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02x04 - Too Many Unknowns

Posted: 03/16/24 19:04
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Fire Country...
- That's her.

- Hey, Gen, do you remember me?
- You used to live next door.

Guess now you live in jail?

She sees me as a convict next door.

Not exactly dad material.

She might be your daughter.

I'm not entirely sure
that you're the dad.

Fine, I can take a
paternity test right now.

Manny screwed up Three Rock.

How long you gonna coast on that excuse?

Oh, you think I stole Three Rock?

I think you were waiting
in the wings to replace me.

Doubted my motives, you
question my integrity.

Eve, Eve, Eve, I'm trying
to apologize to you.

I'm engaged!

I proposed and he did, too.

It was spontaneous and so us.

And now that you're
back, we're gonna run

into each other on
calls and this baggage,

it can't come with.

- I'm getting married.
- I know.

Then you have got to stop
looking at me like I'm yours.

Goodbye, Bode.

♪ ♪

Lemon peels and chili powder.

Man, homemade skunk repellent is nasty.

Not as nasty as that skunk

getting into the barracks though.

Yeah, are we sure it's not just Ames?

At least you don't have
to share a bunk with him.


Sure beats looking up at the
ceiling of a cell every night.

You into making wishes?


To see my kid play in
his championship game.

Starting point guard.

When's the game?


I can't imagine how many of
Genevieve's games I've missed.

I just want a chance to get to know her.

You got a wish of your own.

Yeah, but I'm not leaving
anything up to a sh**ting star.


Also I forgot to tell you that...

the kid behind the skate counter

told me that my mustache
was "kinda fire though."


Maybe I should've left
high school skate night

to the high-schoolers.

It wasn't that bad.

Vincent Leone.

Did you... ?

Did you have fun tonight

at the roller rink?

You mean, aside from
the dimly lit exits,

and code violations, busted sprinklers?

Yeah, besides all that.

Yeah. I kind of had fun.

♪ ♪

Ladies and gentlemen.

This skate...

is for couples only.

Salud, mija.

To completing your clinical hours.

And once I pass my national registry,

I'll be 42's newly certified medic.

Well, about that, Captain Inaba asked me

what I thought of you
working at Station 58 instead.

- MANNY: What?
- Full-time.

Of course I gave a glowing review.

Wh-What are you saying?

Well, there's a job waiting for you

at 58 once you're certified.

- If you want it.
- Of course she wants it.

I mean, 58's a brand-new station.

You got state-of-the-art everything.

That's amazing, mija.

Amazing. I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

MANNY: This calls for another round.

Great news. That's great news.

Hey. Did I, uh...

overstep with Captain Inaba?

I mean, he asked me
what I thought and...

I thought you would be happy about it.

No. It's an amazing offer.

I j... I just need some
time to think it over.

[QUIETLY]: Okay?

- Boo.

How's it going?

Buried in paperwork.

D.O.C.'s got me doing
an audit of the books.


now this.

It's one of my new guys.

- Cole Rodman.
- Bode's old cellmate?

The victim's family is

protesting him being at Three Rock.

Convicted of m*rder?

I didn't know we let high-level
offenders into the camp.

I mean, it's not the norm,

but it does happen.

If guys can do good time in prison,

drop their classification,

- the warden might give them a shot.
- Well, I just can't believe I missed it.

And did you read every inmate's
record when you ran the camp?

Nah. Most captains don't.

The way I saw it,

it's the C.O.'s job to
treat them as inmates.

My job was to make them firefighters.

You know, I didn't
really look at their file

unless they gave me a reason to.

Well, now I've looked.

I'm not sure I like what I see.

Especially with Sacramento

- putting us on the chopping block.
- Hmm.

What do you think?

I think I'm pretty happy

it's not my choice to make anymore.

♪ ♪

Tell me.

Huh? What do you think?

Too salty? Too sweet?

Mmm, it's perfect.

Good, Gen's team needs

this bake sale to go well.

Their uniforms suck.

You want to go to Sonoma this weekend?

