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07x02 - The Peterfreund Family

Posted: 03/17/24 15:18
by bunniefuu
Tonight on "supernanny"...[Wailing]

For the first time ever, jo visits a family

With a newborn.

Don't pee on them! I swear to god!

And three wild brothers who are acting out.[Wails]

Mom can't manage with a baby in her arms.

[Baby crying]put it!

The older boys are a threat to the newborn's safety.

And the parents' unusual discipline methods...

You want me to get the sauce?

Are making things worse.[Jo] you put hot sauce on a child's tongue?

Sounds crazy to, it's crazy--

It's crazy.can jo keep the baby from getting hurt?

What are you thinking?do you want sauce or not?

Can dad learn to discipline without condiments?


Or will chaos reign?

[Woman] oh, my god! No, you are not!



So this week, I'm in chandler, arizona,

Ready to help a family who have just brought home a newborn.


Hi. We're the peterfreund family.

I'm keith.and I'm sonya.

We have boys. Jett's years old,

Gage is , trey's years old

And baby myles is a newborn.

[Wheels rattle, boys yell indistinctly]

You do not-- get over here.

I'm a flight attendant, and so I travel quite a bit.

Bye, boys.

With keith being gone

Four or five days in a row at a time...[Screaming]

It is extremely hard on me.[Sonya] jett, wait! Don't cross.

I'm extremely exhausted at the end of the day.[Wails]

It's really hard for me to take them anywhere by myself.

Hey! Put it down.

I don't have enough arms to catch 'em.

Don't pee on them! I swear to god.

Mom must be exhausted right now, seriously.

[Screaming]do not go out there! Do not.

Jett is the most spoiled. He doesn't listen very well.

What are you doing?

I'm just--why?

Gage is extremely headstrong.

Who's gonna pick up all the crayons off the floor?

No, I'm not.yes, you are.

Gage does what gage wants to do

At the time he wants to do it.gage, get over here.

Trey is definitely in his terrible twos.yeah.




Myles.we're trying to get him to sleep longer at night.

[Screaming]the three other boys--

They're very high maintenance, so making sure myles

Is cared for at the same time is very difficult.


I mean, these parents are run ragged, aren't they?

Look at 'em.

[Keith] trey, don't hit.get out!

Our boys definitely fight a lot.

There's days that the fighting can get out of control.

We're both really bad at discipline.

Sit down.

There's, like, a threshold where you just give in.

We've tried time out, I've tried soap in the mouth,

We tried hot wanna get the sauce? Let's see how you go fast.

You go to your room. Put a little dab on his lip.[Wailing]

Gage, get down off the couch. Off the couch.

I don't think hot sauce is working here, is it?

I mean, let's face it. It's not really teaching

The kids much, apart from how to get a burnt mouth.[Wailing]

Do you want sauce or not?[Wails]

We've tried everything.

What are you doing?

I'm at my wit's end.stand still.

Get off my bed with your-- get off.

We've lost control. Our kids have lost control.hey!

Supernanny, we're running out of time.

We don't know what to do with our kids,

And we need your help.pick it up now--all of it.

[Both] please, come help us.

Okay, mom and dad,

I know you're running around like headless chickens,

But I'll be there very soon

And we'll get some perspective on this, okay?


How are you?i'm good. Nice to meet you.

Thank you. Nice to meet you.i was very excited to meet jo.

I was, um, anxiously awaiting her arrival.hi, gage. How are you?

How you doing?[Laughs]

This is jett. Hi, jett. How are you?can you say hello?


This is trey. [Laughing]hi, trey.

Can you say hi?hello.

Hello.this is myles.

Hiya, little one.

[Jo] it's really wonderful to help a family

With a baby this young. Yes, it'll be exciting.

Off the computer.i want to sit!

Dad's a flight attendant, and so he's away most of the time.

So I'm quite eager to see

How mom handles the boys when she's on her own.[Sonya] excuse me. Get down.

I want to! Get down!

One of the first things I saw

Was gage on top of the playhouse,

And mom was quite hopeless to do anything

Because she had a baby in her arms.

[Myles crying]i need you to get down.

I just feel like I just kind of fly by the seat of my pants.

I don't know if it's right or wrong,

But it's just what's getting us through the day right now.

And it's-- it doesn't always careful.

[Jo] at first, the boys listened to her,

But then she went to put the baby down.

It was worse because there were two boys on the roof.

I also learned that mom needs eyes at the back of her head.

You cannot put a baby down when you've got

Rambunctious boys running around.

