03x07 - Smith Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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03x07 - Smith Family

Post by bunniefuu »


Tonight jo hits hawaii to rescue the smith family. Hello?


These two nutty professors... [Both chant] go, nathan, go! Go pee-pee on the toilet!

Are clueless when it comes to their kids.

Stop. Red light.

Honey. You just put lip gloss on his toe.

[Cries]with two toddlers who are constantly on their case...

Ari, ari, stay inside.[Cries]

Can you bag him up to go, too?

Mom and dad are failing this course in parenting.

Go get in your bed.

I do not want you in here.[Screams]

Where's the common sense, guys?

Can jo whip these parents into shape?

[Jo] make sure don't lose it with him, all right?

If you start to pull him,

He's gonna know you're getting frustrated.

Or will the two little bullies trash this class?

Nate. Hey, nate. Come back and let's look at the list.

Listen to me.[Laughing]

Let go.


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

[Steel guitar and ukulele playing]

Well, I'm here in hawaii,

So let's take a look at the family I've come to help.

[Both] aloha. We're the smiths from hawaii.

I'm will.i'm michelle.

We have two lovely kids...

Nate--he's years old.

And ari, who's .[Giggles] yeah!

Will and I are both marine biologists in hawaii.

I have my doctorate.and I almost have mine.

While we're trained as scientists...

We don't have a clue what to do with our kids.[Yelling]

You know why you do that?[Cries]

Nate, can you pick up that cranberry off the floor?

That's why we use a cup, right?

Evolutionary adaptation, sweetie.

[Laughs] what?

Nathan is , and he's still in a diaper.

[Michelle and will] go pee-pee in the toilet!

♪ How would you like to get rid of your poo? ♪[Laughs]

♪ You can go here and try to doo ♪

That's cute, though.

Yeah, you're the culprit.

This little boy could be potty-trained. This is good.

Ari's a shrieker.


Is this the wrong color? Please. Dad!

We're limited on where we can take them.

Uh, grocery shopping is out.

That is just a nightmare.

[Will] stop. Red light.

Can you bag him up to go, too?

Oh!our kids are in charge of our lives.

[Will] no! Oh, the cell phone...again.

Oh, dear.

This is so critical and serious

That we get our kids under control,

And if the supernanny can help us,

I would be so thankful.

All jokes aside, you guys really do need my help.

I'm on my way.

[Jo] hello?

[Michelle] hello. Hi. Please come in.

Hi. Pleased to meet you.

Hi, jo. I'm michelle.hi, michelle.

Aloha. Hi. Thank you.you're welcome.

Pleased to meet you.

And who's this little one here?

This is nathan.hello.

[Crying][michelle] when jo first arrived, we're ecstatic.

This is great. We finally got somebody to help us.

However, when she walked in the door, nate was shrieking.

This is not what I wanted somebody to see.

It's obvious we needed help,

But I'd like to greet a guest properly.[Jo] hi, ari.

[Cries]hi. Hello.

[Michelle] that's ari excited.

[Will] when I first saw jo,

She came in, she saw us, she saw the kids, and I said,

This is gonna be someone who can help us.thank you very much.

[Will] you're welcome.feel very honored.

We're happy to have you come and help us.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Please carry on as you normally would, all right?

[Nathan sobs]and I'm just gonna take mental notes

And just watch how everyone interacts here.okay.

[Jo] as I started observing,

Will took me 'round a quick tour of the house.

Oh, the naughty mat is a welcome mat.

I don't know whether I wipe my feet on it,

Or whether you sit on this one.

Oh, I see you've been reading as well.

Yeah, we had a couple books on, uh, parenting

That we've been looking through.

[Michelle] we sought out textbooks.

We sought out colleagues that are familiar

With this area of expertise in child behavior,

And we would try techniques at home.

We weren't very successful.

Michelle, has nate been potty-trained at all yet?

Um, he'll go to the toilet, pee when he wants...

Yeah?um, on his terms. We tried training diapers,

But he's not into that yet. He still likes his diaper.

When nate goes pee-pee on the toilet,

We are ecstatic, and we wanna give a lot of praise for that.

So we come up with cheers.

We come up with the pee-pee dance,

And we wanna encourage nate to use a bathroom.

So this is the sleeping room, or...

[Michelle] the sleeping room, living room, kitchen...

This is their bedroom, the boys' bedroom.this is their bedroom.

[Jo] I started to take notes of how small the house was.

I mean, the boys sleep in the living room.

That's gotta be a problem every now and then.

And then I noticed,

Like, these bungee cords clipped onto everything.

