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01x04 - Ram Racer / Benny Beetle

Posted: 03/19/24 18:45
by bunniefuu
♫ Bottle Top Bill and his best friend Corky

♫ Up on the hill, let's watch them as they play

♫ Playing all day, hooray!

- The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill

- And his best friend, Corky.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- Today's adventure is Ram Racer, it's a beauty, too.

- Where are we going for today's adventure?

- See if you can guess, Corky.

- Well, it looks like it's out in the country.

- Yes.

- And it looks like it's on a farm.

- Yes.

- And it looks like a farm that

belongs to one of our neighbors.

- Spot on, Corky.

- I know, it's Mrs. Whistlehead's farm.

- You guessed it.

- I like Mrs. Whistlehead's farm, Bill.

Are we going to visit her today?

- We sure are, Corky, she's got a new car.

- A new car, wow.

(soft music)

I love cars, I wish I had one.

- Look, Corky, isn't that the best car you've ever seen.

- It's a real beauty, Bill.

- I'd love to go for a ride in it.

- Me, too, why don't we ask Mrs. Whistlehead?

- Good idea, where is Mrs. Whistlehead?

- She must be around here someplace.

- Hello, Bill, Hello, Corky.

- Hi, Mrs. Whistlehead. - Hi, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- Did I hear you say you wanted a ride in my car?

- We sure would.

- Well, you can have a ride if you do me a favor.

- Just name it.

- Anything at all.

- The car does need a good wash.

- Say no more, Mrs. Whistlehead, we'll get right into it.

Okay, Corky, the first thing we need is some water.

- Water ready.

- Let's get cracking.

- Lead the way, Bill.

- We'll have this car cleaned in no time.

- Wonderful, and watch out for

the Great Wild Wooly, won't you?

He's after my sheep again.

- Don't worry, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- We'll look after everything.

- Excellent, it's so nice to have two such helpful friends.

(soft music)

- Scrub hard, Bill.

- Look at this, Corky, it's like new.

- Should we watch the sheep, Bill?

- No, Corky, they'll be alright.

They're safe in their field.

- Are you sure that the Great Wild Wooly won't come?

- Positive, Corky, the Great Wild Wooly

wouldn't try anything with us around.

(sheep bleating)

Keep washing, Corky, we want

Mrs. Whistlehead's car to be perfect.

- Right, Bill.

- Oh, no! - It's the Great Wild Wooly!

- Mrs. Whistlehead was right.

- He wants the sheep to join his wild flock.

- We'll have to stop him, Corky.

- Let's talk to him.

(sheep bleating)

- Listen to me, Great Wild Wooly,

we don't want any tricks from you today.

(sheep bleating)

- You leave Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep alone.

- We want you to promise.

(sheep bleating)

Good. - Thank you, Great Wild Wooly.

Come on, Bill.

(sheep bleating)

- That Great Wild Wooly isn't so bad at all, Corky.

(sheep bleating)

- Oh no! - The sheep!

- Where are they?

(horn honking)

- Oh no!

- I don't believe it!

(sheep bleating)

- Mrs. Whistlehead's new car!

- What's he going to do? (horn honking)

Come back! - Stop, you naughty sheep!

The Great Wild Wooly has tricked us again.

- We've got to stop him, Bill.

Hop on, quickly.

- Mrs. Whistlehead will blow her top

when she sees her sheep are gone.

- And her car, too!

Where's he going to take them?

- I don't know, Corky, we'll just have to follow them

all the way through the countryside until we catch them.

Come on, Corky, we're catching up fast.

We've nearly got him, Corky.

Keep going, Corky.

We've nearly got him.

The car's too fast for us.

(Corky panting) Oh well, we nearly got him.

- Sorry, Bill. - Nevermind, Corky.

We just need to get some more speed.

We need our special tricycle.

- I don't think a tricycle will give us more speed.

It won't be fast enough.

- This is a special tricycle, Corky.

Hop on, Corky.

Ready? - Ready.

- Good work, Corky, here we go.

