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03x12 - A Sledding Snow Day

Posted: 03/17/24 19:21
by bunniefuu
(Presenter) Calling all Umis.

Team Umizoomi!

♪ , , , ♪

♪ Umi ♪

♪ zoomi ♪

♪ Umi ♪

♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

♪ In a world that's not so far away ♪

♪ Umi City ♪

♪ You can count on us to save the day ♪

(All) Yay!

♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

♪ We can measure ♪

♪ Build it together ♪

♪ You can help us ♪

♪ You're so clever ♪

♪ We've got mighty math powers ♪

(All) ♪ You can call us any hour! ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We are a tiny team ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do ♪♪




And you!

Hi, it's me, geo.

And guess what's happening in Umi City.

It's snowing!



(All giggling)

We love playing in the snow.

Do you like to play in the snow?


Watch this.

I can be a robo-snowball.

Robo-snowball, activate.

Ready, bot?





I'm okay!

I'm gonna make a snowflake pattern.

♪ Pattern power ♪♪

(Shimmering tone)

(Horn beeping)

(Geo) Hey, it's Umi car!

(Umi car purring)

(Milli) Uh-oh.

Umi car's wheels are slipping and sliding in all the snow!

Don't worry, Umi car.

I know how to help you go super fast in the snow.

I'll use my super shape power to turn you from an Umi car

into an Umi sled!

(Purring) Yippee!

To make Umi car into a sled,

we need a long, skinny rectangle for the ski.

Which of these is a long, skinny rectangle?

That one.

And now we just need a triangle for the tip of the ski.

Which of these is a triangle?

That's it!

Now, to turn Umi car into super umi sled,

we just have to sing...

♪ Super shapes ♪

(Milli) Whoa!

You look amazing, Umi car.

Oh, I mean, Umi sled.

(Purring) Whoo-hoo.

(Geo) Wow!

Look at him go!

(Bot) He's the best sled I've ever seen.


You're the coolest of the coolest, Umi sled.

(Deep voice) Umi sled.

Bloop! Bloop! Bloop!

(Gasps) It's the Umi alarm!

That sound means someone needs our help.

Let's see who it is right here on my belly-belly...

(Both) Bellyscreen!

It's our friend Casey!

Team Umizoomi, I need your help!

What's the matter, Casey?

Everyone's having fun sledding at the big hill.

I really want to go sledding too,

but I can't because I don't have a sled.

Oh, no!

Don't worry, Casey.

We've got a super cool sled you can ride on.

(All) Umi sled!

Whoa, that would be awesome!

We'll meet you at the big sledding hill.

Then you can take a ride on Umi sled.

Thanks, team Umizoomi.

But you'll have to hurry.

The sun is starting to go down.

Oh, no!

That means it's gonna get dark soon.

You can't go sledding in the dark.

Don't worry, Casey.

We're on our way.

See you soon.

We've got to get to Casey fast!

(Purring) Mm-hmm.

She really wants to go sledding!

(Purrs) Yeah!

But to get there before it gets dark,

we're gonna need your help.

Will you help us bring Umi sled to Casey?


Team Umizoomi...

(All) It's time for action!

Come on, Umi sled.

Let's go!

(All giggling) Whoa!


♪ Who's gonna bring Umi sled to Casey? ♪

(All) ♪ We are! Team Umizoomi! ♪

♪ Who's gonna bring Umi sled to Casey? ♪

(All) ♪ We are! Team Umizoomi! ♪

♪ We're on a mission to save the day ♪

♪ here we come, we're on our way! ♪♪

We're gonna bring Umi sled to Casey.

(All) Yeah! Team Umizoomi!

We need to find the fastest way to get to Casey.

Let's check my robot computer.

Here it is: The fastest way to get to Casey.

First, we need to go down Icicle Path.

Second, we have to go through Snowman Valley.

Third, we have to get across the Frozen Bridge.

And last, we need to go through the secret snow tunnel

that will take us right to the big sledding hill.

So the first place we need to go is down icicle path.

Let's look for the blue icicles.

When you see blue icicles, say, "blue icicles"!

Blue icicles!

There they are!

(Bot) Whoa!

That sure is a lot of icicles.

(Milli) Yikes!

(Geo) Zigzag, Umi sled!

(Bot) Whew!

That was close!

Good job, Umi sled.

To get down this icicle path, we're gonna have to use my...

♪ Pattern power ♪♪

The icicles that won't crack and fall

are in this pattern:

Long, long, short, short.

It's safe to drive under those.

Let's check out the icicle patterns.

These icicles go: Long, long, short, short.

Is this the right pattern?

Yeah, these icicles are safe!

Long, long, short, short.

Is this the right pattern?


Go for it, Umi sled.

(Bot) More icicles ahead!

