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05x15 - Frontwards

Posted: 12/12/14 15:16
by bunniefuu
What I need you to do is put this on Mashkov's clothes so we can get ears on him.

We don't want your colleagues getting suspicious.

I know we're not working together anymore, but it would be nice to still see you.

Yeah, I'd love that.

[Knock at door]


What happened?

She was sh*t.


I need to get away from all this.

I know a way out of here you can escape without being seen.

Come on.

I had Belenko, and I lost him, and now he's got Auggie.

We have to find him.


Tell me what happened to James Deckard.

He's dead.

You're not going to sh**t me, Annie, because you want Auggie to live.

I, however, do not.


This isn't over.

The people Belenko was targeting in my unit, there's one guy still alive--James Deckard.

Belenko knows about him, which means we've got to get to him first.

That's the one.

We ready?

Yeah, let's go.

"G. da Silva"?

Maybe it's an alias.

[Doorbell ringing]

We sure he lives here?

There's one way to find out.


This mail's three months old.

This place has been tossed.

Does it look like there was a struggle, or does it look like someone was looking for something?

Looks like someone was looking for something.

It's a shortwave radio.

This has to be Deckard's place.

It's for the numbers station.

It was Deckard's idea.

He never responded to my last transmission.

Annie, look at this.

He coached soccer.

He coached--

I didn't know that.

I don't know what he's been up to at all.

I should've insisted on a more consistent means of communication.

Your friend is in jail.

He's in jail?

Yeah, he assaulted a cop.

A few months ago, a drug dealer was preying on one of his players.

He had a few words with him.

Things got heated up.

You said he assaulted a cop.

Officer Sosa was on the dealer's payroll.

The judge was too.

I cannot even schedule a hearing.

Where are they keeping him?

Penitenciario siete, where they keep all the foreign nationals.

When's the last time you spoke with him?

About a week ago.

How soon can you get me in there to see him?

[Prison horn blaring]


What the hell?

Oh, sh*t, Auggie.

What the hell? What are you doing here, man?

Our deal was no more face-to-faces.

You didn't respond to my SOS.

You sent an SOS?

Okay, that can't be good.

Hey, it's not safe for you in here.

No sh*t.


I mean someone wants you dead.

You remember Mikhail Kokorin?

Yeah, last mission I did for the Agency.

How could I forget?

His brother hasn't forgotten either.

He goes by the name Aleksandre Belenko.

He put a target on all our backs.

What do you mean?

Charlie Schinderman's dead.

Nate Mueller too.

And Tony?

Belenko k*lled them all, man.

It's just you and me, brother.

We're all that's left.

Now, I need you to keep your head on a swivel until we can get you out of here.

By "we," I assume you mean the Agency?


No, okay? don't.

Look, I dropped out for a reason.

I do not want them getting their hooks back in me.

I don't care.

You sound like a company man.

Hey, you saved my life back in Grozny.

I'm saving yours now, whether you like it or not.

♪ Covert Affairs 05x15 ♪
Original Air Date on December 11, 2014

[]24 hours ago, I didn't know Deckard was alive, and now you're asking me to get him out of prison?

He's incarcerated in penitenciario seven under the alias George da Silva.

Please don't ask.

Why would I ask? It's not like I'd get the truth.


I went back and looked at the post-mission report you filed from Grozny nine years back.

You claimed Deckard disappeared.

Didn't say anything about you helping him cover it up.

And I'm willing to take responsibility for all that, but if we could just look past it for now.

I don't know why I let you talk me into letting you go down there.

Because you know how much this means to me, and because you're the best.

Well, it's gonna take some time.

Buenos Aires is still smarting from the WikiLeaks revelations.

They're being less than cooperative these days.

Understood. Any estimate?

24 to 48 hours.

Joan, that's too long.

I'll push it through as quickly as I can.

It's gonna take a while.

We need a place to lay low.

Do you have access to a safe house down here?

Okay, we've got to pull someone out of custody in Buenos Aires.

Here's the pertinent information.

Get the ball rolling with the Argentines.

All right, everybody.

Let's get started.

Aleksandre Belenko is still missing.

It is our job to find him.

I want everyone working every angle they...

Where's the DCS?

He had to leave the campus, ma'am.

Did he say where to?

No, ma'am.

What do you want?


About what?

Why'd you do that to Sydney?

I haven't been near her since you blackmailed me.

Wrong answer.


Would you like to reconsider?


I gave you everything you asked for.

