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Part 2: 02x24 - Assimilation: Part 1

Posted: 03/16/24 13:15
by bunniefuu

Whoever made that sculpture should have

his art license revoked!


That's no sculpture, you stooge!

It's a machine!

And it's jam-packed with Numbers I made!

Those cards are all fakes?

As fake as your personality!

But once they're unleashed, they will bridge

the human world with Barian World!

And the complete and utter destruction of Astral World

will finally be set in motion!

(laughing) (chuckling)

That plan sounds insanely over-the-top...

which is why I love it so much!

Thank you! As my fiendish flunky,

you'll spread my fake Numbers among the humans!

And while you're at it,

you'll snatch Kite and Shark's real Numbers!

I'll get them!

That's a promise!


You'd better keep that promise...

or else!

(Heartland struggling)

I... swear!

I may have tolerated your failures before,

but that time has passed!

Is that understood?

If I don't get those Numbers,

you can turn me back into a fly!

I'll do worse than that!


Aah! (grunting)

But if you break your losing streak and succeed,

the reward will be priceless!

How would you like to become

one of the seven Barian Emperors?

You'd make me an emperor?


At last, my dream job!

But you only get your payoff

once Astral World goes down in flames!

Now, let's get things started!

Eyes to the skies, humans!

It's raining Numbers!


♪ Still together as one ♪

♪ Cuz divided we're none ♪

♪ Ready to go we feel the flow ♪

♪ So don't stand in our way ♪

♪ You know we ain't afraid ♪

♪ This is our time we're in control ♪

♪ If I trip up today

♪ You just wipe it away ♪

♪ All of my fears are gone erased ♪

♪ Let us tear down the walls ♪

♪ 'Til the final night falls ♪

♪ The bonds of our souls can't be replaced ♪

♪ Let us fight together

♪ Regret it never

♪ Our dreams will be

♪ Halfway to forever

♪ Our light comes shining through ♪

♪ Reach down deep

♪ Beat defeat

♪ Do all that we can do ♪

♪ Halfway to forever

♪ We've got nothing to lose ♪

♪ Keep breathing

♪ Believing

♪ Halfway to forever ♪

(crowd muttering) Those look like cards!

(Crowd) Why are they glowing? Quick, grab one!

Get it! Quick!

Grab it! Can we keep 'em?

Grab it! (crowd muttering)

Oh! We should grab them.

(growling) (groaning)


(Don Thousand) The Barian Assimilation is proceeding without a hitch.

(Vector) But we still have to find the Numeron Code.

The power of that card is critical to our plan.

True, but once Astral World is destroyed,

there will exist no one strong enough to challenge me!


(Man) We have breaking news.

People around the world are losing their minds!

Welcome to Freakopolis.

If this keeps up, the whole planet could fall into chaos.

It's spreading everywhere as if it were some kind of infection.

What could be causing it?

All this chaos is the result of people picking up Number Cards!

(all) Number Cards?

(Trey) See for yourselves.

How people got the Numbers is a mystery.

But based on my estimates,

there's a card for every person on earth.

Are you sure you didn't miscount?

Whoever is behind this...

Are experts in mind control.

The Barians.


Listen up!

Has anyone here found a Number card recently?

No! I haven't seen any.

Me either.

(Trey) Hey, guys, I'm picking up something...

Looks to me like Quinton's skyship!

Do you think they'll know what happened to Yuma?

I haven't been able to make contact with them,

so I'm not sure.

(Bronk) The portal exploded, so Yuma's stuck in another dimension.

How could you let that happen?

(Cathy) You have to fix it!

You just have to!

I cannot.


But wait! That means Yuma

could be trapped there forever!

Trapped forever?

How horrifying! (crying)

You had one job, one simple job--

Keep the portal open!

And you couldn't even do that?

Quit flippin' out, Flip. Relax!

Yuma's been in trouble before, Cathy.

And no matter what, he always pulled through.

You really think he'll come back?

Even if he's trapped in another dimension,

Yuma will find a way home.


And he'll bring Astral back, too.



Au contraire!

(Heartland) Sorry to rain on your parade,

but you can forget about Yuma.


(all grunting angrily)

I'm afraid he won't be making any encore appearances,

'cause he and Astral are gone for good this time!

Now, come on out and say hi!

(Heartland) We're all reunited at last.

I'm thrilled to see you all again,

but I'm guessing you may not be as thrilled to see me.

Am I right, Kite?

You'll find out! Get down here!

First things first. I have something to show you.


(energy crackling)

(Bronk) Whoa!

I didn't see that in the weather forecast!

On with the show! Hit the lights!