[Myles continues wailing]

I couldn't believe my eyes. I was shocked.

Gage, lookit.

Don't play with the baby.

He wants to go in his swing and just swing, okay?


[Jo] when we he last fed?

Um, he was fed at...


Mom's relying on her memory for when her baby's been fed.

As part of a baby's growth, it's really important

To keep track of their feeding and sleeping intervals.

And if there's no written record of that,

It becomes extremely difficult to do as a parent.

Would you say that he normally feeds

As slow as he's feeding now when he's hungry?

No. Normally, he's gulp--

Gulping, yes, exactly.yeah, he's gulping.

So now he's done, 'cause...

Yeah. So he hasn't actually finished that, has he?no, so he probably--

He drank two.

If myles was hungry, he would've finished the bottle.

I think mom's overfeeding myles at the moment.

When you overfeed a baby,

They can become very uncomfortable and irritable.

And then the older boys started acting up again.

I need you to come here for a minute

Give it to me.

Oh, put it back in here.

[Myles crying]put it!

It's always gonna be a dangerous situation when you're trying

To discipline and hold a baby at the same time.

[Sonya] no, you're not eating it!

[Gasps] give it. Get it out of your mouth.[Moans]

No, you're not trying it. No.

[Gage screams]mom got so wrapped up

With dealing with the older boys that she didn't see

That the baby's head was tilted too far back.


Coming up on...

You look tired. Get that.[Wailing]

Dad shows off his unusual clean-up methods,

[Jo] I saw him picking up the child like a human magnet.

And jo tells it like it is...

Put hot sauce on a child's tongue, it burns.

Sounds crazy to me. It's, it's crazy. I mean--

When "supernanny" returns.


Daddy, daddy!hey, guys!

You were taking so long.

[Speaks indistinctly]

Dad came home, and I got a chance to meet him

And say hello, but he was swept off pretty quickly

Into the children's bedrooms because mom was complaining

About all the toys being on the floor.[Boys crying]

Okay, let's see this-- what? Did you make this mess?[Crying]

So what do we do when we make a mess? We clean up.

You have to clean up by yourself.

Did you help make a mess?yeah.

Yeah, so let's clean it up.

[Crying]let's clean this up, okay? Where's all this go?

Where does all this go, in the chest?

What a way to come home. [Chuckles]

All right, babe. You want candy?[Whines] yes.

Well, you know what? After dinner, if you clean this up,

Then after dinner, maybe you can have candy. How's that?[Whimpers]

Is this the first time that they're doing it for themselves?it--it'll work,

But sometimes it takes a lot of threats.or bribes.

Bribes, yeah.

Unfortunately, sometimes that's what it takes.

[Myles wailing][jo] we went from,

"If you pick up your toys, you'll get some candy."

You look tired. Get that.

And then all of a sudden, I saw him picking up the child

Like a human magnet, where they would then

Pick up the toy and put it into the toy chest.


By the end, dad practically picked up the mess himself.

Bit of a cop-out.[Sighs]

This kid doesn't know what he's in for. [Laughs]

What do or don't you get time to do with the little one

That you wish you had time to do? But there's just so much.

I feel like he's just left out of my life a little bit.

Give him a bath, or anything like that?

Sonya does all that stuff. And when I'm home...yeah.

Sometimes I keep these three occupied.

Dad gets swamped by the older boys, which means

He doesn't get to spend much time with the baby alone,

Which can be pretty hard on him emotionally.[Myles wails]

At dinnertime, I saw another example of mom and dad

Just not being aware of the needs of baby myles.

[Wailing]he might be hungry, honey.

I'm gonna see if he wants some more food. That's good.[Screaming]

What's myles telling you right now?well, one of two things.

Uh, he's either hungry or his diaper's kind of wet,

So I was just gonna get a bottle ready.

[Jo] the diaper felt very heavy,

But dad was saying, "well, maybe the baby's hungry."

And when you've got a newborn, you have to start eliminating

What those reasons may be that your child's crying,

Because your child crying really is your child talking to you.

I-if you know that he's got a sodden diaper...

No, I can feel his diaper is heavy.right.

So change the diaper first, and then go and do the bottle.

[Lowers voice] he's tired.

I gotta go clean your mouth and your eyes.



[Normal voice] you know, with him,

It's a lot harder for me to figure out what his cry is.i don't believe you.

Instinctively, you knew straightaway.[Myles fusses]

[Keith] jo told me to go with my gut.

She goes, "you knew what you were supposed to do.

You didn't have confidence in yourself."

