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05x14 - Transport is Arranged

Posted: 12/05/14 18:07
by bunniefuu
You think Tony was m*rder*d?

He wouldn't drink himself to death.

Who would want that?


There's a pattern to his att*cks.

Each one k*lled a guy from my unit.

First, Charlie Schinderman in Chicago, then Mueller, which was based on false Intel fed to us, and he had Tony poisoned.

Auggie, you could be next.

I know you're not Interpol.

We are on the same side.

Start talking now.

Where's Auggie Anderson?

I'm not afraid to suffer, and I'm not afraid to die.

I wonder if your friend can say the same.

Are you saying he's still alive?

For now.

There was a tracking device in his mouth.

[Silenced g*nshots]


It turns out our Georgian diplomat isn't from Georgia after all.

He's from Grozny, Chechnya.

We believe that's where he was taking Auggie.

Auggie's unit was deployed to Grozny on several occasions.

I've been waiting for you.

Why'd you bring me out here?

Because you have something I want.

No! No!

[Door slams]

Hello, Mr. Anderson.

Let's get started, shall we?

I had Belenko, and I lost him, and now he's got Auggie.

We have to find him, and nothing is gonna stop us.

Joan, I just got word from Annie they're an hour south of the Kazbegi border crossing.

Great. Let me know when they through.

Yeah, and I've also gone over all the mission files from Auggie's time with Special Activities Division-- seven Ops in Grozny.

Any one of them could be connected to Belenko.

Anything stand out?

Well, I've cross-referenced all the names I could dig up tied to the Ops, and everything's coming up zero.

I mean, even the FSB's file on Belenko doesn't have his real name.

So I'm gonna run through our database for known aliases again and make sure I didn't miss anything.


When was the last time you got some sleep?

I-I can't sleep.

There's--there's too much to do, and I'm not gonna leave it to anyone else.

I mean, it's Auggie.

[Speaking Russian]

No, no, no, no.

I can't.


Dasvidaniya. Anything yet?

I b*rned through my Rolodex calling old eastern bloc contacts, and either Belenko has a lot of friends or a lot of money.

No one is talking. I don't get it.

The guy's Chechen posing as a Georgian diplomat.

Why are the Russians willing to hide him?

He must have something on someone inside the Kremlin or the FSB or both.

Well, you can't leverage people forever.

Eventually they'll turn on you.

And that's when we'll get him.

You feel like taking a break from your calls?

You'd be very valuable in my next meeting.

You don't even have to ask.

Joan, Arthur, please meet commander Richard Wheeler.

He's in charge of SEAL team 8.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you both.

Commander Wheeler is here to liaise with our operation.

As soon as we have confirmation of Auggie's location, his team is going to handle the extraction.

We're very grateful for your help, commander Wheeler.

Auggie Anderson's a dear friend to everyone here.

Well, we'll do whatever we can to get him back.

Let's have Patrick get you down to the DPD, get your team situated.

Okay. Thanks.

Thank you.

Thoughts on our Navy man?

Wheeler's good.

He's kept himself out of operations, though, for a while.

Any reason?

Not officially.

But he was on the U.S.S. Cole when it was att*cked in Yemen.

We lost a lot of good men that day.

One of them was his son.


Shall I continue, or are you feeling a little more talkative?

Oh, why talk now?

I'm just starting to enjoy this.

I'm glad you still have a sense of humor.

You said I have something you want.

Are you gonna tell me what that is?


Someone's starting to lose their patience.

That means you're going to break soon.

Oh, you're awfully confident.

You're not the first person I've interrogated, but since you asked, I'm looking for some information about a man.

Well, you're gonna have to be more specific.

A man you worked with in Grozny in 2005.



That was a long time ago, man.

My memory's a little fuzzy.

His name's James Deckard.

[Both speaking Chechen]

It's good to see you, Auggie.

You too, James. It's been too long.

Were you followed?

