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03x14 - Walker Family

Posted: 03/17/24 11:13
by bunniefuu
Tonight on "supernanny"... Hello!

Jo meets the walkers.

Aah! I don't wanna have to hurt you.

Don't use that on my stuff, either.

With a toddler that won't let mom put her down...

I'm still nursing alyssa, so...

That'll happen all day.

A year old who's never slept in her own bed...

Leila, would you stop? Leila, come on.naleila.

I'm not getting up anymore tonight.

And a boy on the brink of becoming a terrible teen...

I'm not being in this play. I am excused.

If you don't get to the table in the count of three,

It's gonna be a week.

Jo has to pull out all the stops.

Anthony! Anthony, here, please.

So are you gonna do nothing?

No, it ain't all right. Here--here. Right now, please.right now.

Can jo make mom step up...

Anthony, you need to go to your room.

Or will it be all too much to take?

It's tough to let go of that bond emotionally.

It's a very strong one.

The decision has to be yours.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪


Here we go-- another week, another family.

Hi, we're the walkers. I'm anthony.

I'm alice walker.

We have three beautiful children--

Anthony, who's ...

Shut... Up!

Naleila, who's years old...

And baby alyssa, who's months.

That little baby's so cute.

And we have my sister's son marcus.

And he's . He's from chicago.

He wanted a different life.

What is that? [Mumbles]

I'm a counselor at a juvenile detention center.

I have a licensed day care business in my house.

Look at the children.

Oh, no![Grunts]

Move! Move, baby.


Is a challenging personality. Yeah.

I mean, he's just always into something.

[Cries] [woman] ooh!



I mean, but he's on the honor roll.

He's the star basketball player on his sixth grade team,

So we know he can do it.

Put this stuff away, before I have to use this.

[Laughs] yeah, you think it's funny?

I wanna find a different way of dealing with anthony,

Versus spankings or hitting.

I-i don't wanna have to hurt you, so come on. No.

Can you believe this?

We never have bedtime for our kids.

Our kids just go to bed when we go to bed.

[Anthony] time to go to bed.

Go to bed. Go to bed. Go tobed.

Naleila's biggest problem right now is just going

Into her own room at night, going to sleep.

You sure you don't wanna go on and go in your room? No.

It's pretty frustrating, dealing with her doing that.

Cut it out. [Jo] there was four in the bed, and the little one said,

"Nobody's rolling over here."

Okay, baby.

Alyssa and her mom is like siamese twins.

They're connected together. They can't pry 'em loose.

This little girl's like a koala bear.

She never comes down on her own.

Supernanny, I don't know how fast you can get here,

But get here as quick as you can.

We need you, like, yesterday.

This family's got out of hand. They need my help straightaway.

Can you step on it, please?



Oh, my god! Come in!

Hi. Pleased to meet you.hi, jo!

Oh, my god! [Girl] supernanny! Supernanny! Supernanny!

I am so glad-- look who's here!

Got your hands full here. Uh, yeah.

Hi! These are some of my day care kids.

This is my daughter naleila. Naleila, come and say hi.

Naleila, pleased to meet you.

How old are you?.

Alyssa is sleeping, but alyssa is actually

The youngest here at the day care... Okay.

And that's-- that's my littlest.

She's about months.

Oh, who's this fellow? This is my nephew marcus.

Hi, marcus. Pleased to meet you.

Jo is in my house, looking over my shoulder.

My thought is, "oh, my god. What is she gonna find wrong?"


Get ready for a ride.


[Alice] um, you guys...

Are y'all ready to get ready for rest time?

[All] no!

But it's time.

As the day care kids went down for a nap,

I noticed that mom had alyssa latched onto her.

I'm still nursing alyssa,

So that'll happen all day, every day for the most part.

She's still so little,

And because when I'm nursing her,

She just wanna nurse, like, all the time, you know?

Nursing alyssa, I can't get a lot of the things done,

Because I find myself sitting down,

Spending time with her. It's easier to keep her close to me,

Just have her right here.

[Alice] having my day care business in my house,

It's a great thing.

I love working with the kids.

But when day care ends,

My kids are out of control and running around,

You know, making noise,

And it's like my day is starting all over again.

[Alice] this is my son anthony.

Hi, anthony. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo.

