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05x09 - Spit on a Stranger

Posted: 08/19/14 20:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on Covert Affairs..

Your EKG looks a little erratic.

And the blood test revealed traces of nitrate medication.

Why did you change my medical records?

Hayley Price found out about your heart condition.

Don't you want to hear my side of the story?

Unless it's you telling us that you don't have a heart condition, it's not going to change our position.

You'll be reassigned as a language officer in the DPD.

Mueller definitely wasn't responsible for Chicago.

Got a guy deep in the Russian embassy who says he has proof someone else was behind the att*ck.

Hey! What are you doing here?

You don't live in the building.

You're following me!

[Car crashes, people gasp]

Roger said he had an FSB file from a source deep in the Russian embassy.

He was found with conspiracy theories.

You're suspended.

We'll get it on the next one.

There's not gonna be a next one, not for me, anyway.

You're staying for a drink.

It's been a long time since I stayed up all night talking.


[Doorbell rings]

Auggie, he's here.


The dog Walker that Roger said was following him.

I got to go.

[Zipper closes, door closes]

What'd I miss?

Who was at the door?

Oh, it was just a work thing.

You're not leaving, are you?

No, I thought we were gonna have that coffee.

[Cell phone ringing]

Hey, Joe, what can I do for you and the DCI?

The DCI wants us to talk.

Talk about what?

It's better if we talk in person--

9:00 a.m. tomorrow.

You got it.

[Engine revs]

These are all the tenants in Roger's building.

You see him?


What do we have on the security feeds from the Brunswick train station?

I'm on it.

Maybe he tailed Roger there.

Or McQuaid could have given him the heads-up.

Camera six.

[Keys clacking]

[Computer beeps]


He's there, walking away from the accident.

Okay, so this guy, who was tailing Roger and was there at the time of Roger's death, shows up at McQuaid's house the next day?

They definitely seemed like they knew each other.

I got to take this to the DPD.

I'll work up a game plan.

If we take this to the DPD, they'll take over.

You know no one has better access to McQuaid than I do.

And you know you're under suspension, right?

I do.

That's part of my plan.


Annie, if you're here to discuss your suspension, there's nothing I can do about it.

I'm resigning.


So our last conversation didn't go the way you wanted, and you're just giving up?

I'm not giving up.

My place is in the field.

So you're resigning on principle?

Because you haven't even tried being an analyst.

I've made up my mind.

Is there something else going on?

Other than being suspended by the Agency I've faithfully served, no, nothing at all.


I accept that you don't view me as the kind of friend or leader that I have tried to be.

But if you resign, this is you losing faith, not only in me and the Agency, but also in yourself.

I took the liberty of ordering you a neat one.

Thank you.

How are you?

I know what's next for me.

What's that?

You were right.

The CIA is not a two-way street.

I'm worth more than they are valuing me at, and I'm gonna make a move to the private sector.


Well, that is incredible.

How about a toast?

How about a job?


You've been trying to recruit me since we met.

Are you sure that this is the best path?

Because of my heart?

No, I'm saying because we kissed this morning.

I don't want this job to prevent what happened this morning from happening again.

You're the one always saying you can have it all.


[Glasses clink]

♪ Covert Affairs 05x09 ♪
Spit on a Stranger
Original Air Date on August 19, 2014

First day at McQuaid's. How do I look?

You always look great.

I was able to get facial rec on the security photo of our friend.

His name is Allen Langer.

He worked for McQuaid up until three years ago.

Allen Langer.

I'll see what I can find on the McQuaid database.

Or in McQuaid's personal computer.

What's that?

It's called a salvage rabbit.

You just need to keep it within a meter of McQuaid's computer.

That sounds easy. What's the catch?

The catch is McQuaid Security has some of the most sophisticated encryption on the planet.

A hot sync could take five minutes or more.

Still sounds pretty straightforward.

Well, it is, except his computer's gonna freeze up during the hot sync.

So, if he tries to use it, he'll know something's wrong.

You really think McQuaid wanted to silence Roger?

Yeah. Look, Annie, we're gonna be spying on McQuaid together, so I need to know, are you emotionally involved with him?

No. I'm not.

When I talked to you about Roger, you were in McQuaid's house at the cr*ck of dawn, and that was before any of this.

It's not an issue.

My head's in the game.

Okay, that's all I need to know.

In the aftermath of the DNI inquest, which, let's face it, was a debacle, we have some serious questions about how your operatives respond to your directorship.