You tried to k*ll Sydney but put her in the hospital instead.

I didn't!


See, that's a nerve center, okay?

A little more pressure, you won't be able to use your arm for a week.

So go ahead, keep lying to me.

I'm not lying!

Please stop!

Sounds like you want to lose the other one too.

I heard about the att*ck.

It was yesterday, yes?

I was with British ambassador all day.

Call him if you don't believe me.

I don't believe you!

You used her to leverage me against Belenko.

What did you think would happen to her?

Of course Belenko went after her.

If I wasn't being protected by Moscow, it would be me in the hospital-- or worse.

You're lucky she's still alive.


What did Joan say about Tash?

She's in Canada waiting on her immunity.

How's she holding up?

Oh, you know Tash. She's tough.

Hold on a sec, guys.

We got company ahead.

And at three.

And at nine.


What's the move?

Let's see how sticky these guys are, shall we?

[Men speaking in Spanish]

[Tango music playing]


por alla.

♪ ♪

[both speaking Spanish]

[Car beeping]

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what that was about?

I don't know.

One explanation might be that a PMC rolls into town looking into someone like your friend, and the local spooks might just take notice.

They're back.

We switched cars.

How'd they get a bead on us so quickly?

We can't make any more moves until we find out who these guys are and what they're after.

It's all clear.

You think someone slipped a tracker on us at immigration?


We need to get someplace they can track less easily so I can do a search.

I have an idea. Head towards San Telmo.


[Camera shutter snaps]

[Camera shutter snaps]

[Elevator bell dings]

Patrick, call Interpol in Frankfurt.

Tell 'em I want a full ballistics report from the crime scene involving Olga Akarova.

Have them compared to the one we ran on Stephanie Banks.

Right away. And, sir?

I know. I know.

No, I don't think you do.

I just got a call from my man inside the Russian embassy.

Screw them.

Stephanie's in the hospital fighting for her life.

I don't care if the Russians are pissed off.

But Mashkov didn't do it.

He has an airtight alibi.

I know that now.

Are we any damn closer to finding Belenko?

I know you're hurting.

I got this.


I got this.

All right.

I'll go smooth it over with the Russians.

[Bell tolling]

This place is enormous.

Yeah, that's the idea.

If the tracker's here, it'll take 'em a while to find us.

How do you know about this place?

I did a semester abroad here once upon a time.

You never told me that.

My host family lived near Recoleta cemetery.

It's beautiful.

[Birds chirping, cooing]

Wait here. Wait here.

Okay, you first.

Take your shirt off.


Your cane's just to your left.


It's okay.


Yeah, yeah.


Belenko really did a number on you.

Well, I consider myself lucky.

If you hadn't shown up when you did--

Sorry it took so long.

Hey, stop it.

You came just in time.

Hey, got your text.

Just checking for trackers.

I figured out who was following us.

Local cops--more specifically, Special Ops Hawks.

Why would they be targeting us?

I don't know, but they're outside right now, and it's not because they tailed me.

Well, how do you know that?

Because I tailed them here.

Oh, damn it.



My eyes, Annie.

Oh, my God.

Belenko had me out for hours.

He must've put these in then.

Can you feel your eyes?

Yeah, but I didn't notice these, 'cause right now there isn't a single inch of my body that doesn't feel like sh*t.

This means the cops...

Are working for Belenko.

He's got the law on his side now.

He wanted us to escape, me and Tash.

Belenko set me up.

There's no way you could've known that.

Damn it. I led him right to Deckard.

[][Bell tolling]


[Men speaking Spanish]

[Device beeping]

Si, por alla. - Vamos.

They're tracking the lenses.

If they were able to trace our steps to the prison, it won't take 'em long to find Deckard.

Even less time to k*ll him.

Joan said it was gonna take 'em a couple of days to get him out.

We don't have that kind of time.

We'll just have to bust him out.

Maxim, thank you so much for meeting me.

Our DCS is intensely ashamed by his behavior this morning, and he asked me to share his sincerest apologies.

And I know it's a lot to ask, but if there's any way we could keep this from becoming a legal issue--

Say no more. It's done.

Mr. Mashkov won't be pressing any charges.

Thank you, Maxim.

Moscow wants you to know that our relationship is more important to us than this incident.

Na zdorov'ye.

Na zdorov'ye.

We were blindsided by Mr. Belenko's misdeeds.

I'm aware in retrospect it might look like the FSB was protecting him.

We want you to know we had nothing to do with this.

I appreciate the candor, Maxim.

