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04x11 - Banjany Family

Posted: 03/17/24 11:23
by bunniefuu
Tonight on "supernanny"...

Get out.[Crying]

Jo meets the banjanys,

A couple struggling

To get a cookie business off the ground...


While their kids are out of control.

I'm losing control.

My children are running the household.stop.

Dad can't stop worrying about his son

Dressing up like a girl... Blake.

Are you scared he's gonna grow up as a tr*nsv*stite?maybe.

[Screaming]and now no one's getting nothing. No.

And the kids snack all day long...

I wanted ham!and you're not getting anything if you speak to me that way.

And bite anyone who stands in their way.

[Rich] you just bit me very hard, though. You made me bleed.

Can jo bring balance to the banjanys' busy lives?


Will they put jo in a time-out of her own...

[Lisa] blake!or will the kids' reign of terror continue?



♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪


So better take a look to see who we've got this week--

From staten island, the banjany family.

Hi. We're the banjany family.

I'm lisa. I'm rich. We have three children...

Cameron and zoe, who are twins that are years old,

And blake, who is .


Stop it!

Blake is very angry.


He just doesn't understand "no."


You can kick and scream all you want,

But it's not gonna work. Blake loves to play with girls' clothes.

Leave it down. That's for girls.

It bothers richie a lot. But I'd rather him play with a... A truck.

Blake, this is zoe's stuff. What am I supposed to do,

Yell at him because he likes to play with

What he likes to play with? I don't know.but you do.

Zoe is an angel,

But when she doesn't get her way...

You just don't take stuff all day long.

Give me that, blake. [Crying]

She is the total opposite.


Come on.

We are also growing a family cookie business.

We stopped making

The milk chocolate with the sprinkles.



Cameron, get off of him!

So I'm checking my e-mails...

Hey, you moron! You, get out.

You know, fulfill orders... Guy.

And they're just fighting.

Blake and cameron fight

Like they're two men in a bar fight.


Richie's very passive with everything.

Ow. Ow.


[Gasps] blake!


Lisa's answer is "no" to everything.

No. You cannot have a toy.

No more. Zoe, get up so they don't do that to!

Some things have to be "yes."

Look at mom and dad.

They're not working together at all.

She says, "black." He says, "white."[Lisa] give me that.

I feel like if we don't gain control now... [Cries]

Then what's gonna happen five years from now?

That's--that actually scares me.

Don't even think about it.




You know, to have a successful business,

You got to make sacrifices,

But not at the expense of your kids.

We're--we're totally at a loss for what to do.

We don't know where to go next. Why are you hitting?

Supernanny...supernanny, come to our house.

We need you to rescue our family.

Looks like this family have called for me just in time.

I'm on my way.

[Lisa] oh, who's here, cameron?

[Children speaking indistinctly]


Pleased to meet you. I'm jo.i'm richie. How are you?

Very well, thank you.come on in.

When the doorbell rang and jo stepped into my house,

I said, "okay, what is she gonna do first?"

Hi. Pleased to meet you, lisa.hi, I'm lisa. Nice to meet you.

I was a little, uh, this is your brood?

Yes.all of them?

[Rich] what I will do, is start off

By really just watching you guys today...

Okay.and just see what you normally do

In your daily routine, so that I can get a good idea...okay.

Of what needs to be tackled first.yeah.

Mom has been given an opportunity

To start a new business, so I really was excited

And wanted to see her actually make these cookies.

Ah, so this is the famous business.yes.

So it keeps you busy. So you're baking here.

You're actually cooking from here.

Everything is done right here. Everything.

This is your factory as such. When you're at home,

How do you juggle the kids and the work?

[Stammers] that's what I can't handle anymore. I don't know.

I'm definitely losing control of my family life

Now that I have so much work.

There's over million home-based businesses,

And it has become increasingly more challenging

For parents to run a business

And balance home life.

At the moment, mom's either busy

Baking cookies, packaging, answering e-mails...


Answering the phone...hello.

Lucky for mom, dad's home a couple of days a week

To help out as much as he can with the cookie business.

But most of the time, she's alone,

And with three small children, no wonder it's overwhelming.

You did a great job, all of you.