Yeah, thank you very much.


[Jo] myles was still crying,

So dad just automatically picked up a bottle

Without even realizing when he'd last been fed.

[Fusses]you okay?

[Gurgles]oh, that's not good.


Myles was spitting up halfway throughout his bottle,

So they need to be aware of how much he's had.

You got ounces down. I don't think that's that much.

[Sonya] he's taking, like, really weird feedings.

You know, before, it was every three hours,

But now that he's getting older,

It's, like, whenever he cries, it seems.

It will be really important for both parents to keep

A regular feeding schedule for myles.


Spending time here has definitely given me an idea

Of how chaotic it can be for these parents.

[Crying continues]

For this family, it is about managing younger boys...

Mommy!and meeting the needs of a baby,

And it's not working right now. That's why I'm here.

I'm gonna leave you to all get, hopefully,

Some good sleep tonight,

Because I can't wait to come in tomorrow...[Keith chuckles]

And, uh, give you thedownload

On lots of things that we can do here.[Laughs]

[Keith] we are looking forward to it.

It's been an eventful day, and there's so much

That I want to teach them with regards to the newborn,

And really I'm just looking forward to going in tomorrow

And having a family meeting and helping them.

So the first thing I want to talk about is discipline.

There is

A have threats.

Lots of--lots of unanswered threats,

Or bribery...

For them to do something and behave.

That's--that's true.yeah.

That's what we feel like. I mean, that's--yeah.

When you tell 'em something, they--they don't respect it.

They don't take you seriously,

Because they know that you don't follow through.

We tell our children

That we don't want them to behave a certain way

Over and over again,

Because repetition is how they learn, not hot sauce.

You put hot sauce on a child's tongue,

It burns their tongue.

What's that really teaching?

I don't know if they're really taught anything. was just, uh...

It sounds crazy to me.

No, it's crazy. I mean--

It's crazy.

You feel overwhelmed having a -year-old,

Two toddlers, a house to run,

And then you have a newborn that comes along,

And it throws a spanner in the works,

Because you have to learn to adjust

And regulate everything again.

Buthowever,the needs and the demands of your newborn

Have to be met.

They're a necessity, a necessity.


We have only our memory to rely on right now...yeah.

On when those last feeds were, how long the baby slept,

When the baby fell asleep.

And where are we recording it?

We're not.yeah, nowhere.

Uh, we're trying to record up here...

We're trying to do it up in our mind, but, yeah, we--

Yeah. [Laughs] yeah, we're--

But of course, sleep deprivation

And running around -- we can't rely on this.mnh-mnh.

You're a flight attendant, so one minute you're here,

And then you're back on the plane again.yeah.

So, you know, these kids are constantly

Having this small time with you before you go again.

It's--it's very overwhelming for me to have all four of 'em,

'Cause I'm not here all the time,

And I don't feel like I have that connection with myles yet.

And with him being fussy the way he

And me not recognizing all that right now...and getting frustrated.

I think that's-- it's tough.

What you want for yourself is to feel more...more confident.

Yeah. Just you looking at your little son yesterday,

Saying, "I'm just not spending enough time with him," and...

Yeah. It's--it's true.

It's like, you know, I want to,

But I never have a chance, 'cause of the other kids.

So we need to make that happen.

I'm all in. Let's do that.

Let's get you to a place, both of you,

Where you feel you can do that.okay.

But all the hard work comes now.

[Mouths word]so we've got enough energy to kick us through this, right?

We do.yes, we do.

So I look forward to seeing you later.okay.

Thank you.[Footsteps retreat]

Coming up on...

Jett. Jett, you need to stop and wait for me.

Mom takes a revealing trip to the park...

Oh, my god! No, you are not.

And a time out takes a turn for the worst...

This is your last warning, and then you go to time out.

Feel it here. No messing around.

When "supernanny" returns.


[Jo] my first goal is to address the needs of baby myles.

Mom and dad spend so much time

Dealing with their wild older boys

That I know it's gonna be important

For them to record baby myles' feeding and sleeping intervals.good try.

The reason I'm giving you this baby log

Is because we want to keep track of when myles is feeding,

Sleep and how long for,

So that then we can start to form patterns.okay.

If we don't have a baby log, then we've got nothing to go by.

So the first thing I do know is that you've told me

That myles has just had a feed. Is that correct?he just did.

So we can start off by doing that.

We can put the time and then the amount that he had.yeah. Okay.

Can I take the little one?[Sonya] oh, sure.

I absolutely love the baby log.

