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02x16 & 02x17 - The King of Numbers A.k.a. Journey to Numberland

Posted: 03/17/24 19:05
by bunniefuu
- Calling all umis.

Team umizoomi!

- ♪ , , , ♪

♪ Umi ♪

♪ Zoomi ♪

♪ Umi ♪

♪ Umizoomi, umizoomi ♪

- ♪ In a world that's not so far away ♪

♪ Umi city ♪

♪ You can count on us to save the day ♪

All: yay!

- ♪ Umizoomi, umizoomi ♪

- ♪ We can measure ♪

- ♪ Build it together ♪

- ♪ You can help us ♪

♪ You're so clever ♪

- ♪ We've got mighty math powers ♪

All: ♪ you can call us any hour ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We are a tiny team ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do ♪

- Milli! - Geo!

- Bot!

- Hi, we're team umizoomi.

[Cheerful music]

- There's a little bird on the window.

- And look.

She's carrying a letter in her beak.

- Hey there, little bird.

Is that letter for us?

[Bird whistles]

- Thanks, bird.

Oh! I love getting letters.

Have you ever gotten a letter?


- Let's see who this letter's from.

- Great gizmos.

It's an invitation from the king of numbers.

- The king is our friend, and he likes numbers

And counting more than anything in the whole world.

- Do you like numbers and counting?

Well, then you're gonna love the king.

[Sparkly chiming]

- Team umizoomi.

I want you to come visit me in my kingdom.

It's a magical place called number land.

- Number land!

That sounds like a cool place.

- How do we get there, king?

- To get to number land,

All you have to do is clap your hands this many times.

[Blows softly]

- What number is that?

Number .

- See you soon, team umizoomi.

- So to get to the king,

We need to clap our hands three times.

- Clap your hands and count with us.

All: , , .

- Whoa. - Wow.

- It worked. We made it to number land.

[Regal trumpet music]

- That sound means the king is coming.

♪ ♪

- Where's the king?

Oh, yeah!

He's right behind us.

- Milli, geo, bot.

- It's the king of numbers.

- I'm so happy to see all three of you.

- This is our friend, the king of numbers.

- Hello. Welcome to number land.

Let me show you around.

This is my number castle.

- Ooh. Number-y.

- Come on.

These are my number flowers.

- [Gasps]

They're beautiful, king.

- Oh! And you've got to try these.

My number gum balls.

- Number gum balls?

- I'll try one.


- Glittering gizmos.

I blew a number bubble.


- I blew a number bubble.

- What number did I make?

A number .


- King, this is such a cool place to live.

- Well, what can I say, geo?

It's good to be the king of numbers.

[Jaunty music]

[Together] ♪ he is the king of numbers ♪

♪ Yes, he's the number king. ♪

- ♪ And when I walk through number land, ♪

♪ Number bells will ring ♪

[Together] ♪ for he is the king of numbers ♪

♪ On this we can all agree ♪

- ♪ And that when it comes to numbers, ♪

♪ You can always count on me ♪

- King! King!

Do you like the number ?

- Yes!

Number is loads of fun.

- What about the number ?

- I think is mighty fine.

I love and

And every number in between.

[Together] ♪ for he is the king of numbers ♪

- ♪ Yes, I am the number king ♪

- A number tree. - A number plane.

- He's got number everything.

[Together] ♪ for he is the king of numbers ♪

♪ On this we can all agree ♪

- ♪ That when it comes to numbers, ♪

♪ You can always count on me ♪

Hey, bot. Do you like the number ?

- Come on, king.

You know that I do. Whoo-hoo!

- I say, what about the number ?

- Now, there's a number I adore.


- How about the number ?

- I say, it's more like number great.

[Together] ♪ for he is the king of numbers ♪

♪ Yes, he's the number king ♪

- ♪ And when I walk down number street ♪

♪ I click my heels and sing ♪

[Together] ♪ for he is the king of numbers ♪

♪ On this we can all agree ♪

- ♪ That when it comes to numbers ♪

♪ You can always count on me ♪

[Together] ♪ he is the king of numbers ♪

♪ He is the king of numbers ♪

♪ He is the king of numbers ♪

♪ He is the king of numbers ♪

All: hooray!

- Wow, you've got numbers everywhere in number land.

- And everybody loves numbers.

- Well...

Not everybody.

There's a grumpy old wizard named zilch

Who lives way over there in the crooked tower.