Just erase this on the bottom.

Whew. [Laughs]

You got a lot going on.

You've got a lot going on.

It's gotten really bad, you know?

I'm losing control.

My children are running the household.


No, get up. Get out of here. Get--no.

Forget it. You're not giving it to him.

You lost your chance.[Crying]

Stop now.

I don't think so.

Bite me again like that,

And you're getting soap in your mouth. Get back--

Stop. Stop it. Yeah, you just bit me very hard, though.

You made me bleed.


What's this?

[Lisa] this is an everday occurrence.

And he kept trying to bite me, as he bit me once.

The business is just taking over family life.

Blake is doing everything he possibly can

To get his mom's attention.

No, you can't spill it, blake![Crash]

Put them back in.

You can't play. Come on.

Come here. Look it-- blake, don't bite.

Blake is a terror.

He bites. He hits.

Come on.he's out of control.

That's it, blake. I'm putting you upstairs.

Come on.[Cries]

That's it. Stay in here.

Don't bite, blake. Blake.

Go back in your bed.

Blake, you're not going down

Until you learn to behave.


Why are you yelling?

Tell me what you did wrong,

And then maybe we can go downstairs.

That's it. Good-bye.

Well, I see a little boy who is consoling himself

And needs his mother's time

And needs to have a relationship with her.

It seems like the business has taken over everything.

Coming up on...

Dad fights for his life at snack time...

And you're not getting anything if you speak to me that way.

And blake tries a new look, which terrifies dad.

'Cause you're scared he's gonna grow up as a tr*nsv*stite?maybe.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


Later on, whilst mom was doing business,

Blake was nowhere to be found,

So I went upstairs to see if I could find him.


No, out.

Go put that away, blake.

I need that pencil.

Why would daddy be cross?richie gets very upset

When he plays with zoe's dolls and bags.

Why?because he used to dress up.

He wants him to play with boy--

You know, boy toys instead of girl toys.

It just-- itreally bothers him.

It's not a problem for me so much.

Blake likes to play with his older sister.

He dresses up just like she dresses up.

However, he likes to dress up

In his little clippety-cloppety shoes

And have his handbag over his shoulder,

And dad's horrified by that.

He's just so scared

That his son is gonna grow up wearing dresses.

I-i don't know too many fathers out there

That would say, you know, "yeah, okay,

"I would love my son to, you know, play with dresses

"Rather than play with the tool bench,

Trucks, or whatever it may be."

It's really, really common to worry about that,

But richard needs to realize, it's just kids playing.

I mean, they're having fun just dressing up in--

In "big peoples' clothes."

Later on, whilst mom was running the business,

It was left up to dad to give the kids snacks,

And it was certainly clear they weren't just hungry for food,

But they were hungry for attention, too.

You're not having candy. There is none.

You're not having candy. Forget about it.

I'll give you one piece. Two pieces?

Well, snack time at my house is all day long.

Constantly, they go in the cabinets.

They take out snacks and drinks

And they wanna go in the refrigerator

And they wanna eat all, we're not having that again.

Yes. Yes.there's no more.

There's no more.

They're driving me crazy right now.

Ham? What part don't you understand?

Come on. Everybody inside now.

Now no one's getting nothing. No.

Close the refrigerator.

I want ham!

Put it back.


And you're not getting anything if you speak to me that way.

No. We'll start over.

Cameron and zoe-- when they misbehave,

They have total meltdowns,

And they start to scream and they stomp their feet,

And it really, in a way, is like watching a -year-old.

So we're not eating mashed potatoes now.

No, we're not having mashed potatoes.[Zoe] daddy!

Is that enough?

What's that?

Mashed potatoes.


First dad says, "no mashed potatoes,"

Then he's scooping out a whole mountain of mashed potatoes.

I mean, nice, dad. Nice message.

These kids know that if they cry long enough,

They'll get what they want.

Two pieces of what? Okay.

After watching dad clearly give the kids

Whatthey wanted,

It was obvious to me that I needed to get

Mom and dad on the same page so we could sort out discipline.

The first thing

That I really want to establish

With the pair of you is the juggling--

The business and the family.