Can we expect your cooperation in bringing Belenko to justice?

Of course.

We'll even take the lead, if you find it politically expedient for us to do so.
[Phone rings]

Calder Michaels.

Hey, it's me.

I just spoke with Gomelsky.

The Mashkov situation's going away.

That's great. Thank you.

Funny thing is, I didn't have to work that hard to make it happen.

He was bending over backwards to smooth things over, even offered to help find Belenko for us.

Okay, what's the Russians' play here?

I think Belenko knows more than they want him to know, and I think they'd prefer him dead rather than alive.

Just did a recon of the perimeter.

It looks like we lost the tail.

Nice to have a second safe house when you need it.

How many of these do you have access to?

Let's hope we don't have to find out.

Where are we?

Joan had techs on the schematics of the prison.

When this was built, it was built over the existing water and sewer grid.

So you're saying there's a way out?

Yeah, if you can access it.

This is a two-man job for sure.

Well, I'll need to get in there.

Get in? What do you mean?

I'll need to get arrested and break Deckard out.

Oh, no way.

Auggie just said it was a two-man job. Otherwise it won't work.

Incoming call. Tash.

Hello. Tash.

Slow down. Slow down.

What you want to do-- it's too risky.

I mean, what if we can't get you out?

I'll get out.

You don't have to do this for me.


Who says I'm doing it for you?

[Phone beeps]

We doing this?

It's a go.

You said you warned Deckard that there was a hit out on him, so he'll need some way of knowing that I come in peace.


Try 13-8-7 Mayflower.

It's the SOS we used over the numbers station.

All right.

Let's just hope that I get thrown in the same jail.

Who was the cop that busted Deckard?

What did Carmona say his name was?


If this hail Mary is gonna work, he's our best sh*t.

[Speaking Spanish]

One second, I'm just reading a text.

[Speaking Spanish]

In English. I can't understand you.

[Speaking Spanish]

[Men shouting in Spanish]

I don't know you, man.


[Both grunting]

You're here to k*ll me.

I'm here to spring you. Auggie sent me.

I don't know no Auggie.


13-8-7 Mayflower.

You know that?

[Men shouting in Spanish]

Okay, so what's the plan?

We got to work together, man.

We've got to make this fight look a little less one-sided.

Come on!


[Speaking Spanish]

[]How's it going?

I hacked the encryption to get access to the prison intercom system, so we've got ears in there.

Anything yet?


It isn't easy being on this side of things.

Waiting around while someone you care about's in danger?

No, it isn't easy.

He's a stand-up guy, that McQuaid.

Well, he's stubborn. That's for sure.

All the best ones are.

[Phone rings]

Joan, hello?

Annie, I'm glad I caught you.

Joan, I've got Auggie right here, if you want me to hand him off.

No, I want to talk to you, actually.

Listen, I know Auggie would fall on a grenade to save his friend, but to be honest with you, Deckard's safety isn't the only thing in play here.

Meaning what?

I have a favor to ask.

Should you cross paths with Belenko, it would be helpful if you could capture him alive.

You want him alive?

The Russians have reversed their position on him.

From what to what?

From protecting him to wanting him dead, which means he's incredibly valuable, even more so than we thought.

You understand we're trying to avoid Belenko?

I know it's a lot to ask, but...

It's what we need.

It's a fluid situation here, Joan.

I'll make the best decision I can in the moment.

I understand.

Thank you, Annie.


The guards are saying there was a fight in the yard.

They just broke it up-- two gueros.

They should be in the infirmary by now.


[Tense music]

♪ ♪


[Speaking Spanish]

[Prison horn blares]

♪ ♪

I need to use the pisser.

No, no entiendo.




[Speaking Spanish]

Puedes llevar?


Hey, where the hell is he going?

Oh, your mother's waiting for me downstairs for a conjugal.

I'll k*ll him!

[All grunting]

♪ ♪

You good?



[Car approaching]

[Tense music]

♪ ♪

[men speaking Spanish]

- Esta bien? - Todo bien.

Muy bien.

[Speaking Spanish]

[Prison horn blares]

♪ ♪

[phone line trilling]

[Phone ringing]


We're running out of time.

Belenko just arrived with the Hawks.

We got to get a warning to our guys.

It's too late for that, Annie.

I can't just sit here and wait.

There's got to be some way to warn them.

Your position is still secure, correct?

Yeah, for now.

Then we stick with the plan.

All right.

[]I thought you said there was a way out of here.

Hey, hey. Here.


