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04x25, 26, 27, 28 - The Wisdom Badge/The Commuting Badge/The Ball Badge/The News Badge

Posted: 03/19/24 09:43
by bunniefuu

Isn't time for...

-[ Gasps ] Duggee!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪




♪ ♪

[ Laughter ]

-Heeeeeey, Duggeeeeeeeee!
-Heeeeeey, Duggeeeeeeeee!

-"Duggee and the Wisdom Badge."

Hello, Duggee.

What are you reading?


"The Big Book of Fables."

-What's that?
-What's that?

-Wonderful stories
about very wise animals.

-What's "wise"?

-Being wise
means knowing things.

-Like Captain Bumble?

-This is the altimeter
showing optimal height.

The Airspeed Indicator
looking good.

Turn coordinator --
bang-on 30 degrees.

-Oh, yes, but wisdom isn't
just facts and figures.

You can know a lot...

-And this flashing light
is the fuel gauge.

[ Bang ]


-...but not be very wise.

It comes from experience
and good judgment.

-Duggee can show us
how to be wise.

-He's probably got...

[ Ting! ]

-...his Wisdom Badge!

-You see, you already have
a bit of wisdom.

-Can we have more?

If you have more experiences,
you might find some more wisdom.



-Now, what was happening
in your book, Duggee?


-Ah, the story of "The Weasel
and the Rhino."

"One morning, a little rhino
went out to play.

First he met a weasel."

-What are you doing?

-"...asked the little rhino."

-Playing! Yippee!


he met a raccoon."

-What are you doing?

-Eating breakfast.

-"...said Raccoon."

-Wouldn't you like to play?

-Yes, but after I eat, I'll have
enough energy to play all day.

-"Little Rhino was hungry..."

-"...but also wanted to play.

It was hard to choose,
but finally decided...

to have a bowl of porridge..."


-"...and then go back out
to play."


-"It wasn't long before Weasel
was very tired.

-No energy.

[ Snoring ]

-"...while the others
still had lots..."


they had planned ahead."

How wise.

-What other fables are there?


-Ooh. "The Tortoise
and the Octopus."

"One day, a busy little octopus
was hurrying along

when she got stuck behind
a very slow tortoise."

-Excuse me.
May I go past, please?


-Because I need to get around,
very quickly.

-[ Laughs ]
I can get around quickly, too.

-"So they had a race to see
who was the quickest.

[ Whistle blows ]

The little octopus
soon found herself...

a long way ahead.

Unfortunately, she was
easily distracted."

-Why are you sleeping
on that log?

-No energy.

-Oh, a good breakfast
would give you lots of energy.


-"The little octopus
didn't notice

the tortoise
had overtaken her

and won the race."

-But you're slower than me.

-I knew I'd win if I didn't
get distracted.

-Oh, clever.

on the task at hand --

how wise.

-A-woof, woof.

"The Little Mouse
and the Big Bear."

"One day, a little mouse
was climbing a tree..."

-"...when she got stuck."

-Allow me!
-"...said a friendly bear."

-Thank you!

-"She told the bear...
that if he ever needed help..."

-I'll help you!

-[ Laughs ] Little you?

Help big me?

I can't see that happening.

-"The bear went on his way,

but a little later..."


That hurt!

-"Fortunately, the little mouse
wasn't far away."

-Hold still.

-A child's interconnecting
building block.

No wonder it hurt.

-You see?
I could help.

-Thank you.

-Well, that bear found out
big isn't always better.


-Oh, I love the story of
"The Crocodile's Bucket."

-"A little crocodile
was collecting water

for a pool party
with his friends, Frog and Duck.

He imagined all the fun
they were going to have,

but he didn't notice
he was spilling all of it

and didn't have any left
for the pool."


-It's nice to think about
what's going to happen.

-"...said Duck."

-But you can't forget
what's happening now.

-Okay, I'll get more water.

-Notice what's happening now --
That's very wise.

-Woof. Woof, woof, woof.

-"The Hippo and the Rabbit."

"One afternoon, a little hippo
saw a rabbit.

-What you doing?

-I'm waiting to see

the most beautiful thing
in the world.

-"The little hippo wanted
to see it, too,

so he sat down and waited.

But waiting
was not easy.

Not easy at all."