Come on, man, you know me better than that.

Yeah, well, I had to ask.

These guys got me looking over my shoulder most of the time.

You missed our last couple meets--did something happen?

Mm. Things have been touch and go lately.

Everyone in the Chechen resistance has been on edge since we captured Mueller.


Yeah, live the cover, man.

You doing okay with that?

I mean, you know how it is.

It's like, at first you're like, "I can handle anything."

You're just playing a role...

But you're not really playing, you know, you're living.

Yeah, I get it.

Any word on Mueller?

No. I haven't been able to get close, but I know these guys.

You don't want to get captured by them.

I heard that you are trying to set up a prisoner exchange.

We're offering to give up Mikhail Kokorin for Mueller.

What are the chances that you can get yourself on the team that's bringing Mueller in?

Already on it, but we got some bad news there.

Imran Umarov is gonna be on the team as well.

[Sighs] sh*t.

Yeah, I know.

So keep your eyes open.

Yeah, you too.

And make sure no one sh**t me.

We all keep our cool, everything's gonna be fine.

All right, man.

I don't know any James Deckard.

Don't worry.

I'm going to help you to remember.

♪ Covert Affairs 05x14 ♪
Transport Is Arranged
Original Air Date on December 4, 2014

[Speaking Russian]

[British accent] Oh, we don't actually speak Russian.

Do you speak English? You are British?

[British accent]

We're aid workers going to Grozny to give supplies to St. Michael's orphanage.

Passports, please.

I have a friend, Omar.

He was supposed to meet us here.

You are friends of Omar?


Wait over there.

[Engine turning over]

Omar is not here today.

What do you have in the back?

Food and medical supplies.

Did Omar say when he'd be back?

We have not heard from him today.

Step out of the vehicle, please.

[Car beeping]

We should probably declare what's in the back.

There's a... small valise there.

There's a dozen phones. They're all unlocked.

Perhaps they should stay with you?

Welcome to Russia.

[Normal voice] I'm glad you brought those GS5s-- better than cash in places like this.

[Normal voice]

Omar didn't show.

Don't worry. I'm gonna have a little chat with him, first thing, once we locate him.

You still think we can trust him?

We don't know what happened to him.

He has connections with the Russians and the Chechen mob.

I mean, no one comes in and out of Grozny without him knowing about it.

If we want to find Auggie, he's where we start.

Provided we're not compromised.

Just the man I was hoping to see.

Glad you could make it out to Langley.

How'd the debriefing go?

Relatively painless.

Well, I know it can be a little invasive, but if it helps, we all have to go through it at some point.

You know, I would love to talk, but I'm sorry.

I've got a little situation I'm dealing with right now.

Of course, but before you go, I just wanted to say thank you.

For what?

For seeing me as someone who could do more than her job, her old job.

I know we're not working together anymore, but it would be nice to still see you.


I'm asking you out... on a date.

I could make dinner tonight if you're able to resolve your situation.

Yeah, I'd love that.

Okay. Okay, so, um, I'll check in later.

Bye, Calder.

Are you ready to talk yet?

I'm a little busy.

What do you want to talk about?

About your friend James Deckard.

I told you. I don't know who that is.


Yes, you said that.


August 14, 2005, you don't remember what happened to him then?

Doesn't ring a bell.

You know...

[Clears throat]

Believe it or not, it grows tiring hurting you.

It would be so much simpler if you just told me the truth.

I told you the truth, man.

Well, let's try something different, shall we?


I'll be back to check on you in a few hours.

I got an update on Mueller.

We've organized a prisoner exchange.

I was hoping you were gonna say, "k*ll some Chechens."

Sons of b*tches take one of our guys--

Calm down. That's not gonna get Nathan back.

Coddling the bastards ain't gonna get him back either.

Only one thing's gonna get him back...

Mikhail Kokorin.

We hand him over to the Chechens.

They give us Mueller.

Nobody gets hurt.

