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02x01 - Race Around Umi City

Posted: 03/17/24 18:43
by bunniefuu
- Calling all umis.

Team umizoomi!

- ♪ , , , ♪

♪ Umi ♪

♪ Zoomi ♪

♪ Umi ♪

♪ Umizoomi, umizoomi ♪

- ♪ In a world that's not so far away ♪

♪ Umi city ♪

♪ You can count on us to save the day ♪

All: yay!

- ♪ Umizoomi, umizoomi ♪

- ♪ We can measure ♪

- ♪ Build it together ♪

- ♪ You can help us ♪

♪ You're so clever ♪

- ♪ We've got mighty math powers ♪

All: ♪ you can call us any hour ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We are a tiny team ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ We go behind the scenes ♪

♪ Ba-ba da, ba-ba da, ba-ba da ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do ♪

- Milli! - Geo!

- Bot!

- Hi. We're team umizoomi,

The tiniest superheroes in the world.

My name is milli,

And I've got super pattern power.

It's a pattern of race cars.

- I'm geo.

I've got super shape power.

[Zapping sound]

I made a race car out of shapes.

- And I'm bot, the robot with the super computer.

[Horn honks]

- We're at the starting line of a really big car race.

- It's the race around umi city.

Do you like races?

Cool. We love races.

- Hi, team umizoomi.

- Hey, it's our friend sam.

- Sam, are you excited for the race today?

- Uh-huh.

I can't wait to see who wins the big prize.

- Ooh, look over there.

That's the big prize.

- Cool.

- What is it?


Great gizmos!

- The car that finishes the race first wins the whole bunch.

- Wow! I really like balloons.

Oh, wait.

Look, I brought my own balloon from home.

And it's got a race car on it.

- Awesome.

[Horn sounds]

- Speeding servers.

Here come some of the racers now.

- What kinds of cars and trucks do you see?

Oh, yeah, I see a blue dump truck

And a yellow taxi

And a green tractor.

- And a school bus.

[Truck horn honks]

- Move it.

- Hey, that dump truck is cutting in the line.

- He never plays fair.

He'll do anything to win the race.

- He doesn't want anyone else to have balloons.

- Uh-huh.


- Oh, no!

Someone popped my balloon.

Who popped my balloon?

All: dump truck!

- That's so mean.

- We have to get sam a new balloon.

- And I know how to do it.

We can win the race around umi city.

- If we win the race,

We can give sam all of the balloons.

- But to win the race,

We're gonna need a really fast car.

We need...

All: umi car!

- I'll call him.

[Buttons beeping]

Calling umi car.

Calling umi car.

Come and get us.

[Umi car honks]

[Umi car vrooms]

- Here he comes.

[Tires squeal]

- Huh?


[Umi car purrs]

- Dump truck is laughing at umi car.

He thinks umi car is too small to win the race.

- The other cars may be big,

But umi car is the fastest.

Show 'em, umi car.

[Umi car skids]

- ♪ Who is the fastest? ♪

- ♪ Umi car ♪

- ♪ Who is the bravest? ♪

- ♪ Umi car ♪

- ♪ He is the smoothest ♪

♪ The coolest of the coolest ♪

♪ He can zoom so fast ♪

♪ He can zoom so far ♪

♪ He can always help you wherever you are ♪

♪ Vroom vroom beep beep ♪

- ♪ Umi car ♪

- ♪ Vroom vroom beep beep ♪

- ♪ Umi car ♪

♪ Vroom vroom beep beep ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Let's take the umi ♪

- ♪ Umi car ♪

[Umi car vrooms]


- Whoa, umi car is the fastest.

- With umi car's help,

We're gonna win you those balloons, sam.

We promise.

[Umi car honks]

- Thanks, team umizoomi.

- To win the balloons for sam,

We're going to need your help.

Will you help us win the race?

All right!

- Team umizoomi...

All: it's time for action!

- Let's go, team.

- Seat belts on.

- Racers, start your engines!

[Engines vrooming]

[Bell dings]

On your marks,

Get set, go!

[Engines vrooming]

- Come on, umi car, let's race.

[Umi car vrooms, beeps]

- Go, umi car!


- Who's gonna win the race for sam?

Both: we are! Team umizoomi!

- Who's gonna win the race for sam?

All: we are! Team umizoomi!

♪ We're on a mission to save the day ♪

♪ Go, umi car, we're on our way ♪

♪ We're gonna win the race for sam ♪

♪ Yeah, team umizoomi ♪

- Whoa, to win the race,

We have to beat a lot of other cars.

- Let's see how many cars are in the race.

Count them with me.

Ten cars.

And right now, umi car is the tenth car.

That means we're in tenth place.

- But to win the balloons for sam,

We have to finish in first place.

