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01x05 - The Eerie Eater / Naughty Ned

Posted: 03/19/24 18:45
by bunniefuu
♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend, Corky

♫ Up on the hill

♫ Let's watch them as they play

♫ Playing all day

♫ Hooray

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend, Corky.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Bill] Let's go out into the countryside, Corky.

- [Corky] Will we have an adventure, Bill?

- [Bill] Too right, a really spooky adventure,

and it's called The Eerie Eater.

- [Corky] How should we start today, Bill?

- [Bill] What about a picnic?

- [Corky] Great idea.

- [Bill] It's a perfect day for a picnic.

- [Corky] And this is the perfect place

for our picnic, Bill.

- Right, Corky, I'll lay out the blanket.

- And I'll get the basket ready.

Are there any animals in this part of the forest, Bill?

- [Bill] No way, Corky.

- [Corky] Are you sure?

- [Bill] I'm positive.

- [Corky] Not even a dog?

- [Bill] No dogs.

- [Corky] Or a cat?

- [Bill] Definitely no cats at all, Corky.

- [Corky] Good, so we'll have

all the picnic food to ourselves.

- [Bill] You bet, Corky.

No kitty cat's going to steal our food.

- [Corky] Right, I'll put the food out, then.

Some chicken, Bill?

- This food looks delicious, Corky.

- It'll be the best lunch ever, Bill.

Bill, do you feel someone is watching us?

- You know, Corky, I do feel someone watching us,

but I don't see anyone.

- I don't see anyone either, Bill.

- Paint me pink, the picnic basket!

- Where did it go?

- There it is!

- That naughty cat has it.

- Bring back our picnic basket.

- [Corky] Where's he going, Bill?

- [Bill] I don't know, but it looks a bit scary.

- [Corky] Isn't this where the old Tumbledown house is?

- [Bill] You're right, Corky.

It's been falling apart for years.

- [Corky] Are you sure it's safe for us to go there, Bill?

- [Bill] Too right, we're going to get our picnic back.

- [Corky] But what if the house is haunted by a ghost?

- [Bill] It might be old and ugly, Corky,

but there won't be any ghosts inside.

- [Corky] What about up in the roof?

- [Bill] No, that's too tall for ghosts.

- [Corky] What about in the chimneys?

I've heard ghosts love to live in chimneys.

- [Bill] Relax, Corky, there won't be a ghost.

Let's find that cat.

(wind whistling)

- Meow?

- [Bill] There's the cat, Corky.

- Please, pussycat, please give us back our picnic basket.

- Oh, no, he's going into the house, oh, dear.

We have to get inside, Corky.

- I don't like the look of this house, Bill.

- Don't worry, Corky, no one lives here anymore.

- Are you sure no one lives here, Bill?

- You're right, Corky.

We'd better knock at the door, just in case.

Okay, Corky, let's see if anyone's home.

(door hinges creak)

- [Corky] What do you see inside, Bill?

- [Bill] I see lots of doors and very high walls.

- [Corky] Can you see any people?

- [Bill] No, the house looks completely empty.

- [Corky] What's that big thing at the end of the room?

- [Bill] A staircase, Corky,

but I don't know where it goes.

- [Corky] It's very gloomy.

Can we turn the lights on?

- [Bill] I don't think the lights work.

- [Corky] Look, Bill, a person.

- [Bill] I don't think so, Corky, come on!


- Is anybody home?

(door slams) (Bill and Corky yell)

What did that, Bill?

- It was just the wind, Corky.

It's locked.

- The wind doesn't lock doors, Bill.

(upbeat piano music)

- Listen to that, Corky.

- It's music, someone is here.

- Let's go and say hello.

- And tell them about the pussycat.

I wonder who lives in a house like this,

with all these strange things?

- [Bill] Whoever it is, they sure know

how to play the piano.

- [Corky] Bill, you don't think that piano

was playing by itself, do you?

- [Bill] No way, Corky.

There's definitely someone playing it.

We just have to find out who.

- [Corky] I hope he's not too spooky and scary.

- [Bill] Come on, Corky, be brave.

Let's go and see who it is.


(Bob yells)

(Bill and Corky yell)

- You gave me quite a fright, you did.

- We're sorry, we didn't think anyone lived here.

- I'm Bill.

- And I'm Corky.

- And I'm Bob.

- [Bill and Corky] Pleased to meet you, Bob.

- It's so good to meet new friends.

Phil and Snorky, no, no, that's not right, no.

No, don't help me, I'll get it.

Dill and Porky?

No, no, Gill and Rocky.

I have it, Bill and Corky.

- That's right, Bob.

- I knew it all along.

- Bob, we need some help.

A cat has stolen our picnic.

- A picnic-stealing cat?

Well, that's not nice.

- He ran into your home here.

- Did he, did he?

We'll have to find him, then, won't we?

