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Part 2: 03x17 - A Thousand Ways To Lose

Posted: 03/16/24 13:27
by bunniefuu
(Yuma) Last time on Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL...

Your defeat is inevitable.

Numeron calling! Huh?

The energy flowing through the Numeron Network

is powering his monsters.

Yuma... I can attempt to follow the energy signature

back to its origin...

and discover the location of the Numeron Network card.

That light!

This is it!

I will remove this card and then destroy it.

But if you destroy that card, then all the immense energy

that has accumulated at that location

will be instantly unleashed.

Though Astral World may survive, Earth definitely will not.

I know what I must do... and I do this for the future!

Earth will be fine...

I will absorb all the energy.



My time has finally come.

But your time is just beginning.

Eliphas! No!

He is no more. But he left us something to remember him by.

Your win's not a sure thing anymore, is it?

For the sake of the whole universe,

you're going down!


♪ Still together as one

♪ 'Cause divided we're none ♪

♪ Ready to go, we feel the flow ♪

♪ So don't stand in our way ♪

♪ You know we ain't afraid ♪

♪ This is our time, we're in control ♪

♪ If I trip up today

♪ You just wipe it away

♪ All of my fears are gone erased ♪

♪ Let us tear down the walls ♪

♪ 'Til the final night falls ♪

♪ The bonds of our souls can't be replaced ♪

♪ Let us fight together

♪ Regret it never

♪ Our dreams will be

♪ Halfway to forever

♪ Our light comes shining through ♪

♪ Reach down deep

♪ Beat defeat

♪ Do all that we can do

♪ Halfway to forever

♪ We've got nothing to lose ♪

♪ Keep breathing

♪ Believing

♪ Halfway to forever

Yuma and Nash!

Our victory is close at hand.

You think victory is any closer

because you destroyed one obstacle

and regained a few life points?

You shall learn how wrong you are! I draw!

You cannot avoid your destiny

to fall before my monsters!

Numeron Chaos Gate Sunya resurrects!

Too little too late.

We shut the Numeron Network down.

Without it, Sunya can't survive on the field!

How do ya like that, Don Thousand?

So much for your Chaos Gate!

You fools... You are dueling a deity.

I have prepared for every possibility, including this.

I activate the spell Numeron Chaos Ritual!

Since Numeron Sunya was destroyed...

Numeron Chaos Ritual allows me to treat Numeron Network

and four other Numbers in my graveyard as Level monsters

which I can then use to XYZ summon!


Behold your demise!

I overlay Numeron Network with Numbers through !

I XYZ summon Chaos Number ,!

Witness the ascension of Numeronius!

(Yuma) This just keeps getting better!

, attack points!


You will fall to the power that stands before you.

Tremble in fear

as Numeronius proceeds to annihilate Silent Honor Dark!

This is not good. Do something!

I got this. I activate the trap Tidal Advantage!

This'll cut Numeronius's attack points in half...

and save Silent Honor Dark from being destroyed.

Another pointless gesture... You will still take damage.

(all screaming)

(Don Thousand) And more terror will rain down on Astral World.

Do not fear... we must stay strong.

Astral and Yuma are battling to save us.

We must believe in them.


You may have survived that attack...

But that was just a mere sample of Numeronius's power.

You will now feel its full wrath!

Its special ability

destroys every monster on your field after battle.




every monster that I sent to the graveyard during this turn

is summoned to my field in defense mode!

Your monster is mine.

You cannot win!

He's got us. (Yuma) Don't say that.

It's what he wants. He wants to break us.

But he won't!

He may control our cards but he's got no control over us!

So he can't make us lose heart!

Astral-- you ready?


It's time to high-five the sky... And feel the flow!

When two distant souls become one...

the power of Zexal is revealed!

(both) Go, Zexal Morph!

Your time is up!

Your theatrics do not impress me.

Then this totally will!

Don Thousand, a truly powerful duelist

can shape the outcome of a duel...

He can even generate the very cards that he needs to draw!

Go Shining Draw!

First, I activate the spell card RE-XYZ!