[Will] the chairs are tied together.

They move as one piece.

It's harder for them to take the chair over here.

They'll get up on this and they'll take this

And throw it down to make a big noise.

And it breaks everywhere,

So we just, you know, had to childproof.

There's two reasons that we had that level of security.

One was for safety. That was the first.

And the second one was for convenience.

We had to strap the stove shut down here

Because what they'd do is,

The year old would get the year old in there

And then close it.

And he had figured out how to turn it on,

And he's gonna cook his brother or electrocute him.

What? Nate put his brother in the oven?

My word. I tell you what.

I don't think the bank of england

Is as secure as this house.

What the parents have used are these big bike cords

To hold everything together

So that the children don't go in there,

As a means of controlling the situation,

Rather than teaching the children "no."

After the tour, nate was jumping up and down on the couch,

And dad wanted him to get down.

Nathan, I just asked you to get down off of there.

Get down off the back.

Guys, you can't go on the back of the couch.

[Yells]nate. Nate. Nate. Nate. If you somersault off of there,

You're gonna hit the floor, and it's gonna hurt, okay?

[Jo] and he didn't listen, and he hurt his toe.

Okay, why don't you get something for his toe?

Okay. I know just what he needs.

Okay.okay. Here we go, buddy.

You have the ointment? Okay, just a little bit.

See, we don't put lots on,

'Cause lots can get really messy.

Is that better?how's that? Does that feel better already?

Honey... You just put lip gloss on his toe.

Yeah. It was placebo.

[Laughs] oh.[Jo laughs]

I couldn't find anything else,

And I figured that that would make him feel better.okay.

I just thought it would be a good placebo for his toe.right. [Laughs]

It worked. He's all better now.

Right? Is it cured?dad does like to pull a fast one and patch things up quickly.

[Ari screaming][michelle] have a sippy cup. I just filled one up.

And I want you to use the sippy cup.[Shrieks]

Ari! All right.

This is all you get, sweetie.

[Jo] that's a screech and a half.

Ari's a year and a half, and he loves his bottles.

But now I know how he gets it.

We're gonna eat in a minute.

Come on. Let's do the truck.

[Michelle] ari shrieking has driven our neighbors insane,

To the point where they have called the cops twice.

Would you normally give him the sippy cup?

[Wailing] no! No![Michelle] here. He's trained me very well.

So I respond to the shrill scream...

[Laughs]it's--it's a painful stimulus. And it--

And he practiced it for a year and a half,

Until he perfected it.if mom and dad give in to every time ari screeches,

Then he's never gonna learn how to ask properly,

And he'll just get what he wants all the time.

Coming up on "supernanny"... Mom and I are gonna go to bed,

So you're gonna have to go get in your bed.

With the boys running the show at bedtime... [Shrieks]

[Michelle] ari, go to somebody's bed.

Any bed's fine, but not ours.

Jo's got a simple question for mom and dad.

Where's the common sense, guys?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

I was just gonna throw together a few things to bring with me...

Oh. Okay.to the store, and then we'll go shopping.

All right.later on, will said that he was

Taking the boys to the supermarket.

I wonder how that's gonna pan out.okay, here we go.

[Jo] we made it to the store...[Will] we gotta go in the cart, son.

And will hadn't even got inside yet

Before he seemed all flustered.

No, ari, ari, ari, ari, ari. Stay inside, please.

Thank you.

Nate, please don't eat it. Here.

Yeah, I know, you're just licking it.

Ari, ari, stay inside, bud.

Shopping with the boys, with both of them together

In a store, is stressful for me.

It makes me feel embarrassed.

Ari, ari, stay inside. Okay, it's--we're almost done, guys.


Whoa.[Jo] will was a bag of nerves.

He was working himself up into a right frenzy.


Okay, now please put down the pen. Okay, stop.

Please stop. Don't-- don't kick it.

We're almost--ari, stop.

My word. It was quite an ordeal.

And dad just didn't need to go through any of that.

When we got back home,

Things got just as hectic there as they were in the store.

Okay, nate. You're not supposed to go in the power outlet, okay?okay!

You'll go to time-out if you play with electricity, okay?

Time-out's not a game. Time-out's a consequence.

Nathan! Nathan! Okay, guess what?

Last warning. Don't play with that.

It's electricity, okay?

Exactly how many warnings was dad going to give?

Nathan, give me your fork. Nathan.

Okay. Guess what? You have to come to time-out.

Wait right there. Okay, come here.

So you're in time-out for just a minute.

You stay here. I'll get the timer.