Just you and me.

Away from...

bake sales and keeping secrets

about Gen and waiting on paternity tests

and all of it.

It's been...


But... I don't mind.

Look, everything Gen's been through,

she can have as much space
in our relationship as she needs to.

I know.

But I want time with you.

Well, in that case,
that sounds very, very...

GENEVIEVE: Um, I need help.


You still can't beat Rainbow Road?

Uh, not help with Mario Kart.

Uh, I need Uncle Jake.

I'm just gonna...

I'm gonna go break some more records.

All right, munchkin, what's up?

I think I want to visit Bode.

But I don't want to hurt your feelings.


No matter what happens
between you and Bode,

I'm always gonna be Uncle Jake.




This is great news, Gen.

Come on, give me a hug.

You've come a long way from
the guy I met on A-block.

You're all in on being a dad.

When I found out that
I might be Gen's father,

something shifted.

You know, I can be there
for her if she wants me to.



- Dang!
- Did he get us?!

Did it get us?

I cannot do another load of laundry.


Someone called for you.


What's it say?


It's from Jake.

Genevieve's coming to visit tomorrow.


Look at that.

sh**ting star came through after all.

You're gonna pop the question?

MANNY: Wait, what?


Congratulations, man.

- Wait, uh, Sharon, how-how did you... ?
- Oh, come on.

You don't think that your mama
keeps secrets from me, do you?


Well, don't go looking

for wedding invitations just yet.

But Cara and I do have

a romantic weekend in Sonoma coming up.

And it hasn't not been on my mind.

- Yeah, baby!
- We'll see.

- We'll see.
- It's good, it's good.

MANNY: Hey, Vince?

No, Manny, I can't be your
date to Jake's wedding.

Ah, I'll take a letter though.

Got an email from Sacramento.

And if I want to re-certify
as captain here at 42,

I need a recommendation.

Yeah, of course, just
write something up.

I'll sign it, no problem.

Actually, Chief, no,
I-I kind of want to see

if we can do this one a little
bit more by the book, you know?

After everything that
went down at Three Rock,

I don't really want to cut any corners.

Station 42. Structure fire

at Annadel Chemical.

- I got you, Manny.
- Thanks, man.

Chemical plant fire, everybody.

Let's roll.


♪ ♪


Nice touch.

Pepperoni. [WHISTLES]

That her favorite?

I didn't even think to ask.

Don't kids like pepperoni?

Ah, two of mine prefer Hawaiian.

Two of them, gluten-free.


Forget I said anything.

- Uh-uh, not again.

Mm-mm, dude.

You are begging to be sprayed.


I don't think it's a skunk.

- Grandpa's gone.
- Whoa. Whoa, hey, uh, you okay?

I was looking for him and I got lost.

Oh. Okay, um...

All right, uh, my name's
Bode and we're gonna

get you all fixed up, we're
gonna find your grandpa, okay?

We'll find him. It's all right.

BODE: Cap, we need some help over here!

Hey, Cap, this is Isla.

She came out of the woods
back there behind the barracks

by the tables. She lost her grandpa.

Leone, put her down!

Camp's been breached by a civilian.

Lock it down and count.

Toes on the line, Three Rock!

Leone, Rodman, on the ground!

- What the hell?
- EVE: Bode, you know

you are not supposed to
interact with a civilian like this,

- it's against protocols.
- You guys are scar... you're scaring her!

- Bode!
- Isla, come with me.

Come with me, there
you go, there you go.

BODE: Eve, you need to bandage her hand.

Isla, I'm gonna make
sure you're all right.

DORIAN: All you men, get on the
line and stay on the line. Now!

- We have an appointment to see inmate Leone.
- There's been an incident.

- Camp's closed to visitors.
- DORIAN: I said, "On the ground," Leone!

That's Bode. What's happening?

I don't know. Come on.

Come on, let's go.

♪ ♪

DORIAN: Eyes straight ahead.



Greencrest, Battalion 1508.

Assuming Annadel Chemical I.C.

