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06x04 - The Naszkiewicz Family

Posted: 03/17/24 15:07
by bunniefuu
Tonight on "supernanny"...

[Cries] you see how he gets?

Do I see how he gets? Do you know this is my life every day?

A desperate family reaches out to jo

As a last-ditch effort before divorce.

Just before you got here, I was asked to leave.

Come on! Stop! Dad's short temper is infecting the children.

Aah! Half of his anger problem

Is because he sees your anger problem.

He sees you punch things, and you grab him,

And you scream at him. Oh, i-i wouldn't go that far.

He's got his kids running scared. Ow!

You've lost the four-wheeler now. Aah!

Can jo get dad to let go of his anger?

You know what, roy? It's all right to cry.

Now you've been bottling it all up.

That's why you've been so angry.

Or is she too late to save this marriage?

You know what's at stake.

I--exactly, so no--listen...

Not only are--am I out of here, I'm taking these four kids...

And on that note, I'm not-- and they're out of here.


I'm here in royal palm beach,

Ready to help a family who desperately need my help.

So why don't you join me and take a look?

Hi, we're the naszkiewicz family

From royal palm beach, florida.

I'm jen. And I'm roy, and we have four children--

Jordan, who's , tanner, who's ,

Zachary, who's , and kaia, who's .


[Crash] ooh!

Ow. Come in the grass!

I work as a painting contractor.

I'm a stay-at-home mom,

And I'm with the kids full-time.

[Children laughing] oh.

Did you write on the door?

It's pretty stressful, 'cause he works a lot. [Child screaming]

[Whining] aah! Aah!

It seems like when I come home, they're wiggin'.

That's the third time. Get out of the street.

Stop. Stop. No! No!




Kaia's biggest issue is she's got temper tantrums.


Zachary is the most challenging. Zachary.

Do you want to read a book? No!

If zachary's in a bad mood,

Then everything has to stop to pacify him.

I want on it first! Do you want on it?

Let him on it, and I'll set the timer,

And then it'll be your turn.

He is completely ruling the roost.

With jordan, the biggest issue is...

She fights with tanner. [Smack]

She almost seems to have a-a hatred.

[Smack] stop touching me.

You're not supposed to spin the chair, zachary. Stop.

[Roy] right now there is no discipline in our house.

I don't agree with that. These kids do what they want, when they want.


[Jen] zachary!aah!

My way of disciplining them is-- [imitates smooching]

Hug 'em and kiss 'em, that's your way of doing it,

Which I don't-- they're my babies.

Roy has a very short fuse. Stop.

[Crying] all you have to do is speak.

You don't have to do that. That's annoying.

He has no patience... You've lost the four-wheeler now.

And he thinks when he speaks, they should jump

And say, "how high?" And don't ask why. Give it back to her.

I don't agree with the yelling.

I don't agree with the intimidation.

Come on! Stop! I don't agree with the screaming.

I think that's unacceptable.

How can you play if you can't see?

It's jen's way or no way.

That's a sad state of affairs

When a couple can't compromise with raising their kids.

...wanted a-- no, you're the one who usually runs

Around the house with them before bedtime.

The one time we play for two min-- no, I don't.

Oh, please. We're making it miserable to be in the house together.

[Roy] you got him all worked up over playing that game

With that dog. Oh, give me a break.

Yeah, it's not good for--for us. It's not good for the kids.

This is important for it to work.

If not, we're gonna end up with divorced parents.

What is going on? This is what I'm talking about.

When you're home, you're not home.

Supernanny, I wish you would help us,

Because, uh, years, I don't feel, is worth

Just throwing in the towel over.

What do you mean, it wasn't bad at the supermarket?

He was outside, like, three times. Well...

Supernanny, we really need your help.

This is our last shot.

Please hold on one moment.

Don't sign any papers,

Because I am on my way.


Hello. What's your name?

Zachary. Zachary.

Come in. Oh, hi.

Hi. Hello. Hi, pleased to meet you. I'm jo.

Hi, I'm jen. Nice to meet you. Come on in. Hi.

When I first met jo, I was intimidated.

When she came in with her glasses and her suit

And her hair pulled back, i-i knew she meant business.

And then who do we have here? This is kaia.

Hi, kaia. Pleased to meet you.

Hi, pleased to meet you. I'm jordan.

Hi, jordan. Pleased to meet you. I love your glasses. Thank you.

Hello.i'm tanner.

Hi, tanner. Pleased to meet you.

[Zachary screaming] you guys do what you do.

