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03x21 - A Trio's Challenge: Part 2

Posted: 03/16/24 07:47
by bunniefuu
(Yuma) Last time on Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal.

(Astral) He is going to use Hart's power

as a trigger to fire the Sphere Field Cannon.

(Dr. Faker) Once Astral world is destroyed, Barian's power will be mine!

And with that this entire world will kneel before me!

(Yuma) We can do this together!

This is it!

(Dr. Faker) Your end begins now.

I'm going to unleash a force

greater than anything you've ever faced!

It is draining the other Numbers' power.

I feel myself growing weaker.

I Xyz Summon, Number , Heart-Earth!


Rising Sun Slash!

Shark Drake, finish off that Heart-Earth.

Deep Sea Destruction!

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, attack!

Photon Stream of Destruction!

No way.

Is it over?

(Yuma) It looks like Faker survived...

only now he's got a new friend.

(maniacal laughing)

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe ♪

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪♪

(maniacal laughing)

He survived.

(Dr. Faker) I told you it would be impossible to defeat

a genius like me-- especially now that I have this!

Fix your fearful eyes on Heart-Earth's true form.

Number , Heart-Earth Dragon!

He should've lost the duel.

How did he summon a new Number?

Your meager minds can't fathom my tactics,

but I'll try to explain.

Kite thought he had vanquished me.

But when he att*cked Heart-Earth,

it had no Overlay Units.

Therefore, I could use Heart-Earth itself

as an Overlay Unit and thereby summon Heart-Earth Dragon.

Furthermore, once I've summoned this monster,

any of your monsters that are in attack mode

are immediately switched to defense mode.

And so, you finally see how hopeless it was to challenge me,

the greatest intelligence in the universe.

You have no choice but to accept your defeat!

He switched our monsters up

and right before any attack could deal him damage.

This guy's got more tricks than a magician.

I wonder what else he's got in store for us?

Let me show you-- get ready you three.

It's the trap Fake Form.

Since the battle mode of your monsters changed,

you're going to lose life points

for each monster you fools have on your field.

Each one?

Oh, no!


That's points, enough to terminate this duel.

What do we do?

I activate Kuriphoton's special ability.

I'll send this card from my hand to the graveyard

and then give up half of our life points.

Now we won't take any damage from your trap.


Be careful, you're wearing yourself out.

Be quiet.

No matter what it costs me, I'm gonna finish this.

I'll never give up till I beat Faker.

That's an unwise choice.

If you had backed down,

you would have saved yourself from even greater suffering!

So be it, I draw!

Heart-Earth Dragon, target Shark Drake and eliminate it!

What's he doing?

His Number has zero attack points!

(Dr. Faker) How's this for an ingenious plan?

Heart-Earth Dragon can't be destroyed in battle,

plus any battle damage I would take gets negated,

and that damage I would have taken impacts

the three of you instead!

Say what?

He has us backed into a corner.

We don't have nearly enough life points left to survive.

That's right.

Heart-Earth Dragon attack!

Go Dragon Cannon Blast!

Guys, we're in trouble!

Go Dragon Cannon Blast!

Guys, we're in trouble!

I'll save us!

My Escape Lure trap will deflect the attack.

Good thing I had this card handy.

With it, I was able to change the target of Faker's attack

to a different monster, and the battle damage gets cut in half!

Now Heart-Earth Dragon's going after Utopia instead!

Why'd Shark put Utopia in danger?

Because if you lessen the damage to Faker,

you lessen the damage to us.

Hey, that's right.

I'm gonna activate my trap Half Unbreak!

This card will reduce any battle damage by half.

I'll use its effect on Dr. Faker's Heart-Earth Dragon!

Why would he use a trap on my monster

instead of protecting his own?

(Yuma) Can't you figure it out, genius?

By decreasing the damage to you,

less damage gets deflected back to me and my friends!

To be more precise, your attack on Utopia

only results in points of damage to Heart-Earth Dragon.

So we'll only take points of damage.

