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01x02 - The Treasure of Hoohaw Rock/A Sledding We Will Go

Posted: 03/16/24 20:23
by bunniefuu
Pb&j! Yay!

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ mother, father
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪


if the power otters can't make
you talk, commander casserole,

Maybe this marmalade will.
[Laughs maniacally]

What are you doing?

Just playing, jelly.

Don't you ever, ever touch
my commander casserole!

Well, you weren't doing
anything with him.

Was too.
Was not.

Was not.

peanut? Jelly!
yes, mama?

You kids settle down.
I'll get this hat fixed
in a jiffy, mayor jeff.

But mama, peanut took
my commander casserole!

Yeah, but jelly messed up
my power otter stuff.

Why can't you kids learn
to share and stop
all this arguing?

From now on,
I'm gonna keep my stuff
where you can't get it!

Oh, yeah?
Well, me too.

You two sound
just like me and my sister
when we were your age.

- Really?
- Uh-huh.

It used to make me go wild
when she touched my stuff!

- So, you know what I did?
- What?

I buried all
my best toys way far away
where she couldn't find 'em.

- Great plan! Wow, cool!
- Oh, yeah. Great plan.

- Except for one thing.
- what?

I never found
that buried treasure
ever again.

- Not even to this day.
- Wow!

Look, kids.
The rain's stopped.

You see hoohaw rock?

Well, somewhere over there
is where I buried my treasure.


Wow! What is it,
mayor jeff?
Can you tell us what you hid?

Yeah, sure. Uh, eh--
oh, no. I can't.

- How come?
- I forgot, peanut.

It's been such a long time.

Ooh, good thing I drew a map
to show where it's buried.

Yeah, yeah!
Yeah, can we see it?

Yeah, sure!
Uh, uh-- no, you can't.

- Why?
- I lost it.

- [Sighing]
- I'm never gonna find
that treasure.

Are you thinkin'
what I'm thinkin'?

We go back to pouring marmalade
on commander casserole?

No! Mayor jeff, we can
find that treasure for you.

Yeah, we can do that!
Yeah, treasure!

- Well, first we'd have
to find the map.
- Let's do it!

It's okay with me
if it's okay with your mom.

Can we, mama?

Well, all right, kids.
But be sure to be back
by 5:00.


- You've got to set
the table for supper.
- [Cheering]

Let's go, kids.
We've got a great big
treasure to find.

All right!
Hoo-hah! Yeah!


Nope. The map's
not here either.

Oh, for the life of me,
I just can't remember
where I put it.


Hey, I know. Mama says
when things are lost
they're always...

In the last place you'd ever
think to look for 'em.

Where's the last place
you'd ever look?

I guess the last place
I'd look for a treasure map...

Would be, uh...
In my pocket.

Or my wallet.

Or my hat.

Ya know, it's just
so hard to decide.

whoa! Hoo-hah!

The treasure map!

yay! Cool!

Well, what do ya know?

It's still in perfect
condition too.

Oh, oh! Oh.

Uh-oh. We've gotta
catch that map!

[Horn honks]

Oh, no!
Now what?

I can't make heads or tails
of all these soggy pieces.

We'll never find
the treasure, pb&j.

Well, you heard the man.
That's it. Let's give up.
No, wait! We can't give up.

Why don't we just go look
for your buried treasure

Who knows?
We might find something.

Yeah! Let's go over
to hoohaw rock and
look around.

Let's try it!


Wow! Look at that!

I wonder what kind of treasure
is buried over there.

♪ hoohaw rock across the lake
holds hidden treasures ♪

♪ a great big chest filled
to the brim with candies
sweets and pleasures ♪

Jelly, there aren't
any desserts buried
on hoohaw rock.

♪ Macaroons and frosted prunes
coconut dimple dandies ♪

♪ Whipped cream icing
to the sky ♪

- No desserts, get it?
- ♪ And sweet potato candies ♪♪

No, we're gonna
find real treasure.


honk! Watchbird alert!
Watchbird alert!

Whazzat? Whazzat?
Those otter kids are lookin'
for mayor jeff's treasure!

Old mayor jeff's
been talkin' about
that lost treasure forever.

Why, that man couldn't find
a thing if it was sittin'
right on top of his head.

Now, connie.
Don't be ridiculous.

Now, hmm.
Where did I put
those binoculars?


- Well, where are we
supposed to start?
- Let's look around here.


- [Growls]
- aaah!

