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04x01 - The Boy with the Dragon Skateboard

Posted: 03/17/24 19:26
by bunniefuu
- Calling all Umis. Team Umizoomi!

- ♪ , , , ♪

♪ Umi ♪

♪ Zoomi ♪

♪ Umi ♪

♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

- ♪ In a world that's not so far away ♪

♪ Umi City ♪

♪ You can count on us to save the day ♪

all: Yay!

- ♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

- ♪ We can measure ♪

- ♪ Build it together ♪

- ♪ You can help us ♪

♪ You're so clever ♪

- ♪ We've got mighty math powers ♪

all: ♪ You can call us any hour ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We are a tiny team ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do ♪

- Milli! - Geo!

- Bot! all: And you!

- Hi, we're Team Umizoomi.

And today we're at the Umi City Skate Park.

- This is where all the kids come to ride their skateboards.

Do you like skateboards?

- Great!

- Hey, Team Umizoomi.

- Hey, guys.

Rad skateboards.

- Look at my skateboard.

It has butterflies on it.

- Ooh! Umi-rrific!

- Check out mine.

It has lightning bolts.

- Cool!

- Look at my board.

- Whoa! What's on his skateboard?

Stars. Yeah!

- Stars are my favorite.

See you later, Team Umizoomi.

- Bye, guys!

- Have fun!

- Hey, watch that kid!

- That's our friend Logan.


- Hi, Team Umizoomi!

Check out my new trick!

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

- All right! - Yeah, Logan!

- Logan, that trick was awesome!

- Thanks!

- Ooh, nice board.

What does Logan have on his skateboard?

A dragon. So cool.

- I love my dragon skateboard. It's the best.

- Hey, Logan, will you show us another trick?

- Sure! Let's go this way.

- Whoo-hoo!

- [laughing diabolically]

This skate park looks like a great place to...

make some trouble!

- [laughs]

And we love trouble,

'cause we're...

- The Troublemakers!

- [laughs]

♪ Let's pop it ♪ - ♪ Let's break it ♪

- ♪ There's trouble ♪ - ♪ Let's make it ♪

- ♪ Let's flick it ♪ - ♪ No, let's flop it ♪

- ♪ Let's tip it ♪ - ♪ Ha, let's topple it ♪

- ♪ Let's screech it, let's shout it ♪

♪ There ain't no doubt about it ♪

♪ Trouble abounds when we're around ♪

♪ We love ♪

♪ Trouble-dee, trouble-dee, trouble-dee, trouble-dee ♪

♪ Trouble-dee, trouble-dee, trouble-dee, trouble-dee ♪

♪ Trouble-dee, trouble-dee, trouble-dee, trouble-dee ♪

♪ Double the trouble for you ♪

- Hmm, now, what kind of trouble

can we make at the skate park?

- Hmm, let me think.

- Yay, Logan! - Radical! Great trick!

- [laughs] I've got it!

We can break a skateboard.

- [laughs]

Break a skateboard?


That would be trouble.

- Ooh, and I see

the perfect skateboard right there:

that dragon skateboard.

- [laughing] Oh, boy.

Let's do it!

- Time to use my...

♪ Trouble Ray ♪

Trouble Ray, break that skateboard!

[suspenseful music]

- My skateboard! It's breaking apart!

- And the pieces are going far, far away.

- Oh, no! [laughter]

- Hey! It was the Troublemakers.

- Ooh! - They did this.

- To the Trouble Truck!

Trouble you later!


- Oh, no! Now I'm never gonna get to ride

my dragon skateboard again.

- Poor Logan. That skateboard

was his favorite thing in the whole world.

- Don't worry, Logan.

We can fix your skateboard.

- You can? - You bet.

We just have to find the pieces and put them back together.

Then your dragon skateboard will be good as new.

- Awesome! Thanks, Team Umizoomi.

- But to find all the pieces,

we're going to need your help.

Will you help us find the skateboard pieces?


- Team Umizoomi...

all: It's time for action!

[upbeat surfer rock]

- ♪ Umizoomi, Team Umizoomi ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Umizoomi, Team Umizoomi ♪

♪ Ah ♪

- Milli!

- ♪ Ah ♪

- Geo!

- ♪ Ah ♪

- Bot!

♪ ♪

- To fix Logan's skateboard,

we're gonna need to find all the missing pieces.

- Let's see how many pieces we need to find.

[electronic beeping]

Logan's skateboard has this many orange wheels.

Count them with me.

, ,

, .


and dragon board.

plus equals...

what number is this?

. Right!

We're need to find all pieces

to put Logan's skateboard back together.

[electronic beeping] Ooh!

I'm picking up a signal.

According to my robo-radar,

the first orange wheel is...

inside the super ball factory?

- Let's go get it! Come on!

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

Whoa, there are balls bouncing everywhere!

