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05x13 - She Believes

Posted: 11/21/14 16:25
by bunniefuu
We need to get her in deeper.

Mashkov might have access to Intel on Belenko.

Getting our hands on it would be a game changer.

You think Tony was m*rder*d?

He wouldn't drink himself to death.

Who would want that?


There's a pattern to his att*cks.

Each one k*lled a guy from my unit-- first, Charlie Schinderman in Chicago, then Mueller, which was based on false Intel fed to us, and he had Tony poisoned.

Auggie, you could be next.

You need to be protected.

While you're here, you want to introduce me to my babysitter?

Pete, come meet Auggie.

Hey, Auggie.


She's an FSB operative with the Special Activities Directorate, trained with the SVR.

Name is Olga Akarova.

She's one of their best, the real deal.

Annie, there is an FSB assassin in the mix.

The reason I'm here is to make sure nothing happens to you.

I know you're not Interpol.

You don't know anything.

We're on the same side.




You around?



[Line trilling]

[Voice mail beeps]

Pete, where the hell are you?

[Line trilling, voice mail beeps]

Walker, it's me.

Pete blew through his check-in protocols, and Auggie's not answering his door, so just call me back as soon as you get this, okay?


[Phone beeps]

Ryan McQuaid for Joan Campbell. It's urgent.

[Engine turning over]

What do you mean "we're on the same side"?

I mean if you're going to keep chasing Belenko, we might as well be working together.

Come on, we need to go.

Why is the FSB chasing Belenko?

They're not. Let's get to the car.

Yeah, so you can put a b*llet in my head?

No, thanks.

If I wanted to k*ll you, you would be dead.

I need your help putting a b*llet in Belenko's head.

Why are you working outside your agency?

Because when I warned them about Belenko, they turned a blind eye, so I'm eliminating him myself.

You're never gonna touch him.

He doesn't go anywhere without a full security detail.

Only for official events, but maybe not when he's meeting someone illicitly, like Shumer.

Look, you've gotten this far without me.

Why loop me in now?

We can both go to Frankfurt and step on each other's toes, or we could get in the car right now and take him out together.

Let's go.

Do you have any idea who this guy is that Belenko is meeting, Shumer?

Maybe a courier, or a financier.

We need to get the passenger manifest for all planes and trains arriving in Frankfurt today.

We I.D. everyone named Shumer, and then we see if we can spot a match at the Lindauer Hotel.

I like the way you think, but I'm way ahead of you.

Where did you get this information?

I thought you were working alone.

My old handler at the FSB still gives me Intel and resources when I need them.

We worked together for so long.

I can trust him with anything.

Sounds like a good handler.

So we I.D. Shumer.

We follow him to the meet.

We get a clean sh*t on Belenko.

[Cell phone ringing]

Do you need to answer that?


[Cell phone beeps]

I don't blame you.

I wouldn't talk in front of me either.


Annie it's Joan.

I need you to call my office as soon as you get this.

As you know from your work in K&R, the first 48 hours are the most critical.

We have the entire department on level one alert status, and we're mobilizing every resource we have.

Auggie's trained for this type of situation.

If anyone can pull through, he can.

Will you help me understand something, Ryan?

You and Annie knew Auggie was in danger, yet you chose to keep me in the dark about this Op he was running.

An Op that he apparently tried to bring to you, but he couldn't get any traction.

He should have been at the safe house.

You're right, but he refused.

DST has dropped everything and tapped into all the security-camera footage near Auggie's building.

We can only get a partial on the plates, but we're scouring satellite footage as we speak, trying to piece together the van's escape route.

What about the assailants-- any clear visuals?

Well, one of them is still a question mark...

But the other one... is Allen Langer, your former employee.

That explains how he was able to take my operative down.

Langer knows the security protocols.

We found the van.

We tracked it to a warehouse in Baltimore.

It pulls in, but it never comes back out again.

I want a TAC team there now.

I'll run point on the ground.

I'm coming with you.

This is an Agency operation. I'll keep you apprised.

My operative is out there.

I'm coming with you.

[Indistinct chatter]


To your left.


All clear.

Open the doors.