- What is it?
- Uh, nothing.

uh, eh--

Oh, I think maybe
the treasure might be buried
over by those trees!

Anybody find anything yet?

Nah, nothing.
We haven't found zip.

- Oh, dear.
- Can we look in that cave?

okay. But we'd better hurry.
We've gotta get back real soon.

Well, it looks to me
like this cave is empty,
mayor jeff.

it was worth a shot,
I guess.

Truth is, we'll never find
the treasure without a map.

There's gotta be some way
to figure out how to find
your treasure.

We gotta use our noodles!

I'll use my noodle,
but I'm definitely not dancin'.

Come on, everybody!
Let's do the noodle dance!


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I've got it!

let's get a really big

and lower it
from a helicopter.

then run 6 million volts
through it, and boom!

pull up the treasure.

Great idea, jelly.

Let's go get

Where are we
gonna do that?
I know!

Why don't we just
put the map back together
like a big jigsaw puzzle?

Sounds crazy,
but it just might work.

Great idea, kids.
Let's do it!

that goes over here.
no, that's not right.

what if I put this here?

it goes--
that's it!

Hmm, let's see.
Hey, that wiggle kinda
looks like treasure.

no, jelly. This "x" shows
where the treasure is.

- Oh, wow!
- What is it, baby butter?


Hey, mayor jeff!
Here it is!

Well, what do ya know?
"X" does mark the spot!

It's so beautiful!
So red, so... Treasury.

- Jelly, that's not
the treasure.
- Oh. I knew that.

- [Grunts] ooh!

- Hey!
Look what butter found!



Oh, there's
my favorite yo-yo!

and my sock!
And my doorknob!

Oh, and look at this!

That must be worth
a jillion dollars!

Maybe. I got it
in a box of cereal.

It's too bad your treasure
was lost all this time,
mayor jeff.

Maybe you shouldn't have
hidden it after all.

Yeah, hidin' it was
a real bad idea.

I guess you learned that you
should have shared your toys
with your big sister, right?

And a treasure's
only worth somethin'
if you can enjoy it, right?

Yeah, and I learned
somethin' else too.

- What?
- Don't let your map
fall in lake hoohaw.

ooh, this is
for you, peanut.

And butter,
this is for you.

And jelly,
this is for you.

Wow! Thanks, mayor jeff.
Thank you!

Thank you for helping me
find my treasure again.

Look at the time!

Come on, kids!
We gotta boogie!

Boat rides, caves,
missing treasures--

Sounds like you kids
had a really big day.

Uh-huh. And mayor jeff shared
his treasures with all of us.

Well, sharing's
a very good thing, jelly.

Oh, I'm very pleased
to hear you say that,

Because there's
something I want
to share with all of you.

- What is it?
- I want to share...

Washing the dinner dishes!

Come on, everybody!
Into the kitchen!

Not the dishes.

Come on, now.
Don't give me that.

Move it!

♪♪ [music on radio]
[humming along]

[radio announcer]
good mornin', hoohaw valley!

it's a wild one
out there today.

lake hoohaw hasn't seen weather

like this in a month
of sundays! Hoo-hoo!





Peanut! Butter!

come here!



What's up, jelly?
Oh, man. It's freezin'
in here.

Ooh! Snow!

♪♪ [Humming]
mom! Mama!

Mama! Mama!
What's going on, kids?

Mama, look! It's--
there's-- whoa!
Looky, looky!

It's called "snow,"
I know that.

You don't mean it.

Come on!
Let's go tell daddy!

You kids go ahead.
I gotta find my other slipper.

daddy! Dad!

Look outside, daddy!
All right!

good morning, sweetie.

Morning, opal.
I sense these kids are
excited about something.

Looky, looky!

Well, so it is.

- Can we go out
and play in it?
- Ya sure can, kids.

But it looks like it's
gonna melt, so you better
get out there fast.

Come on! Hurry! Yay!

It's snowing!
All right! Cool!

all right!


whoa! Hold up. Mittens!
you're going to need mittens.

Problem is, I don't know
where I put your mittens.

Um, we can wear socks
on our hands! Can we?

Please, please,

Oh, all right.
Yay! Come on! Cool!


All right! Snow!
Cool! Yippee!

[Cheering continues]




ooh! Uh-oh!

Hey! Wait for me!

I gotcha!

- Well, I hate to say it,
but I gotta get to work.
- Work?

Yeah. The snooties called
'cause their hot tub froze over.

They say it's kind
of an emergency.

Oh, no. Come on.
Come on, dad.