Hi. Hiya.

Where your hands at? It's cold.

Hi. Pleased to meet you.


Y'all can play, but don't tear the house down.

When day care had ended,

I saw once again that alyssa had lift up mom's shirt

Whilst the kids were playing around.

Don't kick. [Jo] and when things got too rough,

Mom stepped in.

Oh, no!

Don't--don't use that on my stuff, either.

But it was ridiculous.

She was hitting the kids

To stop them from hitting themselves.

How effective is that? Oh, no doubt--

I've got my work cut out for me here. Go.

Coming up on...

Mom says how discipline's done in her house...

I do whuppings. "Whuppings"-- smacking, spanking?

Yeah. But jo's not buying into it...

It shouldn't take physical punishment

For your kids to respect you.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


[Jo] later on in the afternoon, dad came home.

Hi. Pleased to meet you. [Children] da-da! Daddy!

Hi. Nice to meet you. Anthony.

[Jo] alice told me that her kids' behavior

Got much worse when the day care was over.

So I wanna find out from anthony when he gets home

Exactly what it's like for him.

When I come back, then I help anthony with homework,

Leila gets, uh, settled,

Help with the baby, dinner.

It's like I come home from work, and there's--

There's other things to do at home with alice.

You know, my days are pretty extended.

You know, anthony's a really laid-back guy,

And he helps out a lot when mom has

To deal with alyssa all the time.

When anthony's doing the cooking and dealing with that,

And the kids have left, what do you do then?

Alyssa pretty much wants to just be with me for the most part.

I know I need to be able to put alyssa down, you know,

So I can move around and do some other things,

But I also know that this is mybaby.

I love her, you know? I wanna be with her.

So you're kind of stuck, aren't you, really?

You can't move anywhere because she's on you,

And you're kind of stuck on the sofa, really.


Like some mothers, alice is really struggling

To let go of that feeding bond, and rightly so.

But actually what it's doing is

Holding them both back on so many levels.

Earlier on, I saw mom spank the kids,

And I just don't approve of the way she uses her hand.

You know, kids learn from their parents,

And it's just made things worse.

So it is time to discuss this, once and for all.

And what discipline do you both use?

We--we've given anthony spankings.

I mean, we've taken toys away from him.

We've taken the tv.

I do a lot of...


Whuppings. I do whuppings. I mean--

"Whuppings," smacking, spanking?

Yeah. That's called whuppings.

I find that that's the only way--and--and really,

That's not even working. That's what I'm saying.

That's why I know I need to do something else.

To spank is not effective, and mom's really confused

On how to manage her children's own naughty behavior.


[Jo] it was getting rather late, and everyone was still awake

When mom was trying to put them into bed.

I mean, what is she thinking?

Leila's years old,

And alyssa's months!

Everybody try to break it down

And go to sleep.


Bedtime's definitely a mess in my house.

[Alice] I'm not gonna play this game. Get down.

This is taking too long. I'm exhausted just trying.

Go to sleep.

I don't sleep well. I don't sleep well at all.

Leila, stop being silly.

Leila, would you stop?

Leila, come on.

Leila, just--is this-- is this playtime for you?

I'm not getting up anymore tonight. [Alice] leila...

Come on, lei. I'm not gonna play this--

This back-and-forth game with you.

Mom and dad finally gave up

And turned the lights off for good.

But somebody wasn't ready to go to bed.


[Anthony] leila, go to bed.

[Alice] leila, can you please lay down?

What's going on?

It was : when leila decided she'd log on to the computer,

And at that point,

I decided I would be logging out of the house.

From what I can see,

Mom has really got herself into some bad habits,

And I do need to sit both anthony and alice down

And talk to them straightaway

About making some drastic changes.


So let me talk about the first thing

That I have noticed-- bedtime.

What is going on at bedtime?

It's ridiculous!

Absolutely ridiculous. I tell you what--

I think I saw more action upstairs

Than I have in times square!

Unbelievable that all of you are in your bed.

I don't even know how you managed to have alyssa.

Somehow we did it.



Yeah. Yeah.

Alyssa is months old,

And she should be in her own bed.

That child has got dark circles underneath her eyes.

A child of her age should be having

At least hours of sleep.

And let me talk about the next thing.

What form of discipline do you use?

I-i do spankings.