We need to be car number .

- Come on, umi car, show us some speed.

[Umi car vrooms in agreement]

- That striped car is number .

He's in ninth place.

- But not for long.

Umi car is passing him.

- Uh-oh.

- Now umi car is number .

We're in ninth place.

- What do you say, umi car?

Do you think you can pass the spotted car?

[Umi car beeps in agreement]

- !

Now we're in eighth place.

Keep going, umi car!

- [Gasps] oh, boy.

- Now what number are we?

, Right.

We're in seventh place.

- Go, umi car!

[Umi car vrooms]

- Look up ahead.

Here comes a jump.

Hang on tight.

[Umi car vrooms]

[All cheer]


- You're doing great, umi car.

Look, the other cars are going over a drawbridge.

- Come on, umi car.

[Umi car vrooms]

[Drawbridge cranking]

- Hey, the bridge is going up.

All: whoa!

- Oh, no!

Now we can't get across the river.

- Let's use our umi goggles to see what's going on.

Umi goggles on.

[Gasps] someone is pressing the up button

To make the bridge go up.

- [Chuckles]

- Who's pushing the button?

It's dump truck.

[Dump truck laughs]

- Oh, no!

We can't win the balloons for sam

If we can't cross the river.

- [Vrooming] I have an idea.

- Umi car has an idea.

- Okay.

- Check it out.

There are beach balls lined up in the water.

- Leaping laptops!

Umi car wants to bounce across the river

On these beach balls.

[Umi car vrooms in agreement]

- That's a great idea.

He can bounce all the way to the other side.

- Uh-oh. Look.

There's a beach ball missing.

There aren't enough to get all the way across.

- Don't worry.

The beach balls are lined up in a pattern.

So I can fix it with my pattern power.

Look. Now I have the beach ball pattern on my dress.

The beach balls go in this order:

Small, small, big.

Let's help umi car follow the pattern

And figure out what's missing.

[Umi car vrooms]

Here we go.

Small. Small, big.

Small, small, big.

Small, small.

What comes next?


One big beach ball coming up.


It worked.

Let's keep bouncing.

Small, small, big.

Small, small, big.


What goes here?



Small, small, big.

Small, small, big.

What goes here?


Hey, look.

We're almost to the other side.

Small, big.

Small, small, big!

We made it.

- Whoo-hoo!

- Thanks for your help, umi friend.

- Look. Umi car is making the bridge go back down.

- What a good sport.

- Now all the cars can cross the river

And get back in the race.

[Musical beeping]

Oh. I'm getting a call.

Let's see who's calling right here

On my belly-belly bellyscreen.

It's sam.

- Team umizoomi, you're doing great.

But you've got to hurry up,

Because dump truck and all the other cars

Are ahead of you.

- Don't worry, sam.

Umi car will catch them

And win you those balloons.

- Good luck.

- Look, we're catching up with the other cars.

- We're in seventh place.

But to win the balloons for sam, we need to be in first place.

- Look up ahead.

It's the green tractor.

[Umi car beeps] - huh?

- We're passing him.

[Green tractor grunts]

- Whoo-hoo.

Now we're in sixth place.

- We're catching up with the school bus.

[Umi car beeps]

- The school bus is fast

But not as fast as umi car.

- Hey. Oh.

- ; We're in fifth place.

- Keep going, umi car.

There's the mail truck.

- Go, umi car, go.

- [Straining] sheesh.

- What number is umi car now?

. Right.

We're in fourth place.

- And look up ahead.

It's dump truck.

- You can catch him, umi car.

[Umi car vrooms]

- We're right behind him.

- Let's go around dump truck.

Try that way, umi car.

[Umi car beeps]

- Sizzling circuits.

He blocked the way.

- Let's try passing dump truck on the other side.

[Umi car beeps]

- He got in our way again.

- Dump truck will do anything

To stop umi car from beating him.

[Dirt sifting]

- [Gasps] he's dumping his dirt!

- Yoinks-a-doinks!

- Oh, no!

Dump truck dumped a big pile of dirt on umi car.

[Tires screeching]

[Umi car vrooming]

- And he can't get out.

We're stuck!

- But we have to keep going to win the balloons for sam.

[Umi car vrooms]

- Hey. Wait a minute.

We're on top of a tunnel.

We can take this tunnel to get back in the race.

- Umi car, through that tunnel.


- Whoa!

- Uh-oh.

This tunnel splits into lots of tunnels.

- Most of these tunnels are dead ends.

But one of them keeps going all the way back to the street.

We need your help to find the tunnel that keeps going.

Should we take the one that goes up or down?

Down. Yes.

[Umi car vrooms]

- Yikes! The tunnel splits again.