We found a body.

Let me through.

That's Pete...

My operative.

I'm sorry.

We should drag the port and see if we can find anything else.

Auggie's not here.

They didn't bring him here to k*ll him.

They put him on a boat.

♪ Covert Affairs 05x13 ♪
She Believes
Original Air Date on November 20, 2014

Hey, Auggie, it's me.

I can't reach Joan or Ryan.

Call me back.

Hey, what about these guys?

Maybe Belenko's meeting with these two guys?

Any matches?

No, not yet.


This has to be him.

Brian Shumer, just got off a plane from America.

That's him.

Okay, I'm on it.

He's a neurologist, or he used to be.

Lost his medical license three years ago.

Why is Belenko meeting with a guy like this?

[Cell phone ringing]

I, uh--I got to take this. I'll catch up.

[Cell phone beeping]

Ryan, what's up?

Annie, Auggie's been taken.


Allen Langer and another guy broke into his apartment last night, and they att*cked him.

What about your operative?

I thought he was supposed to be protecting him.

They k*lled Pete.

Now, we think that they're keeping Auggie alive.

The theory right now is that they put him on a shipping container and smuggled him out of the country.

Okay, well, we need to stop all the ships and check the containers.

Eight ships passed through since Auggie was taken.

That's 25,000 containers.

Even if Langley gets the clearance to search all of them, then...

That'll take weeks.

Once the ship hit international waters, they could have transferred him to another vessel.

They could have put him on a helicopter.

I mean, he could be anywhere by now.

I'm sorry, Annie.

I thought we could protect him.


We--we can't stop. We have to find him, Ryan.

I know. We're doing everything we can.

Where are you right now?

I'm Frankfurt.

We're tracking Belenko. He has a meeting here today.

You're tracking Belenko?

Yeah, and if anyone knows where Auggie is, it's him.

What do you need?

I can put a team together.

We could have them on the ground with you in a matter of hours.

No, more people will only make this more difficult.

I don't have a lot of time.

Okay, but if you need anything, you just--

Call you.

[Cell phones beep]

Okay, change of plans.

We're not gonna k*ll Belenko.

We're gonna black-bag him and make him talk.

We came here to k*ll Belenko-- in and out, no complications.

Well, now I need him alive.


Because he captured my friend, and I want him back.

Getting close enough to Belenko to k*ll him is challenge enough.

Getting close enough to grab him, it's not possible.

The last time I saw Belenko, he had a tremor in his hand, and now we know this guy Shumer is a doctor.

He must be providing him some kind of medical treatment.

If we can turn him, he can get us access.

He's our in.



You make the approach.

But if it doesn't work, we eliminate him before he can warn Belenko.

Dr. Shumer?

I'd like to speak to you about Aleksandre Belenko.

Even if Belenko is keeping Auggie alive, the chance of recovering him safely goes down every minute.

We need to move fast.

Annie expects to have eyes on Belenko soon, and there's a chance that he could lead her to Auggie.

Okay, good.

I want every resource at Annie's disposal.

Well, from a tactical standpoint, she needs to operate alone on this one.

Any involvement from Langley could disrupt her strategy.

And what is her strategy exactly?

I'm sure she'll read us in as soon as it's safe to do so.

My company's had a lot of experience with sensitive situations like this, and sometimes a small footprint is the best approach.

I agree.

We have other angles to work in the meantime...

Such as Langer.

Now, you worked with him for years.

Can you think of anyone who might be harboring him?

My operatives kept to themselves.

It comes with the territory.

It is possible he got on the boat with Auggie, smuggled himself out of the country.

We did a black Ops mission for the D.O.D. once years ago, and it involved transporting certain operatives to some very hard-to-get-to places, and it was in a way that was impossible to trace.

Sounds lucrative.

We ended up contracting with an underground import-export syndicate-- people who can get anyone anywhere for a price.

Human traffickers.

You think Langer might have reached out to one of your old contacts?

Well, it's possible, but...

I didn't end things on the best of terms with these guys.

There were certain lines I wasn't willing to cross.

But I can make some phone calls and see what I can find out.

That's a good start. Keep us posted.