Remember, it's not until they're actually having

Puree foods and milks that you then start to lay down

Real solid sleeping patterns for him.

Hopefully these parents can keep up writing in that baby log

Amongst all of this wild behavior.

There's your little baby log.

[Jo] with dad out of town a lot, it's gonna be really important

For mom to be able to manage all of these kids

When she's out in public,

So I'm gonna teach her the roaming technique

And how to use her tone of voice.

You're going to explain to them that they're going to the park,

And we're gonna have some fun, but they're tolistento you.

Using your tone is gonna be so important,

'Cause you're basically commanding them to behave...right.

And do as they're told.

She's not really stepping up as an authority figure,

And her tone would command that,

But she doesn't know how to use that yet...

Okay, I want everyone to go to the front door and stop.

And I soon got the chance to teach mom by example.

Don't open the door! I said--

[Jo] all right, remember your voice. Remember your voice.

I want you to keep that door closed. Do you understand me?

Keep the door closed.

[Jo] it's gonna be really important

That mom exercises her tone of voice.

I believe that when she does, these kids will realize,

"Uh-oh, you know? Mom's being serious.

We're gonna have to knuckle down here."

Baby myles was sleeping,

And because I want to keep him on that schedule,

I decided to keep him at home with dad

And put a stuffed animal into the stroller instead.the baby's going in here.

[Keith laughs]in order for mom

To do the roaming technique efficiently,

I had her put gage on one side and trey on the other.

Jett can be just here... In front of you.okay.

You never want him running off

More than, like, seven paces ahead of're gonna come with me.

[Sonya] they're all independent,

And as soon as they see the park,

They're gone, and I'm thinking... [Inhales sharply]

I don't know how this is gonna work.

You guys, stay not too far from mommy.[Jo] the fear for any parent,

When you're out in public with lots of kids,

Is that they may run into the road,

And that's why it's gonna be important

For mom to keep things in control.

Hold--gage, hold on here. Hold.[Jo] stop. Stop.

Jett. Jett, you need to stop and wait for me.[Speaks indistinctly]

No, stop.all right, now bring him right here.

Stop the pram and talk to need to listen to me.

When I say "stop," you need to stop right there.

There's all these cars parked here. Another car won't see you.

Okay, we make sure there's no cars. Okay.[Boy babbles]

Mom used her voice very well, and the boys responded.

But going to the park gave her a set of new challenges.

[Jo] oh, the baby's crying,'s crying.

Baby's crying hysterically.

Gotta tend to baby.

[Sonya] oh, my god! No, you are not.

No, you are not. No.

Then you do not do it right there. Do you understand me?

Yeah.oh, my gosh.

So mom hasn't done too bad. She's using her voice,

Actuallytellingthem what to do rather than asking them

And staying on top of things.


[Speaks indistinctly][sonya] oh, no!

[Jo speaks indistinctly]

Jett, I need you to get down. Your brother has to go home.

[Boy shrieks]

It's amazing when you just use a different tone of voice,

That you get different respect.

I do think that mom did very well today,

However it's gonna be a whole different story

When she's by herself

And she has the real baby in that stroller. We'll see.

The next thing on my agenda was

To teach these parents proper discipline,

Because they've been using hot sauce...

[Screams]and quite frankly, I'd like to see that bottle

Back in the pantry.

So I explained to mom and dad

The process and steps of the time out.

And when the child gets up from the time out...[Myles crying]

Take them by the hand and place them back,

But without talking to them.trey gave dad the opportunity

To use his new-learned technique.

Do not hit the computer, okay? We don't hit the computer. No.

[Boy screaming]

Trey, we do not touch the computer.

This is your last warning.

Then you go to time out. Do you understand?

He did it again.

I put him in time out for two minutes,

'Cause he's years old...look in my eyes.

When I tell you not to do something, you don't do it.

Understand?thinking this shouldn't be a bad thing.

Stay here.

Okay. Look at me. Now time starts over.[Groans]

Sit. Stay. Stay.


[Crying]that's what you get for being a bad boy.

Don't stay nothing. Just take him firmly by the hand,

Put him back on that bench.[Continues crying]

He kept getting up, and I was so frustrated with it.

Ugh. I don't even know how many times I must have sat him down.

I wasn't sure if it was gonna work.

So do I ever, like, say anything,

Like after a while, just say "listen, you need to sit down"?

No, he knows already, by your actions.

Okay. Okay.your actions speak volumes, because it's repetitive.

Feel it here. No messing around.

Kids can feel that. They know that.

