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07x06 - The Fernandez Family

Posted: 03/17/24 15:22
by bunniefuu
Tonight on "supernanny"...

Jo meets a family on the brink.[Screams]

...trying to teach him a lesson.leave him alone!

Mom and dad's marriage is falling apart...

I love him, but I'm not sure if I'm in love with him.

And they're ready to throw in the towel.

If she'd like me to go, I mean, I will go.

So you would rather walk out the door

Than recognize what your wife is needing from you?

Leave him.[Screams]

Mom is vicious...[Woman] you know what you're gonna be too smart for?

My fist in your is lazy...

[Screams]and the household is in chaos.

Oh, great. The door wide open and all.

Let's let everyone in, shall we?[Screams]

The parents can't control their two aggressive boys...ow!

Or their defiant daughter...are you happy now? I'm done.

Why do you need to say that if I'm happy now?

And it's destroying their family.

She's like, "your whole life is an accident."

Can jo give these parents the wake-up call they need...[Screams]

That is the most pathetic excuse

I have heard all year.

Or has she finally met her match?

I'm getting pissed off.



Well, I'm here in kissimmee, florida,

And there's a family that need my help,

So I'd better take a look.

[Both] hi. We're the fernandez family.

I'm jerald. I'm .i'm marla. I'm .

We have kids. Desiree-- she's years old.

You think you're smart? You--you're--

Iamsmart. Going on .

[Chuckles] think you know everything.

You don't know everything in this world. No, you don't.

I do know everything. I do.

[Marla] elias--he is .ow!

He can get quirky at times, or he'll act up.

Ow!hey! Do not step on him. You'll hurt him!

[Jerald] and eulisis...[Marla] we call him "shorty."

He's .

He's a handful.

Don't you... [Gasps]he is all the gray hairs that I'm getting.

...right now.[Cries]

Wow. Look at this. No one's got control.

I didn't even say it!

Desiree--i'm constantly getting attitudes from her.

Desiree, you gotta clean up your room.

[Jerald] why you didn't clean up for?

[Marla] when desiree gives me that nasty attitude,

I give it right back to her.because.

Because what?i'm too smart for it.

You know what you're gonna be too smart for?school.

My fist in your mouth.we've seen a big difference in desiree's grades

In the past year. She's gone from an "a" to a "d."

Why don't you like to do homework?

Because it's boring and it's stupid!

These parents need to sort something out.

I mean, that's a joke.[Screams]

Are you gonna tell-- listen! Listen! Okay. Listen.

Shorty--he is just out of control.

[Grunts]he'll pick fights with me. He'll pick fights with his mom.

[Screams][marla] he will kick. He will hit me in the face.

He'll do things to aggravate us on purpose.

You gotta listen. Hey! Don't be spitting.[Marla] hey!

This is a -year-old.

Somebody's gotta step up and take care of this. Honestly.

I do all the work around this house.

[Pool balls clatter]i can't believe that you can't bring her.

Because you're so busy, right?

The house could fall apart,

And he's just sitting on the couch

And everything is okay.i don't think I get the proper acknowledgment

Of doing my fair share in the house.[Laughs]

Look at this one here with his throne.

Jerald, stop telling him to run...

Because I'm trying to teach him a lesson.leave him alone!

[Laughs]you don't even back me up.

I got your back... Wayback.

There's a serious problem here. That is not acceptable.

Our children's issues are really putting a strain

On our's tearing our family apart.

You baby crier.

Yeah, I hate you, too.

Supernanny, we've reached our breaking point.please come help our family.

Yeah, you guys are right. You really do need my help.

I hope you're ready, because I'm on my way.

Hello. Hi. Pleased to meet you. Jo frost.

[Chuckles] hello. Hi. Welcome.

When I first arrived,

The fernandez family were very welcoming.and who's this?

This is my daughter desiree.desiree.

Hi, desiree. Nice to meet you. Hi.

She's . This is eulisis. "Shorty," we call him. He's .

[Jo] hi.[Marla] shorty, you say hi. No?

Hello. Hi, elias. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo.

Hi. How are you? Nice to meet you.

Marla, nice to meet you. Hi. Nice to meet you.

When I first arrived, mom needed to take desiree to the shops

To buy her some clothes.mommy has to do some errands. We're gonna go shopping.

And that's when I saw exactly how little dad does

To help his family.

Yes, daddy's gonna I'm not coming.

