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Part 2: 02x15 - Memory Thief: Part 2

Posted: 03/16/24 13:08
by bunniefuu
Last time on "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal..."

Looking snazzy, Heartland.

You just need one final accessory

to complete your ensemble!

Stop at nothing to seize Yuma Tsukumo's Numbers!

I'll even give you an evil entourage as backup!

Yuma Tsukumo!

Thanks for coming. Heartland!

What have you done with Tori and the others?

He didn't do a thing!

I deserve all the credit.

I was feeling some hunger pangs,

so I feasted on your buddies' memories.

Who are you? I'm Erazor.

You'll have to battle me

if you want to get your friends' memories back.

But if you lose, I get your Numbers!

Astral trusted me to hold onto the Numbers

and keep them safe,

and I'm not letting him down!

Way to tell 'em, Yuma!

It's Trey!

What're you doing here?

I know that no one can replace Astral,

but I'll give it my best shot.

Tray, take these.

My Number cards!

Astral trusted me to take care of the Numbers,

which means he also trusted

that I would know what's best for 'em.

(all) Let's duel!

Now that you're dueling on enemy ground,

Erazor's got the upper hand.

Especially since I gave him the power

to absorb half of your life points.

(evil laugh)


♪ Still together as one, 'cause divided, we're none ♪

♪ Ready to go, we feel the flow ♪

♪ So don't stand in our way, you know we ain't afraid ♪

♪ This is our time, we're in control ♪

♪ If I trip up today, you just wipe it away ♪

♪ All of my fears are gone, erased ♪

♪ Let us tear down the walls, until the final night falls ♪

♪ The bonds of our souls can't be replaced ♪

♪ Let us fight together

♪ Regret it never, our dreams will be ♪

♪ Halfway to forever

♪ Our light comes shining through ♪

♪ Reach down deep, beat defeat ♪

♪ Do all that we can do

♪ Halfway to forever

♪ We've got nothing to lose

♪ Keep breathing, believing ♪

♪ Halfway to forever ♪

After you lose to me,

I'm gonna feast on your memories,

just like I did to your friends!

And to make sure that happens as quick as possible,

I'm changing the rules

so that I'm allowed to attack on the first turn.

You cheat!

You can't do that unless we agree to it!

Just watch me!

I summon Oily Cicada!

And watch it call one of its buzzing buddiesDream Cicada!

And all the special abilities aren't over yet,

because Dream Cicada lets me switch Oily Cicada

into defense mode!

And here's the slick part.

When Oily Cicada is in defense mode,

it counts as two monsters when I use it to Xyz Summon!

This is bad! That's right!

I overlay both Oily Cicadas and Dream Cicada!

With these three monsters, I build the Overlay Network!

I Xyz Summon Number ThreeCicada King!

Erazor has a Number?

Caught you both by surprise, didn't I?

Vector gave us this Number just for this duel

so that I could finish off Yuma once and for all!

He'll be pleased to know that I also used it

to get rid of you, too, Trey!

Now, Number Three,

you've been lying low for long enough.

The time has come to rise up and spread your wings!

But why'd he summon it in defense mode?

I thought that bug brain was gonna attack on this turn!

Careful. There's no telling what he'll do.

Just be ready to swat down whatever flies our way.

You can try, but you will fail.

It's your move.

Get set to get decked!


(thinking) Double or Nothing.

I used this the first time I met Astral,

when I was battling Shark.

I remember that duel like it was yesterday!

We teamed up together and found a way to win.

Astral may not be floating by my side right now,

but I'm gonna make him proud, no matter what.

Face it, kid, without Astral to babysit you,

you haven't got a chance.

Heartland, why don't you make like a heart and beat it!

I've got a duel to win!

I summon Gagaga Magician!

And now that I've summoned a Level Four monster,

I can also summon this!

Come on out of the shadows, Kagetokage!

(thinking) This one is for you, Astral.

I overlay my Level Four Gagaga Magician and Kagetokage!

With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network!

I Xyz Summon Number Utopia!

(evil laugh) It won't be around for long.

(thinking) Hope I'm doing the right thing.

If only Astral were here to butt in and help.

No! I have to go with my gut.

And my gut's telling me to activate the spell

Reservation Reward!

If I show you a spell card in my hand,

I can place it facedown on my field.

So take a nice, long look at Double or Nothing.

Why would you want that card?


If I can manage to activate Double or Nothing,

it'll double my Utopia's attack points!

Not only that, when Utopia att*cks,

you still take damage even if your Cicada King

is in defense mode.

(thinking) If this works,

the damage to Erazor will be devastating.