We need to figure out why Belenko wants Auggie.

I've got Arthur heading a team at McQuaid Security analyzing metadata from the D.O.D. and D.I.A., trying to find link between Belenko and Auggie's unit.

And I'm willing to bet the FSB knows a lot more about this guy than we do.

What are you suggesting?

Sydney's in deep with Mashkov now.

Maybe we can use her to gain access to the FSB's files.

Well, if we do that, we better do it fast.

Mashkov finds out we've been watching--

No, what I'm saying is, I think it's time he did find out.

Who are you?

Did, uh-- did Belenko send you?

You don't ask the questions. You're gonna do what I say.

Absolutely not.

You try and walk away now, and I'll tell him that we are working together to have him assassinated.

I don't-- I don't even know you.

Belenko does.

He knows I'm looking for him.

If I show him these photos...

[Camera shutter clicking]

Of you and I speaking, he'll probably k*ll you himself.

You know what he's like, don't you, Brian?

You don't want to go down that road.


I never should have agreed to help him in the first place.

What are you treating him for?

It's a neurodegenerative disease similar to A.L.S.

He approached me a couple of years ago.

After you lost your license?

He--he'd heard that I'd been experimenting with certain treatments that were still in the testing phase, you know, prescribing dr*gs before they were... approved for market.

I was-- I was out of a job, okay?

Now I can't get away from this guy.

What is this meeting-- some kind of checkup?

I administer a regular spinal injection.

It's not the miracle cure he was hoping for, but it alleviates the symptoms.

You have your medical kit with you, don't you?


Do you have an intravenous agent, like Ketamine or Propofol?

Why, you gonna drug him?


You are.

We have to hurry. It's almost time.

You have to switch out the injection.

How many bodyguards does Belenko usually bring-- a full detail?

No, he's very private about his illness.

He only brings a couple guys, and they wait outside.

How are you gonna get past them?

I'm not.

I'm gonna rent the room next door.

[Exhales deeply]

Did you get a hold of Mashkov?

He just called me back.

We're meeting up during his lunch hour.

You sure he wasn't spooked?

You just saw him last night.

I think last night is all the more reason why he said yes.


What I'm doing...

It's important, right?

It was important when it was a matter of national security.

Now it's a matter of life or death, and the clock is ticking.

Thanks to the hot-sync you did on Mashkov's phone, we know he's got a meeting this afternoon with a group of high-level Russian officials.


What I need you to do...

Is put this in his clothes so we can get ears on him.

Not a problem.

I can do it while he's taking a shower.

Okay. Be careful.


Can I help you?

I'm looking for Danny Vostis.

Foreman's inside if you got a question about a shipment.

I'm not asking for the Foreman.

I'm asking for the guy in charge.

Can't help you, buddy.

Isn't it amazing what falls out of people's pockets at the shipyard?

Look, buddy...

I'm gonna find Vostis one way or another, and some lucky son of a bitch is gonna make a lot of easy money helping me out.

Now, that could be anybody.

But I think it's better for both of us if it's you.


I have to admit...

I was surprised to hear from you today. don't tell me you're sick of me already.


Quite the opposite.

I was worried I was coming on too strong.

I was hoping I hadn't scared you off.


Should I be scared?

Oh, yes...



When I like something... I don't let go easy.

[Electronic beeping]

I'm sorry. I have to go. I can't stay.
What are you doing?

Aren't you gonna hop in the shower?


[Exhales deeply]


Oh, no, I can't.

Stop. Ooh!

I have meeting I forgot about.

Here, let me help you.

We don't want your colleagues getting suspicious.



We don't want that.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Is everything in place?


He's here.

He's with two men.


It's time. You ready?

Uh, what if he suspects something?

Just act like it's any other appointment.

Once he's out cold, you signal the camera, you unlock your side of the door, and I'll come and help you carry him out.


Thank you.

[Cash register bell dings]

They're going upstairs now.


[Elevator bell dings]

[Elevator bell dings]

[Knock at door]


Let's get on with it.

[Door closes]

Any, uh, changes to your symptoms?

Tremors are getting worse.

