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06x14 - 100th Episode Special

Posted: 03/17/24 15:16
by bunniefuu
Tonight, a landmark "supernanny" event.

I'm so excited.

Join jo

In a th episode celebration...

High five!

As she reveals a side to "supernanny"

That's never been seen before...

I would be lying to you if I said

There aren't times when I go home, and I just cry.

Hello! Hi!

And reunites with three of the most incredible families

She's ever taught.

I am literally putting my hand out to you to save my life.

She feels their joy and sorrow... Oh, my goodness.

And shares their laughter and tears.

[Voice breaking] and I said I wasn't gonna cry.

At one time, jo helped them all...

If you're angry, tell her. Say, "I'm angry!" I'm angry!

But have these parents stuck with the program?

Julia, move!

Has a bullying father kept his temper under control?

You don't tell your mother... [Slaps] "bye-bye, sucker." [Whimpers]

Has a divorced mother of six

Moved on? [Voice breaking] I want my life back.

Has the grieving widow

Put her life back together? I really just want to be in bed...

[Voice breaking] and pull the covers over my head.

Come with me. I've got a surprise.

Can jo help them face new challenges?

[Jo] guess where we're all going?

Or will they fight her every step of the way?

I thought she'd lost her mind.


Today, we are celebrating

The th "supernanny" episode.

And it has certainly been a ride, to say the least.

I want to take you across america,

Back to some of these families

That I have helped over the years

And really celebrate their lives and what they are doing now.

So the first family I'm gonna go back and visit

Is the newsome family in tallahassee, florida.

It was about months ago.

I think I'd better take a trip down memory lane.

Hi, I'm blythe newsome, and I'm a single mom with six kids.

Loughlin is , aiden is ,

Daly is , moira is ,

Elspeth is ,

And finn is .

I remember thinking, a single mom withsix kids--

I've got my work cut out for me.

In the last months,

My husband and I got divorced.

We sold the house...


It was gonna be really hard for mommy to pay for it.

Did it get repossessed then? You just-- foreclosure.

[Jo] what's that? Ooh.

It's a--almost got a sweetshop there, a candy shop.


Hey, that's disgusting. [Laughing]

My word. You seen underneath those sofas?

[Blythe] nana was a part of our life forever.

She was my nanny growing up

And the nanny for my children.

Nana found a lump in her breast.

It was breast cancer.

Nana passed away.

And, I mean, this was a lady who was absolutely distraught.

[Moira screams] there is no discipline in the house.

No! No! Calm down. No.

There's no order. Ow.

It's just pure chaos.

[Grunts] ow. Ow! No!

Death, divorce, moving homes

And all within months. [Voice breaking] I want my life back.

[Bang] [mumbling]

When I saw blythe sitting on that kitchen floor,

It was like, "I'm done. I'm done, and I need help."

Well, I tell you what,

We certainly went through a journey.

It's gonna be absolutely fantastic

To see blythe and the family.

I brought some dvd footage of their experience with me.

I want to show them

The things that they have achieved.

I'm so excited!

Hello! [Laughing] hi!

To open that door and see her,

There were so many emotions.

[Squealing] it's so good to see you.

I wanted her to see what she'd done,

What she helped us do.

You gonna give her a hug?

How are you? Give me a hug.

[Jo] the kids are grown up. I mean, they've all matured.

Their faces have matured. Finn! You're, like, this big boy!

Hi. Hi, how are you, darling?

Everyone was happy to see her.

Look at you! Serious.

I just want to do something-- just--just for memory's sake.

Hold on a minute.

[Jo laughing hysterically] oh, my gosh!

When jo walked in and made a beeline for my couch cushions,

My first thought was, "you go, girl,"

Because iknewthis time, they would be okay.


[Laughing] I wonder if she thought,

"Jo is coming. I'd better do the sofa," the night before?

That's probably what people comment about the most--

"How are those couch cushions?" How funny.

We went and sat down to watch

Some of the highlights of our experience.

You guys have all grown up so much,

And you've all moved on so much.

It's gonna be quite interesting just to watch

And--well, let's just watch. [Giggling]

Seriously, why won't you clean your home?

We vacuum a couples times a day. There's no way. Blythe.

Well, now wait a second. The--the--the... Blythe.

