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01x08 - Otter in the Water/All Popped Out

Posted: 03/16/24 20:29
by bunniefuu
Pb&j! Yay!

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪


I got it!
I got it!
Whoa, oh, watch it!

I got it!

[scootch] yea!
good one, jelly!

Peanut and jelly
win again!

You mean peanut
and slam master
scoop jelly j!

All right!
All right!

That makes it peanut and
jelly ten, and you guys zip.

Aw, who wanted
to play this
dumb old game, anyway?

You did!
You did!
Well, not any more.

Hey, why don't we go
cool off in lake hoohaw?


Whatsa matter,
"scoop jelly j?"

Flick, you know
she doesn't--

Oh, yeah, I forgot.

Slam master
scoop jelly j's
afraid of the water!

am not!
Are too!

Jelly can play with us
if she wants to.

What are we waitin' for?

Last on in the water's
a "scaredy-otter"!

Why do they always have
to play in the water?

I got a great idea!
What's that?

Let's play

That's really cool!

Um, what is waterball?

It's just like what
we were playin' before,
only in the water.

You and me against
peanut and jelly.

Yeah, but you know,
jelly doesn't--

Oh, right.
I keep forgetting jelly
has a water problem.

Well, if she doesn't
want to play,

How about munchy and me
against you and pinch?

- Pinch?
- ♪♪ [Humming]

Might as well use
baby butter, or a chair!

Well, I'm open
to that.
Aw, man.

At last! Peanut
will feel the power
of the mighty duck.

Come on, jelly, please?
We'd have such a great team.

I don't wanna
play, peanut.

And it's not 'cause
I'm afraid of the water.

Yep. Right.
Knew that.
It's just 'cause I like...

sittin' here on the dock.

Okay, pinch.
What do you say to
a little waterball?

I'd say forget it!

My hair!

Please, pinch. I've gotta
have someone on my team
or I can't play!

Please, please, please!
Well... Okay.

- [All] give it to me!
Give it to me, me, me, me!
- Yes!

- [Alarm blasts]
- whazzat? Whazzat?

It's another
incredible shot for
the duck and the beaver!

- Huh?
- Holy cow, the duck and the
beaver have won another game!

Can they keep it up?
Can they keep trouncing
the otter-raccoon team?

Stay tuned
for the next--
d-duh, hey!

W-what are ya doin',
I'm changing channels.

- Oh.
- [Grunting]

Our game!
We win again!

sixteen to nothing.

Are we winning
or losing?
What do you think?

have fun?

Oh, yeah!
Fun, fun, fun!

Twenty-five games
and we lost
them all.

Flick's so happy
he's planning
a rematch.

Gonna have
a big tournament
tomorrow, and--

I need your help!

I can't play, peanut--
not in the water.

What is it with you,

You're an otter,
same as I am.
Otters love the water.

Not me.

just wade in a little.

I'll hold your hand
and get you used to it.

- I don't think so.
- Come on, jelly. Try.

I don't know.

Not too deep!

Just a little ways.

That's not so bad, is it?
No, that's not so--

- [Laughs]
- [continues screaming]

Stop it!
Cheese and crackers!
Can't you take a joke?


Hmmph. I am never,
ever, ever gonna go
in the water again.

A duck and a beaver
beating an otter
at waterball.

It's humiliating.
Tomorrow's tournament's
gonna be a disaster.

Come on. We gotta
do the noodle dance.

Wait a minute.
That's my line.

What happened to
mr. Don't-wanna-dance?

Shh. I'm using my noodle.
Hit it!


♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

It's working!
I've got an idea!

I could go and be
jelly of arabia!

i'd ride around on camels
through miles of hot desert...

and I'd never come
anywhere near water, and--

Hold it. Gee,
jelly, I don't think
that idea will work,

Without the camel
and the desert.
Oh, yeah. Forgot.

And besides,
you're dealing with
the wrong problem.

You mean, how to
stay away from water?