What are these?

Protocols, man.

He's never done a prisoner exchange.

Not technically.

Leave Dale alone.

This is how both sides have agreed to do the exchange.

Now, you guys need to know this backwards and forwards because it's only gonna be the four of us walking Kokorin into the lion's den.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What about Deckard? He gonna help us with this?

Yeah, he's gonna be on the Chechen exchange team.

Good. So maybe he'll make sure we don't get our heads blown off.

Yeah. Deckard gave me a heads-up.

Our favorite psychopath, Imran Umarov, is gonna be there.

So maybe we'll get our heads blown off after all.

Omar used to have a safe house in this apartment building.

Yeah, well, even if he's here, what makes you think he's gonna let us up?

I've thrown this guy a lot of money over the years.

The guy I know wouldn't risk losing that.

I think he already has.

[Doorbell rings]

[Speaking Chechen]

It's McQuaid.

Are you gonna let me in?

[Door buzzes]

[Baby crying]



What happened at the border, Omar?

You were supposed to meet us.

I am sorry. I was detained.

How did you get through?

Without your help.

Things have gotten bad since we talked last.

Is that why you're camped out here?

I've made some inquiries to help you and quickly found out Belenko has a lot of friends in the Russian government.

Well, I thought you did too.

Not as many as him apparently.

They've ordered that he not be touched.

There's a lot of money working in his favor.

People are not going to want to help you here.

Okay, what about our friend Auggie?

Have you heard anything about him?

It's too late for your friend.

If Belenko has him, he doesn't have long to live.

Do you know where our friend is?

It doesn't matter where your friend is.

Belenko knows you're coming. He owns the Chechens.

The Russians are looking the other way.

You need to think about getting out of the country.

I'm losing my patience.

I hear you, but something must've spooked Omar...

And it must've been pretty big 'cause nothing scares him.

Everyone's scared of something.


I don't have time to waste. Tell me where my friend is.

Please, I'm losing blood.

You either tell me where my friend is, or you bleed out.

It's your choice.

Ryan, my friend, I don't know anything.


I think you better tell her, Omar.

I don't know what the hell she's gonna do.

You don't understand.

If I say anything, I'm giving my life away.

Belenko--he'll k*ll me.


You're too worried about Belenko and not worried enough about me.

There's an old apartment building on the west end of town, destroyed during the w*r.

I can give you the address.

Belenko is keeping him there.

Write it down.

Please, that's all I know.

We were able to identify the location Annie provided.

It's the ruins of an apartment building on the western edge of Grozny.

Now, given the flight time from Incirlik, how soon can you have your platoon on the ground?

Until we have a visual confirmation of our target, we're not about to enter into Russian airspace.

Commander, this might well be the best intelligence we're gonna get. It's unverified.

You have people on the ground. Get a visual.

We don't know what kind of fortifications Belenko might have inside.

My people are not equipped for a commando raid.

We've only got one sh*t at this.

The minute our Black Hawks enter the country, they're gonna send off alarms.

They'll barely have time to storm the place before the Russians arrive, and you can bet they're gonna be watching the border after.

So it's best that we're 100% certain we're raiding the right place.

Wouldn't you agree?

Omar knew where Auggie was being held.

I didn't have time to be nice.

Look, I followed your cue, but maybe just tell me what you're gonna do next time.



Once again, tell me what happened to James Deckard.

You must already know, otherwise you wouldn't keep asking me.

You look tired, Mr. Anderson.

How long do you think you can keep this up?

A long time.

How about you?

Oh, until you tell me what I need to know.

Should we put you back in the box?

You want to know what happened to Deckard?


He's dead.

Tell me how he d*ed.

I was assigned a... prisoner exchange in Grozny.

Deckard was there undercover.

We brought our prisoner to an agreed-upon location according to strict protocols.

We have the prisoner.

Why do you have five men?

We also agreed to do the exchange in English, Imran.

