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01x07 - The Snow Monster / Anyone for Tennis

Posted: 03/19/24 18:47
by bunniefuu
♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ Up on the hill

♫ Let's watch them as they play

♫ Playing all day

♫ Hooray

- [Bill] The adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend, Corky.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Corky] What's this, Bill?

- [Bill] A snowflake.

That's because today's adventure

is all about the snow monster.

- [Corky] Wow.

How will we start the adventure, Bill?

- [Bill] Let's look at what we can see

through the telescope, Corky.

- [Corky] Right, I love looking through the telescope.

- [Bill] We might be able to see where our adventure begins.

It could be fun.

- That's a great idea, Bill.

- I see Mrs Whistlehead's farm and the sheep.

Wow, paint me pink.

This is something worth looking at.

- What is it, Bill?

- Have a peek, Corky.

- I know what these are, Bill.

- [Bill] What are they, Corky?

- [Corky] They're the Snowy Mountains.

- Corky, there's something I've never told you.

- What's that, Bill?

- I've never seen snow up close.

- You haven't?

Well Bill, there's something I've never told you.

- What's that, Corky.

- I've never seen snow up close either.

- Then it's about time we did.

- I'm with you, Bill.

We'll have to travel a long way, Bill.

- [Bill] How will we get there, Corky?

- What would you say about a balloon ride, Bill?

- I'd say that's fantastic, Corky.

- This should get us there in no time at all.

- Great.

Ready, Corky?

- Ready, Bill.

- [Both] Up, up and away,

- Hey, Mrs Whistlehead.

- [Corky] Can you see her, Bill?

- [Bill] I sure can, Corky, there she is.

- Where are you going?

- We're going on a balloon ride, Mrs Whistlehead.

We're going to the Snowy Mountains.

- Have a good time but watch out for the snow monster.

- We will. - Bye.

- Bill, did Mrs Whistlehead say snow monster?

- Oh don't worry about that, Corky.

There's no such thing as a snow monster.

- Are you sure there's no such thing

as a snow monster, Bill?

- Absolutely.

If we see a snow monster, Corky, I'll eat my hat.

- I hope you're right, Bill.

Because your hat won't taste very nice.

- Here come the Snow Mountains, Corky.

- And we're going to hit them, Bill.

Where we will land, Bill?

- [Bill] Hopefully in some nice soft snow.

- [Corky] Hopefully you're right.

- What happened, Corky?

- We have to crawl out, Bill.

Look, Bill, snow.

- A whole mountain of snow, Corky.

- Snow is amazing, Bill.

- And fun too.

Watch this, Corky.

We could play snowballs.

- Great idea, Bill.

I'll get some snow too.

Are you ready, Bill?

- That was quick.

Good shot, Corky.

- What do you mean, Bill?

- That snowball you just threw at me.

- I didn't throw a snowball at you, Bill.

- Oh come on, Corky, stop kidding me.

- Honest, Bill, it wasn't me.

Hey, Bill, how did you do that?

I didn't even see you throw it.

- I didn't throw it, Corky.

- If you didn't throw a snowball at me, Bill.

- And you didn't throw a snowball at me, Corky.

- [Both] Who's throwing snowballs?

- [Corky] What's got big feet and legs?

- [Bill] And a big furry body.

- [Corky] And big floppy ears and a big nose and eyes.

- [Both] The snow monster.

- Mrs Whistlehead was right, Bill.

- Look out.

Come on, Corky, let's run for it.

- I can't, Bill, the snow's too deep.

- We need some skis.



- [Corky] I think we'd better get those skis quickly, Bill.

- Jump on back, Corky.

Get as far away from him as possible.

- Quick, Bill, the snow monster's chasing us.

- I'm going as fast as I can, Corky.

But skiing is hard work.

- He's catching us up, Bill.

- I'll ski even faster, Corky.


I bet he can't follow us now.

We have to go higher up the mountain, Corky.

- [Corky] But how?

- [Bill] I don't know but we'll need some help.

- [Corky] What's this, Bill?

- [Bill] I think it's chairlift.