- [Corky] What's this, Bill?

- [Bill] Looks like a cupboard of some sort.

- [Corky] I wonder what's inside.

- [Bill] I think we'll soon find out, Corky.

- Now, where can it be?

- [Corky] What's in there, Bill?

- [Bill] I don't know.

- Tennis racket, no, that's not what I'm after.

- [Corky] What else is there?

- [Bill] No idea.

- Vacuum cleaner.

No, don't want that, either.

- Excuse me, Bob, but maybe we should start looking

for the pussycat and you can catch us up.

- Good idea, Corky.

You make a start and I'll be right with you.

- Come on, Corky.

- [Corky] This is such a big house, Bill.

That kitty cat could be hiding anywhere.

- [Bill] I think we should look behind all the furniture,

Corky, especially behind the couches

and especially behind the chairs.

Cats love hiding under furniture like that.

- [Corky] Okay, Bill, let's look and see if we can find him.

I bet he's gone, though.

I bet he's run away.

- Meow.

- The pussycat might be in here, Bill.

- He is in here, Corky.

- Meow.

- [Bill] And he's still got our basket.

- Don't be afraid, pussycat.

- If you're hungry, we'll share our food with you.

- You don't have to take all our picnic.

- [Bill] Please.

- Meow.

- That's the way.

Now we can all be friends and share the picnic together.

- Ah-ha, so there it is!

That cat won't get away from me!

- Meow.

- [Bill] Grab it, Corky.

- [Corky] Jump, Bill.

- [Bill] Jumping, Corky.

- [Bob] What happened?

- You frightened her, Bob.

- Just trying to help.

I'm not good at helping.

- It's alright, Bob, we can still find the cat.

- And this time, I'm going to help properly.

Follow me.

Watch your step, now, there's a secret passage,

and I think it's right here.

- Where?

- There.

(Bill and Corky yell)

That's where the secret passage is.

I got it wrong again.

Bill, Corky, I'm coming!

- [Corky] It's all dark, Bill.

- [Bill] I know, Corky.

Look out for those bricks.

- [Bill and Corky] Whoa!

- [Corky] Where are we going?

- [Bill] No idea, Corky.

Looks like another big room in Bob's house.

- [Corky] Another one?

How many rooms does Bob have?

- [Bill] Lots, Corky,

and they're all pretty scary-looking, too.

- [Corky] I don't like this house.

I think it's time to go home.

- [Bill] We can't give up now, Corky.

We've nearly got our picnic back.

- [Corky] Are we going to end up at that big light

in the ceiling, Bill?

- [Bill] I don't think so, Corky.

I think we're going to end up near that fireplace.

- [Corky] The fireplace?

- That's right, hang on, Corky.

I don't think it's going to be a soft landing.

(Bill and Corky yell)

Where are we, Corky?

- I don't know, Bill.

(Bill and Corky yell)

This floor is slippery, Bill.

- Super slippery, Corky.

- And look, Bill, here's the cat.

- [Cat] Meow.

- [Corky] Watch your step!

- [Cat] Meow!

- It's alright, pussycat, we don't want to hurt you.

- If you stop running, we'll stop chasing.

- Whoa, ah, you found the cat.

- She found us.

- Well, she won't get away again.

No escape for you, kitty cat.

- Meow!

- Don't scare her, Bob.

- She'll run away again.

- Don't worry, I'll get her.

- She's getting away, Bill.

- Slide, Corky, slide.

- [Corky] Come back, kitty.

- [Bill and Corky] Oh, whoa.

- [Corky] Oh!

- Oh, dear, I've done it again, haven't I?

I'm so sorry.

- [Corky] Never mind, Bob.

- We know you did your best.

- The pussycat is climbing up the chimney.

- I know where she'll be going, follow me.

- [Bill] Here we come.

- The cat should be on the roof somewhere.

- There she is, Bill.

(Bill groans)

- [Bill] Puss, come back.

- Meow.

- [Corky] She's slipping.

- Meow?

- [Bob] Oh, dear, she's going to fall.

- I know what we need, Corky.

Grab that fishing rod.

- Ready, Bill?

- Ready, Corky.



- [Corky] Great going, Bill.

- [Cat] Meow.

- [Bill] Pull us up, Corky.

- Here we go, Bill.

This is harder than I thought.

- I'd like to help,

but I don't want to do the wrong thing again.

- Bill, you're too heavy, oh!

- [Bill] Oh!

(Corky yells)

- [Corky] Look out! (groans)

- Meow?

- I'll save you.

- [Corky] Quickly, Bob, we can't hold on much longer.

- Grab it, Corky!

- Good work, Bob.

- I knew this net would come in handy.

- Can you pull us up?

- You bet.

(Corky groans)

- [Bill] We're right behind you, Corky.