We couldn't find--we couldn't find the vacuum cleaner... Blythe, please.

For three days. Tha--that's not fair. The-- no. Yes.

What is the point in me being here right now? You tell me.

[Voice breaking] i--jo, no.

No, sit back down. I'm talking to you.

[Jo] she just got up and walked out of her own home.

It made me realize just how difficult it is for her

Even to listen and hear what I've got to say.

My heart just, emotionally, kept going,

"My god, this--this woman has gone through so much."

But as crazy as that sounds to watch,

I didn't feel like you'd hit bottom.

And the truth of the matter is I didn't think

That I would've got

What I got out of you in this whole process

If I didn't come down like a ton of bricks.

I remember, as we were sitting down,

Thinking, "I have it together

For what I'm going through."

And then you pointed out that I really didn't,

And that was so... Hard to hear you say.

When I got up and walked away from you,

That was, literally, where--where I did hit...

You did. I mean, hit the bottom.

Yeah, you did. Jo, really, I'm--

Blythe, I'm about to help you. Okay.

Listen--listen to me. Give me five minutes, will you?

It's not your fault

That your husband lost his job. [Sniffles]

It's not your fault that nana got cancer.

Nana got cancer. [Sniffles]

And that's so sad.


Listen to me--i don't care about the rain. Let it rain!

That's it. The heavens are opening up, obviously--

But listen to me, seriously.

It can't get any worse than what it is, can it?

It can't get any worse. We're at the bottom, so... [Sobbing]

You only trusted one woman in your life.

I'm asking you to give me a chance here

And trust me.

To let you in and let you take

My protective guard away, that was huge.

And I remember thinking at that moment,

I am literally putting my hand out to you

To save my life.

That was the moment I trusted you and said, "okay."

I knew from there that we'd be all right.

Daly, nana left you this rock, and it says "strength."

This is certainly what she's asking

The whole family to have.

I think this might be a good idea

If you lend this to mom for a while

So she can carry it around in her pocket.

Here you go, mom.

When times get tough, she can pull out that rock

And--and recognize what it symbolizes--

Mom being that rock.

They used to have a family tradition

Of talking about

The best and the worst part of their day,

But since she's moved to the new home,

She hasn't done that yet. The kids absolutely loved it.

[Moira] aw! So it was time to bring back that old family tradition.

And they'll take turns by using that special rock of nana's.

What was the worst part of your day?

When I didn't play at school.

You didn't play at school?

And what was the best part of your day?

Uh, having dinner.

Mine, too! [Jo giggles]

The worst part of my day

Was pretty much homework.

The best part of my day is right now.

[All] aw!

What did you do with the rock after I left?

Like, would it sit anywhere? Or...

Every night at dinner, we would pass it around for--

So you continued to do that?mm-hmm.

You know, I was in the ocean, and I didn't see land,

And then jo showed up.

And not that it magically got better.

I have days where I still think, "how am I gonna do this?"

But now I know I can do it.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

Welcome to your practice run. [Both] ohh.

Blythe's daughter takes jo on a crash course... [Thud]

Ooh. [Thudding]

And later... You don't tell your mother... [Slaps] "bye-bye, sucker."

[Whimpers] do you understand?

Jo revisits a father

Whose temper was out of control...

We are seeing you be a real meanie.

When "supernanny" returns.


[Jo] to celebrate the th episode of "supernanny,"

I decided to revisit some of the wonderful families

I've worked with.

I've brought decorations and stuff to do

Because I thought what we'd do is make our own new rocks.

We had that beautiful rock

That nana had left for daly.

So actually going back and painting rocks,

And these kids putting their own messages on them,

I thought would be a nice little thing

For us to do in the afternoon.

Now what we've got here--look.

We've got "believe," "be creative,"

"Love"... "Faith."

"Faith."[Blythe] finn, what do you like to talk about at dinner?

Uh... Nana.

Our favorite part of the day.

Our favorite part of the day.

[Moira] the worst part, too.

What was your favorite part today? Doing this.

What's been the best part of your day today?

[Elspeth and finn giggle] [moira] no, daly, you're gonna talk to the green stone.

I know.

[Jo] as the kids grow up, there will be new challenges,

So there's still more work to be done.

It's gonna be really exciting for me to be able to help them.