Look, operative Walker stepping out of the DNI meeting-- I'm not talking about Annie Walker. She is already gone.

Then who are you talking about?

The DCI believes that Auggie Anderson was involved with Walker's efforts to lie to our Agency, to hide her heart condition.

Now, she may be gone, but the questions should be expanded to Anderson.

Respectfully, sir, Auggie Anderson is one of my top handlers.

I've trusted him with a great deal in the past, and he's never let me down.

He's also a friend.

Well, that's worse.

Your employee, who's also your friend, seems to be lying to you.

So what are you asking me to do?

I'm not asking you to do anything.

I'm informing you of a potential problem.

How you handle that is up to you.

That's what leadership means.

[Telephone ringing]

Can I help you?

Uh, yeah, I'm looking for Ryan.

Mr. McQuaid is not in right now, but I can take a message.

You are?

Annie Walker.

Why don't you come with me?

Your office is one level down.


And here we are.

As soon as you finish your starter paperwork, I have your first assignment-- risk-assessing 15 skyscrapers in Dubai.

Now, as a probationary hire, you have a clearance level of one.

It's a company policy. There are no exceptions.

I understand.

[Knock at door]

Miss Walker is needed for a meeting.

Excuse me.

Do you have any idea what this meeting's about?

It's with great pleasure that I introduce our newest field operative, Annie Walker.


Not another speech!

Hey, keep it under an hour, all right?

I got a plane to catch.

Pete, if you piss on my God-given gift of oratory again, you'll spend Christmas in Mogadishu.


I got to see Annie work firsthand on a few operations.

Working side by side, I witnessed a dedicated patriot who will pursue a target at any cost and a comrade who will gladly share a bourbon with you at 10:00 a.m. in a hostile country.


Ladies and gentlemen, we are lucky to have her.


Okay, speech is over.

You may now enjoy the coffee and doughnuts.

Welcome aboard.


My first day at the farm they gave me a two-hour lecture on the code of conduct.


We do things differently here.

We should speak in the next couple of days about what your first assignment might be.


I wish you'd given me the heads-up about this.

Well, you knew that Annie was coming over to us.

But not that you were gonna promote her to the field immediately.

This is the right thing. Trust me.

Well, I knew we got a fast-track hire, but I can't believe it's you.

A lot's changed in the past couple days.

I know. Joan told me.

She's upset.

She cares about you.

But I get it.

You're not the only one who left the CIA and found a home at McQuaid Security.


Welcome aboard.

She's up to something.

You didn't think the private sector would snatch her up?

McQuaid was just lucky he had a personal connection with her, just like he had with me. No, none of this adds up.

Why would she close the chapter on her CIA career so quickly?

Because your protocol mandated that she be relegated to a desk.

You know that doesn't work for Annie.

So then why didn't she fight it?

There's got to be something going on.

So you think she's running an Op on her own?

Well, this is Annie we're talking about.

I'll keep an eye on her.

I thought I would have been able to get into McQuaid's office by now.

Maybe we should try plan "B."

What's plan "B"?

There isn't one.

Do we need to think of one?

What are you getting at?

Annie, this just doesn't sound like you.

Is something going on?

There's no problem.


Costa, I'm back from state. What's my next meeting?

I am.

You had to make an appointment?

I did. I saw more of you when I worked at the CIA than I do now.

Well, it’s my company, and while it doesn’t give me a lot of personal time, I do what needs to be done.

And I-I give it everything that I have.

I know.

I, uh...

I'm wondering why you still haven't given me an assignment.

Is it because of my heart, or is there something else?

I am just waiting for the right opportunity.

You were talking in your speech about trust, but I feel like you're holding something back.


You know what? You're right.

I should have found you something.

So I'm gonna do that right now.

Is that the stuff from Venezuela?

The very same.


Would you like a drink?

I would love one.


You know, I hope that you have a little time, because this is the kind of stuff that you need to sip.

I've got at least five minutes.

I've been digging through McQuaid's files one by one-- nothing suspicious, nothing on Allen Langer.

And then I found a file that is heavily encrypted.

Took me nearly an hour to cr*ck it.

Inside the file was a collection of profiles.

The names on these profiles are all former McQuaid employees with strong tactical training.

Well, that's Langer.


Each profile has payment information and is filed under a code name -- Flint.

What's Flint?

I don't know.

Look who else is in Flint.


One and the same.

Borz Altan worked for Flint.