So the family sat down to play a game,

And it became very clear to me who was calling all the sh*ts.

[Screaming] [speaking indistinctly]

If zachary loses,

Then the whole house is gonna start to fall down. [Screaming]

Don't touch his stuff. Don't touch it.

They have to let zach win.

Otherwise, who knows what he'll turn into.

[Speaking indistinctly] gentle.

Gentle. If you're not gonna do it gentle,

Then I don't need your help.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

He's like a little robot.

Ha, that's one word to call him.


[Screams] [jen] zach!

Mine! [Jo] then I got to see exactly what happens

When mom dares to give kaia

Any attention.

He's very jealous of her. Me!

What? I see you.

So everything I do to her...

I want to... [Whines indistinctly]

He wants me to do to him.

His anger towards her is getting much worse.

What do you want me to do to you?

[Whines] mom picked zachary up,

And then all was forgiven and forgotten,

Apart from kaia.

She had been forgotten completely

Because zachary's needs were met first.

Are you tired?

But zach wasn't through being center of attention.

It's not just kaia

That has to tippy-toe around zach.

The other girls do, as well.

[Humming] girls, do you guys want to go outside?

Okay, do it without him seeing, though.

What, you've gotta make out that it's not happening?

If he sees them go... Right.

He'll want to go. Right.

And yet again, she was making the older girls

Pander to zachary

So that he wouldn't see and have a temper tantrum.

I mean, how ridiculous is that?

[Zachary] my turn!

[Jen] when we're done eating, I'll take you outside. [Whines]

I knew the second the girls went outside,

Zachary would see that and want to go out.


[Jen] no, no. [Jen] he just kept running outside.

He wanted to play outside.

The girls were outside, so he wanted to play outside.

[Jen] come on, I'll take you out afterward. [Cries]

It took quite a few times

For him to finally stay in the house.


I was wondering-- does mom ever say "no" to zach?

[Screams] that's not nice.

[Whines] and finally, when he demanded

To hold a whole can of chips,

Did mom then decide to put her foot down?

[Screams, crying] you're not having the whole container to spill.

[Cries loudly] eh, eh, eh, hey!

[Jordan] zach!don't--



And on top of it all,

Zach now screams at his mom and pushes his little sister.

Are you kidding me?

He didn't want the bowl.

I feel like that wasn't a big deal--

Just give him the whole container...yeah.

And he'll stop screaming. I want milk!

He will punch and kick if he wants something himself.

[Grunts] stop.

Aah! Stop right now.



I mean, generally, as a rule of thumb,

He knows to behave aggressive in order to get what he wants.

But then five minutes later, he'll come up you, you know,

With his thumb and his blanket and crawl up on your lap. Yeah.

Um... And so that's why I have

A hard time disciplining him.

It just breaks my heart to see him upset,

And if I yell, I know it upsets him.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

[Screaming] hello.

Jo learns just how near this family is to breaking up.

Just before you got here, I was asked to leave.

And she wanted out? She wanted a divorce?yeah.

And tempers flare between mom and dad...

You see how he gets?

Do I see how he gets? Do you know this is my life every day?

What do you mean, do I see how he gets?

When "supernanny" returns.


Observing the naszkiewicz family in florida,

I have seen a -year-old boy

Defy his mother

And rule roost

All... Day... Long.

Dad arrived home at around :.

Hey, bud. Hi. [Screaming]

Hello. Hey, how you doing?

Nice to meet you. Hi, I'm jo. Roy. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Straightaway, dad told mom

That he needed to go on the computer to do work. I got a couple things

That I need to do that's really important

'Cause I'm on my deadline late, so can I have,

Like, , minutes before I help you out?

But jen has a real big issue

With the way that roy chooses to discipline the kids.

And so I wanted to talk to roy about it

And get his take on things.

She says I scare 'em. She said I've scared 'em.

I grew up differently.

I got my butt beat when I did stuff wrong.

I had one instance with the kids

When they were younger where I hit 'em

Because I had lost control because of something they did,

And I smacked them both.

And, um, ever since then, there's been a problem.

She--it's-- I've never been allowed

To basically do anything to reprimand the kids.

Because when I do, we fight.

Just before you got here, I was... I was asked to leave.

And she wanted out? She wanted a divorce.yeah.

And--and I was seriously contemplating it,

But then I thought, no, I'm gonna see how this works

And figure out if I can do something different.

Maybe there's something I'm not doing,

Or whatever the case may--

I'm in. I'll do whatever it takes.

Okay, so you've got hope in your back pocket, okay?

A-at this point, that's all I've got right now,

'Cause I know my wife don't...

Hold onto it, because I'm here for a bit.

I can do that. All right.

And I'll let you go do what you're doing over there.

Okay. Thank you.

I didn't realize how bad a situation it was

Until I spoke to dad.

Mom has actually asked dad to leave the house.

So whilst I'm there, if things don't get better,

They could end up getting a divorce.

[Roy] if jo can't help us resolve the situation,

I don't think there is help.

Zach, come on. Not on the wall, man.

Jen, please, could you stop him before he gets the chair?


Excuse me for a minute.

Can I just ask you both a question? Yeah.

Are you guys not talking? It pisses me off that it's :.

You know, you blame their behavior on me,

But yet, when are you here to help?

I'm the one who does it all. Maybe while I'm at work,

But, yeah, when I get home, I do help out. [Laughing]

What are you angry about?

Just his day never ends.

Because now I'm just now getting involved and saying something,

And I didn't do nothing the minute I walked in the door.

Right? Is that what you're saying?

Because you came home immediately and ducked out...

Which--yeah-- and said you had stuff to do.

It's always something to do.

And yet, they run around like this,

And yet, you blame me for their behavior,

But when are you here to help?

You know, and half of his anger problem

Is because he sees your anger problem.

He sees you punch things, and you grab him,

And you scream him-- oh, i-i wouldn't go that far,

Because I don't do that. At him.

So you think that he's got anger problems

Because of, basically, watching roy. He sees him. Yeah.

Zach.where else did he pick it up from?

Where else? Uh, maybe the shows he watches in the morning. [Whines]

All right, whatever. That's crap. That's crap. Shoe!

Where is your patience?

Where is your "I missed you all day" for the kids?

It's not there. I don't criticize your job.

This is my job, and all's you do is criticize it.

But I've had it to this point, you know?

You've had it to this point infive minutes!

No. I just can't take that.

I just feel like there's no discipline.

I really do. I've tried being calm.

You see how he gets when I gra-- do I see how he gets?

Do you know this is my life every day?

What do you mean, do I see how he gets?

[Jo] and I got a pretty good example

Of how these parents carry on with one another.

They're angry. They're hurt.

It's--it's ugly.

It's really ugly.


I've spent a really good day today

Observing your family.

What I do want first thing in the morning

Is a family meeting. Thank you.

[Speaking indistinctly] say good night to jo jo.

Night-night, jo jo. Night-night. See you tomorrow.

I have seen more than enough.

These kids need their parents to do their job,

And they're not.

These parents need a stiff talking-to.

And tomorrow can't come

Quick enough for me.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Jo has tough words for both parents...

You're too harsh. You're too soft.

And take responsibility and be accountable for it.

And jo gives dad a taste of his own medicine...

Come here. This is what she's talking about--that.

When "supernanny" returns.


The first thing that I want to talk about

Is zach's behavior.

Now he's--he's got too much control.

He can do too much whenever he wants

To whoever he wants.

Why does the whole house revolve around zach?

He's my baby.

[Clears throat] they're all my babies,

But he's my baby.

But he's a young boy

Who needs boundaries,

Who needs rules.

It is your job as parents

To teach him that.

Let's talk about discipline.

Why can't the pair of you--

You chose to raise

And bring into this world four children.

Then take responsibility

And be accountable for it.

That's the difference between us--

Two different ways of trying to teach these kids,

And neither one of 'em are working.

'Cause there's no compromise.

You're too harsh. You're too soft.


What about coming together?

For my kids, I would do whatever I have to

To change if it--if it's-- if that's not working.

Let's talk about your marriage.

You spoke to me, roy, about how you didn't want to--

You don't want to throw the towel in.

Why don't you want to lose your marriage?

Because I want my kids to grow up having two parents,

You know, that...

You know what, roy? It's all right to cry.

It's okay to feel emotional right now.

You've been bottling it all up.

That's why you've been so angry.

It's our job.

So I feel like I'm failing at what I'm doing

While I'm fighting with her all the time.

Jen, where are you at?

[Sniffs, clears throat]

I want to believe what he says. [Sniffs]

But he's said it before.

So I'm hesitant to believe it.

Are you both willing

To work and make changes?

I-i'm willing... [Clears throat]

To do whatever.

So am i.

The three of us

Have got some work to do,

But nothing that is impossible to change.

I want to leave you with your thoughts.

That was not pleasant.

Not when you're being told,

You know, what you're doing wrong, and...

I know how to take care of my kids.

I take care of my kids on my own.

I may not do it the right way, clearly,

But I still do it. Okay, and I agree with that.

I don't know what we just got ourselves into.

Can we just have a-- can we just say,

Look, we've tried it our way, and it hasn't worked. Let's--

Obviously, my way doesn't work.

The stakes are really high here.

Unless mom and dad see eye to eye,

Then we could be looking at a divorce,

And the kids are gonna have to go through that, as well.

With things just not looking good,

I stepped in with a technique straightaway

To get mom and dad on common ground.

You both need, number one, to talk about

What you haven't been able to come to agreement with

So that you can compromise

And then write it down here.

So let's start off. The topic is discipline.

As far as, you know, the physical contact,

You know, like, when they do something

That you don't want them to do, you jerk 'em by their arms.

And i-i don't feel that that's appropriate.

Or if you want zachary to come with you,

And he doesn't want to come,

You'll just jerk him and make him come.

That hurts him. There's times

When I have to physically get ahold of zachy.

Because when he goes to run or take off,

If I don't grab him, he won't stop.

Roy, this is not what she's talking about.

You and I both know this.

This is what she's talking about, roy.

Come here. This is what she's talking about--that.

That's what she's talking about.

When you grab, and you're like that--that.

[Roy] when jo grabbed my arm like that,

It made me realize that I was doing

The same thing to my son.

That really, really opened my eyes as to what was going on,

And I didn't like it.

I mean, I felt, like, this big.

It was really bad.

All I can say is I won't do it again.

I won't do it.

I'll figure something else out.

I'll figure out another way.

Once I made that serious breakthrough with dad,

I was able to work with jen and roy

With dealing with other issues that needed to be addressed.

School night, kids are in bed at what time?

School night? For both of 'em, are we gonna do the same time?

No, jordan's , and she gets up later.

[Jo] it was fantastic,

Because they compromised on everything--

Zach's screaming

To, basically, how they communicated with one another

And also, the children's diet.

They have to try-- they have to at least take one bite

Of everything. A-at dinner, they have to try one new item.

The parent pact was good.

I think it opened up

Some communication with roy and i.

We got the--the major points that we need addressed,

And now we can move forward

To implementing them.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Can jo get mom to stand up to zach? [Cries]

What kind of love is he learning to get?

Is that healthy love? [Zachary screaming]

No. You know it's not.

And later, mom gives dad an ultimatum...

You know what's at stake.

I--exactly, so no--listen...

Not only are--am I out of here, I'm taking these four kids...

And on that note, I'm not-- and they're out of here.

When "supernanny" returns.


[Zachary crying]

Listen, mommy's gonna pick you up in a minute,

But I'm gonna hold kaia for a minute,

And then I'm gonna hold you, okay?

Later on, zach threw an absolute tantrum

Because mom was holding kaia

And not him.

Zach has been overbearing

With every member of his family.

And it's really about mom teaching zachary

That it's okay for him to wait his turn.

[Zachary howling] and this is what you're gonna say to him--

"We will cuddle in a moment,

But right now mommy's cuddling kaia."

Could you stop crying, and you listen? [Whining indistinctly]

Sit right here next to me, right here next to me.

If you want to, it's up to him.

[Zachary crying indistinctly]

See? Mommy's right here for both of you, okay?

That's defeating the object, though,

Because there are gonna be times

When you're just gonna be with kaia,

And there are gonna be times when you're--

Look what he's doing. Look.

He muscles his way and pushes past her.

None of this crying and nonsense, okay?

[Zachary wailing indistinctly] mommy's cuddling.

And when she's finished, she will with you.aah!

When zachary cries for me, it just breaks my heart.

And that I can't just drop everything

And just pick him up and love him

Is--is a horrible feeling.

[Crying] it's not necessary.

I want... [Shouting indistinctly] put both kids down.

Tell 'em you're gonna make dinner.

I'm gonna make dinner.

[Wailing] I'm gonna make dinner, honey.

He's doing this right now

Because he just wants to smother you.

[Jo] it became, emotionally, too overwhelming for her,

And I could see I just needed to take her into the bathroom

Where we could have a serious conversation

And that she could really get herself together.

[Zachary screaming] okay, what are we crying about?

What are we crying-- that's killin' me.

[Sniffs] what are you crying about?

What is it that--what is it that's k*lling you? That he's upset

And wants me to pick him up, and I don't just pick him up.

She needs to realize that as long as she continues

To behave this way, things are not gonna change,

And there are gonna be mixed messages

Flying around for these young kids.

How is he gonna learn from you doing that?

Tell me, what is he gonna learn?

If he behaves like that,

And every time he behaves like that, he gets love,

What kind of love is he learning to get?

Is that healthy love?

No. You know it's not.

It made me feel a little bit bad

That I let it go that far,

That by trying to make him happy,

It was hurting him.

Stick to your word.

Stop babying him.

Do not leave that bathroom until you're ready.

Let's see what happens.

She turned around and said, "now I've got this.

I know what I need to do," and out she went.

[Jen] and when I came out, he was done.

He got over it, and he was fine.

You can't cry like that, okay?

'Cause that makes zachy sad and mommy sad.

You use your words and talk to mommy

And no screaming, okay?

Mommy loves you.

Mom didn't give in,

And it's good, because zach has realized

That he can't have every minute of mom's attention.

And mom's realized that it's actually okay

To make zach wait for a minute.

I'm glad I did it. It's gonna help him.

It's gonna teach him, and it'll benefit him.

But it was the hardest thing I've ever done--


[Jo] having dealt with zachary's jealousy issues

With his baby sister,

It's now gonna be important to make sure

That he doesn't have to be and do

Everything his older sisters are doing.

Zach actually makes the call

If his older sisters can go into the swimming pool

Or go outside the house to play.

This needs to change.

So, jordan and tanner, you're gonna go swimming

In the backyard, okay? Without zachary.

I was, like, shocked,

Because I didn't think zachary would be able

To let us go out by ourselves.

[Jo] so sure enough,

When the sisters left, he kicked off.

[Crying] listen--this afternoon...

[Wailing] I want to go! I'm gonna takeyouswimming.

He was not happy. He had a fit. He cried.

[Crying] stop crying so you can hear me, okay? Listen.

So mom remained calm like I taught her to,

And then we just shifted zach's focus,

And we played a game.

[Zachary] come on! Okay, let's see what color jo wants to be.

All right, um, I think I'll be yellow, actually.

I'll be the yellow one. What one are you gonna be?

We started to play, and he wanted to be a part of it.

You're after mom. Then you go.

And you're after me, so it's your turn now.


Mom's looking at me. She's like...

"I cannot believe that he's still sitting there."

So help me count. One.

For him to actually accept it and he be like, oh, okay,

Without the fight we thought we were gonna get is amazing.

And now we know that everybody can do their own thing

And still be happy.

Mom and dad still have a major problem

When it comes to disciplining zach.

So what I'm going to do

Is bring in the naughty chair technique,

Go through the steps

So they will understand how to do a time-out. This is good.

This is the first time I've seen you guys smile over discipline.

We're in a good place. No, we're excited about it.

All right. It wasn't long before mom had to use the first step

Of that naughty chair technique--a warning.

Zachary, if you spin the chair again,

You go to time-out in your naught spot.

Do you understand?

And when zach chose to ignore mom,

It was time to do the second step,

And that was to put him onto the naughty chair

And explain why he had to sit there.

[Screaming] I don't want to!

Listen to mommy.

You are in time-out because mommy said don't spin the chair.

I don't want to be in time-out.

And you did not listen to me.

So now zachary has to sit in time-out.

Stopwatch. When mommy comes back to get you, you may get up.

At first, he was like, "well, why am I sitting here?

"I've never had to sit anywhere

For any extended period of time when I've done something wrong."

[Jo] and true to form, zach didn't give in without a fight.

[Jen] I knew the first time-out with zachary

Would be really hard, and it was.

[Roy speaking indistinctly]

[Screaming] this is not funny.

But mom stuck with it

Until zach sat there for his full time.

And she did a great job.

Mommy told you do not spin the chair.

And you did not listen to mommy,

So you had to sit in time-out.

Now say you're sorry. Sorry.

And give me a kiss and a hug.

To actually see discipline work with zach

Just gave me encouragement

That it's gonna be hard to do,

But the more I do it,

Hopefully, the more he will behave.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

[Screams] can dad keep his temper under control?

[Wails] no, no. Come here.

And later... I don't need your help!

When mom goes solo, the results aren't pretty...

The reality is that sucks.

When "supernanny" returns.

And now...

How can you get your teenager to engage in conversation

When all they're interested in

Is texting and playing on the computer?

A--set aside times

That limit the use of their electronic devices,

B--set up your own instant messenger

And talk to them online,

C--take away their phone

Until they agree to follow the rules?

Find out the answer when we return.

And now...

How can you get your teenager to engage in conversation

When all they're interested in

Is texting and playing on the computer?

A--set aside times

That limit the use of their electronic devices,

B--set up your own instant messenger

And talk to them online,

C--take away their phone

Until they agree to follow the rules?

The answer is...

Set aside times

That limit the use of their electronic devices.

This is important when the whole family is together,

Like at mealtimes.

Quality family time will allow you all to feel more connected.

Trust me--it will make all the difference.

So I taught mom how to do discipline with zach,

And she's doing it a lot better.

But there's still a trust issue between mom and dad.

Go away and let him watch 'em? That's hard.

[Jo] dad has said that he really wants to curb his temper,

But mom's scared that he's gonna go back

To being physical with the children.

In order for dad to gain mom's trust again,

He needs to sit down and listen to what mom has to say.

It's just hard after so many times

Of you saying, "I'm gonna change,"

And I'm like, "okay, fine, one more chance,"

And then two days later, you're back to your normal self. Right.

I wonder how you're gonna handle it when, you know,

Two hours of putting zachy in time-out if I'm not here,

And the girls are at each other, and she's misbehaving.

You know what's at stake.

I--exactly, so no--listen...

Not only are--am I out of here, I'm taking these four kids...

And on that note, I'm not-- and they're out of here.

This is it. On that note, I'm not letting that happen, okay?

Can I just interject?

He actually did sit at that table

And admit that he was wrong.

This is two-way here.

I understand that trust has been broke,

But if you can't see

When a man's trying to make

Then he's running around chasing his own puppy tail.

Keep the door open,

Because your husband wants to be able to prove

What he can do to change.

I don't feel that I have earned jen's trust back yet,

But I know that I'm working towards that.

Roy needs to prove to me

That he's making an effort,

And see how it goes.

[Zachary wailing]

Later on in the day, zach pushed kaia,

And it proved to be a good point

Where dad could discipline zach

And show that he could curb his temper.

[Wails] come here. No, no. Listen. Come here.

No. Just take him by the hand... Go get him?

And then bring him over to time-out.

I'm not gonna chase you. Come here. Listen.

And then you can console kaia.

[Crying] I'm not gonna-- sit. Sit down. Okay.

No talking. Just get him to go over there?

You don't need to talk to him. Remember the steps.okay.

You get him, you take him by the hand, okay?

You bring him to the chair, then you explain.okay.

I thought this is never gonna work.

There's no way he's gonna listen to me.

You're sitting in time-out because you pushed kaia. [Whining]

[Sobs] I'm gonna set the timer,

And when you're done, you're done.

I was a nervous wreck.

Usually, roy'll grab him and put him there

And scream at him.

And I thought, oh, this is not good.

Okay, just reset the timer,

'Cause he's already gone back there, okay? Okay.

[Jo] place him back and reset the timer.

Aah. [Screams]

Zach really tested roy's patience,

But I had to remind dad just to stay calm and composed

And place zach straight on that naughty chair.


Remember, he's gonna do that,

Because he needs to see

That you're gonna follow through, okay?

Just remember, it's part and parcel of him learning.

Him getting up and down like that?exactly.

He's learning that you-- that you're being serious. Okay.

I thought that, you know, doing this

Repeatedly like that,

He was making a game out of it.

So for me to say, "zach, stop.

Get over here right now and sit down,"

And put him in his place

And him see that I was getting angry,

He picked up on the fact that I wasn't playing.he--he--

He--he realized that I wasn't playing. No, no, roy,

He realized you weren't playing because he responded to fear.

Okay. I believe every person

Deserves the chance to change.

Yeah, that's what I thought I was trying to do for so long,

But it just seemed like I wasn't doing it.

I mean... Right, but you do that now, okay?

Yes, absolutely. Okay. You do that now, roy.

All right, go back. Come on. Okay.

Follow through with it, okay? Calm down time.

I put you in this chair

Because you pushed kaia, and she got hurt.

He needs to tell you that he is sorry for his behavior. Tell me you're sorry.

Sorry. And give me a hug and kiss.

And you give him a hug and kiss, too.

And he does need to apologize to kaia. Sorry.

Well, dad certainly had some rough moments,

But with my help, he stayed pretty strong.

The question is how well is he gonna do when I'm gone?

[Jen] I'm hopeful that he finally got it,

But in the back of my mind, I'm always a little unsure.

Will it last? We'll see.

It is time for me to go...

[Whining] away for several days.

Are they out of the woods? No.

There's a lot at stake here.

Let's face it,

We could be looking at a broken home, divorce.

Roy, I'm gonna ask you to make sure

That you are keeping your temper in check.

I'm really nervous about trying to implement everything

And do it all without jo.

If we don't, then we're just back to where we started.

Bye, kaia. Bye, yogurt nose.

Bye-bye.zach, say, "bye, jo jo."

Bye, jo jo.

I think we know what to do.

I just hope we're strong enough to do it while she's gone.

Our marriage is at stake. I hope we can do it.

Keep it together. [Roy] okay. Bye-bye.

All right, see you then. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. [Jen] bye.

Fingers crossed that this family

Makes some proper choices whilst I'm gone.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Can dad keep his cool without jo?

Zach, you're pushing it.

If you don't get out of the pool right now,

You gotta go into time-out.

And is this marriage doomed to fail?

Do you see how that looked?

You better wipe that smile off your face, roy.

When "supernanny" returns.


It has been three days since I've left this family.

They have a lot at stake.

I just really hope that I'm gonna see improvement.

So let's take a look-- mom's discipline.

Boom! That's not nice.

This is your warning.

Do not hit the balloon again, or you go to time-out.

Do not pull on the string.

If you touch her again...

[Screams] you are going to time-out.

The next time you hit somebody,

You are going to time-out,

And I'm serious.

There were so many warnings and no follow-throughs.

I guess I just give him too many warnings, hoping.

But I guess-- watching it on tape,

It doesn't look very good at all.

It's not good. Mnh-mnh.

You know, the reality is that sucks.

Yeah. Yeah, I saw it.

Zachy needs you to give him guidance and direction.

I agree.


Zachary, sit down. [Cries]

Zachary, come back to your chair.

Sit. [Speaking indistinctly]

Get on your chair. Get down. Sit back in your chair,

And I'll put...

Are you all done, zachary? Are you all done?yeah.

Okay, guys, he is done eating,

So finish up, 'cause we're gonna go.

All right, let's get out of here before they act up.

Hurry. Finish up. Hold on. Hold on.

Um, no, I think that's it.

Look! Poor jordan's not even finished!

It was done.

Did--did you not see her plate?

They're having to scoop

And put it into a doggie bag to take out

Because zach has decided that he's finished dinner.

Is that pathetic that we are laughing? Yeah, really.

You might as well have done a drive-thru lunch.

From the first time they stand up on their chair,

And you say, let's sit down to eat our food,

And they don't listen, that's it.

You nip it in the bud.

They need to know that you will deliver.

Yeah, we let it go too far, and that's out of control.

I think that's both of us, yeah.

So put it right. Okay.

Your time-out here, roy. Okay.

Zach, come on. I need to dry you. No!

This is your only warning.

If you do not get out, when I get you out and dry you,

You have to spend the time in time-out.

Zach, this is your warning. Zach, you're pushing it.

If you don't get out of the pool right now,

You gotta go into time-out.

All right, now when you come out, it's time-out. So come on.

See, I already see things I just did wrong right there.tell me.

I elevated my voice,

And I warned him too many times already.

Hey, zachary, this is your warning.

Give me the lid, or you're going to time-out.

No one's talking to you in there.

[Roy] i-i am telling you, he's already going.

Good, then come out and do it,

'Cause by now, he's forgotten what he did wrong!

As soon as I get dressed, I am. Whatever.

Where were you? You were changing.

Probably in the bathroom. What were you changing for?

You were gonna be doing the time-out.

So you didn't follow through. I now realize

That I didn't follow through on that.

I was--i went--instead of doing it immediately,

I went to go do what I needed to do

To come back instead of--

Deal with what's necessary.

Okay. You didn't do it.

I know. What do you mean, you go off to change

And get yourself ready? I mean, while you're at it,

You might as well have gone and got a haircut... Yeah, no, I was--

And then come back and dealt with it.

I mean, seriously, roy. No, I understand. No, I agree with you %.

Last, but not least, we're gonna take a look

At dad's tone and mom's tone. Okay.

No, we're not playing on the slide. Come here.

No, we're not going on the slide. Back in the pool. [Cries]

No. Sorry, you can't. Come here.

Whoa, big girl.

Listen to me. You kicked her in the face when she jumped.

You really could've hurt her.

Please don't do that again, or you will go to time-out.

That's your last warning. [Shouts]

I put you in time-out 'cause I asked you not to hit nobody,

And you went and hit your sister again.

Now do you understand that when I tell you no,

You're not supposed to do somethin', right? Okay.

All right, that was very good, roy.

Okay. You didn't raise your voice. You kept your hands to yourself.

You know how to do this. You should be doing this.

And you should be continuing to do this. Okay.

You, go on the other side. I don't want to hear your mouth.

Tanner! What?

Get over here! You're not going anywhere.

Do you understand? Do you understand? Yes!

No! Don't you go in there!

Stop talking back to me.

I don't need a comment for everything I say.

Girls, you are and . Act like it!

Now come on, enough!

Let go of him!

I don't need your help! Go sit down.

You're like night and day. [Roy speaking indistinctly]

I put that on there

To show the difference. [Groans]

The way you spoke is the same way

That you chastised roy for talking to the kids.

And yet, you can see

When you get agitated and frustrated--

Yeah, no. Mnh--no, unh-unh.

My tone's nothing like his.

You better wipe that smile off your face, roy.

Oh, no. What? You just heard it.

I am nothing like him. Do you see

How even on the slightest level of where you feel

You're not even close to what I was doing, how that looked? Oh, I know.

It looked horrible. Okay.

I just dropped the ball.

And now, again, the kids are paying the price.

So do we have work to do this afternoon? Oh, yeah.

Absolutely. Yeah, we sure do.

With mom and dad dealing with discipline

A lot better now,

It's going to be very important

That they prove to themselves and each other

That they can deal with discipline out in public.

So, uh, I've sent them off to a restaurant.

[Fork clanging]

[Jen] zachary. Zachary, no.

[Roy] please stop. Eat your lunch.

Uh, is anybody gonna give a warning here?

He's not listening. Zach, stop doing that,

Or I'm gonna have to put you in time-out. [Fork clanking]

This is your only warning.

[Jordan] can I have a straw?

Jen, why don't you

Follow through with the time-out?

It was important for mom to do discipline.

It was about time she did.

That is unacceptable in the restaurant.

So now you need to sit in time-out and think about it.

He had to do his time. He knew he was in trouble.

And it just felt empowering to be like, "I can do this.

You are not gonna control me. You're ."

[Jo] mom did extremely well.

And just a few minutes later,

Dad got his turn.

Zach, this is your warning.

Now I said stop, or you will go to time-out.

[Screams] no!

Dad appropriately gave him a warning

And followed through with a time-out.

I learned today that I have the control.

And if I do what I'm supposed to,

Then I control the situation.

Tell me you're sorry.sorry.

Come here. Give me a hug and a kiss, and let's go.

I don't want to do this, okay? I don't want to.

Yet again, dad proved that he could keep

Really calm and composed.

And together, they're really working towards

Making things better.

Bye-bye. Thanks for coming in today. [Zachary grunts]

When I first came here, mom and dad

Were on the brink of a divorce.

And now dad had prepared

A pretty important letter for her.

"Dear jen, I feel as though

"We have become the best of friends again.

"I'm begging you to please help us

"To use all of the tools jo has given us

"To help this family grow.

And I'm there for you whenever you need me."

Aw. I want to see it. Okay.

Roy's letter was great.

And I know he's got a great heart.

And I know he really, you know, loves me,

He loves the kids and wants it to work.

So I want you to know that I'm not doing this just now.

This is the way it's gonna be from here on out.

I made a pact with her, and I'm gonna do whatever it takes.

And that I have changed %. It's not the same person.

You really seem like this time you really--

Youwant to do it.

And I think that makes the difference.

Do you both believe that you are learning

To build back that trust again? Mm-hmm.

Yes. Then we're in a good place.

Yes. Yeah.

I feel that the letter gave roy an opportunity

To express how he had been feeling.

And I hope they realize where they can go together

If they just work together.

[Jo] jo jo's leaving now.

[Roy] are you sad to see her go? Come on.

Can you say, "bye, jo jo"?

Bye-bye. Can I have a hug? Bye-bye.

[Jo] I believe that the whole experience

Has given the naszkiewicz family

The knowledge, the experience

And the confidence now

To move forward together.

Bye, zach. Bye-bye. Bye, jo jo.

Tanner. I feel like our family

Has changed a lot because of jo.

Jordan. Bye.

Jo, thank you so much for helping our family,

And we're really gonna miss you.

Jen, take care, love.

[Jen] we've done a complete turnaround.

At the beginning, I was pretty set.

I was taking the kids, and we were done.

And, um, now I don't think that anymore.

Roy... Yes, ma'am. Thank you very much.

Take care. Yep, take care, mate. Appreciate it.

Jo helped me figure out a way

To save my marriage and do right by my kids.

That's like winning the lotto.

[Roy] bye. Thank you. Bye.

Thank you! You're welcome. Bye-bye.

She has turned us all around,

And she's pretty much, um, you know, saved our family.