What can you do at ? Drive.

[Jo and loughlin] drive.

Can you go for your permit this year? Mm-hmm.

Loughlin is coming up to learning how to drive now.

Mom had mentioned that she was a little bit nervous

About taking her out for a drive.

I have one-- I have a gray hair.

And I'm afraid by the time I got out of the car,

There'd be, like, a million.

I'm terrified. I mean, no offense--

I love you to death-- but that scares me.

Come with me. I've got a surprise.

I thought, "this has to have something to do

With loughlin and a car,"

Which can't be good.

Uh-oh.welcome to your practice run.

[Both] ohh.

So do I get to sit in the passenger's seat?

Ah, ha ha ha!

[Jo] having six children

Is definitely life in the fast lane.

New stages bring new challenges,

And dealing with them as they come up

Is the best approach to resolving them.

You see this? Do I have to, like, swerve

In and out of 'em or something, were you talking about?

Yeah, that's what you're gonna do.

Got it?yeah.

Loughlin goes, "which one makes the car go?"

And I thought, "oh, my gosh!"

Okay, not too fast.

I'm not going too fast, mom. Going too fast.

Calm down, mom. You're making the driver nervous.

She was pretty much a nervous wreck.

Okay, what do I do now? Don't hit--

Go... [Laughing] I'm not.

[Laughing] oh, man. Wait, you-- she's driving with two feet!

Stop it, mom. Stop it. Okay, use one foot.

Don't talk to you? Steer yourself back here.

How did that feel? Was she nervous?

I-i just--i was like, "stop talking, mom."

Okay, mom, we're gonna do it again.

Put your pearl necklace in your mouth. Seriously?

Yeah, this time, we're gonna do it silent.

But I don't really need to. Okay.

Mind the luggage in the trunk. [Grunting]

Mind the luggage.

[Thud] oh, whoops. There goes one.

Those cones are going to be real objects.

[Whispers] oh, god. They are going to be trees

And poles and people.

I ran over pretty much every single cone possible.

[Thud] ooh. Oh, wow.


I think she knocked over

Maybe seven or eight

Cone/people/car/ my insurance just shot up.

How was mom? I was better.

I mean, her mouth was shut,

So, I mean, that helped it a little bit.

Yeah, it helped a little bit, yeah.

[Blythe] look at how serious she is. [Jo] yeah, concentration.


You know, practice is gonna make perfect.

You know, the most important thing

Is to be really encouraging with her,

But just to take everything slow.

When you see she's going fast, you know, you should be able

To say to her, "slow it down."

[Jo] mom's learned the importance

Of letting go of the reins a little bit with your teenager,

And that was a wonderful breakthrough.

Well, listen, give me a hug. Take care. I will.

Seeing jo again was wonderful.

[Voice breaking] and I said I wasn't gonna cry.

What do you say to someone that made your life so much better?

Bye. Bye, darling. See you later.

[Jo] my visit with the newsomes has beenfantastic.

I can't wait to see the next family.

Lots of love. Take care. Bye. Love you. Be safe.

Take care. I'll see you soon, darling. Bye. All right, bye.

It's nice to say good-bye to a family

When you know they're doing their thing

And they don't need you anymore.

I don't feel guilty when I come down hard on families.

I'm there to be able to tell a family

What I believe is necessary for them to hear

In order to make those changes.

The man who raised her since she was years old

Calls her a slut and called her a ho yesterday.

No, what I was saying was I don't want

Her to dress like one... That's what you called her.

Is what I said. That's what I said. I was there, phil.

Phil. That... All right.

You're the big hustler.

Busy, busy, busy. No, no, no.

I just have a drive to not end up

In some little apartment that doesn't hold eight people.

You claim, "I work so hard

Because I want 'em to have a roof over their head."

You and other million parents that do the same.

And I know it's been really, really hard

For a lot of families to just take that on the chin

And listen to what I've had to say.

Are you insane?

You've just put a toxin into your child's mouth. Just a little bit.

Why would you think that that's okay

For you to do that to your kid? Me putting soap,

How is that respect? That's [bleep]. You know what? Me putting soap...

How is that respect? In my kid's mouth has [bleep] to do with if I love 'em.

Everything that is going on here

Is due to you.