Zilch doesn't like numbers one bit.

- Wha...? He doesn't like numbers?

- Zilch the wizard sounds like trouble.

- He is trouble.

And I always know zilch is close whenever I hear his silly laugh.

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

- That sounds like zilch the wizard.

- He must be around here somewhere.

Do you see zilch the wizard?

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

- Oh, yeah. There he is.

- All these numbers. Yuck!

I can't stand numbers.

- Sorry, zilch, but as long as I'm around,

Number land will always have numbers.

- Hmm.

So the only way to get rid of the numbers

Is to get rid of the king.

I'll do my "get rid of the king" spell.

Zippo, bubkes, nay.

Send this king away!

- Whoa!

- The king! - The king!

- Zilch's spell is taking him away.

- To the top of the crooked tower.


- Team umizoomi, I'm locked inside.


- It's the umi alarm.

- We've got to help the king get out of there.

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

I don't think so.

You'll need all three of these keys

To open the tower door.

But you'll never get them now.

- Oh, no!

- Zilch made the keys go far, far away.

- Without those keys,

The king will be locked in my tower forever.

Ha! Ha-ha...ha?


You haven't seen the last of me, team umizoomi.

- Whew.

I hope we don't see him again for a while.

- We need to rescue the king.

- But to open the tower, we need those three keys.

- We can find the keys.

With our mighty math powers,

We can do anything.

- That's right.

And we're going to need your help.

Will you help us rescue the king?


- Team umizoomi...

All: it's time for action.

- Team umizoomi.

I found something that might help you.

This first lock has a shape on it.

What shape is this?

A star shape, yes.

So to open the star lock,

You need to find the star key.

- The star key.

Don't worry, king. We'll find it.

- Good luck, team umizoomi.

- Come on. Let's go find that star key.

[Funky music]

- ♪ Who's gonna save the king of numbers? ♪

All: ♪ we are! ♪

♪ Team umizoomi ♪

- ♪ Who's gonna save the king of numbers? ♪

All: ♪ we are! ♪

♪ Team umizoomi ♪

♪ We're on a mission to save the day ♪

♪ Here we come! We're on our way! ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ We're gonna save the king of numbers ♪

All: ♪ yeah! Team umizoomi! ♪

- I don't think we're in number land anymore.

- We've got to find that star key.

- Let's use our umi goggles to look for it.

Umi goggles on.

When you see the star key,

Say, "star key."

[Bird caws]

Star key!

Yeah, it's in a tree

On that island.

But that island is far away.

- We need something that can take us there.

- Hmmm. - Huh.

What can we take?

- Uh, guys?

What about this giant pirate ship?

- Buffering buccaneers.

- A pirate ship can take us to the key.

- But we need a pirate to sail a giant pirate ship.

- Leave that to me.

I can make us a pirate with my super shapes.

To make a pirate,

First we're gonna need this shape.

What shape is this?

A rectangle, right.

We need five rectangles.

Count to five with me.

, , , , .

One rectangle for the pirate's head,

Two for the body,

And two for the legs.

The next shape our pirate needs is this.

What shape is this?

A semicircle.

We need seven semicircles.

Count to seven with me.

, , ,

, , , .

Now we need this shape.

What's this shape called?

A triangle, yeah!

Our pirate needs five triangles.

Count to five with me.

, , , , .

Our pirate needs just one more shape.

What shape is this?

A square, right.

One square for our pirate's beard.


We can call our pirate square beard.

Super shapes!

- Ahoy! Square beard the pirate at your service.

- Wow. - Wow.

- We did it, umi friend.

We built a pirate.

- [Chuckles]

- Square beard, we need you to sail us to the star key.

Our friend, the king of numbers, is in trouble.

- Trouble, eh?

Well, fear not.

Square beard will sail youse right to the key.


This way, team umizoomi.

Climb aboard.

- Aye, aye captain.

[Playful music]

All: ♪ shapes on the sea ♪

♪ Shapes on the sea ♪

♪ Square beard the pirate's gonna sail us to that key ♪

- Keep on the lookout for shapes on the sea.

- ♪ With one giant oval and a trapezoid tail ♪

- Shiver me timbers!

You just made a whale.

All: ♪ shapes on the sea ♪

♪ Shapes on the sea ♪

- ♪ Square beard the pirate's gonna sail youse to the key ♪

- ♪ Two rectangles in a crisscross array ♪

♪ A crescent on the bottom ♪

- And it's anchors away! - Whoa!

