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03x09 - Nitti Family

Posted: 03/17/24 11:08
by bunniefuu
Tonight on "supernanny"...

Aah! Jo meets the nitti family...

Hey! [Screams]

Mom's four boys beat each other to a pulp...

Shut up!get your hind into your room and do not come out.

And she can't find any way to stop it. Move it! To your room!

Can jo tame these boys... You will not hit your mother.

You allow them to treat you like a doormat.

And help mom gain their respect... Move away. Move away.

Or will mom's tough-guy boyfriend... Hey, buddy.

It's not funny! Matthew!

Do you like how you look there, john?

What do you want to hear, lady?

Make it all "mission: impossible"?

[John] I don't agree with the tactics,

So I'll do it this way.

You will sit there, and you'll stay there.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Well, let's take a look and see

What trouble I'm gonna be in this week.

Hi. We're the nitti family,

And I'm lisa. And I'm john.

Me and john have been together now for almost two years.

I had four boys before I met him.

The oldest is darren, who's years old... [Growls]

Matthew, who is ...


Devin, who is ...

And jared, who is . [Laughs]

Welcome to the crazy house.




Darren--he's the bully of the house.


He'll do anything he can to hurt his brothers.

No! Aah!

Get off of me!

This is hell.

Matthew is a drama queen.

Give me it. Give me...


Jared is a mommy's boy.

I think it's because he's the youngest.

I give in a lot to jared.

Devin's moods control this household.

Dummy! A very angry kid.

Stop! [Screams]


[Both grunting]

So much hostility. You know, I come home from work,

The first thing I get to do is scream at the boys. Walk.

You'll do it. You bang my car like that again, and I'll bang your hand.

My four children do not respect me at all.

It's pretty bad that I cannot walk

Out of the room for two minutes to deal with the other one

Without you two acting up. I-i just-- I can't take it anymore.

I've had it! Move it! To your room!


It bothers me that she has to be treated like that,

And it bothers me that I don't know how to change that.

[Lisa] put on your seat

Shut your frickin' mouth.

Supernanny, please come and help.

I cannot deal with these boys anymore.

Guys, this needs to stop right now,

So I'm on my way.


[Doorbell rings]


Hi. Pleased to meet you. Come in. Hi. Lisa.

Hi, lisa. Hi.

Well, jo, this is darren.

Hiya. Will you shake my hand?

Hi, pleased to meet you. How you doing? Good.

[Darren] as soon as I met jo jo, I thought that

She was going to be very, very, very demanding.

And this is matthew. How old are you?

. Hi. And what's your name? Jared.

And how old are you? Hi. Pleased to meet you.

This is devin. He's in time-out.

[Jo] I hadn't even started observing yet

When I got a taste of exactly what the nitti boys do.

Hi. Hi, jo. I'm john.

Pleased to meet you, john. Hi. Pleased to meet you.

[John] I was a little embarrassed. She walked in

In the middle of me trying to keep devin in the corner. That don't work on me.

And before my eyes, I saw john giving discipline to devin.

I think I came at the right time.

Could've been any time. [Laughs]

My first reaction was, "she's in for it now."

[Jo] john went off to work,

Leaving mom in a sword fight with devin.

You were told when you got the sword,

"You're not gonna hit your brother."

You're not getting it.

[Jo] mom had confrontation with devin.

Stop kicking me.

And they started to argue,

Where devin then became very angry.

Sit down, devin, now. [Lisa] devin, when he throws a fit,

He will do anything he can do to hurt me.

You're not biting me. [Jo] mom was restraining devin in what seemed like a headlock,

While he was clawing her like some madman.



[Jo] I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

There was lisa sitting there, allowing all this abuse.

And he spits like a camel everywhere.


Devn treats mom like she's a punching bag.

All you have to do is stop and let it be over with.

Change your attitude and get back with our day.

[Jo] when devin's temper finally calmed down,

Instead of mom giving devin discipline,

She gave him the sword

That kicked off the fight in the first place.

If you hit anybody with the sword again, devin,

It's gonna be taken away all day.