-Good things come to those
who wait, man. Look!

[ Bird chirping ]

-At last, the golden-crested --

[ Bird squawks ]

You were right -- Good things
do come to those who wait.


-What lovely stories!


-We've had experiences!
-We've had experiences!

-And do you feel any wiser?


-Well, then I think
you've earned your...

-A-woof, woof?

-Oh, the badges are back
in the Clubhouse.

-Remember, it's always good
to plan ahead.


[ Pants ]

-Concentrate on the task
at hand.

-[ Panting ]

[ Door rattling ]

[ Gasps ]

-Sometimes big problems

just need a little help.

[ Worm giggles ]

[ Door opens ]

-Live in the now, Duggee.

-And good things come
to those who wait.


You've earned your Wisdom Badge.


[ Horn honks ]

-Ahh, and here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing.

-Duggee hug!
-Duggee hug!

-Duggee hug.

[ Squirrels giggling ]

-We got our...
-We got our...

-...Wisdom Badges!
-...Wisdom Badges!


-Bye-bye, everybody.
[ Horns honking ]

Well, that was fun,
wasn't it, Duggee?


-Betty, isn't time for...

-[ Gasps ] Duggee!

[ Giggles ]

[ Ah-oogah! ]

♪ ♪





[ All laugh ]

Hey, Duggee!

-"Duggee and the
Commuting Badge."

[ Laughter ]

Where's Norrie?

-[ Gasps ]
Maybe Duggee knows!

Where's Norrie?


She must be having
a tricky commute.

-What's a commute?

-Well, Duggee can explain.

He has his...

Commuting Badge!

-A-woof woof.

-A commute is a journey you take
from home

to where you learn,
work, or...


-For example, Duggee commutes
to the clubhouse on foot.

Duggee, isn't it time for...

-[ Gasps ] Woof-woof!

♪ ♪

[ Door creaks, closes ]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

-And you all have different ways
of commuting.

-I commute by submarine.

-Betty, isn't it time for...

-[ Gasps ] Duggee!

[ Giggles ]

[ Ah-oogah! ]

We go underwater.


-It's busy.
[ Submarine screeches ]

So there's always loads to see.

[ Siren wails ]

♪ ♪


-[ Laughs ] Hey, Duggee!

What about you, Tag?

-I commute by bus.

-Tag, isn't it time for...

-[ Gasps ] Duggee!

[ Whistle! ]

[ Horn honks ]
We get on

and say hello to the driver.

Hello, driver!

-The bus takes you
where you need to go.

-It stops to let you on...

-...and stops to let you off
when you ring the bell.

[ Bell ringing ]
That's is my favourite bit.

Yay! [ Laughs ]


-Hey, Duggee!

-What about you, Happy?

-I commute by car.

-Happy, isn't it time for...

-[ Gasps ] Duggee!

It's a good time to chat
with my Mum.

-I saw Eric's gran yesterday.

It was such a good
pain au chocolat.

And I said,
"It doesn't bend that way."

But they're not open
on a Tuesday.

It's a bit big, but we can take
the sleeves up if you'd like.

Unusually large eyes...

So I put it in my purse
and walked away.

[ Laughter ]

-Hey, Duggee!

-What about you, Roly?

-I commute by bike!

-Roly, isn't it time for...

-[ Gasps ] Duggee! [ Laughs ]

It's great to be outside!
[ Laughs ]

You feel part of nature.

[ Birds squawk ]

And it keeps me fit!

-[ Panting ]


[ Laughs ]

[ Laughter ]

-Hey, Duggee!

-What about the animals?

-How do they commute?


-Bird, isn't it time for...

-[ Chirping ]

[ Bicycle bell rings ]

[ Chirping ]

-Hey, Duggee!

-[ Chirps ]

-Bird flies here?


-What about...

-The chickens?


-Chickens, isn't it time for...

[ Chickens clucking ]

[ Train whistle blows ]

-The chickens take a train.

[ Train whistle blows,
chickens cluck ]

-Hey, Duggee!

[ Chickens cluck ]

[ Laughter ]

-What about Worm?

-Woof, woof-woof.

-Worm, isn't it time for...


-Worm gets here...

-By digging a tunnel!


-Hey, Duggee!

-And does Fish swim here?

-Fish, isn't it time for...