It shouldn't take physical punishment

For your kids to respect you

And to listen to what you're saying, at all.

Let's talk about alyssa.

You've got her attached to you like koala bears.

You're not allowing her

To actually get a sense of actually feeling,

"It's okay to be here by myself

"And engage in the toys that are in front of me

Whilst mom's only foot away, cooking dinner."

Because I think she's becomeyour pacifier.

That's what she wants. She wants to be nursed,

And she want me to feed her, like,

Whenever she wants to-- like, all the time.

So what do I do? Deny her and say,

"No, you know, this is not the time" or--

She doesn't need to be on your breast /.

If she was weeks old or weeks old, yes.

If you choose to, as a mother, to continue to breast-feed,

That's your prerogative, okay?

However, with limitations on that,

It means that your child can engage

And reach those milestones and develop.

It also means that it will allow her

To recognize that she can engage

And socialize with other children

And not feel the dependency

To have to cling to you at every stage.

All the situations that we have here,

We will be able to find a resolution

For the situations, without a doubt,

Because they are clear as day.

I'm really ready to just put

A lot of jo's, um, ideas into motion.

Um, because it--every--everyone in their life need change,

And I think that jo's suggestion can--can only help our family.

So are you ready for the hard work?

'Cause trust me, I do not deal lightly. Are we ready?

Yeah. Ready.

Take it or leave it, that's kind of how she told me.

"You're gonna do this, or you're not. We can move on."

So I decided to take it.

All right then. Let's go then.

Coming up on...

When anthony jr. Walks out on the family,

Dad's pushed to his limit. If you don't get to the table in the count of three,

It's gonna be a week.

[Anthony jr.] I'm not in this stupid... One... Two...

When "supernanny" returns, but first...

♪ Be good, be good ♪ a tip from supernanny...

Parents, I know shopping with the kids

Can sometimes be a drag,

But this is how you can make it more exciting.

Separate your shopping list into food groups,

And then assign each child to that group.

That way you get your shopping done,

And the kids have fun.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


[Jo] alice's parenting skills are not effective,

Yet she's doing nothing to change those skills,

And she's getting the same results over and over again.

So today I'm starting with rules for the kidsand the parents.

[Jo] okay, kids...

These are house rules.

Listen to these house rules and stick with them.

"Speak respectfully to one another.

No name-calling," all right?

"Play--don't hurt."

And the last one here, "respect your bedtime."

Bedtime is bedtime, full-stop. [Jo] the kids have their rules,

So now it's time for mom and dad's.

I have given mom and dad rules, as well.

Rules for us?

"No spanking," okay?

Oh, marcus is smiling hard there.


And lots of positive praise, okay?

Because you guys need to hear from your parents

When you're doing well.

The kids have, like, their own things

They have to follow,

And the parents have their own rules,

So it's just keeping us together.

So who heard me?

Great. Okay. Let's have fun.

All of you are gonna work together

And cooperate with one another

Because between you all,

You're gonna do a short play for me.

Since I've been with the walker family,

I haven't seen them doing anything fun

As a family together, and families need to do that.

So I had them put on a play,

And I gave them each a section that they would be in charge of.

And this is how we're gonna do it.


Marcus, I'm going to give you props.

Anthony, I'm gonna give you the characters.

With the task assigned, they jumped right in,

And dad started to give out the characters.

Marcus is "mood boy."

[Laughs] alice is "mother nerd."

We got swords. I'm not being no mother nerd...

[Laughs] unless you're gonna be nerd father.

I'm gonna be "bully man." I'm "action boy."

Nah, you l.b.

Lazy l.b.

[Anthony] right. If I can be a nerd,

You can be "lazy boy." You know what?

Well, I'm not being in this play.

I'm going upstairs.

I am excused. [Jo] everybody was really working well together.

However, anthony jr. Didn't like his character name,

So he walked off really angry.

If you don't get to the table in the count of three,

It's gonna be a week. [Anthony jr.] I'm not in this stupid...

One... Two... [Jo] but after a warning,

Anthony jr. Came back to the table.

The thing is, his anger had turned into big-time attitude.

What was the problem that you found with lazy boy?

Let's start from there. No, no, no.

What was the-- what was the conflict--

No, the problem being wasted is your attitude right now.

