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04x07 - Original Sin

Posted: 03/18/24 08:09
by bunniefuu
In the nation's largest city,

the vicious and violent
members of the underworld

are hunted by the detectives

of the Organized Crime Control Bureau.

These are their stories.

You have a pattern of behavior

not unlike your father's.

What are we doing now?

We here to talk about me or my old man?

- Are you two okay?
- Yeah.

After five kids,
you gain a couple secrets.

Five? One is overwhelming.


Hey, we need to talk.

We've exhumed nine victims so far.

The search, obviously, continues.

The nails going through
the hands, the feet,

and five sacred wounds.

Looks like our boy's a true believer.

Is there anything you can tell me

about the man who abducted you?

He'd always say in this whispery voice,

"Don't wash away
with the sea, sweetheart".

What do you know about Cahill's parties?

Did you know that Eric's been to them?

Your brother?

He makes his own decisions.



How's the suspension
going, little brother?

Great. I've been working on my tan.

I saw Ma this morning.

She says she found a place.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, what...

- you're in town?
- Yeah.

I said I was coming back to help Mom.

Been in town for a week.
Didn't you get my message?

Oh, you probably called the wrong phone.

I've been out anyway
working on the case.

[LAUGHS] Some suspension.

Anyway, it's the Ivory Gardens

Senior Living Center in Brooklyn.

What? What is it?

The place Mom likes.

Kathleen already took her
on a tour, so we're...

No, no. No, no, no.

I need to check it out.

Elliot, Mom wants this to happen.

Hey, Randall, I know what Mom wants.

I just got to make sure
it's the right place.

[SIGHS] Fine. I'll set something up.

Okay, great, great.

Yeah, thanks.

Um, bye.

We now believe Noah Cahill was, in fact,

responsible for the murders
of all nine women

found on that beach.

So far, we've been able to
identify seven of the victims

but are in the process
of notifying family.

So what about the two Jane Does?

According to Suffolk County M.E.,

the remains were too decomposed
to identify.

So they will be added to

the National Missing and
Unidentified Persons System.

Either they stopped caring or
they just don't want to know.

Well, I do.

Can you tell us anything
about DA Cahill's death?

Cahill taking his own life
seems to have been

the last piece in solving

this horrific and grisly crime.

So you can confirm
that it was a su1c1de?

At this time, I have no further comments

on this tragedy.



♪ ♪


You did fine, sweetheart.

A little bit off the script
at the end there.

I did my best under the circumstances.

I got the press off your back.

You didn't say the case was closed.

Because the case isn't closed.

You seem tired, Mer.

I think you need a break.

What do you mean?

I mean you should take
some time off, with pay.

I'll fill in as interim Chief.


The town council will never go for that.

They already have.

I had an emergency meeting this morning.

♪ ♪

They were thankful for your service.


You brought me pastrami?

On rye with mustard, slaw.

And pickles?

Have we met?

How's the PT going?

My physical therapist smiles too much.

Says I'm about six weeks out
from doing sit-ups.

Core's important.

What's going on with your IAB case?

Uh, have you heard from Reyes?


He's doing what he needs to do.

Don't change the subject.

They want a psych eval.


Elliot, you got to take this seriously.

I am taking it seriously.

I did my written yesterday.

Four hours of my life
I'm not getting back.

When's the oral exam?

Naz is setting that up.

Mm. Doesn't make any sense.

You should be cleared by now.


And not for nothing, but
the investigator on my case,

he's got it out for me.

I'm telling you.

- I got to jump.
- All right.

- Thanks for the goodies.
- You're welcome.

I'll leave you with the pickles.

I'm taking this as a hostage.

All right.

Hey, I'll check in with you later.

All right.


Chief, what are you doing here?

The son of a bitch fired me.

Who fired you?

My dad.

My father fired me.


Can you believe it?

I can't believe
you got here in one piece.

I told him that
the k*ller's still out there

and that there is no way
this case is over.

Why didn't you say that
at the press conference?

Ah, 'cause I do what he tells me to do,

'cause that's our whole twisted
father-daughter dance and...

- Uh-huh?
- Now we have to go digging.

We have to get...
the k*ller's still out there.