Copy, Annadel I.C.

Be advised, Hazmat ETA is 15 minutes.

I'm Walker Kemp, the plant supervisor...

Not too close.

I'm contaminated.

Just tell me what happened, Walker.

Our jack operator,
Sonny, clipped a shelf.

It hit another shelf and
another, like dominos.

Potassium permanganate spilled
onto something and ignited it.

Sonny's pinned...

I tried to free him,
but the fire spread.

All right, let's get you taken care of.

Let's get some water on his hands.

Um, let's prep a CCP to receive patients

once Hazmat gets here.

MANNY: Manganate's what's making
this smoke look like cotton candy?

Yeah, it's an oxidizer.

It'll speed up any fire, and
then make it more intense.

Mm-hmm, and we can't put water on it

until we know it's not reactive
with whatever's burning.

Hey, Manny, just to be ready,

let's pull a couple inch-and-a-halfs.

Jake, you lead the entry team

and recon. Slow and steady. Okay?

- Copy.
- Too many unknowns in there.

Let's go.

Exit's this way.

Let's go. Go, go, go.


All right, everybody, head
on a swivel. Keep it moving.

MAN: Help.

You got to help.

I got a body.


Okay, Sonny. I'm Jake.

I'm gonna get you out
of here, all right?


Not me...

Get them out.

SHARON: What do you mean?


My brother's in there.

Please, help them.

We're gonna have to
work a little faster.

♪ ♪

- Synced and corrected by [font color="#329c57"]naFraC[/font] -
- -

JAKE: Our patient is
entrapped by a shelf

- putting pressure on his chest.
- SHARON: We've also got

people trapped behind a blocked door.

We can't get them out until
Haz moves these chemicals.

Well, good news, then.

Hazmat team's on scene.

Chief Flores, good to see you.

Greencrest, HazMat 1513.
Assuming Annadel Chemical I.C.

Requesting additional Hazmat team.

- DISPATCH: Copy, 1513.
- Uh, that's weird.

I don't remember giving you I.C.

Or the handoff report, but there it is.

Operations and logistics
of chem calls are

on a nerd-to-know level, Chief Leone.

We took Applied Chemistry
training together,

I think we both know
this isn't your forte.

You can step back now, Vince.

That's not my forte...

stepping back while my crew's inside.

Crawford, I need a
report on any chemicals

you can ID in the plant.

Yeah, uh, potassium permanganate,


methanol, and... huh...
vats of isopropanol.

SONNY: And glycerol.

The tubs are color-coded.

Yellow, blue... shouldn't mix.


I.C., we have glycerol here, too.

That's what ignited the permanganate.

Get absorbent on any
spilled chemicals. Now.

should have plenty inside.

Pour water on the patient
to neutralize the burns.

Then, you'll be clear to work.


All right, let's go.
Start moving chemical tubs.

We have a door to unblock.



Chemicals are contained and neutralized.

All right, good. Leone,
grab the combi tool.

On it! Hey, Sonny,

we're gonna cut this
thing off of you, huh?


Okay, so, we're good
to put water on this thing?


On it, Chief.

FLORES: And I'm gonna need
whatever hoses you can spare

to keep those isopropanol
vats as cool as possible.

So, you want my crew to
babysit rubbing alcohol?

You want to keep an
eye on your team inside?

Get in there and keep those
giant bombs from overheating.

Those things get too hot, this
whole place is gonna go up.

All right, grab my t*nk and the TIC.

Let's roll.



Isla still won't talk to us.

We need a last name,
an address, anything.

She was talking to you
and she trusts you, so...

The social worker said that it's okay,
as long as we supervise.

Oh, and Bode, I'll reschedule
your visit with Gen.

I'll make it happen. Just not today.


Hey, Isla.

How's it going?

- Good.
- Good?

That's good. Can I, um...

Can I draw you something?

A cat... no.

A bunny.

- A bunny?
- Yeah. A bunny.


All right.

So, you lost your grandpa, huh?

Yeah. We were at the park
while Mommy was at work.

