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01x04 - What We

Posted: 03/17/24 08:07
by bunniefuu
[Thunder crashing, rumbling]

[Music playing]

♪ I'm comin' home,
I've done my time ♪

[Beeping, whirring]

♪ Now I've got to know what is
and isn't mine ♪


♪ If you received my letter ♪

♪ Telling you
I'd soon be free ♪

♪ Then you'll know
just what to do ♪

♪ If you still want me ♪


♪ Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon
'round the ole oak tree ♪

♪ It's been three long years ♪

♪ Do you still want me? ♪


Voice: Welcome home.

♪ Old oak tree ♪

♪ I'll stay on the bus, forget
about us, put the blame on me ♪

♪ If I don't see a yellow ribbon
'round the ole oak tree ♪

[Thunder crashes]


[Thunder crashing]






We needed a time out.

I can't believe
you did that.

I can't believe
you said that.


Your preferred temperature

will be reached in 10 minutes.

[Thunder rumbling]


What the hell
is this place?







You lose yours, huh?

I know what they do.

You wanna
call them here?

[Thunder rumbles]


This was one of
my favs growing up.

This little girl,
listening to her own rhythm,

free spirited, just like Judith.

[Sighs] I loved her so much,
I thought I was meant

to be a writer
for a while there.

Judith's gonna love this.

I thought I was a computer
scientist myself once, too.

Then art history.

Then creative writing again.

Then I dropped out.

You've become a bit
of a creative writer these days.

That note in the getaway boat?


Oh, here.

Why don't you give another
masterpiece for your children?

Because I'm not gonna be the one
to tell them

that I found their father
and he sent me away

and chose not to
come home to them.


You said children.


[Thunder crashes]

His name is Rick.

We call him RJ.

I was pregnant when
the bridge happened.

He's -- He's almost 8.

You need
to give me the PRB.

What? I just told you
have a son!

I don't know who
you are anymore!

I am trying to keep you
and them alive.

You need
to give it to me.

What did you say?

"Everything we had
is broken"?

After saying that we were
gonna get away?

You have no idea
who we're dealing with.

I don't know what game
you're playing, Rick!

You need
to give it to me!

Raising our kids, believe
you were alive, and you were!

With them!
You think I didn't want --

want to be with you?

I tr-- I tried

We need to go back.


Voice: Your preferred
temperature will be reached --

What is that thing?!

I told you not to show them
who you are,

and you break
the k*ll record,

you grab
the R-DIM from Thorne,

and nearly get
yourself k*lled.

I'm trying to get you out
of here alive, and --

and you pull us out
of a g*dd*mn helicopter!

That's because I don't like
who you are with them.

What they make you.

It isn't you.

You think --
You think I want this?

Voice: Your preferred
temperature has been reached.

[Thunder rumbles]

Are you gonna
give it to me?

So what?

We just let them win?


Look at me.

They won
a long time ago.

They won the day Jadis
brought me here.

She brought you?

She was working for them,
wasn't she?

With them.

She was running away
from Alexandria.

She saw me half dead
at the riverbank.

She will destroy our home
if I try to leave.

I was making her
let you go.

I got that much
out of her.

You want me to go?

I want you to live.

She's threatened by us because,
together, you and me,

she thinks
we can do anything.

We can.

We can stop her.

You saw what happened
to your friends.

It will happen
to everyone we know.

To our children.
Our son.

If we get to
Alexandria first --

Hide everyone we know?

If we get there in time?
You want to risk that?

We k*ll her then.

Should have done that
in the beginning.

She left it all behind --
who we are, where we're from --

so people will find us
if we did that.

Please, just
give me the PRB.

Why all the bullshit?

I had to get you out.

To lie?

To leave that note and think
I would just leave? Me?

Both of us
couldn't go home.

Would you have gone
if I told you?


We go back.

We find her evidence.

We destroy it.

We k*ll her.

And then, we go home.

Do you think we can
do anything?

Because I do.

What did they do to you?

We need to go back.

And after that?