There's no structure that allows the pair of you together to say,

"Right, this is business time, and now this is family time."

You gotta have some boundaries,

Because you do have three little ones that need you.

They're looking for the security and the stability

In the repetition that happens during the day.

They have no stability, 'cause we're always all over the place.

You're darting around all the

But they don't know whether you're coming or going.

The second thing that I do want to talk to you both about

Is your relationship together as business partners

And as parents.

There's no clear communication between the pair of you

And how you run the business,

And what that does is it trickles into the

As parents, you don't compromise.

Right. I'm very strict. I'm the "no" person.

And the way that you both behave,

Which is so differently, well, I mean,

It's like watching a movie for these kids.

I mean, you know,

Which picture house are we gonna go into?mm-hmm.

Oh, you know, should we go and see the horror movie

Or should we go and see disneyland?

It's giving them mixed messages.

You can either be the parent that your kids remember

When they grow up as the one that was in there

Doing it with them--

You know, the one that had their arms wrapped around them

Because they were holding on to the fishing rod as well,

Or you're the parent that always just sat at the side.

I wanna be there. I wanna be in there.what do you feel about richie?

I feel that you are just too easygoing with them

And allow them to do whatever they want,

And there's no rules with you, even if I have the rules.

I don't have a problem with rules.

I just have a problem-- well, you know,

They'reyour rules. They're notour rules--right, okay, so we'll--

And we have to establish those rules...okay.

Not you establish and I have to abide by them,

Like, as if you have four children.

I think it's important, richie, for you to be able to--

To make sure that you're not emasculated here,

And I mean that in a know... Right.

That allows you both to feel like

You can have your-- your place and your role

And not feel like you're wearing the trousers all the time...right.

And not feeling like you're being stripped

Of anything that you want to do equally

In your own home with your kids.

This all leads to my next point,

Which is how the children behave.

Behavior is shocking in the house.

We see, with blake, punching, biting...

And when he does that, he's picked up and yelled at,

But still, you've got him there.

You're still holding him and pacifying him.yeah.

And what that leads to is a regression.

I look at blake, and I'm like, "he's years old,"

And, actually, when he's with the pair of you,

It's like he's a baby. He talks like a baby.

[Imitates baby babbling]

He talks like that.

All the while, while that's happening,

Who do you think is having a meltdown

If things don't go their way?

Cameron and zoe.cameron and zoe.

Oh, yeah, 'cause at this stage, what they're not getting

Is the emotional input that they need from their parents.

They've been starved of that emotional input,

Because everything has gone into the business--everything.

But what are they getting? What are they drawing back?nothing.

And then we get to the next bit.

"I'm bored, so what am I gonna do? I'll snack.

I want a cookie. I want this. I want that."

But then what happens when you then want

To go to a restaurant and you want to sit down

And you want to have a meal?they're not hungry.

They're over it. They've been eating all day.

What you're losing out there, again,

Is time where you sit down as a family. Madness.

Talking about madness, your kids like to have fun

With clothes and dress up and play.

They'll put shoes on and they'll clippety-clop

And they'll put bags over, and they'll play

"Mini adults."

Well, that rubs you in the wrong way,

Doesn't it, richie?blake. [Laughs]

Well, I don't want him to dress up in girls' clothes.

Because what? Because you're scared

He's gonna grow up as a tr*nsv*stite?maybe.

Because you think he's gonna grow up and--and--and...

He wants to put stuff on. It's dress-up.

That's all it is. It's dress-up, okay?

Come on, we got to get a grip there.okay.

So there are a lot of points here

That have been made to the table

With regards to what we need to work on.

You have a wonderful future ahead with regards

To where you can be with your family,

But you need to put in the groundwork now.

You've already shown me your commitment

To your cookie company, so now I wanna see it with your family. will.

All right, so let's-- let's get on with it, right?okay, definitely.

No rest for the wicked. Let's go.okay.

Coming up on...

Mommy's little angel goes nuclear...

[Wailing]and it results in one of the longest struggles

In "supernanny" history.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


Like a lot of families,

The banjany family seek to find the balance

Between running a business and home life,

But I feel they need to realize what happens

When they just put too much on their plate,

So I came up with a visual way of being able to show them

What was really at stake.