So the timer's right there.

When it beeps, you come out of time-out.

What is will thinking, putting the timer next to nate?

[Will] nathan, you can't touch the timer

When you're in time-out.

Nathan, if you come out of time-out,

It starts over, so you go back.

When the beeper goes off, you come out.[Beeping]

What luck.

It was a short time-out.[Laughs]

Okay, guys. Come--come-- come over this way...what was that?

We're gonna try to eat-- don't put the fork...did I blink?

We're gonna try to eat one more time.

I gotta be honest with you. I don't know

What kind of discipline will was doing with nate.

I don't think he stayed on that naughty mat for ten seconds.

[Jo] as the evening was winding down,

I thought that will would start to get the boys ready for bed.

Little did I know

He had his own unique style of doing that.

[Will] so we're gonna do something else, guys.

We're gonna go and look for frogs.

Frogs? Right. Okay. Well, um, let's go frog-hunting then.

Okay.[Will] one of the things we do in the evening--

We go out and we go frog-hunting.

This was a tool for me to have fun with the boys

And also start them to slow down and get

That last burst of energy out of them

Before I bring them in to go to bed.

Pitch-black and we're going frog-hunting.

Ari, you got the flashlight? Come on.

Tell you what-- I've never gone frog-hunting

In a pair of -inch heels, that's for sure. [Laughs][will laughs]

I need my flip-flops!ari, here. Ari, shine your light over here.

Here come with me. One--one more spot.

We'll look right where a frog usually is.did you see one?

Did you see one? Where?

[Jo] well, we found a frog, so I suppose that's one good thing.

But I'm a little bit confused how that's winding down

The children. They're all hyped-up!

[Will] come on, guys.[Boy squeals]

Let's go around this way.

[Jo] instead of winding the kids down,

Mom and dad did exactly the opposite

By taking 'em frog-hunting.

How they gonna get the kids to bed now?

Mom and I are gonna go to bed,

So you're gonna have to go get in your bed.

Nathan, I do not want you in here!

No, no. You're gonna go to bed where you always go to bed.

Right over there.[Jo] it's really not ideal that the boys are sleeping

In the living room, but will and michelle--

They're just letting the boys run bedtime.

No. There is no more "one more book."

[Michelle] ari, go to somebody's bed.

Any bed's fine, but not ours.


[Jo] I see two tired people.

Unfortunately, it's not the kids.

What do you want?[Mumbles indistinctly]


No, it's not playtime. It's almost :.[Boy screams]

It's like a slumber party-- too much talking.

[Jo] judging by the state of affairs,

These boys are not going to go to bed soon,

And I've seen enough.[Jo] night-night.

Everybody's going to sleep now, right?

Night-night.good night.

[Jo] will and michelle are a lot of fun,

But this isn't a laughing matter for them.

There's just no way they can keep up doing

What they've been doing, so I've got to sit them down

So we can have a conversation first thing in the morning.

[Steel guitar and ukulele playing]

What a fun-loving couple you guys really are.

I love the spirit that you both have

And--and the real energy that you put into the home.


Where's the common sense, guys?

We probably don't have it.let's talk about discipline.

Are you parents too scared to say "no" to the kids?

No, no--no. We say "no." We say "no."

Then why don't you follow through?

And that's, I think, the inconsistency they get.

Let's talk about bedtimes in this house.mm.

It is madness. That is a fact.no, it is.

There is no transition between night and day

That you guys establish for the children.

Half an hour before they go to bed,

They're out there frog-hunting.

I mean, seriously... I was in hysterics yesterday.

A half an hour before the kids go to bed, will?

Yeah, we usually try and do the frog hunt at around :.

They're so hyped-up,

And then by the time the kids come in,

There's no-- there's no resting period.

I feel it's about time

That you guys really started to understand

Why your children behave the way they do.

And you see the control that nate has?

He has a lot of control.it comes from the pair of you.

From day one--we gave it to him.

And I wanna talk about the way

Ari grabs his parents' attention--

The wild-banshee scream.

It's very effective.why allow it?

We don't know how to stop it.we don't know what to do.

I'm feeling frustrated. I'm feeling exhausted.

And I'm looking for the easy solution.

So--and I give in. I know I do.

I mean, let's face it.

You guys didn't get where you were professionally

Because you decided to take a week off here and there,

Didn't bother to go in--

You're actually passionate about what you do for a living.

The same energy, the same investment,

The same heart, the same passion, the same love,

Is what you should be putting into the kids.

The good news is, is that your children are able to learn

Very, very quickly. Minding their parents,

They're able to learn very, very quickly.