This allows me to use monsters in my graveyard to XYZ summon!

I overlay my Gagaga Magician and my Toy Knight!

I XYZ summon Number Utopia!

Your maneuver is pointless.

Numeronius uses one Chaos Overlay Unit

to destroy your monster.


Then I can summon one new Chaos Number to your field.

Appear-- Utopia Ray Victory!

(Yuma) But.. Why would you destroy Utopia

and replace it with Victory?

Because... As long as I have Numeronius...

Your Chaos Numbers are worthless.

They cannot use their special abilities, nor can they attack!

(both groaning)

Oh no. So then, they can't do anything?

Yeah? So what!

We've faced much worse than this!

I told you that we'll use all our power to defeat you!


(Astral) When two hearts join together in the spirit of hope,

nothing is impossible!

(Astral and Yuma) Go, Zexal Morph!

I'm stronger... than ever!

All right! Show 'em who's boss, Yuma!

I activate the spell XYZ Treasure!

For every XYZ monster on the field,

I'm able to draw one card!

And since you have two while I have one,

we're talking three new cards that are coming to my hand!

Which means this is gonna be a triple threat!

Watch me generate the very cards that I need!

Go, Shining Draw!

Get ready, Don Thousand.

'Cause I'm summoning Ouroboros Sage!

(Astral) After it is successfully summoned,

we can also summon a monster from the graveyard!

Here it comes!

Number -- Silent Honor Ark!

Next, I activate Ouroboros Sage's special ability!

Both Ouroboros Sage and Utopia Ray Victory equip onto Ark,

combining all their attack points...

But the awesome doesn't stop there...

Any monster equipped with Ouroboros Sage

doubles its attack points.

It has , attack points...

And your monster doesn't.

Go! Attack!

Strike down Numeronius!

Rising Sun Ark Victory Slash!


Gettin' it done!


No more Numeronius to worry about.

But wait, Yuma... Huh?

What's the deal? He still has Numeronius?

Silent Honor Dark isn't on his field!

I have told you that your attempts to defeat me

are futile, have I not?

By sending Silent Honor Dark to the graveyard,

I was able to stop Numeronius from being destroyed.

Hmm. You've gotta be kidding me...

Afraid not.

And just as before...

Numeronius annihilates every monster on your field!

And they return as your adversaries

because they are all summoned to my field!

There is nothing you can do that I cannot undo.

(groaning) Even ZEXAL didn't work.

How do we defeat this guy?

I told you, Yuma--

there is no way to oppose my limitless powers.

Why, even Astral cannot deny this unavoidable fact.

When we fought eons ago, you thought you won,

but that is far from the truth.

What are you talking about?

That battle was merely a precursor

in my long-term strategy.

It appeared as if you destroyed me,

but you were actually more hurt than I was.

Your powers and memories were shattered into pieces,

scattered throughout the human world,

lost along with the Numeron Code.

My powers were also locked away by the Mytherian Numbers,

but I remained patient,

making sure they fell into the right hands.

And you tricked them into helping you.


And the longer they wielded my power,

the stronger I grew.

So while Astral remained weak, I was mightier than ever!

You humans are so easy to manipulate.

Their resistance to my control was pathetic.

Nash, even your dearest friend Dumon succumbed in the end.

(sinister chuckling)

And your sister never stood a chance.

And you, Nash.

What about me?

You were most instrumental in resurrecting my power,

though you never realized it.

(Yuma) That's enough, Don Thousand!

Nobody wants to hear you babble.

All you're trying to do is throw us off

and make us doubt ourselves.

Guess what-- it's not gonna work.

Humans may have had a hand in bringing you back...

But this human's sending you away!

I place these four cards... and end my turn!

You still cling to the tiniest hope.

But that is all about to end.

I activate the spell card Numeron Storm!

When Numeronius is on my field,

this Storm destroys all of your spell and trap cards.

(all gasping)

You have lost everything...

but you will still lose more!

Numeron Storm deals you , points of damage!



This is not good. Is there no way they can win?