(crowd) Barian! Barian! Barian! Barian!

(energy shimmering)


(all grunting)

I can't move!

Yeah, me too!

That light storm is twisting the laws of physics inside out!

As far as I can tell,

it's creating a gateway to Barian World!

A gateway?

So that's what all this is about.

The Barians must be trying to connect

their world to our world.

Yeah, totally!

It's lucky for you guys I tracked you down.

We can watch the Barian-pocalypse together!


How did you manage to trace us to this location, Heartland?

The Barians sent a bazillion Numbers to this world,

and I zeroed in on the one here.


These Barian Numbers can be quite captivating.

Humans find them irresistible.

I mean, who can resist picking up a powerful Number card?

And once one's been picked up,

I get to know exactly who picked it up

That's how I found you unfortunate fools.

Somebody here must have picked up

one of those Numbers recently!

Okay, who is it?

One of you found a Number and lied about it!

I told you, I don't have one!

Me either. Or me!

(sighing anxiously)

Do you have one, Flip?

Ugh. Thanks a lot.

But why, Flip?

When I saw it falling from the sky,

I just had to take it!

It's as if the card was calling out to me.

I didn't know it was evil!

I didn't know it would bring Heartland here!

You would have picked it up too, admit it!

It's just, with a powerful Number,

I thought I could help!

Instead, I just made things worse!

Speaking of worse, the people of this world

are about to be absorbed by Barian World.

Doesn't get much worse than that, does it?


All those who picked up Numbers

will be transformed into dark energy particles

that will then be slurped up by our newly-created gateway.

The amassed energy will be used

to allow Barian World to consume this world!

Imagine, your world will become just like

Barian World, and you'll all be little Barian puppets.

(shimmering, cracking)

You're the puppet!

I bet the Barians haven't even told you their endgame!

Hmm, wanna bet?

It's obvious where this is going!

The Barians want to drain all power from this world

and use it to wipe Astral World out of existence.

That's what the Barians are always up to.

Excuse me, I was talking!

What we're really planning is, uh, er...

pretty much what Kite said.


(all gasping) No!

Your little buddy's time is up

but I promise it's for the best.


(all screaming) Oh!

Flip, come back!


(Flip) Guys, what's goin' on? Help me!

Keep it chill, guys.

Before you know it, you'll all be assimilated in the same way.

It won't be too painful.

And since you won't be needing

your Numbers where you're going,

feel free to turn them all over

to your best bud, Mr. Heartland.

If you want them, you'll have to take them from us!

If you insist.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Go, Photon Transformation!

It begins! I once made you a Number Hunter,

but now you're going to become the hunted, Kite!

(both) Let's duel!

(electricity crackling)


This should jolt you back to reality!


Since this world is slowly transforming into Barian World,

this duel will be just like dueling

in a Barian Sphere Field.

So your mind and body are in for quite the workout.

Trust me, this bout will be much more painful

for you than for me. (chuckling)

Why don't we let our cards do the talking, Heartland?

In that case, my deck's going to dominate the conversation.

I'm volunteering myself to go first!

To get things rolling, I'll summon Infection Fly!


Then I'll play the spell card Multifly!

This spell can draw in more flies

than a trash dumpster full of rotten eggs!

So now I have a trio of Infection Flies!

(both growling)

Now to use its special ability!

Infection Fly can double the level of all my monsters.

He has three of those bugs on his field,

so he can use that special ability two more times!


My flies are all abuzz with ability,

so I can level them up again and again!



The only thing more annoying

than a bunch of bugs is Heartland!

You know what's coming next, don't you, Kite?

I'm overlaying my three Infection Flies!

Get buzzin', guys.

With my fly guys,

I build the Overlay Network and Xyz Summon!

Say hello to Number One!


Behold the most freakishly fabulous fly of them all!

The king of the swarm, Infection Buzzking!

How did he get a Number?

(all gasping)


You're speechless that I have Number One.

But it makes complete sense, since I'm number one too!

More like a zero.


You better watch what you say, mister,

or I'm gonna start losing my temper!

(chuckling) Excellent!

Summoning Number One is the first step

in our Barian takeover. (chuckling)

(Heartland) In case you're wondering, Kite,

this is the strongest Number of all!

Your situation's hopeless, so feel free

to beg for leniency now.

Not a chance.

Oh, you're so uncooperative!

All right, then,

No more Mr. Nice Guy!

Here goes! My Infection Buzzking

can dump one of your monsters into the graveyard!

And that's exactly what I plan to do

to a certain prized Number you possess.

What do you mean?