'Cause he's gonna help me babysit.that's girl shopping.

Daddy's not gonna go girl shopping.

So what happens with the kids then?

He says, "I'm not gonna stay with them,"

And he doesn't stay with you'll take all of 'em?

I'll take all of them.and that works for you? It's good?

No, it doesn't work at all...[Laughs]

Because I can't get anything done, 'cause they're misbehaved.

[Jo] I think dad's change of heart

Was to make an impression on me.

Not working.

[Jerald] shorty, where are your sneakers?they're right there.

[Jo] and then really what should've been a simple task--

Getting shorty's shoes on-- took forever.

Are you joking?you don't want those sneakers?

You want another pair of sneakers?

Well, how about these? You like these? These?

Mommy, don't!no. If--

[Cries] no.if--i don't know what's your problem with the way I tie!

Jerald, tie it.

Hurry up, because I'm tired of this already. Come on.

Are we in a hurry? Is there a fire in here?there's not a fire.

We have to go somewhere? [Chuckles]

Mom did everything that she could

To get shorty's shoes on, and dad didn't even help.he don't like that.

Make him put the sneakers on.[Jo] after half an hour,

Dad still didn't get up from the couch.

Mom lost it.just leave him. That's enough.

[Crying]i'm leaving. I'm leaving. I'm not--

I'm not gonna put up with this anymore. I'm tired of this.oh.

[Eulisis screaming]

No shoes. No shoes?

[Jerald] no shoes.

So we got out of the house, and then shorty's kickin' off

Because he doesn't want to sit in the car seat.

[Crying] need to put on your seat belt.


[Marla] leave him, jerald. Leave him. Get inside.

Leave him.[Crying]

[Marla] leave him!

Yeah, I'm gonna drive. You wanna go in the car?put him in there.


This is tucked tight. He don't like it.

[Coughs and cries]

Did you just see that? It's ridiculous.

Oh, great. The door wide open and all.

Let's let everyone in, shall we?

[Jo] we finally got to the shops,

Because mom needed to buy a dress for herself and desiree,

But trouble was brewing way before that,

Because elias didn't want to go.they'll get you. Hurry up and come inside.

Hurry up. The police will get you.[Jo] I just had to laugh.

I mean, threatening your kids that the police are gonna come?

What a joke.

They know that she's just barking empty threats.

I mean, what's the point?

Eventually elias did go into the store,

But things just got worse for mom and dad,

Because shorty made up his mind

That he still wasn't gonna wear his shoes.[Screaming]

He was screaming. He was yelling. He was fighting.

And I couldn't concentrate on--on picking out an outfit.


Ow! You're hurting my leg!

Aah!just let me take him, jerald.

No, no, no, no, no. Let--[lowered voice] he's making a scene in front of everybody.

Just let him go--but we're in the corner here. Nobody's watching us.

I know, but you can hear it from across the wall.

Mom's sitting there in the shop going, this is not happening.

Surely this is not happening.shorty. Shorty, stop.

Dad's become so mad that he's like,

"You're puttin' them shoes on."[Screams]


You're gonna pee on yourself? [Scoffs] I don't care.

Don't pee on yourself. Oh, my goodness.


What?now you gotta go.

Look what he did on purpose.

[Lowered voice] he peed on himself?

I know. You're tired.wanna go pee.

It's okay. It's an accident. Here. It's an accident.[Crying] it was.

Mom found so many excuses. "Oh, he's tired."

"Oh, it was an accident." No, it wasn't.

You need to step out of denial and deal with this.

And as for dad, he just walked away,

As if the mess on the floor had nothing to do with him.

Uh, excuse me. Excuse me.[Eulisis crying]

Jerald, who's cleaning it up?

Your son's just peed on the floor. I-i'm sorry.

[Jerald] I'll clean it up. I'll clean it up.

Yeah, I really don't think you should be cleaning that up.okay.

Sorry.i'll clean it up.

[Jo] dad did clear up the pee, and then the whole family

Left the shop, butwithoutmom's dress.

If this is just the beginning for me with this family,

Oh, I'm in for a ride, aren't i?

Coming up on...

Mom makes a stunning confession...

I love him, but I'm--i'm not sure if I'm in love with him.

And jo drops the hammer on dad...

That is the most pathetic excuse

I have heard all year.

When "supernanny" returns.