Yuma may have lost Astral,

but it's clear he hasn't lost his nerve.

He's still totally feeling the flow.

All right.

Utopia, it's time to exterminate that Cicada King!

But first I'll use one Overlay Unit

to put a stop to that attack!

Go, Light Wing Shield! I don't think so!

By using one Overlay Unit, I activate Cicada King's

special ability to negate Utopia's special ability!

Go, Overlay Absorption!

No way!

Now Utopia's got to continue its attack!

But that's not the worst of it!

Cicada King's special ability

boosts its defense points by !

Your strategy backfired.

Utopia's in a world of hurt!

Utopia's in a world of hurt!

You okay? Yeah, that was no big deal.

I hardly felt anything!

That bug's all buzz and no bite!

We got this!

Nice work, Yuma.

You just wasted life points.

The poor sap doesn't have a clue what he's doing!

He was nothing but a puppet all along.

Now that Astral isn't around to pull his strings,

the kid is completely lost.

Keep quiet, Heartland! It's my draw!

I'll start off by summoning Chronomaly Moai Carrier!

And that lets me bring out

the perfect wingman for my Carrier,

Chronomaly Winged Sphinx!

Since there's already two numbers on the field,

I may as well make it three.

I overlay my Level Five Chronomaly Moai Carrier

and Chronomaly Wings Sphinx!

With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network!

I Xyz Summon the megalopolis of monsters,

Number Chronomaly Machu Mech!

This duel is ours.

All right! We've got him out-Numbered!

I'm not impressed.

That Number's too weak to hurt a fly,

much less my Cicada King!

Not for long! Huh?

I'm activating the spell card

Chronomaly Pyramid Eye Tablet!


It powers up my Chronomaly Machu Mech by points!

Machu Mech, unleash your special ability!

Anytime the attack points of a monster change,

Machu Mech can use an Overlay Unit

and deal out damage equal to the point change.

Brace yourself to get blasted.

Hey, wait, Trey.

Don't forget his monster can--

Too late!

Once again, you've managed to make my Number even stronger!

Cicada King uses an Overlay Unit

to activate its special ability!

It not only gains another defense points,

but it also negates Machu Mech's special ability!

The harder you go after my Number,

the more invincible it grows.

We've dug ourselves into a hole,

and it just keeps getting deeper!

You're forgetting about the spell card

you left on the field.

That can help us turn this duel around.


I activate Reservation Reward's effect!

It lets me place my spell Heart of Stone facedown!

Machu Mech, zap that Cicada King!

You're attacking? That makes no sense!

You'll only hurt yourself!

Trey, no!

You knew that attack wouldn't work!

So why did you do it?

Because the effect of Reservation Reward

lets me activate the spell Heart of Stone!

Since Cicada King wasn't destroyed,

Heart of Stone lets Machu Mech attack again.

But this time, Erazor, it's attacking with more fury,

because Reservation Reward

doubles Machu Mech's attack points!

You played all those cards perfectly.

I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Trey.

Machu Mech, what do you say we try this again?!

Exterminate that Cicada King with Meteor Meltdown!


Ha! I play the trap Cicada Illusion!

Your meteor is crushing a mirage instead of my monster!

It's safe?

You may have managed to save your Cicada King,

but your life points are a different story!



You thought we were weak,

but together, Yuma and I can't be beat!

With the battle over,

Machu Mech's attack points return to normal.

You losers better enjoy your luck,

'cause it's about to change for the worse!

If you're trying to intimidate us,

it won't work.

Doesn't matter!

The fact is you and your pal Yuma

just bought a one-way ticket to the disaster zone!

I switch Cicada King to attack mode!

Get ready to strike at my command!

And here's some extra buzz.

Thanks to Cicada Illusion, my monster's defense points

are added to its attack points,

giving my Cicada King a ,-point bug bonus.

(evil laugh)

I'll grind both of you into dust,

starting with the weakest link first!

I've got your Number in my sights, Yuma Tsukumo!

Cicada King, finish this!

What a mismatch!

Utopia's about to be destroyed!

And so are you! Ha ha!

Cicada King, finish this!

What a mismatch!

Utopia's about to be destroyed!

And so are you! Ha ha!

Don't think so, Heartland!

I play a trap! Orichalcum Mirage!

Now Cicada King's attack gets re-directed,

so my Machu Mech takes the hit instead!


Trey, no!

That meddling malcontent saved Yuma!


Thanks for taking the hit and saving me.

No need to say thanks, Yuma.

But your life points are down to .

I came here to protect you,

and that's what I intend to keep on doing

to my very last point.