But Grandpa forgot me there.

Mommy says he forgets things sometimes.

How did you and Grandpa get to the park?

In his truck.

- In his truck?
- Yeah.

What does his truck look like?

- It's red?
- It's red.

Yeah. A red truck.

A red truck. So I want to put the bunny

like he's riding in
your grandpa's truck.

- ISLA: Cool.
- BODE: What do you think about that?

What's your mommy's name?

Rose Costa.

- BODE: Rose Costa?
- ISLA: Yeah.

Do you know your address?

- Mm-mm.
- BODE: No?

'Cause what I want to do is I want to

have bunny...

be driving to your house.

What does it look like?

ISLA: It's yellow.
And there's a big tree out front.

Are there... are there
any numbers on the house?

Uh-huh. Three, four, one, six.

Three Rock Crew 4.

Structure fire, Annadel Chemical.

Three Rock Crew 4.

Structure fire, Annadel Chemical.

Hey, Bode, we got to go.

- No.
- It's okay.

You keep this, okay?

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.


- Bye.
- Bye.

Hey, so, uh, Captain Inaba says

he kind of needs an answer soon.

I asked you not to push this.

- I'm...
- Edgewater Emergency Response Team

reporting for duty.

You said you needed some
time to think it over.

I'm just telling you
the time frame you have.

And I'm just telling you that I need...

space. To think.



Are you guys fighting?

Do you do that? I've
never seen you do that.

It's not a fight.

Patients are going through
the Hazmat decon showers.

We'll treat them after.

Most of them have smoke inhalation,

- some chemical burns.
- Copy that.

need a temp check on those vats.

Approaching 1-0-3 degrees
and getting hotter.

FLORES: Gonna start boiling at 180.

I want everyone out before then.

Chief, this fire's picking up!

How's the extrication going, guys?

Once we get through this next strut,

we can get Sonny out.

You have to save my brother.


He wears these ugly green glasses.

I haven't said a word
to him in two years.

He told me he'd fallen in love.

With a man.

What's the problem, Sonny?

He doesn't deserve to be happy?

Right? I've been lying under
this pile of crap thinking...

I just threw my brother away.

[SOBBING]: You got to get him out.


I-I got to tell him...

I got to tell him I'm sorry.

Okay, he's losing consciousness.

SHARON: Okay, okay!

- There we go. All right. Get that spine, Jordan.
- SHARON: Move. Okay.

SHARON: Come on, bring it in!

All right? On three. One, two, three.

- SHARON: Oh... that's it!

EVE: All right, listen up, gentlemen.

The interior catch basins
will eventually fill up

and hose water runoff will come
spilling out of that building.

Water filled with toxic chemicals.

And we need to make sure
it doesn't end up in these drains.

Not our normal cutting and scraping.

- We're building a barrier?
- It's a dirt berm.

So between this building

and those drains, I need
a hundred feet of dirt.

Grab some shovels.
Let's get to work, gentlemen.

BODE: Hey.

Hey, I'm sorry about today.

Eve said she'd reschedule
time for Gen to come visit.

We need to put a pin in that.
After what happened today.

We showed up just as you
got violently restrained.

What? Genevieve saw that?

- Well, you know, when she comes back, I-I...
- I don't think she's coming back.

Well, if I can just
explain what happened...

It wasn't just her.

It's not the first time I've seen you

roughed up by a cop, is it?

Or the first time you've
had an explanation,

or an excuse for why there's
always trouble where you are.

What I saw today just...

took me right back.

Gen needs stability
as much as she can get.

I'm not sure you can give that to her.


Sorry, Bode. I have to work.

♪ ♪

This is Sonny. His chest was pinned

- for a sustained amount of time.
- Uh, he passed out

a few minutes ago and he
vomited blood before that.

You guys got this 'cause
we got a quick gross decon,

but we're next in line
for the full scrub.

You're contaminated?

- You okay?
- Yeah, it's just a precaution.

Only because we handled
the chemical spill.

Okay, we've got this.
Let's start the intubation.