[Jo] after we got back from the store,

I knew that trouble was gonna start all over again,

So I felt it would be important

To have a quick word with desiree

About her relationship with her mom and dad.

Do you think your behavior

Has given your mom and dad

A reason to distrust you?

My grade--they think that my grades are going down

Just because of boys.

What's the reason then that they went down?

Because I don't do my homework.

What is it that you actually need from your mom and dad?trust.

When your mom and your dad say things to you

That are really awful...


It makes me feel like I mean nothing to them.

Like, I'll drop a cup of water, and she'll be like,

"Are you stupid? Are you an idiot? What is your problem?"

And I'll be like, "it was an accident."

And she's like, "your whole life is an accident."

I think it's a two-way street here.

I think desiree's gotta recognize

The importance of making better decisions,

So that she can earn her parents' trust,

But at the same time,

Her parents can't hold a grudge forever.

Towards the end of the evening,

Mom and dad were settling into their daily routine--

Dad lounging around...i gotta clean up? You gotta clean up.

And mom doing chores.[Water runs, food sizzles]

It made me wonder about their relationship,

So I pulled mom aside so I could have a word with her.

What's the difference between the man

That you married many years ago

And the man that you have right now?

I would say, he is...

Doesn't appreciate me.

He doesn't tell me he loves me,

And he just takes me for granted.

Are you still in love with this man?

I love him, but I'm--i'm not sure if I'm in love with him.

Then what do you do, just coexist under one roof?

And does it just continue to get worse and worse?

What--what happens?

Eventually we'll... Split.

She's desperately wanting things to change

But doesn't know how to do that,

And her family are being sacrificed.

[Jo] jerald, I'm actually gonna make him move.[Jerald] okay.

I'm gonna go home, so that I can get back a.s.a.p.

I'm coming back tomorrow morning to talk to this family

About the issues that I feel desperately need to be resolved,

And I don't think this family are gonna like

What they're gonna hear.


Right before the family meeting,

I was very nervous.

Good morning.[Mouths words]

Hi.i didn't know if she was gonna come after me

With a sledgehammer or what was gonna go down.

[Jo] there are certainly some issues

That need to be addressed with regards to desiree.

Trust is a big, big, big issue.

She knows she's messed up, but she doesn't feel like

She's being given a chance to regain back your trust.

She's lied to me enough where it's difficult

For me to trust her.but how does she put it right

If she's not gonna be given the chance to put it right?

By not allowing her to prove to you that she can be trusted,

You're closing the door

On a critical time for her

As a preteen-ager.

I want to talk about you guys being out in public yesterday,

Because, god, what a shambles.

There is no discipline.

There's no expectations. There's no rules.

You've gotta let these kids know where they stand.

"Okay, this is what I'm, you know, expected to behave like,

And if I don't, this is what's going to happen."

How are they even gonna know what discipline's all about?

Just hoping they grow out of it, I guess.

Excuse me?i said, we're hoping they grow out of it, I guess.

That is the most pathetic,patheticexcuse

I have heard all year.

That is just so ignorant and immature of you,

Considering you are a father of three children and a husband.

That attitude is gonna get you nowhere.

I would like to talk about

The turmoil between the pair of you

When it comes to making a decision.

I-i was gobsmacked

That I spent minutes in this house

Waiting for a little year old

To put some socks and shoes on and get out of the house.

You're saying, put them on,

And then you say, no, leave them. I mean, w--

How was you working together in that situation?

We didn't.we didn't.

Why?i feel like she's bringing a lot of tension.

She's--she's trying to hurry people and--i get frustrated,

Because I keep saying the same thing over and over,

And nobody does what I'm saying.

And then you start to threat-- I mean, I've got a list here.

"When I break your teeth, it isn't going to be so funny."

"I'm gonna karate chop you in your lip."

"Hurry up and get inside,

Or the police will come and get you."

"There's a man over there who takes little boys

"Who don't listen to their parents.

"He takes them into the kitchen,

"Chops them up

And cooks them and eats them."

I find it disgraceful, quite frankly.

It is not okay

For you to talk to your children

The way you think you can talk to them

Because you are their parents.

Jerald, a little bit of gratitude,

A bit of affection in the house--

It goes a long way, doesn't it?

When was the last time you even felt appreciated?

I can't remember.

When somebody does things around the house

That are just normal everyday things,

For you to have to be patting them on the back all the time

Is just unrealistic.

I mean, if-- if she's not happy with me,

If she'd like me to go, I mean...excuse me?

