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01x03 - Bagpipe Blues/You Can't Come In

Posted: 03/16/24 20:24
by bunniefuu
PB&J! Yay!

♪ Ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ Oodle-ay ♪

♪ Ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ Oodle-ay ♪
♪ Ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ Ooo-ooo ♪
♪ PB&J, PB&J ♪

♪ Oodle-ay ♪
♪ PB&J, PB&J
PB&J, PB&J ♪

♪ Oodle-ay ♪
♪ PB&J, PB&J ♪

♪ Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
Oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ Open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ Jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ Everybody just say so ♪

♪ Ooh-ahh ♪

♪ Oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ Ohh-a-yea-oh
Yea-oh ♪

♪ Oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ Oooh, oooh ♪
♪ Mother, father
Sisters and brother ♪

♪ Oooh-ooh ♪
♪ All the family now ♪

♪ Oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ Oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ Oodle-ay-oh ♪♪


Okay, now here's
a little ditty...

my daddy used to play me
on this very same bagpipe.

[Inhales Sharply]
♪♪ [Playing Ditty]

[All Laughing]


♪♪ [Ends]
Yay, Daddy!

Okay, Peanut,
how about a bagpipe lesson?
Go on and give it a try.

♪♪ [Discordant Chord]


Wow! Cool!
Way to go, Peanut!

I just love making music
on the bagpipe.

You call that music?
[Blows Raspberry]

Well, this is just
your first lesson.

You'll get better with practice.
Now it's time for me
to make my deliveries.

Aw, man!

Remember, this bagpipe
belonged to my granddaddy.

No one touches it
unless I'm here to help you.

Yes, sir.

- Can I have another bagpipe
lesson when you get home?
- Sure.

I'm going to be
the best bagpipe player
Lake Hoohaw ever heard.


Since when do you know
know how to play the bagpipes,
Peanut Otter?

Since... well, forever.

I got my own bagpipe band.

Cheese and crackers!
You don't have any bagpipes!

And you don't have a band.
You're just jaw-flappin'.

Am not!
I can play the bagpipe,
and I'll prove it.


Ah! Whoa!
Peanut, no!

Dad said
not to touch that.

I'm just going to show Flick
I can play the bagpipe.
Dad won't mind.

We can't touch
Grandpa's bagpipe
unless Dad's with us.


I'm not seein' this.

Would you relax.
I know what I'm doing.

Besides, if I hurry,
I can get it back
before Dad comes home.

Come on, Butter.

Don't you think
you should use the bridge?

Why? Flick's over there.

You might fall and drop
Dad's bagpipes, which you're
not supposed to have.

You're such
a worrywart, Jelly.
I know what I'm-- Whoa!

- Peanut!
- Aah! Oops!

- Bagpipes!
- [Butter]

- [Gasps]
- [Moans]

Come on!
We've gotta get it before
it floats into the lake.

[Bell Clanging]

Look, the bagpipe's
caught on that buoy.
Oh, no!

And we can't go
in the water when there's
no grown-up with us.

That's the rule.
I know, I know.

We'll just have
to get Mom.

She'll be really mad.
We can handle this ourselves.

We can?
Me three.

Easy. We just--
Well-- First, we--

Okay, I don't know yet.

[Birds Honking]
Uh-oh, it's
the Watchbirds. Hide!


Watchbird alert.
Watchbird alert.

Did you kids see
a suspicious character
around here?

- A burglar type?
- A burglar?

This morning, I noticed
a burglar stealing your Daddy's
bagpipe out of your house.

You d-d-did?

Wasn't me!

He was about your height
and your width
and the same color as you.

You seen
anybody like that?

No, sir, nobody like that.
Haven't seen 'im.
You, Jelly?

No comment.

Too bad. We better
keep looking, Connie.
Bye, now.

Did it ever occur to you
that you were describing
someone a lot like Peanut?

Now, that's a thought.

Same height,
same width, same--

You're right, Connie.
Peanut Otter has
an evil twin!

