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02x04 - The Great UmiCar Rescue

Posted: 03/17/24 19:01
by bunniefuu
- Calling all umis.

Team umizoomi!

- ♪ , , , ♪

♪ Uui ♪

♪ Zoomi ♪

♪ Umi ♪

♪ Umizoomi, umizoomi ♪

- ♪ In a world that's not so far away ♪

♪ Umi city ♪

♪ You can count on us to save the day ♪

All: yay!

- ♪ Umizoomi, umizoomi ♪

- ♪ We can measure ♪

- ♪ Build it together ♪

- ♪ You can help us ♪

♪ You're so clever ♪

- ♪ We've got mighty math powers ♪

All: ♪ you can call us any hour ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We are a tiny team ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do ♪

- Milli! - Geo!

- Bot!

All: and you!

- Oh, yeah. Remember that?

- That's a good one.

- Oh, hi.

We're team umizoomi.

- We're a team of tiny superheroes.

- We're looking at pictures of our favorite car

In the whole world:

Umi car!

Do you like cars?

Then you're gonna love umi car.

- Umi car is the fastest car around.

- He won first place in the race around the city.

Umi car takes us wherever we want to go.

- We really love our friind umi car.

- Yeah, he's the best.

Bloop! Bloop! Bloop!

- [Gasps] it's the umi alarm!

That sound means someone's in trouble.

We can see who it is on my belly-belly bellyscreee.

The call is coming all the way from iceberg bay.

Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!

Hmm, I hear something.

Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!


- [Gasps] look!

There's a little animal in trouble.

- What kind of animal is it?

A penguin!


His foot is stuck in the ice.

He's trying to get out, but he needs help.

Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!

Vroom! Vroom!

- I hear something.

Sounds like someone's coming to help little penguin.

- Who came to help?

Umi car!

Beep! Beep!

- Umi car.

- He drove all the way to iceberg bay

To rescue little penguin.


Vroom! Vroom!

- He's using that rope

To pull little penguin out of the ice.

- Go umi car!

Vroom! Vroom!

[Happy cheeping]

- Did umi car get little penguin out of the ice?


He did it!

[Happy cheeping]


Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!

- Aww, he's saying "thankkyou" to umi car.

Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!


- Oh, look.

There's his mom.

[Happy cheeping]

- You're a hero, umi car.

You saved little penguin.

[Bashful] vroom!


- Watch out, umi car.

- The ice broke off.

- Oh, no!

Now umi car is stuck on that iceberg,

And it's floating out into the middle of the bay.

- Ppor umi car.

He needs our help.

- Don't worry, umi car.

We're coming to save you.

- We need to get to iceberg bay fast

And rescue umi car,

And we're gonna need your help.

Will you help us save umi car?


Team umizoomi...

All: it's time for action!

- To rescue umi car,

We need to get all the way to iceberg bay.

- I can figure out how to get there

On my robot computer.

To get to iceberg bay,

First we have to take a train through the mountains;

Second, we need to ride a dog sled across the snow;

And third, we have to take a speedboat

Over the water to the iceberg.

- So to get tt umi car,

The first vehicle we need to take is a train.

Let's look for the train station.

We can use our umi goggles.

Umi goggles: on!

When you see the train station, say, "train station."

Train station!

- Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's go save umi car.

- ♪ Who's gonna rescue umi car? ♪

All: ♪ we are, team umizoomi ♪

- ♪ Who's gonna rescue umi car? ♪

All: ♪ we are, team umizoomi ♪

♪ We're on a mission to save the day ♪

♪ Here we come, we're on our way ♪

♪ We're gonna rescue umi car ♪

♪ Yeah, team umizoomi ♪

- Wow.

There are lots of trains here at the train station.

- We needdto find the one that goes through the mountain.

- Hey, team umizoomi.

I know which train that is.

- It's our friend, jamal.

- Hi.

My family and I are taking the train

That goes through the mountain too.

That train is on track number .

- Where is the number ?


There it is!

Thanks, jamal.

We'll see you there.

- Okay.

See you soon!

- Here we are on track number .

Um, guys,

This train is missing the engine.

- We need an engine, or the train can't go.

- I can fix that.

I can build an engine with my super shape power.

This blueprint shows the shapes we needd

First let's find the shapes

That make the back of the train engine.

Do we need the triangle and the circles

Or the rectangle and the circles?

The rectangle and the circles, yeah!