[Chuckles] I will go. It's...

That's your answer, is it?that's my answer.

So you would rather walk out the door

Than recognize what your wife is needing from you?

You sit in your throne like you're entitled

To have your wife cook, clean, take care of you,

Raise your three children,

Because all the things that you should be doing

As a man-- and I say "as a man,"

Because you wouldn't know the difference

Between a boy and a man-- you're not doing.

You need to grow up,

Because right now

I don't see a man's attitude at this table.

I suggest you just shrug off your ego from your shoulders

And really listen to what I'm asking you here.

There's a lot of work to be done here.

I expect % commitment,

So are you both in or out?

I'm in.

I'm in.okay. Thank you.

Thank you.

I felt like I gotlambasted.

I mean, jo-- she dropped it on me big-time.

Coming up on...

[Cries]follow me, mom and dad.

[Screaming]shorty fights back in an epic time out battle...

I hate time out.

And jo lays down the law...

You're the mom, aren't you? Take charge of the situation.

When "supernanny" returns.


[Jo] the fernandez family have really shown some poor behavior.

And without delay, I know I'm gonna have to

Go into this household and lay down boundaries

As a first priority.

[Jo] you boys like wrestling, don't you?

So this is what I've got-- "rules of the ring."

What you both are gonna do as parents

Is lay down those fighting.

No playing with balls in the the house.

No yelling?no yelling.

[Jo] desiree started to write things down.

The cap of the pen fell onto the floor,

And shorty wouldn't give it back.

Give me the--no.

[Jo] so I seized the moment, there and then,

To teach mom and dad the correct time out steps.

In a very firm voice,

You're gonna ask him to come over to you

And to give you the lid back from that marker.

Shorty, come over here right now.

But mom's example of a firm voice

Just wasn't cutting it.

So I knew that I'd have to step in and demonstrate.

Shorty, look at me.

If you do not give me the lid of the pen back,

I'm putting you straight into time out.

Do you understand me?he's a kid that just feels like he needs to be in control,

And when he's not, he just becomes irate.


Follow me, mom and dad.

You are gonna sit here in time out,

Because you did not listen to me...

And now you're gonna sit here for three! I don't want to!

You're gonna set the alarm.[Screams]

He was frustrated, and he was just angry,

And it was a different type of screaming and yelling

That I have never heard.


[Jo] shorty decided that he was gonna come in and out

Of time out, so I left it to mom to finish off.

You have to go back into that corner, okay,

Because you weren't listening.

You took the lid away from desiree, okay,

And you're gonna sit there for--

Mom. Mom, we're not pleading.

[Jerald] yeah.we're not pleading with him, okay?

This is not, "excuse me, but, you know, can i..."

You're in charge. You're the mom, aren't you?

You've gotta step up

And take charge of the situation.

What are you gonna do-- leave that for a teacher to do?no.

Or somebody else's mom?

You need to follow through. No more excuses.

No more excuses.


Can you set the timer?

Three minutes, okay?

He's yelling. He's screaming.

He's fighting back with me.


It was breaking my heart to see him that way.

[Continues wailing]

Take over the next five.

[Jo] I thought it would be a good idea

To have mom and dad take turns in doing the time out

So that these guys would be together as a united front.

I need them on the same page.

I need mom and dad doing things together at the same time.

[Continues wailing]

Shorty gave mom and dad a run for their money.

He wasn't gonna back down. He's never had to,

And so he was gonna go for the full mile.

I hate time out.


I felt that it was never gonna end

And I was getting frustrated.

[Whines] I wanna leave!


[Jo] after half an hour of tag teaming with mom and dad,

Shorty got the message.

[Marla] when I saw him

Standing there for the three minutes,

I felt like... Ohh. It was a sigh of--of relief

That I can't believe, you know, this technique worked.

[Timer beeps]

You were in time out because you kept the lid from desiree.

Say you're sorry to mommy.

Sorry, mommy.give me a hug and a kiss.

[Fusses][marla] come on. [Kisses]

[Jo] after the dust had settled with shorty,

I decided to give dad this fun idea

That would bring him closer with desiree.

Do any of you recognize this?


These paper fortune telling things.

Obviously, as you know,

Inside there are questions.

The idea of the game is to get dad and desiree talking more,

And that's the first step to rebuilding trust.

All right, orange.


., , .


"What was the low point of your week?"

