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03x04 & 03x05 - Team Umizoomi vs. The Shape Bandit

Posted: 03/17/24 19:11
by bunniefuu
- ♪Calling all Umis ♪

♪ Team Umizoomi

- ♪ One, two, three, four

♪ Umizoomi

♪ Umi

♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

- ♪ In a world that's not so far away ♪

♪ Umi City

♪ You can count on us to save the day ♪

[all] Yay!

- ♪ Umizoomi, Umizoomi ♪

- ♪ We can measure

- ♪ Build it together

- ♪ You can help us

♪ You're so clever

- ♪ We've got mighty math powers ♪

[all] ♪ You can call us any hour

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We are a tiny team

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do

- Milli! - Geo!

- Bot!

- And you! - And you!

- Hi, we're Team Umizoomi!

- And you're just in time!

We're about to have snacks!

- Do you ever eat snacks?


- Okay, let's open the cabinet

and see what snacks we've got!

Grumbling gigabytes, it's empty!

We're all out of snacks!

- That's okay, Bot!

I can make us snacks using shapes

from my shape belt!

Hey, Milli, what snack do you wanna eat?

- I'd like graham crackers!

- To make a graham cr*cker, we need this shape.

What shape is this?

A rectangle, yeah!

[singing] Super shapes!

- Wow, you made a graham cr*cker!

Yum! Thanks, Geo.

- Hey, Bot, can I make you anything?

- Well, if you're offering,

I would love a juicy slice of watermelon!

- One watermelon slice comin' up!

To make a watermelon slice, we need this shape.

What shape is this?

A triangle, right!

[singing] Super shapes!

- Mm, delicious!

Thanks, Geo!

- I'm hungry for a snack that's shaped like this!

What shape is this?

A circle!

I'm gonna make a waffle!

[singing] Super shapes!

Mm, yum!

- Thanks for making us these snacks, Geo!

Your shape belt is amazing!

- Yeah, it can make anything out of shapes!

- ♪ I love my shape belt

♪ Wear it everywhere I go

♪ I can make things

♪ With all the shapes I know

♪ I've got super-shapes

♪ Anything is possible

- ♪ Every creation a shape sensation ♪

- ♪ With my shape belt

♪ I can make a set of wheels

♪ Mighty math powers turn 'em into something real ♪

♪ Just take a shape now watch me go ♪

♪ I love my shape belt

- ♪ Super shape belt

- ♪ I love my shape belt

- ♪ Awesome shape belt

- ♪ I love my shape belt

- ♪ Loves his shape belt

[all] ♪ Super shapes

[electronic pulsing]

- [gasps] It's the Umi-Alarm!

- That sound means there's a problem in Umi City.

[tires screeching, car horns beeping]

- It sounds like the problem is over that way!

Let's go check it out.

- Sizzling circuits!

Something is definitely wrong!

[water hissing, people shouting, metal crashing]


Some of the circle traffic lights are missing!

And it's causing a big traffic jam!

[car horns beeping]

[water hissing] [Geo] Uh-oh,

the fire hydrant doesn't have a cap,

so all the water is sh**ting out!

- [Milli gasps] What's missing from that bus?

A tire, yeah!

A circle-shaped wheel!

- I wonder what happened to all the shapes!

-This just in.

Breaking news,

a Shape Bandit is on the loose in Umi City!

[all] A Shape Bandit?!

-According to reports,

the Shape Bandit has a special bag,

and when he opens it,

a shape-snatching whirlwind comes out!

[all] Whoa.

-The Shape Bandit is using the whirlwind

to take away shapes wherever he goes!

- [gasps] Ooh, now there are some shapes I need!

- Oh no!

He took the rectangle windows from that building!

- Well hello, rectangles! [giggles evilly]


- [Geo gasps] He's about to take something from that man!

Let's look carefully and see what he takes!

What did he take?

His pizza!

- Ooh!

Such a perfect triangle!

- Uh-oh, now he's gonna take something from that dog!

- Ah-ha!

- What did he take?

His spots! - Aww!

- The dog's oval-shaped spots are gone!

[dog whines sadly]

- Just the ovals I've been looking for!


-So far, no one has been able to catch the Shape Bandit.

He's considered furry and extremely tricky.

- This is terrible!

