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01x05 - Born to Chirp/Mega Melon

Posted: 03/16/24 20:26
by bunniefuu
Pb&j! Yay!

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪

♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪

♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪


- Ta-da!
- [Giggling]

Aha! Once again
I've defeated you,
lord gravy!

You and your g*ng
of no-goodniks are off
to space jail for a long time.

Space jail? No way!
I'm not lord gravy.
He's a bad guy.

But I'm jelleena,
queen of the otters.

I'm the good guy
so you've gotta be
the bad guy.

Come on, peanut.

Well, I'm-i'm peanut,
the, um, otter.

And this is
my sidekick, um,
butter the baby.

- Bleep bleep!
- Boring!

Come on!
You be lord gravy...

And you be his evil assistant
'cause that's what I'm playing.

You're bad and I'm good.
I win and you lose.

And we're outta here.

Where are you going?
[Butter giggles]

Aw, man.
How come nobody ever wants
to play what i want to play?

Oh, well. If nobody
wants to play with me,
I can just play by myself.

Nothing can save you now,
lord gravy!

- [chirping]
- huh? Hey, you.

Where'd you come from?
What'd you say?

♪♪ [Chirps musically]
♪ chee dee ♪

♪♪ [Chirps]
♪ cheedle dee ♪

♪♪ Chirps]
♪ chee doo dee ♪

♪♪ [Chirps]
♪ cheedle dee dee ♪


Hello there, jumpy.

You wanna join me
in fighting evil and
saving the universe?


There ya go.
Hey, peanut! Butter!


watchbird alert!
W-w-watchbird alert!

whazzat? Whazzat?

Connie, [honks]

Jelly just captured
a wild animal all by herself!

What is it, cap'n?
Is it a lion?


A tiger?
A bear?

Nope. It's a grasshopper.
Isn't that wild?

Not nearly as wild
as I'm gonna be...

If you don't stop these
silly watchbird alerts!

come on, butter.

I've been spinnin'
and spinnin'!
Spin, spin. Whee!

You're never gonna
guess what I found!

Not in a jillion years!
Over here!



Come on.
Let's check this out,
baby butter.

Oh, great.
Your spaceship shoe box.

Don't tell me, don't tell me.
You found a bottle cap, right?

Or maybe a big ol' button.

No. It's a million times
better than that, honest.

Oh, better.

I know.
You saw a spaceship
come in for a landing.

Boodle-oop, boodle-oop,

And all these
little blue spacemen
came out.

"Greetings, earthling.
We come to find jelleena,
queen of the otters,

Protector of all
fur-bearing mammals
in the universe."

Beep-beep, beep-beep!
And you got one in your box.

No, peanut.
But you are getting warmer.
Okay, what's in the box?

It's the coolest--
a grasshopper!

wow. An invisible grasshopper.

Oh, no!
Where's jumpy?

She was there!
Right there!

Honest, peanut.

There really was
a grasshopper.

Maybe she did go off
with those outer space aliens.

What outer space aliens?

you know, aliens.
out there.

watchbird alert!

- Whazzat? Whazzat?
- Connie, jelly otter says...

Her grasshopper went off
with outer space aliens!

Oh, no! Well,
I think you should...

Hitch a ride on the next
flying saucer and find him!

Thank you.

I'm never gonna
get jumpy back,
not ever.

Wait, jelly.
Don't panic.

We can figure this out.
Let's do one of your
noodle dances.

- You're kidding, right?
- Hey, it's an emergency!


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

Peanut. Peanut!

What? What happened? What?
I'm still not sure
what to do.

You gotta think back
real hard, jelly.
Where'd you see jumpy last?

In my spaceship box.

And before that?
On my finger.

And before that?
Right over there
on that flower.

- Ba-leep, ba-leep,
ba-leep, ba-leep.
- Butter, what are you doing?

- Ba-leep, ba-leep!
- Maybe she's got
a good idea.

What do you mean?
Maybe if we act
like grasshoppers,

Jumpy will see us
and come out to play.

Chirp, cheep! Chirp, cheep!

Hold it!

I'm hopping
like a grasshopper.

It looks goofy.

It's not working!

You're right.
Hey! Listen!

[radio static]
the space aliens!

[static continues]

♪♪ [Loud music]
hey, pb&j!

Hey, how do you like
my new invention?

It's a hat...
And a radio.

We thought you were
from outer space.
[radio clicks off]

No, sirree, not me.
But I'm a mighty proud

why are you all looking
so down in the mouth?

- I lost jumpy, mayor jeff.
- Jumpy?

My grasshopper!
She was right here
in my toy box--

- And then she disappeared.
- Really?

I'm glad ya came to me.