When jo beat me up at the family meeting.

I wanted desiree to know that jo did kick me in the butt.

And you need to understand i-i'm here.

I'm willing to give this a chance,

And I want you to do the same thing.

"What is the one thing about you I don't know?" I love that favorite color.

I know what her favorite color is.

No, you don't know my favorite color.

I liked the fortune teller because it gives me and my dad

Time together to have fun and joke around

Instead of him either criticizing me or coaching me.

What I'm hoping is that this paper fortune telling game

Is something that you'll do every day.

I think the fortune teller

Is about me and my daughter spending time with each other.

As she learns more about me, I can learn more about her,

And there'll be more trust with our relationship

And we can be a little bit more open.

[Jo] as dinnertime drew near,

Dad said something quite surprising.i'm cooking.

I guess my strong words at the family meeting

Did make an impact on dad, and I was pleased to see that.

I mean, he was stepping up,

But I don't know if mom really liked the idea of that.want me to tell you how I do it? Okay.

I feel like I'm out of my element when he does help me

'Cause I don't know what to do with myself.

[Jo] it seemed to me at this point

That mom was just playing martyr.

I need her to decide whether she wants dad's help or not.

So after dinner, I sat both parents down

To discuss the daily chores and who was gonna do what.

Laundry, mop and sweep,

Groceries, clean bathroom,

Clean rooms, cooking and homework.

I couldn't even believe how many chores mom was trying to do

And not even asking for dad's help.

There are three that you could lose.

Which ones do you think they are?

Groceries trip. You can do that once in a while.

Laundry you don't have to do every day.

And I don't think you need to mop and sweep every day

Or clean the bathrooms every day. I think you could lose--

You know the bathrooms get stinky with the boys.

They don't know how to aim.i'm a little compulsive. I guess that's the way

I take out my frustration and my stress is by cleaning.

You don't have to clean the whole thing.

You can just spot clean

Or really do a clean maybe, you know,

Twice a week, three times-- not every single day."We" will?

You'll help me? Really?well, I can help.

If you can help me at the end of the week or whenever,

Then that's fine.

[Jo] so I had mom and dad make up a chart

So they could really divide theses chore more evenly.

Put me under "vacuuming" 'cause I can do that.okay.

[Jo] I've gotta say,

I was proud of dad taking on his fair share of work.

The new daily routine is great.

It's not only about my wife not having to do everything,

It's about my wife not thinking she has to do everything.all done.

Did we work together?yes.

Can we get some love around here? Huh? We done good.

Coming up on...

[Marla] this could be reduced.

Homework time turns into a screaming match...

"You happy now? You happy now?"I said, "are you happy now? I'm done."

And jo has her own harsh words for mom.

All right, I think you've got a time out.

When "supernanny" returns.


Something drastic has to be done about desiree's homework.

She's getting low grades.all right, let's come over here.

I set up a system that would allow mom and desiree

More peace when it came to handing in daily schoolwork.

But what they're gonna need to keep in check

Is their attitudes towards one another.

Your homework needs to go into your in-box.

And when it's done, in the out-box. All right?

She has to do her homework,

And then one of us have to check over it.

[Jo] have that done, luv?yeah.

Fabulous.desiree finished her homework pretty quickly,

And then mom went and checked over that work

So that desiree could get herself ready

To go off to a dance that evening.

This could be reduced. Okay?[Exhales deeply]

I was reviewing her homework,

And desiree ended up giving me attitude.

I don't know what goes into both of

I don't know!

Desiree, please.

Happy now?

Excuse me? If I'm happy now? Forget it. That's it.

You're not going anywhere. You're not going anywhere.why?!

If I'm happy now? It's your homework.well, I did it.

It's your homework, and you're giving me the attitude?

I just went over it and I just told you that was wrong.okay, but I did it!

I understand you just did it,

But you don't need to say, "happy now?"

No, I'm not happy because I got an attitude.

And I was like, "you're not gonna let me go to a dance

Over a stupid little question?"

And then she just started flipping out on me

Like she always does."You happy now? You happy now?" It's not for my happiness.

It's not for me. What did--i didn't say--i said, "okay, are you happy now?"

I said, "are you happy now? I'm done."

Why do you need to say that, "if I'm happy now"?

Why do you need to say that?okay, well, sorry.

Well, that's it. You can go to your room.


[Jo] I needed to step in immediately.

I mean, these two need to find some common ground

Before they ruin their relationship.