What is that?

Okay. I got it.

I got it. What is this?

Case files.

All of them?

What I could get before Logan
shut me out of the system.

- It's really cold. Are you cold?
- Yeah, I know.

We're gonna go inside.



You're up.

Chief Bonner,

Detective Slootmaekers and Bashir.

- Jet.
- Sam.

And you're... what's your first name?

- Vargas is fine.
- Okay. There you go.

Just part of the team.

Oh, you've been busy.

Yeah, well, we're trying to identify

the two remaining victims.


I was told there's not enough
viable DNA to work with.

Whoever told you that is a liar.


Vargas, do your thing.

- Sure.
- Come on over here.

So unlike most strategies
to directly reconstruct a face

from remains that utilize
a database of portrait photos

to create what we call candidates,

we used an algorithm
that can scan the skulls

of both Jane Does from
every possible angle.

And then we had the AI do what
is called a facial machina.

Jane Doe 1 being the
oldest and most likely

the first victim is gonna take
a little bit longer,

but we've already completed
a facial recreation

of Jane Doe 2.

And then just for fun, we ran it through

a recognition software,
and we got a match.

Her name is Jessica...


Jessica Clark.

You know her?

She was a few grades below me.

I remember when she disappeared.

Her family still in the area?

Well, her father died, and her...

her brother's doing time upstate.

Her mother's still in town.

I should let her know.

I'll go with you.

- Stabler.
- Huh?

You can't go.

I promised Bell that
you wouldn't go AWOL

before your psych eval.

Your what?

I'm getting my head examined.

Just get your things
and I'll meet you outside.

- Stabler.
- Yeah?

Naz could call you at any time.

Good thing I'm bringing my phone.

Sam, walk with me.

Yes, sir.

How's Stacy doing?

Well, the doctor sent her home

and put her on mandatory bed rest.

Must be driving her stir crazy.

You have no idea.

All right, look, I need
a favor from you.

Okay. Yes, sir.

That may contain a controlled substance.

I want to know its origins
and its nature.

Okay. On the QT?


So my Jessica

has been on that beach this whole time?

I'm afraid so, Mrs. Clark.

I prayed every day
she'd come back to us.

You hope for this day, closure,

but not like this.

Why would someone do this?

Everyone loved her.


I know my brother did.

- Were they friends?
- Mm-hmm.

Yes, until they weren't.

I-I don't remember that.

What happened?

Well, nothing really.

You know, just teenager stuff.

I mean, they sang
in the church choir together,

did the competitions,

even made regionals one year.

Then Eric started showing up
at all hours.

He got kind of obsessive.

You remember.

I had to call your dad.

When the judge was the chief?

Your daddy did everything
he could to find her,


that poor man was so torn up.

It was like his own daughter
had gone missing.


♪ ♪


I didn't know you were
coming into the city.

Well, I thought I'd check in,

see how you're doing.

I'm doing fine.

I'm just going over these restorations.


That's good, son.

So you keeping your nose clean?

You said you were gonna fix things.

I'm trying,

but your sister is still looking into

what happened to those girls.

So I need you to focus

on other things.

I am focused.

My work is very important to me.

I know that,

but I'm trying to keep you safe.

So for the love of God,

try to control yourself.


♪ ♪

Everything okay, sir?

Don't worry about me.

Well, can we talk about my future?

What about it?

You said I'd be chief.

I said when the time was right.

I did what you asked me to do.

I've done everything
you've asked me to do.

If I'm chief,

nobody has to know the truth, sir.

Look at you taking your first big swing,

just like I taught you.

But we have to see this through
to the end, boy.

It affects both of us.

You know what I'm saying?

Yes, sir.



no idea how angry you made me.

I don't?

Why don't you tell me?

You took away my special place.


What made it so special?

It was where I could take my
girls and clean them in peace.

I know how important
your work is to you.

You're a believer.

I had violent thoughts
because of what you did.

Thoughts of cutting you,

carving into your flesh.

I had to get them out of my head,

so I went to confession.

♪ ♪

k*ller went to confession.

Please tell me he went recently.

Search CCTVs, every Catholic Church

within five miles of Westbrook

and a ten-block radius of the
bar that Rita was taken from.

