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03x14 - Doctor Bot

Posted: 03/17/24 19:17
by bunniefuu
-♪ Calling all Umis

♪ Team Umizoomi

- ♪ One, two, three, four

♪ Umizoomi

♪ Umi

♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

- ♪ In a world that's not so far away ♪

♪ Umi City

♪ You can count on us to save the day ♪

all: Yay!

- ♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

- ♪ We can measure

- ♪ Build it together

- ♪ You can help us

♪ You're so clever

- ♪ We've got mighty math powers ♪

all: ♪ You can call us any hour

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We are a tiny team

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do

- Milli! - Geo!

- Bot!

- And you! - And you!

- Hi, there! It's me, Bot.

But today you can call me...

Dr. Bot.

Check it out!

I'm dressed up just like a doctor!

Have you ever been to the doctor before?


- Hey, Bot!

- I believe you mean...

Dr. Bot.

- [giggles]

- Oh, right. Dr. Bot.

- We are here for our check-up, Dr. Bot.

- Ah, wonderful!

For your check-up,

I need you to stick out your tongue and say, "ah."

- Ah. - Ah.

- Oh, looks great.

Now it's your turn.

Stick out your tongue and say, "ah."

I like what I see!

All right.

Next, Dr. Bot needs to listen to your heartbeat.

You first, Milli.

- Okay.

[heart thumping]

- Oh! Listen.

I hear the pattern of your heartbeat.

Sounds like a healthy heart, Milli.

- Now me! - You got it, Geo!

Let's hear that heartbeat.

[chicken clucking]

Hey, wait a second!

That doesn't sound like a heartbeat.

[chicken clucking]

What makes that sound?

A chicken?

- Ta-da!

- It is a chicken! Ha!

Pretty funny, Geo.

[melodic ring]

- Listen! Someone's calling us! - Oh!

Well, let's see who it is on my belly-belly...

[all] Belly screen!

- It's our friend Mike.

- Hey, Team Umizoomi!

Look what I just got! A new scooter!

- Wow! That's great, Mike!

- It can go really fast! Watch this!



- Mike, are you okay?

- I hurt my knee.

- Oh, no! Mike scraped his knee!

- Have you ever scraped your knee before?

Ooh! That must have hurt.

- [wincing] Ow.

- Don't worry, Mike.

I've got something that will help your knee feel better.

What is this?

Yeah. It's a bandage.

- Ooh! That'll work!

- That's perfect!

- So hang in there, buddy.

We'll come to the playground and put this bandage on your knee.

Then you'll feel better.

- Thanks, Dr. Bot.

Please hurry.

- Listen up, team.

We have to get this bandage to Mike.

Will you help us?

Great! Team Umizoomi...

[all] It's time for action!

- To the playground!

♪ Who's gonna make Mike's knee feel better? ♪

[all] ♪ Dr. Bot and Team Umizoomi! ♪

- ♪ Who's gonna make Mike's knee feel better? ♪

[all] ♪ Dr. Bot and Team Umizoomi! ♪

♪ We're on a mission to save the day ♪

♪ Dr. Bot is on his way!

- ♪ We're gonna make Mike's knee feel better ♪

[all] ♪ Yeah! Team Umizoomi! ♪

- All right, team.

We have to get this bandage to Mike, and quick!

Let's check my robot computer to see how far away we are.


The playground is here, and we're way back here.

That means we're this far away from the playground.

Let's count to see how far that is.

Count with me! Start with zero!

Zero, one, two, three,

four, five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten!

We're ten units away.

- Come on! Let's get going.

- Ah! - Whoa!

- Uh, guys?



- [gargles]


Sopping software!

We can't get through the park

if those sprinklers keep spraying us with water.

Oh, but look!

The water comes out of the sprinkler through that hole.

If we plug up the hole,

the sprinkler won't be able to spray us with water!

I can plug up the sprinklers.

I just need...

Dr. Bot's cotton balls!

Look! I have two cotton balls for two sprinklers.

Huh! One.

Ha! Two.

Whoo-hoo-hoo! It worked!

The cotton balls plugged up the sprinklers!

- Hooray!

- Now they can't spray us with water.

- Come on!

- Oh, no! More sprinklers!

Let's plug them up with cotton balls!

There are three sprinklers over there and one over here.

How many sprinklers are there all together?

Four! Yeah!

Three plus one equals four!

So we need to throw four cotton balls to plug them up.

Help me throw four cotton balls!

Count to four with me.





- All right!

- The sprinklers can't sh**t water!

- Let's go!

- Yoinks-a-doinks! More sprinklers!

There are two sprinklers over there and three over here.

How many sprinklers are there all together?

Five! Right!

Two plus three equals five.

Let's plug 'em up.

Count five cotton balls with me.







- Whoo-hoo! - Yes!

- Uh-oh!

- More sprinklers!

- There are three sprinklers over there

and three more sprinklers over here.