His jugular is distended.

Deviated trachea.

- Tension hemothorax.
- Tension hemothorax.

His chest is filling up with blood.

He needs a chest tube, now.

EVE: Hey, Bode.

PD located Isla's house.

Now they're trying to get
in contact with the mom.

They have a Silver
Alert out for the grandpa

and the red truck.


What's going on?

Gen saw me get tossed by the C.O. today.

Cara's not letting her come visit again.

I'll talk to her.

I'll tell her what it was,
and she'll come around.


Nice, gentlemen.

Captain is right, you know.

Cara will come around.

Why would she want to?

I'm a felon.

Maybe I'm not fit to be anything else.

Definitely not anybody's father.

♪ ♪


DIEGO: You got this, Perez.

It's stuck.

I need to make a
second incision, deeper.

There's a work-around.

Push your finger in the incision

as a guide for the tube.

Trust me.

There you go.

- [GRUNTS] Okay. It's in.
- Okay.


There we go.


CARA: He's stabilizing.

Patient's ready for transport.

That was so badass.

DIEGO: Great work.


She's right.

You are a badass.

Look, I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to push about 58.

I just saw an opportunity that
I thought was a no-brainer,

and, I mean, at least for me it is.

program from the ground up,

and I get to work with
friends and family.


Gabriela, I'm gonna be your husband.

Well, maybe working and living
together is not the best thing.


Uh, I need to transport Sonny.


Why aren't you sure?

Sure about... ?

Proposing to Cara.

You said you were thinking about it.

And it's obvious how much
you two care about each other.

So what's the holdup?

It's just...

things with Genevieve are complicated.

She needs the focus right
now more than Cara and I.

Stability starts with you and Cara.

I mean, take that from me and Vince.

- I just don't think right now...
- VINCE [OVER RADIO]: Crawford, Leone.

Door's almost unblocked.

Get new cylinders and get back in here.

Copy, Chief.

Just don't be like
Sonny and his brother.

Don't wait too long to
say what you need to say.

♪ ♪

BODE: Come on, let's go.

We got to connect that line
before that water gets here.

Come on, hustle up. Hustle up. Let's go!

Hustle, hustle! Let's go!


That's what I'm talking about, baby!

Whoo! Let's go! Congratulations!

That's what I'm talking
about. Good work.

Well done, gentlemen.

You just saved Edgewater from
a major public health headache.

Thank you, Chief.

All right, nice work, guys.
Half of y'all, take a break.

Rodman, hang back.

You and Leone just got tossed

this morning for putting
hands on a civilian.

See me back at camp.

We need to talk.

I was saying thank you.

Command, we're at 1-5-0 degrees.

Getting ready to boil.

It's too hot, Leone. I don't like it.

SHARON: This is it.
Let's get this door open.

Hey, clear the Hazmat team.

We've got the rest.

The door is completely jammed!



- Come on!
- Almost!


Pressure relief valve's been activated!

We're out of time!

FLORES: Chief Leone,
get your team out, now!

VINCE: Move. Move!

FLORES: expl*si*n likely.
Repeat, get out, now.

- Vince, what's the plan?
- This is the plan.

We're getting these people out. Pull it!


FLORES: Do you copy, Chief Leone?

It's not moving.

Arthur! Evacuate! Everyone out!

Those vats are about to blow.

I thought I'd be more useful here.


All right! Follow the exits!

- Let's go!
- Come on! Fast as you can.

- Everybody out!
- Go, go, go! Do not stop.


Let's go! Move! Let's move!

Chief Leone?


Get 'em to the decon showers.


♪ ♪

Get back!

Everybody back!

- Shar, you okay?
- I'm fine, Vince.

- Jake, Manny?
- Yeah, I'm good.

Me, too, but damn.

All units, I.C. tactics from
now on will be defensive.

Stand by for secondary 360.

All the volatile chemicals
I see in my line of work...

nothing as unpredictable as people.

Told you I don't like stepping back.

- It was a great save.
- Well...

thanks to a last-minute assist
by Perez dos here.

