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01x06 - A Good Hair Day / Trouble in Fairyland

Posted: 03/19/24 18:46
by bunniefuu
♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ Up on the hill

♫ Let's watch them as they play

♫ Playing all day

♫ Hooray

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And His Best Friend, Corky.

♫ Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] Who are we seeing today, Bill?

- [Bill] We're seeing Mrs Whistlehead's sheep.

They're going to have a good hair day.

- [Corky] Does that mean we'll have to go

to Mrs Whistlehead's farm?

- [Bill] It sure does.

- [Corky] Does she wants us to look after

all her sheep again?

- [Bill] Yep, and we're building a new fence

to keep them safe from the Great Wild Wooly.

- Ready, Bill?

- Ready.

Well done, Corky, that's fixed it.

You did a fine job of holding the nails.

- Thanks, Bill.

And you did a fine job of knocking them in.

- And this fence will do a fine job of keeping

the Great Wild Wooly away from the sheep.

- Mrs. Whistlehead will be thrilled, Bill.

- Where is Mrs. Whistlehead?

- She's around here somewhere.

- [Bill] I think I can see her motorbike.

- [Corky] You're right, it is her motorbike.

And I can see her dog Timmy too.

- [Bill] Mrs. Whistlehead never goes anywhere

without Timmy, so she must be around here somewhere.

- [Corky] But where?

- [Bill] Here she comes.


- What do you think of the fence, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- [Bill] We worked on it all morning.

- [Corky] We hope you like it.

- A very fine job indeed.

- We won't argue with that, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- You deserve a big serve of lemonade and apple pie,

right after I get back from the hair dresser's.

Can you look after my sheep for me?

I won't be long.

- Leave it to us, Mrs. Whistlehead.


- Lemonade and apple pie, that's my favorite.

- I can't wait, Bill.

- That's strange, Corky.

- What's that, Bill?

- I've got a nail left over.

- We better find where it should go, Bill.

- Right, Corky, we don't want a hole in the fence.

- Not with the Great Wild Wooly around.

Now, where could it be?

- [Bill] Don't forget to keep an eye out

for the Great Wild Wooly, Corky.

- [Corky] Will do, Bill.


- [Bill] The hole must be here somewhere, Corky.

- [Corky] I can't see it here, Bill.


- [Bill] I'm sure we'll find it any second now.


- Have you found the hole yet, Bill?

- Not yet, Corky.

- Look, Bill, a hole.

That's where the nail is missing.

- Well spotted, Corky.

Let's fix it.

- Here we go.

Hammer away, Bill.

- We've done it, Corky.

That Great Wild Wooly will never

get the sheep past this fence.

- Uh, Bill?

- This is the best fence ever.

- But, Bill, look.

- Oh, blow me down, the sheep are gone.

- And there's why, Bill.


- [Both] The Great Wild Wooly.

- That Great Wild Wooly makes me hopping mad, Corky.

- We'll need the helicopter to catch him, Bill.

- Right you are, Corky.

This will help us catch them in no time.

- [Corky] And bring them back home where they belong.

- [Bill] You bet.

- Let's go, Bill.

- We're going, Corky.

- [Corky] There they are, Bill.

They won't get away from us now,

no matter how fast they run.

- How do we stop them, Corky?

- I have an idea, we'll wet the track and make it all muddy.

- I'm with you, Corky.

Get ready to turn on the water.

- [Corky] Water ready, Bill.

- The sheep can't run on slippery mud.


- Here they come, Bill.

- Let's catch them, Corky.

- [Corky] They slid straight into our trap.

- [Bill] And the Great Wild Wooly too.

- We got them.

- But not the Great Wild Wooly.

(grumpy bleating)

- He's heading into the forest.

He's gone.

Should we try and catch him, Bill?

- Not now, Corky.

Let's get Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep back to the farm.

- Right, Bill.

- [Bill] Here we are.

- [Corky] Gently, Bill.

- Leave it to me, Corky.

There we go, all back safe and sound.

- [Corky] Well done, Bill.

- Mrs. Whistlehead will give us an extra big slice

of apple pie for outsmarting the Great Wild Wooly.

- I don't know, Bill, I don't think she'll be very happy.

- Why, Corky?

- [Corky] Look at the sheep.