Your problem isn't how
to stay away from water,

It's how to feel good
about going in it.

Hmm. How can I feel good
about going in the water?

I just got
an idea!

Dad taught me how
to have fun in the water.
He could teach you too.

So, what's
the problem, jelly?

she's afraid
of the water.

Am not!

Well, sometimes I worry
a teensy-weensy little bit...

That there might be
something bad
down under there.

Like what, sweetie?
Like sharks,

And otter-eating
whales and stuff.

But there aren't any
sharks or otter-eating whales
in lake hoohaw.

Are there, dad?
No, there aren't.

So, let's talk
about the stuff.

When I was a kid,
I really worried
about stuff like...

Getting water
in my nose, and
sinking to the bottom--

Things like that.
Yeah! Me too.

It's okay, jelly.
We all get afraid sometimes.

But when you face your fears
you can start to beat 'em.

All you have to do
is take 'em step by step.

You're right! You're right!
So come on, let's
you and me get wet!

Get in the water?
Me? I thought you were
talking about you, not me!


All right, jelly.
For your first lesson...

Your teacher will be
baby butter.


- Show us what to do, butter!
- [Blows raspberry]

Can you do that?
[Blows raspberry]

[baby butter giggles]
uh, yeah.
Now put your face...

In the water
and do it again.

It's fun, see?
[Blows bubbles]


[Blows bubbles]

- That was easy.
- Hey, look at you!

Good work!
When you blow bubbles out...

You don't get water
in your nose.

♪ Blowing bubbles
blowing bubbles
everything will be okay ♪

Like this--
[blowing bubbles]

♪ Blowing bubbles
blowing bubbles
water troubles blow away ♪

- Like this?
[Blowing bubbles]
- yeah!

♪ Blowing bubbles
blowing bubbles
troubles take a holiday ♪

♪ Blowing bubbles
blowing bubbles ♪
♪ my water worries float away ♪♪

that's the perfect way
not to be scared.


Oh, excuse me.
Hope I didn't
scare anybody.

Oh, go away,
Coulda been sharks.

- [Gasps]
- flick!

I'm goin',
I'm goin'.

I gotta practice up
for the big waterball
tournament tomorrow.

- Waterball tournament?
- Yep. It's gonna be real
exciting, mr. Otter, sir.

Everyone on
lake hoohaw's invited.

Aw, man.

you and pinch better
practice up too, peanut,

If you think
it'll do any good!

Now, let me see.
What should
we do next, jelly?

Maybe we should
pretend to be
vacuum cleaners.

Vacuum cleaners?
Are you kidding, daddy?

No, jelly.
Just suck in all the air
you can, kinda like this.

[Inhales deeply]

hold that air.

We're goin' under.
Get ready
to make bubbles!

That wasn't scary.

It's fun
down there.

heads up!

now let's pretend you're that
ball floating in the water.

I'm an otter ball.

Just like the air
in the ball holds it up,

The air in you
will hold you up.


- You made it!
- Yea!

Now float
back to dad.

I did it!
I didn't sink!

[Inhales deeply]
♪♪ [fanfare]


I'm just lettin' everybody
know that duck and beaver
and otter and raccoon...

Are going to be
joined feather to fur in a
furious fight for glory!

Aha. Let's just
get on with it, okay?

And now, the moment
you've been waiting for,
ladies and gentlemen--

The first ever
lake hoohaw
waterball tournament!


Yes! Yes!

Um, flick,
are you sure
I have to do this?

Last time we played,
my paws got really,
really wrinkled.

Of course you have
to do this!

You can't back out
now, pinch.

not even if I bring in
somebody to sub for her?

Bring in a sub?

Slam master scoop
jelly j! World's
greatest athlete.

But-but you're afraid
of the water.

Scoop jelly j afraid?
I don't think so.

Cheese and crackers!

Jelly and I
make a great team!

You sure do.
But poor flick and munchy.

Oh, munchy's a good sport.
But after losing
every game,

Flick says
he's never gonna play
waterball again.