[Chair scraping on floor]

But if that's what brings the results and the changes,

Then, um, guilty, I don't feel, no.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Jo learns a fact

About a family she never knew before...

I think if we wouldn't have done this,

We might've ended up divorced. And later, she returns

To the most heart-wrenching family she's ever helped...

We found out that my husband has gastric cancer.

Oh! [Kisses]

When "supernanny" returns.


I'm celebrating the th episode

On a journey back to seeing some of these families

So we can catch up and see how they're doing.

The next family I'm going to visit

Is the weinstein family in amherst, ohio.

It was about three years since I was last there.

Do you remember them? My name is chia.

And I'm david. We have four children--

Mckenna--she will just fly off the handle.

You smashed my lunch! I hate you!

Julia--you push her button the wrong way, and look out.

[Crash] tina's the aggressor out of the family.

Shut up, you idiot!

Robert--you blink, he destroyed something.

Oh, yeah. I remember this family. I'm a truckdriver.

I'm gone anywhere between five to ten days straight.

What are you doing with my curtains?

Say you're sorry! Sorry!

Don't t*rture the hamster.

I have to discipline the kids

And show them the difference between right and wrong.

[David] tina! Look at me. And then I turn into the bad guy.

You don't tell your mother... [Slaps] "bye-bye, sucker."

[Whipers] do you understand?

All night since I got home at supper,

You've been wanting to do absolutely nothing. Whew!

A little work needed to be done here.

We gotta get these kids in line--

Not only for the kids' sanity, but for our marriage.

We are in a desperate situation,

And we really need your help.

We did some serious work,

And--and things got a lot better with this family.

And we saw this very aggressive dad

Turn into a much calmer father.

Has david managed to keep a lid on that temper?

I hope so.


[Laughing] supernanny!

I was so happy that jo was coming to visit.

Chia! Mwah.

So lovely to see you. Look at your hair!

The big man! How you doing, huh?

I wanted to show her

That her time wasn't wasted with our family,

That we learned from her, and we benefitted from her.

Actually, a-after you left, I kinda...

Saw what kind of pressure she was under

Being here by herself. Yeah, yeah.

So I made a commitment to get off the road.

After you left, he sat down with me, and we just talked.

He apologized for always not being here,

He sold all the trucks.

Now we actually do things together.


All right, so let's just watch through some of this.

This is gonna be really interesting, actually.

Why don't you help mommy do the dishes?

I don't want to do nothing.

Just sit down-- kenny, stop.

Go. Go upstairs.

Why? If she doesn't want to do anything,

She doesn't want to do anything.

She shouldn't be up in that room all day.

What am I supposed to make her do?

Make her do what you want her to do.

She doesn't want to play. This is your house, and this is your life.

If you tell her

To stay out of the room, it's out of the dang room.

That drove you mad-- that's... Drove me nuts.

You're like... [Scoffs] not mad, nuts. I was going--i was mad.

But I figured, "I'd better watch what I say." [Chuckles] I remember thinking,

In my words, "david's just gonna blow in a minute."

And, chia, there was this passiveness from you

That I didn't believe was really you.

You know, I felt that you'd zoned out and become passive.

Looking at myself the way I was back then,

I actually see myself as pretty pathetic,

To be as weak as I was.

I want my kids to look up to their mom

And say, "that's the kind of person I want to be."

Julia, move!

That's ten dang times. Move!

I don't want my children to be disrespectful,

And I do what I feel I have to do to correct it.

Now you say you're sorry and get down and play. Oh, boy.

Say it.sorry!

And I'd better not hear it come out of your mouth again.

I want you down and playing. Play. No!

Yeah, daddy was stressed out there, wasn't he?

To say the least.

Watching you with tina, I mean,

You very much do have the same personality.

And, tina, I think that you are

A blessing to your father

Because every day, he gets

To get a good look at himself

And a reminder of what he needs... [Laughing] oh, I do.

Of what he always needs to work on.

Mm-hmm. [Tina laughs]

David, you bark, and you demand from them.

You are up in your kids' faces,


That's not a pretty sight, watching you grab up your kid.

I'm just holding her, trying to get two points across,

And then I walk out, and I feel like a jerk.

But that is what's coming across, david.

We are seeing you be a real meanie.

Relax. That's why we're here.

I'm not here to pussyfoot around.