There are payments to Borz up until just before Chicago.

So McQuaid lied.

Borz worked for him for more than four months.

The only question is how deep those lies go.

Annie, there's a version of this that ties McQuaid to Chicago.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah. Thanks for coming.

What's up?

Why don't you have a seat?

No, I'm good.

Is this about the DNI investigation?

Exactly. They're angry about Annie.

And they're angry about you.

Because I'm Annie's friend?

Because they think you had something to do with covering up Annie's medical condition.

Annie kept that secret from everyone.

You're not everyone.

Auggie, I'm asking you as a friend.

I can't protect you if you lie to me.

You don't need to protect me.

Okay. We're good.

That's it?

That's it.

[Distant siren blaring]


Sorry to keep you waiting.

I'm told it's important.

Matters of national security, I'm afraid.

How can I help?

Three weeks ago you treated this woman after a car accident.

Her file says that her blood work is clean, but I'm wondering why you didn't discover her heart condition.

How did you get a hold of her file?

You're not answering my question.

It's illegal for me to share any patient information.

Let me put this in perspective for you.

I can make a call, have this hospital shut down, and have a team of analysts comb through all your files, or you can just confirm what I already know.

When this woman came in here that night, did you discover her heart condition?


And you put it in the hospital record?

Yes. Standard procedure.

Are you aware that it was erased from her file?


Thanks, Doc.




I wonder if I could get your help with something.

I need help accessing the database.

I'm only a level one clearance.

What do you need my help looking into?

I just need to search for something.

Well, if you want to use my key code to access secure files, you're gonna have to tell me why.

I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.

Well, who's running the Op?

I mean, I know Joan's out of the loop.

It's not an Op.

I'm not working for the CIA.

Annie, no spy worth his salt would agree to the deal you're offering me.

You need to read me in if you need my help.

I can't. I'm sorry.

Um, forget I said anything.


Can I talk to you for a second?

No problem.

I've got your assignment, like you asked.


South Africa-- I haven't been there in a while.

I think you're gonna do great.

Our team on the ground there is exceptional.

I think you're really gonna like the assignment.

I've been thinking a lot about what you said to me.


Your instincts-- you knew that I was keeping something from you.

And I have something to tell you.


I haven't been honest with you, Annie.



This has been weighing on me for quite a while, so I just need to put it all out there, okay?


You and I-- we started with a lie.

The very first thing you asked me about was Borz, and I didn't tell you the truth.

He--he didn't just do a few missions for me.


No. He...

The truth is that he did many missions for me.

He was a member of...

An elite group...

That I employ outside of my company.

This group has contracts for the D.O.D.

And some of the other federal government agencies-- the highest clearance, the most secretive missions.

And I am--I am committing a federal crime by having this conversation with you right now.


Uh, uh, an elite group, like--like black Ops?

Code name--Flint.

When I was, uh, 9 years old, I went on a fishing trip with my dad on the Flint River.

Why are you telling me this now?

Because I like you, Annie.

And I don't know exactly where we stand right now, but I figure the truth is a pretty good place to start.

We can't get any closer if we have these secrets between us.


Hey. Thank you.

What did you find out about Flint?

McQuaid came clean about it.

What? Why? How'd that happen?

He did it on his own.

He said he wanted to be completely open with me.

He said Borz was on the Flint payroll and that they are a black Ops group that does classified government ops.

He said he couldn't come clean to the CIA.

He wasn't at liberty to.

Why did he come clean to you?

Did he show you any proof?

Proof of a clandestine black Ops group?

No, he didn't.

How do you know this isn't just more lies?

This is counterespionage 101.

If McQuaid knows you're investigating him, he'll throw you a bone to distract you from the truth.

He doesn't know I'm investigating him.

You don't know that.

He's a smart man with something to hide.

Maybe he can read you.

What are you saying?

I think you've let your guard down.

Anyone else with this kind of incriminating evidence piled against them, and you wouldn't hesitate to bring them in.

My gut is telling me differently.

What if Flint is doing aboveboard Ops?

Your gut's telling you this or your heart?


Annie, I think he's playing you.

I've got to take this to Joan.

Please don't take this to Joan.

Let me see this through.

Let me do this my way.

You know, I asked you to give me the same trust when we were in Paris, and you didn't listen to me.

You sacrificed Natasha for the sake of the mission.

I should have trusted you.

Now you want me to--

I should have trusted you in Paris, and now I am asking you to trust me.

