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Part 2: 03x09 - Barian VS Barian

Posted: 03/16/24 13:21
by bunniefuu
(Yuma) Last time

on "YuGiOh! ZEXAL"...

Girag ambushed me.

But why would he?

I'm the leader of the Barians.

Something's going on!

So you think you'll defeat us

and steal all of our powers?

Marin? Dumon?

You have lost your mind, Vector.

Don Thousand and I have come to an agreement!

(sinister laughter)

The time has finally come for you to serve your purpose:

I will consume your energies to feed my power!

(all) Let's duel!

It's just like old times.

I destroyed you years ago,

and now I have the pleasure of destroying you again!


I'm the one who erased you and Nash from existence!

I'm taking all the pain and suffering you've caused

and sending it rocketing back to you!

This is good-bye, Vector.

♪♪ (rock and roll)

♪ Still together as one ♪

♪ 'Cause divided we're none ♪

♪ Ready to go, we feel the flow ♪

♪ So don't stand in our way ♪

♪ You know we ain't afraid ♪

♪ This is our time, we're in control ♪

♪ If I trip up today, you just wipe it away ♪

♪ All of my fears are gone, erased ♪

♪ Let us tear down the walls ♪

♪ Till the final night falls ♪

♪ The bonds of our souls can't be replaced ♪

♪ Let us fight together

♪ Regret it never

♪ Our dreams will be... ♪

♪ Halfway to

♪ Forever

♪ Our light comes shining through ♪

♪ Reach down deep

♪ Beat defeat

♪ Do all that we can do ♪

♪ Halfway to

♪ Forever

♪ We've got nothing to lose ♪

♪ Keep breathing

♪ Believing

♪ Halfway to forever ♪

I'm going to wipe out all your life points

in a single turn!

Go ahead, try it!

But if I've got even one point left,

you take the same amount of damage I do,

and you'll be through!

Which means this will be the second time

you have faced annihilation at my hands!

I would not count on that.

You will pay for your betrayal.

Mark my words, Vector!


You couldn't be more right.

I know how to eliminate all his life points!

But it will come at a great cost.

What do you mean?

I activate the spell card Distortion Crystal!

Now it's crystal clear

your chances of winning have dropped,

because when your monster's attack points change,

this card doubles that amount!

Next, I activate the spell Zero Blade...

It lowers a monster's attack points by a thousand!

A thousand points?!

Actually, your monster loses , points!

Distortion Crystal doubles Zero Blade's effect!

I know it's getting chilly,

but is the cold already putting your brain on ice?

Clever girl...

More than you think, because I activate

Ragnafinity's special ability!

By using one Chaos Overlay Unit,

you take damage equal to the amount of attack points

your monster lost!


Boost Blade Blitz!



I admit, for a fraction of a second

I was nearly worried...

But I have more than enough life points left

to survive your next attack!

Don't be so sure.


Zero Blade lets Ragnafinity attack twice!

Fitting, since I owe you two times the payback!


You tried to destroy me and my brother Nash,

so it's perfect that this punishment comes as a pair!

Ragnafinity, attack Manipulator of Souls!


Even if Manipulator of Souls can't be destroyed

when it's equipped with a Number...

you still take damage.

That's why this next attack means you're finished!

Goodbye forever, Vector!


Ragnafinity... attack!


I activate Damage Pot!

I'm afraid this trap will be canceling your victory.

It sucked up all the damage!

Very good, Dumon!

But also very bad, for you.

You failed to get rid of all my life points, Marin!

So Don Thousand's Throne fixes me up as good as new!



That's just the pick-me-up I need to put you down.

It's time I end this farce!

When I activate Manipulator of Souls's special ability,

not only will it gain attack points

but you'll lose the same number of life points I regained!

I lost points.

And even you don't need a calculator

to figure out that's more than !



Manipulator of Souls, finish her!

Vector, stop!

Think, you senseless fool!

Ragnafinity's special ability

will deal us damage, too!

I know that.

But I have , life points now.

I can afford to lose points.

Is that so, or has your feeble mind forgotten about

Marin's spell Distortion Crystal?

Oh, you're right!

It'll double the damage I take from to points!

I cannot do that!

Come on, Vector, let's see what you've got!