- Somebody needs to stop that Shape Bandit!

Umi City needs its shapes!

- I know!

I can use my shape belt to make any shape

that Umi City needs!

- Any shape?


- Hey, that sounded like--

[all] The Shape Bandit!

- Where is the Shape Bandit?

There he is!

- [giggles evilly]

- Uh oh!

The Shape Bandit's going to take something from--

- Geo! - Geo!

- What did he take?

My shape belt?!

Oh no!

- Ah, now the shape belt is all mine!

Toodley-doo, Team Umizoomi.

- [gasps] He's gone!

- Uh oh, without your shape belt Geo,

you can't make any shapes!

- Then I'm gonna have to catch that bandit,

and get my shape belt back!

- You said it, brother!

- And we'll help you, Geo!

- But we're going to need your help, too!

Will you help us catch the Shape Bandit

and get my shape belt back?


- Team Umizoomi

[all] It's time for action!

- Come on!

The Shape Bandit went this way!

- ♪ Who's gonna stop the Shape Bandit ♪

- ♪ We are

♪ Team Umizoomi

- ♪ Who's gonna stop the Shape Bandit ♪

- ♪ We are

♪ Team Umizoomi

♪ We're on a mission to save the day ♪

♪ Here we come

♪ We're on our way

- ♪ We're gonna stop the Shape Bandit ♪

- ♪ Yeah

♪ Team Umizoomi

- The Shape Bandit must be here somewhere.

But I don't see him!

- That's because he's super tricky.

We need you to help us look for him!

Where is the Shape Bandit?

There he is!

[Shape Bandit gasps] He's hiding in that mailbox!

[engine revving]

- O-ho-ho!

- After him!

- Toodley-doo, Team Umizoomi!

- [gasps] He's getting away on that super fast motorcycle!

- We need our own motorcycle,

so we can follow him!

- If only Geo still had his shape belt!

- Yeah, then he could build us a motorcycle

out of shapes!

- Wait a second!

I see shapes right here at this playground!

Toy shapes!

I can use the toys to make a motorcycle!

- A motorcycle made out of toys?

- I've gotta see this!

- All right! Now we need a blueprint!

Here's the blueprint of a motorcycle!

And here's how we're gonna make it out of toys!

Look, this baseball mitt fits right there,

to make the motorcycle seat!

Where does this hockey stick go?

Over there, yeah!

Where do these two Frisbees go?


They make the motorcycle wheels!

We're almost finished!

Where do the shovel and pail go?

Right there!

They can make the dashboard and handlebars!

Now to turn these toy shapes into a super motorcycle,

sing "super shapes" with me!

[singing] Super shapes!

- Revving robotics! - Whoa!

- It worked! - Unbelievable!

You made a motorcycle out of toy shapes!

- Now let's catch up with that Shape Bandit!

- Seat belts on!

[engine revving]

- Umizoomi!

- Wahoo-hoo!

- 'Scuse me!

Toy motorcycle comin' through!


- Look!

There's the Shape Bandit!

- He's headed toward that fruit warehouse!

- Ha! He won't get away this time!

- Ahh, now there's some more shapes I need!

[giggles evilly]

- [Milli gasps] The Shape Bandit's letting out

his whirlwind again!

- And it's headed for those locked bins!

- Uh oh! What did he take?

The locks!

- Toodley-doo! [giggles evilly]

- Without the locks, those fruit bins are gonna--

[crashing] burst open!

- Yoinks-a-doinks!

All that fruit is blocking the way forward!

- That tricky Shape Bandit!

- We have to catch him!

He's got my shape belt!

- There's only one way to get past all that fruit.

We're gonna have to jump it.

Robo Racing goggles, on!

Come on, let's ride! [engine revving]

To jump over the fruit,

our motorcycle has to go this speed: !

- Whoa, that's fast!

- Let's check and see how fast we're going!

The arrow on our speedometer

is pointing to this number!

What number is this?


We're not going fast enough!

We have to go to jump over the bananas!

To make this motorcycle go faster,

we have to count by tens!

Say the numbers with me!







Hold on to your helmets!

- Waho-ho-ho!

- Wahoo! - Wo-ho-ho!

- Banana-bunga!

- We made it! - All right!

- Thanks for counting to help us make that big jump!

- Let's go find that Shape Bandit!