- Which tunnel keeps going, the top tunnel,

The middle tunnel, or the bottom tunnel?

The middle tunnel. Yes.

[Umi car vrooms]

- Just a little further, umi car.

We're almost there.

- To get back to the street,

Should we take the near tunnel or the far tunnel?

The far tunnel.

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- We're back on the street.

Thanks for helping umi car get through the tunnels.

- We've got to catch up to the other cars.

- Uh-oh. We don't know which way they went.

- Hey. There's sam.

All: sam!

- Team umizoomi, all the cars went that way.

You can catch them if you hurry.

- Thanks, sam.

- Go, umi car!

[Umi car vrooming]

[Cheers and applause]

- Umi car.

- Check it out.

We're catching up to pickup truck.

[Umi car beeps]

- Correction, geo, we're passing pickup truck.

- Speeding servers!

Now we're in third place.

That means there are only two cars ahead of us,

Taxi cab and dump truck.

[Tires skid]


Dump truck just picked up that bucket of soapy bubbles.

He's up to something.

[Water bubbles]

- Oh, no!

The soap is making the street super slippery.

- Umi car can't control his steering wheel.

Watch out, umi car.

All: whoa-whoa-whoa!

- Oh, no.

Umi car's steering wheel broke in half.

- Umi car can't drive with a broken steering wheel.

- Don't worry, team.

I can fix the steering wheel with shapes from my shape belt.

[Electrical zapping]

Look at this blueprint.

To build the other half of the steering wheel,

We need to fill in the missing shapes.

Let's find the shape that fits here.

Which shape do we need?

Yeah, the triangle piece.

That's the other half of the diamond.

[Umi car beeps]

It's umi car's horn.

Now we need the shape that fits here.

Which shape do we need?

That one.

That's the other half of the star.

All right, now all we need is the shape that goes here.

Which shape do we need?

Yeah, it's the other half of the ring.

That's umi car's steering wheel.

We found all the right shapes.

We've got...

♪ Super shapes ♪

Good job, umi friend.

We fixed umi car's steering wheel.

- You did it.

Now we can get back in the race.

- Let's do it, umi car.

- Yay, umi car!

- Let's go win this race.

[Crowd cheering]

- Look, it's taxi cab.

[Umi car beeps]

- Hey!

- We're gonna pass him.

[Taxi cab straining]

- What number is umi car now?

. Right.

We're in second place.

- If we pass one more truck,

We'll be in first place.

- Who do we need to pass?

Yeah, dump truck.

- [Gasps] he's almost at the finish line.

If we don't hurry, he'll win the balloons.

- But we have to win the balloons for sam.

- Listen up, team.

I know a special way to make umi car go faster.

To make umi car go faster, we have to count to ten.

Count with me.

, , ,

, , ,

, , , .


- It's working.

We're catching up to dump truck.

- But we have to make umi car go even faster.

Count to ten faster.

, , ,

, , ,

, , , .

[Cheers and applause]

There's the finish line.

Count to ten as fast as you can.

, , , , , ,

, , , !


- Oh, no!

[Cheers and applause]

[Umi car vrooming]

- Umi car won the race!

- He finished in first place.

All: [chanting] umi car. Umi car.

Umi car. Umi car.

Umi car. Umi car.

Umi car.

- You did it, team umizoomi!

You beat all the fastest cars and won the race.

- Umi car, you are the fastest.

[Umi car vrooms]

- And the bravest.

- [Vrooming] thank you.

- And the coolest. - [Vrooming] aw.

- Here you go, sam.

These balloons are for you.

- Wow.

There's enough balloons for everybody.

- All right.

- Thanks, sam.

- Yahoo!

[Horn honks]

- Hey. Look at dump truck.

- Oh. Oh.

- Aw. He's over there all by himself.

[Umi car beeps and vrooms]

- Umi car is giving him a balloon.

- [Vrooming] for me?

- Dump truck can't believe it.

No one's ever done anything nice for him before.

[Horn honks]

- I'm sorry.

- He's sorry for being mean.

From now on, he's gonna be nice and play fair,

Just like umi car.

- Thanks for all your help, umi friend.

You counted so fast.

- You helped umi car win the race

And get the balloons for our friend sam.

- I feel a celebration coming on!

All: ♪ , , , ♪

♪ Let's do the crazy shake ♪

♪ Whoo-hoo ♪

- ♪ Let's celebrate ♪

- ♪ A job well done ♪

- ♪ Let's crazy shake ♪

All: ♪ and have some fun ♪

♪ Everybody crazy shake ♪

- [Giggling]

[Dump truck honks]

[All giggling]

[Umi car vrooms wildly]

- ♪ Mighty ♪

- ♪ Mighty ♪

- ♪ Mighty ♪