And it means that you've got to knuckle down and go,

"Okay. I'm gonna take responsibility for this

And actually do the job I'm meant to be doing as a parent."

[Will] it made me feel a little foolish to find out

That some of the problems we had

Were very simple, common-sense things.there's lots of work to be done.

[Michelle] jo had some harsh things to say

'Cause she saw what our problems were

And she's ready to address it, so I'm ready to go.

So you ready for change?yeah.

Yes. We're ready to go.okay, let's go. All right.

Coming up on...

He can hold the bag, though. Look. You see--

You see how much he could've got involved?

Even with jo's help... No, no. We're not gonna have any of that.

Will was in panic mode at the store.

Nate. Hey, nate. Come back. Let's look at the list.

All right. I see you're breaking a sweat.

He's sensing that frantic. Calm down...

When "supernanny" returns.

But first... ♪ Be good, be good ♪

A tip from supernanny.

Parents, if your kids kick off in the supermarket,

Then make shopping a fun activity for them.

Clip some coupons, place them in a pouch for them,

So that when they get to the supermarket,

They can have real fun looking for those items.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪


[Jo] I think will and michelle

Can make some really big changes.

And if they apply themselves, it'll be easier for them.

So the first thing I want to tackle is the boys--

Ari off the bottle and nate potty-trained.

What we are going to talk about now is potty-training, okay?

[Jo] nate is still in diapers. He's years old.

I feel he's more than capable of being in big-boy pants.

What hasn't happened with nate is consistency.

He's had training pants, then he's had a diaper,

Training pants, then a diaper.

And what's that giving him is mixed messages.

We are going to now make a decision that during the day,

He will be in underpants-- full stop.

During the nighttime, a diaper.


I wasn't sure if nathan was ready to go directly

From diapers to underwear.wow.

Nate, this is your new potty,

Because you're a big boy now,

And this is where you do a wee-wee.

So when he goes for a pee--

And if he goes there... Okay?

Talk to him first about it andthen take it off.

Okay? Let him feel--let him feel what it feels like.

Let him feel that it feels a little bit uncomfortable.sometimes parents get put off

When they're potty-training their children

When they wee their new underpants,

But it's all part of the process.

But I know as soon as nate starts to feel uncomfortable,

He's gonna want to use that potty.

It felt wonderful for the first time

To see nate put underwear on.

I think nathan was proud to wear underwear.look at that!

[Jo] whoo! Yeah!wow. Stylish.

[Jo] so now that I took care of nate,

It's about getting ari off the bottle.

I almost feel like you guys put it in his mouth

To stop him to from screaming.

It may be a crutch and a pacifier for ari,

But I think it's become a crutch for you guys.oh, it has.

But the importance is to recognize how you've got

To let go of that.to wean ari off the bottle,

I'm going to limit him only to bedtime.


[Jo] no "bah bah."Ari. Ari. No--no screaming.

Daddy has your juice in a cup.

Leave it there on the side on the table.

There you go.[Screaming]

Put it on the table.[Jo] he cried for a bit, but once he realized

That dad wasn't going to give him a bottle...

Here's your cup, too, with your juice.

[Jo] he then stopped and started to use his sippy cup.

If will and michelle stick to it,

Ari will start using his sippy cup,

And before long, he'll be on a big-boy cup.


Nate![Will] hello!

[Jo] next on my list was to get will shopping,

But without being stressed-out. So off we went to the store.

There's a series of exercises--

"The steps"--of what we're gonna do, okay?

[Jo] step one was to give will a shopping list

To give him a sense of direction.

And step two was to get the boys engaged,

So they would feel involved in the shopping trip.

Okay, what's on the list?

Okay, nate. Check the list.

Yeah, we're gonna stay away from the treats right now.

Let me see the list.remember, eyes at the back of your head.

No, no. We're not gonna have any of that. That's very--

Don't touch it with your hand.[Jo] nate wasn't listening from the get-go,

And will was getting really frustrated.

We don't touch the food with our hands.

He can hold the bag, though. Look. You see--

You see how much he could've got involved?

[Will] the worst moment in the store was when

Nathan had stuck his hand into the flour.

Come here and help me read it, please. This is fun.

Nate, we need honey.focus.

Nate. Nate, nate.

Come back, and let's look at the list. Can you show me--

Show me what's on the list, nate.

[Jo] will was running around like a headless chicken.

All right, I can see you're breaking a sweat.

Yeah.you're panicking and you're getting a bit nervous.

I can see you shaking a little bit.