Mommy and daddy have a very special act

To show us, okay?

It's the juggling act.

So what we're going to start off with is "kids."

Mom, start juggling the ball.

Oh, look, what have we got here?

We got "family time." Way to go. Let's put it in.

Keep juggling.[Laughing]

Oh, this one's yours--whoo! Way to go. Keep juggling.

Fast, fast, fast. Keep going. Keep going.[Clapping]

Keep going. Keep going. Oh, what have we dropped here?

Oh, look, what's this, kids?

What's dropped here? "Family time."

Oh, thathas been dropped, hasn't it?

Being a parent, working--

It's, you know, hard juggling all of it at one time.

This juggling act was a disaster.

They didn't do very well, did they?



But we want you focused on your priority,

And your priority right now is your cookie business

And your family, all right?

And that's what we're gonna move on next, okay?

I think we all strive to find balance

In one way or another,

And this family are striving to find balance

Between the new company that they've started at home

And their family life.

Here is what you see-- the cookie routine.

In order to bring more balance into the banjany household,

I'm going to give them a cookie routine

That will make sure that they spend time

Running the business,

But equally, time with their family.

Tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna stand here,

And I'm gonna represent your three children.

They want you, too.


So then seven days is just too much.

Seven days is just too much, okay.

Your children want you, too, okay?

So then I guess we'll have to work

Where we only do the weekends,

And then maybe we could split those days

And then we'll have more time with the children?

When jo suggested to balance out our lives,

Make everything equal-- the cookie business,

The children-- she was % right,

And my children will get a really nice benefit

Out of the cookie routine because they now have

More time with mommy and daddy.

I'd like to say, "well done" to the pair of you,

Because this is probably one

Of the most challenging schedules that I've done

Working with a family in the four years

That I've been here in america helping families.

[Rich] the cookie routine I'm very committed to.

It's gonna make life a lot easier.

[Jo] after posting up a routine

That allowed the children to have two extra days

With their parents a week,

It was now on to the next issue.

Some families have businesses,

Where they can close the door on their office.

In this case, the banjanys work from their kitchen,

And the kids are constantly in there causing havoc,

So that's why I invented "baking time."

We do want to create some space

So that there is a divide between when you're

Doing your cookies, and you've not got the interference

Of the kids, and we're setting up a boundary, all right?

What we can do is put down a little bit of

So that it visually reinforces that.okay.

So if we've got some scissors...

Baking time is a great idea,

Because we put up this piece of tape,

And there's also a sign that will tell them, you know,

"Cameron, zoe and blake," you know, "please stay out."

And when we explained, they really caught on quickly.when I'm baking,

And I'm putting the cookies in their boxes,

You guys can't come in here.

This is gonna be our line so that you know,

Oh, mommy and daddy are working.

Okay, so then when mommy's making cookies in here,

Where are you going to stay? Very good.


The kids spend a lot of time arguing

About what they want to eat that's in the cupboards.

So that's why I came up with the snack box technique.

These boxes are for you to decorate.

What we are going to do afterwards,

When they're dry, is we're going to choose

Two snacks and a piece of fruit to put into our snack box

So that every day when it's snack time,

We take out of our own box.

When jo first came in, I wasn't sure what she was doing.

When she pulled out the boxes, and she told us what they were,

It was--it's a great help yourselves then, okay?

Take a little paint...[Children and rich speaking indistinctly]

Are these washable paints?yes. They're all washable paints.

No, no, no, no. Cameron, cameron.

[Rich] no--no more, blake.

Blake, I'm sorry.

The kids started to paint their snack boxes,

And as their fingers got all messy,

Mom's face started tocringe.

Wait, zoe. Okay, okay. Careful.

Okay, okay, okay. Okay!

When they started painting, blake took the paint,

And he would put in globs of paint.

I'm like, all right,'re having a panic attack here, aren't you?

You're like, "oh, my god, when is it gonna be finished?"

I have to admit I never do this with them,

'Cause i-i just-- I can't stand it.

I can't stand the mess. I can't stand when

It gets in their's hands-on when it comes to making cookies,

But when it comes to being hands-on with the kids,

She doesn't like these to get messy.