(Milli) Long, short, short, short.

Is that the right pattern?


(Bot) They're gonna fall!

(Milli) Zigzag, Umi sled!

Whew! That was a close one.

Those icicles fell because they were in the wrong pattern.

(Geo) More icicles, Milli!

(Milli) Long, long, short, short.

That's the safe pattern.

Go, Umi sled!

(Bot) Stop!

More icicles!

(Milli) Is this the safe pattern?


Zigzag, Umi sled!

Is this the right pattern?

It is!

(Bot) Look! The last icicles!

(Milli) Is this the safe pattern?



(Bot) Melting megabytes!

We made it!

Nice sledding, Umi sled!

Beep! Beep!

Thanks for helping us get past those icicles.

You're really good at patterns.

Uh-oh, look!

The sun is going down even farther!

We better hurry.

We've just got to get Umi sled to Casey

before it gets dark.


Let's check my robot computer.


We made it down Icicle Path.

So next, we have to go through Snowman Valley.

(Milli) Let's go, team.

(Upbeat music)

We made it to Snowman Valley.

(Snowman) Hiya.

(Bot) Giggling gigabytes.

(Snowman) Hello.

(Bot) Look at all these snowmen.


(Geo) Whoa, look at this guy.

(Bot laughs) He sure is silly.

(Chuckles goofily)

(Milli giggles) This guy is super silly.


(Geo) Hey, check out this guy.

He's got shoes on his hands!

Hiya, team Umizoomi!

(Milli giggles) Hiya!

(Bot laughs)



(Milli) This snowman has hot dogs for feet.

(All laughing)

Hey! Don't forget about me!

(Bot) Wait a second.

What's that snowman wearing on top of his head?

An umbrella?

(All laughing)

I've never seen such silly snowmen.


♪ To make a silly snowman ♪

♪ just take a look at me ♪

♪ I'm made up of snowballs ♪

♪ count them, , , ♪

♪ with the biggest on the bottom and the smallest on top ♪

♪ my nose is a potato, and my hair is a mop ♪

(All) ♪ So many different ways to build a snowman ♪

♪ We're really, really, really silly ♪

♪ Dress us up the wackiest way you know ♪

(Together) ♪ So silly, oh, so silly ♪

♪ We come out when it's chilly ♪

♪ With Geo, Bot, and Milli ♪

(All) ♪ It's so much fun to play out in the snow ♪

(All laughing)

You're silly.

You're sillier.

No, you're silly.


(Bot) Bye, silly snowmen!


That gate is blocking our way!

There must be someone around here

who can open it for us.

Hey, team Umizoomi.

It's doormouse!

Doormouse, we need to get Umi sled to our friend Casey

before the sun goes down!

I'd love to help you, team Umizoomi.

I really would.

But the gate is locked, and I can't find my key.

You lost the key?

Well, not lost exactly.

You see, I asked one of those silly snowmen to hold it for me,

but now I can't remember which one it was!

Oh, no.


I'm sorry, team Umizoomi.

But there are a lot of silly snowmen over there.

Don't worry, Doormouse.

We can help you figure out which snowman has your key.

Oh, that would be great.

Let's go, team!

Good luck!

Let's figure out which snowman has that key.

According to my robot computer,

the snowman who has doormouse's key

is wearing a pot on his head.

Let's see how many snowmen have pots on their heads.

Count with me.








What else can you tell us, Bot?

The snowman who's got the key has...

A pickle for a nose?

Let's count the snowmen who have pickle noses.

Count with me.





(Geo) All right. Only snowmen left.

Here's the last thing.

The snowman we want is wearing...


meatball buttons!

Which snowman has meatball buttons?

That one!

That's the snowman who has the key.

Oh, excuse me, silly snowman?

Do you happen to have Doormouse's gate key?

Of course!

Doormouse asked me to hold it for him,

and I put it right...


It's got to be here somewhere.


What do you know?

It's right here.


(Bot giggling) Thanks, silly snowman.

You're welcome!


And thank you for helping us find the right silly snowman.

Come on.


We found the key.

Oh, thank you, team Umizoomi.

Let me open that gate for you right away.

Here you go.

(Bot) Thanks, doormouse!

Good luck, team Umizoomi!


(Electronic beeping)

Ooh, I'm getting a call.

It's Casey!

Team Umizoomi, I can't wait to ride Umi sled.

Are you almost here?

We're getting close, Casey.

Will you make it before it gets dark?

Don't worry, Casey.

We'll be there before the sun goes down

so you can go sledding.



(Bot) Okay.

We made it through Snowman Valley.

So next, we have to go across the frozen bridge.

Come on!

Let's find the frozen bridge!

I could help you find it!

Oh, hi, penguin!