You have no monsters...

No facedown cards...

No cards in your hands...

Your pathetic efforts end here!

Numeronius! Attack them directly!

Farewell, Yuma.

Numeronius! Attack them directly!


Farewell, Yuma.


I tried my best!

(Kite) Well, try harder.


(Kite) Giving up is not your style.

Can it be?


You're not seriously going to let

some big deity push you around...

...are you?


I left you something, Yuma.


Use it.

Of course.

Kite's card.

Numeron Dragon...

Kite is counting on me.

And I promise that I won't let him down!

Okay, guys. We got this!

Here's Number ! Numeron Dragon!

If you attack me when I have no cards

on my field or in my hand,

I can summon this monster in defense mode!

(Don Thousand) So you managed to awaken the great Numeron Dragon...

No matter-- Numeronius, attack Numeron Dragon!

I activate Numeron Dragon's special ability!

Numeronius loses all its attack points!

A hollow gesture.

My Numeronius still destroys your Numeron Dragon

after the battle!

Yuma-- Now!

On it!

When Numeron Dragon is destroyed,

all your monsters get destroyed too!

So just like us,

you don't have any monsters either, Don Thousand.

And Numeron Dragon has one last special ability.

Do you remember all those spell

and trap cards that you destroyed?

Well, they're back!


You still fail to understand.

All you have done

is push yourself closer to the ultimate end.


You believed destroying Numeronius would hinder me,

but it is just the opposite!


When it is in my graveyard, I can use it to XYZ summon

an even more powerful monster!

Arise from the great beyond!

Chaos Imaginary Number ,!

Numeronius Numeronia!

That monster has , attack points.

How is that even possible?


(Don Thousand) Though Numeronia cannot attack,

your monsters must battle it

as long as it remains on the field.

Should you choose not to attack it...

then at the end of your turn... you instantly lose.

(Nash) So we have to attack that thing or that's it?

It's all over?

No way...

Is there anything you guys can do?

(Don Thousand chuckles evilly)

Only now do you realize that you have no hope.

That you never had hope...

You are nothing.

(sinister chuckle)

That's where you're wrong.


Huh? Huh? Huh?

My friends and I are more than you'll ever be.

And we'll never lose hope! So for them...

For everyone I've ever known...

I'll fight to the very end.

I'm right there with ya, Yuma!

I am with you as well. Until the end.



(both yelling)

(in unison) When two kindred spirits unite, their future has no limits!

Ultimate Zexal Morph!

Let's go!

I have never felt this much power!

I activate-- Session Draw!

This trap lets me draw two cards

at the start of my next turn.

And if the two cards I draw

both happen to be monster cards with the same level...

I can use those cards to XYZ summon.

So-- a final desperate scramble...

I end my turn.

This is the moment of truth, Yuma.

Yup... Let's do this-- together.

Chaos Draw!

Destiny Shining Draw!


Oh, yeah-- exactly what I needed!

It's Zexal w*apon Tornado Bringer!

The card I drew is Panther Shark!

They're both Level .

And that means one thing--

we can overlay these two monsters

to XYZ summon!

(Nash) Number Abyss Splash!

And now I activate the trap-- Utopia Rising!

Utopia rises from my graveyard and equips this card.

And I activate the trap, Bonds of Hope!

When an XYZ Monster is summoned onto our field,

I can summon another XYZ Monster from the graveyard!

Number -- Numeron Dragon is back in action!

Furthermore, Bonds of Hope

moves all the Overlay Units from one XYZ Monster

and puts it on another!

I move Abyss Splash's Overlay Units on to Utopia!

Which means Utopia's now got three Overlay Units.

All right, Yuma! You know what to do next!

Count on it!

I activate Utopia Rising's additional effect!

This enables Utopia to use

Numeron Dragon and Abyss Splash's special abilities.

Utopia gains the powers of the other two?


With those three monsters,

it's like Yuma, Kite, and Shark are all fighting as one!

See, Don Thousand?

We'll fight together... as a team.

We're gonna put you down... Once and for all.