Do you need to be excused from the table? Yes.

Anthony was being patient, and he tried to explain,

But anthony jr. Just didn't want to listen to him.

Anthony, this is a play that we're all doing.

Without you, they can't do it.

Okay? Because it's a family play.

So it's about compromise,

Communicating and cooperating.

[Anthony] anthony can-- can get me pretty upset.

And with the play,

I dug deep and had a lot more patience with him,

Because, you know, you know,

Just trying to lead by example for him.

So what are you gonna be?

You can pick anything you want.

Is "little man" a good one to you?

"Little man." [Jo] anthony jr. Did come around,

But I don't think he truly respects his family.

But after all, this is about the play.

It's about all of them.

And I'll have a separate word with anthony jr. Later.

I'm supergirl! Ha!

Like, oh, my gosh.

You're gonna wear a mask.

Y'all ready?

Go back to the 's. [Laughs]

Excuse me, sir. No bullying people today, sir. Hey! Hey!

[Anthony] ha ha ha! Are you ready for me to handle this bully?

Stop picking on her. You're such a bully.

[Alice] that's the end!

The point for me wasn't really about

The play that you put on,

It was about the cooperation,

The putting the ideas together,

And the way in which that was communicated to one another.

[Alice] putting on the play for jo was a great thing,

But we've never sat down and worked together

And tried to figure out something, you know,

That we can do it to have everybody's input.

We're gonna definitely incorporate that

And keep that in our lives.

High-five, team. High-five, team.

Lyssie, high-five, baby. Yeah!

High-five! [Naleila] high-five!


[Jo] bedtime in this house, it's awful.

You've got four in a bed,

No regular bedtime,

And nobody's getting a wink of sleep!

So I'm introducing the stay-in-bed technique

To mom and dad.

What we are doing tonight is putting leila

Into her own bed to sleep this evening.

Give leila a story...


Kiss her good night and come out of her bedroom.

When she comes into your bedroom,

I want you to say to her, "it's bedtime, darling."

Take her by the hand and take her back into her bed.

Okay. The second time she comes out,

I want you to say to her, "bedtime."

The third time, you say nothing whatsoever,

And you put her back into her bed.

I had mom get leila into bed at :.

Definitely a more reasonable time than before.

Not time to go to sleep. "The end."

Can we do another story?

Love you, big girl.

All right. This is it. [Jo] okay. Well done.

She's in bed. Let's switch lights off.

I am gonna be here. [Sniffles]

You are going to be okay.okay.

Okay? You are going to be okay. I'm here.

Jo was like, "hey, pull it together.

You know, I'm here for you. Let's do it."

And I knew at that moment that, you know,

This was something that had to happen.

[Laughs] okay.

[Jo] I was waiting for alice and anthony to go to bed

So that I could walk mom through the technique.

And as soon as mom and dad went to bed,

Leila was out of her room, trying to get into theirs.

What's the first thing you say? No, leila.

It's time to go to bed.


[Whispers] the third time, you say nothing now.

From now on, you say nothing.

I need to pick her up-- no, you just-- you just take her by the hand,

And you take her back into her bed.

Oh, leila. She tried every trick in that book.

More water. [Jo] okay, you ignore that

And you put her straight back into her bed.

There were times where I was ready to fall apart,

But jo gave me the strength. She gave me the knowledge.

Okay, you're doing really well.i am.

Stay strong...okay.

With leila because she recognizes it.

[Alyssa cries]


Sure, leila got out of bed times,

But it only took minutes,

And then she was down for the whole night.

I'm really, really happy with the way things went.

And so I know the technique,

I got it down, and I'm gonna do it every night. You've done a marvelous job.

Tomorrow you've got to show her that you're being consistent,

And that's the important key here.

It'll be really nice to get my bed back,

So I'm gonna stick with it. All right. Go get some shut-eye,

And I'll see you in the morning, okay?

You know, it's taken six years of mom

Pussyfooting around with this bedtime scene,

And yet when she really decided that she wanted to change this--

Clearly leila's been readylong before mom.

Coming up on...

Mom's got a major decision to make...

It's tough to let go of that bond emotionally.

It really is in your court.

And jo's had it with anthony jr.'S attitude...

Oh, really? Anthony! Anthony, here, please.