- Look!

There's the Shape Bandit's motorcycle!

- He must have gone into that carnival!

- After him!

- Oh no!

The whirlwind's taking shapes from the carnival!

- Come on, we gotta catch that Shape Bandit!

I don't see him!

- That tricky Shape Bandit,

he could be hiding anywhere!

- According to my Robo Radar,

one of those clowns knows where the Shape Bandit is hiding!

- But there are lots of clowns, Bot.

We need to figure out which one to ask.

- Let's figure this out.

The clown we're looking for has purple hair!

Let's count how many clowns have purple hair!

Count with me!





- So the clown we want is one of those four!

- What else can you tell us, Bot?

- The clown we're looking for also has on:

A tie with orange and yellow stripes!

How many clowns are wearing ties

with orange and yellow stripes?

Two! Yeah, those two clowns!

Okay, here's the last thing:

The clown we want is missing its red nose!

Which clown does not have a red nose?


- That's the clown who knows

where the Shape Bandit is!

- Come on, let's go talk to her!

- Mrs. Clown!

- Mrs. Clown! - 'Scuse me!

- Team Umizoomi!

Boy am I glad to see you!

The Shape Bandit was just here,

and he took my red circle clown nose!

- Great gizmos!

He stole this clown's nose right off her face!

- Don't worry Mrs. Clown,

we're gonna catch that Shape Bandit.

- Oh good!

Well you better hurry, he went that way,

into the games area!

- Thanks Mrs. Clown!

Come on!

- Good luck Team Umizoomi!

- Help us look for the Shape Bandit!

When you see him, say "Shape Bandit!"

Shape Bandit!

He's hiding inside those stuffed animals!

- Yes indeed-y!

You found me, but, toodley-doo.

- After him!

- That Shape Bandit is so tricky!

- I wonder where he went!

- This way!

- [giggles evilly]

♪ I'm the Shape Bandit

♪ Please understand it

♪ Shape collecting is what I do ♪

♪ I see a shape, I've got to have it ♪

♪ If it's a circle or a square it must be mine ♪

♪ You see I've got this lovely habit ♪

♪ Every shape I see is equally divine ♪

♪ Every octagon I have to take along ♪

♪ Triangles are heavenly

♪ The circle on the ground is screaming to be found ♪

♪ One man's ho-hum is another's wa-da-dee ♪

♪ Shape Bandit

♪ You've got to hand it to me

♪ Shape collecting is what I do ♪

♪ Please understand it

♪ I'm the Shape Bandit

♪ Triangles, rectangles,

♪ Circles, and rhombuses too

♪ To name a few

♪ Toodley-Doo

Ah, now that's a shape I've got to have!

- Oh no!

The Shape Bandit's taking something from...

that giant bottle!

[fish screaming]

- What did he take from the bottle?

The bottle cap, yeah!

- What a spectacular cylinder.

In you go! [giggles]

Toodley-- Oh, you know the rest.

[fish shouting]

- Uh oh, the water is spilling out!

- Soaking sockets, those little fish are going to fall!

- Team Umizoomi, help!

- Quick, grab a fishbowl!

We've gotta catch them!

- One, two,


- Oh, whoop,


- [gasps] Phew!

Safe and sound, little fish!

- Thanks, Milli!

[big fish shouting]

- Oh no, look!

- There's still one more fish in the bottle!

- And he's really big!

- That's Big Bob!

- You're going to need something

really big to catch me!

I'm five units long!

- Don't worry Big Bob!

I'll find something big enough to catch you!

Big Bob is five units,

so to catch him,

we need to find something that's longer than five.

- Here Milli, try my ice cream cup.

- Thanks!

Let's measure!

[singing] Milli measure!

Count with me!




The ice cream cup is three,

and Big Bob is five.

Is the ice cream cup big enough for Big Bob?

No, it's too small!

Three is less than five.

- Here, Milli!

Try this popcorn box!

- Thanks!

Let's measure it, count with me!





The box is four, and Big Bob is five!

Is the popcorn box big enough?

No, four is less than five!

[Big Bob shouting]

- Hurry!

- Here Milli, what about my trophy?

- Let's see if this is big enough!

Count with me!







The trophy is six, and Big Bob is five!

Is the trophy big enough?

Yeah, six is more than five!