They're sensing that frantic. Calm down... All right?

[Jo] it's not rocket science. Stay calm,

And you'll have more control.

Ready to go up? Okay, into the cart.

Good job. Thank you!

A big helper!yeah, he's a good helper.

Big helper. Let's move it on.

Okay, let's twist that around. Twist it all up. Good job.

Thank you!lift up your voice, okay?

Your tone of voice when it's higher in pitch,

It shows pleasure. It shows that you're happy

At how--what he's doing. Look, he wants to help you.good job. Okay.

Ari, would you like to hold the list?

Ah, you see, now you're improvising.

[Will] for the teaching in the store,

The best lesson that I learned was getting nate involved...

Okay, nate. I need your help, please.

[Will] giving him the list, having him hold the bag--

It kept him busy, it made him feel like he was important,

And it worked.go ahead and put that squash right up there. Good job.

We did good. Thank you for all your help.

What a difference. As soon as will stopped panicking,

He was able to get his shop done and manage the boys.[Jo] you did fantastic!

You did fantastic to what you did before.

I heard a couple people say, "good job, dad."

Well, there you go.they've seen me shop before.

Well done, will.thank you.

Coming up on...

[Jo] okay.ah...

Jo's forced to try something she's never done before

To make bedtime work. [Michelle] I'm in the other room right now.

I'm coming out with the kids.

Mom, please don't talk to me, okay?

You're taking direction, the pair of you,

From me tonight.

Michelle, pull that strength out from somewhere, michelle.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


[Nathan yelling]

The next order of business was to teach will and michelle

How to discipline their children correctly.

This is the new naughty place. Not mat--naughty place.

[Jo] I barely started to explain the technique

And nate started to kick off.

So I said to michelle, "give him a warning."Nathan, this is--

Low-tone voice. Where is it? Where is it?

[Lowers voice] nathan. Nathan. This is your warning, okay?

I want you to keep this low on the ground

And play with it right.but the warning didn't stop him, so it was time for michelle

To take him to the naughty place.okay, you've been warned.

We're gonna go sit on the naughty place.no.

Don't tell him. Just do it.

Come.your actions speak louder than your words.

Nathan, you're on the naughty place

For not playing with your toys right. You need to stay here.

And right away nate started to test mom's resolve.

There we go again.

[Michelle] when I had to walk back and forth repeatedly,

Jo kept encouraging me.

[Jo] you've got it, michelle. You've got it.

[Michelle] I was saying, this isn't working.

I was exhausted. I was frustrated.

And I was exasperated. How much longer can I do this?

Listen to me. I--[giggling]

Do not pull my glasses off my face. Let go--

[Michelle] then he started kicking and hitting.

I do not tolerate that from anyone.

Come away. Come away.

[Jo] nate got out again, but mom stuck with it.

[Jo] marvelous.

Mommy! Get away, mommy!

[Jo] and when nate realized he wasn't gonna win this one,

He stayed on that naughty mat for three minutes.


You were on the naughty place 'cause of how you used your toy.

I want you to say you're sorry. Sorry, yeah?

Okay, come here. Come here, cutie.

[Michelle] I was so ecstatic that jo could be there

And encourage me and show me what to do.

So i-i could not have done it on my own.

[Steel guitar and ukulele playing]

[Jo] bedtime is a disaster in this house.

So tonight I'm introducing the stay-in-bed technique

With a little twist.

Once you've read the children a story, okay?

And you've said good night,

They're in their beds-- hugs and kisses.

One of you is going to sit on the floor like so...



And be completely still.

When each one of your children come out of their beds,

You're not going to give them eye contact.

You're gonna either look at the bridge of their nose

Or their tummy, and you're gonna pick them up

And you're gonna place them back into their bed...mm-hmm.

And you're going to come back to position one.

Okay? Like so.

And you're gonna continue to do that

Until they recognize that each time you put them back,

That is where they're meant to stay. Okay?

I would normally teach this technique inside the house,

But because it's so cramped in there,

And the boys sleep in the living room,

I knew I'd be a really big distraction.

So I had to think outside the box on this one.

So I decided I was gonna support michelle

By stepping outside the house and coaching her

With a monitor and some walkie-talkies.

[Michelle] okay. I'm in the other room right now.

I'm coming out with the kids.[Jo] mom, please don't talk to me, okay?

You're taking direction, the pair of you,

From me tonight.i was ready for anything she had,

And I was gonna follow it through.

[Cries]good night. Night-night, sweetie.

Softly, softly, michelle.

[Boys crying]will, take the book away

And then go into the office or the bedroom.