Uh, Cap'n, I think
it's your nap time.

I-- Oh.

[Both Honking]

Peanut Otter!

You are a big, fat liar.

Am not. I haven't seen
any bagpipe burglar.

That's 'cause you
took the bagpipes,

and then you big, fat lied
on purpose!

If you'd told the truth,
they might've helped us
get it back.

Hey, Peanut!
Hey, Jelly.
Hey, Baby Butter.

Are you all looking
for him too?

Looking for who, Munchy?

The big bad bagpipe burglar.
Everybody on Lake Hoohaw's

- Uh, yeah, me too.
- Your poor dad.

Yeah, we've all got
to keep looking.

So why don't you go far away,
and we'll look right here
along the shore, okay?

See ya, Munch!

What? Come on!
You gotta help me!

- Hmm.
- Please?


You keep saying we can get
the bagpipe ourselves,
but you haven't said how.

That's 'cause
I haven't thought of how.

You wanna do
the noodle dance?

You know, it just might be
crazy enough to work.

Ready, brain?
Let's noodle!

♪ Noodle
Use your noodle ♪

♪ Noodle ♪

♪ Do the noodle dance ♪♪

I got an idea!

- Great! What is it?
- Why don't you tell the truth?

It's the right thing to do,
and we might get
some real help.

I thought you had
a serious idea.

I know!
If we had a big, giant
claw thing,

I could reach out there
and pull out the bagpipe.

But where are we gonna get
a big, giant claw thing?

Yeah. Who am I kidding?

Besides, Mom won't let us
use heavy machinery.


Hey, here's an idea.
Does it involve
telling the truth?

- Maybe.
- I got a much better idea.


Can we borrow this net to,
uh, clean our swimming pool?
Swimming pool?

Yeah. It's Olympic-sized
and really dirty
and... sharks.

But, Peanut,
you don't have a pool.

Uh... gotta go.
Thank you!

[Bell Clanging]

There. I think I got it.
Oh, no!

You pushed it
out into the lake!

I'm in a world of trouble.

The wind is
making it float away.
We've got to follow it.

Come back!
Come back!

Yelling at it won't do
any good, Peanut!

I suppose you have
a better idea?

- I do!
- What?

First, you stole
Dad's bagpipes.

Well, not really. I--
Next, you lied so many times,
I've lost count.

Just little ones.

Now you're in so much trouble,
there's only one thing
left to do.

- Noodle dance?
- No! We gotta tell Dad.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

[Horn Blowing]

Hey, look!
Here comes Dad!

Daddy! Daddy!
Come here! Come here!

Peanut has something
he wants to tell you!

I am definitely
in a world of trouble.

We'll just have
to take what comes.
[Loud Gulp]

Uh, Dad?
I've done a really,
really bad thing.

- What's that, Peanut?
- Well--

Over here! Over here!
[Jelly] There they are!


Bagpipe ahoy, Dad!
I see it, son.

Hang on, everybody.
I'm reversing engines
and dropping anchor.

I knew these
would come in handy
for something.


Are your bagpipes...
all right?

Can't tell yet, son.

Dad, I'm sorry
I took your bagpipes
without asking.

Thanks for saying so.

And I never should've lied
to the Watchbirds
about not seeing it.

I bet they'd appreciate
an apology too.


While you're at it, you
should apologize to Munchy,

Mayor Jeff, Flick, me and--

Okay, okay.
I get it.
Is it ruined, Daddy?

Well, let's see.


[Inhales Deeply]

♪♪ [Playing Ditty]

I'd say this old bagpipe
sounds just as good as new.

Uh-oh. But I see
a big scratch right there.

Hmm. I remember
that scratch.

You remember it?

It's the one I made
when I sneaked this bagpipe
away from my dad.

You mean you did
what I did?

Yep, and I tried
to lie about it
just like you.

It got me grounded
for about a week.

I guess that's
what lies lead to--
a world of trouble.