Is that clear enough or are you still confused?

(Dr. Faker) Clever, I'll admit, but also pointless.

I will now activate another one

of Heart-Earth Dragon's special abilities.

All the damage that I took in this battle

will be instantly wiped out

and my life points are restored by that amount.

I place a card facedown and end my turn.

It's your move.

Aw, great, we've only got a hundred life points left.

That's almost nothing.

(Shark) But it isn't nothing.

Sounds to me like you're ready to call it quits, Yuma.


I've never given up before.

And I'm not about to start now!

Astral is counting on me to save him from Faker.

And I'm not gonna let Astral down.

Time to high five the sky!

I'm pullin' out all the stops, Faker!

Are you with me, Utopia?

Go Chaos Xyz Evolution!

Make way for Chaos Number Utopia Ray!

(Dr. Faker) A Chaos Number!

That's a powerful adversary indeed.

But it still isn't strong enough to overcome

the special abilities of my Heart-Earth Dragon!

His Number seems totally unstoppable especially since

it's got a gazillion-an'-one special abilities!

But even so, there's gotta be a way to turn this duel around.

But how?

C'mon think...

Ah, of course!

Go get 'em, Utopia Ray!

Rising Sun Chaos Slash!

Congratulations, boy!

You've just sealed your own team's complete destruction!

That would be true,

except I'm activating this card from my hand!

It's the spell Gamusharush!

This shrinks my monster's attack points to zero

but then you get bashed with points of damage.

That worked out exactly like I planned.

My turn is done.

You tried some actual strategy for a change.

Since att*cks can't damage him, you found another way.

It was only points, but that's not bad.

We can get this done.

The important thing is to keep working together as a team.

It's up to you now, Shark.

I can handle it from here!

Gotta tough it out.

I'm activating yet another

of Heart-Earth Dragon's special abilities!

If you summon a monster or put a card facedown on your field,

those cards are banished on the next turn!


That's right!

Say good-bye to Utopia Ray!

He's trying to mess up our teamwork.


You must be joking!

You actually think you three are working as a team?

You're too different from each other.

Face it, the bond between you simply isn't strong enough!

Sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong if you tried, Faker.

We do have something important that connects us.

It's the goal we share.

We all wanna take you down!

And it's gonna happen!

That's right, Shark.

Shark Drake, let's do this!

Go Chaos Xyz Evolution!

Come on out.

Chaos Number : Shark Drake Veiss!

Next, I'll activate my spell card, Deep Sea Attack!

By sending Jawsman in my hand to the graveyard,

my monster can attack you directly!

Shark Drake Veiss, attack Dr. Faker with Chaos Stream!

He's steering clear of Heart-Earth Dragon

to finish off Faker.

You got him, Shark!

Not so fast.

I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you

by activating my trap Fake Life.

And now, watch and weep as I take no damage

from Shark's pointless attack

but instead, boost my life points by the same amount!

Every time we think we got him down,

he bounces back up.

I'll put a card facedown and end my turn.


We've gotta get you some help!

Not till we win this duel.

(Yuma) But...

(Kite) Listen Shark...

Don't worry, I've got it from here.

I'll follow your lead and crush Faker for good.

Here goes.

I draw!

You three will never learn.

Once again, I activate

Heart-Earth Dragon's special ability!

Sorry, but you'll have to say goodbye to Shark Drake Veiss!

As you can see, your "team"

is in a totally desperate situation!

As you can see, your "team"

is in a totally desperate situation!

I was waiting for you to do that, Dr. Faker.

This is a desperate situation, but for you.

What do you mean?

I activate a trap!

It's called Xyz Dimension Splash!

This trap activates when it's banished,

so thanks Heart-Earth Dragon.

Because of that, I can summon two

Level Water Attribute monsters from my deck!

But I was so close to achieving victory!

I'm summoning two of my Hyper-Ancient

Shark Megalodons!

So you turned Heart-Earth Dragon's

special ability to your advantage.

Now Kite's taking over and will finish

what I've started.