- Super balls!

- Super-duper balls!

- Okay, team.

The orange wheel is somewhere in here.

Do you see the orange wheel?

Yeah! There it is!

- [gasps]

The wheel just got sucked up into that tube! Come on!

It went up tube number .

We've got to go after it.

- But only super balls can go in there.

- Never fear, Geo.

Robo-super ball activate!

- Whoa-ho!

- Now you look like a super ball too.

- Well, wish me luck. Whoo!

- Good luck! - Good luck!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

I'm on a roll now!


I have to keep following tube number .

Uh-oh. But look up ahead.

The tube splits in different directions.

Which tube has the number on it?

That one. Yeah!




Another split!

Which tube has on it?

That one. Yeah!




Now which tube has on it?

The one in the middle.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


We got the wheel!

Thanks for helping me follow the right tube, Umi friend.

Now, let's bring it back to Milli and Geo.

Lookie, lookie, team.

- Umi-rrific! - Nice going, Bot!

- I'll keep it safe in my...

♪ Bot-bot-botomat ♪


[electronic beeping]

We found the first orange wheel.

But to fix Logan's skateboard,

we need to find more.

How many wheels do we still need to find?

. Right.

We still need wheels and dragon board.

Come on, team!

♪ ♪

- Look! A skateboard wheel.

- It's headed for the park. Come on!

♪ ♪

- Soaking sprockets!

The wheel rolled into the lake.

- [gasps] And it's sinking to the bottom.

We need some way to get down there.

- Hmm, we need a vehicle

that can take us to the bottom of the lake.

What kind of vehicle goes underwater?

A submarine. Yeah!

I can make one with my Super Shapes.




♪ Super Shapes ♪

- Whoa! - Cool!

- Come on, team.

Now, let's go get that wheel!

♪ ♪

- ♪ Submarine ♪

♪ Submarine ♪

♪ We love being ♪

♪ In a submarine ♪

- ♪ Take it to the bottom, put the periscope up ♪

- ♪ Check out the scene in the world above ♪

- ♪ Submarine ♪

- ♪ There's circles and squares everywhere you see ♪

- ♪ In an oval that was built for three ♪

- ♪ Take it to the bottom of Lake Umi ♪

- ♪ Gonna have fun, come along with me ♪

[guitar solo]

- ♪ Submarine ♪

♪ Submarine ♪

♪ We love being ♪

♪ In a submarine ♪

- Oh, drat!

Team Umizoomi is going to get another wheel.

- Then we'd better stop them.

♪ Trouble Ray ♪

Crack that submarine.


- Agh! - Oh, no!

There are three big cracks in our submarine.

- And water is pouring in.

[both laughing]

The Troublemakers.

- Trouble you later, Team Umizoomi.

Oh! Watch your feet!

- Sorry.

- Hm.

- Quick, we've got to fix these cracks

before our sub fills up with water.

- I got this one, guys.

We can fix the cracks with my...

waterproof robo-tape!

- Good idea, Bot.

Help me measure this first crack

to see how long the tape should be.

♪ Milli Measure ♪

The crack goes to this number.

What number is this?

. Yeah!

The crack is units long.

So to fix it, we need a piece of tape

that's also units long.

- Let's count units of tape.

Count with us.

- , , ,

, .

- Hiyah!


All right!

We fixed the crack.

But we've got to hurry and fix the other two cracks.

The water is still pouring in.

Let's measure this one.

It goes to this number.

What number is this?


- So we need units of tape.

Count with us.

- , , ,

, , ,

, , .

- Hiyah!



There's just one more crack to fix.

- But we have to hurry.

The water's getting higher.

- How long is this last crack?


- Let's pull units of tape.

Count with us.

- , , , ,

, , , ,

, , .

- Hiyah!


- Whoo-hoo!

- You fixed the submarine!

- Thanks for helping me measure, Umi friend.

- Come on. Let's go get that wheel.

♪ ♪

[sonar pinging]

♪ ♪

- Orange wheel, dead ahead.

- I'll get it.

Arm, extend-o!


♪ ♪

Nice work, team.

We got another wheel.

[electronic beeping]

We've found wheels for Logan's skateboard.

How many do we still need to find?

. Right!

And dragon board.

- Let's use our Umi Goggles to look for them.

Umi Goggles, on.

When you see the orange wheels,

say, "orange wheels."

Orange wheels.

They're on top of that little plant.

- Come on. This path'll take us right there.

- Bye, submarine!

- Oh! Team Umizoomi is headed this way.

- Oh! They're gonna get the two wheels.

- Not if we make that plant a giant plant.

♪ Trouble Ray ♪

Make that plant grow super tall.



[both laughing]

- They'll never get the wheels now.

- [laughs]

- Springing sprockets!

Now the wheels are up by the clouds.