Oh, cameron, I love your blue box.

Ooh! Ooh![Laughs]

What I think we should do is come and choose

The snacks that you're going to put in 'em.

The children--they're given a lot of sweet things--

Cookie and candy-- and of course that's gonna

Spike the children's blood sugar levels.

So now they get one piece of fruit

And two other snacks a day.

[Jo] what have you chosen?apple, a bar and crackers.

Okay.the snack box will help mom and dad

Really eliminate the constant battling

Over snack time.

You're gonna put your snacks into your snack boxes,

And then mommy and daddy are gonna tell you

When snack time is so you can lift up your box

And then eat one of the snacks that are in there, okay?

So I would give yourself a clap. Well done!

Huh? You all did really, really well.[Lisa] good job!

Coming up on...

[Screaming]enforcing discipline

Becomes a /-hour ordeal,

And jo gets a taste of her own medicine

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


Mom and dad have made progress,

But they still are not working as a team.

So I've come up with an exercise

That's going to leave them no other choice.

So what I'd like to do now is to give you my next technique.

No, it's not a magic show, but what I'm gonna do

Is join you at the hip here.[Laughs]

I'm sure there's a jean-- a jean hoop somewhere.

[Jo] so I just tie them together, literally, by the hip

And suggest to them that they place their hands

In each other's back pockets

And really go about their daily chores.

I think what we could do is, um, let's pack some cookies,

And, uh, let's get some cookie work done, yeah.[Laughs]

Everything about the activity was really difficult

Because we had one hand each.

And I'm a righty, and I had to use my left.

So he had to be my right hand, you know?

That's it. Perfect.

But it actually felt good being close.

We were having a good time together. We were laughing--

Working and laughing.

Unh-unh! Cheating.

[Rich] it's obvious we can work together.

I mean, communicating a little better,

And we both know that, you know, we're on the same page.

You can take your hands out of your back pockets,

And you can untie yourselves together.

I kind of like doing're doing good.


Mom and dad working together is one thing,

But in order to change the dynamics in this household,

It's gonna be a different story to see if they can work together

When it comes to discipline.when the kids are doing something that you know

Is breaking a rule,

Bring 'em straight to one of the cubes

And explain why you've put 'em on here.

It's one minute per age of the child,

And I want you to work together doing that.yeah.

[Rich] soon as I finished explaining the technique,

Blake started to play up.[Screams]

Okay, blake.

And surprisingly enough, he sat on that cube,

And he did his discipline.[Cries]

It was zoe who surprised everyone

Because she took a swing at her brother.

[Jo] mm. Mommy's little angel.[Shrieking]

Zo, because you didn't apologize to your brother,

And you didn't listen to daddy, you're going into time-out,

And you have to sit on here for five minutes.


[Jo] dad?

She's your daughter. She's disrespecting you.[Zoe crying]

Put her back on there, okay?

Before, we would always give in to get her to stop crying.

And this is the reason why we're in this mess.


[Jo] when you put her down, move away.

Every time she gets off, you're gonna put her back.[Shrieks]

Zoe wasn't going down without a fight,

And mom and dad were being tested.[Shrieking]

It was either gonna make 'em or break 'em.

They were either gonna work as a team,

Or little zoe was going to drive them apart.

She tried everything to-- to get us to break.

Let me see. Where are you bleeding?

[Crying]you're not bleeding. Come on.

Do not let her get a drink.

Do not let her get anything to eat.

She can change this by doing as she's told.

"I'm bleeding. I'm tired. I'm thirsty."

She really pulled every string.

Mom really started to feel a little bit... Sad.

You feel sad because you're disciplining your child,

Because you're teaching her what's right or wrong.

You know what? She's learning the hard way,

But so are you guys learning the hard way as well.

All right, so straight back on that cube!

'Cause she's moved away from it.

You want her to realize you've got rules,

And she needs to do as she's told.


[Zoe] mama!

[Continues wailing]

I don't believe

That either lisa or richie

Have ever seen zoe behave like this,

Because they give in and let zoe have what she wants.

Before when she's done this, you've just given in

And gone on with her-- get on with

So tonight she needs you not to give up on her.