(Bill and Corky groan)

- [Bill] Great work, Bob.

- You saved us.

- I did, didn't I?

- [Corky] And it looks like you've made a new friend.

- But you shouldn't have stolen our picnic basket.

(cat purrs)

- The pussycat was only hungry, Bill.

- In that case, we'll all share our picnic together.

- [Cat] Meow!

- [Corky] Woohoo!

- This picnic looks scrumptious.

(cat purrs)

- There's nothing better than a picnic.

- There is one thing better than a picnic, Bill.

- What's that, Corky?

- A picnic with friends, Bill.

- Ha, when you're right, Corky, you're right.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Bill] And today's adventure is all about naughty Ned.

Corky, we've got a lot of work to do today.

- I know, Bill, it's time we painted the old shed.

- But Corky, what color do we paint it?

- We could paint the shed yellow again.

- I'd like a new color, Corky.

What about red?

- Red's nice, but blue's even nicer.

- I'm more confused now, Corky.

I don't know what color to pick.

- I've got an idea, Bill.

Why don't we paint the shed red, blue, and yellow?

- You've got it, Corky, red, blue, and yellow it is.

Let's get cracking.

- I'll paint two walls red.

- And I'll paint two walls blue.

- That sounds great, Bill.

Then we'll paint the roof yellow.

- Just perfect, Corky.

(upbeat music)

This painting is a lot of work, Corky.

It's going to take all day.

- All day today, and maybe all day tomorrow, too.

- There's got to be an easy way to do this,

and I think I know it, Corky.

- [Corky] What's this, Bill?

- [Bill] See if you can guess.

- [Corky] Looks like a machine.

- [Bill] Yep.

- [Corky] A machine that's got brushes on it.

- Right, a painting machine.

- It looks very good, Bill.

- Thank you, Corky.

First we have to pour paint into the tubs here.

- And what do we do after that, Bill?

- Just stand back while I turn it on.

Here goes.

- [Bill and Corky] Whoa!

- [Bill] So far, so good.

- [Corky] It's working, Bill.

- [Bill] It's working brilliantly, Corky.

- [Corky] Wow.

- It's a beauty.

- But how will it paint the roof?

- [Bill] Watch, Corky.

See, it's as easy as anything.

- [Corky] You're right!

Look, Bill, the machine finished the job in no time.

- Now we just have to turn it off.

Whoa, ooh, whoa, ooh.

- Careful, Bill.

Well done.

It was an easy way to paint the shed, Bill,

but it wasn't so easy to turn off the machine.

- You can say that again, Corky.

- Now all we need is someone to come and see

how beautiful our shed is.

- [Bill] I think someone is coming, Corky.

- [Corky] And he looks very familiar, too.

- [Bill] I wonder who it is.

- [Corky] I know, I know who it is.

It's our neighbor Ned.

- [Bill] I bet he'll like our shed.

- [Corky] He's not watching where he's going, Bill.

- [Bill] And he's about to walk right into our paint cans.

- [Bill and Corky] Ned, look out!

- [Bill] Oh, no!

- Oh, oh, oh!

(Bill and Corky yell)

That was lucky, I haven't got a drop of paint on me.

- But we weren't so lucky.

Are you okay, Bill?

- Oh!

That wasn't a very good thing to do, Ned.

- Bill, Corky, I'm so sorry.

- [Corky] What's he doing, Bill?

- [Bill] Looks like he's getting some water.

- I'll have you clean in a jiffy.

- Ned, you're using my hat as a sponge.

- I am?

Oh no, I am, I'm sorry, Bill.

I didn't mean it, honest I didn't.

- It's a bit late to say that now.

- Remember, Bill, Ned doesn't mean it.

- But Ned is naughty even when he doesn't mean it.

- Wow, whee, what a great machine.

- Now Ned, don't touch that.

- What does this do?

- Don't touch, Ned!

- Okay.

- Oh, no, he touched!

- [Bill] Turn it off, Ned.

- [Ned] Bill, Corky!


- After that paint machine, Corky!

- I'm right behind you, Bill!

(suspenseful music)

Ned, come back!

- [Ned] Bill, Corky!

- Look at our garden.

- I'm looking, Corky, and I don't like it.

- [Corky] He's painting everything.

- [Ned] Bill, Corky!

- [Corky] What, Ned?

- Out of the way!

(Bill and Corky yell)

- [Ned] Sorry!

- I don't like being blue, red, and yellow, Bill.

- Me neither, Corky,

but we can't waste time to wash ourselves now.

We've got to stop Ned.

- Let's go.

- [Bill And Corky] Woohoo!

(upbeat music)

- [Corky] Where do you think he's going, Bill?

- [Bill] It looks like the city, Corky.

- [Corky] Oh, no, if Ned goes into the city,

he'll get into big trouble.

- [Bill] Bigger than big trouble, Corky.

