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03x22 - A Trio's Challenge: Part 3

Posted: 03/16/24 07:47
by bunniefuu
(Yuma) Last time on "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal..."

(Dr. Faker) Fix your fearful eyes on Heart-Earth's true form!

Number , Heart-Earth Dragon!

Neo Galaxy-Eyes,

attack with Ultimate Photon Stream of Destruction!

Set Hart free now.

Release him!

I can't!

You think you're helping Hart,

but you're only putting him in greater danger!

Your younger brother cannot hope to survive

unless Astral World is destroyed once and for all!

In my quest to save the boy,

I decided I had to look outside our world

for a solution.

I abandoned everything else.

Even my own principles.

I soon discovered Barian.

It was a strange world with energy resources

that seemed to be unique.

I did not hesitate to make a deal with them.

They promised me that they would save Hart...

and in exchange,

I agreed to destroy Astral World.

(Barian) Dr. Faker!

You almost succeeded.

But at the critical moment, you faltered!

Stay away!

I will have to complete what you began.

You three believe you can defeat me?

Then I will give you the chance to prove it!

This duel is far from over!

What do you mean-- Who are you?

I am from Barian World!

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪

You're from Barian?

And you're out to destroy Astral World?

That is correct.

And I will not let anything or anyone interfere

with the completion of my mission!

He took over Dr. Faker so he can finish the duel!


Now to complete my takeover

so I can finish you off.

Much better!

Now I have an unpleasant surprise for you.

Heart-Earth Dragon has another ability

you were clueless about.

If it has no Overlay Units when it is destroyed,

it can come back one last time!

Heart-Earth's attack points are equal

to the number of banished cards,

multiplied by one thousand!

Looks like we've gone back to square one.

Your situation has become even more desperate

than you realize.

Your Neo Galaxy-Eyes is now switched to defense mode.

Oh, great!

What are we gonna do now?


His misery will soon end!

In fact, none of you will survive this turn!

I draw!

Your downfall is assured as I activate

the spell Barian's Gateway!

Every time your monster is sent to the graveyard,

it bombards you with points of damage!


Think quick!

We only have a hundred life points left, guys!

Too late!

Heart-Earth Dragon will strike your monster down

ending this duel and your last chance

to oppose my plans!

Attack Neo Galaxy-Eyes!

Dragon Cannon Blast!

I activate the trap Photon Escape!

This card banishes Neo Galaxy-Eyes

and ends the battle.

So your attack fails!

You have only delayed your unavoidable defeat.

It is true you will take no damage,

but since you banished a card,

my Heart-Earth will now grow

one thousand attack points stronger!

It'll be even harder to destroy it now

I can't give up.

But you're not well.

I don't care!

If you wanna take my little brother,

you've gotta get past me first!

And I'm never gonna let that happen!


That was Kite.

I'm activating Dimension Wanderer's special ability!

By sending Dimension Wanderer to the graveyard,

I can combine the attack points

of two banishes monsters and then deal the point total

to you as damage!

I choose Shark Drake Veiss and Neo Galaxy-Eyes.

That's , points of damage!

And that means this duel's over!


You bet!

You first, Neo Galaxy-Eyes!

Go Ultimate Photon Stream of Destruction!

Now you, Shark Drake Veiss!

Chaos Stream!

I admire your effort, but it means nothing,

because my Barian's Gateway spell has another effect!

All I have to do is send this card to the graveyard

and I take no damage!

He dodged yet another attack of ours!

Oh no, Kite, are you okay?

Not you, too!

Now that I have worn down two of you,

I can end my turn.

Only you stand in my way now, Yuma Tsukumo,

but not for much longer!

Your life points are almost gone, Yuma Tsukumo.

With your friends down and your field empty,

you stand alone.

Which means that you are destined

for complete destruction

just like Astral World!


We've come too far!

Yuma and Kite are trying their best to save me.

But now& I must try to save them!

No Hart, what are you doing!?


That power!

No, Hart-- All that energy...

It belongs to Barian World!

It is the power I infused in you!

The field!

It is destabilizing!

Now's your chance, Yuma.

You and Astral can end this!

Your combined powers will be too much

for that thing to handle!

(Astral) Yuma...

It is true!

We must join together!

Let's do this!

Here goes!


I'm feelin' the flow!

All set?

You betcha!

All right, it is time for you and I

to build the Overlay Network!

Get ready, Astral!

When two distant souls become one,

the power of Zexal is revealed!

Zexal Morph!

This must be the power I have heard so much about.

That's right!

And I'll defend Astral World no matter what it takes!

You can't win, Barian!

The bond that the two of us share is simply too strong

for you to ever break!

It's my turn!

(Astral) A truly powerful duelist can shape the outcome of a duel.

He can even generate the very card

that he needs to draw!

Let's do this!

Go Shining Draw!

I summon Zexal w*apon Ultimate Shield!

Next, I activate its special ability!

Once I summon this card,

I can bring back up to three Xyz monsters

that had been previously banished,

as long as I negate their special abilities.