[Jo] once will and michelle tucked the boys into bed,

And she started the technique,

They started to test her straightaway.

Ari's behind you. Now do ari.


Remember, look at the bridge of the nose or his tummy.

[Screams]keep going. Don't look at him, all right?

Okay, you're doing a very good job.

Now stick with it. He's trying. He's getting fed up with it now.

Bear with it. Now he's got to the point

Where he wants to make you mad.[Michelle] it was strenuous. It was frustrating.

I'm hot. I'm sweaty. I want this to end,

'Cause it's t*rture to me as well as to the boys.

Michelle, pull that strength out from somewhere, michelle.

Pull that strength out from somewhere.

Okay? Keep going. I can see you're tired,

But pull it from somewhere.

Take his other hand

Michelle, don't lose it with him, all right?

If you start to pull him,

He's gonna know you're getting frustrated.

Remember how they can read your signs.

[Jo] I wasn't too sure whether she was going to give up or not

When she started to lose her patience with the children.

[Jo] no big deal. He's in the bed.


[Jo] you're doing marvelous, michelle.

I tell you, absolutely marvelous.

The kids are both in the bed at the moment,

Just drop that head down...[Boy screams]

Shoulders shrugged, like you are completely cut off.

You're doing a good job, michelle. Way to go.

Way to go.

[Jo] look at you. Way to go. You rock!

[Jo] it was grueling for michelle.

But her patience really paid off.

The boys are rarely in bed before :,

But tonight they're in bed by :.

Look at you.

[Michelle] I was so glad

I had jo feeding information into my ear

That I could not have done this on my own.

I couldn't believe how stubborn those two are.

Wow, you did so well-- so well.

You took direction beautifully.

She talked me through the whole process.

I'm glad i-i completed it.

I'm gonna go for a few days.

I'm leaving you guys with all the techniques.

Stick with the routine, okay?

And I wanna see this being used. You're there.

You're there, michelle. Okay?

With jo leaving now for a few days,

I'm concerned that we're not gonna be able

To implement these skills correctly.

Sleep tight.

Coming up on... Stop.

[Cries]you're on the naughty place because you didn't listen to me.

With jo gone, the boys push the boundaries

With mom and dad. Nathan, stop.

He's off.


[Loud crash]ow! [Bleep]

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪


[Jo] so I've been away for a few days,

And I'm really curious to see how these scientists

Have done with their assignment.

So, will and michelle,

Are you ready to take a look

At this dvd footage and see how well you've both done?[Both] we're ready.

Let's open up then.

Nate. Nate.

I think you have to go to the bathroom.

Okay. I'll go to the bathroom with you. We're gonna--

Well, you head toward the bathroom.


♪ Go, nathan, go, go pee-pee in the toilet ♪

♪ Go, nathan, go ♪

You did it! Congratulations!

[Nathan squeals]


This is fantastic.i didn't think

It would happen that quickly or that easily.

I love the attention there. "Do we need to go?"

You're reminding him, and he's feeling very confident.

We have a proud nate going to the pee-pee.

[Michelle] and even better, the other day,

He went number two on the toilet, and he said,

"Mommy, daddy, go away." I was like, okay.

And we were out the door,

"Are you sure you don't need help?"

He's like, "go away." Like, okay. And he went.i love it!

Uh, no.



Listen to me. The answer right now is no.

I don't want you going in the fridge.

If you go in the fridge again,

You'll go on the naughty place. Do you understand?



You're on the naughty place

Because you didn't listen to me.

I want you to stay here for three minutes.

[Nathan screams]



Listen to me. Your time-out is up.

When I say stay out of the fridge,

You need to listen.

Apologize to me.

Do you mean it?yes.

Come here. Okay. I love you.

Look at you smiling.i kept checking back, and he was still there.

And I'd check back, and he was still there.

So you're fundamentally laying down

A lot of good stuff there.

It is. It's important. We didn't have that before.

We weren't implementing it right.

Now we are, and it's working.okay, moving on.

So here's a good cart for ari right here.

Would you take the list? Yeah.

Right here. Take the bag, hold it open.

Dad's gonna start scooping them in.

Here we go.

Maple syrup. Pick it up. Pick it up by the bottom.

Take it over to the cart. We don't need that.

That's--no, don't--nathan.

Okay, I guess we need it now. Stop. Nathan, stop.

Nate. Nathan. He's off.

Oh, dear, we've lost nate.

Ah, I should have guessed. He's at the candy.


Nathan, stop. [Screams]

I need your help to put some things up on the counter.