Can you do that?

I'll give you a day.

This is what I can tell you--

I'm looking for intel on a black Op team called "Flint."

Have you heard of them?

No. Why?

This is about helping McQuaid. Can you trust me on that?

What do you need from me?

I need you to go to your top-level government contacts and find out if the Department of Defense, the DIA, even the White House, uses these guys.

I need to verify that Flint does black Ops for our government.

As opposed to?

You don't want to know.

You can't see this, but it's a file from Georgetown Hospital.

Annie's medical records from the night of her car accident...


Well, I'm glad the doctor stuck with it.

We really do have great health care.

You hacked the hospital and our databases and changed her records.

I have no idea what you're talking about.


You're lying.

Send me to a polygraph.

I'm trying to help you here, man.

Help me? You think I need help?

Yes, I do, because I think right now I'm the only friend on the seventh floor you've got.

So they want me out?

If I show them this file, they will.

Then don't.

You lied to me, and you still are.

What else is going on that I should know?


What is this sh*t, Auggie?

I thought we trusted each other.

Last year, I was right next to you taking the same risks.

I helped Annie fake her own death.

I helped you track down Henry Wilcox.

And you're gonna shut me out now?

I'm sorry, Calder.

I'm opening a full investigation into your involvement in falsifying Annie Walker's medical records.

You're what?

You're not to handle any more of my operatives until further notice.

You have got to be kidding me.

Don't you dare act surprised.

Close the door on your way out.

[Door closes]


I had to call in just about every favor I had, and it still wasn't enough.

You didn't find anything?

This is serious stuff.

A good friend, who I'm not gonna be naming, completely denied and discredited the notion of there being a black-bag unit employed by the Department of Defense.

So Flint doesn't do any government work?

But then he said if such a company existed, the D.O.D. would use a fax line to make the initial communication with said black Ops unit.

So Flint is a legitimate government black Ops team?

It looks that way.

I had another friend at NSA who was able to produce a physical address from that a fax line.

I can't thank you enough.

[Engine turns off]


[Distant clatter]


What are you doing here?

I followed you here.

McQuaid may give you the benefit of the doubt, but I know you're spying on us for the CIA.

What are you talking about?

You showed up barely a day after you got bounced out from Langley.

Can't be a coincidence.

They suspended you so you could infiltrate McQuaid Security.

That's not true.

You met with your handler.

You met with Arthur outside the office, and now this place.

[Distant loud clatter]

I'm gonna ask you one time.

You know who's down there?

I told you, I followed you.

You first.


[Both breathing heavily]

Did you hit him?

He got away.


Who's this guy?

He used to work for us.

I have no idea what he's doing here.

I wish I could believe you.

Well, I just saved your life. Do you believe that?

Here, put that on your face and press tight.

[Exhales sharply]


What's he doing here?

That's what I want to know.

Calder, I was just coming to see you.

Can it wait?

Sacrificing the career of an immeasurable tech op and friend?

No, it cannot wait.

Joan, Auggie made his own bed.

Auggie has been a loyal handler.

Are we gonna punish him for that?

We don't know to what extent he'll be punished.

With all due respect, that is a cop-out.

It's gonna be dire, and you know it.

If you're gonna be Machiavellian, do it.

But don't be a hypocrite.

I need to be crystal clear with my operatives-- if you lie to me, go behind the back of the Agency, there will be consequences.

So you're gonna play that card?

What card?

I just didn't expect you to be the one to call out somebody else for their secrets.

So, what- you're gonna leverage me if I leverage Auggie?

I'm saying I know you're gonna do the right thing.

Got here as fast as I could.

What do we have?

It looks like an expl*si*n went off in the center of this room.

What would McQuaid want to detonate in here?

Grab a light and scan the area.

I want to see the whole thing.

It looks like there were walls here.

It's the outline of a structure.

Does McQuaid Security do mock-ups of the Ops you're planning?


Full scale?

Well, you know McQuaid. He replicates an embassy we're about to storm or an outpost we're gonna secure with intense detail.

It must be a Flint Op.


This is a bullpen.

Four offices, an interrogation room, and a bullpen in the center.

What are you talking about?

It's the Chicago facility.

This is where they planned the Chicago att*ck.

You can't be sure.

I was supposed to die in that blast.

Walking through that office with Charlie has played over and over again in my mind ever since.

I know it's Chicago.

Well, maybe McQuaid built a replica to study the blast.