(upbeat music)

- That Great Wild Wooly won't get away now.

- I can see him ahead, Bill, we've almost caught up to him.

(Great Wild Wooly growls)

- Right, Mr. Wooly, ready to give up?

(sheep bleating)

- Oh no, he's getting away again.

And he's heading for that bumpy road.

- Don't worry, if he can go on a bumpy road, so can we.

- But it looks very bumpy, Bill.

Too tough for our tricycle.

- We'll be alright.

(stuttering) This road is very bumpy.

You were right, Corky, it's very bumpy indeed.

- (stuttering) And very twisty.

- Don't worry, Corky, the road smooths out up ahead,

it'll be better when we get there.

- I'm thirsty from all this work, Bill.

Can we stop at the river for a drink?

- Sure thing, Corky, we'll stop

when we get to the old bridge.

- Can you see the Great Wild Wooly?

- They're going across the bridge now.

Wait a minute, he stopped the car.

Why is he stopped?

(sheep bleating)

- I bet he's going to play a trick on us.

- What sort of trick, I wonder?

- I don't know, but the Great Wild Wooly

plays the trickiest tricks around.

(sheep bleating)

- Oh no, they're raising the bridge

and we haven't got time to stop.

- Oh no, watch out, Bill!

- Hang on, Corky!

- I'm hanging on.

- Whoa! - Whoa!

- Bill, do something!

- I can't stop, Corky!

- We're heading straight for the railway line.

- I know!

- There's a train on the tracks, try to steer around it.

- I'm trying!

- Maybe the engine's having a rest.

Maybe it won't come this way after all.


- Oh no, it is coming this way!

Look out, Corky!

(both scream)

- What do we do now, Bill?

- We have to wait 'til the train stops, Corky.

- Looks like a station up ahead, Bill.


Let's go, Bill.

- Good idea, Corky.

We'll get that Great Wild Wooly yet.

- Watch out for that tree, Bill.

- I can see it, Corky.

Where did the Great Wild Wooly go?

- There he is!

- Our sail! - Oh no!

- Hang on, Corky!

(sheep bleating)

I'm hopping mad at that Great Wild Wooly, Corky!

And you know what makes me hopping mad the most?

- What, Bill?

- The Great Wild Wooly is having a ride

in Mrs. Whistlehead's car and we're not.

- We have to outsmart him, Bill.

- Right, Corky, how?

- Easy, after a big long ride in the country,

what do you always want to have?

- That's easy, Corky, an ice cream, what else?

- Right, so let's build our very own ice cream shop.

- Good idea, Corky.

(upbeat music)

- Once the Great Wild Wooly sees this ice cream shop,

he'll just have to stop for an ice cream.

- Here he comes.

- Inside, Bill.

- It's working, Corky, they've stopped.

(sheep bleating)

- And they all want an ice cream.

- Right, let's get the ice creams ready.

Lots of different flavors.

- The Great Wild Wooly won't know us with these disguises.

- We'll soon teach him a lesson for playing tricks on us.

Welcome to Bill and Corky's Ice Cream Shop.

(sheep bleating)

- But not the Bill and Corky you know,

we're a totally different Bill and Corky.

(sheep bleating)

- Good work, Corky.

- What flavor ice cream would you like today?

(sheep bleating)

- One at a time, please.

Uh oh! - Oh no!

(sheep bleating)

- Spring the trap, Corky!

- Here we go!

Any second now, Bill.

- Good work, Corky, we've got them.

- But we haven't got the Great Wild Wooly.

(sheep bleating)

- But we have got a surprise for him.

Looking for the keys?

- You can't drive away now, Great Wild Wooly.

(sheep bleating)

- Bye, Wooly!

- We did it, Bill, we beat the Great Wild Wooly!

- And we got Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep back.

- And her new car.

- Bill, Corky, you've done a marvelous job

and the car looks perfect.

- Our pleasure, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- Well, I don't forget my promises

and I did promise you a ride in my car.

So, off you go.

- You beauty!

