're having fun, JoJo.

- [Both] Help!

- [Corky] Now what do we do?

- [Bill] I don't know Corky.

(bubbling noises)

- [Corky] He's taking us right down to the caves

at the bottom of the ocean!

- [Bill] I hope he doesn't leave us there!

- [Both] Help!

- Are you sure they're having fun, Dad?

- I think so.

- It's the Whopper!

And he's got Bill and Corky!

- I hope they weren't silly enough

to try and catch the Whopper.

- [JoJo] It looks like the Whopper has caught them!

- We're still sinking, Corky.

- I know, Bill!

- Can't you plug that hole any better?

- [Bill] Good work, Corky.

- [Corky] What can we do, Bill?

- Just hang on, Corky.

- Bill and Corky are in trouble, Dad!

- [Dad] That Whopper's giving them a rough ride, alright.

- [Corky] Whoa.

- We better help them.

Run, Dad, let's go!

(motor running)

- [Corky] I hope we lose this Whopper soon.

Great, Bill, look!

- Oh no, sharks!

- [Corky] Are you sure they're sharks?

- [Bill] I'm double sure they're sharks.

- [Corky] And they look really hungry.

- And we might be their dinner.

(water splashing) (suspenseful music)

(both screaming)

Oh no!

- Bill, Corky!

- It's JoJo, Bill, and his dad!

- Are we happy to see you!

- Hang on!

(both screaming)

- Thanks, just in time too!

- Doing a spot of fishing, Bill?

- That's about the size of it, Mr. Junkosaur.

- Any luck?

- I caught the big Whopper!

- You caught the Whopper?

- Actually, I think the Whopper caught us.

That's why we're in all this trouble.

- That'd be right, nobody catches the Whopper.

- Look Bill, there's our boat.

- Or what's left of it.

We'll have to swim back, Corky.

- Can't we give them a lift, Dad?

- Sure thing, JoJo, we'll just clear out the mess first.

(chomping) (JoJo yelling excitedly)

- Mmm, that's the most delicious boat I've ever eaten.

- Hang on Bill, hang on Corky.

- Thanks a lot.

- Goodbye Bill, goodbye Corky.

- Time for us to have our picnic now, Bill.

- Top idea, Corky, I'm so hungry

after trying to catch that Whopper.

- I'm sorry you didn't catch the Whopper, Bill.

- He was too good for us, Corky.

- But you know something?

I don't think he should be caught, Bill.

- Do you really think so?

- He's smart. - True.

- He's brave. - True.

- And he never gives up. - Very true.

- A fish like that should be free forever.

- (laughs) When you're right Corky, you're right.

♫ Bottle Top Bill ♫

- [Corky] What's today's adventure called, Bill?

- Today's adventure, Corky, is the Ramshackle House Ride.

(upbeat music)

what would you like to do this morning Corky?

- Well, Bill, we could-- (horn honking)

We could-- (horn honking)

What's that noise, Bill?

- I don't know, Corky, but it's coming from over there.

- [Corky] What is it, Bill?

- [Bill] No idea, Corky, I've never seen anything like it.

- [Corky] I think I know.

- [Bill] What?

- [Corky] It's a go cart.

- I've never seen a go cart before.

- I wonder whose it is.

- [Bill] I can see his feet.

- [Corky] And his legs.

- [Bill] Hmm, he looks familiar.

- [Corky] Who can it be?

- [Bill] I think it's, it is!

- [Corky] It's Neighbor Ned!

- Hi Bill, hi corky!

- Hello, Ned!

- Where did you get that go cart?

- I made it myself.

(upbeat music)

What do you think?

- It's very nice, Ned.

- [Ned] It has pedals, a light, and a horn.

(horn honking)

- It looks fast.

- It is fast, it's the fastest go cart ever.

- Aw, I'll bet I know a faster one.

- You do? Where?

- Our go cart.

- We have a go cart?

- We sure do, Corky.

- Would you like a race, Bill?

- You bet, Ned.