The frozen bridge is right over there.

Great! Thanks, penguin!


(Milli) There it is: The frozen bridge.

(Geo) Whoa!

It's a bridge made out of ice shapes!

(Bot) This way, guys.

Last one across is a...


(Both) Bot!

Beep! Beep!

Arm extend-o!


That was close!

Thanks, Umi sled.

We've got a big problem.

The ice shapes on the bridge are crumbling.

Not all the shapes, Milli.

The ice shapes that are safe to step on...

Have this many sides.

What number is this?

! Right.

So we can only step on shapes that have sides.

(Geo) Which shape has sides?

That square, yeah!

It has , , , sides.

(Bot) Whoa.

But that square is pretty far away.

Vroom! Vroom!

Umi sled can get us there!


(Geo) To help Umi sled jump to the square,

say, "square jump!"

(All) Square jump!

(Bot) Whoo-hoo! We made it!

Good thing we didn't jump on any of those other shapes.

Now let's find another shape that has sides.

Which shape has sides?

The rectangle, yeah!

Help Umi sled jump to the rectangle.

Say, "rectangle jump"!

(All) Rectangle jump!

(Ice cracking and splashing)

(Milli) Umirrific!

(Bot) And look!

We're almost at the other side of the bridge!

(Geo) We just need to find one more -sided shape.

Which shape has sides?

The diamond, yeah!

(Bot) Yoinks-a-doinks!

That's a long way!

(Geo) Help Umi sled jump all the way to the diamond.

Say, "diamond jump"!

(All) Diamond jump!



(Bot) Way to go, Umi sled!

Thanks for helping us find all the -sided shapes!

(Bot) We made it across the frozen bridge.

So all we have to do now

is go through the secret snow tunnel

to get to Casey and the big sledding hill.

Uh-oh. But look!

The sun's getting lower and lower!

It's gonna be dark soon!

Let's find that snow tunnel.

We can use our Umi goggles.

Umi goggles on!

When you see the snow tunnel, say, "snow tunnel."

Snow tunnel!

Let's go, Umi sled!


(Geo) Into the snow tunnel we go.


Watch out!

(Bot) Shivering shift keys.

It's a giant wall of ice.

(Milli) And it's blocking the whole tunnel!


(Ice clanking)

Our only chance to get past this ice wall

is to knock it down.

(Shimmering tone)

Hey, look what I found.

What number is that?

! Yeah.

That means we can knock down this ice wall

with snowballs.

Where's the pile of snowballs?


The pile on the right.

Now let's throw them at the ice wall.

Count the snowballs with me.


(Ice cracking)


(Ice cracking)



It worked.

(Milli) Way to go, bot!

But look what's up ahead.

Another ice wall.

Let's see how many snowballs we need to knock that wall down.

What number is that?


So to knock down the wall,

we have to find the pile of snowballs.

Where's the pile of snowballs?

There! The pile in the middle.

It has .

Count with me.





(Together) All right!

You knocked it down!

Look, there's the end of the tunnel!

We just have to knock down this last ice wall.

What number is on this wall?


That means we need the pile of snowballs

to knock it down.

Where's the pile of snowballs?

Yeah, the one on the left.


Count with me.







Wahoo! Whoohoo!

(Milli) We made it through the snow tunnel!

Thanks for helping me throw all those snowballs, Umi friend.

There's the big sledding hill!

(Milli) And there's Casey!


Team Umizoomi, you made it!

And we brought Umi sled.



Check this out.

Show 'em, Umi sled.

That's the coolest sled I've ever seen!

Let's go sledding!

Come on, this way to the top of the hill!

(Girl) Whoa, check out that sled.

(Deep voice) Umi sled.

(Girl) Cool sled!

(Milli) To go down the hill super fast,

let's all say, "Umizoomi!"

Say it with us.

(All) Umizoomi!




Nice sled!

Thanks, penguin!

Stay cool!


(Milli) Look, here comes a jump!

(Bot) Hang on!

(All) Wahoo! Whoa!



That was amazing, Umi sled.

(Deep voice) Umi sled.

Thanks for taking me sledding, team.

You're welcome.

I had a really good time.

And thank you for helping us bring Umi sled

to the big sledding hill.

Yeah, sledding with Casey sure was fun!

(Horn honks)


(Giggling) I think Umi sled had fun too.

I feel a celebration coming on.

(All) ♪ , , , ♪

♪ Let's do the crazy shake ♪♪


♪ Let's celebrate ♪

♪ a job well done ♪

♪ let's crazy shake ♪

(All) ♪ and have some fun ♪♪

Everybody crazy shake!


(All chortling)




♪ Mighty mighty ♪

♪ mighty ♪

(All) ♪ math powers ♪♪

(Upbeat rock music)

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