- ♪ A star for a starfish ♪

- ♪ A circle for the wheel ♪

- ♪ A rectangle flag ♪

- ♪ And a squiggly shaped eel ♪

All: ♪ shapes on the sea ♪

♪ Shapes on the sea ♪

♪ Square beard the pirate's gonna sail us to that key ♪

- Ahoy!

The star key be dead ahead.

- Whoo-hoo! No one can stop us now.

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

- Uh-oh.

- That sounds like... All: zilch.

- Where is zilch the wizard?

Oh, yeah, he's in that rowboat.

- So you're trying to get the star key, eh?

Well, ha!

I've got a spell that'll stop you.

I call this my "hungry crocodile" spell.

No way, no how, not by a mile.

Make a hungry crocodile.



- Oh, no.

Zilch used magic to make a big hungry crocodile.

- You'll never get to the star key now.

Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

[Gobbling fiercely]

- Yoinks-a-doinks!

The big hungry crocodile is heading this way.

- Nah, to get rid of the crocodile,

We've got to feed it its favorite foods.

And a crocodile's favorite foods be pineapples,

Pretzels, and pepperoni pizza.


[Together] pineapples, pretzels, and pepperoni pizza?

- But I've got a wee problem.

I don't have any of those foods on me ship.

- I know what to do.

With my super shapes,

I can make the crocodile's favorite foods.

♪ ♪

First let's make the pineapple.

This blueprint has half of a pineapple on it.

So we need to find the right shape

To make the other half.

Which of these is the other half of the pineapple?

Yeah, that's it.

Super shapes!

A perfect pineapple.

Now let's make a pretzel.

♪ ♪

Here's half of a pretzel.

Let's find the other half.

Which of these is the other half?

The shape on the bottom. Yes!

Super shapes!

Only one more food to go.

- Hey! But you better hurry.

The hungry crocodile is almost here.

- We better make the pizza fast.

♪ ♪

Here's the shape to make half of the pepperoni pizza.

Which of these is the other half?

Yeah, that's the other half.

Super shapes!

- Sizzling symmetry.

- Well done, geo, me boy.

- And just in time.

[Gobbling loudly]

- Our only chance to get the food into the crocodile's mouth

Is with me food cannon.

- Here's the pineapple.

To make the pineapple sh**t out of the cannon,

We have to say, "three, two, one, boom!"

Say it with us.

All: three, two, one, boom!

- Pineapple away!


- She ate it.

- Aye, but the crocodile is still hungry.

- Pretzel in the hole.

Say, "three, two, one, boom!"

All: three, two, one, boom!

- Pretzel away!


Hurry, geo.

She's almost at the ship.

- Only one food left, the pepperoni pizza.

Shout, "three, two, one, boom!"

All: three, two, one, boom!

- Pizza me timbers.


- Ah.

I'm stuffed.

- It worked. - Hooray!

- The crocodile is swimming away.

- Full speed ahead, square beard.

- Aye, aye, geo.

- To the star key.

- Geo, me boy, if you walk this plank,

You'll be able to reach that there star key.

- No problem.

Here I go.


Boing! Boing! Boing!

The star key. I've got it.

- Well done. - You did it, geo.

- Whoo-hoo!

- What? That wasn't supposed to happen.

Nobody's ever gotten past my hungry crocodile before.

I'll just have to do another spell

To stop team umizoomi from--

Wait. What?


You haven't seen the last of me.

- That should take care of zilch for a little while.

[Whale squeaks]

- Thanks for the help, whale.



- Someone's calling us.

- Let's see who it is right here on my belly-belly.

All: bellyscreen!

- Who's calling us?

It's the king of numbers.

- Team umizoomi, take a look at this.

The second lock has a different shape on it.

What shape is this?

A diamond shape, a rhombus.

- So to open the diamond lock...

- We need to find the diamond key.

- If anyone can find it, you can, team umizoomi.

Good luck!

- Let's see if my robo radar can help us.


Ah, I'm getting a signal from over that way.

The diamond key must be inside that cave.

- I'll sail you there, mateys.

Hold on to your helmets.

- Whoa! - Whoa!

- Good luck, team umizoomi.

It's been me pleasure.

- Thanks, square beard.

- So long.

- This way.

The diamond key must be inside this cave.