You calling me liar?


Hey, look... Hey, what's done is done.
We're here.

We have Mikhail.

You have our man Mueller.

Let's make the exchange.

Why should we trust you now?

You CIA are all liars.

You shouldn't even be here in this country.

This isn't about what happened before.

This is about right now.

This is about making a deal for Mikhail.

Tell that one back there to lower his w*apon.

Tony, lower your w*apon.

Not while he's got his barrel pointed at my ten ring.

Tony, lower your w*apon.




I lost control of the situation, and the Chechens opened fire.

My team was trained to fight back, so they did.

We lost our prisoner...

My teammate Dale.

All the Chechens were k*lled, including Deckard.

That is bullshit.


You are lying to me, and that is a problem.

I'm telling you what happened.

That is not what happened.

I know for a fact you're not telling me everything.

Whoever told you that is lying, then.

You received sere training, yes?

Obviously you can withstand t*rture, but I wonder if you can listen to someone else get tortured, someone you care about.




Tash, I'm so sorry.

How did they find you?

I don't know. I was in Budapest.

They grabbed me off the street.

Auggie, who is that man?

It's Aleksandre Belenko. He's a t*rror1st.

What did you do to him?

I don't know.

Then what's this all about?

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

What does he want you to tell him?

This can't be for nothing.

Tash, we can't speak freely. They're listening in.

Of course.


Whatever you're not saying, I hope it's something you're willing to die for.




That was a freakin' shitshow.

I don't see how Deckard goes back for the Chechens after this.

Tony, Charlie, check on Mueller.

Deckard, let's talk.

Sir, sir, there's a call for you, line two.


It's Sydney.


Will you tell her, uh, that I'm sorry I'm not gonna be able to make it tonight?

Of course.

Thanks, Patrick.

[Normal voice]

All right, where are we?


All right.

I see.

Of course.

Thank you.

[Knock at door]


I recognize one of those guys. He works for Belenko.

Looks like we've come to the right place.

Okay, I'll call this in, but if they balk, I'm not gonna wait.

I know. I know you, Walker.



Do you hear that sound?


[Electricity crackles]

That is electricity, and I am going to arc it through her body.

The amperage is low enough that she'll remain alive for quite some time, but still very much in pain.

What is this about, Belenko?

Is this about one of the Chechens who d*ed?

What do you care about Chechens dying?

One of them was special to you.

I can hear it in your voice.

Come on, don't you want me to know before you k*ll me...

To truly appreciate the lengths you've gone to get me here?

Mikhail Kokorin!

Your prisoner...

He was my brother.

So you're doing all this just for revenge?

I'm doing this because you m*rder*d him.

[Gasps, coughs]

Then this is about me and my team.

This is about what we did.

This isn't about Natasha. Just let her go.

Just k*ll me. Just k*ll me.

No, no, no.

There's still something I need from you.

You told me your version of events, but there is another one that I also heard, one about a CIA insider, hmm?

Working with the Chechens...


He k*lled Mikhail, and your team helped him do so.

I told you, Deckard's dead.

Yes, you did tell me that.


But where is his body?

It just disappeared. No one has seen him.

Deckard, what do you want to do?

I can't go back, Auggie.

Everything that just happened-- it's too much, man, too many deaths.

I can't even sleep as it is.

It's okay.

Hey, it's okay. Come in. Let the CIA get you out of here.

No, man, they're just gonna plug me back in the machine, drop me somewhere else where things will be worse.

Okay, I need to get away from all this-- everything.

What are you saying?

I'm saying you don't know what happened to me, okay?

Maybe I d*ed, all you know for sure is that I disappeared.

This is really what you want?


Okay, I saved your life.

You help me save mine.

I know a way out of here.

You can escape without being seen. Come on.

You can keep quiet, but let me assure you of one thing.

You are going to die here...

In the same place my brother d*ed, and the only two choices you have to make are whether Miss Petrovna lives, and how much she'll suffer.