You won't get it back until tomorrow.

Do you understand?

[Jo] as the morning went on,

I could see exactly how these boys treat one another.

Ow! [Cries]

[Lisa] they don't play together well at all.

They have no respect for each other, whatsoever.

[Boy] ow! My [bleep]. He bit my [bleep].

All of the boys are really aggressive towards one another.

So much for darren being the role model.

He's beating the hell out of his brothers.

[Lisa] darren, you need to take it a little bit easier

On your brother.

[Lisa] darren! [Jo] the nitti aggression is off the scale,

And it's really going to be a challenge for me

To see if I can change that.

And later on at lunch,

I realized that the smallest incident

Turned into ahuge crisis for mom.

Slow down!

Stop being so hyper!

One minute, mom's a punch bag for the kids,

And the next minute,

She's aggressive and she's in their face.

Matthew, sit down! No!

It's hard to get them to all listen and do what I want,

When there's one over there and there's one over there. In your feet now!


You know what?

You got find your hind in a

You're the one I walked out and caught.

[Jo] lisa's already got one in the corner,

And the other two are just egging her on.

Let go. Go find yourself a corner.

Darren, turn around!

Honey mustard, where are you?

[Jo] matthew decided he wanted some mustard,

And she wouldn't allow him to get anything for himself--

An -year-old boy.

No, because you don't know how to listen.

Look at me.

This is not funny, and I'm not playing.

Do you understand?

Go find a!

And put your nose in it.

So matthew ends up in the naughty corner,

And darren, who's just gotout from the corner,

Is starting trouble again by sneaking him chicken nuggets,

Hoping that mom won't find out.

[Lisa] leave him alone.

[Jo] there's definitely a case of lisa feeling that

The children are on one side and she's on another side.

[Lisa] go to your!

No. You had your opportunity. Go to your room.

Go to your room. Okay.

[Lisa] sometimes I have to call john at work

If they're acting up too bad where I cannot control them.

You need to talk to matthew. He won't stand in the corner.

I've been trying to get him to stand in the corner

For eight minutes. Lisa relies on john, and she uses john as a threat.

Talk to john, or he's gonna come home... No!

Your best best is to talk to him on the phone.

If you hang up on him, he's gonna come home,

And you're gonna be in big trouble.

[Jo] this is the quickest way for mom to undermine herself--

Call john and ask him to come home

Because the kids are not behaving themselves. Matthew, you're gonna have

One of your nice conversations tonight when john gets home. No!

Coming up on...

Do... Not... Push... My face again.

The boys drive mom to the brink...

You allow them to treat you like a doormat.

And john challenges jo... Well, instead of beating her up about it,

Tell her what you think she should do.

And jo doesn't like it.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Right, so where we off to lisa? The laundromat.

In the afternoon, mom had to run some errands.

Darren! Matthew!

Darren, come here. But getting the kids out the house

Proves to be a big battle.

Go get your clothes on. No.

Get a shirt on now! Go get your shoes on.

You're gonna get dressed, devin!


[Jo] finally we managed to make it to the car,

But things didn't get any easier.

You got two seconds to get that seat belt on,

Or I'm throwing the sword in the garbage can.

No! You're gonna give it to me, or I'm not putting it on.

[Jo] once again, it was devin who drew his sword,

And he started to kick off all over again.

You're not getting it. Ouch.

Enough! And lisa was like, "that's it. Out the car. We're not going."

Let's go, guys.

[Lisa] I'm so sick of fighting with them.


And the decision you've made is what? Not to go anywhere.

We never get anything done half the time.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

This little boy was dictating a whole family

On what they were gonna do.

Guys, let's go... Devin's the boss of this house.

However devin feels is what we decide to do.

[Lisa] it really sucks to be controlled by devin.

He's only , and it sucks that he runs our whole life.

You're ready to go now?

All right. Devin's ready. Let's go, guys.

Well, after waiting around for a while,

The king of the castle decided it was time for us to go.

And there we were, take two.

Devin's ready. Try again.

Do not undo--

Do... Not... Push... My face again.