You're carrying, right now, months of frustration

Of the way that she talks to you.

And so any slight little thing that you get from her,

You blow.

At some stage, you gotta recognize

That somebody's got to be the adult,

And it's not gonna be desiree.

It's not gonna be her.

It has to come from you.

Jo pointed out to me that I can be the mature one

And--and say, "you know what? I know this meant a lot to you,

But all I wanted was an apology."

You have to understand that the way you talk to me, desiree,

Is unacceptable.

I'm sorry.

I am sorry.

We have to start a new beginning now.

So we're not gonna do this anymore?mm-hmm.

You promise?mm-hmm.


It might've not been the best apology,

But I was gonna be the mature one

And handle it properly and take her out to the dance...[Jo] see ya!


And maybe at the end of the night,

She will appreciate me

And say, "you know what? Things are starting to change."


[Jo] the next day, myself, mom and dad and desiree

Went out back to have a talk.

But we didn't get far because elias kept interrupting.

Elias, I need you to go over there with your brother.

And as soon as I'm done with desiree

Then we're gonna do what you want do, okay?but elias was persistent

And defied a time out warning from mom.

Okay, so that's it.[Whines] no.

Come on. You're going in time out.

Stand against the wall. You get five minutes right there.

[Jo] excuse me. What kind of time out is that?

That is not what I taught you. What was the explanation?

What did you go over there and tell him? This was you...

All right, I think you've got a time out.

What kind of time out is that? You know what that was?

"Oh, get out of my face. I can't be bothered to deal with you."

That's what that was.

Elias. Come here.go--go over there.

You're going in time out because

You're not letting me finish talking with desiree. Okay?

So mom put elias into time out, but when his time was over,

She kinda just dismissed him. No explanation and no apology.

All right, I'm gonna ask you both to leave the table,

'Cause I'm gonna have a quick word with mom.

I was seeing red at this point because mom was just being lazy.

You know when we had that family meeting,

I kicked your husband's butt.

What am I gonna do with you when I teach you a time out,

And you don't even do it properly?

You're armchair parenting.

You're sitting there and you're, "all right, yeah, you're done.

You can--you can go in now."

How are the kids gonna take you seriously?

That's lazy.

What should you have done after his time was up?

I should've told him what he did wrong...


And hugged and kissed him.mnh-mnh.

Had him apologize...good.

And then hug and kiss him.

All right, tell me why you didn't do it.i forgot.

There's a piece of paper.

Go straight inside and write the steps down.

'Cause if you don't get and nail that discipline

Underneath your belt,

You're gonna be back to square one by tomorrow.

Jo basically told me that I need to stop being lazy

And step it up, and I can acknowledge that.

I hope having the steps written down will help her,

Because I'm about to leave,

And they're gonna be on their own.


I'm going for several days,

And there is much homework to be done, literally.


I think we're gonna struggle with time out.

That's something I need to work on.

If I told you that I was walking out of this house

Feeling rather confident, I'd be lying to you right now.

I'm concerned.

Everybody kinda looked at each other and said, "can I do this?"

And I know I can. And I looked over at my wife,

And I'm hoping she thinks the same.

I want everybody to step up as a family.

I've given this family tools that they need desperately.

But at this point, I don't even know if they're gonna use 'em.

Coming up on...

[Marla] everybody got their shoes on?with jo gone,

The family returns to the scene of the crime...

But jo doesn't like what she sees.

Oh, my word. Not good.

Not good.

When "supernanny" returns.

And now...

How do you handle your child answering you back

When you're out in public?

"A," wait until you get home to address their bad behavior,

"B," stop whatever you're doing

And immediately address their behavior,

Or "c," ask them why they're answering you back

And if there's something wrong.

Find out the answer when we return.

And now...

How do you handle your child answering you back

When you're out in public?

"A," wait until you get home to address their bad behavior,

"B," stop whatever you're doing

And immediately address their behavior,

Or "c," ask them why they're answering you back

And if there's something wrong.

The answer is "b."

Immediately addressing a negative behavior,

Even if it is in public,

Is the only way a child will learn the difference

Between what is and isn't appropriate behavior.

Take them aside and tell them. Give 'em a warning.



Hi. How are you?very well. Yourself?


The footage we're about to see is really a testimonial

Of how hard you guys worked when I left for several days.

So I guess it will be rather interesting, to say the least.