Next week, he's planning
the lake hoohaw
duck quackathon.

Hey, dad--
yes, jelly?

Can you teach
me to quack?

[Everybody laughs]

is it really real, dad?
[ernest] it's real.

wow! A real
popcorn-popping popper!

Ooh, wow. Yum.

- Where'd ya get it, dad?
- Well, peanut,
the muskrat family...

Had to close down
their travelling circus
so they traded it to me...

For a bunch of supplies
they needed.

And it came with this
big old bag of popcorn!


Yup, we'll be enjoyin'
popcorn for a long time.

Could you
pop us some now?

Sure can. I want to give
the popcorn popper a test run.

Wow. Thanks, dad!

Popcorn's my very,
very favorite.

Except for peanut butter
and jelly sandwiches,
of course.

Yum-yum, pop!
Pop! Oh.

It's take just a minute
to heat the machine up.

I can almost taste
the popcorn now.
Me too!

no, don't--
don't worry, georgina.

[Yapping over phone]
I know I don't have time
to stop at the mall,

But I'm sure mr. Otter
will have everything
on your list.

customer waiting.

It's mr. Snooty.

I'll see what he wants,
and be back in a jiffy.

I hate waiting...
Almost as much
as I love popcorn!

No, mr. Snooty.
I don't carry wah-tur
brand bottled water,

But I do have
plain old water,

And I can put it
in a bottle, if that's
what you're looking for.

[Beeping, ringing]
georgina? Bad news.
No bottled water.

uh-huh. Hold on.
I'll ask mr. Otter.

Hmm! It's taking
daddy a lot longer
than a minute.

Yeah, dad's idea of
a jiffy is lasting forever.

I better go remind him
that we're waiting.

Sorry, mr. Snooty.
I don't have fresh
filtered lima bean juice.

No-no lima bean juice,

uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Not now, jelly.
I'm busy.

For how long?
I'll be there just
as soon as I can.

[mr. Snooty]
well, surely you have
free-range nectar of rutabaga?

Is dad coming?
Looks like mr. Snooty will
keep him there all day.

I wish we didn't have
to wait anymore.

I know! We'll pop the popcorn
ourselves and surprise daddy.

- hold it!
- what's wrong?

I've got a bad
feeling about this.

We've never popped
popcorn before.

I've watched mama
do it on the stove
a million times.

You just put some in,
it gets hot, and boom!

Are you sure?
What if mom did something
else that you forgot?

I'm sure I didn't
forget anything.

what could go wrong?


we could cook it too long,
and burn it.

Or we can cook it
just right...

And spend the rest
of the afternoon
in popcorn heaven!

Well, maybe.

And dad
will be so proud that
we did it all by ourselves!

i guess.
[dad, echoing] I'm so proud--
all by yourselves!

What's happening?

- Needs more corn.
- Okay.

Now what's happening?

Hmm. Still nothing.
You know why?

- Why?
- It needs more popcorn.

I got a bad feeling
about this.

I know what
I'm doing, peanut.

I saw how they do it
at the movie theater.

Well, okay.

uh-huh. Uh-huh.

[Clears throat]
mrs. Snooty advises me
she would accept...

A zesty six-pack
of pickled zucchini coolers.

Sorry, mr. Snooty,
I don't get much
call for it.

Would your wife enjoy
some nice clam juice?

Hmm. Clam juice,

[Shrill screaming]
I think we can take
that as a "no."

- Pop! Pop! [Laughs]
- [jelly] it's working!

Close that door!

So we can really
surprise dad
with how good we did.


Georgina, I'm afraid
we'll have to forget the juice,

But I'll try for
the next item on your list.

What can you show me
in a nice foil-covered
chocolate tennis racket?

i'll get a bowl that
we can fill for dad...

And you get one
we can fill for butter.

What size bowl
do you want, butter?


oh no!
[baby butter] uh-oh!