Now that is it, devin. I've had it.

[Lisa] sometimes I feel like pulling my hair out.

I was pissed.

Stop hitting me. Stop!

Smacking devin obviously wasn't stopping him.

We managed to make it out the driveway,

And then within seconds, the boys were at it again.

Sit down.

[Devin screams]

[Lisa sighs] don't bite me.

[Jo] we'd only driven two blocks when lisa had to stop the car

To put devin back in his seat belt.

Just stay there, 'cause we're just going home.

And unbelievably, mom drove all the way back home,

And devin got his own way.

[Lisa] if they can't act out right in the car,

Then we just go home and we don't go anywhere.

This was such a big ordeal,

And they achieved absolutely nothing.

[Lisa] you're all going to your room until john comes home.

I've had it.

It's done. It's over. I'm done. Go to your room!

I had enough. It's never ending. It never stops.

[Jo] lisa had just had it.

And before she was about to throw in the towel,

The man of the house walked in.

Thank god. They've been terrible.


Matthew! Jared! Here.

Straightaway, john started barking out those orders.

Put the sand down. Put it down.

That's enough. Up.

John's a little scary.

He yells so loud that he sounds like a lion.

Get a towel now. Clean it up.

It's not funny! This floor's gonna be ruined now.

All the water's underneath it. You think that's funny?

I don't think it's too funny.

[John] I scare them by raising my voice,

And they do what they're told. I'm fine with that.

Sit down and start eating the rest of it.

[John] sit down.

[Lisa] it makes me angry that the boys

Give john more respect than they give to me,

Because I'm the one that,

You know, is with them all the time.

I should be the one that gets the respect,

Not everybody else. This house is just run on intimidation and aggression.

It's not working.

Lisa and john just need

To find another way in dealing with things.

Why don't we get straight to the point

And discuss why I am here?

The behavior that I've seen from all of the boys--

Punching the living daylights out of one

How long has this been going on? Devin started as a baby.

And with darren?

I don't really think darren has an anger issue that much. Sorry? Darren?

Are we in the same house? You're laughing, john.

I think you're wrong, lisa.

You both know that behavior has got to stop.

That's why you're here.

The fact that the boys feel that they can

Spit and smack you in the face...

They have no respect, and it doesn't matter what I do.

You allow them to treat you like a doormat.

One minute the kids are walking all over you

And doing what they want, and the next minute,

You're highly aggressive, in their face,

And it's like, whoa.

I just get where I can't take it anymore.

And my blood gets boiling,

Before I actually make them do something.

There's an enormous amount of aggression

That comes from the pair of you

With how you discipline the children.

It's like you're in battle with the boys.

You fan the flames, and it becomes worse.

What was incredibly frightening for me was to see

The way you held down devin and restrict him

Like he had a straitjacket on.

The only way I can control him when he does that

Is to hold him. You were grabbing his face, hand up on his face like this...

And holding him down-- so he didn't bite me. So he didn't hurt me.

I wasn't hurting him. There was this energy that was so destructive.

Well, instead of beating her up about it,

Tell her what you think she should do.

I'm not beating her up about it.

What I'm doing, john,

Is bringing to the table what I feel you both need to hear.

The fact that you use the corner

For the boys is good.

However, by the time you guys get to use that corner,

You are so irate yourself,

That it's being used with anger.

I'm guilty of that one, %.

I've been trying things, and it doesn't work.

I don't know what to do.

But what that does--

It causes a lot of confrontation,

And nothing settles.

You guys are not getting the best out of your kids.

They're not getting the best out of you,

And it could be a lot happier.

'Cause really, you don't know, do you,

How good it could be? Right, lisa? Well, no.

But it takes courage and the will to want to change,

Because you believe that you deserve better.

This is not just saying, the boys need to change.

This is about the way you guys change.

Oh, I agree. I agree with you. I'm ready.

When we sat down with jo, a lot of what she told us,

You know, made a lot of sense.

I think she was a little extreme with some of the stuff she said,

But, you know, what she said was basically true.

So are you ready to turn over a new leaf?