That's going on your
rec letter, by the way.

Hope you know how many lives you saved.

Thanks, Chief.


Hey. Did Shawn make it out?

- Sonny's brother. Green glasses.
- Uh...

- I haven't seen him.
- Can you find him for me, please?

- Mm-hmm.
- Thanks.

We have a problem over here.

Fire is encroaching on that house.

FLORES: Greencrest.

Annadel I.C. Fire has
spread from the plant.

And into the grass, with
a moderate rate of spread.

Right now, but that wind is picking up,

and it's carrying the fire
right toward that house.

Yeah, it's gonna take a
few minutes to pull hoses.

A few minutes leaving
that fire unattended.

I need Three Rock cutting line
from the plant to the house.

And I need guys trapping
spot fires in the grass.

Can you spare Perez, so
you can take half my team?

I'm not a captain, Eve.

Doesn't mean you can't
help. Yeah, he's yours.

EVE: All right.

You're on the containment
line, I'll take the spot fires.


Hey, what'd you end up doing
about your inmate problem?

Well, I got to let him go.

Wait. Really? You sure about that?

Yeah, look. It's done.

He's gone tonight.

And I thought you were done
second-guessing every move I make.


It's your call.

Hey, Three Rock, for old time's sake.

One, two...

ALL: Three Rock!

You're with me, baby.

Gonna tell Cara that I'm bowing out.

Not trying to be in Gen's life anymore.

Only disappoint her anyway.


- What, is it funny?
- [LAUGHS] No.

What's funny is watching you crumble

under the weight of your invisible,

fake-ass problems, Bode.


You really want to talk
about failing your kid?

Try looking in your
eight-year-old girl's eyes,

across a courtroom, as a judge
pronounces you guilty of m*rder.

I started over from there.

And I got her back,

'cause I worked hard to
show her who I really am.

So, what happened to
you today was a setback,

a stumble,

but get over it.

And get back in it.


BODE: You hear that?

- Hey!

Hey. Hey, that's the
guy Jake was looking for!

Hey, hold on, stop, stop, stop!

Get back. Take some cover.

- Take cover!

Man, it's re... it's reinforced glass.
You got to hit it with that.

No, no, I'm in deep enough.
I'm going to get Cap.

We need the real firefighters.

Give me, give me that. Hey.

- Cole!
- There's no time!

All right, gentlemen, I
want a six-foot scrape!

Down to the dirt, I want this line
cleaner than your bunks!

Hey, Big Mike, spot fire.

Hey, Chief. These
winds are really picking up.

Then I need you to pick it up, too.

Water's on the way.

Copy that. Double time, boys.

We can't risk fire
getting to that house.

Good work, good work.

Hey. I'll get you out of here. Come on.

She can barely breathe.
We got to get out of here.

- Yeah, we will, we will.
-The fire doors

shut automatically... [COUGHS]
and we couldn't find a way out.

They're over here.

EVE: Good work, Cole. Flores's
crew must have missed them

in the perimeter sweep.

Damn it, Bode, it's five minutes

till the rescue team gets here.

They didn't have five, Cap.

Well, okay. Let's lift them out.

I'm good putting hands on civilians now?

Right now, you're not an inmate.

You're a firefighter. Move.

- You got her?
- Yep.

I need the paramedics here now.

Right here.

Hurry, y'all. Let's go.

Watch it. [GRUNTS]

- Ready?
- Yeah.


Come on. Let's go.

COLE: This the last one?

BODE: I think so. Yep.

Thank you. [COUGHING]

Bring him here.

I'm gonna sweep the inside,
see if there's any more victims.

No, Bode, get out of there!


- Bode, no!
- Bode!

EVE: I need the rescue team here now!

No, no, no. Don't go through the window.

He's still in there.

EVE: No, Rodman, no!

♪ ♪


BODE: Gabriela.

I'm here, Bode.

You're okay.

I love you.

♪ ♪

Gabriela, I love you so much.

What was that?

Uh, he's concussed.