It is a chairlift.

- Let's jump on.

You won't get us now, snow monster.

- That was a close shave, Corky.

- Phew, the snow monster can't catch us now, Bill.

- You're right there, Corky.

- It's a lovely view up here, Bill.

You can see right across the Snowy Mountains.

- It's great, Corky, let's just relax and enjoy the ride.

- It's so quiet and peaceful, Bill.

- Just the way I like it, Corky.

Stricky lucky, who's throwing snowballs?

- It can't be the snow monster.

He's at the bottom of the mountain.

See, there he is.

- [Bill] Wait a minute, what's this?

- [Corky] It looks like a house.

- [Bill] But who would live up here?

- [Corky] I don't know

but it's definitely not the snow monster.

- [Bill] Are you sure?

- [Corky] Positive, he's at the bottom of the mountain.

- Oh no he isn't, Corky, he's at the top of the mountain.

- [Corky] How did he get up there so fast?

- I don't know, Corky.

But we're not stopping to find out.

The snow monster can't catch us now, Bill.

- Too right, Corky.

That's the last we'll see of him, thank goodness.

- Bill, the snow monster's right behind us.

- Oh no he isn't, Corky.

He's right in front of us.

- What?

There's definitely a snow monster behind us, see?

- And there's definitely a snow monster in front of us.

- You know what this means, don't you, Bill?

- I sure do, Corky.

- [Both] There's two snow monsters.

- What should we do, Bill?

- There's only one thing we can do, Corky.



- What's happening, Bill?

- We turned into a giant snowball, Corky.

- I'm feeling really dizzy.

- Don't worry, we're nearly at the bottom of the mountain.

- How are we going to stop, Bill?

- We're about to find out, Corky.

- [Corky] Oh no, watch out for that tree.

Bill, can you hear that noise?

- It sounds like thunder.

- What's that coming down the mountain?

- You mean that great big wave of snow?

- Yeah, Bill, a huge big wave of snow.

- Don't worry, that's just an avalanche, Corky.

- [Both] Avalanche!

- What are we going to do, Bill??

- Run for it, Corky.

Head for that big rock, Corky.

- Climb up quickly, Bill.

- Hold on, Corky.

- I'm holding on, Bill.

- [Both] Help, help!

- I'm losing my grip, Corky.

- I've got you.

- Good work, Corky.

- Uh oh, now I'm losing my grip.


What can we do, Bill?

- [Bill] We need someone to help us.

- Bill, we're heading for the cliff.

What are we going to do?

- Panic.

- [Both] Help!

- It's the snow monsters.

- They've rescued us, Bill.

- They sure have, Corky.

And just in the nick of time.

- Thanks for saving us, snow monsters.

- It's our pleasure.

- We thought you were going to eat us.

- We only eat snow.

- [Corky] You only eat snow?

- [Bill] He is eating snow.

- Why were you chasing us then?

- We just wanted to play snowballs with you.

- We don't have any friends to play with up here.

- Everyone runs away from us.

- It's really lonely.

- We'll be your friends, won't be, Corky?

- We sure will, Bill.

- Come on, let's play a game.


- [Corky] Got you both.

- You're not angry, are you?


- [Corky] I don't think they're angry, Bill.

- This is going to be fun, Corky.

Get that.

- [Corky] And get that.

Watch out, Bill.


- Good shot.

- [Corky] This is so much fun.

- Watch out.

- [Corky] We'll get you.

What a great game.

- That was the best snowball fight ever.

- And you're the best friends ever, Bill and Corky.

- We've had a great time.

But we'd better be getting home.

- How, Bill?

- We can help you with that.

- That's what friends are for.

- [Bill] What's this, Corky?

- [Corky] It's a snow bicycle.

- [Both] Thanks, snow monsters.

- Don't forget to come back and play with us soon.

- We promise.

- [Snow Monsters] Goodbye, Bill.

Goodbye, Corky.

- [Both] Goodbye, snow monsters.

- We made two great friends today, Bill.

- We sure did, Corky.

- [Corky] Bill.