Is that okay for him to talk to you like that? No, it's not.

[Jo] do not tolerate that attitude.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] the next day when I arrived,

Anthony jr. Said that he was going out,

Against mom's wishes.

And there's a reason why you're not going--

You don't need to go outside today.

[Shouts indistinctly]

Excuse me, anth--

Excuse me? What's that?

What? What was he doing?

He was just saying, "move"... Oh, really?

And I'm saying, "say excuse me." Oh, really? Oh, really?

Anthony! Anthony! Here, please.

So are you gonna do nothing?

Are you gonna let your son talk to you like that?

That's how he always talks to me.

Oh, and that's all right, is it?

No, it ain't all right. Get in here, right now, please.right now.

Anthony jr. Is years old and by no means a big man.

So it's important that we establish limits, authority,

And nip this attitude

Straight in the bud before it gets worse.

[Jo] is that okay for him to talk to you like that?

No, it's not... Right...

I don't like it when he talks to me like that. Then you tell him, okay?

Because as long as he talks to you like that,

With that attitude, and walks out the door,

Then you're gonna have a problem today and tomorrow.

Do not tolerate that attitude. All right?

You do something about it, and you tell him--

Normally I would, but it'll get--

It'll eventually get physical or... Oh, no, no, no, no.

I know it won't, though. You deal with it now. No, to ignore it--

Okay. To ignore it means that

You're not then going to address it... Okay.

And I'm here to help you... Okay.

Okay, work through that, all right?

Normally alice would just hit anthony jr.

When his behavior became out of hand,

But this was a great opportunity for me to show alice

Exactly how to take a different approach.

Anthony, you need to go to your room.

Ten minutes. You need to think about that--

Just the way you talking to me.

In order for us to change this, anthony--

All the things that we don't like--

The hitting, the swearing-- I want it to stop.

But you definitely have to work with me, too.

I'm glad jo showed me another way

Of dealing with little anthony.

Iwould've spanked him,

But I'm definitely sticking with the way--

The things that jo showed us.

You have ten minutes

To go upstairs to your room

And think about it.

And then you can come back downstairs

And apologize to me.

[Jo] I was impressed with mom's restraint

And how she dealt with the situation.

However, anthony jr.--

You know, I still need to work on him.

[Jo] I did notice that alyssa, who is months,

Is constantly attached to her mother.

She's always hanging off her hip,

And if she's not hanging off her hip,

She's, um, how do I nicely put this?

Hanging off her breast.

Is the reason you're still breast-feeding her

An emotional one? It's just that feeling of,

You know, we love each other, like, you know?

It's a special bond. It is.

Itis a special bond.

Okay, I just wanna acknowledge to you

That I see emotionally,

You know, the-- the difficulty in that, okay?

'Cause it's tough.

It's tough for women to let go of that bond emotionally.

It's a very strong one.

For some mothers,

It's a very difficult decision to make

To stop breast-feeding, and it can be very emotional,

Because of the bond between yourself and your little one.

So it really is in your court,

Because I can help you either way.

I know. But the decision has to be yours.

I mean, I'm--i'm--i wanna do it.

I wanna go ahead and--and try it. Okay.

[Alice] I'm ready to wean alyssa.

You know, I've been wanting to do it for months.

You know, I just don't know how to do it.

I don't know how to do it on my own.

We are going to start to untie that ribbon

That attaches you to her in that way,

Through the breast, okay?

So we can have a healthy relationship

That's not connected emotionally...

Okay. Through here.

Okay. All right? And I'm glad that

You've come to that decision,

Because it shows me that you're ready

For personal growth, which is good.

And there'll much benefit for you and for alyssa.

As it was alyssa's nap time, it was a perfect moment

To see if alyssa and mom could move on to the next step.

I would like you, okay, to put between the pair of you

Just something across your breast here.


Okay? Just put a blanket across, okay?

Or a pillow that's rolled, all right,

So that you're near her-- you've got your face near her

With the bottle, okay, around, but this is cut off.

Okay. And then place the bottle there.


Okay, ready to go night-night?



And right away, alyssa got really fussy

Because she didn't want the bottle.

She wanted mom. [Crying]

Lyssie... This is for you, okay?


Okay, look. This is where we're at.

Your breast--push it where your pillow is. Oh.

