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Part 2: 02x14 - Memory Thief: Part 1

Posted: 03/16/24 13:07
by bunniefuu
(Kari) Yuma!

Hey, Yuma!

You better come down pronto or I'm calling Bronk

to munch on all your lunch.


I know you can hear me.

Even Grandma can hear me

Hey, Kari, is Yuma still in his room?


I've tried to get him down all day, but he's not budging.

Even food threats aren't working.

He's still upset.

Poor guy.

(Yuma) Astral!

(Astral) Goodbye, my friend.



(Don Thousand) Welcome to my sacred domain.

(Vector) Don Thousand.

This palace is truly befitting of your great and limitless


(Don Thousand) Few mortals have ever gained entry.

You should consider this a great honor.

I do, in fact, I'm not even sure I'm worthy to be here.


Is that what I think it is?

Number .

(Don Thousand) Correct.

Astral was unable to destroy all his power.

So naturally, what was left returned to its rightful owner.

Are you implying that that's you?

How could that be?

Because, Vector, Number was originally a part of me.

A part of you?

(Don Thousand) Yes.

When I battled with Astral, I att*cked with such fury that

a splinter of my dark power buried itself within his heart.

Of course!

I wondered how someone like Astral could have such a vile

being inside him.

Uh, no offense.

(Don Thousand) Here, taste the dark power that created !

It's unbelievable!

♪ Still together as one

♪ 'Cause divided we're none ♪

♪ Ready to go we feel the flow ♪

♪ So don't stand in our way you know we ain't afraid ♪

♪ This is our time we're in control ♪

♪ If I trip up today you just wipe it away ♪

♪ All of my fears are gone erased ♪

♪ Let us tear down the walls till the final night falls ♪

♪ The bonds of our souls can't be replaced ♪

♪ Let us fight together

♪ Regret it never our dreams will be ♪

♪ Halfway to forever

♪ Our light comes shining through ♪

♪ Reach down deep beat defeat ♪

♪ Do all that we can do ♪

♪ Halfway to forever we've got nothing to lose ♪

♪ Keep breathing believing ♪

♪ Halfway to forever ♪

(Don Thousand) Taste the dark power that created !

(Vector) It's unbelievable!

What have you done to me?

(Don Thousand) Turned you into my ultimate warrior.

I can feel your power coursing through me.

With this power, I will crush Yuma Tsukumo!

(Don Thousand) You must learn patience, Vector.

It is not yet time.

What kind of game is Don Thousand playing with me?

(Don Thousand) You will crush Yuma one day, but first, there is another task"],…}

to be done, one of great importance.

Sounds very exciting.

(Don Thousand) Behold!

(Vector) It looks impressive, but what is it?

(Don Thousand) This Fusionizer will make it possible to combine Barian World"],…}

with the human world!

Joining them together!

Is that really possible?

(Don Thousand) Doubt me again, Vector, and you shall suffer the consequences!"],…}

Is that understood?

All right, I believe you.

And I think it's fiendishly brilliant.

But what's the purpose of fusing the two worlds?

For power!

Much more power!

Destroying Astral World requires a great amount of energy.

And by tapping into the human world, I will gain that energy.

Vector, execute my plan.

Sit upon my throne and see to it that everything goes

as designed.

To assist you, I am giving you four unique

and powerful Numbers.

They will help you spread turmoil and suffering across

the human world.

Wield these Numbers viciously.

Use their power to throw the human world into complete

and utter chaos.

Failure is not an option!

Astral, I can't believe you're really gone.

I wish I had never started dueling or ever heard

of Number cards.

'Cause if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't feel so angry

and upset!

I don't want these.

They're nothin' but trouble!

(Astral) Yuma...

Take care of the Numbers.

I don't want to let Astral down.

But I'm just not sure if I have what it takes to keep them safe.

Hey there, Shark.


I got them for Rio.

Great, thanks.

Put them on the table.


I asked Yuma to come, but ever since Astral disappeared,

he refuses to leave his room.

I've never seen him so down before.

Sorry, Tori, but Yuma's problems are

the last thing on my mind right now.

Oh, of course, Shark.

I know you've got a lot on your plate.

Poor Rio.

She's gonna be ok, Shark.

I just know it.

I'll be right outside if you need me.

I just can't face Yuma.