How many sprinklers are there all together?


Three plus three equals six!

That's a lot of sprinklers!

Ha! Count six cotton balls!

One, two,

three, four,

five, six.


- All right! They're all plugged up!

Let's go!

- We made it past all the sprinklers!

- Thanks for your help, Umi-Friend.

You're great at addition!

[melodic ring]

Ooh! I'm getting a call!

- [gasps] It's Mike!

How's your knee, Mike?

- It still hurts.

And I can't ride my scooter again until it feels better.

- Don't worry.

Dr. Bot's got your bandage, and we're on the way.

- Thanks, Dr. Bot.

- Poor Mike.

He really needs you, Dr. Bot.

- Let's see how much closer we are!

- Okay, we were units away from the playground,

but now we're here.

What number is this?

Seven! We're getting closer!

We're only seven units away!

Come on, everybody! The playground is thataway!

- Wahoo!


We've got to go through that gate!

- [groans]

It's locked!

- There must be someone around here who can open it.

- Ah-choo! Ah-choo!

- [gasps] It's DoorMouse!

- Uh, DoorMouse?

Can you open this gate for us?

We need to get to our friend Mike.

- Oh, Team Umizoomi, I'd love to open that gate for you,

but I have a really bad cold. Ah-choo!

I'm too sick to get out of bed.

- Too sick you say?

Well, don't worry, DoorMouse,

Dr. Bot knows exactly what you need.

A bowl of hot soup!

- Oh!

Hot soup would help me feel much better.

Then I could open the gate for you!

- Sit tight, DoorMouse.

I'll get you some soup from the soup cart.

- [coughs] Ooh. Thanks, Dr. Bot.

- Hmm. There are four bowls of soup.

But to make DoorMouse feel better,

we have to figure out which bowl is the hottest.

And we can do that with...

Dr. Bot's thermometer.

Let's check and see how hot these bowls of soup are.

I'll start with the blue bowl.

What number is this?

Four! Right.

That means the blue bowl of soup is four units hot.

Let's put that on my computer.

Mm-hmm. The blue bowl is four units hot.

See? The blue bar goes up to four.

Now let's see how hot the Green bowl is.

What number is this?

Seven! Yeah!

So the Green bowl of soup is seven units hot.


Next is the yellow bowl.

What number is this?

Nine! Right.

The yellow bowl is nine units hot.

And last but not least, the red bowl.

What number is this?


The red bowl is eight units hot.

All right, to make DoorMouse feel better,

we need the hottest bowl of soup.

The hottest bowl of soup has the tallest bar.

Which bowl of soup has the tallest bar?

The yellow one! Yeah! It's the hottest!

One bowl of soup, five Umi Cents.

We've got to get this soup to DoorMouse, stat!

Here you go, DoorMouse.

- Thanks, Dr. Bot.

[slurps] Mmm!

That's Nice and hot.

[slurps] Hey! I'm feeling better!


Lots better!

- Hooray!

- All right!

- Thank you, Dr. Bot.

I don't feel sick anymore.

Now I can unlock the gate.

Huh? No. Huh? Let's see.

No, not this one. Uh...

Oh! Here it is!

Here you go, Team Umizoomi.

- Thanks, DoorMouse. Glad you're feeling better.

- Good luck getting to Mike.

I think I'm going to have myself

some more of that delicious soup.

- We're coming, Mike! Dr. Bot is on his way!

- ♪ Dr. Bot on the spot ♪

- Dr. Bot, I don't feel so good.

- Here you go, Mr. Squirrel.

Take two acorns and call me in the morning.

- ♪ Dr. Bot on the spot ♪

- Oh, this cute little bat isn't blind.

He just needs glasses.

This tree needs sap.

Get me ten CCs of tree sap, stat!

- ♪ Dr. Bot on the spot ♪

- Hey, Doc, I'm seeing spots!

- Totally normal, Mr. Frog.

- Oh, Dr. Bot, my paw hurts.

- Oh, you've got a splinter! I'll get that.

- Hey, Doc, uh... My tail smells kind of funny.

- Well, you are a skunk.

- ♪ When you're feeling bad, he's got the cure ♪

♪ Just call Dr. Bot

- Hey, Dr. Bot!

How much farther to the playground?

- Let's check!

We were seven units away from the playground,

but now we're here.

What number is this?

Four! We're only four units away!

Whoo! We're getting closer!

- Come on! The path goes this way.

- Hey! Let go! That's my egg!

- Flapping floppy disks! Check out all those ducks!

- They're blocking the whole bridge!

- Hey, let go! That's my egg!

- It most certainly is not. It's my egg!

- Quack! - Quack!

Give me it! - No, you give me it!

- Uh-oh! Those ducks are fighting over the eggs!

- I think this one is mine. Quack.

- No, it isn't! That one's mine!

- That's because all the eggs look the same.