Well, son, if you've figured
that much out, I guess you've
figured out the rest.

Grounded for a week?

That's okay.
I deserve it.

Oh, hello,
Mr. Otter, sir!

Can Peanut come out and play?
I know he's been grounded
all week, but--

He's staying in and playing
right now, Flick.
Maybe tomorrow, okay?

Oh-- Okay.


♪ Oh, you can't be blue
when you doodley-doo ♪

♪ Bigga-tugga
Biddley-eye-oo ♪

♪ Singin' and a-playin' now
me and you ♪

- ♪ Squeezin' and a-wheezin' ♪
- ♪ Wheezin' ♪

♪ Hear the bag-a-pipes moo ♪

♪♪ [Bagpipes Playing]

Cheese and crackers!
♪ Oh, you dance and a-sway ♪

Peanut can play the bagpipe,

and he does have a band.
♪ When you doodley-day ♪

♪ Every which way ♪

- ♪ Squeezin' and a-wheezin' ♪
- ♪ Squeezin' and a-wheezin' ♪

♪ Hear the bag-a-pipes play ♪♪

[All Laughing]
♪♪ [Ends]

Look at that!

Ooh, what is that?

Hi there, little otters!

Imagine running
into you here.

- We live here.
- I see you're admiring
our newest plaything.

- What is it?
- It's our brand new
Floating Poodle Dream Boat.

- It's our clubhouse.
- Wow!


Ooh! Ahh!


Wow! Is it wooden?

Oh! It simply
has everything!

captain's chairs.

Built-in navigation control.
[Electronic Voice]
You are here.

Cool horn.
Get outta my way!

And cable TV.

Over 200 different channels.

Now, that really
is a dream boat.

It's the best!
That is really something!

Come on, Ootsie and Bootsie.
We wanna come aboard.

Yeah! We wanna see
the inside of your dream boat.

Please, can we come?


No way!

Why don't they want me?

This is a private clubhouse,
and no one is allowed in it.

Except members.
Right, Bootsie?
Right, Ootsie.


Well, can we be members?

[Both Laughing]

[Ignition Starts]

I guess we can take that
as a no.

I can't believe
those Snooties.

They never share anything.

I'm feeling bad.

Why don't they want me?

I need to be in a club.

Well, you can't be in a club
without a clubhouse.

Our own clubhouse?

If the Snooties
can have one,
so can we.

All we have to do
is build it.

Hey, yeah.
That sounds like fun.

Yeah! I was just about
to think of that idea.

First, we have to decide
what it's gonna look like.

I know!

It's a space station

with big rockets
and space suits
and zero gravity!

Uh... I don't think I'm allowed
to go to outer space.

Yeah, me neither.

I think it should be
our cute little clubhouse
on the prairie.

I'll be the mother,
and you'll be the kids,
and we'll all do our chores...

and make it neat and pretty.

Neat and pretty?
Aw, cheese and crackers!

Why don't we just pull out some
doilies and have a tea party?

I think our clubhouse should
look like a big, giant fort...

with alligators
and lasers and--

- [Jelly] A space station!
- [Pinch] Cute little
clubhouse on the prairie!

- Fort!
- Space station!
- Prairie!

Hold it, guys!

Oh, this always happens.

Why can't we
just get along?

Every time we try
to do something fun, nobody
likes anybody else's ideas.

I'm just gonna go and build
my own clubhouse!

Me too!
Me three!

Hey, everybody!
Come back!

Don't worry, Peanut.
We can build a clubhouse
by ourselves.

[All Grunting]

Scoot over!

You scoot over.
You're in my area.

This isn't much
of a clubhouse.

Well, at least
it's ours.

I wonder if the others
are having this much fun.

All right, children.
Let's put these dishes
in a nice, neat stack...

right next to this
stack of glasses.

There. Perfect.

- Yaah!
- No! Stop!


Oh, no!

Scootch, you ruined
my clubhouse!