Not till I know the truth about myself.

Am I really a Barian?

I heard you needed me so I flew here as fast as I could.

What's the latest buzz, buddy?

The buzz is you're late.

Uh, sorry about that.

I couldn't find my glasses.

But I'm glad I did!

I like the new look.

Change is good.

And speaking of change, I think it's time you had one.

Looking snazzy, Heartland.

You just need one final accessory to complete

your ensemble.


My very own Number.

I'm honored you've given such an important card to me.

Stop at nothing to seize Yuma Tsukumo's Numbers.

I'll even give you an evil entourage as backup.

No, it can't be.

Long time no see.

At last, the team that put the "fear" in fearsome is reuniting

to spread dread and mayhem wherever we go.


You won't regret what you've done for me, Vector.

I promise I won't let you down.

I'm going to eat everything here!

This tastes fantastic!

(Caswell) This satisfies the duelist in me.

(Flip) Hey, pass the Duel Fuel.

(Caswell) Seconds and thirds, please.


You guys have to try my homemade chicken a la Tori.

It's out of this world.

But it's not as yummy as my rice dish.

I used cat food to give it extra flavor.

(Bronk) Check it.

It's a nifty new badge I designed for our Super Secret

Number Card Investigation Club.

I made one for each of you.

That's not bad, Bronk, but set your sights on these super rare,

mega powerful cards I picked up for us downtown.

Yeah, well, I bought you guys a bunch of tickets for the new

Kuriboh Coaster that's guaranteed to make you lose

your lunch.

It isn't working, guys.

He's not coming down.

Oh, Yuma.

He can't get over the fact that Astral's gone.

And I know just how he feels.

Game over.

I know it's disappointing to lose.

How 'bout I help you forget all about it?

"In a series of strange occurrences,

duelists have been losing their memories.

Several have been found unconscious near the

Heartland Memorial Hall."

Now that's freaky.

"Once awake, they have what appears to be total amnesia."

Now who could be doing this?

So, the rumors are true.

Astral has vanished from the human world, which means the

Barians will attack with even greater ferocity.

It's time for us to sweep into action.

Your job will be to look after Yuma.

Yes, brother.

(Bronk) Guys, listen to this.

A bunch of duelists got their memories wiped out.

(Flip) Messing with minds is a Barian specialty.

If you ask me, The Super Secret Number Card Investigation Club

should get to the bottom of this mystery.

You know, that could be the perfect way to get Yuma

out of his funk.

When he finds out, he'll want to get in on the action.

Then let's go solve The Mystery of Lost Memories!

We'll have Yuma defunked in no time.

(all) All right!

Erazor! Exactly what are you up to?

I don't know what you mean, Heartland.

Don't play innocent!

We were ordered to capture Yuma Tsukumo's Numbers.

Okay, you got me.

I was just using those duelists to warm up for the main event.

And to feast on their memories, of course.

I have a special yen for losers' minds.

The anguish they feel after a humiliating defeat is so delish.

Hey, I've seen that girl before.

She's friends with Yuma Tsukumo.

I betcha her memories will be incredibly helpful

and delicious.

In the end, this is the best spot to begin our investigation.

The news said that several duelists were found unconscious

right around here.

Be ready to pounce.

Eyes open, people.

'Cause you never know where a Barian might pop up.

Bring him on.

If he tries to steal my memories, I'll give him

something he won't forget.


I think you're looking for me.

Hey! Rise and shine!


I just knew you'd be thrilled to see that I'm back.

I thought you were gone for good!

When I fell into that inter-dimensional vortex,

I thought I was a goner, too.

But thankfully, I was revived by Vector.


Yes and just as Vector helped me, these mopey malcontents--

or "friends" as you call them-- have been trying to help you.

Glad to see you're out.

(Heartland) Your chums were trying to draw you out of your room by playing"],…}

amateur detectives.

They didn't realize their investigation would lead them

straight into the hands of the bad guy.

And now only you can save their skins or to be exact,

their minds.

If you want to save 'em, bring your Numbers to the Heartland

Memorial Hall on the double!

But hurry, there's not much time.

Don't worry, you guys!

I'm on my way.

(Heartland) Yuma Tsukumo.

Thanks for coming.

Heartland! What have you done with Tori and the others?