Joan, we have scouted this area for an hour, and there is no way to make an approach without dealing with the guards.

So no visual confirmation?

No, not without potentially alerting them we are here.

No, it's too risky. I'll get them to send in the SEALs.

I just need a little time.

Joan, I'm not sitting here.

Annie, the building could be booby-trapped.

Belenko won't have made this easy for you.

The longer we wait, the more likely it is they'll k*ll Auggie.

I will get you reinforcements.

I promise.

One of Belenko's guards isn't a confirmation of our target.

All due respect, Commander, Annie cannot get you that without considerable risk.

And yet you're asking my men to take that same risk.

It's a risk they're trained for.

Mrs. Campbell, I don't run an operation on hunches or emotion.

I run it on intelligence.

I don't send my men into hostile countries unless I'm absolutely sure what I'm looking for is actually there.

Are you here to help us?

Because I feel like all you're doing is stonewalling.

You can justify your choice any way you want, but if my operative dies because of your inaction, it's on you.

Belenko, don't do this. Belenko, don't do this.

I'm not doing this.

You're doing this by not telling me what I need to know.

Remember that.

Wait. Wait.


Stop! Stop! Stop it!

Please, stop!


I'll talk! I'll tell you everything.

Oh, screw him.

Don't tell him anything, Auggie.

Tash, he will k*ll you.

That's my choice.

He's right, Natasha. I will k*ll you.


No! No!


I told you I'd talk.

What's happening? Where--where are they going?

They left.

We're alone.

What the hell are you doing?

Why are you letting him t*rture you?

I told him I'd tell him the truth.

You know how much I like being told what to do.

I don't trust him.

I think he's going to k*ll us both.

I'd rather go down fighting.

I'd rather not go down at all.

Did you get a look at this building when they brought you in? What's it look like?

It's some kind of old, ruined apartment building.

We're in the basement.

So he was telling the truth.

He said his brother was k*lled here in 2005.

I remember it.

What does that mean?

It means there's a way out.

The hook I'm hanging from-- it's a chain, right?


All right, is there anything on that chain?

Anything else on that chain right above me?


What are you gonna do?

The guards slipped me on this thing.

If I can get my feet hooked on to that chain, maybe I can slip myself off.



Commander Wheeler, I was hoping we could have a word.

You just being friendly 'cause your wife chewed me out?

She's got strong convictions.


I can see you do as well, Commander.

Maybe you don't know this.

I lost a son last year.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I know how something like that can color your decisions.

Your son gave up his life to protect American lives.

That's noble.

It's what he chose.

It's what every member of the SEALs chooses.

Every person in this office right now is here because of Auggie and Annie.

They'd gladly risk their lives, myself included, if it meant we could save them.

This isn't a perfect situation, and I can't make it any better.

All I can do, sir, is ask for your help to bring our people home.

[Speaking Chechen]

I got him! You find Auggie!


Don't move.

You should drop your w*apon, Miss Walker.

You being funny?

This is a dead man's switch.

If you sh**t me, I drop it, and this building explodes, and your friend Auggie dies.

How do I know Auggie's still alive?

You don't, but are you willing to take that risk?

One more step, and I'll drop it.

The next one hits you.

Go. You're not going to sh**t me, Annie.

You sure?


Because you want Auggie to live.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Cell phone beeps]

I, however, do not.




Stephanie Banks.


What happened?

She was sh*t, fell through a window trying to escape-- lucky someone found her when they did.

You able to walk?


We need to get out of here before the Russians show up.

Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll be fine.

He's not fine. He needs help.

Let me help you.

This isn't over.

What do you mean?

The people Belenko was targeting, my unit, there's one guy still alive-- James Deckard.

I owe him my life.

Belenko knows about him, which means it's only a matter of time before he finds him.

We've got to get to him first.

[Helicopter blades thrumming overhead]

Looks like our ride's here.