Oops! Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry.

Now I'll have to clean up
this mess and start all over.

This was easier
than I thought.

It's amazing what you can do
when you put your teeth to it.



Would ya look at that!

Easy as-- pie?

That looked like fun!

No, it didn't.
We're having fun.

Oh, yes. I forgot.

Stop it!
No, you stop it!

No, you stop it!
No, you!


Jelly? Butter?

I saw you three
out here having fun,
so I brought you a snack.


I have your favorite--
peanut butter and jelly

and ice-cold clam juice!

Thanks, Mom.
Yeah, thanks.

Hey, nice box.

It's our clubhouse, Mama.

A clubhouse?
Now, that sounds
like fun.

Well, it sure
isn't as much fun
as we thought it would be.

- Why not?
- We don't know.
No idea.

Well, take a little break.
Maybe things will look better
after you think about it.

[All Munching]

Do things look better?

Maybe if we do
the noodle dance,

we'll figure out how
to make our clubhouse fun.

I don't know, Jelly.
Sounds like more work.

Oh, come on.
At least we're trying,
and it's worked before.

Come on, brain.
Let's noodle dance.


♪ Noodle ♪

♪ Noodle
Do the noodle dance ♪♪

I got it!
Peanut! Peanut!

What? What happened?
What? What?

I've got a great idea.

We can make
our clubhouse
so private,

even we can't get in.

Great idea.
How do we do that?

Well, first we--
Forget it.

I thought I was
onto something. Hmm.

- Hey, you know what?
- What?

Making a clubhouse
without friends
to be in the club...

is no fun.

Hey, look!

♪♪ [Humming "Rock-A-Bye Baby"
Off Time]


Yeah, we need
our friends.

Probably Flick,
Pinch and Munchy
aren't having any fun...

playing all
by themselves either.

Yeah, let's go get
our friends so we can have
a real clubhouse.

All right!

It looks like they're all
building something together.

[Kids Chattering,
How boring.

Let's get closer
and see how boring.


This should be
right over here.

This is great!
[Grunts Loudly]

I always knew
we were a great team.

We're almost ready
for the grand opening.

Wait! I've got
to get some ribbon.

Aw, Pinch.
We don't need to decorate it
with bows and stuff.

But we've got
to get one bow, Jelly,
for our grand opening.

[Laughing, Chattering]

Okay, okay.
Everybody, listen up.

On three,
the Lake Hoohaw Clubhouse
is officially open!

One... two... three!

All right!
Let's go!

- Way to go!
- Hooray for us!

Hey, Bootsie.
Hey, Ootsie.

What are you two
doing here?

We happened to be passing by,
and we were wondering if--
Let us be in your club!

It looks like you're having fun,
and we're not having any.

We're so bored!

Well, I guess Bootsie
pretty much covered it.

We're joining your club.
Step aside.

- Hold it!
- [Snooties]

Everybody in!

[All Whispering]

This is a private

Yeah. No one's allowed in
except members, right?
[All] Right!

Um... can we
be members?
Be members?


- [Teeth Chattering]
- Yes.

If you say "please."

[All Cheering]

♪ Don't keep out
Don't stay away ♪

♪ Come on in
and join the play ♪

♪ This is just
where you belong ♪

♪ Come on in
and sing our song ♪

♪ If you shut the door
you shut out the fun ♪

♪ It's much more fun
with everyone ♪♪

All right!

So long!
See you tomorrow!


That was fun.

That is a fine clubhouse.

Would you like
to come inside,
Dad? Mom?

Thank you, Peanut.

It looks bigger
from the outside.

I think my foot went to sleep.
I'll just move.

[Kids Yelling]

Don't worry.
I'll fix it.

No, Dad.
We'll all help.

It's more fun building it
than just sitting in it.

Yeah, especially
when everybody helps.

Well... [Chuckles]
let's start by everyone
helping me up, will ya?

Don't hurt your father!

[Kids Laughing]