This is not going to be easy,

But it's gonna be very rewarding. Are you ready?

[Lisa] I want it to change, and I'm open for change,

And if she can do it, then great.

Then let's do it, then.

Coming up on...


When devin tests mom's resolve...

I ain't going in no corner!

Tough-guy john continues to butt heads with jo...

Do you want me to let him throw everything

In the yard in the pool?

I can stop this. Obviously not working.

When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny... ♪ Be good, be good ♪

Parents, are you trying to get your kids to buckle up?

Then make them responsible for buckling up

Their own cuddly friends.

It's a fun way for them to realize

That seat belts are safe, and then they'll follow suit.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] my biggest priority when coming back

Is to really get lisa to take charge

And learn how to manage her kids without threatening to use john.

First off, this family needed some rules and fast.

Come over here, 'cause I want to show you something. Uh-oh.

Come over. No "uh-oh." This is good. Okay?

Cool. Come here, boys.

The rules. Number one-- "play nicely."

Number two--"no hurting."

[John] and when jo brought the, uh, rule chart in,

It shocked me that the boys sat there and wanted to hear it

And wanted to know about it. [Jo] if you make a decision to break those rules,

There'll be consequences for that.

What discipline gets used in this house? Naughty corner.

Naughty corner. Exactly. Is that clear?

Yeah? Good.

The rules are kind of annoying.

That starts now.

There's no doubt in my mind all those boys

Will break the rules.

[Jo] shortly after laying down the rules,

Devin broke 'em, and then he started kicking mom.

So I stepped in so that I could show her

How to be assertive and take control.

You will not hit your mother.

Devin, you've been asked to go in the naughty corner

Because of your aggression towards mommy,

When you punch and you kicked her when you got angry.

And that is why you were told to come into the naughty corner.

You're gonna stay here for six minutes. Okay?

The naughty cornersucks!

[Jo] devin was having none of it.

I could tell that john wanted to step in so badly,

But lisa had to do this on her own,

Without using john as intimidation.

[Jo] all right. Where you going?

You're not gonna fight with her. Come away.

[John] I'm not somebody who sits back and watches.

Come here for a minute. Come here.

What are you seeing? I wanna step in, but I'm not doing it.

I'm standing back and watching.

So it's tough, always. You know that I know it's tough.

But lisa has to do this. That's just--

It's gonna take me a little getting used to. I know it is.

I ain't going in no corner!

[Lisa] every two seconds,

I'm putting devin in, devin's running out.

I was at my boiling point.

Move him away. Move him away.

Move away. Move away. Move away. Not fighting.


[John] devin's still going bananas,

Kicking the dishwasher, breaks my screen door,

And here I am, being told,

"Don't step in. Sit back. Sit back."

Yeah, it made me very angry.

[John] you want me to let him throw everything

In the yard in the pool?

I'll put up with this as long as I can. Just bear with it,

'Cause he knows he's going to give up--

[John] well, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I can stop this.

Obviously not working.

It was so important that lisa was successful at this

Before john just totally lost his patience and butted in.

[Jo] devin kept fighting, but mom stuck with it.

Then at last, after two hours,

Devin calmed down, and he stayed in that corner.

[Jo] all of today,

Lisa's been making her mark, okay?

Lisa... Has a backbone!

It felt good when jo said that, you know, I had a backbone

And I was gaining control of my house.

Devin, you got put in the corner

Because you did not mind, and you did not listen,

And you've continued to hit me and hurt me.

[Jo] not only did mom get him to stand in the corner,

But she also got him to clean up the mess he made.

But he still needed to give her an apology.

[Lisa] devin, that behavior will not be tolerated

Anymore in this house. Do you understand me? Yes, ma'am.

You owe me an apology, and I want it. I'm sorry.

I accept your apology. [Lisa] I think they understand now that it's not a game

That I'm playing and that I'm gonna follow through.

I'm sick of it being so chaotic,

And the boys just running the roost

And doing whatever they want to do,

And I'm ready to put an end to that. I admit it, I was wrong.

I didn't think you'd do it.