Your mother and father have
a lot to do today, kids.
Y'all better play while you can.

If the snow keeps
meltin' at this rate,
it'll be gone by noon.

Melting? Oh, no!

We've gotta hurry!

Uh, peanut!

Hey, guys. Can we play?
Yeah! Come on!

Let's make
a commander casserole

Oh, that's great!
I'll get some bows
to put on it!

Bows? Ah, pinch,
commander casserole
doesn't wear bows.

He's commander casserole,
for cryin' out loud!

Well, I'm gonna make
mrs. commander casserole, then.


- Oh, no!
- Yaaah!

Oh, man!
Sorry, sorry.
My fault.

You know, scootch,
if you really wanna help us--

Yeah, yeah! Yeah!
Why don't you go over there and
get us some really good snow?

good snow! Good snow!

Did it!

Good job, jelly!

- Have you got any bows
I can borrow?
- Hmm.

- Watchbird alert!
Watchbird alert!
- Whazzat? Whazzat?

Connie, those poodle kids
have got themselves
a fancy new sled!

Uh-huh. And?

It's a turbo toboggan 2000!

I've never seen
anything like it!

Just look at those--

Chill out, cap'n.
"chill out."

I think I just did.

Out of the way!

Cool sled!

It's a turbo toboggan 2000!

Twice as cool
as the 1000!

- Wow!
- Ooh! That's pretty!

We're gonna try it out
on hoohaw hill.

That's nice. All right!
Let's all do that!
I'm gonna get my sled!

Let's go get our sled!
What are we waiting for?

Uh, jelly?

We don't have a sled.
Oh, yeah.
I knew that.

Well, let's just go watch,
Yeah. Watch. That'll be fun.



[Laughing, cheering]

We gotta find a sled quick,
before all the snow melts!

Yeah, but how?
Well, let's... Figure out
how to get one!

- Let's noodle dance!
- I'll use my brain,
but I'm not dancin' this time.

We can try, can't we?

Ready, brain?
Let's noodle!


♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I got it! Peanut!
Peanut! peanut!

What happened?
I know!

We'll fly up to the north pole,
and ya know what?

We'll find
a whole forest of sleds,

And we can pick out
the fastest sled
in the universe!

Great idea, jelly.
Let's go pack.

- Uh-uh.
- Oh, yeah.
Baby butter's right.

I don't think mom wants us
to leave the country.

Oh, yeah. I forgot.

You know what we need?
We need something
slippery enough...

To go down a hill
real fast.

- Hey! Look at this!
- What is it, jelly?


Let's make a sled
out of this box!

Let's give it a try!

- What's with the pizza box?
- Well, looky here. Did someone
order an otter pizza?

this is our
turbo pizza sled 3000.

Catch us if you can,
poodle dogs!



Aw, man.

That didn't work.
What else can we do?

Catch us if you can,
otter pups!

I got it! We can use
mom's cookie sheet!

That'll slide
down the hill.

This is the first time
I've ever been sad
to see mom making cookies.

So what are we gonna do?
Jelly, look!

that's it!

We're slippery and fast!

Come on!
Let's show 'em!

Yeah! Who needs a sled
when you've got otter power?

What's the matter?
Couldn't find a real sled?

Did you think you could find
sleds growing on trees?

you can't
sled anymore, anyway.

Oh, yeah? Says who?

in case you hadn't noticed,

the snow's turned to mud!

Cheese and crackers!

What are we gonna do
with our sleds now?

We could eat 'em.

Or maybe we can
just slide without 'em.

Otter power!

Let's otter slide!


Big deal!
We can otter slide too.

Right, bootsie?
Right, ootsie.


How come
they can do it--
and we can't?

'Cause we got super
otter belly power!

Right, peanut?
Right, jelly.

Ooh-whoo! Slippery.

Hey, pinch!
Grab on!



Hey, y'all!
Wanna join us?
Come on!


If you insist!


Did you kids have
a good time?
Uh-huh. Yes, mama.

We didn't need a fancy sled.
We just slid down the hill
on our bellies!

It's because we're
otters, mama.

Well, otters are
good sliders, dear.

Dad! Daddy!
Daddy's back!

Hey, kids! Did you have
a good time in the snow?

Da-da! Da-da!

We learned how to slide
on our bellies, dad!

ya did, did ya?
Well, good for you.

You know,
when I was your age,

I had the crazy idea
to try to make a sled
out of a pizza box!

[kids laughing]
what? What's so funny?