Sometimes telling an adult
about your fears can help.

Hmm. Well, grasshoppers are
musical critters.

Maybe you could play
a tune for your grasshopper,
like this.


That's great!

Hey, I wanna play.
Me too!

Well, we can share
this fiddle.

Will you teach me how
to play it, mayor jeff?

Sure I will, jelly. Of course,
it'll take a few years.

Too long.
Got anything we can play
right now?

Well, how about some...


[Whistling honk]

♪♪ [Kazoo sound]


[Blowing, sputtering]

Just move the grass around
till you get it
in the right spot.

keep trying.

I did it! I did it!

hey! Check it out!

I think we got us
a bluegrass band!

♪♪ [Kazoo sounds]

[mayor jeff]
♪ grab your fiddle and
bow it in the middle ♪

♪ You'll be havin'
fiddlin' fun ♪

♪ play a tune and
hey diddle-diddle ♪

♪ you'll send troubles
on the run ♪

grab your fiddle and
bow it in the middle ♪

you'll be havin'
fiddlin' fun ♪

♪ Play a tune and
hey diddle-diddle ♪

♪ You'll send troubles
on the run ♪♪



When you play a good tune,
people can't help
but come a-runnin'.

Are you thinkin'
what I'm thinkin'?

I should've never left jumpy
where spacemen could get her?

No! The music--
it makes your friends
come over.

Thanks, mayor jeff.

You're a genius!

gee, I don't hear that
very often.

♪♪ [blowing bluegrass]

Okay, we're back
where you lost her.

And I'm thinkin'
like a grasshopper.
Ba-leep, ba-leep!

Okay, a-one--

♪♪ [Blowing bluegrass]



It's her!

It worked!
Jumpy came back!

how'd you ever get
out of that box anyway?


Okay, in ya go.
Come on, jumpy.

So, now we can all
play my game.

Jumpy and I are good and
you two are pure evil.

You're going to space jail!
Come on, jumpy. Lock 'em up.

I told you,
I don't want to be
the bad guy.

Just leave me and
that grasshopper alone.

How would you like
being cooped up
in that tiny shoe box?

Let me out!

[loud chirping]

What was I thinking?

Hey, jumpy.
You don't have to play
with me if you don't want to.

It's okay.
Bye! Be free!
Bye! See ya.

So what are we
gonna do now?
Hey, I know.

I'll be super peanut man,
and you be stinky, rotten
jelly girl.

Time to go to space jail!
i'm always the good guy.

Not today you're not.

am too!
Are not!

Am too!
Are not!

Did jumpy like
that bluegrass music
you played?

- Yeah. She came
hoppin' right over.
- And then what happened?

Well, she wanted to go,
so I let her hop away.

Ya think she'll
ever come back?

Yeah, maybe.
But only if she wants to.

Hey, dad, let's play
some bluegrass music!

all right!

♪♪ [Blowing bluegrass]


my goodness, butter!

You've grown another
whole quarter

Of an inch
since I last measured you.

You children are sh**ting up
faster than weeds
in a babbleberry patch.

She's already getting
too heavy for piggyback rides.

Me, me, me, me!

Okay, but as soon as you're big,

You're gonna have to start
carrying me around!

Oh, boy, you're heavy!

Mama, how do we
get bigger anyway?

The same way
every living thing grows.

♪ When you are small
you're like a seed ♪

♪ But you got
what you need to grow ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Soon you'll be tall
you're like a tree ♪

♪ Just spread your leaves
and grow ♪

♪ All you need is
sunshine, water
fresh air and love ♪

♪ All around you is
sunshine, water
fresh air and love ♪♪

Come on, I'll race you!
Last one up the hill
wears dirty diapers!

No way!

Hey, mayor!
Whatcha growin'?
They're pompalopes!

Not just pompalopes, peanut--
champion pompalopes.

How do you get 'em
so big?

Oh, this one's not half as big
as it's gonna be.

It's bigger than butter!

Yeah, but not nearly
big enough for a prize yet.

- Prize?
- Uh-huh.

Tonight's the lake hoohaw
pompalope festival,

And I'm hoping to win
the "biggest pompalope" prize.

You'll win it
for sure, mayor jeff.

That's what I thought last year,
but those snooties beat me out.

Gardening sounds
like fun, mayor jeff.
Wanna help.

Can we help?
Yeah, can we?

Oh, you bet you can, kids.

I have to go buy
some fertilizer
from your daddy,

So would you be willing
to stay here and guard
the melon for me?

Sure! Uh,
guard it from what?


They been sittin' in that tree

Droolin' ever since I planted
the seeds in the ground.

This pompalope's still got
a lot more growin' to do
before it's done.