- Sizzling circuits.

The only way into the cave is blocked.

- But we have to get inside.

The diamond key is in there.

- Wait a second.


These rocks have numbers on them.

But look.

Some of the numbers are missing.

- I bet if we put the missing numbers on those rocks,

The cave will open again.

- Yeah, that's a great idea.

- Let's start with the first one.

First comes the number .

Then , then ,

Then .

What number comes after ?

, Yeah!

I can use my robot laser

To carve a number into this rock.



Number .


It's working.

The cave is starting to open.

Let's keep going.

After comes .

Then ,

Then ,


What number comes after ?

! Right!

Uh-huh. Number .


We opened the cave.

Thanks for helping me figure out the missing numbers.

- Whoo-hoo!

- Now let's go in and find that diamond key.

- Everyone, follow me.

[Lively music]

- Whoa, it sure is dark in here.

- I can fix that.

Just be careful and remember to watch your ste...

Oof! Step.

- Oh, bot. We got you, buddy.

- [Sighs] thanks, guys.

[Milli giggles]

- [Gasps]

Look. There's a light up ahead.

Come on!

Ooh. - Whoa, this cave is amazing.

- Check out that bridge.

- There's something sparkling at the end of it.

- It's a lion.

- [Gasps] and he's got the diamond key.

- Let's cross the bridge and get that key.

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

- Uh-oh.

Who does that sound like?

[All gasp]

It's zilch the wizard.

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

You'll never get the diamond key,

Not after I use my magic wand to break the bridge.


Crumble and tumble, rattle and shake.

Make this bridge crack and break!

Ha! Ha-ha-ha!

- Oh, no. Zilch's spell broke the bridge.

- That's right. I stopped you.

You'll never get the key now.

Ha! Ha-ha-ha.


You haven't seen the last of me.

- Whew.

We won't be seeing him for a while.

- But look.

His spell made it impossible to get the key.

- There's got to be some way to get over there.

[Together] we can help you get across.

- Hey! Little lions.

- Aww, they're so cute.

- This bridge is made of rocks with numbers on them.


- Oh, yeah. Look at all those numbers.

- If you step on the wrong number,

You'll fall down into the water.

[All gasp]

- But some of the numbers are safe to step on.

- Only step on the safe numbers,

And you can walk across to the other side.

- Oh, that's great.

So...which numbers are safe?

Both: um, we don't know.

- The only one who knows is our dad.

- Roar!

- That's the lion who has our key.

- Our dad's a nice lion, like us.

- He'll tell you which numbers are safe.

- Oh, let's ask him.

Excuse me! Mr. Lion, sir?

Could you tell us what number we should step on first?

- Roar, roar, roar.

- Hmm.

That's not a number I've ever heard.

- Our dad doesn't talk. He roars.

- To figure out the number,

You have to count his roars.

- We can do that.

We're great at counting.

Let's listen carefully and count each roar.

Count with me.

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

Three roars.

That means we'll be safe if we step on the number rock.

Where is the number ?

Yeah, that's a .

Let's try it.


Whoa-ho! We're safe.

Good thing we didn't step on any of those rocks.

Hey, lion, where should we go next?

Count the roars with me.

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

That means the next number we need is .

Where is the number ?

Yeah, that's a right there.



Just a little farther and we'll be at the key.

Count the roars with me.

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

- Roar. - .

Eight roars.

Where is the number ?

Yes, there's the .


That's a big jump.

Here I go.



I'm okay.


Extendo-arms, I love you!

Mr. Lion, sir? - Hmm?

- Could we please have that diamond key?

- Mm-hmm.

- Why, thank you.

We got the key!

Thanks for helping me get across that broken bridge.

And thank you, lion, for telling us which numbers were safe.

- Hmm-hmm.

- Now let's get this key back to milli and geo.


It's a long way back to the other side.

Ooh, I've got an idea.

[Whirling rope]

Got it!

Here I come.

Whoo-hoo! Whee-hee!

- That was awesome.

- Way to go, bot.


- Ooh, we're getting a call.

Let's see who it is on my belly-belly.

Both: bellyscreen.

- It's the king of numbers.

- King, we got the diamond key.

- Great work, team umizoomi.

To save me from zilch's tower,

You only need one more key.

What shape is this?

A heart shape, right.

- That means we need a heart key to open the last lock.

- Don't worry, king. We'll find it.