You were right. I admit when I'm wrong.

I understand what you're trying to do.

Coming up on...

Devin draws his w*apon again.

[Man] you gotta bend your knees, son!

And mom gets pointers from darren's coach

On the football field. Don't just jump out there and hit somebody.

You've got a job to do, okay?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] okay, so listen, boys...

I've seen these boys get really angry,

So I wanted to show lisa that there's a way in which

She can calm the kids down without losing control.

I mean, after all, she has the kids all the time.

Jo jo's created this area here

For you to come to express yourselves

When you're feeling angry.

This is the chill out room.

Sit on the cushions. Read some books.

You may want to draw on this board until you calm down.

The chill out room is a place that the boys

Will be encouraged to go-- to let go of their anger

Before it escalates to really aggressive behavior.

When you're feeling angry, you feel what?

You feel like that?

Yeah, me and devin-- we have kind of a...

Issue with anger.

It's okay that you have that feeling

And that you feel angry

Because, you know, sometimes that's how we feel.

And as expected, it wasn't long before

I was coaching mom and devin with the chill out area.

Come here. Stop, stop, stop, stop. [Crying]

Devin--take him down. You're going to chill out, okay?

Why don't you go in the chill out area

Until you calm down? That would be a good idea

Because you don't want to be in trouble.

Okay, he's angry. Take him down.

Just walk down with him. Just walk down with him. He's angry.

Mom recognized that she needed to be able to calm devin down.

I think you need to go to the chill out room.

She did use a great tone of voice, and she communicated

Really well with him.

She didn't get mad.

Just go in the chill out room, and I'll be in

In a few minutes, and we'll talk about your anger.

You need to think about your actions.

Sometimes i-i need to chill out.

He used it. It shocked me. I was amazed.

He got up. He drew on the board. He chilled out.

I was, like, "wow. Oh, my god. It's working."

I put you in the chill out room because you were angry.

I'm glad that john saw this because it proves that there's

More than one way to take the sting out of a situation.

When you get angry, you need to come here until you relax.

Do you understand?


Give me a hug and a kiss.

Now that lisa was really starting

To make progress in the house, it was important for her

To establish discipline in that car.

This technique is gonna be used for the boys.

As you can see here,

One car ride with good behavior equals points.

That is too cool. Gotcha.

Getting the boys out of the house

And into the car is absolute madness,

So I'm going to introduce two techniques

To resolve this problem,

And the first is called the frequent driver miles.

This is a ride technique.

When you guys are good in the car, you get a sticker.

Each sticker equals points.

When you earn your points, you get rewarded.

Points for minutes of playtime,

For minutes stay up past your bedtime on the weekends

And for a sleepover.

To earn your stickers,

This is what I expect from you in the car.

You need to stay in your seat belts,

There's no yelling, keep you hands to yourself--

No fighting.

The same rules apply in the car that apply at home.

Okay. Okay?

I think that's really cool because we've never had it.

We've never tried it, and it encourages us

To be good in the car, so we can get our stickers.

So, mom, this is what we're gonna do.

The next order of business

Was getting them out of the house in a timely manner.

Getting all the kids together,

Okay, so they can get dressed, get their stuff,

You get your stuff and get out.

And then you're gonna do a countdown.

Five minutes, two minutes, one minute, out the door.


[Lisa] jo told me that I needed to give the boys a countdown

To get them out the door and get them ready.

I'm not really sure that it's gonna work.

[Lisa] we're having the countdown now. Ten minutes.

You getting your stuff together? Down to five minutes.

Good lord.

Okay, boys, we have about two more minutes. Two minutes!

Jared. Jared.

It's a simple idea because kids love racing against the clock.

By giving them plenty of warning and reminding them

About the amount of time they had left,

It definitely helped to avoid chaos.

Okay, so from minutes, we've got a -minute roundup.

Lisa was really skeptical,

But the boys got ready without a fight.

[Lisa] you on your side, jared on his side.

And we're off...

We started to kick off.

[Screams] [lisa] devin, remember your card.

[Screaming] the trip is on.