All right? And then you can kiss her and stroke her.

Here we go.

[Crying] alyssa.

I wanted to turn around and talk to jo and be like,

"It's hard, jo. I can't."

This is what I was so afraid of. I'm like, "this is so hard."

Lay down so that you're propping--

As if you're laying down with her.

It's right here. Look. And move the bottle here.

She's either gonna take it or she's not.

The importance wasn't that alyssa take the bottle,

But that she get herself off to sleep

Without using mom's breast as the pacifier.

Come here.

[Whispers] try not to talk, okay?

But you're calm. "Mm-hmm" or "shh."


[Normal voice] with only ten minutes

Of mom comforting alyssa, she fell asleep.

[Whispers] once she's down, yeah,

Put two pillows either side of her to cage her in.

I cannot believe it. That has never happened.

I've always laid there, always nursing her.

For such an emotional time for mom,

She did a fantastic job.

She kept herself very detached and focused,

And achieved.

Thank you.

You did good. You're welcome.

Thank you so much.

Come here. Come here.

For the next couple days, with me having to carry on

The techniques that jo taught me.

It's gon' be hard.

See you when I get back.okay.

Give me a hug, big boy.

Listen, give me a big hug. Give me a big hug.

Hey, you're not too big for a hug. Come here.

There's no doubt that alice has made some really great strides,

But old habits do take time to change.

So I just hope she doesn't go back to them

Whilst I'm not there. See you when I come back.

[Walkers] bye. See you later. Bye.

Coming up on...

With jo gone, naleila tests mom and dad's endurance...

Mom, why everybody still up?

[Whispers] shh. Leila, please. Don't make this hard.

And later, jo's got a big lesson

To teach little anthony... [Man] what's up, big man?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Alice has made a ton of progress whilst I've been there,

And now it's time for us to see, whilst I've been gone,

Whether she's moved forward or gone back.

Ready to take a look?

Ready to take a look. Okay. Let's get to it.

My baby. Oh, mwah.

She loves this cup, don't she?


[Anthony] yeah, one here, one on the side.



Bye. Bye.


That is--oh, that is absolutely wonderful to see!

I-i can't talk. I just need to take my milk first.

As it's dribbling out of her mouth,

Try and talk at the same time.

Yeah, that was-- that was good, yeah.

Is your relationship different

Because she's not being breast-fed now? No.

No, okay. Not at all.

I was so worried about the relationship

With me and alyssa,

But, I mean, it's the same, if not better,

Because we're both getting proper sleep now, you know?

Not having to nurse in the middle of the night,

And, you know, she's able to move around a lot more

And play a lot with the kids, versus being nursed.

Psychologically, you're not bruised, are you?

You're not damaged. You're not scarred.

[Laughs] hmm?

I'm not, actually.

I thought I would just be falling apart,

And I'll just never get over this moment

That I will not be nursing alyssa.

You know, it's great. I feel good.

I feel really good about this.

It's--it's amazing that, so soon, it happened.

She weaned her off, and she stuck with it.

She was committed to it.

Alyssa accepted,

'Cause now lyssie's not, you know, that attached

To the point where she's like her gallon of milk.

She has to cling to her to get what she needs.

So it's good. [Laughs] yeah.

There we go, and a healthy relationship... Absolutely.

Alongside with it. Well done. Great to see.

Let's move on to the next one.

Papa, good night. Good night, lei.

I'm proud of you, lei.

Papa, can you help me put this book in?

Get back in bed, all right?


[Speaks indistinctly]

All I was hearing is "uh, uh, uh."

Mom, why everybody still up?

[Whispers] shh. Leila, please. Don't make this hard, okay?

[Speaks indistinctly]

Dad's got to the point that he's not even getting out of bed.

He's just... [Laughs]

We'll create the walker sign language.

[Both laugh]

Have you seen where you've gone wrong?


Too much engagement,

Too much communication with her,

Um, too many chances.

Yeah, really, it was about

The space and the communication.

You started to communicate with her silently

Through your body language.

You know, feeling like, I don't really wanna get up,

But if I just throw a hand signal,

Maybe she'll get the jist and she'll go back.

But it's still communication.

It does mean you gotta get up,

You gotta put her back in that bed. Yeah.