Eve said that debris fell on him inside.

I-I was...

I didn't... [GRUNTS]

Well, check him for injuries.

I have another patient.

Gabriela, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to say that.

You've got second-degree
burns on your leg.


Pain on your torso?

Let me look.

You've got bruised ribs.

We need to get you an X-ray
to make sure that they're not broken.

We'll get you on the next ambo out.


- Gab.
- Hey. Hey, Bode?

That little girl Isla,

uh, her mom's on the phone
and wants a word with you.

Are you up for it?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Hey, Miss Rose?

This is Firefighter Leone.

my God. Thank you so much.

Isla can't stop talking about
the big, kind, orange man.

Well, she's pretty cool herself.

You must have kids of your own.


Well, you were great with her.

And, uh...

Isla's grandpa?

Oh, yes, we've got him.

The big red truck you drew,

the police got some tips
off the Silver Alert.

We're all safe thanks to you.

ISLA: Thank you, Bode.

Hey, it-it was my pleasure.

ROSE: Bye, Bode.

♪ ♪


Uh, excuse me, hey.

Your brother wants to talk to you.

He wants to talk to me?


He's at Edgewater Memorial.

You should be there when he wakes up.

I think you'll want to
hear what he has to say.


Fire's out.

We beat the wind, barely.

How is Bode?

He's a little beat-up and bruised,
but he'll be all right.

Cara's going with him to the hospital.

Thanks, Chief.


I am gonna take an entire week.

Just me and Cara in Sonoma.


And I'm gonna ask Cara to marry me.


You're right.

Why wait? Just say the thing.

I love a wedding.

MANNY: Hey, Chief!

I'm rescinding my request
for a recommendation.

Being here with the guys today...

I've been beating myself up about
what happened at Three Rock, Chief.

And I love saving lives with you at 42,

like in that plant last night,

but if I'm being honest,

even that save didn't feel as good
as saving souls at Three Rock.

I get it.

That's your forte.

Well, if there's a-a rec
I can write up for you,

get you back where you belong,

you know where to find me.

I appreciate you, Chief.

Transport protocol, Leone.

I know the drill.

We ready to go?

♪ ♪

Are you sure you and Cara
don't need another hand?

Chief Leone needs you for mop-up.

- We'll be fine.
- Okay, see you back at the station?




Keep going, gentlemen! Keep going!

We're almost done.

Hey, Cap.

I shouldn't have gone in, I know.

I-I wasn't trying to be, like,
insubordinate, but you know,

- like, Bode...
- No, I-I get it.

Forget it. It's fine.

You, uh, you said you wanted
to talk to me about something?

- After mop-up.
- Right, right. Can you just tell me?

You know, one thing I learned
in prison is to hate anticipation.

Your victim's family wrote
the governor's office.

They don't want you
at Three Rock anymore.

Damn. So, uh...

So, what do I do? Do I...

write a letter? How do I plead my case?

You're getting transferred.

After this, you pack up your stuff,
transport comes tonight.

Back to prison?

You're just not a right fit here.


How am I not the right fit?

Look, I'm responsible
for everyone here at camp,

and right now, we are
under a lot of scrutiny,

and I can't afford to have
somebody with your record here.

Do you know how hard
I worked to get here?

- How hard I worked today?
- Hey! Hey! Hey!

Back up, Rodman. It's done.

♪ ♪


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry about yesterday.

I never want to make
Gen or you feel scared.

You know, I-I was gonna
give up on this whole thing,

try and steer clear of you guys.

I thought that I could.

But I really want to know her.



Maybe, maybe someday that could work.

- But for now...
- Cara, I've changed.

I'm changing. And, you know, I'm not...

I'm not the same guy that
you knew when we were young.

[WHISPERS]: I know.

I know that there's a good guy in there,

but I'm all she has,


I-I can't make any wrong choices

when Gen is concerned.

And telling her about you...

Was the wrong choice.

♪ ♪

Maybe just stay the hell out of
everyone's relationships, man.

DORIAN: Watch out!