Will you help me put them up?

I'll hand them to you.

Yay, we did it! Nothing broke.


Great sense of humor there.

You were keeping nate focused. There was good direction.

But know when to pull their reins in. When he's gone off,

That's when you should've come down to his level and said,

"No, nate. You stay near daddy. We're doing the shopping."

The more I engaged him,

The better he behaved during shopping.okay. Moving on.


Okay. Ari, we only have bah-bah at night time now.

[Screaming] you can have a sippy cup with water.

You already had juice. No!

Uh-oh. What you doing there, will?


Negotiating is what's happening here.

[Screaming] ari, ari, ari, ari.


Come look. There's no bah-bah here.

Look in here. Do you see any?

Look, none in here. All gone.

No bah-bah in there.

A bah-bah!

That's a sippy cup.

Mine, mine.yeah, you're welcome to that. You want that?

Yeah. Okay.

That's your big guy cup. There you go.

So after a while, he recognized

That he wasn't going to get the bottle.

All right? But you went right around the houses

To get to that point, and you had to endure all the screaming.

Let's take it to the next level.

Let's make a very solid decision.

Let's get rid of the bottle altogether.

All right. That sounds good.yeah? Okay. Bedtime.


Good night, honey. Good night.





[Crash] ow! [Bleep]

[Jo] so would it be fair to say

That we're searching for some patience here tonight?

Yeah. I-i was getting a little frustrated.

And tired as well.

You've done really, really well.

Your time is getting better and better each night.

You want to be able to succeed

In teaching your children how to sleep in their own beds,

And you've got to put the hard work in.

There's no two ways around it.

You guys are just constantly moving forward,

And these kids are learning.

So are you happy with what we've seen?[Both] yeah.

Today we are going to work on anything

That needs to be tweaked.

We still wanna use your time while we have it.

All right, so let's get to it, then.all right.

Coming up on...

So now he gets a magical cup.

Jo comes up with a mystical way

To get ari off the bottle for good...

[Jo] what's daddy got there? What's this?

Please don't throw the plate.

We're not a dog eating out of a bowl.

And pushes will to take a giant step out in public.

"Prepare and organize, eat and engage

And know when to leave."

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

You've done successfully well

In bringing ari from the bottle to a sippy cup.

Ari was using a sippy cup during the day,

So now I wanted to get him off the bottle completely.

And I think, to break this habit,

All we need is a little magic and a big imagination.

I took the family down to the beach...


Where I planned a little something special.

Now that ari's a big boy, he won't need his bottles anymore.

This is what we're gonna do, okay?

We're gonna have him take the bottles that are in the bag

Over to the trash can over there...okay.


And tell him that one of the many gods here in hawaii

Is coming with a special gift for him from the sea,

'Cause now he's a big boy.right.

So now he gets a magical cup

That he drinks with at nighttime.

[Will] it was a great idea

To have the new sippy cup come from the sea.

We're in an ocean state, and so it's natural

To have the sea give us some of the things we need.

Ari, because we live in such a special place in hawaii,

Kai, the water, is gonna do something magical.

So see the trash can over here? Let's put it in

And see what the water has for you.

I can't wait to go in!hurray! Put it there.

Yay! Push, push!put it, put it.

Yay!he had a big smile on his face

When he came back from throwing away the bottles.

I don't know if it was from throwing away the bottles

Or from the excitement about what was to come.

What's daddy got there?!a flower.

What's daddy got?

Ari, let's go look.

He's found something there. What's this?

What's this? Ari, look.

Oh, it's floating up to ari.reel it in, reel it in.

Ari, this is for you.all right, stand back here, ari.

Ari, this is for you.ari, you caught a fish.

Look what it is.wow.

What's that?this is your first fish that you've caught, isn't it?

But this is a magic fish.oh, thank you.

It was nice to tell ari a story

And get him involved and excited in this process,

So he knows he's a big boy now, and he has a new sippy cup.

The sea brought him a gift.

Ah...oh, what is that?

A cuppa.cuppa!

Oh, it's your special cup...

And look...to have in the nighttime.

That's it for the bottle.

I think ari will now be happy getting a sippy cup at night--

His magic sippy cup, and that'll do it.

You know, if I had known it'd been this easy with the bottle,

We would have done it a long time ago.

What'd you catch, ari?a sippy cup.

I don't know, really, whether he'll remember that.

He was so young, but actually, it was fun and magical,

And mom and dad had a good time doing it.

So I feel that it was very important, not just for ari,

But also for mom and dad, because they were holding on

To that bottle as much as ari was.