I'm here to tell you how it is.

What went through your mind

When I sat there, david,

And went, "oh, I'm not pussyfootin' around"?

I mean, what did you think? Going into doing it,

I was like, "okay, I proved a point. It's them and not me." Yeah.

And it backfired on me, and I just figured--

I was like, "well, my ass is cooked now. I'm done." Yeah, yeah.

When I actually did that meeting,

Chia just sat at that table rather quiet,

And I remember thinking, "chia, speak up now.

I cannot keep voicing how you're feeling forever."

Actually, it felt better coming from you,

Because if it were me saying that to him at the time...

Yeah. Because of the way our relationship was...

[Snaps fingers] it would've turned into an argument

Right away. [Snorts] a fight.

Oh. Yeah, yeah.

But letting it come from you, he respected it more. Yeah.

When you communicate with the children,

This is what they're seeing, right? Right.

It made me realize that I'm putting fear into my kid.

The year old just sees a big, burly man

Standing over her and not knowing what's coming next.

That made me upset in what I did,

And i--and it-- and it hit me

Right--right where I didn't really want it to hit.

What's my body language saying?

That you're comfortable, you're not a threat.

But if I'm in your face like this...

No, that, I don't like. Oh, you don't like that?

No. How uncomfortable is that?

That's actually more uncomfortable

Than standing up like you were.right.

That's what your kids get.

I didn't like that one bit.

But I actually learned a lot that one

Because I know what you were trying to do.

You were showing me a size difference.

You've come a long way, right? Seriously?

When you came into the picture, man, we were at a rough road.

Honestly, I think if we wouldn't have done this,

We might've ended up divorced.

I was done. I was done ba--i was fightin' both of those two.

I was fightin' her, and I was fightin' the kids,

And I was like, "forget it." Ever since jo was at our house,

We've made a -degree turnaround,

Completely, totally different people.

I owe her.

[Chia] before jo got there,

[Voice cracks] david and I w-were this close

To calling it quits...


And, uh, she saved our marriage.

I can't thank her enough.

I'm very lucky that I have had the fortune

To have helped so many families.

But, uh, you know, I don't take all the credit for that.

You know, I work very closely with a team of people

That come in and professionally turn that

Into a tv show that people can watch

That allows you to be able to help absolutely millions,

And I wake up every day very grateful for that, as well.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

I just like nurse's corners.

Jo's got another lesson for chia...

Then how can they be lazy?

And later, has a widow been able to recover from her grief?

[Crying] I wasn't supposed to be by myself. [Christian cries]

I really just want to be in bed...

[Voice breaking] and pull the covers over my head.

When "supernanny" returns.


[Jo] it's my th episode, and I'm back to see

The weinstein family.

This was a family that was definitely challenging,

To say the least.

What's going on like-- like now?

What are the things that are obstacles for you guys now?

Well, I think the main thing is is that they're older now.

Yeah. So, of course, we can put more responsibility on them.

But how do we know

What is the proper responsibility... Right.

And how much is enough and not going too much?

Yeah, well-- we actually got into a little argument about it the other day.

I asked the kids to clean the bathroom upstairs.

Yeah. And my way of looking at it is if they try to do it,

Even if it's not the way you would do it as an adult,

You can't just go in there and say, "you know what?

I don't like the way you're doing it."

Chia explained to me how it can be difficult

For the kids to do chores, and dad piped in and said,

"Well, you're a little bit meticulous

About how you like things done."

So I thought, well, let's go upstairs

And see what's she's talking about.

I just like, you know, nurse's corners,

Hospital corners. Yep, yep.

You know, I got to pull everything tight. Right.

The mattress has got to be lined up.

And they'll just kind of throw the sheets over top. You know what?

Do you think that when the kids do it the way they do it,

Do you think they're being lazy? Yes.

We got three beds and i-- I put this pillow right--

But you can't make it that neat.

The kids listen and they make their beds

To the highest standard that they can make it.

But it's never enough for mom.

She did a good job, she put in a great effort.

Then how can they be lazy?

Can you just make your bed how mommy likes it to be made?

[Chia] she even showed me.

She goes, "do you want the sheet folded over?"

Well, it's folded over.

"Do you want the sheets tucked in?" They're tucked in.