Just name the place and we'll be there.

- Let's meet at Big Drop Hill.

- Big Drop Hill it is.

- See you there!

- Bill, we can't race Ned.

We don't have a go cart.

- We will in a jiffy, Corky.

If Ned can make a go cart, so can we.

Watch this Corky.

- [Corky] Do you think it'll be as good as Ned's?

- [Bill] Even better.

- [Corky] And will it be as fast as Ned's?

- Even faster.

Well Corky, what do you think?

- It's a beauty, Bill, but why do you want to race Ned?

- Ned's always showing off, Corky.

- True, he does show off.

- So if we beat him in this race,

maybe he'll stop showing off.

- Good idea, Bill.

Big Drop Hill's very steep, Bill.

- [Bill] It's perfect for racing.

- [Corky] Look at Ned go!

He sure is fast.

- [Bill] Easy peasy, my cart will be much faster.

- This go cart's hard work, Bill.

- Not far now, Corky.

(both groaning)

- Where have you been?

I've been here for ages.

You ready?

- Ready and rearing to go, Ned.

- [Corky] This looks really steep, Bill.

- No worries, Corky, I've got a brake

to stop me if there's trouble.

- (laughs) I've got a better brake than that.

- You be the starter, Corky.

- Will do, Bill.

Get ready.

- [Both] Ready.

- Get set.


(both yelling)

- [Bill] Nice meeting you Ned, you can't catch me!

- [Ned] No Bill, I'm beating you!

- Uh oh, I don't like the look of this.


- Oh no, Bill's lost a wheel!

- See you, Bill, woo hoo!

- Time for the brake!

Oh no, now I can't stop at all!

There's a big gate ahead

and a great big fence as well.

(Ned and Bill yelling)

- This is going to be terrible, I can't watch!

- [Bill] Look out for the Ferris wheel, Ned!

And the tent, and the merry go round!

- [Corky] Bill, where are you going?

- [Bill] I don't know!

- [Corky] I know!

You're going straight for the fun fair.

- [Bill] The fun fair?

- [Corky] And unless you stop,

you're going to crash right into it!

- [Ned] I can't stop!

- Me neither!

- [Corky] Can you see where you're heading yet, Bill?

- [Bill] It looks like the haunted house right.

- [Corky] Are you sure?

- [Bill] I'm positive, and Ned's heading for it too!

- [Corky] Try to steer away from it!

- [Bill] I'm trying!

- [Corky] Try harder!

- [Bill] I'm trying harder, but my cart doesn't wanna turn!

- [Corky] Oh dear.

(Ned and Bill yelling)

Look out for the fun fair man!

- [Bill] I hope he won't be crossed with us!

- Oh.

(Ned and Bill yelling)

- [Corky] Where are you now, Bill?

- [Bill] We're heading along the railway track

and there's a crazy looking creature up ahead.


And a big spider, too.

- [Corky] Don't run into them!

(Ned and Bill yelling)

- [Bill] Oh no, there's a big statue down there

and I think we're going to hit it!


Oh no, look out Ned!


- Oh dear, what have they done?

Hang on Bill, I'm coming to get you.

- [Ned] Uh oh.

- Uh oh.

- Bill, are you all right?

- I'm all right, Corky.

- What have you done to my ride?

- We didn't mean to break it, sir.

- We're really sorry, honestly.

- All the children have been waiting for a ride,

and now it's broken.

- [Bill] Oh dear I hope we haven't upset the children's fun.

- [Corky] I think you have, Bill.

(children crying)

- Oh dear.

- Oh double dear.

- What can we do about the children?

- I don't know, Corky.

- This wouldn't have happened

if you hadn't been such a show off, Ned.

- Me? A show off?

- That's right.

- And you were a show off too, Bill.

- Me? A show off?

- Yes, you wanted to show Ned

you could make a faster go cart.

- Well, yes, I suppose you're right,

but what should we do?

- [Bob] Hello Bill, hello Corky.

- [Bill] Who's that?