Ah, perfect.[Jo] while michelle was off at work,

I wanted to do something special with dad

That he would have never have dreamt

Of doing with his boys on his own,

And that was take them off to a restaurant.

I've got a little menu here for you--"mealtime menu."

"Prepare and organize, eat and engage,

And know when to leave." Okay?okay.

"Sit child properly at the table,

"Compromise with food choices,

"Be realistic with the length of time spent at the table,

"Specify how much you want them to eat,

"Praise and encouragement, and bring stuff for them

To play with while they're waiting for food."

We've brought crayons and coloring stuff,

But this restaurant has also provided that as well.okay, so we got some of both.

This is one of my big fears, is me out in public with the boys

And having them misbehave.here, why don't we color on the dinosaur?

Let's color his neck. Yeah, let's try the green, please.

Not bad.

Oh, look.there you go. Look.

Where's your manners?

Nate? Good boy.

It's hard for me to imagine, at their age right now,

That we'll be able to have that much control

Over the situation and have a relaxing meal.

Please don't throw the plate, okay?

We're not a dog eating out of a bowl.

Pick up the bread with your hands

And eat it with good manners. How's yours? Is it good?

You're doing well.yeah, they're doing great.

Jo had worked on us-- "be more specific.

"Say two bites of this and one bite of that."

"Specify how much you want them to eat."

Try a big bite of your sandwich,

And then you can have some dip, okay?

Have some carrot.

No, you can't dip until you have one more bite.

You either have to have carrot or sandwich. One bite.

Very good. They're listening to you here, will.

Very, very good.

This man sat there at the restaurant,

Very proud that he was with his sons having dinner,

And "look at me. Look what we're doing." And he kept saying,

"This is great, jo. This is fantastic."

I was very happy that they were able to go with me

And do something like that, because I can see

How we can do other things, not just dinner.

We can go fishing, we can go to the beach.

We can do some things together,

And not be "the family over there--look, look at 'em."

You know?

Okay, nate.

Jo jo's going now.

Bye-bye, lady.bye-bye.

Mahalo, jo.

I'd have to say thank you for getting my family back.

Will you give me a hug, and I give you one?

Say bye-bye.


Jo, thank you so much for coming to our house

And helping our family.

From nate and ari, will and myself, thank you so much.

Ari, you gonna come and say good-bye to jo jo?

Come say good-bye to auntie.[Kisses] bye-bye.

Take care.bye. Thanks for everything.

You're welcome. Bye-bye.thank you so much.

You have made such a big difference.you're welcome.

Take care, cheeky monkey. Take care, cheeky monkey.

Take care of yourselves.

Thank you.all right, and keep up your hard work.



Will and michelle are highly educated parents,

And they've read all the books,

But they just couldn't make the connection.

Now they know what they need to be doing,

And they're doing it right, and I'm really proud of them.

If I had to grade them, I'd give them an a-plus.

Jo has changed our life tremendously.

We can go places without kids getting out of control,

'Cause we know the "naughty place" comes with us.

Look, I can only get in this far.

Look at all the things that have been accomplished--

Nate's been potty-trained, ari's off the bottle,

We have tools to put the kids to bed now,

So we have our own life.

Since jo has taught us

All these ways to change nate and ari's behavior,

She really helped change our behavior,

And that was the primary thing,

And with that, we have more calm.

[Laughs] oh, look up at the trees. Wow.

[Will] it's a great thing to be able to play with your kids.

Okay, you wanna try it?

It's a great thing to be able to be a parent when you need to

And to do that right.hold on with your hands.

I can be the dad that I need to be.

Now hold on to that knot. You ready?

Before, we didn't have time with each other.

We were so busy dealing with the kids,

We didn't have a moment alone.

Now the kids are in bed at a good time, and we have time

To play games, watch a movie. We can do stuff.

Wiggle your toes.wiggle 'em.

Wiggle 'em out. Good job.

I like it.

Where we were, compared to where we are now--

It's definitely a liberated sense

To be able to have control back.

Jo's given us hope

That we can live together in more harmony,

And that hasn't happened before.




Excuse me![Giggles]

Excuse me!

♪ Go, nathan, go, go pee-pee on the toilet ♪

♪ Go, nathan, go ♪

♪ Go pee-pee on the toilet ♪

♪ Go, nathan, go ♪

[Both] ♪ go pee-pee on the toilet, go, nathan, go ♪

♪ Go pee-pee on the toilet ♪

Go--right? Yeah, and after we do it, what do we do?

[Both] yay! Great!
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