That means it's big enough to catch Big Bob!

- Please hurry!

- Quick Milli, here he comes!

[Big Bob shouting]

- I'm okay!

- We caught Big Bob!

- Hooray! - Catch of the day!

- Thanks, Milli.

- [giggles] You're welcome Big Bob!

And thank you Umi-Friend for measuring with me!

- Look over there! [helicopter sounds]

- What's going on?

[people shouting, helicopter whirring]

- The Shape Bandit!

- He's getting away in that helicopter!

- You can't catch me, I'm the Shape Bandit!


- That tricky Shape Bandit!

- We've got to follow him!

But to do that, we need a helicopter too!

- Wait a minute!

Maybe I can build us a helicopter!

- Where are you gonna get shapes

to make a helicopter, Geo?

- I can use the shapes at these food stands!

I'll use food shapes!

I can use this.

This'll work!

- A helicopter made of food?!

- Woo-hoo-hoo I can't wait!

- I've got the food,

now let's make a helicopter!

Here's a blueprint of a helicopter!

And here's how we're gonna make it out of food!

Where does this donut go?

There, in the round space!

That'll be the helicopter's cabin,

where we sit!

And now, where does this slice of pizza go?

In this triangle space, right!

It's perfect for the tail!

Where do these two hot dogs go?

Up top, yeah!

They make the rotor blades, nice!

Where does this french fry go?


To make the tail rotor!

And last but not least, where does the pickle go?

On the bottom, yeah!

For the landing gear!

Now, to turn these foods into a super helicopter,

sing "super shapes" with me!

[singing] Super shapes!

- Great gizmos!

- It's a food helicopter!

- Thanks for your help Umi-Friend!

Now let's get flying so we can follow that Shape Bandit!

- Good luck getting your shape belt, Geo!

[people cheering]

[all] Umizoomi!

- The Shape Bandit flew that way, through those clouds.

- So to catch him, we need to go that way too.

[crow squawking]

- Hey, something just took

a chomp out of our pickle landing gear!

[crow squawking]

- Someone just took a bite out of our pizza tail too!

Who keeps taking bites out of our helicopter?

[crows squawking]


[Team Umizoomi screaming]

- Flapping floppy disks!

Hungry crows are trying to eat our food helicopter.

- We've got to do something.

- We'll never catch the Shape Bandit

if these crows eat our helicopter.

- Let's see if my robot computer can help us.


My computer says that hungry crows only hide in clouds

that have four bumps.

One. Two. Three. Four.

So to stay away from the crows we have

to stay away from the clouds that have four bumps.

- Here comes a cloud!

- Does this cloud have four bumps?

No, it only has two.

That means it's a safe cloud.

We can fly right through it.

[Milli cheers]

- Look, another cloud!

- Does this cloud have four bumps?

[laughs] Yes!

- Quick, fly higher! [crows squawking]

We gotta get away from that crow cloud!

[crows squawking]

[Team Umizoomi screaming]

- Phew, that was close.

- I see another one!

- Does this cloud have four bumps?

No! It has six bumps.

It's safe to fly through this cloud.

Here comes another one.

Is this a four bump cloud?

Nope, it only has three bumps.

It's a safe cloud.

[Milli and Geo cheering]

Another cloud.

Does it have four bumps?

Yes! It's a crow cloud!

[crows squawking] - Pull up!

- Look out! [Team Umizoomi screaming]

- Whew, that was close.

- Does this cloud have four bumps?

It does! [crows squawking]

- Pull up! - Pull up!

[all screaming, crows squawking]

- Look, we made it through the clouds!

- Hooray! - All right!

- Thanks for helping us get past all the hungry crows.

- And look over there.

It's the Shape Bandit's whirlwind!

- Oh no, he's taking more shapes from Umi City!

[helicopter whirring]

- [laughs]

You'll never catch me, Team Umizoomi.

Not once I get to my secret hideout!

- [gasps]

[Team Umizoomi] Secret hideout?

- After him! [helicopter whirring]

[helicopters whirring]

- Quick, he went that way!

- Look, there's the Shape Bandit's helicopter!

[gasps] But he's not in it!

- He must be on his way to his secret hideout.

- If only someone could tell us where the hideout is.

- Hmm, according to my Robo Radar,

there is someone who can help us find the hideout.