I'm having trouble with my dexterity-- unbuttoning, unlocking doors, et cetera.

Well, the dr*gs can only do so much.

Not another lecture, doctor, please.

I'm aware of the risks.

Let's begin.

Is there a problem, Doctor?

No, no, just, uh...

Okay, here--here we go.

[Cell phone beeping]

I can read people, Dr. Shumer.

It's one of my many skills.

Aah! Aah!



[Coughing, choking]

[Breathing heavily]

[Bodyguard speaking Georgian]

Shumer's room, now.

[Pounding at door]

[Bodyguard shouting in Georgian]

[Pounding continues]

[Shouting continues]

[Knock at door]

Let's go.

I have a safe house nearby. We can take him there.

Hey, no, no, no, no. You're not going with us.

You said you were gonna protect me.

Yeah, don't worry.

Belenko's not gonna bother you anymore.

What if he's got more guys?

They'll k*ll me!

You need to get in a cab and get as far away from us as you can.

No, Olga...

Get in the car.

[Engine turning over, tires squealing]

[Tires screech]

Get off me!

[Tires squealing]

We don't have time for the whole "good cop, bad cop" routine.

This is quick cop.

Is this about the girl?

You people already tried to book me for solicitation.

You two are going to be in much more trouble than me.

We're not the police or the feds, you piece of sh*t.

We're not interested in that.

We are interested, though, in telling the FSB you've been selling secrets to us.


Go to hell.

I would never betray my country.

Oh, but you already have.

[Mashkov speaking Russian on recording]


How did you get that?

We've been watching you for a long time, Mr. Mashkov.

We tapped your phone, hacked your email.

Thanks to you, we know a lot about what the FSB's been up to.

It's not possible.

Your embassy's already worried there's a leak, and we're going to tell them it's you.

Now, you can either cooperate with us, or we can slip that recording to your bosses, outing you as a double agent.

And they'll send you and your family back to Russia.

If you're lucky, you'll end up in some gulag in Siberia chopping wood in sub-zero temperatures...

If you're lucky.

What do you want?

After everything we did to get Belenko out of there alive, you're gonna sh**t him?

Hey, I need to find my friend.

Your friend is dead.

Excuse me?

Belenko took him. He's already dead.

That's how he operates. That's why he has to die.

Why do you want to k*ll Belenko?

I told you--so he'll stop k*lling other people.

Yeah, I know, you said that, but that's not it.

It feels personal.

A year ago, Belenko approached me.

He tried to seduce me into helping him, and I refused.

Helping him do what?

I didn't let it get that far.

When I told my bosses at the FSB, they didn't listen.

He has friends in high places.

So what happened?

Nothing at first.

And then one night my husband, Sergei, didn't come home from work.

Two days later, they found his body on the train tracks.

They said it was su1c1de, but I know it was Belenko.

He k*lled Sergei in retribution for me reporting him.

I'm sorry.

I used to send him a postcard from every city I traveled to for work.

I can't seem to break the habit.

I promise that as soon as we are done with Belenko, you can have him to do...

Whatever you want to do with him.

But first, I need answers.

[Elevator bell dings]

How did you find this place?

The flat belongs to the parents of a friend of mine.

They're never here. We can stay as long as we need.


Ms. Walker...

Mrs. Akarova...

Or should I say "miss"?

How long do you really think you can keep me here?

As long as it takes.

So, if I were you, I'd start talking.

I'm gonna make this really simple for you.

All you have to do is tell me one thing-- where is Auggie Anderson?

It's quite impressive, this stunt you've managed to pull off, ladies-- bold, yet calculated.

It'll be a shame to see you die for such ingenuity.

I wouldn't be worried about us right now.

Oh, I'm not worried.

Worry implies uncertainty, and I have more power and more friends than you seem to realize.

You didn't get your regular injection today.

That must be hard, having to cope with your... condition.

And how is your condition, Annie?

Is your heart slowing you down?

Where's Auggie Anderson?

I'm sorry, but I don't know who that is.

I know why you rushed to poison Tony Salgado after your motorcade plan went sideways.

You're not usually that sloppy.

But you're running out of time.

You're dying.