- [Corky] Don't you recognize his voice?

- [Bill] I think so.

- [Corky] It's Bob.

- So it is.

What are you doing here, Bob?

- I came to see what the problem is.

- All the kids want to go on a haunted house ride

but they can't because it's been broken.

- That is a problem, isn't it?

- We don't know what to do, Bob.

- Well perhaps I can help?

- [Everyone] How?

- Let's all go to my house and I'll show you.

- [Bill] But Bob, your house is such a long way away.

- [Corky] No it's not, it's just up near the hills there.

We can walk there in no time.

- [Bill] Are you sure?

- [Corky] I'm positive.

Come on we'll be there in a flash.

- [Bill] What's the point of going to your house, Bob?

- [Bob] You do want a haunted house ride, don't you?

- [Bill and Corky] Yes.

- [Bob] And my house does look like

a haunted house, doesn't it?

- [Bill and Corky] Yes.

- [Bob] So let's build our own ride there.

- [Bill] That's a great idea, Bob.

- Then all the children will be happy.

(intense music)

- [Bill] This looks like a great ride, Bob.

- Thank you. - There's only one problem.

- [Bob] What's that?

- We don't have any scary creatures around.

- You're right, what should we do?

- I think it's time to ask our friends for some help, Corky.

- Spot on, Bill.

- [Bill] I'll send them all an email.

- [Corky] But will they come?

- You bet, they'll love this.

There, they'll be here in an instant.

(children cheering)

All right, jump in kids.

- Now, get ready for the ride of your life.

- [Children] Yay!

- What friends have you got to help you?

- Well first there's the great, wild Wooly.

- [Bob] I can't see him.

- [Bill] You just wait, he'll surprise you

with his really scary face.

(braying noises)

(children screaming)

- That was scary.

Who else is here?

- Rumble, a dragon.

- [Bob] A dragon? Where?

- [Corky] Watch that fireplace, Bob.

- [Bob] This is exciting.

- [Bill] It'll be a lot more exciting when Rumble appears.

- [Corky] You bet!


(children screaming)

- This is great, all your friends are helping,

even Maisy the cow.

- [Bob] Maisy the cow, I can't see Maisy.

There she is.

Is that really her?

- You bet.

Maisy's one of our best ghosts ever.

- Do you think she'll be really scary?

- You just watch.

(suspenseful music)

- [Maisy] Ooo.


(children scream)

- I thought ghosts were supposed to say boo, not moo.

- Don't worry Ned, the children like it,

and that's the main thing.

- [Ned] Now what's happening?

- [Corky] Now we get to the best bit of all!

- [Bill] It's the living skeletons.

- [Ned] Living skeletons?

How spooky is that?

(creepy laughing noises)


(children screaming)

- Wow, that was really scary!

Who were they?

- Our Junkosaur friends.

- Junkosaur?

- [Corky] JoJo Junkosaur.

Mrs. Junkosaur.

And Mr. Junkosaur.

- [Ned] You have great scary friends.

- Well everyone, did you like our haunted house ride?

(children cheering)

- Thank you so much Corky, you too Bill.

- We could only do it because all our friends helped us.

- And mostly because Bob loaned us his house.

- Well thank you so much, Bob.

- No problem.

I love haunted house rides.

Please, can we keep it here?

- It'll be a pleasure.

- I'm glad that's ended well.

- Me too.

- It hasn't ended yet.

We've got a fun fair to clean up.

(upbeat music)

- Gee, we sure made a big mess.

- What about our go carts?

They're wrecked.

- Looks like there'll be no more go cart races, Ned.

- What a pity!

- And it looks like there'll be no more showing off either.

- What do you mean?

- All this happened because Ned wanted to show off

in his cart, and then you wanted to show off in your cart.

- Yep, that's true.

- So from now on, we'll have a new rule, no showing off.

- (laughs) When you're right Corky, you're right.

(light, upbeat music)

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ See you again

♫ Goodbye

♫ Bottle Top Bill ♫