- Who is it, Bot?

- It's...

[radar beeping] of those statues.

- Those are gargoyle statues!

- And there are lots of them.

We need to figure out which one knows where the hideout is.

- Let's see.

The gargoyle who can help us has purple wings.

- Let's count how many gargoyles have purple wings.

Count with me.






- That means the gargoyle we're looking for

is one of those five.

- Tell us more, Bot.

- Okay.

The gargoyle we want also has orange feet.

- How many gargoyles have orange feet?


- All right, here's the last thing we need to know.

The gargoyle we are looking for has

only one green horn.

- Which gargoyle is it?

The one on top!


[helicopter whirring]

- Team Umizoomi!

The Shape Bandit took one of my cone shaped horns!

- [Milli gasps] That tricky Shape Bandit!

- Don't worry, gargoyle,

we'll get your horn back.

But we need you to tell us where his hideout is.

- The door to his hideout is on

a giant pair of pants.

- A giant pair of pants?

- Yeah!

- All right. Let's go look for them.

- Good luck, Team Umizoomi.

- Thanks, gargoyle.

- Where do you see a giant pair of pants?

[helicopter whirring]

On that building! Yes!

- [gasps] And there's the Shape Bandit!

- And a toodley-doo.

- The pocket on those pants is the door to his hideout.

Come on!

Quick, the door is closing!

[all] Jump!

- Whoa! - Whoa!

- Secret hideout, here we come!


- We made it.

We're inside the Shape Bandit's secret hideout.

- And look, there's a door.

Way down at the end of this long hallway.

- That's the door to the Shape Bandit's room

where he keeps all the shapes he takes.

- And it's where he's keeping my Shape Belt!

Come on, let's go get it back!

[alarm blaring]

- Uh-oh!

- Hello, Team Umizoomi.

- [Team Umizoomi gasps] It's the Shape Bandit!

- Uh-uh-uh, I wouldn't go any farther if I were you.

- Oh, yeah, why is that Shape Bandit?

- Because to get to my room you'd have

to get past my three terrible traps.

- Three terrible traps?

- That's right, three terrible traps.

♪ Three terrible traps

- ♪ Three terrible traps

- ♪ Three terrible traps

♪ This first trap is a cool device ♪

♪ Laser beams that freeze you in ice ♪

♪ Trap number two is my icky mud bubbles ♪

♪ Be forewarned, they're nothing but trouble ♪

♪ Trap number three is my favorite of all ♪

♪ Feast your eyes on my hundred-brick wall ♪

♪ There's no way over and no way around ♪

♪ My hundred-brick wall is the tallest in town ♪

♪ Three terrible traps Three terrible traps ♪

♪ Three terrible traps - ♪ Three terrible traps

- ♪ Three terrible traps Three terrible traps ♪

♪ Three terrible traps - ♪ So terrible

- ♪ Three terrible traps Three terrible traps ♪

♪ Three terrible traps

♪ Three terrible traps!

Toodley-doo, Team Umizoomi.

- Yikes, we'd better watch out for those terrible traps.

- Hmm, let's see now.

The Shape Bandit said that there are three terrible traps.

Ice lasers, mud bubbles and the hundred-brick wall.

So the first terrible trap is ice lasers.

I don't see any ice lasers around here.

- Look out, Bot! - Look out, Bot!

- [shrieking]

- We got you, buddy.

- Phew, that was close.

I almost walked right into an ice laser.

- And we know what happens

if something touches an ice laser.

[ice laser blasting]

It gets frozen in ice!

- But look, there's an off button

on the other side of the lasers!

If I can push it, it'll turn them off!

- But, Milli, how are you gonna get there?

- To go past the lasers,

I just have to move in the right pattern.

I've got... [singing] Pattern Power!

To get past the lasers, we have to follow this pattern.

First we crawl,

then jump

and then dive.




Here we go.







Say it with me!






What comes next?


It's working.

Keep saying the pattern.







What comes next?


Now what?


And what comes last?


- It worked! - The ice lasers are melting!

- Thanks for helping me get past those ice lasers.

- Woo hoo! - Way to go, sis!

[radar beeping]

- We made it past the first terrible trap.

What's the Shape Bandit's second terrible trap?

Mud bubbles. Right.