- And tell Vargas...
- Here. I'm here.

Track every male that
went into those churches.

Run it against the list of people

that we ID'd at Cahill's party.

How long will that take?

Even with the magic box,
it would take weeks

to go through all that data.

But confessions are scheduled.

Why not search specific times?

It'll still take days.

We don't have days.

Start with churches that
do choir competitions.

Changes the algorithm
from days to hours.

Totally doable.

All right, well, then go do it.

- Already am.
- Thanks.




Tell me you got something.

We got a hit on the CCTV search.

I'm sending you an image now.


Okay, what am I looking at?

I know I've seen this face before,

I just don't know from where.

Rita's party video.

You got a name?


Hi. Come on in.


This can't be good.

What's so important that you
couldn't tell me on the phone?

- Oh, um...
- Yeah, I took it

out of Evidence. Arrest me.

The k*ller called me on it.

What did he say?

That he went to confession.

- Do you know where?
- No.

Vargas, walk her through it.

I compared CCTV of churches
in and around Westbrook

and Manhattan and
compared that to people

we ID'd at Cahill's parties.

Did you get a match?

We did, yeah.

Show her.


♪ ♪





My brother is harmless.

For God's sake, my father
practically takes care of him.

He's like a little boy
who never grew up.

He's... he's odd.

He's odd, but he's not...

he's not violent.

It's not a crime.

He's... it's sad.

He's religious?

No, not particularly.

Have many girlfriends?

No... wait, is this about Jessica Clark?

This is about patterns, Chief.

Where these girls were last seen,

where they wound up,

in every instance coincides
with where your brother was.

Over time, over distance.

How could you possibly know that?

Does your father own a condo
at Hunter's Point?

Does your father own a condo
in Hunter's Point?

Yes! Yes.

Where does Eric stay when
he does his restoration jobs

- in the city?
- I don't know.

Does he stay at the condo?

I don't know.


Vargas, pull up the map
where the victims

were allegedly taken from.

With a ratio of 86%, it's
a little more than allegedly.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

This can't be happening.

You said it was a young man,

a man in his 20s.

And you said he was a boy
who'd never grown up.

Oh, God.

What do we do now?

♪ ♪

Grab any evidence you
can find, anything female,

and get out.

Jewelry, shoes.

Got it.

Trophies. Things he may have kept.

Stay calm.



Hey, sis.

Eric, you're here.

Wow, I thought someone
was trying to break in.

I'm coming up.

No, no, no, everything's fine.


Well, you looked startled.

Dad said that you might be here.

I was having lunch in the city,

and I thought I'd see if you're around.


You've never done that before.


I should have.

But I have a...

I have a lot of free time right now.

Right, right.

I heard about your free time.

Come on in.

♪ ♪

Yeah, you heard about my free time, huh?

I did.

Could I get a glass of...

- water?
- Water? You want some water?


♪ ♪

What have you been fixing up lately?


a church.

Church restoration, huh?

Do you do that a lot?

Well, old churches, mostly.

That one had a lot
of water damage, dry rot.

So why did Dad put you on leave?

Oh, he wasn't happy with how
the case was progressing.

Does Dad just let you
stay here whenever?

Whenever I have a gig in the city.

Have you been doing this
kind of work for long?

Gosh, since high school.

As soon as I got an apprenticeship,

Dad told me to go for it.

- Did you...
- This is nice.

Well, I was just gonna say,

we've never done this before.

Hang out.

It's pretty cool.

It is.

And you,

you were gonna say something?

Oh, it's sad.

Do you remember Jessica Clark?

She was...

she was one of the bodies

that we found buried on the beach.

Don't wash away with
the sea, sweetheart.


Oh, Jesus, Eric, it's not funny.

It's just Jessica never liked the beach.

I mean, it's sad and all,
but it's ironic, right?

Hey, hey, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to upset you.

No, it's all right.

It's the stress of everything right now.


And Dad can be so not cool.

Yeah. I should go.

Well, um, should we...


This was really great.

I wish we'd done this more often.

Yeah, me too.


Bye, sis.


God bless.

♪ ♪


You okay?

I just threw up.