They're all so muddy and dirty.

- You're right, Corky, Mrs. Whistlehead will blow her top.

- We have to wash them before she gets home.

- [Bill] Let's get cracking.

This should do the trick.

- [Corky] First sheep ready to wash, Bill.

Here comes the water.

Make sure you get all the mud off.

- Will do, Corky.

Stay still, sheep.

It's not so easy to wash these sheep, Corky.

- [Corky] They don't like the soap.


- Whoa.

Naughty sheep.

Strewth, Corky, there must be an easier way to wash sheep.

- What we need is a sheep washing machine, Bill.

- You've got it, Corky.


A machine will make things so much quicker and easier.

I hope it's going to work.

- [Corky] This looks perfect.

- [Bill] The sheep will love it.

- [Corky] Watch this, Bill.

They get a wash, a comb, and a blow-dry all in one.

And look how clean it is.


- Now that's the way to wash sheep, Corky.

- Sure is, Bill.

We'll be finished in no time.

Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep will be the cleanest sheep

in the whole district.


- All this sheep washing has tired me out, Corky.

- Me too, Bill.

- [Bill] Time for a nice afternoon nap.


We'll just let the machine do all the work.


- [Corky] Wait a second, Bill, what if Mrs. Whistlehead

comes back?

- [Bill] Don't worry, Corky, she's gone into town

to visit the hair dresser's.

She'll take ages.

- [Corky] Are you sure?

- [Bill] I'm positive, Corky.

You know how Mrs. Whistlehead loves to get her hair done.

And it's a chance to visit all her friends.

- [Corky] That's true, Bill.

And she does have a lot of friends.

- [Bill] Lots and lots of friends, Corky.

And they all like to meet at the hair dresser's

and get their hair done.

So let's just go back to sleep.


- Hello, Mrs. Blossom.

Why are you all outside the hair dresser's?

- The hair dresser's are shut, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- But I need my hair washed, Mrs. Blossom.

- And I need my hair cut, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- And I need a hair trim.

- What about my fringe?

- Come on, Timmy, there's no use hanging around.

We better get back to the farm.





- [Corky] Bill, I've got another question.

What if the Great Wild Wooly comes back?

- [Bill] He won't come back, Corky.

Now let's just sleep.


- Bill, Corky, wake up.

Have you both been sleeping?

- Us?


- We've been very busy, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- Really busy, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- You won't believe what we did today, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- I can see what you've done, Bill.

- What do you mean, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- Just look at what's happening to my sheep.

- [Both] Huh?

- [Corky] It's colored.

- [Both] Huh?

- [Corky] They're all colored.

- Strewth, Corky, what's happened to the sheep?

- Our robot has gone haywire.


- The Great Wild Wooly,

he must have done something to our robot.

- You naughty Great Wild Wooly.

Look out, Great Wild Wooly.

- [Bill] The machine's grabbed him.

- [Corky] And it's giving him a bath.

He's as clean as a whistle.

- The Great Wild Wooly doesn't look so wild anymore.

- He looks more like the Great Wavy Wooly.

- But my sheep...

- [Corky] They're not hurt, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- We're in trouble now, Corky.

- [Corky] Big trouble, Bill.

- Well, we're really sorry, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- Really, really sorry.

- [Bill] The robot was only supposed to wash the sheep,

not make your sheep look silly.

- [Corky] Right.

- I don't think my sheep look silly.

- [Both] You don't?

- I think they look beautiful.

- [Both] You do?


- It's like my sheep have been to the hair dresser's.

- So you're not angry with us?

- Of course not.

That robot is just what I need.

- [Both] It is?

- You both deserve big plates of apple pie.


- [Bill] Let's go, Corky.

- [Whistlehead] Here we are.

- [Both] Thank you.


- [Man] Hello, Mrs. Whistlehead, here we are.

Ready whenever you are.


- I hope you don't mind, but I've invited my friends over

to see your machine.

Are you all ready, friends?

- I need a perm.

- I need a cover.

- I need a shampoo.

- Follow me, everyone.

- [Corky] What's going on, Bill?

- [Bill] Looks like our machine's become famous, Corky.

- [Corky] I hope it does the right thing.

- [Bill] We'll soon find out.

- [Corky] Uh-oh.


Look at Mrs. Whistlehead's hair.