She needs rules. She need boundaries.

So she's counting on you.

Jo pretty much said, "are you ready to give up?"

And--and I guess she was trying to see

How far I was willing to go.

And you have to stick to your g*ns, as much as it hurts.

Li, I really don't know where she went.

[Rich] come on.[Crying] no, daddy. No, daddy.


She wanted her way.

She wanted to show me that she was not going in that time-out.

It was either her breaking or myself and lisa breaking.

Zoe's refusal to do punishment was a long struggle,

In fact, three and a half hours,

But mom and dad stuck together and prevailed.

Zo, do you know the reason why we put you on there?

We put you on there because--we put you on the cube--

[Rich] because you hit blake, and you wouldn't say sorry.

Apologize to mommy and daddy.are you sorry to mommy?

[Crying]okay. Give me a hug.

Richie and I worked as a team, and it felt great.

We supported one another.

Give daddy a hug. Come here, I want to give you a hug.

Obviously, we see that it works,

And it's just something that has to be done,

And lisa and I are both on the same page with it.


With mom and dad feeling more comfortable

About doing discipline together, it was now time

To deal with dad feeling uncomfortable

With blake dressing up in girls' clothes.

Jo, what is this one? Jo?


What's that?

I don't know. What's in there?

Come here.[Rich] do I want blake to play with baby dolls?

Do I want him to dress up in a dress? No.[Gasps]

[Zoe screams][jo] what have we got here? [Laughing]

[Rich] you're a bumblebee?


No, seriously, it's just what it is.

It's just being fun. It's just being silly.[Growls]

[Zoe] a rock star.a rock star?

You do look like a rock star. Actually, you need a guitar.

[Jo] if blake sees dad dressing up and having fun,

Then he'll realize that it's okay to do,

So that he doesn't feel ashamed and have to go

Into the closet to do that.[Children shrieking, rich screams]

You know, the principle of all of this is

We don't--we don't want blake feeling like

He's gotta hide in a closet 'cause he decides he wants

To play with something that's really, you know,

Stereotypically, what, female or male?

'Cause, you know, for kids, it's just about playing dress-up.

Okay, you know what? I'll ease off on it a little bit.

I don't want him to have to hide to play with something.

I'd rather him do it in front of me

And know that he could do it in front on me.[Laughing]


Hey, listen, guys, I'm going.

[Lisa gasps] ohh!jo jo's going for a few days.

You know, lisa and richie know what hard work is,

So that same energy that they've been putting

Into expanding their cookie business

I now want to see spent on their own family.

Please work on balance.

I can't emphasize this any more.

It is all about balance.

Zoe will definitely test us while jo is away.

I want to make sure everything stays on track.

In sync, the pair of you.

If it means you've gotta go back to putting

Your hands in your pockets, do it.

Do we want to see her go, I mean, and have to do this

On our own? No, but it's something that we need to do.

It's our family, and we're gonna try to stick to it.bye-bye. Bye-bye!

Both lisa and richie, you know, are smart people.

They know what they need to do.

Now the techniques are in the house.

What are they gonna do?

Coming up on...

Mom and dad make a mistake and pay the price...

This is all messed up.

And zoe lets mom have it. You don't touch your mom!


When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


It's been four days since I've seen lisa and richie,

And I'm excited to see exactly what's been going on

Whilst I've not been are you both?



So are we feeling good about watching this dvd?

Think so,

[Laughs] ohh. You both went like this.

That's a bit telling.well, we have a lot of questions for you, so...

Let's take a look at it, then.

I put the tape down, and I'm putting the sign up.

What does the sign say? "Cameron, blake and zoe keep out."



Okay, guys, the sign's coming--whoo!


That went really, really well.

You were able to bake your cookies

And get the business done.

The kids took really well to it.

What we're gonna look at now is blake's dress-up here.


Hi, guys.

[Blake] for the teacher.

You need to pack them.

[Rich] you're gonna pack 'em?

Oh, I love him. Look, with his little bag

Over his shoulder.

Dad, that was really sweet.

Just sweet that you're just, you know, in there,

Involved with the kids,

And you're just hanging out with them and...

Did you not feel that? It just seemed really--

Yeah, no, he's comfortable.