- Yes, Corky.

- Remember you said there's no such thing as a snow monster?

- Yes, Corky.

- And you said if we saw one, you'd eat your hat.

- I suppose I did, Corky.

- But we saw two snow monsters, Bill.

So I reckon you don't have to eat your hat after all.

- You're right, Corky, you're right.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Corky] What's today's adventure, Bill?

- [Bill] It's called, anyone for tennis.

What a wonderful day, Corky.

- [Corky] It's a beauty, Bill.

- [Bill] Just the day for a game of tennis.

- [Corky] Great idea, Bill.

- [Bill] To play tennis, Corky,

we need to get some proper tennis equipment.

- [Corky] Don't worry, Bill.

There's plenty of equipment down beside the tennis court.

We'll find everything we need.

- [Bill] Are you sure, Corky?

- [Corky] I'm positive, Bill.

- [Bill] Right then, let's get down there

and see what we can find.

- This will be fun, I love tennis.

- There are the rackets, Corky.

- We'll need one each.

- This one?

- Too small, Bill.

- What about this?

- Not the right shape.

- This looks good.

- That's the one.

- And here's a racket for you too.

- Thanks, Bill, now all we need is a ball.

Too big.

Too small.

This is the one we need.

- Right, let's play.

- Ready, Bill?

- Ready, Corky.

- [Corky] I hope that wasn't too fast, Bill.

- Good serve, Corky, I'll get it.

- [Corky] Can you see where it's gone?

- [Bill] No problem, Corky.

I think it's among those flowers.

- [Corky] Well spotted, Bill.

- Ready, Corky?

- Ready, Bill, let it rip.

- This is my tricky serve.

- Good serve, Bill, I'll get it.

- [Bill] Did you see where it went, Corky?

- [Corky] In this bush, Bill.

That was my double tricky serve, Bill.

- I wonder where it's gone this time.


- Okay, serve it up.

- [Bill] Oh no, where's it gone now?

- [Corky] I think I know where it is, Bill.

- [Bill] Where, Corky?

- It's in Mrs Rabbit's burrow.

Mrs Rabbit.

Are you there, Mrs Rabbit?

Great, thanks Mrs Rabbit.

- [Bill] Good work, Corky.

- It's really hard work fetching the ball

all the time, Bill.

- Don't worry, Corky, this time we'll get it.

- I think we've got the hang of this now, Bill.

- I've got it.

- Great shot, Bill, but now where's it gone?

I think it's in that big tree.

- [Bill] There's something else in that tree too.

What is it?

- [Corky] I know, it's a bird.

- Watch out for the tennis ball, little bird.

I think that shot was a bit too great, Corky.

- [Corky] Where's it going now, Bill?

- [Bill] High up into the sky, Corky.

- [Corky] It looks like it's going up amongst the planets.

- [Bill] The planets?

I hope it doesn't get lost.

- Me too, I hope it falls down to Earth again really soon.

I can see it, it's coming down again, Bill.

- It is, Corky, but where is it going to land?

- [Corky] What's this, Bill?

- [Bill] It looks like a vegetable.

- [Corky] It looks like lots of vegetables, Bill.

- [Bill] Lots and lots of vegetables.

- [Corky] And what's this?

- [Bill] It looks familiar.

- [Corky] I know, it's Sandy the scarecrow.

And the ball's heading straight for him.

- We'll have to warn him.

- Sandy, watch out.

- What, is something wrong?

- Tennis ball coming, Sandy.

- Tennis ball?

- Hold on to it, Sandy.

- I can't.

- Keep your eye on the ball, Corky.

- I'm on it, Bill.

- [Bill] Which way should we go?

- [Corky] We'll follow the road.

- [Bill] What's this, Corky?

- [Corky] It looks like a house.

- [Bill] It is a house, Corky.

An old house where no one lives anymore.

- [Corky] And the ball's heading for the chimney.

- [Bill] What's that out in front of the house, Corky?

- [Corky] I think it's a car.

- [Bill] No, it's not a car.

- [Corky] I know, it's a truck.