-Hey, Duggee!

-No, Happy.
Fish work from home.

-Oh! Lucky!

[ Horn honks, all gasp ]


-Where have you been?

-We've just had
the worst commute ever.


-Norrie, isn't it time for...

-[ Gasps ] Duggee!

First, the lights
were playing up.

[ Tyres screeching ]

Then the traffic was bad.
[ Horns honking ]

But Dad said...

-I know a shortcut.


Then the car got too hot.

So we got it fixed.

-How much?

-And finally we got here.

Hey, Duggee!

[ Laughter ]

-And that's what counts.


-Well done, Squirrels.

You've earned
your Commuting Badge!


[ Horn honks ]

-Ahh, and here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing.

-Duggee hug!


-Duggee hug.

[ All giggle ]

-We got our Commuting Badges!


-Bye-bye, everybody.

Well, that was fun,
wasn't it, Duggee?

-A-woof. [ Pants ]

[ Boing! ]

Isn't it time for...

-[ Gasps ] Duggee!

[ Giggling ]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪




♪ ♪

[ Laughter ]

"Hey Duggee"!

♪ ♪

"Duggee and the Ball Badge."

♪ ♪

-Ooh! How about this one?


-I love squares!

-Hello, Squirrels!

I wonder what Duggee
has planned for you today.

-[ Gasps ]

Yay! Duggee!

Duggee! Huh?

Errr, Duggee. Why are you
sitting on that ball?

-That's not what a ball is for!

-That's right, Duggee.

A ball can be good
for sitting on.

It helps improve your posture
and strengthen your core.

-But balls are for kicking!


Err, catching!

-And...that's it!

-Hence the reason
I prefer squares.

-Then it's just as well
Duggee has...


-...his Ball Badge!

Because he knows there are

lots of different things
you can do with one.



[ Boing! Boing! ]

-...bounce it.

[ Laughter ]

[ Boing! ]

And you can...


-Roll it!

-Kick it!

-Throw it!

-Catch it!

-May I?

Boof it!

I still prefer squares.

-Err, okay.


-Yes, there are so many things
you can do with a ball.




[ Screaming ]

♪ ♪



[ Giggles ]

♪ ♪


[ Fizzle! ]

[ Pop! ]

[ Wah! ]

[ Wah-wah! ]

[ Wah-wah! ]

[ Ding! ]

[ Creak! Creak! ]


[ Creak! Creak! ]

[ Pop! ]

[ Zing! ]

-Oh! Oi!

♪ ♪

-Whoo-whoo-whoo whoo-whoo
whoo-whoo, oh!

[ Giggles ]

♪ ♪

-Cool ball, man.


-Thank you.



♪ ♪




-[ Grunting ]



♪ ♪

-[ Grunting ]


[ Grunts ]






-Ah wah.



-Dodge! [ Laughs ]


-Ohh, wow!

[ Clatter ]

♪ ♪


-[ Gasps ]




[ Whistle! ]


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

[ Creak! ]

[ Whistle! ]

♪ ♪

[ Boing! ]

[ Whistle! ]

♪ ♪

[ Whistle! ]

[ Splash ]


-[ Barking ]

♪ ♪


[ Whistle! ]



Wow! Boom!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

-[ Laughs ]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


-You see, a ball
can do lots of things!

-Maybe even more than a square.

-Haven't the Squirrels
done well today, Duggee!

-Oh! [ Panting ]

-Well done, Squirrels.

You've earned your Ball Badge!

[ Horn honks ]

-Ahh, and here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing.

-Duggee hug!

-Duggee hug.

[ Squirrels giggling ]

-We got our...Ball Badges!


[ Horn honks ]
-Bye-bye, everybody!

Well, that was fun,
wasn't it, Duggee?


[ Laughing ]

Isn't it time for...


♪ ♪


♪ ♪




♪ ♪

[ All laugh ]

-Hey, Duggee!

"Duggee and the News Badge!"

-Hey Duggee!

What's that smell?

-Duggee is making his yearly
batch of blueberry jam.


-And it's nearly ready?

-Oh, that is good news.

What's news?

-News is something that
has happened

that everyone
should know about.

You can be told about it...

-Have you heard
the news about Duggee?


-You can read about it...

Ooh, Local Squirrel Club

-You can hear it...