- [Ned] Oh!

- [Corky] He'll paint everything you can possibly think of.

- [Bill] Everything and a whole lot more, Corky.

He'll paint trucks and cars.

(suspenseful music)

- [Corky] He wouldn't paint people, though, would he?

- [Bill] I hope not, Corky.

- [Corky] The city's full of all sorts of people.

- [Bill] People who have dressed up

in their best clothes to come to town.

- [Corky] People who don't want to be painted.

- [Bill] People who'll get very angry if they get painted.

- [Corky] Let's just hope Ned doesn't go near them.

- [Bill] And let's just hope

Mrs. Whistlehead's not in town, either.

- [Corky] Uh-oh, I think she might be.

- [Ned] Help!

- Ned, what is that thing?

You shouldn't be playing on that.

- I'm not playing, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- [Man] Brr-brr-brr-brr-brr.

(machine whirring)

- [Purple Person] Oh, oh!

- Ned, you naughty boy.

- Crikey.

- Well, I never.

- [Mrs. Whistlehead] And just look at my poor Timmy.

(Timmy whimpers)

- [Bill] Mrs. Whistlehead!

- We're so sorry about this.

- We'll come right back and clean you up.

- I should hope so, too.

- But first, we have to stop Ned.

- [Bill] Where's he going now, Corky?

- [Corky] Towards that car, Bill.

- [Bill] Oh, no, and I think he's heading

for that mailbox, too.

(paint machine whirring)

- I have to stop this machine!

- [Bill] We'll rescue you, Ned.

- Just don't touch anything else.

- This lever might stop it.

- Oh, no, Ned touched something.

- [Corky] Now where's he going?

- [Bill] Looks like it's towards

that big green building, Corky.

- [Corky] That should stop him.

- [Ned] Oh!

- [Bill] I don't think it stopped him, Corky.

- Ned didn't stop the machine.

He made it go faster.

- Corky, it's time to get serious.

- We need a plan, Bill.

- And I've got one.

- [Corky] What's this, Bill?

- [Bill] Watch, Corky.

- I know, it's a flying machine,

a helicopter.

- Spot on, Corky!

Ready, Corky?

- Ready, Bill.

(upbeat music)

- [Bill] There goes Ned.

- Bill, Corky, what do I do?

- Don't do anything, Ned.

- We'll stop you.

Get the hook, Corky.

- Ready, Bill.

A little left, a little right.

Bucket away!

- Got him!

(peaceful music)

- Ned, can you hear us?

- We're sorry for dropping the bucket on you,

but it was the only way to stop you.

- Do you hear anything, Bill?

- I don't hear anything, Corky.

- [Corky] I hope Ned's alright.

- There's only one way to find out.

- Right, Bill.

- [Bill] Alright, Corky, pull.

(Bill and Corky groaning)


- Do you see anything, Bill?

- [Bill] I don't see anything at all, Corky.

(Ned yelling)

- Now we've been painted again.

- And we still haven't stopped Ned.

- [Corky] He's painting the whole world.

- I'll try again, this time I know I'll get it right.

- No, Ned, don't touch anything else.

- Please don't touch anything else.

- It's alright, this time I'll press everything.

- I can't look, Corky.

- I can't either, Bill.

- Should we look now, Corky?

- Not yet, Bill.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

I did it, I stopped the machine!

- Should we look now, Corky?

- I think we should, Bill.

- [Bill] Uh-oh.

- [Corky] Oh, no!

(Bill and Corky groan)

- Oh, no!

Paint me pink, Corky.

- You're already painted, Bill, in red, yellow, and blue.

- Oh, wait, it looks like I made a little mess.

- [Corky] A little mess?

- This is the biggest mess that's ever been messed.

- And it will need the biggest cleaning job

that's ever been cleaned.

- Too right.

- You bet.

(dog growls)

- We'll clean up right away, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- Starting from now.

- I really am sorry.

I didn't mean to touch the wrong thing.

- Stop being sorry, Ned.

- And start helping.

(upbeat music)

- You know, Bill, using the a*t*matic paint machine

might have been the easy way to paint the shed, at first.

- But in the end, it turned out

to be the hardest way of all.

- Sometimes the easy way to do something isn't the best way.

- Bill, Corky, where do you want me

to put these extra sponges?

- Ned, watch out for the water buckets.

- [Corky] Ned, watch out!

(Corky and Bill yelling)

- How lucky am I?

I didn't get wet.

- But we got wet.

- Soaking wet.

- Sorry again.

- Look at me, Corky, I'm soaked.

- But Bill, it's washed the paint off us.

- Spot on, Corky!

- Next time we have to paint something, Bill,

let's just do it the normal way.

- Ha ha, when you're right, Corky, you're right.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend, Corky

♫ See you again

♫ Goodbye

♫ Bottle Top Bill