You find anything?

I couldn't look around with him there.

Yeah. I know.

But I could see it in his eyes.

I've never seen anything like it.

What if he takes another girl?

Just make damn sure that he doesn't.

We'll be on him.



Your psych eval was just scheduled.

- When?
- In an hour.

What do you mean in an... why?

Make sure you wear a nice suit.


Because your career depends on it.

♪ ♪

What size jacket do you wear?

♪ ♪

Detective Bashir,
don't tailgate the target.

It's not my first rodeo,
Detective Slootmaekers.

We're using a predictive
camera to camera algorithm

- to track Eric.
- The suspect.

Point being, there's no way
we're losing that car.

Y'all got any updates
from Detective Stabler?

Ask him yourself.

He's monitoring this op while
he's on his psych evaluation?

Tells you everything you
need to know about him.

How's it going, old man?

Oh, you know, I'm waiting to be judged,

drinking stale coffee.

My ass is falling asleep.

So speed dating with shrinks.

Dress in the dark, Detective?

Something like that.

They're ready for you.

Show time, folks.

I thought this was confidential.

I put in a request to be
present during your eval.

Doctors approved.

Okay, well, uh, for
the record, I didn't.

Let's begin, Detective Stabler.



♪ ♪

The target's headed into the hotel bar.

Checking for hotel CCTV feeds now.

Detective Stabler?

Do you need me to repeat the question?


With your father's history
of using excessive force

during his time in the NYPD,
do you think that it affected

how you approach your job?

I thought we were here
to discuss my career,

not my father's.

We're here to determine
if you're mentally fit.

Childhood history and
family trauma are relevant.

All right, can you wait here
while Mommy does some laundry?





Yeah, Stacy, I'm in the middle of...

Sam, Sam, something's wrong.

I'm bleeding.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Call 911 right now.

Sam, I can't.

Stacy, talk to me.

Stacy, Stacy, talk to me.


Call a bus right now.

Stacy's passed out.

Sam, go, Jet, keep eyes on
the target until I get there.

Detective, are you wearing an earpiece?

Yes, I am. I need to go.

Detective, if you leave
this evaluation now...

What? Are you gonna fire me?

Because if that's your threat,

you're gonna have
to do better than that.

My wife was k*lled because of this job.

So we're clear.

Now, I've been a detective
for nearly 30 years.

It's all I've ever wanted to be.

I've made a lot of mistakes, yes,

but I've never been
unfaithful to my oath,

and I've never turned my back
on anyone in need,

and I'm not about to start now.


Get out of here.

You've never had a Long Island iced tea?

No, God, I hate iced tea.

Tea is supposed to be hot.

Okay, two Long Islands, double sh*ts.

Thank you.

Then we'll go back to my place.

Sure, hon.

So where do you live?

You're never gonna guess.


[WHISPERS] Long Island.



♪ ♪

Stabler, the target just came
out of the bar with a girl.


Call it in as an abduction in progress.

On it.

Damn it! The nearest uni
is five minutes away.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- How are you?
- Good.

Turn off the car, please.


I'm Detective Stabler.

Can I ask you to step
out of the car, please?

What? Why?

- You too, ma'am.
- No, no, no.

This is ridiculous.

Let me see your badge, please.

Unfortunately, I'm off duty,
so I don't have my badge,

but I still need you
to step out of the car.

I know you.

Do you?

You're still gonna have
to step out of the car, sir.




♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Chloroform usually lasts longer,

but I'm used to sacrifices
of 120 pounds, tops.

You're a big fish.

I wonder how much our Savior weighed.

Lucky I had that.

I wouldn't have been able
to get you down here.


- They know.

They... [GRUNTS]


Pain teaches acceptance.

That's the first step to absolution.

What is this?

When did you get that?

Young. 18.

Did it hurt?

See, forgiveness of sin is possible,

but someone has to suffer.

That's why he offered up his only son.

To suffer.

♪ ♪

For all of us.

We have your brother leaving
the building, but that's it.

Have you found anything that can tell us

where Eric took Stabler?

No, laptop, tablet, phone, all gone.

Can't find the car on any CCTV.

No pings from his phone.

