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01x13 - Big Time Bass-Off Contest/The Sleeping Beagle

Posted: 03/16/24 20:33
by bunniefuu
Pb&j! Yea!

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪



Yes! It's another perfect
cast from lake hoohaw's
finest fisherman.

He's going into
his victory fish dance.

[Laughing, shouting]

- Hey, daddy, whatcha doin'?
- Oh, uh--

He's fishing, jelly.

- Oh, yeah. I knew that.
- ♪ Dum-dum-dum-dum ♪

I'm just, uh, practicing
for the snooties' big-time
bass-off contest today.

- What's that?
- It's a fishing contest
organized by mr. Snootie.

- You kids wanna come along
and help me out?
- [All] yeah!

I'm gonna need plenty of helpers
to count all the fish I catch.

we can do that!

And you can toss 'em
back for me, too,
after you count 'em.


Oh, this old pole
is a disaster.

- Do you need a new one, dad?
- Yeah, sure do.

And right after I deliver
the muskrats their groceries,

I'm gonna buy
a brand-new fishing pole.


easy! Easy! Okay.

Is that my new poodle-robic
haunch master, edouard?

- I don't think so, georgina.
Ya just ordered it today.
- Hmph!

It must be
a surprise for us.

Now, wait a minute,
ootsie and bootsie.
This is something for me.

Do you want to start
whimpering first,
or shall i?

Now, kids, your daddy
deserves a treat all his
own. What is it, dear?

It's the bass-o-matic
turbo fish-catcher 5000.

All you have to do is
turn it on and it catches
fish automatically.

Why can't we just
buy fish, father?

Oh, ootsie, where's
the sport in that?

This machine's gonna
win me first prize...

At the snooties' big-time
bass-off contest!

See this?

This first-place trophy's
gonna be mine, all mine.

And these teeny-tiny
trophies are gonna go...

To second place and
then third and... Whatever.

Oh, father,
you do love to fish.

Wrong. I hate fishing.
But I love winning.


Nobody can call
our dad a loser.


♪ Oh, set afloat in a boat
catch a bunch of bass ♪

♪ Throw a line, so fine
yank 'em out fast ♪

♪ Grab a hold on the pole
let the lure sink ♪

♪ Bet ya catch a bunch of bass
quicker than a wink ♪

♪ Oh, drop a hook, take a look
fish are on the line ♪

♪ Pulling up a bunch of bass
catch 'em big-time ♪

♪ Make a wish, a pile o' fish
win the fishing race ♪

♪ Helpin' dad to catch a bunch
to snag first place ♪♪

[all gasp]

- Hey, what was that?
- Just working on
a brand-new invention.

Come on in and see!

- Wow!
- Watch this.

Come on, kids.
Follow me.

Pancakes. Mmm.
I don't believe it.

I sure love pancakes.

I wish I could make
something too.

You can. Just think about
what you wanna make...

And then figure out a, uh--
a way to build it.

It's easy. Huh?

Uh, could somebody please
pass me the butter?

Hi, honey.
Hi, daddy.

Did you get it?
Did you?

Where's your super-fantastic
new fishing pole, daddy?

Uh, well,
there was a problem.

Seems helen and harvey muskrat
are a little short on money
for groceries right now--

- But they have to eat, ernest.
- My thought exactly.

So I swapped them the groceries
for some great stuff
they gave me.

Oh, wait. I know
what you're gonna say.

They gave you a new
fishing pole, right?

Well, no, but they did give me
this umbrella of theirs.

- [All] umbrella?
- Yep.

Hey, look at this.
It's air-conditioned.

And this jar of air,
and this spooled

And a broom handle
and a big ball of string.

- That's it?
- Uh-huh. Maybe you kids
can use 'em to play with.

Can you still buy a fishing
pole, daddy? The one
you always dreamed about?

Not without money I can't.
But don't worry.

I'll just fix up that old pole
of mine and it'll be just great.

You're a sweet man,

You kids should be
really proud of your father,
I'll tell you that.

I wish there was
something we could do...

To help dad get that
super-duper fishing pole.

Yeah, me too.

Think, think, think.

Remember what mayor jeff
said today?
"I love pancakes"?

About making stuff.

Oh, yeah.

"Think about what
you want to make, then
figure out a way to build it."

Right! I bet
we can come up...

With the best fishing pole
in the whole world.

Yeah! Maybe.

Why not?

One that could catch
a whole bunch of fish
real quick.

And be real easy to use.

Okay. We can use
the muskrats' broom handle
for the pole.

And their string too.
We can tape it on the end,
and then we could-- hmm.


butter, let go
of the tape.

- There. It's finished.
- Hmm, well--

- I know what's wrong.
- What?

We forgot to do
the noodle dance!