And when you're confident and you know, they get it,

'Cause they can sense that.[Continues crying]

Is there a record for time outs that you've done?

I wanna say three and a half hours.[Laughs]

[Continues crying]

[Coughs]so he finally made his two minutes,

And we finally got done with the marathon.

That was something that I thought was never gonna end.say it like you mean it.

Okay.[Jo] he needs to know you're being serious.

Listen, I put you on this time out

'Cause you did not listen to daddy.yeah.

We'll follow through with it.

Our kids will know that mommy and daddy are boss,

And we don't have to give 'em hot sauce.are you sorry?

Yeah.okay, then give me a hug and a kiss.

I think that dad did really good

When it come to disciplining trey, so I do believe that

They can put that hot sauce back in the pantry.

But next time, not so much talking.go.

Coming up on "supernanny"...bye, guys.

Dad slips up while mom's away.what are you thinking?

And later...that is very hurtful.

Jo doesn't like what she sees.

That was crazy!

When "supernanny" returns.


I've done some great work with mom.

I've taught both parents how to do discipline.

So now it's time for me to work with dad.

I think it would be a good thing to build dad's confidence,

And that's why I'm gonna leave him

With all of the kids to juggle.

I'm going to really send you off for a couple of hours...

[Snickers]so you can go and do whatever you wanna do,

Because I need to get dad

In a place where he's feeling confident

With all of the kids.

It caught me off guard, 'cause I wasn't at all expecting

To be able to just get away for a couple hours,

And she wanted me to spring it on keith.

I think I'm going to just go take some time for myself...that's fine.

For a little while.that's a good idea.

When sonya told me, I was a little nervous,

But I was worried about, man, if myles wakes up,

And myles is hungry, and I got the boys over here...bye, guys.

How am I gonna juggle?[Keith] jett, where are you?

[Jo] this malarkey here

Going on with jett is not necessary.

He needs to know what you expect form him at that table.

Hey, look at me. Look at me.

Right now I want you to sit at your table.

I want you to eat your food. You're not getting down

From the table until we're all done. Do you understand?my mouth hurts.

Jett had been warned, but he still wouldn't cooperate.

Jett, you need to sit in this seat like a big boy.

You're years old. Act like it, okay?

[Jo] lunch took longer than what it should have,

And dad ran into more trouble

When he let the boys out to play.

Trey, get over here now. Now. Trey!

And when it came to trey's nap, he hit another snag.keith?

[Keith] yeah.keith, what are you gonna do with your baby?

Personally, I don't think there's a problem

With me running inside real quick and keeping him out here,

Because I feel like the boys, if I tell them not to touch him,

Hopefully won't.what are you thinking? Your kids are having trouble

Listening to you-- "stay at the dining table."Right.

Take him with you.okay.

That way you know that he's inside

While you're putting trey to bed, and he's safe.okay.

[Jo] dad eventually did get trey down for his nap.

[Keith] okay, it is now quiet time.

If you want to play with those, you can.

I know it makes noise, but just play quietly.

Quietly. Okay.

[Jo] dad did have a successful afternoon

Managing all of these boys.

However, I do know that he does need more time with baby myles.

So with mom back home to look after the older boys,

I knew I could then give dad

That special little cuddle time with baby myles.

Right. Keith, we're gonna do a little bit parent craft.okay.

Myles, bath time.

Oh, sweet. Awesome.when I do get my one-on-one time with myles,

I'm not as comfortable as I thought.

I was very comfortable with each of the other kids,

And with myles, I was up in the air.

With this, how high should the water be?

'Cause I don't-- /-- /, inches.

/, Inches.[Sonya] keith wants to have that connection with myles,

So even if it's just a -minute bath that he gets with him,

That's huge.

You're then gonna place your index finger and your thumb...[Myles fussing]

Supporting the neck.right.

Since myles has been born, I haven't even given him a bath,

And it's one of my most favorite things to do.

Good job, myles. Feel good to be clean?

It should. I think it's been a little while.

After the bath,

I wanted to make one more point about applying the baby lotion.

The fact that you can stroke and touch your baby...yeah.

Is another way of you bonding.

And it's just very, very soft. It's your fingertips.

Just lovely, firm, round, circular motions

Or strokes down, 'cause another way is touch.

[Keith] it's nice. I feel like I'm getting that bond with him,

And I feel like he's recognizing me more.

I'm finally getting that sense of feeling

Like we're connecting as son and dad.[Cries]


After the bath, I thought what I'd do is check that baby log.

He woke up at : this morning, and he had ounces.yeah. Yeah.