They're taking a time out.

Flip! Tori!

Caswell! Somebody answer me!

What did you do to them, Heartland?

He didn't do a thing, I deserve all the credit.

I was feeling some hunger pangs,

so I feasted on your buddies' memories.

Who are you? I'm Erazor.

You'll have to battle me if you want to get your friends'

memories back.

But if you lose, I get your Numbers.

Of course, I have no doubt that I'll crush you completely.

I look forward to watching you crumble to your knees once you

realize you not only lost all your Numbers,

but failed your friends as well!

(Yuma) If I agree to duel him, I'll risk all the Numbers

I've gathered.

But if I turn him down, Tori and the others will never get their

memories back.

There's a lot riding on this duel.

What if I can't hack it?

After all, I'll be dueling alone.

Astral, I'm not sure I can beat this guy without you here.

So, we dueling?

Give him a break, Erazor.

You shouldn't put so much pressure on Yuma.

After all, this isn't really his fight.

The battle for the Numbers is between

the Barians and Astral World.

It doesn't concern humans.

Why should this poor kid be forced to take sides?

Now that Astral is gone, there's no reason for you

to worry about the fate of the Numbers, is there, Yuma?

I guess not.

Let me make this easy for you, my friend.

Just hand over your Numbers and I promise the Barians will never

bother you or your friends again.

Your friends' memories will be restored, of course.


And if you'd like, I can also arrange to have your memories

of Astral completely erased.

Some memories are simply too painful to bear.

Just think of how pleasant your life would

be if you could forget him.

All the sadness you feel over Astral's loss will

be instantly wiped away.

It will be as if he never even existed.

As if Astral never existed?

I won't do it!

Every memory I have of Astral is important to me.

The good ones and even the bad ones.

The Numbers are more than just cards to me, because in some

way, they hold all the adventures and battles

I shared with him.

Astral trusted me to hold onto the Numbers and keep them safe.

And I'm not letting him down!

That's why I would never turn the Numbers over to you!

(Trey) Way to tell 'em, Yuma!

It's Trey!


What're you doing here?


I saw you were in trouble and came to help.

Now that Astral is gone, it's clear you're going

to need some backup.

Anyone who tries to harm you,

will have to get past yours truly.

How did you know about Astral?

My brothers and I have been following the conflict between

Astral World and Barian World closely.

That's how we learned about Astral's fate.

I'm sorry, Yuma.

Losing a friend is never easy.

Listen, I know you feel sad and alone right now, but remember

you have friends like me who will stand beside you.

You're right, I'm not alone.

What feeble adversaries.

Now we're up against two runts.

Two runts who won't have any trouble defeating you,

Heartland! Really?

Then let's see how you handle my Stinging Swarm!


I thought the crest's power was gone forever.

Well you thought wrong Heartland.

Quinton discovered a way to preserve the power my father

shared with us, which I can now use to help Yuma.

Whoa, you're gonna help me Trey?

Thanks, pal.

I know that no one can replace Astral,

but I'll give it my best shot.

Before when we dueled, you and I faced off as opponents.

We used our cards and all the power we had to try

and out-duel each other.

But now that we're teaming up, I'll share my power with you.

He's putting it all on the line to help me.

Take care of the Numbers.

Trey, take these. My Number Cards!

Astral trusted me to take care of the Numbers, which means he

also trusted that I would know what's best for 'em.

You're using your power to help me,

so I want to share what I have with you.

Thank you.

If Astral were here I'm sure he'd agree with me.

It feels like the right thing to do.

Sounds to me like you twerps are gonna try and put up a fight!

Bad choice, but I won't stop you.


If you like, I'll take you both on at once.

Yuma and I could both beat you on our own, but if you insist--

Then we'll duel you together!

Duel Disk, go!

Duel Gazer, let's roll!

(computer voice) Augmented Reality Vision Link established.

(all) Let's duel!

Not so fast.

Before we get things started, I insist on snazzing up the place.

My fellow creepy crawlies will give this hall

a Barian makeover.

What's with the light show?

Now that you're dueling on enemy ground, Erazor's got the upper

hand, especially since I gave him the power to absorb half

of your life points.

You can't do that!

Oh, really? Just you watch me.

I don't like this, Trey.

Me either.

This is totally bugging me out.