Three monsters!

Return, Chaos Number , Utopia Ray!

Yuma, it's time.

We can all combine our powers now.

I call on you, Chaos Number ,

Shark Drake Veiss!

Return to battle, Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!

Three banished monsters are now back on my field,

which means your Heart-Earth Dragon is forced to give up

attack points!

You see?

Standing together, we're too powerful for you!

Or so you believe!

But you are still destined for destruction!

Just look!

Now what?

Oh no, the Sphere Field Cannon!

Even without Astral,

the cannon now has more than enough energy

to obliterate Astral World!

Nothing you do can stop me from completing my plan!

In a moment, Astral World will be wiped out of existence

and all of you along with it!


I'll hold you off by equipping Ultimate Shield

onto Utopia Ray!

That will give Utopia Ray more defense points!

On top of that, I equip the spell Xyz Unity

on Utopia Ray!

This switches Utopia Ray into attack mode!

But that is not all!

Utopia Ray gains the attack points of all Xyz monsters

on our field in defense mode!

Therefore, Utopia Ray has , attack points!



Get 'em, Utopia Ray!


Raising your monster's attack points was a mistake,

because Heart-Earth Dragon

bounces the damage back to you!

And that's why I'm activating Xyz Unity's other effect

by sending Shark Drake Veiss to the graveyard.

Utopia Ray can attack again

only now it can attack you directly!

Unless I put a stop to it, that is!

I activate the trap Barian's Battle Buster!

Now by banishing a Barian card in my graveyard,

I can stop two monster att*cks during this turn!

I banish Barian's Gateway,

thus stopping your pathetic direct attack!

No sweat!

I'll just send Neo Galaxy-Eyes

to the graveyard so that I can attack you

one more time!

And once again, I attack you directly!

Worthless move!

All I have to do is activate Barian Battle Buster's effect!

Then your direct attack is stopped again!

Plus, when I send Barian's Battle Buster

to the graveyard,

I can force one monster on the field to engage in battle!

We're cooked!

If he picks Utopia Ray...

...then , points of damage

will come bouncing back at us!


It is doomsday for you and Astral World!

You just lost.


I activate Ultimate Shield's special ability!

Ultimate Shield not only stops that damage,

but that amount is added to Utopia Ray's attack points!

But there's more,

Heart-Earth Dragon's special abilities are negated!

Oh, no!

No way!

It cannot be!

This battle is over!

Get set, Utopia Ray!

Attack with Rising Sun Ultimate Slash!

You will pay for this!

I warned you!

Our bond is way too strong for you!




I gotcha!

Kite, I'm free!

Yes, you're free Hart.

It's all over.

You're gonna be safe now.


Are you okay!?


I command you to wake up!

That's an order!

Sir-- I'm wide-awake!

Where am I?

It's Kite...

and Hart!


No-- Father!

Orbital, take care of Hart.

You're leaving?

But, Master!

I have to go!


Kite, come back!

I will Hart.

After I save our father!

Tori, look after Shark.

Good luck.

Thanks Shark.

Hang on, Kite!

I'm on my way!

Now where's my Dad?


I got you!

You came for me?

Let's go.


Why are you helping me, Yuma?

I once betrayed your father.

I despise what you did,

but I also understand that you thought

you were helping your son, Hart.

If my dad were here, I'm sure he'd help you, as well.

You are just like your father.

But I don't deserve any mercy.

My actions were truly unforgiveable.


If you're sorry-- (Vetrix) Faker!

Those you wronged will be revenged.


Hang on tight, folks!

This could be a really rough ride!




Don't do it.

Hasn't there been enough suffering?

Please, Byron,

I deserve whatever vengeance

you want to carry out,

but Kite and Yuma are innocent.

Let them go!

Then you can settle things with me.


Let go of your rage!

I will now show you...

my great power!

Don't worry, you guys.

I'm sure Yuma and Kite will be okay.

They'll find a way out somehow.

Wait, what happened ?

Hey, we made it!

Yuma, you made it out?



Okay, you can stop crying now, Tori.

I'm totally fine.


You don't understand a thing!

I wasn't crying because I was worried,

but because you came back

to complicate my life even more!



Yes, Faker.

Byron, I'm so sorry.

Goodbye, my friend.

May you and your sons find peace!

After all that I did, he forgave me.

How's he doin' there, Dextra?

He should pull through just fine.

Let's head for the med center, Nistro.

Will do!

Bye, Shark.

I know you're in good hands.

(Dr. Faker) Forgive me, Hart.

I have much to make up for...

to you and your brother.

I hope that in time, we can be a true family again.

It is over.

Well done, Yuma.

Wait, it's not over yet!

I still get to have one wish granted

for winning the Duel Carnival!

And for my wish I wanna have a duel against Kite!

C'mon, What do you say?

That sounds intriguing

This would be the Carnival's real final, Kite.

Well, then.

In that case, I say...

when do we start?

The sooner the better!

And may the best duelist win!

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