Thank you.

(evil laugh)

You think you've saved Yuma?

But all you've done is guarantee that you'll both be doomed!


Just watch and see!

I activate the trap Final Cicada!

All I have to do is send this card to the graveyard

on my next turn.

Then the , points of damage you just took

will return to strike you all over again!

You two thought you could beat me.

Who's the bug brain now?!

You can go ahead and take your last turns!

Or you can just give up!

No, never!

I draw!


(thinking) There must be a way to turn this duel around

with the cards I have!

Come on! Think!

It doesn't matter what move you make, Yuma!

I have an itty-bitty trap called Cicada Force

waiting for you.

The second you attack me,

Cicada Force will activate,

forming a barrier that destroys all your monsters!

(thinking) I can't see a way out.

Maybe it is over.

Yuma. Huh?

We believe in you, Yuma.

Don't give up.

You can still win.

Go for it.

They're talking? Impossible!

You slurped up their memories!

Their brains should be vacationing in Zeroland!

What happened?

Don't you guys get it?

Yuma and his friends are tougher than you think!

You're about to find that out the hard way.

(thinking) Trey's right.

We are strong enough to stand up to Erazor...

even without Astral's help.

Erazor, this duel's doing a !

Get set.

We're about to high five the sky.


I'm activating the spell

Release, Reverse, Burst!

Now by sending an Xyz Monster to the graveyard,

your facedown spells and traps are all destroyed!


So I send my Number to the graveyard!

I'm sorry to lose you, Utopia!

You've only postponed your fate.

The instant my next turn begins, this duel ends!

Thing is we're still on my turn,

and I'm summoning Gillagillancer

directly to Trey's field!

For the gift that I gave to Trey,

he's gonna have to pay me back

by giving me of his life points at the end of his turn.

Your teammate only has life points left?

You're willing to sell him out to preserve yourself?

I like it!

Your teammate only has life points left?

You're willing to sell him out to preserve yourself?

I like it!

It's your turn, Trey.

You betrayed your friend!

Now he'll turn against you in a desperate attempt to survive!

I won't!

That isn't how friendship works, Erazor!

Yuma and I are in this together,

and I'll prove that to you now!

Here I go!


(thinking) Yuma just put a card facedown.

I think I know what he has in mind.

I'll begin my turn

by activating the spell Orichalcum Chain!

And guess what that lets me do, Erazor.

I can Xyz Summon using one monster.

And thanks to Yuma, I have the monster I need.

That's what I call teamwork.


Gillagillancer, let's do this!

Thanks to Orichalcum Chain,

I can overlay this one Monster

to build the Overlay Network and Xyz Summon!

Step forward, Number Six.

Chronomaly Atlantis!

And now that I've summoned Atlantis,

it can equip a Number in the graveyard

and power up by gaining all of its attack points!

I thought Yuma was trying to save himself,

but I had it all wrong!

He sent Number to the graveyard to help Trey,

so that he could gain Utopia's points!

(Trey) Talk about awesome teamwork.

Now we have the power of two Numbers packed into one.

There's more!

My spell Pyramid Eye Tablet

gives Atlantis an point power up!

Not bad, but not good enough to defeat me this turn!

So that means when I'm up,

you're your both going down once and for all!

Don't think so, Erazor.

Atlantis, attack Cicada King!

Do it, Yuma!

I activate a trap card!

Overlay Stopper!

It puts a stop to Trey's attack!

Why stop your own teammate's attack?

Because it lets us play this...

Double or Nothing!

Now Atlantis can attack again

but with twice the attack points!

And then I'll follow up Yuma

by activating Reservation Reward!

Atlantis' attack points get doubled again!

This can't be!

There must be some mistake!

The only mistake is the one you made

when you challenged us.

Atlantis, it's time to de-throne that Cicada King!

(Yuma) Vaporize that bug!


No! Erazor!

I won't forget this, Yuma!


What's going on? I can't remember.

Me either.

Didn't we come here to solve a mystery?

Yuma! What's up, guys?

When did you get here?

I didn't expect to see you. Oh, Yuma!

You guys are amazing!

You cheered me on even when you were all unconscious.

You guys totally rock!

You, too, Trey.

I got this, thanks to you,

and I want you to hold on to it.

Are you sure? This is a Number card.

Take it as a sign of our friendship

and of my trust in you.

Thanks, Yuma.

I'll take good care of it,

and that's a promise.

(thinking) Astral,

I wish you could've seen my duel today.

I was so broken up that you were gone,

I almost gave up on everything.

But now I see that with my friends beside me,

anything is possible.

Still, I miss you.