You're not doubting your own brilliance, are you?

Do you need a moment?

What about you?

If I use Manipulator of Souls's special ability,

you are no more!

Don't you think I know that?


Just as I thought!

You are willing to sacrifice yourself.

If that's what it takes to get rid of Vector, yes!

Huh? In that case, I won't use the special ability!

I always knew you were a coward.

How dare you speak to me that way, you worthless insect?

You don't command any respect, unlike Nash.


Is that so?

Speaking of your dear, beloved brother...

Why don't I show you how the good fellow is doing?

You didn't have the itsy-bitsiest clue

that I already caught him!



It seems your glorious leader has seen better days.

Release him, you treacherous fiend!

No, I think not.

I rather like him this way.

Bound and beaten is a good look for him, don't you agree?

(both gasping)

Because every time I get my life points back,

I get my energy by stealing his!


You have been drawing your power from Nash?

Don't act so surprised!

My life points have to come from somewhere, don't they?

It just so happens I'm taking them from your little buddy!


In other words, the more you hurt me,

the more you hurt him!



(Girag) Well, well, well!

If it ain't my old pal Alito.

I can't believe you betrayed Don Thousand

to team up with Yuma.

But I can believe I'm gonna take you out!

No, Girag...

Don Thousand's the enemy, not us!

Yuma's right!

Don Thousand changed your memories of the past

so he could control you in the present!

He's playing with your mind!

I don't buy it!

You're the ones who are trying to mess with my head!

Bad move, you twerps!

'Cause now you went and got me mad!

So I'm gonna put the hurt on you!

Snap out of it!

It's no use.

There's only one way to have him come back to his senses.

To do to him what you did to me.

Agreed, we must defeat Don Thousand's Number...

Yuma and I will use the Mythyrian Number

we won from Girag

to free him.


I'm the one who's gonna duel.

(all gasping)

But you've lost your Barian powers!

I know.

I can no longer play my strongest Number Card

ever since you released me of Don Thousand's control.

Thing is, that doesn't matter.

I have to do this for Girag.

He's my best friend.

I can't leave him prisoner to Don Thousand's power.

(Girag snickers)

I understand.

Well then, you're gonna need this, Alito.

Beat Girag with this Number.

It'll free him of Don Thousand.

I won't let you down, Yuma.

We know it.

We're behind you every step of the way.


Girag! It's time to duel!

That's what I've been waitin' for, you traitor!

You're through!


Oh, yeah?

I wouldn't be so sure of that, Girag!



(both) Let's duel!

Ring the bell so that I can ring your bell!

Come on out, Battlin' Boxer Big Bandage!

I place two cards face down... and end my turn!

I'm not impressed!

This'll be easier than I thought!

Are you saying that our att*cks

have been hurting Nash all this time?


(sobbing) Marin!


You vicious maniac!


You must admit, I'm an inventive vicious maniac!


More like sick and depraved!

Your madness ends now!


I activate Rank-Up-Magic The Seventh One!

That allows me to rebuild the Overlay Network

with Number Star Seraph Sentry!

Chaos Xyz Evolution!

I summon...

Chaos Number , Archfiend Seraph!

You will not drain any more life points from Nash!

If the only way to break this cruel cycle

is to defeat you in one turn,

then defeat you I shall!

Do it.

I activate the spell Celestial Rage

from my graveyard!

By banishing it,

Archfiend Seraph gains , attack points.

Clearly you must struggle with mathematics,

because that's not enough attack points to defeat me!

Perhaps not yet,

but I activate Archfiend Seraph's special ability!

By using one Chaos Overlay Unit, your monster loses

all its attack points and special abilities!


It means when Archfiend Seraph att*cks,

you will take points of damage!

Your life points will be gone in one strike.

But if it makes you feel any better,

I will be going out with a bang right along with you!

What are you saying?

That due to Celestial Rage's effect,

I'll take the same amount of damage as you.


You're willing to sacrifice yourself to defeat me?

Archfiend Seraph, attack Manipulator of Souls

and finish this once and for all!

Play your trap, fool!

Oh! I activate the trap Evil !

It prevents my monster from being destroyed,

but that's not all!

No matter how much damage you deal me, I'm still left

with one life point!





That was close, Dumon.