Just because they're not perfect

Doesn't mean she's not doing what you ask.

The fact is, if you've asked the kids to make their bed,

And you see this wonderful effort

Of what you've been teaching them,

That's out of , because it'll only get better. Yeah.

Not everything has to be perfect.

I need to remember

That they are kids.

And I need to give them a little bit of breathing room.

Remember four years ago when I came here,

Dad was, like, in your face and everything else, yeah?

[Laughs] yeah. And now he's a teddy bear.

So what kind of things, then,

Did you start doing with your girls?

You know, I read them-- would you do that? Have you done that?

[Kenny] no. No.

[Jo] it will always be important for david to continue

Showing interest in the things his daughters like to do.

Even if it does challenge him

To step outside that comfort zone,

It will keep him close to them all.

Okay, so, uh, guess where we're all going?

We are all going to get

A manicure and pedicure. [Laughs nervously]

[Cheering] I thought that was cool,

'Cause I thought all the girls and my wife were gonna do it.

But when she turned around and said

That I was gonna participate and she was gonna have me

Get my toenails painted, I thought she'd lost her mind.

Come on.

[Jo] girls, daddy will lead you down there.

Oh. [Girls giggling]

My husband--

Big, bad dave--

Had to almost be a girl for a day.


And he had to sit down with his daughters

And get his toenails painted.

[Dave] do a lot of men do this?

[Woman] yes. You'd be surprised.

[Laughs] that tickles.sorry.

Huh? It tickles.

How's that feeling, david?

I'm about to start singing that song "I feel pretty."


Look at dad. Kenny, what do you think of dad getting his feet done?

Huh? Wonderful!

When I realized all the fun that I was having with the kids

And everything, I was glad I did it.

[Kenny] ooh, hoo! You love it, daddy.


I think the girls had a blast

With their dad.

I never heard them laughing so much and so hard.

Oh, this is gonna really strip you of all your masculinity.

That's it. You're done. Gone.

I would have never,neverwent and got a pedicure

With my daughters,ever.

I did it obviously because of the situation I was in,

But I'm glad now that I was in that situation to do it,

Because I see what it meant to my kids.

And you know what? I'm still a man.

I'm still here, and I got very soft feet.

[Jo laughs]

Thank you.

[Jo] so I have to leave and say good-bye to you guys.

Visiting the weinsteins has been great,

But I do still have another family I want to see.

Chia, take care, love. You, too.

[Chia] she's done so much for us,

And I feel like we owe her so much more

Than we could ever give her.

Good to see you.

[Dave] seriously, jo, I want to tell you something.

I respect you. I think the world of you.

And I'm telling you right now,

You really, really, really did change a life.

It's really difficult for me when I'm in a household

With children

Who are extremely angry and aggressive.

[Denise] meghann. [Paul] meghann.

You want to reach out to them more,

Because you know they're so hurt,

Yet at the same time, you know there's a possibility

You could get a punch in the face.

Why--why are you punching me? That's not nice.

You're getting angry.

Jojo's your friend.

I've become pretty good at dodging stuff now, you know,

Just in case.

This is meghann angry. Look. Angry.

I'm also not gonna leave.

I'm gonna stay with you guys

And--and make sure that you can get the results that you need.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Hi. [Screams]

[Laughing] [laughing]

Jo's final reunion is the most emotional of all...

Why couldn't I have had more time?

Why couldn't I have had more time?

When "supernanny" returns.


Today, we're celebrating the th episode

By going back to some of these families

And really taking a look at how they've moved on.

The last family I'm going to go and see

Is the lewis family.

It's been about months since I was last there.

Let's take a look. Hi, I'm antoinette lewis.

I'm years old. My husband is dwight lewis.

He's years old.

We have two children-- our daughter selah,

Who's years old... [Crying]

And our son christian-- months.

[Antoinette] hey, big guy.

So I'll be right back, okay?


We found out december th, ,

That my husband has gastric cancer.

Daddy, I tickle you.

Okay, bye-bye.

Bye-bye. I love you.

I want to welcome you to the memorial service

Of the celebration of the life of dwight lewis.

Speechless, really.

This lady...

Buried her husband two weeks before I arrived.

Come on. Mama don't want to fight with you right now, okay? [Whines]

It's only been a couple of weeks,

So I don't really have a lot of time to grieve

And--and shut down.