Turn it off!
Where's the switch?

I don't know.
I wasn't paying attention
when dad turned it on.

You said you knew
what you were doing.

Man, it looked so easy
at the movie theater.

I shouldn't have let you
talk me into this.

- [Rumbling]
- whoo! Whee!

We need
more bowls.

Bowls won't help.
I gotta get to dad.
I'm going out.


I can't find
the doorknob!
Dad! Dad!

- Did you hear something?
- Just the sound
of a disappointed georgina.

- You listen to her for a while.
- dad didn't answer!

It won't stop!
It's going everywhere.

It's taking over
the planet!

Come on, butter!



Jelly, over here!


We've got to stop this
before it pushes out
the walls!

But how?
Maybe we should do
the noodle dance.

There's no room!

Peanut, there's always
room in your brain for
a noodle dance. Come on!


♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I got it!

We get munchy to chew
a big hole in the floor
and boom!

the popcorn'll just fall out
the bottom of the boat!

Jelly, that's a genius idea.

Except for one tiny thing.
What's that?

dad's store would sink
to the bottom of lake hoohaw
like a big, giant rock.

Oh, yeah. Forgot.
But I've
got an idea!

We can pour those cans
of babbleberry syrup
on the popcorn...

And make it
into a big giant
popcorn ball...

And roll it
right out of here!


I don't think we could
get it through the door.

But we better do
something fast!


Any ideas?
I don't know.
But let's keep thinking.

bye-bye, pop-pop!

Nice try, butter.
But you're just
wasting your time.

Yeah. There's no way we can
get rid of all this popcorn...

Just throwing it
out the window.

Hey, guys!
Boy, this popcorn sure is tasty.
You got any more?

Where'd you
come from?

Well, I saw popcorn comin' out
of your smokestack...

And I came down
to see what was going on!

and then baby butter started
passing out these free samples!

- That's it!
- What's it?

Free samples! Munchy,
go tell everybody we're
giving away free popcorn!

Wow! Free popcorn!

And hurry!
It's an emergency!

I can get you mud,
but I don't think
I have any...

Gourmet herbal poodle
face-cleansing mud,
mr. Snooty,

But I'll check
in the back room.

♪♪ [Humming]


What's going on here?

We goofed
a little, daddy.

But don't worry.
We figured out a way
to fix everything.

♪ pop, pop ♪
♪ pop, pop, pop
pop, pop, pop ♪

♪ Oh the popcorn
popped and popped ♪
♪ pop, pop ♪

♪ And the popper
would not stop ♪
♪ pop, pop ♪

♪ It filled the shop
right to the top ♪

♪ come get your popcorn ♪
♪ poppity-poppity-pop ♪

♪ Get a bag of popcorn free ♪
♪ pop, pop ♪

♪ Step right up
we'll give you three ♪
♪ pop, pop ♪

♪ Take a bag and then
give some to friends ♪

♪ come get your popcorn ♪♪

I'll take
six more bags.
I'll take 12 more.

Save some for me.

right, georgina. Right,
there should be no problem.

My wife would like
me to bring home...

A nice healthy bag
of popcorn.

I'm really sorry
mr. Snooty, but my kids
just gave away the last one.

mr. Otter?
Uh... Yes?

You have the best store
on lake hoohaw, mr. Otter.

Uh, I do?

For the first time in my life,
georgina sent me shopping...

And I haven't had
to spend a cent!

I'm recommending you
to all my friends
on our side of the lake!

I guess this means
the attack of the
giant popcorn machine is over.

What a mess we made.
Sorry, daddy.

That was a dangerous thing
to do-- using that popcorn
popper all by yourselves.

You won't ever do that again,
will you?

No, sir.
[peanut] we won't.

Well, you got yourselves
in trouble,

But you kept thinking
until you got yourselves out.

Way to go, kids.
Thanks, daddy.

I've made you kids
your favorite snack-- popcorn!


Was it
something I said?

I think it was something
they ate, opal.