I'm referring to the Number you took

from my partner, Scritch-- Ninja Shadow Mosquito!

Why'd you choose that one?

There's no need to explain,

because you're about to find out the hard way!



What a bummer!

Kite and his pals thought they were hot stuff

when they seized those Numbers from Heartland's henchmen.

What a shock to discover those cards were fakes!

These fake Barian cards

intensify the negative energy of any Barian Field!


The damage will be devastating,

even for someone as tough as Kite!


(all gasping)

I scored a knock down! (laughing)

(Kite) (grunting) What's going on?

Why do I feel weak?

It's only gonna get worse, pal!

(shimmering) Oh!

Who's signaling me? What?

An urgent meeting for all seven Barian Emperors?


Now that you're worn down, I'll let you take over.

It's brave of you to continue,

but it isn't very wise.

I'm determined to crush you.

I'll stop at nothing to win,

just like when I worked with your father, Dr. Faker!

My father made some major mistakes in his life.

But getting mixed up with a sleazeball like you...

was his biggest!


Me, a sleazeball?

That's being generous. Hyah!

I'm activating the Ritual Spell Luminous Dragon Ritual!

I like where this is going. Whoa!

If Kite's doing what I think,

then he's about to try a Ritual Summon.

I don't think this has ever been done before!

He's taking a huge chance!

I'm tributing Level Photon Chargeman from my hand!


Rise up, Paladin of Photon Dragon!


But I'm not done because I'm immediately tributing

my Paladin of Photon Dragon, leaving me free to summon

my powerful Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.

Here comes the monster more savage than a supernova...

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!

Time to attack, Galaxy-Eyes.

Show that Buzzking what you're made of!

(laughing) What's the point, Kite?

Only a Number can destroy another Number.

Guess who knew that already?


Galaxy-Eyes's special ability activates...

and both our monsters are banished!

Wait, they're both banished?

And since your Xyz Monster's gone bye-bye,

all its Overlay Units go to the graveyard.

Now that the battle's over,

both our monsters return to the field.

But the best part's not over yet, Heartland.

My Dragon gains attack points

for every Overlay Unit your monster lost.

And without its Overlay Units,

your precious Number can't use

its most powerful special ability.


Gotcha, didn't I?

Huh? Listen, Kite.

Your Galaxy-Eyes won't affect my strategy one bit.

(scoffing) Duelists have said that to me,

and they were always wrong!

Your turn!

Your dueling days are numbered, Kite!

Whoever called this pow-wow

pulled me away from important business!

What's so serious

that you had to call an emergency meeting

of the imperial council?


Who's that?

You don't recognize me, Vector?

Huh? Your voice sounds familiar.

I'm hurt that you could forget me so easily.

No! That couldn't be...


If so, then the other one must be...

Oh! Nash?

But that's impossible!

He's really alive?

(chuckling) I draw!

Your fate has already been sealed, Kite!

Don't believe me?

Then get a load of Buzzking... (laughing)

as it activates its special ability!

Once per turn, it can snatch a Number from your graveyard

and use it as an Overlay Unit!

No way!

Your Shadow Mosquito will make

a perfect Overlay Unit for my Buzzking.


Oh, not feeling well?

Best to rest, so I'll end this as fast as I can.

I activate another one of Buzzking's special abilities!

It uses an Overlay Unit to destroy one card on your field.

(beeping) (energy crackling)

But wait.

If your destroyed card's a monster, it gets even better!

Because then you'll be taking damage

equal to its attack points!

Huh? (laughing)

That's why I've chosen to destroy Galaxy-Eyes!


Kite will be hit with , points of damage!

And he'll lose the duel!

Do something, Kite!

No more life points for you!

I'm activating a trap card.

Prevent and Draw!

Damage to me is cut in half!

(energy crackling)

So your move won't be enough to defeat me.




Poor Master Kite!

That card packs a punch!

When it hits Kite full blast, it's gonna crush him completely!

Trey. Quattro.

If you have any Numbers from the Barians, rip them up right now!

They're dangerous! (shimmering)

Huh? Oh. Oh!

(all shouting)

I hate to see Numbers go to waste.

If you don't want them, I'll take them.


That's right! Yes!

Give your power to me! (grunting)


It's not over, Heartland.

Prevent and Draw let's me draw one card from my deck.

And I draw... (groaning)

Kite, no!

Looks like he's done, so that means I'm... the winner!

(Yuma) You're celebrating too soon!

(all gasping)

(all gasping)

Could that really be Yuma?

(dramatic music)




Oh! I knew you'd come back, Yuma!

Yep! We're back!

And ready to get in on the action!