Definitely a little bit more tweaking

With regards to sleeping, and, of course, everything else

That generally carries on whilst I'm here today.

That feel good to the pair of you?

Yeah. Absolutely.

Okay, so let's continue, then.

Okay. Let's do it.

Coming up on...

Jo brings in some all-star help... What's up, big man?

You don't want me to stick you? Well, stick me, then.

To teach little anthony some respect... It all starts at home.

It all starts with, you know, your mother and your father.

Um, family is very important.

When "supernanny" returns, but first...

♪ Be good, be good ♪ a tip from supernanny.

Hey, parents, if you've got a lot of work to get done,

Or a lot of studying to get done,

And you know you've gotta look after the kids at the same time,

Then here's a solution. Create a nice little workspace

For your kids so they can have fun,

But at the same time, you can get on with your work as well.

It's quite simple, really.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] I've seen some major attitude from anthony jr.

Some of that was because he was ,

And almost, you know, a little big man.

If mom and dad don't get a grip on this now,

It could be far worse

By the time he gets into his late teens.

So I had arranged for anthony and anthony jr.

To meet a very special friend of mine

At the illinois institute of technology.

Oh, snap.

What's up, man? What's up, dwayne?

What's up, brother? What's going on?

How you doing? Good to meet you.

Pleasure meeting you. What's up, big man?

[Laughs] the person I heard a lot about. What's up with you?

My mouth just dropped.

Meeting dwayne wade was, like, a real shock.

It was, like, a real big surprise.

I wasn't really thinking he would actually

Just show up in person like that.

Let me see something, man. Let me see a shot.

Don't get nervous, now. Just sh**t it.

[Jo] dwayne wade is a guard of the reigning champions,

The miami heat.

He's an nba all-star player and a big role model

For many young children out there today,

And I felt that his words would really carry a lot

Of weight with anthony jr. So, dwayne, I was telling anthony

There is much to be said about commitment, right,

And effort, when you're on the court,

But when you're at home, as well.

Yeah, I heard you got a lot of skills on the court,

But you could be a great basketball player,

But you want people to like you,

You want people to respect the person that you are.

It all starts at home. It all starts with, you know,

Your mother and your father.

You know, family is very important,

And I know that 'cause I have a wife and a son.

It's not just about me as a person. It's about everyone.

And that's how a basketball team is, you know.

You can't win ball games by yourself.

You gotta have teammates,

Even though you might be the best player.

Everyone play they roles, we won a championship.

At the end of the day, that's what it's all about.

I appreciate the words of wisdom that he gave my son.

I hope that, you know, the words stuck in deep to anthony.

That making sense? Go sh**t some hoops. Let's go.

Look, he's askin' what you got. Go show him.

Let me see something. Let me see something.

Well, stick me, then. You don't want me to stick you,

Well, stick me, then. Y'all got this on camera.

Playing one-on-one with dwayne wade,

I was still kind of, like, in shock.

Uh-oh. [Speaks indistinctly]


Oh! Whoo-hoo!

Boy wants to win one-on-one. Come on, anthony jr.


Coming from him, I'll probably listen to him a little more.

You gotta get two buckets. You get two buckets, and you're in.

Oh, one.

Okay, a.j. Oh.

Well, jo couldn't have done anything bigger or better.

The message that dwayne wade gave to anthony--

He just embraced the words of confidence that he gave him...

And changing him, being more respectful and--

And, um, being a better person.

[Speaks indistinctly]

All right, make us proud, baby.

[Jo] alice has made some big changes,

And we've already succeeded

In getting one little girl out of bed,

And now that she's not nursing alyssa,

It's time to get the other little one out of the bed.

The next stage we're gonna do

Is to get alyssa now sleeping in her own crib.

I was like, "oh, wow."

This is--this is fixing to be a challenge.

This is--you know, it's like pulling teeth.

[Jo] so together we set up a crib

In mom and dad's room,

And now it's time to give her a nap.

Okay, put her in her sleep suit.

All right, nice kisses.

[Cries] time for sleepy, darling, okay?

Good night, baby. Shh. Time to go night-night.

[Jo] give her the teddy to cuddle.

All right then, come away.

Come away. That's it. Everybody out, please. [Cries]

The thoughts that went through my mind was like,

"Oh, my god. This probably will not even work."