I'll do the noodlin'.
You do the dancin'.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I've got it!
I've got it!

- Hey, that's my line.
- No. Listen, jelly.

When you've got a problem
you can't figure out,

What's the smartest
thing you can do?

Uh, just keep

Go to an expert
and get advice.

Oh, right. That's what
I was gonna say next.

And who knows all about
making things?

mayor jeff!

Sure, kids.
I love making things.

- What kind of stuff
have you got to work with?
- Stuff?

You know, things
nobody really needs...

That you can use
for your invention.

We've got a broom handle
and some string...

And a spool thingamajig
and a jar of air--
and an umbrella.

- I don't believe it.
- [Together] what?

That's just what you need
to make your dad...

The world's best fishing pole.

Go fish!

Are you thinkin'
what I'm thinkin'?

- Bingo!
- What? What?

Will it catch
lots of fish?

Uh-huh. And it could have
a whole bunch of different lines
coming out all at once.

Yeah, and we could have
special bait that no
one else uses. Cool!

I sure wish
you had that new pole
you were dreaming about buying.

No problem, opal.
I'll be just fine
with old rickety here.

I'm still the best fisherman
on hoohaw lake!

Hey. Where's pb&j?

I promised to take 'em
with me to the bass-off.


What've you got
there anyway?

A super-duper new
fishing pole for you!

- I helped make it.
- Me too, and so did butter
and mayor jeff.

Well, doesn't that
beat all!

I can't believe
you kids.

- Don't you want to see it?
- Sure I do.

But we're late for the snooties'
big-time bass-off contest.

Soon as we get there,
everyone can see it.

Bye, you guys.
Good luck!

- Are you ready, dad?
- You bet I am.

Hmm. Ooh!

Hoo-hah! That is the most
amazing thing I've ever seen!

well, will you look
at those otters!

They must have made that weird
fishing thing themselves.

Of course they did!

You don't think
they bought it, do you?

Wait till they see
the bass-o-matic turbo
fish-catcher 5000 in action!

Hit the button, ootsie.
Not that one!


- [All whimpering]
- the other button!


Look! It's not fair.

All the fish are heading
for the otters!

Make a rule, daddy!

Oh, make a rule, quick,
that no homemade inventions
are allowed!

- Yeah. Store-bought only!
- Capital idea, kids.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the otter family
has been disqualified...

For using
a homemade invention.

- [Together] ow!
- Oh!

Sorry! My mistake.

Let's hear it for the otters,
ladies and gentlemen.

Would you look at this
trophy you won!

I am so proud
of all of you!

Thanks. These kids
sure have brains.

They made me the best
fish-catching machine
in the history of lake hoohaw.

What did you use
for bait anyway?

Well, mayor jeff had a whole lot
of leftover pancakes--

And the fish really
seemed to go for 'em.

Hmm. I wonder if they'd go
for some syrup too.

[All laughing]


Woo-hoo! Yea!
All right!

[Boat horn sounding]

[Imitating ed sullivan]
this afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen,

We've got a really, really
big "shew" for all of you.

Right here on our stage,

Our all-star cast will be
performing everybody's
all-time favorite,

the sleeping beagle.

[Clears throat]

Wow! We gotta go,

Yeah! No way
we're gonna miss this!

Come on! Let's buy
some tickets.

Yeah, let's--

I just remembered
something, jell.

Money. We don't
have any money.

Oh, yeah. Forgot.

We'll never get to see
the sleeping beagle.

We never have any fun.

peanut! Jelly!

- Your aunt nanner's here.
- She is?

- That's great!
- And she brought you
a wonderful surprise.

yea! What is it?
What is it?

Hey, you three.
Give your aunt nanner a big hug.

[All laughing]

Mom said you've got
a surprise for us.

Well, I sure do.

I brought each of you...
A cr*cker!

Uh, thanks,
aunt nanner.

Uh, great.

Yummy, yummy, yummy.

Oh, and look what else
I found in here!

Four tickets to the big
showboat show!

And you're gonna be
my guests!

Wow, thanks,
aunt nanner.


What was that?



Oh, dear! This is
a very bad storm.

Wonder what
the weatherman says.

You don't suppose they'll
cancel the show, do ya?

Oh, don't worry
about that.

We have a saying
in show business:
"the show must go on!"

Ribbit. And the show
won't go on.

The show people canceled
today's performance of
the sleeping beagle.

- Have a nice day.
- The show isn't going on?

I can't believe it.
Thought we'd have some fun,
and what do I get?


[All crying]
I know this is real
disappointing to all of you.

We'll just have to think
of something else that's fun.

-Your mother's right.
How about a nice spelling bee?

Well, let me see.
You could clean up your room.
Or polish your shoes.