Do you still love me?


I've never stopped
loving you.



That's our helicopter.

You saved our lives.

It's gone.

So, we're gone.



We can go home.

Jadis will think we died
in there.

They all will.



What did you say?

I'm not going home.


Voice: Temperature
control malfunction.

"I know how it ends."

You know, your son...

...the one you haven't asked
anything about...

...he calls you "The Brave Man".

He and Judith tell each other
the story of what you did.

He started calling himself
"Little Brave Man."

I loved that.

"I know how it ends."

Nat, my friend,
who your people k*lled --

They're not
my damn people.

He said that to me once
when I said

I had to keep
looking for you.

He knew how it ended,
but he still had my back.

I was so sure he was wrong,
but he wasn't.


'Cause here I am.

I found you.

But I didn't.

This is -- whoo.

This is not what I had
in my head at all.


So, just --
just to get this straight --

we just got a way out.

They think we're dead,
and you want to stay,

stay with an army

that kept you against
your will for years.

I have to make sure
you're protected.

That's not it.

I have to keep them
from coming for our home.

They're coming for it?
You know that?

They could, one day.

One day?

I've been looking the other way,
and you said it.

They --
They k*ll innocent people.

Isn't that
what you wanted?

I'm in. I stay
and make sure Judith

and our son are
protected from them.

Oh, this is bullshit.
Listen to me.

The first man you and Nat
k*lled, his name was Okafor,

and he's who
saved my life.

He wanted me to
become part of the CRM,

move up,
help him change it.

I didn't have anything left,
so I gave myself to his mission.

His mission.

Do you remember
the life we built?

What we had?

What we were building --
it's kept people alive.

I saw you, standing
there, behind her.

A soldier at attention
for this army, and I thought,

"He's a prisoner here,
and we have to break out."

You don't choose
to stay in prison.

When the doors open,
you leave.

We've been crawling around
in the dirt so long,

losing people we love.

This felt like a way or a chance
to -- to stop that.

Not to surrender to it,
to fight, for everyone.

That place is not
your responsibility.

You have a family.

Okafor's gone.

Thorne's one of them now.
I'm the only one left.

So, you're trying to, uh,
keep us safe,

by maybe changing
the CRM one day,

who might come after our home
and put it in danger?

That's it?

You won't come home
with me, to your life?

Your kids?

I don't want to do this.
I have to.

So, no.

That's not it.

You're lying.
But you know what?

Your wish is granted.
I'm out.

Back to my kids,
who I left to find you.

Well, I found you.

I fought for you.

I tried to reason with you.

I pleaded with you, and now,
I have to go.

You're lying, and you'll see it,
and it'll be too late.








[Helicopter chuffing]


[Walker growling]






[Walkers snarling]




That leads us farther
into dead mass.

This way.
Damn it.

Come on.




Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

Are you sure?
Yeah. You?

[Walkers snarling]

We need
to find a way out.

We need to find a place
to hunker down

until the numbers thin out.

We do that,
we get trapped.

We can't breach
from this high up,

even if it's
a defensible position.

I don't even have
a w*apon, Commando,

so how are we supposed
to get past all those walkers?

"defensible position."





Come on!

[Walkers snarling]

They destroy any evidence
that they exist.

That's why they took out
the helicopter.

This whole building
is buckling.


Michonne: "It's just time.

When I conceived of Greenwood,
it was so clear --

like-minded innovators
in various fields

seeking to live off the grid,
to create a new, more sustained,

and hopeful tomorrow.

Our motto --
'Progress and Redemption

Through Innovation' --
is now like a sick joke to me,

but I can't face how much
I have failed everyone.

I cannot go another day
continuing to watch

our mission die.

I am sorry.

Let me be remembered as one
who refused to leave the world

the same way I found it.

Lakshmi Patel."

When folks try to save the world
their own way,

it tends to go to shit.

Sound familiar?

It's just like this place.

They thought
they knew it all.

Oh, except without the k*lling
of innocent people.

Except that part.