He just feels like can do whatever he wants.


You have a tart in here. Do you want that or a rice cake?

Okay. Look, you could save this one for later,

'Cause you never put the rice cake in there.

Go sit.


Well, your daddy's bringing home dinner now.

Do you want a piece of chicken that mommy made last night?

A big one? Should mommy take one, too?

Hi![Lisa] how was it?



Blake, where are you? It's dinnertime. [Speaks indistinctly]

Okay, this is--ready, blake?

If you're not in your seat, then it's a warning.

Sit down if you're having one more bite. Okay, that's it.

You said that you were done? That's it.

Okay. Let's look at what you're doing here, all right?

Because this is all messed up.

[Lisa] really is messed up.

The snack box was given to the children so that

It would visually be a representation of how many

Snacks they have during the day.

You can't even use the box as reference,

And then your old behavior habits kick in,

'Cause they go straight to the cupboard, and then we go

Into the fridge, and we eat ten minutes before pizza.

This is what you do every time

You make the choice, the pair of you, to slack.

Okay.because really, it's about discipline.

[Lisa] I don't like them playing with the paints,

Uh, clay,

Anything messy like this.

Why don't we like them playing with clay and...

Because clay is not easy to clean up. it gets stuck in the floor.

I-it gets all over. That's why I chose to play outside.

[Lisa] if you look at cameron's shirt,

It's all over his shirt,

And clay doesn't really come out very easily.

[Laughs] I know. It's a little-- it's a little bit--

But it doesn't matter because--a speck.

Yeah, but when it gets hard and sticky, it doesn't come out.

Um, I can tell you for a fact

It does come out, lisa. Seriously, it comes out. But...okay.

Why don't you sit down and do it? [Speaks indistinctly]

You see, this is the mess we don't like.

We need to really work on this.okay.

You know, kids do get dirty fingernails, you know?

We get a nail brush, and we scrub 'em in the bath. know?

[Zoe laughing]

Rich, don't start counting, 'cause she's pushing it away.[Rich] okay.

[Lisa] blake, blake, you have to go away!

Zoe's in a time-out. Blake!

Don't hit your brother.


You don't hit anyone.


I should've said it once, again.

You're just feeding into it.uh-huh.

You don't touch your mommy. That's it.

[Rich] lisa, don't even talk to her.don't?

'Cause it doesn't matter where she stands

If she's gonna act that she can stand there all night long.


[Lisa] rich? [Rich] what?

Nowi'm starting.

Okay. So what I'm not seeing is consistency.

I'm not seeing enough following the technique step by step--

That you're tweaking it and you're improvising it

Based on your emotions.

When you do every step and you're consistent with it,

The results are fast.

So what I do wanna do today with you both

Is to work on the techniques that do need tweaking.


And get you back on track.okay, great.

You're with it?i'm looking forward to it.


Coming up on...

Jo messes up mom...

You can feel it.

And dad puts jo in a time-out of her own

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


Mom and dad have been happy to improvise the naughty technique,

And when they do it, it doesn't get done properly.

So I had dad pretend like he was one of the kids

And mom as well.

[Lowered voice] when you get put on the cube...

I want you to behave like your kids do.

[Lowered voice] okay.

So I began with testing dad's skills on the naughty cube.

How'd you behave with her in the meantime--

Then you go on, and you--sorry. Sorry. She's gone.

Yeah, rich has done really well with the naughty discipline.

He's become a little bit complacent

With the way that he walks-- kinds of slops back and forth.

So what would you do if you got two? How? Show me.just relax.

And how do you do that?

You get behind them.then how do you do that?

[Lisa chuckles]

Mm! [Laughs]

Keep going.

If he can just remain strong until the end

And make sure that he gets an apology

Before he's begging for those hugs and kisses, he'll be fine.

And what happens if, when you're on the cube,

And you're in

Your child decides that

They're gonna pick up the cube and throw it? Then what?i don't even pay attention.

Really? Then keep going, because now I wanna see

Exactly what you are gonna do. You're on it.


[Jo] and again, walk like you mean it.

Okay, mom, where are you going wrong?