Now we need the shapes to make the front of the engine.

Which shapes do we need?

"Eah! The rectangles and circles.

All right, we have all the shapes we need

To make a train engine.

♪ Super shapes ♪

Umi friend, look what we built together:

A super engine!

[Wheels squeaking]


- Awesome!

You built an engine for our train.

- Nice work, geo.

- Come on, jamal.

Time to get on the train.

- That's my dad.

Got to go.

Good luck, team umizoomi.

- Thanks, jamal.

- All aboard!

- Now, let's take this train through the mountains

So we can save umi car.

- Full speed ahead.


All: we're chug chug chugging along ♪

♪ We're on our way to save the day ♪

♪ Chug chug chugging along ♪

♪ We'll ride this train to save our friend ♪

♪ Umi car ♪

- Uh, guys?

There's a problem up ahead!

- Hit the brakes, geo!

[Brakes squealing]

- A piece of the train track is missing.

We've got to fix it so the train can keep going.

- Hey, look!

Rthis box is filledwith extra train tracks.

If we find the right piece, we can fix the track.


We need the longest curved piece.

Which one is the longest curved piece?

That one!

- It fits.


- Oh, no!

- Hit the brakes, geo!

[Brakes squealing]

Another piece of track is missing.

- I'll fix it.

To fix the next part of the track,

We need to find a medium zigzag piece.

Which one is the medium zigzag piece?

That's it!

- A perfect fit.

- Way to go!

- Uh-oh!

- Geo!

- I got it.

[Brakes squealing]

Another piece of track is missing.

- I'll fix it.

We need the longest straight piece.

Which one is the longest straight piece?

That one!

You got it.

Way to o, umi friend.

We fixed the train tracks.

- That was amazing.

All: we're chug chug chugging along ♪

♪ We're on our way to save the day ♪

♪ Chug chug chugging along ♪

♪ We'll ride this train to save our friend ♪

♪ Umi car ♪

- All right!

We made it through.


- Listen.

I'm getting a call right here

On my belly-belly...

All: belly screen!

- Let's see who it is..,

Who's calling us?

Umi car!

Vroom! Vroom!

- Oh, no!

Umi car!

Your ceberg is melting.

It's getting smaller!

[Fearful] vroom!

- Don't worry, umi car.

We'll be there soon.

- We have to get to umi car

Before the iceberg melts away.

- Quick!

Let's see what vehicle we need next

To get to umi car.

- We rode the train through the mountain,

So next we need to take a dog sled across the snow.

- A dog sled?

But where in the world are we gonna find a dog sled?

- I have a dog.

- Itts our friend natasha and her dog.

- Hi.


We heard umi car was in trouble, and we want to help.

Woof! Woof!

- Thanks, natasha.

- My dog is really good at pulling dog sleds.

He can take you all the way to iceberg bay.

- So we have a dog.

All we need now is a sled.

- I'll take care of that.

I can build a dog sled with my super shapes.

This blueprint shows the shapes we need

To build a dog sled.

First, let's build this part, the runner.

To make the runner,

Do we need a rectangle or a square?

A rectangle.

Now let's build the front of the sled.

Do we need a triangle or a crescent?

A crescent!

All right!

We found the shapes to make a dog sled.

♪ Super shapes ♪


- Way to go!

- Whoa, nice dog sled.

Woof! Woof!

Okay, boy, take team umizoomi all the way to iceberg bay.


One last thing.

There's a special word you have to say

To make my dog run.

You have to say, "mush!"

- Say "mush" with us.

All: mush!

Roo! Roo! Roo!

- Whoo-hoo! We're off!

- Good luck!

- Thanks, natasha.

- Umi car, here we come!

All: we're mush mush mushing along ♪

♪ We're on our way to save the day ♪

♪ Mush mush mushing along ♪

♪ We'll take this sled to save our friend ♪

♪ Umi car ♪

Woof! Woof!


- Uh-oh, we're slowing down.

- This doggy looks tired.

[Dog panting]

- He needs a dog treat with a number on it

To give him running power.


I see a dog treat up ahead.


It has a picture of a heart on it.

Is a heart a number?


A heart is a shape.

[Dog whines]

- Only treats that have numbers on them

Give this dog running power.

Help me look for a number treat up ahead.

When you see a treat with a number on it,

Say, "number!"



. What number is it?


Crunch! Crunch!


Roo! Roo! Roo! Roo! Roo!