(horn honking)

Thanks, Mrs. Whistlehead. - We won't go far!

- This is how we should always travel, Corky.

- It's the best, Bill.

- Ha, when you're right, Corky, you're right,

and in this case, you're very right.

(sheep bleating)

- Woo hoo!

(horn honking)

♫ Bottle Top Bill

And today's adventure is all about Benny Beetle.

- Where will we start today, Corky?

- How about the attic? - No.

- The lounge room? - Not that either.

- The bathroom? - Wrong again.

- I know, the kitchen, that's

always a good place to start an adventure.

- Spot on, Corky, let's go.

- I'm feeling hungry, Bill.

- Me, too, Corky.

- Let's have a chocolate biscuit and a glass of milk.

- Great idea, Corky.

Oh, I can't wait.

- There's only one biscuit left, Bill.

- Yeah, what do we do, Corky?

There are two of us and only one biscuit.

- Bill, could someone else be taking our biscuits?

- Who would that be?

- I don't know, but I'm sure we had

more than one biscuit left.

- Nevermind, we'll just have to buy some more.

- I know what to do, Bill.

We'll break the biscuit into two pieces.

- Half a biscuit each, that's good thinking, Corky.

Whoa, did you see that, Corky?

- I did see that, Bill.

- I've never seen a walking biscuit before.

- Me neither.

- I see why the biscuit's walking.

Benny Beetle is under it.

- Where do you think he's going, Bill?

- Looks like under the cupboard, Corky.

- Bill, I think Benny's going to

eat our biscuit all by himself.

- Paint me pink, Corky, you're right.

Now, that's just greedy.

- We have to stop him.

Benny! Benny, come back!


- Too late, Corky.

- I can't see him, Bill.

- I'm hopping mad, Corky.

That was our last biscuit.

- We can't crawl under the cupboard

to find him, we're too big.

- Corky, if we're too big, that means we have to get small.

- Right, Bill.

This looks like a machine, Bill.

- It is, Corky, a very special machine.

- What does it do?

- It makes us go very small.

- Great.

- Right, Corky, stand by to get small.

Ready, Corky? - Ready, Bill.

(machine whirring)

Wow, we are small.

- We might be small, Corky, but

Benny Beetle is in for a big surprise.

Let's get cracking.

- Looks like there's a lot of lost things down here, Bill.

- There sure is, Corky, look at this, it's my best marble.

I lost it ages ago.

- And here's my old pencil.

- We should have a look for other lost things, Corky.

- First, we have to find that

naughty Benny Beetle and our chocolate biscuit.

- There he is, Corky.

- What's he doing riding on our marble?

- Benny, come back.

He's coming this way.

- Run away marble!

- Run away, good idea, Corky, let's go.

Quick, Corky.

- Where to, Bill?

- Behind that chair leg, Corky.

- I'm coming, Bill.

- That was close, Corky.

- We're not safe yet, look, he's coming back.

- Jump, Corky. - Jumping, Bill.

- Whoa! - Whoa!

- Benny went into the lounge room, Bill.

- We have to follow him, Corky.

We have to get our chocolate biscuit back.

- The lounge room's very big, Bill,

do you think we'll be able to find him?

- We have to, Corky.

- But he could be anywhere.

Under the furniture or inside the radio.

Benny's so small, he can hide just about anywhere he likes

and we'll never find him.

- Let's try anyway.

- Everything's so amazing when you're small.

Our carpet is like long grass.

- Here's our marble, Corky, but there's no sign of Benny.

- We should get up high to have a good look around.

- Great idea.

Right, do you like climbing, Corky?

- I love climbing, Bill.

- Then, climb it is.

Follow me, Corky.

- Do you see Benny?

- I see him over there on the sofa.

- Let's swing over, Bill.

- One, two, three, jump.

- Whoa! - Whoa!

- This looks like more climbing for us, Corky.

- But we can't climb like a beetle can.

- We need special climbing gear.

- A thong and a bottle?

What sort of climbing gear is this, Bill?