Look, there's our tennis ball.

- [Bill] I'll get the ball, Corky.

- Stop, that's our ball.

- Come back.

We can't play tennis now, Corky.

- Not without a ball.

- What are we going to do?

- This calls for action, Bill.

- Serious action, Corky.

We need a super speedy racing car.

- [Corky] Good thinking, Bill.

- This will do the job, Corky.

- After that truck, Bill.

Are you sure you can drive this car, Bill?

- No worries, Corky.

Off we go.

- We're catching up, Bill.

- They're heading towards those traffic lights.

We've got them.

Excuse me, excuse me.


- Come on, Bill, we have to catch up again.

- [Bill] Where do you think they're going, Corky?

- [Corky] It looks like the city, Bill.

- [Bill] Oh dear, the city's so big and scary.

I do hope we'll be able to find them.


- [Corky] Look up ahead, there's a traffic policeman.

He might stop the truck.

- [Bill] You're right, Corky.

We might just get lucky.

- It's getting away again, Bill.

- Don't you worry, Corky, I'm on the case.

Hold on tight, Corky.

- Great move, Bill.

- Let's get after them.

- There it is, Bill.

- Well spotted, Corky.

What's this, Corky?

- Another truck exactly the same.

- [Bill] And it's got a box on the back too.

- Oh no.

- Which one do we follow, Corky?

- [Both] Follow that one.

- Try again.

- [Both] That way.

- [Bill] Here we go.

What's that up ahead, Corky?

- [Corky] It looks like a shop of some short.

- [Bill] I think it's a very special shop.

- [Corky] You're right, Bill, it's a petrol station.

- [Bill] And the truck is stopping to get some petrol.

- [Corky] We should be able to catch it now, Bill.

- Quick, Corky, jump up and see if our ball

is in that box on the truck.

- Right, Bill.

- Can you see our tennis ball?

- No, the box is empty.

- Oh well, looks like our tennis game is over.


I wish we hadn't lost our ball.

I was really enjoying playing tennis.

- Look, Bill, there's the other truck.

- And our tennis ball must be inside.

- After it, Bill.

- Hang on.

- [Corky] It's heading into the country, Bill.

- [Bill] This place looks familiar, Corky.

- [Corky] Where do you think we are, Bill?

- [Bill] It looks like a farm.

- [Corky] A nice farm.

- [Bill] I know, it's Mrs Whistlehead's farm.

- Look, Bill, there's the box.

The truck's dropping it off.

- It must belong to Mrs Whistlehead.

- I wonder if Mrs Whistlehead's home.

- [Bill] I think she is, Corky.

- [Corky] Hello, Mrs Whistlehead.

- Hello, Bill. Hello, Corky.

What brings you here today?

- We've lost our tennis ball.

- And we think it's in that box.

- Let's have a look.

- [Bill] What's this?

- [Mrs Whistlehead] It's a new kernel for Timmy.

- I can't see our ball, Bill.

- It must have bounced out

while the truck was driving along.

- I think Timmy's found something.

Is this what you were looking for, Bill?

- Well, paint me pink.

- It's our tennis ball.

- He's a great fetcher, aren't you boy?

- I've got an idea, Corky.

- What's that, Bill?

- Watch.


- You've lost our ball again.

- Not for long, Corky.

See? Fetch, Timmy.

- I get you, Bill.

- Timmy's the perfect answer to all our problems.

- Mrs Whistlehead, would you like to join us for tennis?

- You and Timmy.

- We'd love to, wouldn't we Timmy?

- Right, Corky, let it rip.

- Here it comes, Bill.

Oops, sorry.

- Where did that go?

- Timmy's spotted it.

Good boy, Timmy.

- Fetch it here, boy.

- Your hit, Bill.

I missed it.

- Don't worry, Timmy will get it.

- Good work, Timmy.

You know what, Bill.

- What's that, Corky?

- Having a dog to fetch the ball

is the best way to play tennis.

- When you're right, Corky, you're right.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ See you again

♫ Goodbye

♫ Bottle Top Bill