And then he was probably down by, like, :,

And he slept till : this morning.

All right, you need to really put in the details of it,

Because by the time you get down to, like, two weeks,

You're gonna go wake up at :, "when did he go to sleep?"

So set this a bit more thorough.okay.

Okay, I want you literally knowing--

You're right, 'cause I won't remember.

There's no

Mom and dad could do with more detail in the baby log,

But, I mean, they're definitely making progress,

And I think it's serving 'em really well.

Then he slept till : a.m.that's brilliant.

And then he should be down

Till maybe : or : in the morning again.correct. Nice.

Life is has helped us to log everything,

And it's working very well. Baby's sleeping

And eating much better.[Sonya] when baby's happy, mommy's happy.

Even though dad travels a lot, I wanted to show him

That when heisat home, he could definitely use

His imagination to have fun with these boys.

[Trey fussing]what we have here, mom and dad,

Is a chest that has lots of accessories inside it.

And today what we're gonna do is a big, animated story.

Once upon a time,

Three little boys and their mommies and daddies

Went on a big, big safari

To go look for animals.

Maybe some lions... [Roars][laughs]

[Sonya] monkeys.or maybe some elephants. [Imitates elephant trumpeting]

[Keith] creative time with the kids is important.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able

To be that creative in a while.let's see if there's a cow over here on the safari.

[Jett] yes, there is.moo!


[Sonya clucks]

[Keith] whoo![Sonya] keith has just done remarkable.

He's confident.

He enjoys every minute with all of them,

So it's so good to see. I love it.

Say "hocus pocus" and send us home.hocus pocus.

Say "hocus pocus."Yes, you're ready.

Yes, you're ready. Go. "Hocus pocus." Send us home.

[Sonya speaks gibberish][trey speaks gibberish]

Okay, and then he said... [Speaks gibberish]

And we all went home.[Sonya] whee!

I'm going away for several days.

Sonya, what I would love to see

Is another one of those trips over at the park.okay.

Okay, but with baby, all right?[Laughs]

What I will struggle with most while she's gone is time out.

I lose my patience, and I'm gonna get frustrated,

And I'm just hoping that we won't need to go there.

Dad, remember, there's no octopus here

Doing things at once, all right?

It's recognizing that you do this

And then you can do that afterwards.

While jo's gone, the o-- the biggest concern for me

Is the disciplining, trying to get the kids

To sit on that naughty chair.[Kisses] bye-bye.

It's time for sonya and I to put everything together

That jo's taught us and, uh, make it work.

All right, guys.thanks so much, jo.

[Jo] I think that these parents have done great.

However, it's gonna be important to stay on track

So that they don't burn themselves out.

So they're gonna have to be careful.

Coming up on...

We're going home.

Mom's trip to the park ends in panic...

I warned you![Gage laughs]

You need to listen to me.i feel tired watching it.

And emotions run high in the dvd meeting.

That was crazy!

When "supernanny" returns.

And now...

How should you position a sleeping baby in their crib?

"A," on their tummy, with a light pillow...

"B," on their back, at the bottom end of the crib...

"C," on their side, at the top end of the crib.

Find out the answer when we return.

And now...

How should you position a sleeping baby in their crib?

"A," on their tummy, with a light pillow...

"B," on their back, at the bottom end of the crib...

"C" on their side, at the top end of the crib.

The answer is "b."

You should always place your baby

At the bottom end of the crib, on their back,

As this reduces choking and suffocation

From them wiggling around.

Never place their blankie higher than their waist.


It's been three days since I've been gone,

Which is quite a long time, so I hope they've done well.are we ready to watch?

Let's do it.yes.

[Deepens voice] yes. [Chuckles] yes.

[Normal voice] okay, I want to take a look

At dad, time out here. This--

You know how much I'm gonna like this one.

Clean up now. Gage.

Let's go. No, you just lost it.

I asked you, and you're not doing it,

So let's go time! No!

Well, then you need to start listening.

You're the only one in this family that doesn't listen.

Sit there. Don't move. When I ask you to clean something up,

You will do it. Do you hear me?

Look at me. Eyes. Eyes. Don't move.

[Gage groans]do not move. Every time you move, the clock starts over.



[Crying and speaking indistinctly]

[Keith] yes, your mommy's out.[Beep]

Okay, do you know why you were in time out?

Yeah.tell me why.

Because... [Cries]because why?

[Speaks indistinctly]you didn't listen?

Yeah.give me a hug.

I don't know if I like the way I was talking with him, but...