Esta trabada.

[Shouting in Spanish]

[Both speaking Spanish]

[Speaking Spanish]

[Somber rock music]

♪ ♪

[prison horn blaring]

Wait, wait.

[Prison horn blaring]

[Men shouting in Spanish]

[Concrete scraping]


It worked.

What'd I tell you?

It's a two-man job.


♪ ♪

I saw Belenko.


Back there with the cops.

Wait, wait, you said you saw Belenko, the guy who's got a hit out on us?


Let's go back and get him.

Look, the only place you are going is out of here.

Look, what kind of chicken sh*t detail is this, man?

Hey, how about a bit of gratitude?

Let's go.

♪ ♪

[siren wailing]

Did everybody make it?

Yeah, we all made it.


Yeah, I guess we're even now on the life-saving thing.

Yeah, I guess so.

Hey. Oh.

Get in the car. We got to go.

We'll be right behind you.

We'll meet you at the tarmac.



You want to go back and get Belenko, don't you?

Only if you agree.

We make this decision together.

What's there to decide?

I'm in. Let's do this.

What was that for?

I love you.

I love you too.

[Siren wailing]

We can't go back and get him, but there might be a way to get him to come to us.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[men speaking Spanish]

[Speaking Spanish]

Wait in the car, sir, please.

We'll bring him right back to you.

[Speaking Spanish]

Put that out.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪

[all grunting]


Vamos. Vamos.

[Men shouting in Spanish]

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Hey. Phone.

In case anyone's tracking him.


They're still behind us.

You have to love Latin American cops.

They're so receptive to bribery.

Good luck trying to outrun these guys.

Shut your face.

♪ ♪

I'm gonna run this.

Hold on.

[Engine revs, tires squeal]

[Men shouting in Spanish]


[Men shouting in Spanish]

Out. Come on.

Come on! Come on!

Come on. Come on. Move!

Go, go, go, go, go.

[][Men shouting in Spanish]

If you make a sound, I'll k*ll you.

Vamos, vamos, vamos.

[Speaking Spanish]

[Speaking Spanish]

Go, go, go, go, go!

[Men shouting in Spanish]

Okay, let's go.

Come on.

[Engine revving]

Thank you for everything.

Send me an address I can reach you at, I'll bill my time.


Come on, Annie. Pick up.

[Voicemail beeps]

Annie, it's me. Where are you?

You were supposed to be in our rear view mirror.

Check in.

They probably went after Belenko, which is what we should be doing.

You are going back home until we can guarantee your safety.

Right this way, sir.

Hey, no.

No frickin' way, man.

Deckard, stop pushing back on this.

I'll join you as soon as I can.

I've been given specific instructions.

Mr. Anderson's to be escorted home as well.

What? Wait a minute.

I got to make a phone call.

Hey, screw this, Auggie.

I say we say and hunt him down, get him before he gets us.

[Phone line trilling]


Yeah, Joan. Good.

I'm glad I got you. We have a problem down here.

Will you tell this guy it's all right for me to stay here and run the extraction?


No? Annie's still here.

Belenko's on the ground.

As much as you care about Deckard's safety, I care about yours.

Complain all you like, but those men are wrapping you up and bringing you back home.

But, Joan--

Bye, Auggie.

You ready now?

Come on, Auggie. Dude, we can do this.

Like you said, I'm a company man.

[Pensive music]

♪ ♪

Let's go.

All right.

Let's go.

[Helicopter humming]

♪ ♪

She's stable, but the truth is, the longer she's unconscious, the less likely it is she'll recover.

[Phone rings]

Excuse me.


The ballistics are back from Frankfurt like you requested.

What do we got?

You were right.

The b*llet came from the same g*n that k*lled Olga Akarova.

It was Allen Langer.

Belenko's guy.

And get this, an image from a gas station security camera places him in West Virginia less than three hours ago.

I want a search team scrambled stat.

Joan's already taken care of that, sir.

They'll be mission-ready in 30 minutes.

Tell 'em I'm on my way-- not to leave without me.

I'm not getting any cell reception here.

They probably shut down whatever cell towers are nearby.

I'll make a deal with you.

You tell me where Auggie and Deckard are, and I'll make sure they don't hurt you too badly before they k*ll you.

Your money might not buy as much friendship as you think.

This is Argentina.

The exchange rate's working in my favor.

Let's keep moving.

[Psychedelic rock music]


What the hell is that?

That is a message.

The Russians want me dead.

♪ ♪