- We need a way to get up there.

- I know!

I can bounce up to the top on the branches.



- Gotcha! - Thanks, Bot.

- You'd better be careful, Geo.

Some of these branches break when you bounce on them.

[electronic beeping]

- According to my robot computer,

the only branches strong enough to bounce on

are the ones that have oval leaves.

- oval leaves.

Like this first branch I jumped on.

Let's try this again.

Yup, this branch is safe.


Quick, help me find another branch to bounce on.

Which branch has oval leaves?

That one.


Now which branch has oval leaves?

That one!


We're almost at the top.

Which branch has oval leaves?

Yeah, that one!

[upbeat rock music]

We got the last wheels!

Thanks for helping me bounce to the top, Umi friend.


- Way to go, Geo!

- That was awesome!

[electronic beeping]

- We found all orange wheels. Whoo-hoo!

So now we just need to find the dragon board.

- Team Umizoomi.

- [gasps] It's our friend squirrel.

- I saw the dragon board.

- You did? Where is it, squirrel?

- It's at the carnival on the big roller coaster.

- The big roller coaster.

Thanks, squirrel. - Any time.

♪ ♪

- Whoa. That is a big roller coaster.

- Let's use our Umi Goggles

to help us look for the dragon board.

Umi Goggles, on.

When you see the dragon board, say "dragon board."

Dragon board!

There it is!

- And here it goes.


- Oh, no!

The Troublemakers just took it.

- Ho-ho!

Trouble you later, Team Umizoomi.

- We got to get that dragon board back.

- But, Milli, there's only roller coaster car.

And the Troublemakers are riding in it.

[engine revving]

- [suavely] Umi Car. - [gasps]

Umi Car can be our roller coaster car.

- Whoa! Umi car even has roller coaster safety bars.

- [honks twice]

- Okay, everyone, hang on tight.

Here we go!

[all squealing]

- Look! Troublemakers ahead!

- Oh! Team Umizoomi!

- We better make some trouble to stop them.

♪ Trouble Ray ♪

Take away a piece of the roller coaster.


- Whoa! Oh, no!

The Troublemakers took away a big piece of the track.

- We got to do something.

[engine revving]

- Umi Car wants to jump to the other side.

- We'll have to go really fast to make the jump.

- Let's check Umi Car's speedometer.

What number is this?


But to get over the jump, Umi Car needs to go .

Count to with me.

Start with .

, , , ,

, , ...


- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

Great jump, Umi Car.

- Whoa, I can't believe it.

Umi Car jumped to the other side of the track.

- Ooh! To stop them,

we're going to have to make even more trouble.

[dramatic musical spike]

- Uh-oh. Now we have to make a bigger jump.

- To jump to the other side,

Umi Car needs to go .

Count to with me.

Start with .

, , , ,

, , , ...


[all squealing]

- All right!

- Oh, no! They're getting closer.

- Well, they'll never jump far enough to get over this.

[dramatic musical spike]

- Yikes! That's the biggest jump yet.

- To get to the other side,

we have to help Umi Car go .

Count to with me.

Start with .

, , ,

, , ,

, ...


[all squealing]

- We made it. - Way to go, Umi Car.

- Team Umizoomi must be so sad

that they'll never get the dragon board back.

- Arms, extend-o!

- What?


- Whoo-hoo! We got the dragon board!

- How could you let this happen?

- I didn't let this happen. You did.

- No, you did.

- Hey, isn't that the end of the roller coaster?

- End of the roller coaster?

[both screaming]

- Well, this is a sticky situation.

Ugh, it's all your fault.

- No, it's your fault.

- My fault? It's always your fault.

- Looks like the Troublemakers

won't be causing any more trouble today.

- Now we can put Logan's skateboard back together.

- I'll take care of that.

Robo-screwdriver, activate!

A little tightening.


This goes here.

Ta-da! Good as new.

- All right! - Yeah.

- Now let's get the dragon skateboard

back to Logan. - Hey!

We can ride the skateboard back to Logan.

- Great idea! - Cool!

♪ ♪

all: whoa!

♪ ♪

- Hey, Logan! - My dragon skateboard!

You fixed it! - We sure did.

- Thank you, Team Umizoomi.

Now I can ride again.

- Thanks for helping us fix the dragon skateboard.

- Logan's so happy now that he can ride and do tricks again.

- Yeah!

- I feel a celebration coming on!

- ♪ , , , ♪

♪ Let's do the Crazy Shake ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Let's celebrate ♪

- ♪ A job well done ♪

- ♪ Let's Crazy Shake ♪

♪ And have some fun ♪

♪ Everybody, Crazy Shake ♪

[all laughing]

- ♪ Mighty ♪ - ♪ Mighty ♪

- ♪ Mighty ♪ - ♪ Math powers ♪

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