Maybe he was contracted to look for clues.

Were you?

Not to my knowledge.

You say McQuaid goes all the way with these practice runs.

If he was going to use expl*sives in an op, would he detonate in the rehearsal?


Semtex is what Mykola Altan used to take out the Chicago facility.

If the chemical signature here matches what we found in Chicago, then we can be sure this is where they planned the att*ck.

My former student, a serviceman, a patriot...

And now we're saying he's a t*rror1st?

I don't believe it.

Not Ryan.

This doesn't make any sense.

It's time we took this to Langley.

[Whispering indistinctly]

What did the lab say?

It's a match.

The Semtex used in Chicago was the same you found in McQuaid's facility.

What could be his motive?

Caitlyn helped me access McQuaid Security's accounting.

To put it bluntly, before Chicago, that company was about to go bankrupt.

Did you know that?

I knew we were discussing selling large stock options to a handful of foreign investors, but I didn't realize the company was in peril.

McQuaid lost 9 of his last 13 bids.

Then he hired Arthur, and Chicago happened.

With Arthur's access to CIA contacts, McQuaid got what he always wanted-- booming business.

Is this true?

Was Chicago a game changer for your company?


Pull McQuaid in.


I know you don't work for me anymore, but great job.


How are you holding up?

Oh, I'm questioning all my instincts.

Other than that, I'm great.

Sounds like you need a drink. Let's make that happen.

Sounds good. Let me change into something that doesn't have Caitlyn's blood on it, and I'll meet you there.



It's Miller time for me, Calder.

Did you hand off all your operatives like I asked you to?


Like a good soldier.

Good, because I want all your attention on the McQuaid Op now.

What about the DCI?

What about Annie's health records?

Let the sheriff worry about that.


I haven't forgotten...

About how you helped Annie and I with Henry Wilcox.

I won't forget that.

Just so we're clear.

Have a good night, Anderson.


You scared me.

Listen, I'm in trouble.

There's a manhunt coming for me--FBI, CIA, you name it.

What are you talking about?

A friend at Justice tipped me off.

He said that they think that I had something to do with the Chicago att*ck.

Why would they think that?

I don't know.

I think I'm being set up.

Come inside.

No matter what happens, Annie, I want you to know that I'm innocent.

You know that, right?

Of course.

I mean, I-I have some enemies, but...


What are you doing?

I'm taking you in.

How could you think that I did this?

I saw Allen Langer at your house that morning.

He's an employee of mine.

I know he works for Flint.

You had him k*ll Roger Bennett after he found out the truth about Chicago.

[Siren wailing]


Are you saying that Allen was involved in Chicago, or is he saying that I was?

He didn't have to.

I found the bunker where you planned the att*ck.

Annie, I have no idea what you're talking about.

What bunker?

Ah, step back.


Someone is setting me up.

And after everything that I've seen, that someone could be you.


You coming to my company three days ago, and this situation can't be a coincidence.

You know, a spy's tool of last resort is his intuition, and my gut is telling me to trust you.

And now I'm asking you to trust your intuition.

You have the best instincts of anyone that I have ever met.

Don't ignore them now.

Think about every moment that you have shared with me.

I mean, that is real...

Not this.

Don't, Ryan.

If you think... that I am capable of this atrocity, then sh**t me...

Because I'm not gonna spend the next six months in some dungeon at Langley waiting for whoever set me up to carry out the rest of their plan.

I have to get to the bottom of this.

What the hell is going on?

You really believe McQuaid Security is behind Chicago?

If you'll pardon me for a second, Joe, my responsibility is to the truth.

Auggie Anderson and Annie Walker uncovered the truth about McQuaid's involvement, while the rest of us, myself included, were ready to close a case that had yet to be solved.

I won't reprimand Auggie. He's too valuable.

All right.

I will be sure to let the DCI know how you feel.

You do that.

Have him give me a call if he has any questions.

Thank you.

Hey. Sorry I'm late.

Hey. You okay?

Yeah. Just a little traffic.

Look, I hate to do this, but I got to cut out.

What's going on?

Someone tipped McQuaid off about the manhunt.

He's in the wind.

I got to get back to Langley and help Calder with the dragnet.

Now, we've cut him off from all of his resources, so he may be reaching out to people he thinks he can trust.

You think he'd try to contact you?

No. He's got to know what side I'm on by now.

Annie, I shouldn't have thought you were compromised.

You did great work.

I'll let you know when we find him.