Jared, you're not thinking about your points

And your frequent driver miles.

[Jo] she reminded them very swiftly of the points

And the rewards they would receive, and it worked.

I'm just wanting to pinch myself.

I am in the same car, right? [Lisa] uh, yeah.

What kind of boys am I with now?

Good boys.

[Jo] okay, how well did we do?

Let's give ourselves claps. Whoo! [Cheering]

Well done.

I didn't think the card technique was gonna pan out

The way that it did, but it actually really worked,

And I was shocked that it worked as well as it did.

Devin, come here.

We're gonna leave them up here so that we can find them,

And we won't forget them on the way out the door

'Cause the keys will be there.

[Man] dale.

Lisa was really on a roll, and I had an idea

That iknew would be really interesting for her.

[Boys] ten.

[Jo] I found out that darren had football practice,

And lisa was telling me that darren is completely different

When he's there to when he's at home.

[Man] ready? [Boys] ready!

So I thought it would be a good idea

For lisa to pick up some good pointers from darren's coach.

[Man] run 'em.

Work hard and practice-- it makes the games easier. Go!

[Boys] one, two, three, four.

Let's go and watch the football.

Go! Cross, wait.

You gotta bend your knees, son. Keep your shoulders square.

How would you describe the way he talks to the boys?

Strong. Talking very firm.

You gotta come out, work hard and practice all week.

Don't just jump out there and hit somebody.

You got a job to do, okay?

Well, if they don't respect you, what happens? They run.

What's the consequence? They run?

Yeah. So they do laps.

So how convinced are you

That each one of these boys respects you? I know all of them do.

[Man] there you go. Good job.

The coach is very authoritative, but at the same time,

He praises the children a lot. He's very encouraging.

And they respect him, and he knows it.

And lisa got it.

[Man] let's go. Make a good throw.


I understand why jo wanted me to go out to darren's practice

And watch and watch the coach.

What about the language that they use,

How they choose to talk to the kids?

They talk to him with respect.

My four boys are gonna have to learn

To give me the respect that I want.

They're in training, kinda like you? [Laughs] yeah, I guess so.

The only thing that's gonna help with that is me.

I've gotta make a change, then we all can do it.

Okay, listen. Jo jo's gonna go now, okay?

It was time for me to go, but I'm very reassured

That there has been small, progressive steps forward.

So... Techniques, everything that's been implemented,

Working together.

Jo's gonna be gone for a few days, and I'm really nervous.

I hope that I can still follow through with all the techniques

And the discipline,

And I think the boys are gonna try me with her gone.

So see you in a few days, all right? Take care. Thank you, jo.

I will try some of her techniques.

If they work, they work.

All right then. Bye. Thank you. We'll see you soon.

I'm hoping that when I come back,

I'm seeing happier children,

Because if those children are happier,

Then I know that lisa and john

Are doing something that's making the difference. Bye, jo.

Bye. [Lisa] come here.

Coming up on...

Don't you punch me.

With jo gone, the big, bad wolf is back.

You will sit there, and you'll stay there.

But jo is not letting him off the hook.

Do you like the man you see there right now? What do you want to hear, lady?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

The nitti family have made lots of changes whilst I was there.

Well, we are about to see

If they've gone back to their old ways.

All right. You ready to take a look?

Sure. See what we got here?

Let's take a look.

[Lisa] get your stuff together for the park.

We're having the countdown now. Ten minutes.

So get your toys, get whatever you want to bring

And meet me at the front door in ten minutes.

You getting your stuff together?

Down to five minutes.

Matthew, you're down to two minutes.

Okay, I like your voice here.

Bracing sound, good direction,

You're following through with the countdown.

Yeah, it worked.

[Lisa] come on, guys. Into the car.

Be nice, boys.

You don't want to lose any playtime, do ya?

The technique of getting them out of the house

Really actually works.

Ooh, look at you, feeling confident. Yeah.

Boys, you need to remember your miles.

We're halfway there. You guys are earning your stickers.

On the car ride to the park--

Who thinks that they deserve a sticker for that?