You gotta go in with a different attitude.

There was this "you stay on the time out now,

"Because if you don't, then I'm gonna move the timer back,

And I just want you to know this." What you were

Really saying was, "please stay on this time out bench."

You were begging him to stay there.

Yeah. You so want your child to understand...

Yeah.and you so want 'em to just get it...

Correct. Correct.and so you're just like, if I can just say it to him,

Maybe he'll get it.[Sonya] yeah.

We expect our young toddlers to get it straight away,

But you only remember that through repetition.yes.

You're how old and you're learning the time out bench,

And we're having to go over it again,

Because the steps are not lodged in there.okay.

All right, so mom outside.remember when we walked to the park yesterday?

[Gage] need to hold on to the stroller.

You cannot cross the street by yourself.right here. Get...

Wait. Anybody coming?

[Sonya] no shoes off, though, okay?

[Boy speaks indistinctly]

Gage, we're not dumping sand. Put it ba--no.

No. Fine, you're not doing it right there.

I said not to do it at all.

We're going home. I'm not catching you.

You're gonna get down here and go get your shoes on now.[Boy] no!

I'm not playing games. I've warned you.[Gage laughs]

[Trey] no!when I talk to you, you need to listen to me.

Jett, stop. Stop.

Stop.[Dog barks in distance]

All right. Let's break down what happened there.

Going there was perfectly fine...yeah.

Because you set it up nice and clear.

You got them to the park, and that was great,

But when you started to kick in with a warning,

You didn't use the right tone and you didn't use eye contact.

You didn't say, "down here right now,

Otherwise you're going straight into time out,"

And that literally would have held it all together. as soon as you see that they don't listen the first time...

[Snaps fingers]kick in.

So let's take a look at your time out here, sonya.

Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. You just hit your brother.

Mommy's gonna watch you in time out.sit, please.

Can you see the numbers going down?

Get up and then you're gonna start again.

Sit. Sit your bottom on the chair.


You need to sit here for three!

Don't get

All right, you're starting all over again.[Beep]


Now we gotta start all over again.i feel tired watching it.

Sit with your bottom on the bench.

Sit here on the bench.

Sit with your bottom on the chair.[Cries]

[Gage crying]

[Speaks indistinctly]

You did it. You do not hit your brothers.

Look at me. Do not tell me that you do not like me.

That is very hurtful.

[Voice breaks] don't say it.sorry.

That was crazy!i was mad.

You were chatting to him. It was like you had--

Like you didn't have anything else to do.

His leg was cocked up over the seat.

He was chilling for his three minutes,

And you were still sitting there saying,

"All right, you gotta stay there. You gotta stay."

[Laughs] I mean, what part of gage

Wasn't actually sitting on that seat at the time?

[Laughs]what were you thinking? So--

I don't know.i'll tell you what you was thinking.

Like a majority of parents,

It's really tough for you guys to give discipline.

He actually did as he was told...he did.

But it was difficult for you to leave him alone.i don't know why.

What, you felt like you're a bad parent for doing that?

It's part of--of your parenting.

It's your responsibility to raise your children

To start becoming more aware of--of their actions

And their behavior.

So we need to polish up time out, definitely,

And we're gonna work on a few other things as well.

So if you guys are ready, we'll continue.i'm ready.

Let's go.thank you.

Coming up on...

[Boy babbles]i'm panicking. [Laughs]

Jo trains mom at the train museum...

Look at his face and deal with his behavior.look at mommy.

And little gage goes pee pee but misses the potty.

You peed in here?

When "supernanny" returns.


After watching the dvd, I could see that it was important

For mom to still have practice in using her voice

To control her kids, so I thought I'd take them

To a train museum.i like trains.

Part of me was like, oh god.

I had it planned it in my head

How I wanted it to happen and go.

Didn't quite go that way. [Laughs]

[Jo] the boys tested her from the beginning.

[Jo] safety. What are we doing?

[Boys babbles]i'm panicking. [Laughs]

Exactly. So deal with it.okay.

Do you think these boys should be allowed up there?no. No.

You know--no, this is too high. Too big.

You know, I think jett's all right.

He climbs slides taller than that.

But this little one...listen, mommy doesn't want you to get hurt.

[Trey cries]okay, so, mom, this is where you can turn around

And say to him, "listen to mommy and stop climbing up there.

Otherwise you'll have to hold on to the stroller."

Look at his face and deal with his behavior.

Look at mommy. You cannot go on that train.


The stroller, mom, the stroller.

Stop that behavior right now.