Out in public.[Pushes button]

All right, guys, we're gonna get going.

Everybody got their shoes on? Let's have snacks quickly

And the we're gonna wrap it up and we're gonna go.

I want everybody to get in their seat belts nice and tight

And we're gonna go to stores. Okay?

[Jerald] you ready?

Was that you closing the door in such a short period of time?


Hold on a minute. What happened here?

Everybody worked together as a team to get out of the house.

[Marla] I like this dress right here.

[Speaks indistinctly]i'll do both, just in case.

You wanna use the bathroom?

Excuse me, do you have a bathroom?yes.

[Laughs] yes![Laughs]


Let's do a fashion show.

Be careful, guys. Watch your hands. Don' Mommy, no.

Blimey, the staff must've had a heart attack

In that shop that day.

Seriously, what a difference.

Oh, yes. Big difference.uh-huh.

What a complete turnaround. What happened?

I think we set up a good base with them at home,

And they realized, you know, what they had to do

Is just remain calm and do as they're told.

Good work, the pair of you. Good work.

"What would you do if you were invisible for a day?"

Play pranks on people.

[Laughs] am I one of those people?

Yep.oh, yeah?

You wanna try it on to see how it looks?

Yeah.well, do it.


You satisfied?yep.

Nice, right?


What's the difference?

A lot better communication, a lot more affection. You know?

And it's sincere. It's real. It's there, you know?

Yeah, it's a genuine, sincere affection

Because both your hearts are open and receiving that.

Very good to see, actually. Very good.

All right. Mom.

[Pushes button]let's take a look, marla.

We're gonna make brownies.we're gonna make brownies.

No! No! No!

Oh, my gosh. He squashed the egg.

Go wash your hands. Hurry up. Quickly. Quickly.

He needs to get off the counter.

Leave him there. Just relax. He's gonna be fine.

You dropped your spoon. No, don't take it out

'Cause you're gonna make a mess like you did before.[Jerald speaks indistinctly]


Oh, man. Somebody wiped their hands on my towel here.

[Jerald] it's all right. Give me the's not all right.

Why not?because there's other towels. There's brown towels.

Oh, I forgot what that towel was there for.

That's for my--for me, for cooking.oh. Okay.

And nobody's allowed to touch that.all right.

Kids make mess. Adults make mess.

That's how we learn. But we can do what afterwards, marla?

'Cause you're great at it.clean it up. Clean it up.

Correct. What happens is

The family are in one little niche here enjoying,

And you always end up looking like

You're staring through the window at your family

And not feeling a part of that.

And that alienation can make you feel very isolated.

Very alone.

You know, I'm not proud of that person that I am.

I shouldn't act that way,

And I was taking a good time away from my family

By being miserable. I don't wanna be that miserable person.

When you're with the family and you start to feel that,

That's when you need to literally say,

"Marla, chill out."

There's nothing that can't be done afterwards. Nothing.

[Pushes button]take a look, marla, at this final clip.

[Speaks indistinctly, laughs]

I don't want you to do that. You understand me?

[Laughs]now you're going in time out.

On this wall right here. Five minutes.

What did we notice right there?

I didn't make the eye contact. I didn't give the warning,

Let him know what he did wrong.

[Cell phone alarm blares]

Say you're sorry to me.

[Grunts]i can't hear you. "Mm" what?

The cat got your tongue? Let me see that tongue.

Let me see that tongue.

I see it! It's back! I see it.

Oh, my word.

Not good.

Not good.

It's like you're begging him to say he's sorry.

You're now having to cuddle him up and give him these tickles

To get it out of him. It's like, how is that genuine?

And how is it you laying down the law and saying,

"You broke the rules"?

I mean, the truth of the matter is, marla,

You've been given techniques and tools

To apply with your family.

And if you don't knuckle down and do the hard work,

It's not gonna happen. I'm not saying to you,

Just write down what the steps are to discipline

And stick it on the fridge so it can look good with the magnets.


We've got out all fair and square

That this man needs to step up. What are you doing?

Don't sabotage it.

Because if you're too lazy to step up here,

Then you'll just spend time negatively trying

To drag your partner down here where you are,

And then nothing changes.

So we do need to look at time out.

We certainly need to work

On you being back in this family circle

So that you can enjoy it and have fun.

So are we still in at this stage?

Yeah.still in.

Very good. All right.

Coming up on...


Mom has one last chance to get it right.