- You'll see in a second, Corky.

Now do you get it?

- This is perfect, Bill.

- Up we go, Corky.

- Give me a hand, Bill.

We made it!

Hey, Benny, come back!

- Go!

Stop, Benny!

- Now he's on the table.

- He's getting away again.

- Hop on my back, Bill.


- Whoa! - Whoa!

- Turn it off, Corky.

- What?

- Turn it off.

- Will do, Bill.

(both sigh in relief)

- A giant radio can make a giant racket.

- We've lost Benny again.

- No we haven't, there he goes.

- He's heading for your bedroom, Bill.

- Benny is becoming a big bundle of beetle bother.

- You said it, Bill.

- Hurry, Corky.

- Your bedroom's got even more places

to hide than the lounge room.

- I know.

- I bet he's going to hide under your bedside table.

Or maybe he'll hide behind your fan?

Or maybe under your clock?

- I think he'll hide somewhere in the bookshelves.

There's lots of room to hide there.

- He might even try to hide in the bed.

- Yes, we've got him now, Corky!


- Wait, I'm worried, Bill.

What happens if the whole blanket falls down on us?

- The blanket won't fall down on us, Corky.

- Then what's that?

(both scream)

- Let's get out of here.

- We nearly caught him, Bill.

- We will catch him, Corky, once we find him.

- Up there, on top of the bookcase.

We'll have to climb again.

- We've done enough climbing, Corky.

It's time to fly.

- How? - Follow me.

A bit of paper's all we need.

I'll use this paper plane to fly.

- And I'll turn on the fan to give you a push.

- Right.

- Ready, Bill? - Ready, Corky.


Alright, Benny, it's time to get our chocolate biscuit back.

Woops, uh oh, missed.


Help me, Corky!

- Bill, where are you going?

- I don't know, Corky, but I think I'll need some help.

- Coming, Bill.

Which room are you heading for?

- I'm not sure.

- Is it the lounge room?

- I don't think so.

- Is it the kitchen?

- It doesn't look like the kitchen.

- Maybe it's the attic?

- It doesn't look like the attic either.

- Then, where is it?

- I think it's the bathroom, Corky.

Yes, I'm sure it's the bathroom.

- Right, Bill, I'm on my way there, too.

- Whoa!

- I'm nearly there, Bill.

- I don't like this, Corky, please hurry.

(Corky screams and grunts)

- I can't climb this.


No, please don't run, we need your help.

I can't climb up the side of the bathtub, but you can.

- Corky, I can't hold on for much longer.

- Thanks, Benny.

Fantastic, great work, Benny, keep pushing.

- I'm slipping, Corky, I'm slipping.

I slipped, whoa!

- Swim, Bill!

We've got to rescue Bill!

- Save me!

- Good idea, Benny.

Jump on the back of the duck, Bill.

- You beauty, Benny, thanks a lot.

- There's only one thing, Bill.

- What's that?

- I don't know how to get you out of the bath.

Wait, I've got an idea.

- This is no time to start cleaning your teeth, Corky.

Corky, are you listening to me?

Bill, Benny, climb up the toothbrushes.

- Right you are, Corky.

We made it, thanks, Corky.

- And thanks to you, too, Benny.

- But Benny, you shouldn't have been so naughty

and taken our chocolate biscuit.

- Bill, I think I know how we can all be happy.

Ready, Bill? - Ready, Corky.

It's good to be big again, Corky.

- Now for the chocolate biscuit.

Watch this, Bill.

- Paint me pink, that's the

biggest chocolate biscuit I've ever seen.

Have a look at that, Benny.

- Now we can all share the biscuit.

- Mmmm. - Mmmm.

- And there's plenty for you, Benny.

- It was a great adventure being small, Corky,

but I think I like being big.

- From now on, Bill, let's just

have adventures where we stay big.

- (laughs) When you're right, Corky, you're right.

♫ Bottle Top Bill, and his best friend Corky

♫ See you again, goodbye, Bottle Top Bill