The city stands.

And I'll stop the k*lling.
I'll find a way.

Just like her?

You still
don't understand.

Signing up for lifelong
duty to the enemy?

This is about
ending the enemy.

This is not you, Rick.

This isn't me? How?

That I would give
everything -- my --

my hand,
my life -- for you?

That's not me?

This is what I need to do
to keep you safe!

The only time I feel safe
is when I'm with you.

We don't have to
be afraid, Rick.

Yes, we do.

So that's what
I tell your son?

That his father didn't want
to know anything about him

because he was so afraid?

I'm not the Brave Man.

You shouldn't have come.

I was taken away.
I didn't have a choice.

You did.

You don't know a g*dd*mn thing
anymore, do you?

Not a g*dd*mn thing.

So, this is
who you are now?

Big guy, huh?

Soldier of the CRM.

You're moving up, right?

That's the plan?

Maybe I should be afraid of you
in the red uniforms.

I don't know what
you're capable of.

You lied to me.
You keep lying to me.

You think I'm not
beating myself up for not being

with my kids right now?!

That I'm not wondering how
I will ever live with myself if,

God forbid --

That's why you should go.


I don't know who you are.

'Cause the man I knew

would never talk
to me like that.



[Walkers snarling]

We're getting
out of here.

[Walkers snarling]



[Walkers snarling]



I had this.

I had this.






Oh, shit.
g*dd*mn it, hug the wall.

I know that.




Can you move it?

Michonne: Yeah.
It's just trapped.

If I can just --


[Breathing heavily]

Okay, on
the count of three.

Alright. Okay.

One, two, three.


[Walkers snarling]

You should go.

Grab that. Handle those
while I get this thing.

[Walkers snarling]

Rick. How?

There's no time.
You've got to go.

These bolts are holding
this thing together.


[Walkers snarling]



God damn it!

[Walkers snarling]


[Walkers snarling]




[Walkers snarling]


You've got to go.

That is never happening.


I just needed
to hear that.

One, two, three.

Almost there.

[Walkers snarling]



One, two, three.


You okay?


Thank you.

You never have
to thank me ever.

[Walkers snarling]

-Got that?
-Yeah. To your left.


That way out.

This side hasn't started
buckling yet.



Voice: Welcome home.


Temperature control











He looks like me?

So, he's really
good looking?



It's nuts how much
he looks like you.

Save the light brown skin,
it's hard to tell

I had anything
to do with it.

Oh, but he does
have my eyes.


And he's stubborn?

Just like
his daddy, yes.

Like his mama.

He does have your good,
kind heart, though.

That's what reminds me
the most of you.


What the f--

It's just a Roomba.

A-A what?

I just got one
when it started.

It cleans
the floor on a timer.

That explains why
it's so spotless in here.


You notice
how thin they were?

The walkers?

City's intact,
no burned out buildings,

so fallen walls,
no b*llet holes.

Just the dead,
rail thin.

They may have starved.

Oh, they kept this place
going a good while.

Well, they did
more than that.

They kept innovating.

I guess they were sick
of scavenging

and wanted
to create another way.

But no crops?

Well, even if they did
have them, crops fail.

One bad harvest -- Something has
to burn to bring it back.


If I can change the CRM,

there's a chance for future
generations, a real chance.

You're still
lying to me.

You're lying
to yourself.

This mark on
your back --

[Sighs] Yeah.


It was a woman that
I let into Alexandria.

A college buddy.

Wait, you knew her?


I was, um, searching for you
every day, me an Daryl.

There was no body,
no trace.

I couldn't stop believe
you were still out there,

needing help, needing me.

Everyone thought
I was crazy.

She encouraged me
to keep looking.


I was
seven months pregnant.

She stole Judith
and some other kids.

She was sick, twisted.

Did this
to me and Daryl.

We stopped her.

I don't want to
go into how.

You k*lled her?



I stopped
looking for you.

I had to take care of the baby,
take care of Judith,

but I kept believing that
you were not gone forever.