Good thing I'm a far better duelist than you are.



Now if you're done trying to outsmart a real duelist,

finish your turn!

I end my turn.

Archfiend Seraph's attack points return to normal.

Shame, shame, shame!

Look at what you've done!

Your monster's attack points may have gone down,

but thanks to Nash, my life points are going back up!

No! Nash!

Could you bring the screaming down to a whisper?

Some of us are trying to win here.

Vector, enough with your foolishness!

Without our trap card, you would have lost!

But I didn't lose, did I?

I know what I'm doing.

Do not worry.

Our victory is moments away!


You already have your hands full with Giant Red Hand,

but I'm also summoning Fire Hand to heat things up!


And it also lets me summon Prominence Hand

so I can tighten my grip on this duel!


Now for my favorite part!

I overlay Level Fire Hand and Prominence Hand!

With these two monsters,

I build the Overlay Network and Xyz Summon!

Let's set the duel on fire!

Number Burner Visor!

I sense Don Thousand's power emanating from that Number.

So Don Thousand created it too?


When Alito faced one of Don Thousand's Numbers

his chances were grim.

Taking on two is unthinkable!

And Burner Visor uses all its Overlay Units

so that it can equip onto Giant Red Hand!

This allows Giant Red Hand

to attack you directly, Alito!

Giant Red Hand, let's knuckle down on this fool.

(Yuma gasps) Prepare for a pummeling!

Dumon! Marin!

I'm afraid your time is up!

I send the trap Evil to the graveyard

to activate its effect:

I won't be able to battle this turn,

but it will be well worth it.

(both gasp)


Because now I get to destroy any card on the field!


Curious which card I'll pick?

I won't keep you in suspense!

I'll destroy... Damage Pot!

But that's your own card!

Quite right!

But when it leaves the field, the pot breaks

and spills all the damage it sucked up earlier,

meaning we each take points of damage!

That's more than you have, Dumon,

and more than you have as well, Marin!

So, you don't survive, but I do!


It's "bye-bye" time, kiddies!

There must be something I can do!



I activate the trap Sacred Shield!

It cleans up the mess you made

by absorbing all the damage your trap card released!


Oh, yes.

And it gives Ragnafinity

all the points we would have taken as damage.

So this means Ragnafinity gains attack points!


Now it has attack points....

Dumon... you're brilliant!

This makes Ragnafinity powerful enough

to defeat Vector! We'll win!


Not "we", Marin-- you.

What do you mean?

Sacred Shield has one final effect.

I must take all the damage that it absorbed

at the end of this turn.

That means you'll lose!


I thought we could beat him together,

but unfortunately, it was not to be.

You must defeat him on your own.


You and Nash meant more to me than anything, Marin.

Good times or bad,

I cherish every moment we spent together.

I wish there could have been more.

Marin, I am counting on you!

I end my turn.


Goodbye, Marin and Nash...

It was a great honor to fight by your side, my friends.


Giant Red Hand, annihilate Alito!


No! Alito!


(all gasping)

Is that all you've got, Girag?


I'm just getting started, you little punk!

If I send a card to the graveyard,

Burner Visor deals you more points of damage!


This is trouble!

Hang in there!


If you liked that...

Have another!


Good news!

This last card will put you out of your misery!

Toodle-oo, chump!

You haven't beaten me yet!

I activate the trap Hyper Burning!

Know what it does, Girag?

My life points are halved-- (grunts)

--but it blocks all your damage.


Face it, Girag.

You can't beat me.

Not when I'm this fired up!




Even without his Barian powers,

his spirit is invincible.

Attaboy, Alito!

Take him down for the count!

You're through!


Thank you, Dumon.

I will always keep you within my heart.

Nash and I will never forget you.

I'll make sure your hard work was not in vain!

You will pay, Vector!

Wha... aah...!

Thanks to Dumon, Ragnafinity has attack points!

Your monster has none.

Your monster can't use

its special abilities, either.


I think you know what that means, don't you?

That there's nothing you can do to stop this...

Ragnafinity, attack Manipulator of Souls!

In the blink of an eye,

you're going to be just a bad memory!


I did it, Dumon.

I won.

I will never forget

that it would not have happened without you, my friend.

(laughing) Huh?

(laughing wildly)