The ducks can't figure out which egg belongs to which duck.

- Not to worry.

Dr. Bot can handle this situation.

Whoa, ladies. Ladies, please. No need to argue.

Dr. Bot is here to make everything a-okay.

We can figure out whose egg is whose with...

Dr. Bot's X-ray machine!

With my X-ray machine, we can see inside the eggs.

- Dr. Bot, start with this one.

- Okay.

- Aw!

There's a baby duckling in there!

- He's so cute!

- Ah, this baby duck has a wing that's shaped like a semicircle.

That means his mommy has a semicircle-shaped wing too.

Let's find her.

Which mommy duck has a semicircle-shaped wing?

That one!

This egg belongs to you, ma'am.

- Oh, thank you, Dr. Bot.

- Oh, just doing my job.

- What about this egg?

- That one's mine!

- No, it isn't! Quack quack quack!

- Oh, boy.

We better look inside this egg and see who it belongs to.

What shape is this baby duck's wing?

It's an oval! Right.

Which mommy duck has an oval-shaped wing?

This one! She's the mommy!

- Oh! My egg!

- Here you go.

Now let's look in this one.

What shape is his wing?

It's a crescent! Yeah!

Which duck is his mommy?

This one!

She has a crescent-shaped wing too.

- Oh! My egg! Quack!

- Here you go.

Let's check this last egg.

What shape is this baby's wing?

It's a triangle!

Here you go, ma'am. Your egg.

- Oh, come here.

Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!

Thank you, Dr. Bot.

Now we all have the right eggs.

- [gasps] My egg is hatching!

- They're all hatching!


Peep! Peep! Peep!

- Aw! All the baby ducklings hatched!

- We did it!

We helped all the mommy ducks find their babies!

- You're the best, Dr. Bot.

- Ha-ha! Look at 'em waddle!

- Thank you, Dr. Bot!

[melodic ring]

- Someone's calling us!

It's Mike.

- Dr. Bot, are you almost here?

- We're really close, Mike.

And Dr. Bot's got your bandage prepped and ready to go.

- Oh, good. I really need it for my knee.

See you soon.

- Okay, team, let's see how much farther we have to go.

We were four units away from the playground,

but now we're here.

What number is this?


We're only two units away!

- Let's go!

- Come on! We can go through this tunnel!

It'll take us right to the playground!

Check it out! We can slide down the tunnel!

Let's go!

Yee-haw! - Whoo-hoo!

- Whoa! Ha-ha!

Look out for Dr. Bot!

[laughs] That was fun.


- It sounds like something else is coming down the mudslide.

- Mucky mainframes! It's a giant mud ball!


[all screaming]

- We need to get rid of that mud ball!

- I've got something that will work.


Dr. Bot's squirter.

If we squirt the mud ball with water, it will shrink away.

This squirter has six units of water in it.

That's the exact amount we need to get rid of the mud ball.

Help me squirt the water. Count down from six.

Six, five,

four, three,

two, one!

- Hooray! - It worked!

- Uh-oh. An even bigger mud ball!

[all screaming]

- We're gonna need more water for that one.


This squirter has eight units of water!

That's just enough.

Help me squirt the mud ball.

Countdown from eight.

Eight, seven,

six, five,

four, three,

two, one!

Yahoo! We got rid of another mud ball!

[Milli and Geo] Uh-oh!

- Yoinks-a-doinks! Run!

It's the biggest one yet!

The mud ball is so big, we need units of water.

Count down from .

, ,

ten, nine,

eight, seven,

six, five,

four, three,

two, one!

Great gizmos! You did it, Umi-Friend!

You helped me get rid of the mud balls!


- Hey, Bot!

Look! It's the end of the tunnel!

- We made it to the playground!

- And there's Mike!

- Dr. Bot, you made it!

- I sure did!

And I've got your bandage right here.

- Great!

- Now let's fix that scraped knee.

Okay. Hold still.

Bandage is ready to be opened.

[Milli and Geo] Bandage open!

- Okay, Mike. Don't move.

There! How does your knee feel now?

- My knee feels...

All better!

Thanks, Dr. Bot!

- All in a day's work for...

Dr. Bot.

- Now I can ride my new scooter again!


- Yay! - Way to go, Mike!

- Whee! - Thanks for helping us bring

the bandage to our friend Mike.

- Yeah. We made his knee all better.

- Wait a second, team. I think I hear something.

- What is it, Dr. Bot?

- I hear...

A celebration coming on!

[all] ♪ Two, four, six, eight

♪ Let's do the crazy shake

- ♪ Let's celebrate

- ♪ A job well done

- ♪ Let's crazy shake

[all] ♪ And have some fun

Everybody crazy shake!

- I prescribe shaking like crazy.

- [laughing] Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Mighty - ♪ Mighty

- ♪ Mighty

[all] ♪ Math powers

[upbeat rock music]

- ♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