I still believe that.

You did this
to get away?

It was the only way.

You were trying
to come home?

I was trying
to come home.

You're still trying.

I see it.

Even through
the bullshit.

You have the button.

You could
have hit it, Rick.

You haven't.

You say
you can't go home,

but I don't think
you can go back.

I'm sorry for what
they did to you.


We got to
get out of here.

We're running
out of time.



We need to decide
what's next right now.

This place
is going down.

Sit, Rick.

We're not moving
until we decide.

Nat used to say,
"You got to know when to go."

It's not time to go.

Not until we know
where we're going.



After I left here,
why did you come after me?

You know why.

Say it.

I need you to.

You're the love
of my life.

I couldn't
just let you go.

It felt like
my heart ripped --

ripped itself out of my chest
and walked out the door.

Then come home with me.
It's that simple.

It's not --
It's not that easy.

Listen to me.

When this army att*cked
my friends, I got hit, too.

I nearly died.

I was holed up
in a mall

trying to recover with
Nat for a year.

They took a year from me,
from my time with my kids.

I lied to you.
I don't know how Judith is.

I don't know
if she's okay.

She stopped answering
the walkie.

They've taken
so much from us.

Why give them any more?

This hope that you have
in the CRM,

sacrificing yourself --
it's not real.

We, your family, are real.

I'm real.

Our love? This?

It doesn't get denied.

No matter what you keep trying
to tell me or yourself.

And this -- this back
and forth...'s hurting me, Rick.

It's making me become someone
I don't recognize.

You're hurting me.

And I know you.

That is not
how you love.

What did they do to you?

Rick, I need you
to try to tell me

what is really
going on here.

What did they
take from you?

They took Carl.

I lost him again.

When I got taken,
and I fought

and I fought,
and I just --

I tried to get away,
but -- but --

but how I would dream.

I'd meet up with Carl
in my dreams.

And that's how
I survived in here.

Kept me alive.

And then one day,
he was just gone.

He just left.

But then I started
dreaming of you.

And there you were.

You and I fell in love
in different ways,

and it kept me going.

And then
you were gone, too.

I couldn't see
your face anymore,

just like
I couldn't see Carl's.

I can't
live without you.

Without you, I die.

And I figured out
how to do that.

I know how to be dead
and live now.

You can't just
come back here,

make me come
alive again if --

I don't know
if I won't lose you again.

What if I lose you
and I can't figure out

how to die
all over again?

I can't --

I need to get
ahead of it, Michonne.

I can't. I can't.


When I --
When I saw you,

I got so scared,
and I --

I needed
to get ahead of it.

I had to.

At least if I think
you will love on longer

than me without
knowing if you do,

I can just believe
that it's true.



Seeing that loss?

I can't.

I won't survive that,

I just won't.




If Carl were here right now,
what would he say?

What would he want you to do
with this new chance

to be with those
you love?


Despite all the odds,
all the years,

I found you, Rick.

I came here
through the hell

that we have both been
through to take you home.

You think that's all
for nothing?

For us to just go
our separate ways?


We go home, Rick,

and we figure out
how to protect it together.

That's how we make it
all make sense.

We love on each other,
as hard as we can,

while we can.




[Rumbling, chime]

Voice: System malfunction.

Elevator has 10 minutes
left of reserve power.



I got him.


[Walkers snarling]




[Elevator dings]


Voice: System malfunction.

Elevator has two minutes
left of reserve power.


[Walkers snarling]




Stick shift.


Baby, I got to drive.

Right. They made
a stick shift electric car.

And left tanks of ethanol
in the back seat.

[Gasps] It's a hybrid.


Oh, they equipped us
with enough to get home.

Got to thank them
for that.

Clearly, they thought
they could do anything.

Yep. But we can.

"We can make this world
damn world ours if we want to."

Yes, we can.

That sounds like
something I'd say.

It is.

[Engine starts]

[Walker snarling]


[Singing in native language]

[Walkers snarling]




[Singing in native language]