What--are you crying? Not today.

You sad? Today's a good day.

Now I'm facing

Many concerns

Regarding raising our children.

[Crying, screaming] okay, it's not the end of the world.

Yes, it is! It's not the end of the world.

[Sniffles] I wasn't supposed to be by myself. [Christian cries]

I really just want to be in bed...

[Voice breaking] and pull the covers over my head.

It was immensely difficult

For this young lady and her two children,

And so I am more than happy

To be going back and seeing how the whole family are doing.

It's so good to be back.

[Doorbell rings]

Hi! [Screams]

[Laughing] [laughing, clapping hands]

[Antoinette] I was so excited.

I was so anxious for her to see

The progress that I had made.

Good to see you! How are you?

You look fabulous! Thank you.

To actually open up that door and see her face

And to see these kids...

[Jo] selah! Come over here.

[Antoinette] come here, baby.

It was wonderful.

Give me a big hug, you! [Speaking indistinctly]



High five!

[Laughs] whoa!

So many people talked to me

About, like, how beautiful I was on the show and the whole thing,

And they were asking me about it,

So now I'm doing independent beauty consulting. Good for you.

And so--yes. [Selah] mama!

So doing the new job that you've got now... Yes.

Allows you, obviously, time to be with the kids, as well. Yes.

I can set my own schedule.

Antoinette's doing as well as can be expected.

There are days when she finds it very difficult and tiring,

And there are days when she's right in there

And enjoying every moment of it.

So let's, uh, take a quick look.

[Jo] while mom was showing me around the house,

She actually mentioned that she's not too sure

How much selah really understands

About her father's death.

Mama, where's daddy? You see? "Where's daddy?"

Where's daddy? Where did I tell you daddy was?

Where is he? He's in the sky.

He's in the sky, in heaven. That's right.

I'm curious.

How's that been with selah?

She knows exactly where her daddy is.

Um, I just celebrated my birthday...

Nice. And she says--she says,

"Is any of your friends coming over?"

I said, "no, it's just the family."

And she says, "oh, so it's just me and christian

And you and daddy?"

And I said, "yes, it's just our family."

Lovely. Mm-hmm.

So this was us at the park.

We're in this park.

We got no kids around us.

We got nothing to think of right now at this moment

But what's necessary.

And what's necessary is for you to get a load off your chest

That you've just been suppressing, suppressing,


All those things that you've angry with--

If you're angry, turn around and say, "I'm angry!" I'm angry!

Why?! Because he left me.

Then say it. Get it off your chest, girl.

I'm angry because he left me,

And I have to do this all by myself.

It's not fair. That's right.

[Sobs] god.



I waited so long

To get married

And to have kids,

And why couldn't I have had more time?

Why couldn't I have had more time?


Up until that point,

I was just operating on

Keeping my faith for my children

And not giving them anything

That would make them upset and emotional.

And I hadn't taken the time for myself,

And I guess I was afraid to, because I felt if I had,

I might go too far.

You made it so safe for me to just do it.

Hi! Oh, my gosh.

[Jo] she's still worried

That the kids are not gonna have

A male role model around.

You said to me that there was something in that kitchen

That has not been done.

You mean the--the range hood?

The range hood.

Oh, that's why she needed help.

Yeah, it's right there. All right.

No way! You got it all the way done!

Dwight would be so proud. This is awesome.

[Antoinette] I can't replace dwight,

But I can surround my children

With strong male images

That they can draw on.

That can help shape who they are as individuals.

Oh! [Laughs]

So now when you look back on that, right,

You must be in a place now that--"god, I was so worried

About there not being any male presence around selah." Oh, my god.

And now... [Chuckles] it's--it's so--

It's so many people that help me.

They come around. They spend time with christian.

They have so many uncles, poppies.

They just have so many guys that are there.

And I say it all the time--

"Jo tells me to utilize the men around me," and I do,

At church, at--at--at--mm-hmm.

Or just anywhere and everywhere, I do.

We've all heard many people say it takes a village.

This community came together for antoinette.

A party is not a party unless you have those

That are close to you, right, and those that care?

Just then, I had all of mom's friends

And family members

Come out from around the corner.

[Antoinette gasps] oh, my god!