If you misbehave like this anymore,

You're gonna be holding on to the stroller.

Do you understand me? Look at me. Do you understand me?

[Crying]then behave yourself.

Otherwise you'll hold on to the stroller.

Mom, you see the little one like that,

Straightaway just say to him, "this behavior,

And you're holding on." Once you address it,

You saw he went completely quiet.right.

Whilst exploring the trains,

The boys gave mom a good chance to practice.

Trey. Trey, I need you to come to mommy.

Trey, you need to come over here to mommy right now.

Trey, you need to come over here to mommy right now.

If you don't come over to mommy,

You're gonna hold on to the stroller.

Thank you.

Right. So you told him three times

Before you said "the stroller."

Next time...stroller.

You tell him once, it.

Mom has certainly come a long way

In feeling more confident using her voice,

But I want to clarify what she's learnt today.

After your first conversational tone,

Nip in with the lower tone. That basically is telling them

That they need to listen and respond straightaway.

And when you're feeling panicked, have them hold on

To that

In the past, when we were out in public,

We didn't really have a plan in place,

So this gives me a sense of ease.

I know that they're listening, so I feel better.


Both parents have got discipline underneath their belt,

However, they do like to talk a lot,

So I'm gonna give 'em a written reminder.

It's just something very simple for you

So that when you are doing the time outs,

It can just jog your memory, okay?

I love that jo gave us a plaque,

Because when you do get caught up

And you're getting frustrated, just to look up and be like...

[Gasps] okay. Keep me on track.

[Keith] and that's gonna stay up there for a long time.

I'll work on . You work on .yes.

And then later on,

Mom had a chance to go through all the steps

When gage had a bathroom... Mishap.

You peed in here?[Gage] yeah.

Are you kidding me?

You peed in here?

Come here. What you just did was very wrong.

You know that you do not go pee pee in the wastebasket.

Where do you go potty?

Um, in the--in the-- in the toilet.

Okay. So...

[Clicks button]three minutes.



[Speaks indistinctly]



[Jo] we need to reset the timer.


No!you just sit your bottom on the chair.

It's hard to just not want to say anything.

Mom, look at the time out reminder.

Walking away.i'm constantly wanting to be like,

"Just sit and you'll be done."

No. No. No.

Mom didn't say a word, and gage stayed put for three minutes.

Minutes are up. You go over and tell him firmly.

Don't have to be angry. You just have to be assertive.i'm not angry.

Look at me. Do you know why you sat in time out?


When gage completed his time out,

I was very pleased that we both did it.

So it was good.

Number is to explain.

With solid practice of getting this discipline down

And a written reminder,

There's no way really these parents can fail.

Okay.[Keith] trey.


[Jo] hey, myles.

[Keith] what's up, baby?

You know, I tell everybody who's gonna be a dad

It's just the best experience you'll ever have in your a flight attendant,

Keith is often away from his family,

And sometimes days at a time.

I've missed a ton of my kids' life.

It's a job, and I have to do it.

It's heart-wrenching, you know, when I'm not here.

I want to give you something

That I think would be really fun for you.

As you can see, we have mommy and your boys.that is awesome.

And if you open up each little window and pull out the paper,

You'll see that there is a nice little opportunity

To leave each one a little message.

And when you do leave,

Mommy will be able to read that out to the boys, you know?

This is great.since I'm leaving tomorrow, jo thought it'd be a good idea

If I go ahead and write the notes out right away.

It's just a way for the kids to know I'm thinking about them.

That was one of the best things I've gotten.

I think that the notes

Definitely are gonna make it a little bit easier.

I left you a note, and mommy can read you a note.

I could give it to them,

And they could kinda hold on to it

And just kinda have a little piece of daddy

When he's not there, knowing that he wrote those

Specifically for each of us.[Sonya] lookit. Even myles is up in the front.

Well, hey, continue on your journey

And--and keep in touch.we will.

[Keith] definitely.keep in touch. Mwah.

I just want to thank jo jo, from the bottom of my heart,

For a wonderful, wonderful experience.thank you.

Thank you for're more than welcome.

You're gonna be missed.bye-bye.

I mean, all of us-- gage, trey, keith, myself--

We've all taken away so many wonderful things.

Bye, jo jo.bye-bye, jo jo.

[Jo laughs]i love jo jo.

[Jo] bye-bye.bye.

Bye-bye.i think we have the proper tools in place

To accomplish anything we want to accomplish now.

But the learning still has to go on, just like life.

Life is gonna continue. Our kids are gonna grow.