- Whoa! - Whoo-hoo!

It worked!

The number treat gave the doggy running power.

Roo! Roo! Roo!




- Uh-oh.

Doggy is losing his running power again.

- He needs another number treat.

Let's look for one.

When you see a treat with a number on it,

Say, "number!"


What number is it?

! Yeah!

Crunch! Crunch!


Roo! Roo! Roo!

- Whoo!

- That treat gave him even more power.

- The bigger the number, the faster he runs.

- We're almost at iceberg bay.




- But I think doggy needs one more number treat

To get him there.

When you see a number treat, say, "number!"


What nuuber is it?


That's a big number.

Crunch! Crunch!


Roo! Roo! Roo! Roo! Roo!

All: whoa!

- Hoo-hoo!

- Yay, doggy!

Roo! Roo! Roo!


We made it to iccberg bay.

- Thanks for helping me find all those number treats.

You were awesome, boy.


A number treat.

This will give you enough running power

To get all the way home to natasha.


Roo! Roo! Roo! Roo! Roo!

- Bye, doggy! - Thanks, doggy.

- Come on, team.

This way to umi car.

- Whoa!

- Whee!

- [Laughs]

- Okay.

Let's look for umi car.

Where is umi car?

There he is!

- Umi car, we're here!

Beep! Beep!

Beep! Beep!

- Oh, no!

The iceberg he's on is getting so small.

Pretty soon, there won't be any ice left.

Vroom! Vroom!

- Don't worry, umi car!

We're coming!


- We took a train through the mountain,

A dog sled across the snow,

What do we need to take next?

A boat!

We need a speedboat.

- One speedboat coming up.

This is a blueprint of a speedboat.

/.first, let's find the shape that goes here.

Which shape do we need?

The triangle. Yeah!

That makes the windshield.

Now let's find the shape that goes here.

Which shape do we need?

That one; the trapezoid.

That's the hull of the boat.

All right!

We found all the shapes we need.

♪ Super shapes ♪

- A speedboat!

- Way to go.

- Life vests on.

All: we're speed speed speeding along ♪

♪ We'll take this boat to save our friend ♪

♪ Umi car ♪

Umi car!

Beep! Beep!

- We're glad to see you too, umi car.

- We need to find a way to get you off this iceberg

Before it all melts.

- I know how to get umi car off this iceberg.

We can make him fly!

- It's an umi helicopter.

- To turn umi car into a helicopter,

He needs a propeller.

I'll build him one.

We can build a proppller with trapezoids.

Let's count how many we need.

Count with me.

. One...




Four trapezoids.

♪ Super shapes ♪

- Whoa.

Nice ropeller, umi car.



[Nervously] vroom!

- We've got to fly umi car out of here

Before the last of the ice melts.

- To make umi car fly,

We need the propeller to spin.

To make it spin, we have to count to four.

Count with us.

All: one...





- It's working.

The propeller is spinning.

- But to get off the ground, we need to count faster.

Count faster with us.

All: one, two,

Three, four!

- Faster!

All: one, two, three, four!

- As fast as you can.

All: one! Two! Three! Four!

One! Two! Three! Four!


- Yippee!

- Hey, look down there!

- It's natasha and doggy!

Let's wave to them.

Hi, natasha!

Hi, doggy!

- Team umizoomi.

You saved umi car.

Beep! Beep!

Woof! Woof! Woof!


- There's jamal and his dad.

Wave with me.

Hi, jamal!

Hi, jamal's dad!

- Hey, team umizoomi!

Hi, umi car!

Beep! Beep!


- And there's umi city.

Home sweet home.

Beep! Beep!

Vroom! Vroom!

What an amazing adventure.

Vroom! Vroom!

- Thanks for helping us rescue umi car.

You were great at making

All those vehicles out of shapes.


Beep! Beep!

- Aww, and umi car says "thank you" too.

- Mmm, I feel a celebration coming on.

All: ♪ , , , ♪

♪ Let's do the crazy shake ♪


- ♪ Let's celebrate ♪

- ♪ A job well done ♪

- ♪ Let's crazy shake ♪

All: ♪ and have some fun ♪

♪ Everybody crazy shake ♪

- Yeah!


Cheep! Cheep!

- [Laughing]


[All laughing]

- ♪ Mighty ♪

- ♪ Mighty ♪

- ♪ Mighty ♪

All: ♪ math powers ♪