- Good luck, team.


- I'm picking up a signal on my robo radar.

The heart key is somewhere on the other side of that tunnel.

- Hey, look. An old mine cart.

We can ride through the tunnel on that.

- Yeah.

This mine cart will take us right to the key.

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

[Together] zilch!

- You won't get the heart key before me.

Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

- Sizzling circuits.

Zilch the wizard took our mine cart.

- He's gonna try to get the heart key.

- Not if we get to it first.



Super shapes!

It's a super mine cart.

- Nice building, geo.

- Heart key, here we come.

All: whoo!

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

- There's zilch.

- Huh? Team umizoomi?

I can't let them beat me to the heart key.

I know.

I'll use magic to split the tracks

So they go the wrong way.

Rickety railway,


Make these mine tracks split in two.

Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

- Oh, no.

Zilch made two different tracks.

- If we go the wrong way, we'll fall off the tracks.

- We need to follow the safe track,

The one that keeps going.

- Which track keeps going?

The straight track or the bumpy track?

The bumpy track, right.

All: whoa!

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- Ah! They're still behind me.

But they'll never figure out which track to follow

This time.

- Help us figure out which track keeps going.

Should we take the loopty-loop track

Or the bumpy track?

The loopty-loop track!

Whoa! - Whoo-hoo.

- We're out of the cave.

- And look!

There's pattern peak,

The tallest mountain in the land.

- [Gasps] I see the heart key.

It's at the top of the mountain.

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

The heart key is all mine.

- [Gasps] zilch is already climbing to the top.

- We can't let zilch get to the heart key before us.

- If only there was some way we could beat him to the top.

- I can do it.

With my pattern power,

We can climb to the top faster than zilch.

I know we can.

- Go, milli. - You can do it.

- [Gasps]

This part of the mountain is covered with crystals.


I can grab on to the crystals and pull myself up.

We'll be at the top in no time.

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

Ha! Ha!

I'll use my magic to make sure milli can't climb any higher.

I'll do a mud ball spell.

Icky, sticky, mucky brown.

These mud balls will make milli fall down.

Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

[Heavy drumbeats]

- Oh, no.

The mud balls are headed this way.

I've got to use my... Pattern power.

My dress is covered in a pattern of crystals.

To get past the mud balls,

I have to climb up the crystals in this order.

Red, yellow, green.

Red, yellow,


Red, yellow,


Red, yellow.

What comes next?


Where's the green crystal?

There it is.

Whew! That was close.

- [Grunts] more mud balls.

More! More!

- Yikes. I better move faster.

Red, yellow, green.


Yellow, green.


What comes next?


Where is the yellow crystal?



We made it up the crystals.

Thanks for your help, umi friend.

- [Straining]

- Look. There's zilch.

- [Groaning]

- We've got to hurry and beat him to the heart key.

[Uplifting music]

♪ I'm making my way up this rock ♪

- ♪ I'm climbing my way to the top ♪

♪ The heart-shaped key is what I seek ♪

- ♪ But I'll be the first to pattern peak ♪

- ♪ You won't get the key ♪

- ♪ You won't get the key ♪

Both: ♪ you won't get the key before me ♪

♪ You won't get the key before me ♪

- ♪ I will not stop till I win ♪

- ♪ But you know I'll never give in ♪

- ♪ I won't give up ♪

- ♪ I'll never stop ♪

- ♪ There's no way you'll beat me to the top ♪

- ♪ You won't get the key ♪

- ♪ You won't get the key ♪

Both: ♪ you won't get the key before me ♪

♪ You won't get the key before me ♪

- Oh!

I don't know how you've kept up with me, milli,

But enough is enough!

I'm going to stop you once and for all

With a grumpy dragon spell.

- A grumpy dragon spell?

Oh, no.

- Cranky, grouchy, big and bumpy,

Block this path with a dragon who's grumpy!

- [Throaty growl]

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

This dragon's so grumpy, she'll never let you go past.

The heart key is all mine.

- This dragon's not going to move

Unless we find some way to make her less grumpy.

- Hhhrrm.

- I know.

We can do a funny pattern to make the dragon laugh.

Pattern power!

Look, my dress is covered with things

Dragons think are funny.

Here are three things that make dragons laugh.

Pancake, toothbrush, polka-dot shoe.

And to make the pattern extra funny,

I'm gonna put those things on my head.

Pancake, toothbrush, polka-dot shoe.