- Huh, but I don't see any mud around here.

[all] Whoa!

- There's bubbling mud under the floor.

- Uh-oh! Mud bubbles!

- Oh, no, we're all stuck inside bubbles!

- These mud bubbles are super strong.

- Yeah. I can't pop mine.

- Don't worry, I can pop these mud bubbles

with my Robo Drill!

Robo Drill, on!

[drill buzzing]

Okay, that's not working.

Let's try my Robo Jack Hammer.

[jack hammer thumping]

Huh, that didn't work either.

How about my Robo Mallet.

[mallet whomping loudly]

- Uh-oh.

We don't have anything strong enough to pop a mud bubble.

- [gasps] Hold on a second.

There is one thing we haven't tried yet.

- What's that, Bot?

- A robot sneeze.

- A robot sneeze? - A robot sneeze?

- Yup, the sound of a robot sneeze is

so loud it can pop anything.

- Whoa!

- Let's do it!

- But there's one problem.

You see, I can't make myself sneeze.

I need you to make me sneeze.

So, come on, follow me and I'll show you what to do.

To make a robot sneeze you have to do three things.

First, you have to shake your belly, like this.

Shake, shake, shake.

Do it with me.

Shake, shake, shake.

Next you have to pat your head three times.

Like this.

Pat, pat, pat.

Do it with me.

Pat, pat, pat.

Now for something really silly.

Flap your hands and say,

ooga, ooga, ooga!

[laughs] Do it with me.

Ooga, ooga, ooga!

But to really make me sneeze,

you need to put the moves together.

Like this.

- Shake, shake shake. Pat, pat, pat.

Ooga, ooga, ooga!

- Do it fast.

- Shake, shake, shake.

Pat, pat, pat.

Ooga, ooga, ooga!

- Faster!

- Shake, shake, shake. Pat, pat, pat.

Ooga, ooga, ooga!

- Even faster!

- Shake, shake shake. Pat, pat, pat.

Ooga, ooga, ooga!

- [gasps loudly]

[sneezes loudly]

[bubbles popping]

Woo hoo!

- It worked!

- Your sneeze popped all the mud bubbles.

- Oh, thanks for making me sneeze.

[giggles] So.

[radar beeping]

We made it past the ice lasers and the mud bubbles.

What's the last terrible trap?

The hundred-brick wall!


- I don't see a hundred-brick wall anywhere.

[bricks thumping loudly]

- It's... - The hundred-brick wall!

- It goes from the floor all the way to the ceiling.

That tricky Shape Bandit.

There's no way around it.

- Looks like the only way to get past this wall

is to knock it down.

- Hmm, I bet I could build something to knock it down.

Something really big!

- But, Geo, you need shapes to build things

and this hallway is empty.

- Hey, Bot, do you have anything I could use?

- I don't know, let's check my...

♪ Bot, bot, Bot-O-Mat

All I've got is this toothbrush.

Uh, a ball of soap.

Hair curlers.

A piece of dental floss

and, oh, one more thing.

A roll of toilet paper.

- But that's just a bunch of bathroom stuff.

- But if I put them together just right, I bet I can make...

A wrecking crane!

Here's a blueprint of a big wrecking crane

that can knock down the wall.

And here's how we can make it out of bathroom stuff.

Where does this toilet paper go?

Right there, yeah!

That's the crane's cab, where we sit.

Where do these hair curlers go?


Those are the wheels.

Where does this toothbrush go?

Over there.

For the crane's boom.

Where should I put this string of dental floss?


It can be the cable.

Just one more piece.

Where does the soap go?


It's the wrecking ball!

Now to turn these bathroom shapes into

a super wrecking crane, sing...

♪ Super shapes

♪ Super shapes

Our wrecking crane is ready for action.

Come on.

[crane engine rumbling]

- Geo, smash down that wall.

- Okay!

To make our crane smash through the wall,

we have to say,

one, two, three, smash!

Say it with me!

One, two, three, smash!

[wall crashing]

- Woo hoo! - All right!

We smashed through the wall!

- And there's the door to the Shape Bandit's room.

- Come on!

- Glittering gizmos!

Look at all this stuff.

There's the square locks.

- And the cylinder bottle top.

- The triangle pizza.

- And the cone gargoyle horn.

- The circle bus tire.