Correct. Great job on the way to the park.

You guys did wonderful.

Matthew, excellent, man. Great car ride. Good job.

I like this. You've actually asked them

Whether they think they deserved to get a sticker or not.

I wanted to see if they thought that they deserved it.

What's important here is the language that we use.

"Be good, boys, 'cause it's all about putting those stickers

On those cards. It's all about the mileage." Being positive.

Because that's the incentive.

Leave me alone!

Oh, matthew.

I'm wanna run with devin. Do not throw another thing in this house.

Leave me alone. Shut up!

Scared you.


Why wasn't he placed into the chill out area?

I don't know.

You have the power to be able to diffuse that

By encouraging them to use the chill out area.


I ain't going in the corner.

I ain't going to sit in that corner.

If you come out of that corner again,

You are going to lose afternoon playtime,

And this is your warning. [Pounding]

Don't do it. You'll lose all of your playtime. No!

Do not do it. This is your warning.

You have absolutely... No!

Not one minute of playtime this afternoon.

What? You've lost it.

[Sobbing] no! You are directed to go to that corner right now.

You're gonna stay in this corner and not come out. [Crying]

You will not hit me, you will not destroy this house... I hate you.

And you will not destroy anything in it.

Now you need to go over there and pick up that chair.

After you apologize-- sorry.

Pick up the chair.

I'm seeing you, lisa,

Being consistent and following through.

Okay? Trust me. I am seeing the good that you're doing.

All right? I like what you did there.

Let's get back to this dvd for a moment.

[Crying] devin, in the corner now.

Devin, I ain't playing.

I didn't do nothing. He spit on me.

I don't care if he spit on you.

You come to tell on him. You don't go fight him.

This works real well.


Don't you punch me.


I will not stand around while you damage the house,

And you are not gonna do it.

Get away!

[Lisa] and don't forget about during dinner.

I don't agree with the tactics, okay?

So I'll do it this

You will sit there, and you'll stay there. [Moans]

Do you like how you look there, john?

Do you like the man you see there right now? That's me.

Do you like him? That's me.

Do you like him? What do you wanna hear, lady?

What you're watching there, is--is that okay for you?

No. No.

There's no doubt, john, when you're in those kids' face

That there's the power struggle between you and them.

It's--it's anger, which is the core.

It's the root. [Knocks]

It is the root of this family.

It needs to be cut out

Because it's what's gonna bring you back to square one,

And do you guys want that? No.

Really, no? No.

Four boys are at stake.

Four boys.

Definitely the boys need more encouragement to be able

To build their confidence and their self-esteem.

But kids can't do it on their own,

So today what I would like to do with the pair of you

Is to work on recognizing what we can do to move forward.

Sound good to the pair of you?sure.


Coming up on...

[Blows whistle] the boys tackle one of their biggest issues.

That coaching was fantastic from coach darren.

You know what it was as well?

It was brotherly love.

And john reveals a softer side.

I want each one of you to do one.

When it's done, then we can say everybody built it. [Laughs]

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

After seeing darren show so much respect

For his football coach the other day,

I thought it would be fantastic for him

To be a real good role model to his younger brothers.

This is going to show you how

You can play with your brothers, okay? All right.

We have to give them coaching,

But to do it in a really good way. Right.

I created a fun practice drill for the boys.

They would run the course as a team twice

And try to beat their combined time on their second try.

It's about talking to them with lots of praising... Okay. Okay.

Like your coach does. All right.

Ready, set... [Blows whistle]

[Blows whistle] seconds. Pretty good.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

[Blows whistle]

Run, dude!

[Blows whistle] good job! Seconds.

[Blows whistle]

All right, darren. [Grunts]

Keep running.

Darren gave such positive reinforcement to his brothers

Was just--it was priceless.

All right. Huddle up. Huddle up. Hustle, hustle!

You know what I think? I think you all can do better.

[Darren] you all ready? [Boys] get set!

Can't hear you. [Boys] get set!

Ready, set... [Blows whistle]

[Whistle blows] [laughs]

Good job! [Cheering]

Huddle up your boys. Tell them how well they did.