- You look very nice, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- It really suits you.

- Why thank you, I'm so pleased.

- How about that, Corky?

One of the Great Wild Wooly's tricks backfired on him.

- He tried to get us into trouble with Mrs. Whistlehead,

but Mrs. Whistlehead couldn't be happier.

- And I couldn't be happier with this beautiful apple pie.

- Here, Bill, I think we've really earned this.

- When you're right, Corky, you're right.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Corky] And today's adventure's called...

- [Bill] Trouble in Fairyland.

Let's go out and look at the flowers, Corky.

- [Corky] Good idea, Bill.

- Corky, I think your flower garden

becomes more beautiful every day, all thanks to you.

- I do have a little help, Bill, from the fairy dust

our friend Dandy the fairy gave us.

- Let's have a look.

Wow, sprinkle some more fairy dust, Corky,

then we'll have even more flowers.

- I can't, Bill.

We've none left.

- You're right, Corky.

We'll have to do something about this.

- Let's go to Fairyland, Bill, and see Dandy.

She might give us some more.

- That's exactly what I was going to say, Corky.

Let's go.

- [Corky] I love Fairyland, it's so different

from anywhere else I've ever been.

- [Bill] You can say that again, Corky.

- [Corky] And you know what, Bill,

it has some of the strangest flowers too.

- [Bill] It also has our friend Dandy the fairy.

I wonder what she's doing.

- This fairy dust is very, very heavy.

I hope Pinch is home.

- [Bill] I think Dandy might be

going to Pinch the pixie's house.

- [Corky] I like Pinch's house.

It's up so high you can almost touch the clouds.

- [Bill] And I like Pinch.

He's one of the nicest pixies you could ever meet.

- [Corky] That's true.

Although he does get lots of colds, especially in winter.


- [Bill] He also has some of the most delicious blueberries

growing by the side of his house.

- [Corky] Yes, Bill, but you're not allowed to eat them.

The blueberries are all for Pinch's friend Flap.

- Here's breakfast for you, Flap.

- [Bill] Who's Flap?

- [Corky] She's Pinch's pet bird.

And she loves eating.


- Pinch, hey, Pinch.

- Hello, Dandy.

Flap and I are having breakfast.

Would you like some?

- I've had breakfast, thank you.



But you could help me with something.

I'm taking my friends Bill and Corky this fairy dust.

- That's a lot of fairy dust.

- They need it for their flowers, Pinch.

Could you mind it for a moment?

- Of course, Dandy.

- I'll bring Bill and Corky back here

and they can carry it home.


It sounds like you have a cold, Pinch.

- I think I do have a cold.

- You should go right back to bed after breakfast.

I won't be long.

See you soon.

- No, Flap, don't eat that.

It's fairy dust, see?

Very strange things can happen if you eat fairy dust.


Oh my, something strange did happen.

Oh, poor Flap, what have I done to you?


Oh no, I must have some fairy dust in my nose.

I'll have to get help from the fairy queen.

You stay right there, Flap.

- In we go, Corky.

- Here we are, Bill.

- Fairyland.

- Bill, Corky, I was just coming to see you.

- And we were coming to see you, Dandy.

- I have some fairy dust for you.

- And we were going to ask for some fairy dust.

- It's our lucky day, Bill.

- I left the fairy dust with my friend Pinch.

Come on, let's go and get it.

- We're right behind you, Dandy.



- Oh dear, sorry, plants.

I do hope the fairy queen can help.

- Paint me pink, would you look at these plants, Corky?

- Should plants in Fairyland be jumbled up like this?

- No, something's very wrong.

- [Bill] What's that noise, Corky?

- [Corky] I don't know, Bill.

- [Bill] It sounds like something's happening

up in the clouds.

- [Corky] What could it be?

- [Bill] It sounds like someone's coming.

But I don't know who.

- Bill, hey, Bill.

- Corky.

- It's Rumble the dragon.

- And Tricky the troll.

Hello, Rumble.

Hello, Tricky.

What's the matter?

- Something very strange is happening.

- Things are all jumbled up.

- Really?

You mean like these plants?

- Yes.

There's jumbled up things all over Fairyland.

- Why is it happening, Tricky?

- That's what we're trying to find out.

- We'll help you, won't we, Corky?