Okay, 'cause he's sitting, but the cube's not near him.correct.

When he pushed it

Okay, if you brought it here,

You're to place him on the cube.

Oh! Okay.

Okay? Because that's you then taking control of it.

These techniques I will use every day.

I know I'm not % at them right now,

But believe me, in the months to come,

I will be great at it.

You've come a long way--

Let's face it-- from three and a half hours,

But they're still testing it every day.

And the more you can become aware of that yourselves,

The more you realize that you'll nail it. You'll have it

Underneath your belt, and you'll get that result.

At the end of the day, they have the techniques--both parents.

They know what they're supposed to be doing,

And they know when they do it correctly, they get the results,

And their family are better off for it.

After the lesson with the naughty cube,

I had one more issue to address,

And that was getting mom feeling comfortable

About getting her hands messy and having fun.



In order to get mom really involved and a little bit messy,

I had her paint flowerpots with the children

And then plant pretty flowers afterwards.

And it was challenging for her.

You could see mentally she was having to overcome.

[Cameron] mom! Blake put the paint in the flowerpot.

Oh, he put the paint in the flowerpot.

And I was like, oh, my god.oh, no, you know what? It's leaking out.

What's happening?is there a hole?

Oh, yeah, there's a hole in it. That's why they're all...

I really played up to the situation.

Oh, itis leaking.

And I kinda just, like, said to... I was like, okay.

This is something to play, be free, okay.

We're gonna put the flowers in here.

We don't put the paint inside here.oh, look where I put mine.

[Lisa] oh, very good, cameron.

It's on my arm.

It's okay. Look.

I got it all over my arm. It's okay.

[Jo] and as mom started to loosen up, the kids did as well.

Oh, look. [Laughs]

[Jo] and you could really see this energy amongst the family,

Feeling rather relaxed and calm where they were just

Genuinely having fun.

And what do you do? Just stick it in?

The whole theme was a mess, but... It was fun.

Look at

So, look, do you see the difference?

Do youfeel the difference?[Cameron] daddy?

Uh-huh.i mean, you have to step out of the box a bit.

When mom was engaged,

When she was focusing purely on having fun with the kids,

You could sense it. The kids could feel it,

And everyone was having fun-- magic.

Jo jo's going home now.

[Lisa] jo put us right on the right track.

Nowwe have to continue on this path and make it work.


Love the bag.

[Rich] we appreciate everything she did for us.

It just goes to show that, you know,

With--with a little discipline and a little sugar, too,

You get what you want.

Zoe, let jo give you a hug... [Kisses] and kiss.

I've gotta go, darling. Take care, okay?

[Jo] I definitely feel

That I've been able to give the family good balance

Between the time they'll spend with their business

And also the time that they'll spend with their kids as well.take care, mate.

Thank you, jo. Thank you.take care. You're welcome. Take care.

I just hope that they continue to use the techniques

And put that in place with their own family.bye, blake.

So every day they wake up, and not only are they

Proud of what they do for a business,

But also proud of what they've achieved as a family.


On your mark, get set, go!

I notice a big difference in my family.

Going forward, I think that we're gonna have

A much happier family.

Oh! Cameron and zoe got a tie,

And blake got a tie! Hurray! You won!

Now that tree. Now we run to that tree.

I've seen a lot of changes in my family.

The way that I found the balance

Between our business and our family

Is because richie and I are on the same page.

We work together.

Wave. Say hi.

Maybe they have--maybe they caught fish on there.

Hi! Hi, speedboat!hi, speedboat!

The biggest lesson is that

My kids could get messy with me,

But they definitely cannot mess with me.

You wanna walk in the sand?

It just shows that, you know, once you put rules into place

And you teach them the rules, how fast things can turn around.


[Lisa] you did it! Hurray!

Just give me a hug.

They're only and , and you wanna have a good relationship

With they're , and older,

And it's just gonna help all the way through our whole life.

Say--wave good-bye to jo jo.say bye to jo jo.

Bye!bye, jo jo!


[Zoe screaming]

Ahh! The bee's coming!

Go ahead.the bee's coming!


[Imitates buzzing]


[Imitates buzzing]

[Children screaming]

[Continues imitating buzzing]