[Voice breaking] they're all here. [Jo] mm-hmm.

I'm going to be a listening ear whenever you need to talk.

I would love to clean your house. [Antoinette] oh, my god!

And I've used that did?

I've used that one.

I'm pledging to cook for you.

I want to offer my babysitting services.

So we're gonna do a family vacation... We did that.

Wow. I've cashed in on it.

That's good. I've cashed in on it. That's--keep going.

We set up the dwight lewis memorial fund, okay? Wow.

From all of us. Oh, my god.

[Woman laughs]

The very first christmas

After this, you know,

It was extremely hard for me, and the claremont neighbors...yeah.

They decorated my house for christmas. They did?

They put the deers and all the whole thing out

And all of my christmas lights and everything.

It was nice just to hang out with her

And--and just catch up.

It's really good to be back!

Good to see you!

Jo is incredible, and it was wonderful.

Just hugging her and seeing her,

It's like no time had passed.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Jo helps mom tackle a new challenge...

This was one of the categories that fell under "dwight."

And gives mom one last surprise... Oh, my goodness!

When "supernanny" returns.

You know, I'm a human being who has emotions.

I'm incredibly sensitive,

And I have a lot of empathy

For the families that I'm working with.

But I've gone in there professionally

To actually help them,

And there are times emotionally when I get caught off guard.

[Sniffles] thank you very much. Jojo's nose is running. You can have...

I would be lying to you

If I said there aren't times when I go home and I just cry,

But at the end of the day, I do love what I do,

And, you know, it's really important for me

To be able to make their lives a lot better.

[Jo] for my th episode,

I've gone back to see antoinette lewis and the kids.

We had seen in the dvd that emotional journey,

And so I thought it would actually be really nice

That we take the kids over to the park.

[Jo] run, run, run, run, run, run, run. [Antoinette] yeah!

Here, look, take this off. You won't need this.

We spoke about christian

And when she should get rid of the pacifier.

He's years old, and at that age,

Children don't need them anymore.

And out and then back.


So you've got a little bit longer, I think,

Before this one gets potty trained.

This was one of the categories that fell under "dwight."

When dwight and I discussed potty training,

I go, okay, I got selah, but when we have our son...

[Snaps fingers] that's you.

If he's having his afternoon nap,

And when he wakes up, his diaper is all but dry,

Then you know that he's had bladder control... Okay.

Which is a really good sign, all right? Okay.

I would say you've probably still got around eight months. Okay.

The paci you'll have to let go of during the day.

As soon as we came here, I said, "let's take the paci out,"

And he's been exploring, he's digging,

He's finding treasure.

He doesn't need it, and what you'll find is

As soon as you take that out and he doesn't have it anymore,

He's gonna start to speak more.

It was a good time at the park.

But we did head home,

Because I had a special gift for antoinette.

I thought this

Would look really good

In your backyard.


Oh, my goodness. You gave me a tree.

A lovely tree,

Um, in celebration of dwight.

[Antoinette] oh.


Dwight loved the garden.

He always wanted trees back there,

And I thought, he would really love that.

As this tree grows older, the kids do,

And... Just life, right? Right.

So I thought we'd, uh, get busy and--and plant this tree

And the kids can see.

And that--this ribbon itself can just stay on.

You good with that?

I'm great with that.

I presented her with a tree

So that she could know

That this would symbolize life

And her family growing.


[Jo] you can water it with the watering can.

Ooh! And you can tell daddy how you're watering his plant.

But he's died now. He's in the sky now.

He is in the sky. That's right.

But you can still talk to him. But I don't hear him.

No, but you will feel him.

What's he feel like? What's he feel like?

Well, do you remember daddy holding you?

Yeah. That's what it feels like.

A year and a half ago,

I was scared,

And I had to do a lot of growing.

With jo's help

Catapulting me half the way

And then pushing myself

And praying my way the rest of the way,

I feel pretty invincible.

Jojo's going now. Mm-hmm.

Mm, jojo's going.

Antoinette's doing absolutely amazing.

She's up and she's living life,

And that's all your can hope. That's all you can hope.

Come here. Let me give you a kiss. Mwah.

Well, jo, congratulations on your th episode.

From the bottom of my heart

And from all of those who can't speak,

We all thank you.