- And the oval dog spots!

This room has all the shapes the Bandit took!

But I wonder where my Shape Belt is.

- Rectangle!

What, whoa! Oh, no!

- That sounds like the Shape Bandit.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, come back, come back!


Oh, no!

- There he is.

- Hmph, circle!

What... Ow!

- He's trying to use Geo's Shape Belt.

- Triangle!


- He can't use Geo's Shape Belt.

He doesn't know how.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, come back, come back!

I'm never gonna get this thing.



- Game over, Shape Bandit!

- [gasps] Team Umizoomi.

You made it past my three terrible traps?

- Yeah, and that Shape Belt belongs to me!

- [groaning loudly] I give up.

No matter how many shapes I have,

I still can't build the one thing I really want.

- You wanna build something out of shapes?

- Of course, that's why I've been taking shapes all day.

So I can build the one thing I've always wanted.

- Hey, look!

The Shape Bandit has a blueprint.

What does he wanna build?

A house?

- [gasps] That's precisely it.

I want to build a house so I can live in Umi City,

where there's sunshine and people.

I don't like living in this hideout.

It's, it's so lonely. [crying]

- Aw, poor Shape Bandit.

He's not really a bad guy.

- [sniffling]

All he wants is to live in a house

near all the other people in Umi City.

- Mm-hmm, that's right.

- Poor Shape Bandit.

So sad.

- Well why didn't you just say so, Shape Bandit?

We can help you make a house out of shapes.

- [sniffling] Really?

- Of course! Let's see.

I need this and this.


Square, rectangles.


And an octagon.

Only one shape to go.

A triangle.


Here, Shape Bandit, you try throwing it onto the blueprint.

- Me?

No, no, no, no, no.

I can't do it.

I tried, it doesn't work for me.

- Come on, Shape Bandit, you can do it.

We'll help you.

- Well, okay, I'll give it a try.

- Go, Shape Bandit!

- Where does the triangle go?

Right there.


I did it!

- Yay, Shape Bandit!

Now for the most important part.

Are you ready to sing super shapes?

- Oh, let's do it.

- Umi-Friend, let's help the Shape Bandit.

Really loudly, sing.

♪ Super shapes

♪ Super shapes - ♪ Super shapes

♪ You know what I'm talking about ♪

♪ Super, duper shapes

[air guitar jangling]

- Shape Bandit? - Super, duper.

- It's over. - Oh, yeah, okay.

- Look!

- [gasps] My house!

My very own house.

Thank you, Geo.

- [laughs] You're welcome, Shape Bandit.

Now we just need some way to get this house outside.

[crane rumbling] - How about a crane?

- Great idea, Bot.

Going up.

- Wow!

It's perfect.

But before I can live in my new house

I must give back all the shapes I took.

[whistling loudly]

- He's returning all the shapes to Umi City!

[passengers cheering]

- The wheel is back on the bus.

- And the windows are on the building again.

- My horn!

[dog barking]

[clown nose honking]

- My pizza!

[fish cheering]

- Well that should do it.

Everything is back where it belongs.

- Not everything. - Hmm?

- What's the last thing that Shape Bandit

needs to give back?

My Shape Belt!

- Oh, of course.

- Thanks, Shape Bandit.

Ah, good to have you back, Shape Belt.

- I'm so sorry I took your Shape Belt, Geo.

I promise I'll never steal anything ever again!

- Shape Bandit, why don't you go check out your new house?

- Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy!

Oh, it's so light and sunny in here.

- I think Shape Bandit really likes his new house.

- This place is awesome!


- Thanks for all your help today, Umi-Friend.

Now Umi City is back just the way it was.

- And thanks to you, I got my Shape Belt back.

- Umi-rific!

- I feel a celebration coming on!

[all] ♪ Two, four, six, eight

♪ Let's do the crazy shake

- Whoo-hoo! - Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Let's celebrate

- ♪ A job well done

- ♪ Let's crazy shake

- ♪ And have some fun

♪ Everybody crazy shake

- Whee-hee-hee-hee-hee!

[clown horn honking]

- [cheering] - [giggling]

[laughing hysterically]

- Ahh!

- ♪ Mighty - ♪ Mighty

- ♪ Mighty

- ♪ Math powers

- ♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

[Nickelodeon jingle]