-...has, along with his many
other badges...

-Or you can watch it.

-...been awarded
the prestigious...


-...News badge.

-Duggee's jam is news!

-We need to tell
everyone about it.


-It's time for the news...

-With me Norrie...

-And me!

-Now, what did you want
to tell everyone about?

-Oh, yeah.
News just in.

Duggee has made
some new blueberry jam.

-Over to Betty
for a full report!

-I'm here in the kitchen
with Duggee.

He's made some new jam.

[ Jam sloshes ]
[ Soothing music plays ]

-Maybe, ask an interesting
question about the jam...

Is it nice or horrible?


-He says it's not bad!

-News just in.

-Duggee's jam is not bad.

Over to Tag, who's finding out

what your average animal
on the street thinks.

-Your thoughts on Duggee's jam
being "not bad"?

-Relieved, man.


-It could be
the best jam ever,

but I'm more into honey.

-Best jam ever?

Great news.

-Great news...

or great jam?

great jam?

-Same question.

-What's jam?

-Yeah, what is jam?


-You need to ask an expert.
-Both: Huh?

-Someone who knows about

-Both: Ohh...

-Hello, Chef Toucan.

What is jam?

-Jham is a marriage
of ze beautiful fruit...

and much-much sweetness.

We hold zem close, wiz flame...

Et voila --
Le jham.

-Thank you chef.

Back to the Studio.

-Now Tag
has a special report for us.

-These might look like
ordinary blueberries to you,

but behind them...

is a fascinating story.

And this...

is where it all began.
[ Echoing ]

A young puppy called Duggee...

watched his Great Aunt
turn this modest fruit...

into a celebrated jam.

Shared with all their friends.

A tradition that Duggee...

continues to this day.

-What a lovely report
there from Tag.

Now Happy...

I hear
you've tracked down

the first ever jar
of Duggee's jam.

-Here it is.
It's the best I ever had!

-Reports suggest
that this year's jam

is going to be even better.

-Whoo! I'm gonna get me some
of the best jam ever!

-With excitement levels

let's head over to the kitchen
to see what's cooking.


[ Jam bubbling ]

-The temperature is rising here.

-We break from that story
to bring you an exclusive!

A first look at Duggee's
blueberry jam ad.


-This isn't just jam.

It's jam with the bounciest

the crunchiest sugar,
and a spoonful of Duggee hugs.

Probably the best blueberry jam
in the world.

This product may cause excess
happiness and sticky surfaces.

Always read the label.

-Well, the word on
everyone's lips at the moment

seems to be...

-You find me
outside the clubhouse

where the crowds are growing.

-[ Crowd chanting ]
Jam, jam, jam, jam...

-Over to you, Betty.

-You join me now at the most
important part of the process.

The pouring of the...

-Oh, dear.

It looks like Duggee has...

run out of jam!

[ All gasp ]

-Please don't...


-There's not enough jam.
How do you feel?


-Is the lack of jam a concern
to you?

-It wasn't...

but it is now!

-How are you going to deal
with the jam shortage?

-Go ahead.


-I'll get the shopping bags!

[ Crowd clamouring ]
-All: Argh!

-I don't even like jam!

-And now for some
in-depth analysis

on the current situation.

Not enough!

-Thank you, Roly.

Now for further updates...

-Unsavoury scenes
developing here, Norrie.

-Jam, jam,
jam, jam, jam...

-The atmosphere is tense
outside the clubhouse...

Do you feel responsible
for this shortage of jam?


-[ Gasps ]

We have...

-Breaking news!

-Original reports
were incorrect.

Duggee has made more jam.

-What do you want?

-When do you want it?



[ All cheer ]

-We're witnessing scenes
of jubilation here.

-Both: And here.

-Everyone loves a good
news story.


-I like jam now!

-Haven't the Squirrels
done well today, Duggee?

[ Panting ]

-Well done, Squirrels,
you've earned your...

News badges!

[ Car horns honk ]

-Ahh, and here are your parents.

Just time for one more thing.

-Duggee Hug!

-Duggee Hug!

[ All giggle ]

-We got our...

News badges!


-Bye-bye, everybody.
[ Bells chime ]

-What a good news story
that was.

Now, the weather.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

-Hey, Duggee!