- You bet.

- Right.

Jump on me, everybody.


- Let's go, Rumble.

I hope all the animals aren't being jumbled up too.

- [Bill] Let's fly past the pond, Rumble,

and see if the frogs are all right.


- I'm sorry, Hop, sorry, Skip.

I can't stay and talk, I must see the fairy queen.



Hop, Skip.

I've done it again.

You two stay there.

I'm sure the fairy queen will know what to do.


- Look, Dandy, near the pond.

Something funny's happened.

- [Bill] What is it, Corky?

- [Corky] Look at the frogs.

- Hop, Skip, why are you all jumbled up?


Oh, really?

Hop and Skip say that Pinch did this.

- Pinch?

- Why would Pinch want to jumble things up?

- We'll have to find him, Rumble.

- And stop him from jumbling up anything else.

- [Bill] I think we should go to the fairy queen's castle.

- [Corky] Why, Bill?

- [Bill] The castle is at the very top of Fairyland

and we'll be able to spot where Pinch is.

- [Corky] Good idea.

- [Bill] We might even find

that Pinch has gone there himself.

- [Corky] That's a double good idea.

- Fairy queen, it's me, Pinch.

What's this?

"Dear fairies, see you after my holidays,

"love, the fairy queen."

This is terrible.

The fairy queen is on holiday.

Now what am I to do?


- [Corky] Oh no, look at the castle.

- [Bill] Pinch must be there.

Take us down, Rumble.

- Pinch, what have you done?

- I didn't mean to do it.

I ate some fairy dust and when I sneeze I, I...


- Rumble.

- I don't like this at all, I don't.


- You do look funny, Rumble.



Hey, this isn't funny.

- The fairy queen can't help, she's on holiday.


- Not me too.


- I can't look, Bill.

- Me neither, Corky.

We're all right, Corky.

We're not jumbled up.

- But, Bill, look at our legs.

- Paint me pink, I've got your legs, Corky.

- And I've got your legs, Bill.

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.

- What can we do?

- I have an idea.

- What, Dandy?

- When fairy dust is sneezed on things,

it makes them all jumbled up, right?

- [Both] Right.

- If we sprinkle fairy dust properly,

it might un-jumble things.

- Good idea, Dandy.

- It's worth a try.

- The fairy dust is back at my cottage.

- Off we go.

- [Corky] Hurry, Bill.

- [Bill] What's that?

- Oh dear, even Flap is jumbled up.

Corky, take the fairy dust and use it on me and Flap.

- [Bill] Careful, Corky.

- I hope this works, Bill.

- You and me both, Corky.

Good luck.

- It's worked.

- You beauty.

- Great, Corky.

Now we can make Fairyland normal again.

- Leave it to us, Dandy.

- [Bill] We'll put things back to normal in no time.

- [Corky] No time at all.


- Start sprinkling, Corky.

Got it.

Got it again.

Now for those poor frogs.

Hop, Skip.

- This will fix you up.

- [Bill] Well done, Corky.

Tricky, Rumble.

- What's happening?

- Can you un-jumble us?

- Watch this.

- Back to normal, brilliant.

- Double brilliant, Rumble.

- I couldn't agree more.

And I think my cold is cured.

- Now for the castle.


- We did it, Corky.


- [Corky] Time to go home, Bill.

- Next time I look after fairy dust,

I'll be a lot more careful.

- Thanks for your help, Bill and Corky.

- We couldn't have done it without you, we couldn't.

- It was nothing.

- We still have some fairy dust for your flowers.

Don't worry, it won't jumble you up,

unless you sneeze it.

- We promise never to do that.

Thank you, Dandy.

- See you all again soon.

Corky, have we forgotten something?

- We have forgotten something, Bill.

We still have each other's legs.

- I'll take care of that.

- Well that's more like it.

Two legs are best for me.

- And four legs are best for a horse like me.

- Thanks, Dandy.

Bye, everyone.

- [All] Bye.

- Let's see how this new fairy dust works

on our flowers, Bill.

- [Bill] I hope it's all right.

- It's working.

- New flowers, Corky.

- And not just any flowers, Bill,

they're beautiful new flowers.

- When you're right, Corky, you're right.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ See you again

♫ Goodbye

♫ Bottle Top Bill