Pancake, toothbrush,

Polka-dot shoe.

Pancake, toothbrush, polka-dot shoe.

[Dragon laughing]

Pancake, toothbrush, polka-dot shoe.

- [Laughing]

- Pancake, toothbrush.

What comes next?

Polka-dot shoe.

- [Laughing]

[Milli giggles]

- It worked.

We made the dragon laugh.

[Both laughing]

- Oh, polka-dot shoe.


Oh, thanks, milli.

I needed a good laugh.

You can walk past me anytime.

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

- Uh-oh.

Zilch is almost at the heart key.

There's only one way I can get there before he does.

Dragon, can you fly me to the top?

- Sure, milli. Hop on.

Hold on tight.

- Whoa!

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

The heart key is all mine.

- I'll take that.

- What?



- Yay! We got it.

Thanks for your help, dragon.

- You're welcome.

- Ah-hoo!

- Look, it's milli!

- Hop on.

- Whoo-hoo!

Ah, dragons. It's the only way to fly.


All: whoa-ho!

- Hey, look.

There are the lions.

- Yay, team umizoomi.

- Roar!

- This is so cool.

- Look down there.

It's square beard.

- Ahoy!

I knew you could do it, team umizoomi.

- Bye, square beard.

We made it to number land.

[Together] whoo-hoo!

- To rescue the king, we have to get to zilch's tower.

Where's the tower?

Yeah, there it is.

- Thanks for the ride, dragon.

- You're welcome.

Good luck, team umizoomi.

- Look, there's the king.

- Come on. Let's use our keys to save him.

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

You'll have to get past me first.

[Together] zilch!

- You've left me no choice, team umizoomi.

To stop you, I'll have to use all the magic I've got left.

Get ready for my "grow like a giant" spell.

- "Grow like a giant" spell?

- Wave my wand with vim and vigor,

Make myself grow bigger and bigger.

- Mercy megapixels.

- Zilch made himself so big, now we can't get to the king.

- Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

- If only we could think of some way

To make zilch small again.

- I know how.

We can do it with our...

All: mighty math powers.

- I'll use my ponytails

To figure out how tall zilch made himself.

Milli measure!

Zilch made himself grow all the way to this number.

What number is that?

, Right!

- So if we all count down from ...

- That'll make zilch small again.

Help us shrink zilch the wizard.

Count down with us.

Start with .

[Together] , , .

- Huh?

[Together] , , , ,

, , .

- Did we shrink zilch?


- Oh, no.

But that was my last spell.


I can't do any more magic.


- Now's our chance to rescue the king.

- Come on.

[Triumphant music]

♪ ♪

- The keys go in those locks.

- Star key!

- Diamond key.

- Heart key!

- Did we rescue the king?

- Yes!

All: hooray!

- The king is back.

- I knew you could do it, team umizoomi.

You saved me.

[Upbeat music]

Now let's get out of here.

♪ ♪


- Everyone in number land is happy we rescued the king.

- Boo!

- Well, not everyone.

- This is terrible.

Now I'll never get rid of all these numbers.

- Cheer up, zilch.

Numbers aren't so bad.

- Have you ever even tried counting them?

- Well, no.

- [Gasps] you've never counted before?

- But, zilch, you can't not like something

If you've never tried it.

- Give it a try, zilch.

We'll do it with you.

- Let's teach zilch how to count.

Count to the number with us.

All: , ,

, , .

- Whoo-hoo! You were right.

Numbers are great.

Look at all the fantastic numbers.

Ooh, there's a

And a

And a ! [Giggles]

- Thank you, team umizoomi.

You saved me from the tower,

And you taught zilch to love numbers.

- You're welcome, king.

- Thanks for all your help today.

You were great.

- Yeah, your mighty math powers saved the day.

- I feel a celebration coming on.

All: ♪ , , , ♪

♪ Let's do the crazy shake ♪


- ♪ Let's celebrate ♪

- ♪ A job well done ♪

- ♪ Let's crazy shake ♪

All: ♪ and have some fun ♪

♪ Everybody, crazy shake ♪

- Yeah! [Kids cheering]

- ♪ I'm shakin' like crazy ♪

- [Giggling]

Ha! Ha-ha-ha.

- ♪ Mighty... ♪

- ♪ Mighty... ♪ - ♪ Mighty... ♪

All: ♪ math powers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

All: ♪ ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