Because... the three of us can work together as a team.


All set!

I overlay Galaxy-Eyes and Shark's Two Hyper Megalodons!

With these three monsters I build the Overlay Network!

I Xyz Summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!

Cool, now we're back in business!

I've almost exceeded the limit of my power

but I have to hang on.

I must find the strength... within me.

Neo Galaxy-Eyes' special ability activates!

It gets rid of the special abilities

of all the other monsters on the field!

Photon Howling!


Your Numbers special abilities are no more, Doctor.

And by using one Overlay Unit,

Neo Galaxy-Eyes can absorb all your Numbers Overlay Units.

Oh, and here's something else that might interest you:

Neo Galaxy-Eyes gains attack points

for every Overlay Unit that it absorbed.

, points, it can't be!

Now then, Faker, are you gonna come to your senses

and give up your insane schemes?

Or will I have to force you to change your ways?

How dare you thr*aten the universe's greatest genius!

Guess I will have to use force.

Neo Galaxy-Eyes, attack with

Ultimate Photon Stream of Destruction!

Awesome, that sure cut Faker down to size.

I'll give you one last chance.

Set Hart free now.

I won't ask again.

Release him!

Don't you see... I can't.

You think you're helping Hart

but you're only putting him in greater danger.

How is that?

Because your brother cannot hope to survive

unless Astral World is destroyed once and for all!

Why would you have to destroy Astral World to save Hart?

It makes sense once you see

that Hart's life depends on Barian World's power.

Barian World?

Ever since his birth,

Hart's physical condition was frail.

I knew it would grow worse over time

unless something drastic was done.

In my quest to save the boy,

I decided I had to look outside our world for a solution.

Once I had decided that

I would save Hart no matter what,

I abandoned everything else.

Even my own principles.

Although I greatly respected Byron and Kazuma,

I nevertheless betrayed them

in order to open the portal we discovered.

As I hoped, the portal did open to another world.

I soon discovered it was called Barian.

It was a strange world with energy resources

that seemed to be unique.

Because of this, the inhabitants

possessed knowledge and technologies radically

different from our own.

I did not hesitate to make a deal with them.

They promised me that they would save Hart

and in exchange, I agreed to destroy Astral World.

My plan slowly took shape.

It would require great force,

but by harnessing the power of the Numbers,

I could use my Sphere Field Cannon

to target Astral World and obliterate it.

Failure is not an option.

I was told that if my mission does not succeed,

Hart would be taken away.

Why didn't you tell me all this before?

I couldn't risk it.

I was afraid that if you learned the truth,

you might try something rash

that could increase the danger.

I will always be grateful to you, Kite.

I asked much of you, especially when I needed

you to become a Number Hunter to help your brother.

Even then you did not defy me.

I wish I could have told you the whole truth about

why I was driven to such extremes, but then...

That was wrong of you, Father.

(Kite) You put your trust in Barian without question

yet you couldn't find it in yourself to trust me...

...your own son!

My son!

I've sworn to protect Hart and I intend to keep that promise.

But I'll do it the right way.

And that's by stopping Barian World!

Kite, you won't be fighting alone.

I don't know a lot about Barian,

but I'll be battling at your side!

(Shark) And so will I.


Don't get the wrong idea.

Barian has to be stopped and I wanna be in on the action.

(Yuma) We'll join all of our powers together.

Just like we did today, guys!

We can't lose!

Father, you don't have to carry this burden anymore.

We'll settle everything, I promise.

I know what I'm doing.

Please trust me.

Yes, Kite.

(Barian) Dr. Faker!

(Barian) You almost succeeded.

But at the critical moment, you faltered!

Wait, what's wrong?

No, no, stay away!

What's happening to you, Father?

(Barian) Since you failed me, I will have to complete what you began.


What's happening?

(Barian) You three believe you can defeat me?

Then I will give you the chance to prove it.

This duel is far from over.

What do you mean-- who are you?

I am from Barian World!

(maniacal laughing)

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪♪