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05x11 - The Kerns Family

Posted: 03/17/24 11:42
by bunniefuu
Tonight, on "supernanny"...

Hi! Bryce kerns!

Jo visits the kerns... They're outside.

Wait, you mean you don't know where they are?

A young family in way over their heads.


Their twin boys terrorize not just their home,

But their entire neighborhood...

And they were trying to hit me in the stomach

Because I was trying to make them leave, and I'm pregnant.

Punching, kicking and cursing.

Did he just flip you the bird?

You're a [bleep].

The parents can't find their kids, brandon?

Much less keep them out of harm's way.

Brandon, do you know you're gonna get hit by a car

If you keep doing that? Now the stress of it all

Is driving mom and dad apart.

I was in here picking up their play-doh mess.

Okay, but I was over there watching them play.

Can these parents fix their fractured relationship?

You're lazy, the pair of you. I don't agree with it.

Can jo rein in the boys...

All right, and we're not havin' any of this.

Or will someone get hurt? [Gasps]








Well, I'm just outside madison in wisconsin

Ready to help a family, so let's take a look.

[Both] hi. We're the kerns from evansville, wisconsin.

I'm shawn, and I'm years old.

I'm shannon, and I'm .

We have a set of twins. Brandon is , and bryce is .

Brenna is our daughter. She is .

[Gasps] [cries]

The boys are crazy.

They are very hyper kids.


[Shouts] [shannon] bryce, come on.

They fight a lot. Look at the aggression--

Punchin' the livin' daylights out of each other!

Brenna is turning into a little mimic of the boys.


[Shannon] shawn, I need to leave in a half an hour.

Okay. Okay.

It's really tough getting on the same page with parenting

Because we're never here at the same time.

Mommy's gotta leave for work.

[Shawn] we're like totally on two different schedules.

Well, these parents do need to communicate,

Or how are they meant to really work together?

Shawn and I argue all the time

Because we're always stressed out.

It affects the relationship %.

I actually look forward to workin' on weekends

Just 'cause I don't have to stay home

And listen to the kids screamin' and...

I'm not leavin'. I wish.

You guys, stop!

[Speaking indistinctly]

Bryce kerns!

There is no discipline in our house whatsoever. [Smack]

We don't really get mad at them.

No, i-i don't. I'm pretty--i'm laid back. He lets everything go.

He doesn't ever get mad or yell at them.

Okay. Whoa!

He ignores it. Pretty much, yes.

The kids running out of the house

All day long is a really big concern for me.

Brandon, brandon, do you know

You're gonna get hit by a car if you keep doing that?

Please don't do that, okay? Come on.

This has got to stop. This is about safety here.

It's like a circus,

And I cannot stand living in it anymore.

[Both] supernanny, we need your help.

Well, I better hurry up and get to this family

While their kids are still in one piece!

[Doorbell rings]

Hello. Hi.

Hi, pleased to meet you. Jo frost.

I'm shannon. Come on in.

How are you? Hello. [Shannon] I didn't know how to react in front of jo.

I was kinda like,

She's judging every move that we make right now.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Shawn.

When I first met the family,

They were a little bit dumbstruck

That I was in their house, but things were about to change.

Whilst lunch was warming up in the oven,

The family decided that they were gonna go out

Into the backyard and play.

Hey, mom, can I get them balls?

And then the boys decided

To jump the neighbor's fence, and she was left

Havin' to have two uninvited guests.

This lady might not want them over.

Well, I mean, she didn't invite 'em, did she?

Jump! No, don't push.

[Jo] dad finally had to remove the boys physically.

Come on.

So this fence is not enough of a boundary. No, it's not.

Just today they were trying to hit me in the stomach

Because I was trying to make 'em leave. Excuse me?

And I'm pregnant. Yeah, so...

We've got some issues to work on.

[Gasps] don't kick me!

And then back in their own yard,

The boys didn't show any more respect for mom

Than they did for their neighbor's backyard!

Did he just flip you the bird?

[Shannon] yes, he did.

Do you want to come help me get out the pizzas and cut 'em up?

It's like this family are oblivious

To what their children are doing and saying to them.

I've seen dogs trained better.

You're a bitch, and I don't like you!

Bryce and brandon call me the "b" word on a regular basis

That's, like, daily.

Give me a hug and calm down, okay?

It's tolerated by their parents.

They don't put any discipline in place

To teach their children that this behavior

Will not be tolerated.

The other pizza is in the oven that you like.

The pizza did eventually warm up,

But the kids didn't sit down to have lunch.

The boys got up and started to run outside,

Which is defiant and dangerous.

Brandon? Shawn, can you grab her? [Shawn] I'll get her.

Do you spend your time running around the house... Yeah, pretty much.

Trying to keep-- they run, and then they'll go next door,

And we tell them not to,

And they'll start running next door and--

Shawn, when did it get this bad?

Um, it's been like this for a long time.

[Jo] dad took a turn in chasing brandon

And brought him inside the house,

But then he got up and he tried to get out of the house again.

Okay, get in the house.

I tell you what, I wish I lived in this house.

I'd be stone lighter.

But then I saw exactly how mom and dad

Deal with this problem.

[Brandon whining behind door]

What's that noise?

He, uh, locked in the door. We locked him in there. What was that?

We locked him in. I locked brandon in his bedroom.

Let me out!

Shawn and I reversed the lock on their bedroom door.

We have used it just to keep them in the house.

It's a desperate means of trying to control your children

When you lock them in their bedroom.

It's not effective.

It certainly isn't going to teach the child

How to behave properly.

And when he's let out of the room,

He's only going to want to run around more.

Brandon, when you're ready to come out

And not run out the door... I will.

Okay. Okay, why did you do that?

He'd spat his chewed-up pizza

Onto his bedroom floor.

Did you have it in your mouth, or did you throw that up?

No, you didn't.


And then brenna walked in and picked up

The piece of pizza and put it in her mouth.

She's eating the-- she's eating the food.

Oh, my god. Brenna. Yucky!

I thought I was gonna puke myself, to be honest.

That's gross.

That's brandon's chewed-up food.

It didn't really phase me

Because brenna will pick up whatever the boys leave behind.

It's pretty normal at our house.

Okay, let's go. Come on.

Because there are no boundaries or discipline

And because these children do not take direction

Or listen to their parents,

Everything has spiraled out of control.

So you have to question-- what are these parents thinking?

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Mom and dad are at each other's throats...

My kids run outside. I know that.

I'm not playing games. I was with them.

But if I'm outside looking for you.

I was the only one that was with them.

Fine, fine, fine. So I went and got them a coat.

And jo has to tell them the ugly truth.

You're lazy, the pair of you.

Get used to hearing that word--"lazy."

When "supernanny" returns.

Later on in the day, the kids slipped away from mom

And ran outside the house again.

I'm concerned for their safety at this point.

Brandon. Where is everyone?

Yeah, i--shawn's out rounding the kids.

Sorry? Shawn is out rounding up the kids.

Why? Where are they? They're outside.

Where? I didn't see them. Somewhere--they went running that way.

What do you mean, "somewhere?"

What, you mean you don't know where they are?

Well, they're probably down three houses down with shawn.

He went down-- "probably"? So you don't know where they are?

Well, they're with their dad. I know that, I think.

[Jo] so we went to the neighbor's.

The kids were out there playing with other children.

No adults, and there was no shawn.

Okay, guys, come home.

Where's shawn?

I have no idea where shawn's at, so...

Shawn went back home...

And your kids are still here.

Yes. [Laughs]

And where's brenna?

She--he has her.

How do you know? You thought dad had the boys. He--well, he never--

Oh, I thought--i thought he'd chase them down here,

But hopefully, he has brenna.

I-- that's what I'm hoping.

Is that another pond over there?

I mean, let's face it,

There's a massive pond by their house.

I mean, it's only gonna be a matter of time

Before a bad situation could happen.

Years old, and these kids are out,

And where's the parents?

We were taking the kids back to the house,

And then shawn suddenly reappeared.

Oh, there you are. Hold on a minute. Where have you been?

It's not rocket science, is it?

They're your kids. They're your responsibility.

You don't just leave them in the garden

And just hope that they're all right when you get back.

Finally, all the kids were back in the house,

But the lack of parenting skills between mom and dad

Is causing an immense strain on their marriage.

Well, I just don't want to play games, you know?

My kids run outside. I know that.

I'm not playing games. I was with them.

But if I'm outside looking for you--

I was the only one that was with them.

If I'm outside looking for you--

Shannon, I was the only one that was sitting there

Watching them play for about minutes.

Yes, because I was in here

Picking up their play-doh mess, shawn.

Okay, but I was over there watching them play.

Okay. Okay, but then I come down there--

Then I went back, 'cause it's getting cold out...

Okay. Fine, fine, fine. So I went and got them a coat.

After seeing mom and dad argue,

I know that once I can get these kids behaving better,

I'm gonna need to concentrate on mom and dad seeing eye-to-eye.

Not a big deal. Okay. Fine.

[Jo] mom and dad got the kids bathed

And dressed and ready for bed, but by then, it was :.

I mean, most and year olds

Would have been soundly asleep by then.

But not these boys. It was showtime.

Look what dad's putting in, guys.

Oh. Come on. Football movie's on.

Bedtime at our house is nonexistent.

The kids just fall asleep wherever and whenever.

Mom explained to me

That bedtimes are pretty much predictable in this house.

We'll let them sit down out here and fall asleep

And then transfer them to their bedroom.

And then what would you say? Around : or :? :? Yeah.

They get up and come in our bed.

So one of us will come out here

Or in the boys' bed.

They're having a laugh-- musical beds.

After a little bit, I did see mom try to put brenna to bed.

Good night, "beano."

But she was determined to have none of it.

But you're not sitting down out here, brenna.

Brenna, go to bed. [Brenna] I'm not being bad.


Get in the bed, and I mean it.

And in the meantime, the boys couldn't sit still.

They were restless and overtired.

Do you want me to put you in your bedroom and lock the door?

'Cause that's where you're gonna go. Brandon, do not bite me.

[Giggles] that's not even funny. Don't do it.

And then cheeky brandon

Saw an opportunity to add to the mischief.

They normally don't even go in her room,

But tonight, I don't know why,

They just want to go in there and--just to harass,

Just to keep everything keep going all night long.

Come :,

Finally, all the kids had fallen asleep.

We will be having a family meeting

Where we can talk about a lot of issues

That do need to be addressed

So we can start to create some equilibrium in this house.

All right, so-- sounds good.

I am kind of nervous of what she's gonna say

To me and my wife.

I'll see myself out, and I'll see you tomorrow.

Okay. Thank you. Okay. See you.

I don't know quite exactly how she took everything in

And what she's going to tell us.

[Jo] I don't believe I'm gonna be telling them

Anything they don't know,

But how they handle the truth is yet to be said.

Good night. [Shawn] good night.

Good night. Thank you. See you tomorrow. Thank you.

Well, well, well, where do I begin?

You obviously know

That you've got serious issues to address. Mm-hmm.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.

Let's talk about the kids' behavior right now,

Because what I saw yesterday I was not happy with.

These kids think that it's okay

To swear, to curse at the pair of you,

To hit you in the face.

They have no respect for you.

And at what point do two parents

Not make a decision to go across to a neighbor

And apologize for their children's behavior?

I've apologized to neighbors before.

Yesterday, I did not see it.

They played on her apparatus,

Did not listen to her... And I wish she would have told us that.

Called her names-- you know, I don't agree with it.

Then--then--then why did you not?

I feel bad that our kids, like, think

They can just charge through other people's yards.

I don't agree with it. Then why did you not even apologize?

Why--you went into the lady's garden yesterday,

You did not even apologize to the neighbors.

Say, "we're really sorry about this."

I'm constantly saying "I'm sorry,"

'Cause in this past couple days--

About brandon threw fay-- uh, sand in her face,

And I said, "I'm sorry."

You have an extreme situation here,

And you both--you both better wake up.

Bedtime--let's talk about bedtime.

It's chaos. Bedtime's ludicrous.

There is no bedtime. But what time is it?

Whenever they fall asleep. It--we don't-- we don't have--

Yeah, we don't have a scheduled bedtime.

I know they're not getting enough--enough sleep,

And I think that's why

They're so, like, crabby in the morning,

'Cause they don't get to bed on time.

I think it's why you're crabby in the morning.

I think it's why you've ducked out.

These kids have got dark marks underneath their eyes,

So yeah, they're gonna be grouchy,

And yeah, they're gonna be irritable,

And they're not gonna focus and concentrate as much.

Let's talk about discipline.

How do you expect to teach your children

The difference between right and wrong?

The kids misbehave. You know it's

I-i just get sick of-- but you don't teach them it.

I just get sick of hearing myself yell all the time.

I get sick of hearing my own voice.

You're lazy, the pair of you.

Get used to hearing that word--"lazy."

All you do is give idle threats.

And yet, what they need from you

Is a final word.

They need you to follow through.

I want to start working on this, and I know this will be

The hardest two weeks of our life,

But it'll be worth it in the end if we follow through,

And that's what I'm looking forward to doing.

I want to see action,

'Cause I can give you what's necessary.

We have to use it. But you have to do it.

Okay. Thank you. Thank you.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Brandon flies off the handle.


And things get so bad, jo must intervene.

We're not having any of this.

When "supernanny" returns.

[Jo] there are so many things that mom and dad need to change

That I think they need an aid

To help them identify and remember them all.

We're gonna put it right up here.

This is what I am gonna show you both.

It's the long list

Of consistent not-so-good things

We were doing.

It was a visual for them to see

Just exactly how long this list was.

It's an official reminder of where we need to be going,

What we need to be doing, because what we're gonna do

Is we're gonna change that.

And when we change it, we're then gonna take this off,

And we're gonna put new ones on up here.

You're putting your energy into the wrong stuff.

So we're now gonna really start

To redirect that energy,

So you become more mindful and start to do the things

That are very positive up here

That are good for your family.

The next thing I wanted to give mom and dad was a method

To help them stimulate activity with the children,

But also to help them feel more motivated to behave better.

I've brought in a routine that allows the children

To choose the activities that they do in the morning

And in the afternoon

On the weekends that you do have family time together

And then also in the evening

When they come home from school.

The children will have the choice

Of taking turns in picking a window.

And when they open up the window,

There will be an activity in there that they can do.

I gave shawn and shannon some time

To think about the activities that the kids would love,

And then they could write that in the little house.

Puzzles. Board games.puzzles.

Painting? Painting.

We could bake-- do a baking project.

Reading a book. Books--that's good.

And of course, it was then time to show the house to the kids.

Open one up.

[Jo] okay, what does it say?


We get to read. [Shannon] so we get to play with books tonight

And read them? Read a book tonight.

After the parents

Had shown bryce and brandon the activity house,

They decided that it would be a good time

To go outside and play.

[Shannon] do you guys want to go outside and play? [Bryce] yes!

Let's go. Can you velcro this for mom? Of course you can.

I know you can do it. Good job!

That's what I'm talking about. High five, brycer.

All right. Good job. Good job.

All right. Good job, bryce.

[Jo] brandon started to whine

About wanting to put a particular pair of shoes on,

And when he couldn't get his own way,

Things started to escalate big-time.

We can wear our skateboarding shoes a different day,

But I would like you to put these on for me. It's up to him.

If he doesn't want to put them on,

Then he doesn't have to play outside. [Whining, screaming]

[Jo] brandon put on the shoes eventually, but by then,

It was all about this temper tantrum he was throwing

And his defiant behavior.

Brandon. Brandon, this is a warning.

If you keep-- if you keep crying

And you keep trying to run out there,

Then I'm gonna put you in the house on a time-out. [Crying] oh, no.

Mom had given him a warning,

And he continued to have a meltdown,

Which lead to a time-out.

Brandon, you see, I'm going outside. [Crying]

When you're done crying and you take a -minute time-out,

Then you can come outside. No!

Walk away. I need you to stay here.

Don't talk. Just put him back.

[Jo] it was the crunch.

Mom was gonna either follow through

And really give brandon discipline for the first time,

Or she was gonna let it slip.

You sit. [Screaming] I want dad!

[Crying] I want a chair.

I want a chair. No, no, no.

I want to go outside.

[Crying] mommy, I want to go outside.

Not here.

I want to play--no! Mommy!

Quite frankly, we've had enough of this faffing around, okay?

So you take him by the hand, and he's going back over here,

'Cause we're fed up with this, okay?

And we're not having any of this.

[Crying] I thought, you know,

Time-out's are never gonna work for our kids

Just 'cause we've never tried them,

Like, and we're actually consistent with time-outs,

But I knew, yeah, we had to do it

Just to prove to jo

That we actually were gonna take her seriously

And try her techniques.

Can you tell me you're sorry for throwing a fit out there

And not listening to mom?

We've already been through that, brandon.

Oh. Oh, hold on a minute. Hold on a minute. Hold on.

Yeah, that--that is the same record he's playing.

Yeah. He didn't apologize. Let's go.

He can stay there longer.

The technique's not over unless it's done properly,

And when brandon decided

That he was gonna take himself out of time-out,

That's when I knew we were in for a long drawn-out battle.

Brandon, please--

Brandon, do not hit me.


Okay, you can go back in time-out for hitting mom.


Ow! Ow!

Are we ready to eat, bryce?

[Jo] time-out first. No eating. Time-out.

Brandon has never ever been told "no" that many times,

And so that was really getting to him,

And I just kept walking him back.

[Crying] I want to eat.

And it was really hard for me to do.

[Crying] mom, let go of me.

[Crying] [jo] I think mom did very well in her effort

To keep placing brandon back into time-out,

But it had lead

To mom needing to get the kids ready for bedtime.


Open the door, shannon.

Finally, after two and a half hours,

Brandon decided to stay put.

But the persistence did pay off.

This was a matter of brandon understanding

That he needed to listen and do as he was told.

[Shannon] that was the longest time-out discipline thing

We've ever, ever experienced,

And that was hard for me,

But I'm really glad that I followed through with it.

You were on a time-out because you hit mom

And because you weren't listening to me.

I need you to tell mom

That you're sorry for acting that way. Bryce. Don't.

Bryce, please. Walk away. Sorry.

Okay. Can I have hugs and kisses?

When brandon was done with his time-out

And he served his four minutes, I was so incredibly happy.

I want to eat. Okay.

He does need to eat.

Shawn and shannon worked really well together,

And they followed through and stuck with it,

Which is a real achievement for them.

It really is.

[Shannon clears throat] hey, guys, chill it down now,

'Cause it's, you know, the late evening.okay.

Yeah. And get some sleep,

And I'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

A good first day today. Thank you.

It took a lot, and you followed through. Okay. See you.

See you tomorrow. All right. Bye-bye.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

The kids plan to escape.

Can mom and dad stand in their way?

[Shawn] get into bed.


When "supernanny" returns.


How should you handle aggressive sibling rivalry

Among older kids?

It will pass...

Find out after the break.

"How should you handle

Aggressive sibling rivalry among older kids?"

It will pass...

The answer is "c."

If one child's behavior is aggressive,

Taking action immediately

Is the only way to curb this behavior.

Use time-out

Or give them the "one strike and you're out" technique,

And make it clear

That you will not tolerate hurtful or harmful behavior.

See you later. Go with dad. Go.

Shawn and shannon do know how to discipline the boys now,

But I've got some patchwork to do between the pair of them,

So dad does have a challenge to do whilst mom's at work.

Bye, guys. Bye, shawn. Love you.

We are going to prepare a meal...okay.

A romantic meal...okay.

Tonight for when shannon comes home.okay.

It's hard for shawn and I to get any alone time.

The kids, you know, definitely, they come between us.

You guys ready? Come on, bryce.

Let's rock and roll. Let's rock and roll.

Bryce, come on. Let's go.

So whilst shannon's at work,

Dad has to go around the grocery store and get what he needs

And keep three kids in order, as well.

Daddy, I can buy a snack.

Okay. Um, when we get up to the line you can, okay?

If you've told them that they can have something...yeah.

Then they better be earning it. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Do you know what I mean? For sure. Yeah.

So you know what? Let them know. You guys. You guys.

Because there's no way if they do what they normally do. Okay, you know what?

If you're not good in here, then you are not getting anything. Daddy, um--

Okay, a bottle of--we'll get-- we'll get her a big bottle.

She'll probably need it. All right.[Laughs]

Okay, ice cream now.

Let's face it.

When it came to the romantic gestures,

I think it would be fair to say

That dad was a little bit rusty.

Metropolitan. That's pretty good. I don't like that!

Okay. Play around with it. Go get some raspberries.okay.

You can sprinkle it on top. Have some fun with the food.

Okay. That would be on the other side of the store, though.

That would. But is it worth the effort, or not?

Um, I think this should be good.

I think we got everything. I'm gonna go like this to you.

Get the raspberries. Come on. Let's go.

All right. Okay. Come on.

Don't not make the effort for your wife

Because you're worried about dragging the kids... All right. Okay.

Around the supermarket. Come on.

You've left one. Bryce. Come on, bryce.

Hold on to brenna. Hold on to brenna.okay.

She's the youngest and keeps running off.bryce.

March, march, march, march. March. March. Come on.

March, march. Follow dad.

Okay. Here we go. Here we go.

Okay, let's go. Hold on to daddy's hand.

That was a challenge, but I ended up

Getting out of there with everything I needed.

[Jo] the problem shannon and shawn are facing

Is because these kids don't go to sleep until :,

What kind of an evening do mom and dad get?

All right, so both come over here,

Because we are gonna do bedtime.

This is what we do want to do--

Take the kids through the paces of pajamas,

Teeth-brushing, potty, reading stories

And so to bed.

Tonight, they're going into their own bed straight away.

The most stressful part for me is bedtime.

All right, guys.

It just kind of puts, like, a wedge between me and shannon.

[Jo] I mentioned to mom and dad that the best strategy here

At this point is divide and conquer.

Have mom put brenna to bed and dad, the boys.

The parents have to make that choice

In creating the transition between day and night.


Can I have kisses?

Night night. We love mom. I love you.

[Shawn] I love you guys. Good night.

[Jo] mom and dad got the kids off to bed,

But when they did so,

The kids started to get up and run around,

So I gave them a technique to help with this.

This is what we're gonna do--

Brenna, okay-- sleep separation technique.

The sleep separation technique is to put your child into bed,

To stay by the corner of the bedside

And to continuously put your child into bed

Without talking to them,

And then move yourself further and further away

Until you're outside the bedroom.

So are we ready for this? Yeah.

All right. Let's go.

Okay, go ahead. [Brenna yells]

Get into bed.

It is bedtime.

[Jo] the kids were sneaking up and down,

And it really was a case of mom and dad

Having to stick with these techniques to make them work.

Wait... Dad.

Put the video game away.

[Crying] mom.

[Jo] shannon got brenna off to bed really, really quickly,

Which was fantastic.

And then it left her time to then help shawn with the boys.

He's laughing, he's--

She was a major support for shawn

When he was putting the boys down.

[Shawn] me and shannon didn't give up.

We just kept doing it and doing it

And eventually, they just gave up and fell asleep.

[Jo] finally, the kids did all settle and go off to sleep,

Which then left them time

To enjoy the meal that shawn had prepared.

[Shannon] shawn had set up a very nice romantic dinner

With candles, flowers.

He had the lighting all set. It was pretty.

And he had the wine, so that was great.

Three's kind of a crowd right now, so, uh, enjoy your dinner.

Well, I think I overcooked this.

It's gonna be a little on the crispy side.

We've been together almost six years.

He's never cooked dinner.

[Jo] it's so important that couples spend time alone.

Shawn and shannon have missed so much of that.

So let's just check out what's happened here.

Both boys are asleep in their bedroom.

Brenna's asleep in her bedroom.

You guys are chilling in your living room

By yourselves.

So what's the odds of me going away for three days

And coming back and, uh, looking at some good footage?

[Shannon] I was nervous.

I was, like, okay, so now she's not gonna be here

And help us, like, following through with everything.

Are we gonna be able to do it?

I know I'm--i'm--i am dead set

On getting our kids on straight.

They say they're ready for change.

They say that they want things to be different.

And yes, it needs to desperately be different.

Enjoy your evening. The kids are all in bed.

And I'll see you in several days, okay? Okay.

Thank you very much. Bye-bye. You're welcome.

Yeah. Thanks. See you later.


Mom and dad do feel confident

That they can really put this all into place.

However, it is yet to be seen.

Coming up on "supernanny"...

Bryce, knock it off.[Grunts]

With jo away, the boys will play...

Don't go in there. You don't belong in there.

That's not yours.

And they terrorize the entire neighborhood...

Hey, bryce and brandon, get out of their house. Out. Out.

When "supernanny" returns.

So I've left the kern family for several days.

Have they thrown in the towel again,

Or have they continued?

I just don't know. I'm about to find out.

So who's ready to watch this dvd?

Mm-hmm. I'm ready.

All right.

Go grab the other one.

[Gasps] good girl. All right!

Go, brenna, go.

I want to make an "x." You got to try to block it,

So I can't make three across.

[Brenna] what's going on, mom?

Here comes the airplane. [Imitates plane engine roaring]

Open up. Open up. [Imitates plane engine roaring]

[Shawn] good job, brenna!



Well, you were certainly involved. Oh, yeah.


That's a big difference

To when I first arrived.

What happened?

Well, I just seen that, uh, difference in my kids'

Is they were acting better,

And I knew that's what I need to start doing

Is paying more attention to them,

'Cause I seen an attitude change

And, you know, just the way they got excited and stuff.

Just seeing their expressions and...

I can be so rewarding when you are with the kids,

And you actually enjoy fatherhood.

You're actually enjoying

You're actually enjoying spending time with your kids.yeah.

It was good to see.

So we're gonna move on to the next clip here.

[Shannon] bryce, you need to get down right now.

Bryce, that's a warning.

You keep doing it, and you're going on time-out.

Bryce, you need to get down. [Bryce] I'm not gonna.

You need to get down. No.

Stop it, bryce, or you are gonna go on a time-out.

Come here. Come here. [Crying]

Bryce, knock it off. [Grunts]

We need more focus with discipline.

A lot of loose warnings flying around,

And there's supposed to be one of them,

Yet they're in abundance.

So really, what does a warning serve then?

You've got to follow through.

Otherwise, you mess it up

For yourselves and for them.

Guys, I love you. Good night.

Aah! [Giggles]


[Laughing] okay, next time, you guys keep doing this,

No riding your bike tomorrow.

Listen to me.

If you keep doing this, the bikes are gone all day.

This is your warning.

If you keep doing this, your bike's gone allday.


If I see you guys in this hallway,

No bikes tomorrow, and I mean it.

If during the day, you're not consistent

And you don't mean what you say,

Your kids are not gonna let up during the evening.

They're gonna run rings around

Well, because you don't mean what you say.

You've got to follow through.

You've got to do during the day what you're supposed to do

To get the results in the evening.

Let's take a look. Brenna, it's bedtime.


So you crashed out, as well.

Yeah, not totally, just kind of caught myself.

I was like, whoa, I need to get up. Mm-hmm.

Was she sleeping? She was sleeping.

This sleep separation technique--

I just want to say "well done."

You sat in that bedroom

With that door closed,

No direction from myself,

And you did it, and you completed it.

Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

So let's move on to the last clip here. Don't go in there.

You don't belong in there. That's not yours, okay?

Brenna, you do not go in somebody else's garage.

Do you hear me?

No, you're gonna stay in our yard.

This isn't ours. Come on.

Hey, bryce and brandon, get out of their house.

Out. Go play.

What I'm still seeing

Is the kids doing what they want to do

In their neighbor's backyards.

Now I understand that you're all out and the kids will play

And all the neighbors know each other,

But this garage belongs to somebody else.

You know, we just cannot walk into other people's space.

You know, otherwise, it's free for all.

All right, so ready for some more work here? Mm-hmm.

Yeah? All right. Yeah.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Jo gives dad one more chance to do a time-out correctly...

You still need to give one warning

And follow through.

But bryce has another idea...

Bryce, come here.

Bryce.[Shannon] bryce, yellow card.

When "supernanny" returns.

[Jo] the boys love to play soccer,

So what I want to do

Is to bring in a relatable discipline technique

To help dad kick this in with the boys.

[Jo] this is time-out.

This is the place where they come when they misbehave.

It's no different to what you've been doing.

The rules are still the same. The steps are still the same.

You still need to give one warning and follow through.

The only difference is, is the kids are gonna sit

In the penalty spot.

I brought in a yellow card and a red card.

These cards now you're gonna use to aid yourself.

The yellow card is for a warning,

And the red card is for time-out.

One warning. One time-out.

Straight to the time-out spot afterwards.

You know, to be honest with you,

It's more for dad's sake than it is for the kids',

So let's just hope he uses it.

I am really excited to use this technique.

I think this is what we needed.

I'm gonna throw it to...

Shawn! All right!

[Jo] the kids were playing outside,

And then bryce decided to run off, and dad chased him...

[Shawn] bryce, where you going, buddy?

Which then gave him a good opportunity to put in place

The new technique he'd just been taught.

[Shannon] we're not playing with her. Come on. [Shawn] come here, bryce.

I'm doing it.

Reinforce, shawn.

Bryce, come here. Face your--

Bryce.[Shannon] bryce, yellow card!

Huh? Yellow.

Oh, yep.

Here. This is-- right here.

You know what this means.

This means, "go inside."

This means "warning."

And if I tell you again, you're gonna--you're going in.

[Speaking indistinctly]

So you gave him a warning. Mm-hmm.

You showed him the yellow. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah.

So don't worry about showing him the red.

So if he does it again--yeah.

When it was just a warning, just show him the yellow. Yeah.

I do love the fact that this neighborhood are a community

Where they are very friendly and know one another,

But I still feel that you need

To respect each other's property,

So I called some of the neighbors over

So we could meet in the backyard

And talk about this particular subject.

Hey, guys. Hey. How's it going?


There seems to be a lack of respect

With regards to people's property

Without anybody really realizing

Whether that's acceptable or not.

So who can really be honest about that?

Even when, uh, my kids aren't outside,

Bryce and brandon will kind of come over... Mm-hmm.

And if I don't know that they're out there,

Then I can't really keep an eye on them,

So I think it might be a good idea... Sit down.

To have a little bit more communication.

You kind of feel like you're responsible

For somebody else's kids

If they're in your space.

So what I wanted to do

Was to introduce to the neighborhood some rules.

[Jo] I had a big signpost for them.

I hope that they'll read over the rules.

I hope they'll all stick together and recognize

The important part that they all play in their community.

Number --

"Ask permission before entering others' yards."

Number --

"Kids to be supervised at all times."

"--Each parent to respect their neighbors' rules."

Number --

"Respect everyone's property boundaries and one another."

Number is really important--

To maintain the communication.

The neighborhood rules, I think, are gonna work really good.

It just makes us aware of what each family really wants.

[Jo] I also felt it was important

To give the children a visual

To remind them to respect their neighbor's space.

These flags are gonna be placed in your backyard.

If the green flag is up, it means that the kids know

That it's okay to play on the other person's apparatus.

If you see the red flag up high,

It means no playing on the apparatus,

No coming in.

So are you gonna do yours?

Are you gonna place your pole? You have to ask mom and dad.

Are you on red or green?

Green. Let's keep it on green, you guys, so everybody can play.

I think the boys are gonna have a rough time with it

Learning their boundaries,

But we'll work on that with them.

[Shawn] this is gonna help.

Thanks for coming over to play.

Jo jo's gonna go home now. I'm gonna go home. Yay!

We don't want you. [Shannon] say, "no, we want you to stay."

[Jo] when I first walked into this house,

I met a very young couple

Who really found it difficult to listen to the truth,

And they made a decision

To literally get with the plan and start changing things.

So the most important thing to do is to continue.

Don't throw the towel in, don't give up on your kids,

'Cause if you give up on your kids, they've got no one.

No one? They--they need you.

I'm closer with my--my kids,

And it--it--it makes me feel good.

Good to see you. This experience has changed my life.

Boys, give me a high five. No!

Yes. You don't want to give me a high five?

No? Okay? [Shannon] oh, guys.

All right.

Bye, jo jo. Bye, jo jo.

See you later. Thank you so much.

Take care. You're welcome. You're welcome.

Keep up your hard work.

Jo changed our family completely.

It's amazing, like, the change that we went through

In such a short time.

Just to make us wake up and actually do something,

She made us a family again.

Take care. Keep it up. Keep it up. Thank you.

Yes, we will. We will. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

It doesn't matter how much you have laid down

That has been destructive.

You can learn by that, and you can change it.

Never give up hope. It's never too late.


[Thudding noise] ooh. I'm sorry, brandon.

Oh, dad, that poor goldfish.

Look at the color of the water it's swimming in. I know.

It is. It's bad. Blimey. He's gonna need the kiss of life by tomorrow.

So I came back to watch the dvd footage of dad--

There's just bugs everywhere in wisconsin!

It's still--it's still alive, though. It's still going.

He had a partner, and he passed away, so he's still-- I'm not surprised.

I figure if I was swimming in that kind of sewage,

I'd be dead two weeks ago.

So, uh... [Laughs] ooh, in my hair!