Come on. Huddle up, huddle up. Hustle, hustle.

That coaching was fantastic from coach darren.

But you know what it was as well?

It was brotherly love.

And you were all together on the same side.

How good was that? Great.

Good. Did you do a good job?

[Boys] yeah. How good?

Good. Great.


[Darren] one, two, three, spurs! [Boys] spurs!

I feel good about being the big brother and encouraging them

'Cause I'm, like, the only one theycan look up to

Because I'm the oldest. We haven't done this for, like,

Ever since, like, forever, and it was really fun.

There's no doubt john can be really intimidating,

But he has got a soft side, too,

So I wanted the boys to see that different side of john.

So I got them all together

So that they could build a birdhouse from scratch.

[Matthew] we can help. Yeah, you guys are all gonna help.

Okay? Okay.

Try to make it smooth.

John, I made it soft already.

Very good.

Could I do it? I want each one of you to do one.

When it's done, then we can say everybody built it.

Oh, you look like you've been doing this all your life.


It just goes to show you

The impact that a positive role model has.

They loved it. It was great. It was good to see.

I'm glad john is in my life.

Awesome hammering, guys.

I think it was really cool

When the boys built the birdhouse with john.

Seeing them out there all together--i think that

It'll show him that he needs to spend more time with them.

You did better than I did. I broke the board.

Thank you, guys.

I really enjoyed building the birdhouse.

We had a good time together.

I love spending time with the boys.

[Jo] hey, look at it.

Gonna make a move and leave you guys.

The time has caught up with me,

And I do have to leave the nitti family now.

There has been progressive steps forward.

You know already from doing the coaching

That the consistency, the following through,

The meaning what you say, your tone of voice,

The car journeys--all of that is making progress. Yeah.

So stay strong, all right, and keep going.

Okay. Thank you so much. Okay. All right. You're welcome.

The boys' attitudes towards me have changed.

We're happier now.

Bye, john.bye.

Take care. Give me a hug. Okay, bye.

Take care of yourself, okay? You, too.

Keep talking.

I think jo-- she has made a big impact.

Give me a kiss. Thank you. Mwah.

I will listen to mom like jojo taught me

Thank you very much. Mwah. Mwah. Thank you.

Give me a hug and a kiss. Thank you very much, darling.


I feel that I'm leaving the household

With one parent who is far more confident

And a house that presents more harmony.

Why don't you sit on that side

So that there's more room over there?

Mom, I can't open this.

Since jo's been here, there's been a lot--a lot of change.

Lisa has grown a backbone.

Lisa can now discipline the boys on her own.

I come home sometimes now and think,

"Uh, am I in the right house?"

Let them write their names

Or whatever they want to do with it.

I am disciplining them, and I am following through.

They are showing me more respect.

Awesome job, guys.

And they do still love me. I feel much more empowered now.

I feel more confident.

It's better than good. It'sfantastic.

[Lisa] it is.

I listen to my mom more now.

I say, "yes, ma'am" to mom now.

Jay, can you give me that bag? What bag?

You guys are being so good.

Thanks to jo, our car rides are a lot safer now.

[Lisa] I like it when you guys share.

That's very nice. Thank you.

What are you doing? Seeing how many kisses you can give mom?

To see lisa loving on all the boys

And all the boys loving back on their mother--

The affection between them now changed phenomenally.

It's great. I'm lost for words.

Whoo! What up? The best outcome of this experience

Is to be able to see the boys all play together

Without beating the hell out of each other. Whoo-hoo! Whoo!

I don't hit my brothers anymore.

It's important for the boys to have fun

And do things together,

And we're gonna do more of that.


I think we're one step closer to being a happier family.

[Boy] hi, john.



Oh, you got a new hairdo. Good god.

Matthew, there's a girl in our house!

Hey, pal. Jo's sister's come to say hello.

It's a wig. How you doing, buddy?

Yo, what up?

[Jo] oh, it's danielle. [Laughing]

Ooh, I'm in a wig!

[Jo] look at his hair.