Most likely it's in a dead zone.

Yeah, explains why we
can't track Stabler's phone.

I'm reporting an abducted
off-duty officer

and putting out an APB.

Wait, I think I found something.


Run an image search on that.

Saint Mary's Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

They started renovations last week.

Checking security cameras.

They haven't been installed yet.

Well, the church is probably waiting

on restoration repairs first.

I have to stop him.

Buh... no, you can't. Bonner.

Bonner, we have to let
the officers get there first.

Do you read me? Bonner?


♪ ♪

Wait, what are you...

Call Captain Shaw and tell
her Stabler's in that church

and get ESU to make
a surreptitious entry,

and be aware that Chief Bonner
will probably be inside.

God is of your flesh.

He lives in your nearest
neighbor, in every man.

Or woman, I guess.

Saint Francis of Assisi.

He was the first stigmatic,

the first one to experience,

to know,

to understand.

Their suffering cleanses them.

Speaking of which, this really
should be a nail and a mallet,

but we work with what he gives us.

Is that what you used
to t*rture those girls?

I didn't t*rture anyone.

I saved them.

♪ ♪

I purified them.

Released them of this sinful world,

this evil existence,

this life.



Come on.

Come on! Pick up!

♪ ♪


You know, at first I thought
you were an obstacle,

but you're actually a gift,

a test sent by God,

someone whose suffering

may actually bring true forgiveness.


Why do you need to be forgiven?

You have no idea.


Lamb of God, take away
the sins of the world.

Eric, don't!


Or what?

Are you gonna sh**t me?

Drop your w*apon.

I knew it.

I knew you didn't come to see me.

It was a trick.

You've never seen me.

I want to help you.



You want to help me now?


♪ ♪

Don't make me sh**t you!


You're all betrayers.

Drop your w*apon.

Drop it.

I love you, Eric.

I love you.


I know.

I'm here to help you.



♪ ♪

I'm here to help you.


♪ ♪

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Oh, my sweet boy.

I'm so sorry.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

I taped him up, but he's
gonna need multiple stitches.

Where's Bonner?


I told the incident team
to give her a minute.


Where do you think you're going?

Uh, church.

I've never even drawn my w*apon before.

You had no choice.

He was my baby brother.

I feel like

everything that I thought

or knew...

isn't real.

I don't know what's happening.

That's very efficient, Sergeant Bell.

Meeting with the source
and getting in your PT

at the same time.

Well, you know I love to multitask.

Find out anything?

Well, unfortunately, yes.

You were right.

There is something hinky going
on with Stabler's IAB case.

His investigator, Warren?

What about him?

Gus Hansen was Warren's rabbi.

Stabler's dad's ex-partner Gus Hansen?

It seems he recently retired
the hard way.

Oh, my God. When?

He ate his g*n about six weeks ago.


That's awful.

But what does that have
to do with Stabler?

Warren blames Elliot for
what happened to his mentor.

Well, this thing just gets
messier by the minute.

- Vargas.
- Yeah.

- What's this?
- It's a loaner.

I owe you a jacket.



How's Stacy doing?

She's, uh... she's good.

Doctor said it was a minor
breach of the placenta.

It's, you know, a lot of bleeding,

but she's gonna be home in a few days.


Then the baby comes when he's ready.

- Yeah?
- That's what they do, man.

- Nora's good?
- Yeah, she's with my parents.

I'm on my way there, but I
wanted to drop this off first.

I got the results back
from the lab on that foil.

They're confirming it's heroin residue.

It's a distinctive blend
out of Kandahar?


- Good, thanks. That's helpful.
- Mm-hmm.

- Want to come in?
- No, I'm good.

I got a few contacts that I could tap.

No, no, no.

No, you pick up your kid.

- You take care of your family.
- Thanks.

- All right?
- Will do.

Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah.


How's he holding up?

Good, good.

Oh, my God.

What's up?

The AI facial reconstruction

of the first victim just finished.

Yeah, you got to see this.

♪ ♪

Audrey's coffee's good,

but not 90-minutes drive good.

Facial reconstruction on the
oldest victim came through.


We're gonna need a DNA sample
to prove familial match.

But it's my... it's my mother.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