Now you can hear, she's gone from a high pitch

Down to a lower pitch, and it's spacing out.

So it's important that we listen to

And hear how far away it is from the next one.

I told mom and dad to wait five minutes

Before going back into the room to see if she'd calm down.

[Alyssa crying quietly]

[Crying stops]

Even though we've done our five minutes,

We're not hearing anything.

That is great. That is great.

Why couldn't we have done this a long time ago?

Well, I think mainly because you guys were ready for change.


Now who's itching to see? Me.

[Whispers] just take a peek. [Whispers] just peek.

[Jo] and sure enough, within five minutes,

Alyssa was asleep, and mom and dad were stunned.

I was like, "oh, my god! I cannot believe it.

My baby is actually sleeping in a bed!"

I am so happy.

Sweet little alyssa-- she went out like a light,

And leila come over to me

Because she wanted to share something with me.

I'm so glad that I'm sleeping in my room,

So I can-- I can stretch out.

[Laughs] exactly, you can stretch out.

I think everybody's happy to be able to stretch out.


[Jo] so look--listen, guys, I'm going.

Bye. I'm gonna go.

I'll miss you.

Aww. Sweetie, I'll miss you, too.

But you keep in touch with me, all right?

And let me know how you're getting on in your bedroom.

Just learning some stuff from jo,

I feel as though that it opened my eyes up

To realizing that, you know, I can change.

I can be a better dad, I can be a better person,

I can be a better husband.

[Jo] you're the princess in your own bed now.

Take care.

Take care of yourself, all right? All right.

Bye, alyssa. Bye.

Take care.okay.

Take care of yourself.i will.

All the things that jo has done for my family--

I mean, she's given us a lot.

Our life has changed completely with jo being there with us.

Just keep up with all this hard work.

You've put so much into place. Just remember, keep up.

Take care, everyone. [Alice] love you.

[All] bye, jo.

The walker family are a classic example

Of how two parents found it emotionally very difficult

To allow their children to move forward.

But once they hadboth made a decision

To really focus on what theydid want

And not what theydidn't want,

They achieved more in a few days

Than they had in six years.

[Anthony] yeah, use the left. [Grunts]

Jo brought peace to my house.

She set the stage for communication

To open up more.

[Alice] who's the baby?

Oh! See how my body is?

Let us get the ball. Let us get the ball.

I think it's gonna start with me

Showing anthony some time where you just have to set

Of your differences aside and just work with people

A little more. Get it, lei.

If it starts with me, it'll end with him.

And you know what? We wanna give you choices. Yeah?

Yeah, I'm using what I learned. That's what I'm doing.

My method of discipline with the kids, um,

Has definitely changed.

Instead of having to spank,

Now we communicate with each other.

Make sure you crumble it up. Get the raisins.

You suck.

[Anthony jr.] Now me and my family

Spend a lot of time together. [Cheers]

Now I have a better relationship with my parents.


Leila's doing well. She's proud of being in her room.

Leila's looking real forward to having sleepovers.

Bedtime in my house now is--

Is one of the best parts of the day for me.

Now me and my husband,

We can definitely spend time together

And not have the kids in the middle of us.

Can I get mine? Mwah. Love you, big girl.

Dunk it, baby, dunk it. Here. Lyssie.

Lyssie's becoming more independent,

And she's playing

And interacting with everybody else.

Whoo! Good job!

With me not nursing alyssa,

I realize that we still have that bond there.

There's nothing missing. It's a lot more, actually.

Because we're allowed to do a lot more together.

Whoo! Good job! See?

[Alice] I am so proud of my family

For the changes that we made, and we are--we are very happy.

We are excited, and we so glad that we've done

What we did with-- with jo coming to our house.

Show--can you show mommy some moves?

Come on, show me some moves. What's that?

Okay, she's doing the "caterpillar."

Uh-huh. Come on, leila, yeah, see?

That's what I'm talking about. [All] I turn around and I touch the ground.

Do your dance, girl. Get it, girl, uh-huh. [Laughs]

[Girls] and shake that fanny.

Go ahead. Uh-huh. Go ahead. Uh-huh.

Go ahead. Uh-huh. [Laughs]

Shake, shake, shake, shake. [Children groan]

Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.


Yeah, watch it. Y'all better watch out for me.