Right now, you're finding a thousand excuses

For why you can't do what you're supposed to be doing.

But has jo pushed mom too far?

I'm getting pissed off.

When "supernanny" returns.


[Jo] I saw on the dvd

That marla still wasn't putting in the effort

To do a proper discipline

Because it came up all over again when shorty got demanding

Because he wanted dad to make his milk rather than mom.

Okay, I'll have daddy make it then. Okay?[Eulisis cries]

He wants, uh, the milk to come from you.

[Crying]the milk to come from me?

Mm-hmm.[Cries, speaks indistinctly]

He doesn't want it to come from my hands.

He only wants it to come from his dad. It upsets me sometimes.

It's up to you to take control of that situation then

And say, "mommy's making it. Look, daddy's busy." Full stop.

If shorty wants his milk that badly,

What do you think he's gonna do?he's gonna take it.

Correct.jerald, you have to support me as well, too,

Because daddy runs and does it for him. Right?

[Chuckles]i'm not trying to--

I'm just saying you have to be there to support me, too.

[Jo] mom may have had a point before I arrived,

But there's no excuse now.

She's just shifting the blame on dad.

I'm gonna need to have strong words with mom.

Right now, you're finding a thousand excuses

For why you can't step up

And do what you're supposed to be doing.

And it's not good enough.

Because I'm telling you now, when I leave today,

You'll be back at square one within two days.

You can't go down the same road

And expect to see different scenery.

So what needs to shift?i have to change.

Correct.why do you keep going like this?

What is--what is this?

I see you on the side doing this.

[Chuckles] hon, you're getting tense.

I'm getting pissed off, okay?

I can't take it anymore. I feel like you're against me.

"Oh, you see what I'm talking about?

Oh, you see what I'm saying? I told you. I told you."It's not that I'm pointing it--

I'm saying, look, this is what we need to do.

Let's do this. Let's-- that's all I'm saying.

You're saying, "oh, I can't change and I can't do it."

Take responsibility for your actions

And stand up and be a woman and be a mother and say,

"Look, this is what I have do to whether it bothers me to death.

It's gonna bother me to death

But it's gonna make my family happy.

That's what I'm gonna do." That's what you need to do.fine.

Do your homework.

Everything I put in this house is for you to look at it

And have it underneath your belt.

Quite simple, really, when you break it down.

Not always that easy to hear.

Jo nailed things right to the point, and it was hurtful.

It's hurtful to see the truth.

But I know in the long run it's only for our better.

[Jo] but mom had one last chance

To show me that she's got some backbone

When shorty started to kick off again.

[Speaks indistinctly]

Pick that up right this second.

[Crying] I don't do not throw things around. You understand me?

Pick that up.

If you do not pick that up, you're going into a time out.


Thank you.i want a...

Mom delivered a warning, and it was perfect.

Shorty minded her straightaway.

I think it gave her the confidence to believe

That actually shecando this when I'm gone.

All I can say is, I will try my best and I can do this.

So with time, I will become the person that I wanna be.


Now that mom's moving in the right direction,

What I wanted to do was get her out with the family

Washing the car so that she could learn to compose herself

Even if things do get a little bit messy.

Great. Aah!okay, what's gonna be really fun about this...

[Laughs]is how much fun we actually have.

Take your buckets. They won't bite.

[Elias laughs][marla] babe, just give us--

Back up, shorty. Back up.

Everybody do their bit, and we accomplish what's necessary.

[Chuckles] did you see her?we had a great time.


We splashed water. We made a mess.

You know, that's what we needed, some laughter.

There you go, shorty. In there, in there. Clean it good.

Good job.

The car wash was fun, but there was a point to it.

Everybody in the family has a role.

If everybody plays their role, the family will come together.

That was the quickest car wash ever.that's what I'm talking about.

You all do your bit. You've come together.

And look, you get one clean car.

I wanna say good-bye to you.[Kisses]

Thank you, supernanny.

So you give me a big kiss...[Kisses]

And you give me a big kiss.[Kisses]

Bye-bye, supernanny.

So listen, take care. It's been a pleasure.

I'm definitely a better parent after meeting jo.

I've become a better person, a better man.

Thank you for all your hard work.

[Jo] take care, my's hard to say good-bye to jo,

But I have confidence in myself and my family

That we will be okay.

[Jo] this family has worked really hard

And that is gonna bring them more balance in their family.

And for that, they'll be better off.