You can
count on us, mayor!

[crow cawing]

- Hoo-hah!
- [Cawing]

Hey, you! Scat!

get out of here!

Man, guardin' pompalopes is
harder work than I thought.

I know!
Maybe we should quit.

No, peanut. We promised
we'd guard this thing.

But we don't know
the first thing
about how to scare crows.

- That's it!
You said it, peanut!
- I did?

Scare... Crow--
we need a scarecrow
to keep these crows away.

Maybe we do know a thing
or two about scaring crows.

Now that's scary.

Oops! Ooh.


Maybe not scary enough.

We gotta try
somethin' else.
Hmm. Let's see.

Hey! Let's turn the pompalope
into a scarecrow!
Oh, man.

Come on!
Help me stand it up.


Whoa, it looks bigger!

Careful with the stem--
that's where it drinks.


Just one thing missing.

that'll keep that crow away.


- the stem!
- it broke!

ooh, uh-oh.

Now we're in trouble.

Stick it back on!

Oh, man.
It won't stay!

It's busted.


Boy, we've really
done it this time.

The mayor was counting on us
to take care of his melon.

Yeah, and he said
it wasn't big enough
for the prize yet.

But now that it's off the vine,
it won't ever get any bigger.

Oh, peanut. There's
got to be a way to make
this pompalope keep growing.

Why don't we do
what mama said?
What was it she said?

Sunshine, water,
fresh air and love.

Yeah! That's it!

Oh, pompalope, I love you.
I love, love, love, love you!

All right, stop the love.
Let's move on to water.

First thing we have to do
is get the pompalope
something to drink.

We can give it
a bottle of milk
like mama does butter.

Nah, pompalopes don't like milk.
They only like water.

I knew that.
I'll fill this bucket.
Wait! I have a better idea.

Let's tie that rope
to the pompalope and
lower it into the lake.

Good thinkin', peanut.
That way it'll get
a good, long drink.

There. It'll start
growing again in no time.


Hey! The pompalope's
swimming away!

that's not the pompalope,
it's a turtle! Come on!

Good afternoon, kids.

Well, so much for water.

Now let's try sunshine.

Ya see, jelly?
Up here there's tons
of sunshine.

Yup. Let's just sit back
and watch that pompalope grow.


Stop that pompalope!




Come on!
We have to catch it!


Hey, kids!
I thought you were
guarding the pompalope.

Oh, mayor,
I gotta go.

That's fine, kids.
Keep up the good work!



Edouard, those otters have
flying pompalopes.

How come our pompalope
doesn't fly?

We'll see who's flying
what where.

[Growls, barks]
hello, mayor?

Watchbird alert!

whazzat? Whazzat?

Connie, I just saw
a pompalope fly by!


I think you better start putting

Sunblock on your brain, cap'n.
Thank you.

I got it!
No, I got it!

no, me, me!
me, me!

[Coughing, sputtering]

Nice catch.

we've got a problem.

I don't think this pompalope
has grown any at all!

Must be all the exercise
it did today.

Well, it's almost time
for the contest.

There must be a way
to make this thing grow.

We've tried love, water
and sunlight.

It must be time
for the fresh air.

The pompalope is just
like a bicycle tire.

All we have to do is pump
some fresh air into it,

And it'll grow big enough
to win the prize.

I hope you know
what you're doing.

What could go wrong?

Look, peanut!
It's working!

Mayor jeff's gonna flip!

I'll say.

- Where's butter?
- Do again!

The festival starts
in one hour!
What are we gonna do?

We change our names
and move away?
Nice, mr. Brave guy.

Come on.
Let's use our brains
to think up an idea.

I see where this is going.
Let's noodle dance!

I'll noodle,
but no dance?


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I got it, peanut!

There. Perfect!

Oh, man!


We have to talk to you.
I'm afraid we--

Launched the pompalope?
Yeah, I know.

I got a complaint
from the snooties.

We're so sorry.

Well, don't worry, kids.
That was only
my training pompalope.

Here's my champion
for the festival.

- Wow!
- [Cheering]

First prize
for the biggest pompalope
goes to...

The snooties!

Oh, sure, it's
the biggest pompalope,
but it still doesn't fly.

and second place goes
to me, mayor jeff!


And special, honorary
new dessert prize goes...

To pb&j's peanut, butter and
jelly pompalope surprise!

I don't know how you kids
ever thought this up,

but I hope you'll
dream up another tasty treat
for next year.



Any more of that
pb&j surprise left?
Last piece, daddy.

You know, you kids could have
asked for help when that
pompalope came off the vine.

- Yeah, you're right, dad.
- Sorry, daddy.

But then,
we wouldn't be eating
this pompalope surprise!