A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

An American writer, I think, said that.

Where is Auggie Anderson?

Go ahead, do it! Do it, Annie!

Do it!


You have to let me talk to him.

Are you kidding?

You will k*ll him.

If you believe I will, maybe Belenko does too.

Let's use it.

If he provokes you, you'll lash out.

I'm putting my friend's life in your hands.

You know this is the only way you're going to get anything out of him.

I'm asking you to trust me.


You're up.

Oh, good.

[Rock music playing]

♪ ♪

Give me two.

[Door closes]

Danny Vostis, long time no see.

What the hell do you want, McQuaid?

What I want is a guy named Allen Langer.

Might have been trying to leave the country in a hurry sometime in the last 24 hours.

You heard anything about that?

Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you sh*t.

How do you think I found you here, Vostis, huh?

Any one of your guys can be bought for less than you paid for those shoes.

How's that for loyalty?

Now, I know that you have a wife and two daughters hidden in the suburbs where you think they're safe.

How much do you think it's gonna cost me to find out where they are right now, huh-- five grand? Ten, if you're lucky?

I can take everything from you.

So either you tell me what you know about Langer, or we can find out what my money can buy.

Have you ever lost someone you loved...



I doubt it.

You see, the pain-- it consumes you over time.

And the only thing you can think of doing is finding the person responsible...

[Bone cracks]


And making them hurt as much as you.


You k*lled my husband, but at least he's not in pain anymore.

I'm going to start.




I will make you die 100 deaths for k*lling my husband...


Unless you start talking now.

Where's Auggie Anderson?

I'm not afraid to suffer, and I'm not afraid to die.

I wonder if your friend can say the same.

Are you saying he's still alive?

For now.


Where is he?


Where is he?

[Cell phone ringing]

[Cell phone beeps]

Did you find something-- anything I can use on Belenko?

Walker, where are you right now?

I'm in a safe house in Frankfurt.

It's not a good time.

I got Belenko.

You know... I k*lled your husband, Sergei, myself. He screamed like a little girl. I was very embarrassed for him.


I talked to the guy who smuggled Langer out of the country.

He was supposed to be in Grozny, but he was airlifted off the cargo boat, and he landed in Rabat.

Where is he now?

Well, that's the thing.

I mean, he said that something came up, and he needed help to get to Frankfurt fast.

His plane landed 30 minutes ago.

He's looking for Belenko. We were careful.

Ryan, nobody could have tracked us here.

[Breathing heavily]



This guy is good, Walker, okay?

You need to move to a new location just in case this--

Okay, I'll call you back.

[Cell phones beep]

Get your stuff. We got to get out of here.

There was a tracking device in his mouth.


[Door bangs open]


Come on.



You've got to make the stairs.


Come on.

Check the stairs.


[Elevator bell dings]

Okay, come on, they're going. We have to get go--

Hey, hey, stay with me.

Stay with me.

Belenko got away.

We're gonna get him.

We're gonna get him. We're gonna-- thanks for sending in a sweep team.

The important thing is, Belenko confirmed that Auggie's still alive.

Yeah, but he said, "for now," like he wanted something from him.

Then we have a window, but it's closing fast.

We leveraged a diplomat that just delivered everything the FSB has on Belenko.

Turns out our Georgian diplomat isn't from Georgia after all.

He's from Grozny, Chechnya.

That's where Allen Langer was headed.

We believe that's where he was taking Auggie.

Now, if he went to such great lengths to cover up the fact that he's from there, he must view it as some type of safe haven.

Not only that, but Auggie's unit was deployed to Grozny on several occasions.

Annie, we still can't officially bring you back to the agency as a field Op, but we want you to run this mission for us.

We'll contract you through McQuaid Security.

You'll have our full support and any resources you need.

If anybody can find Auggie, it's you.

Whatever it takes.

I'm glad you're here.

I'm glad you're safe.

Let's go find Auggie and bring him home.

Auggie Anderson...

I've been waiting for you.

Why did you bring me out here?

Why don't you just k*ll me like the rest of them?

Because you have something I want.

[Ominous industrial music]

♪ ♪

[door slams]