Or why don't you do
what you always do
on rainy days?

- What?
- I don't know.

Some kinda kids-having-
fun-on-a-rainy-day thing?

Oh, let's just go down
to the basement
and sit in the dark.

all alone listening
to the rain.

it's not fair.
It's just not fair.

And we thought aunt nanner was
the only actor in the family.

I hate rain.
Me too.

Messes up everything.
Wish we could
make it go away.

Yeah, but how?
I don't know.

Maybe if we had a great big
boat-sized umbrella,

we could get the showboat
to come back.

great idea... If we had
an umbrella that big.

- [peanut] but we don't.
- oh, right.

Well, we're stuck
inside all day.

What else can we do
and still have fun?

Let's do
the noodle dance!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

Come on, y'all.
Get your brains moving.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I know. We could pretend
this trunk is a time machine.

Hey, cool! And we could
go back to pirate times,

And the trunk would be
our treasure chest.

Ahoy, mateys!


look! It's aunt nanner's
old costumes and stuff.

Hey! A hat!
Look at this cane!

Are you thinkin'--
what I'm thinkin'.

I got a hat.
I got a cane.

she's got a plunger.

let's put on a show!

i'm here!
i'm soppin' wet!

Man, do I hate rain!

Mom says it's great
weather for ducks,
but what's she talkin' about?

Heard you guys were
down here bein' bored.

Not anymore.
You can all be
in our show.

What show?
the sleeping beagle.

Butter can be
the otter princess,

I'll be old witch weasel.

- Peanut can be prince collie--
- why can't I be the prince?

Because you get
to be the... Scary dragon!

I do? The dragon?


Whoa, I'm good!

What do I
get to be?
You can be the beagle king.

Yeah, but I'm gonna need
a crown and stuff.


Excuse me, butter.
Can I borrow this?

And this can be
your scepter.


but don't eat it!

And all you have to say is
"yes, good prince,
you can marry my daughter."

Uh, "yes, good prince,
you're a merry otter."

Oh! I mean, "yes, my prince,
you're a good daughter."
I mean--

And I'll arrange
the beautiful bed...

Where the sleeping
beagle sleeps.

This show is gonna be
so great!

ladies and gentlemen,

We will have a really,
really big show for all of you.

Right here on our stage,

Our all-star cast
will be performing...

all-time favorite,

the sleeping beagle.

Wonderful, kids!

Hello, beautiful
princess beagle!

- [Whispering]
say hello!
- Heh!

Even if you won't
say hello, princess beagle,

I'm going to put
a spell on you.

Oh, where did I put
my ruler?

- [butter] ball!
- you can't escape my spell.

I speak
the magic words:

Oodle-ay, hoo-hah,
please and thank you.

I put you
to sleep forever!


No nap!


Curtain, pinch!

not sleepy!

That's brilliant!
Great kids!

And now for the good stuff!

I am the brave prince collie...

Looking for the beautiful
sleeping princess.


What's this?
A dragon?

A really scary dragon.


I must defeat this dragon...

Or I will never rescue
the princess!

I say be gone!

[Flick roaring]
I'll get you! Come back!

- [crashing]
- what happened?

I have defeated
the fierce dragon,

And now the beautiful
princess can be rescued.


When I kiss
the sleeping princess,

She will wake up
from her long sleep.

she's a sleeping princess!


The spell is broken!

Hip, hip, hooray!

[applause continues]


♪ Whether you're raccoons
or otters or ducks ♪

♪ We're glad you come 'round
and had a few yucks ♪

♪ Whether you quack
bark, bellow or cluck ♪

♪ we hope you enjoyed the show ♪

♪ Whether you're silly
or speedy or slow ♪

♪ we're all really glad
that you didn't go ♪

♪ We didn't charge much
to get in, you know ♪

♪ we hope you enjoyed the show ♪

♪ May your own hoohaw stories ♪

♪ Just like our little scenes ♪

♪ Have many, many
very happy endings ♪♪

Yes, good marry,
you can daughter my prince.

Oh! Uh, i-- oh!

Hey, who turned out
the lights? Oh!

[All shouting]

Hip, hip, hooray!
Yippee, kids!

Yea! Brilliant!

That's the best play
I've ever seen!

What a finish!
You kids are
something else!

Who wants
after-show snacks?

[All] I do! I do!
does a duck have a beak?

Yes, good prince,
you can marry my daughter.

Maybe we can do another
show tomorrow, mama.

- Well, that'd be great, honey.
- But what if the rain stops?

Oh, it doesn't have to be
raining for us to have fun, dad.

You can think about that
tomorrow, kids.

Right now, you've got
to get to sleep.

And no talking after
lights-out either,

'Cause you might wake up
the sleeping beagle.
