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03x20 - A Trio's Challenge: Part 1

Posted: 03/16/24 07:46
by bunniefuu
(Yuma) Last time on Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal.

(Dr. Faker) You've helped me create the ultimate w*apon.

This Sphere Field has gathered all the Numbers'

powers into one massive confluence of energy.

Once the cannon fires this energy,

there will be no saving Astral World.

The moment we've been waiting for is almost upon us, my boy!

Oh no, Hart!

(Astral) He is going to use Hart's power as a trigger

to fire the Sphere Field Cannon.

(Dr. Faker) Once Astral world is destroyed, Barian's power will be mine!

And with that this entire world will kneel before me!

(Kite) Hart, can you hear me?

Orbital, get to it.

I'm on it!

Commencing with full system overload!

(Dr. Faker) What's going on?

Why is Hart's energy decreasing?

(Astral) This may be your moment to escape.

We must break the Zexal bond.

(Yuma) No, we can't break the bond!

We can do this together!

This is it!

( Dr. Faker) If it's a duel you want, it's a duel you'll get.

I'll demolish you and be rid of the whole lot of you

once and for all.

And after that, this world is mine for the taking.

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪♪


You can do this!

I'm sure you can out-duel Dr. Faker.

Get him, Yuma!

I'm truly looking forward to battling against you, boy.

I only hope you're prepared to be completely pulverized!

That's not gonna happen!

I'll best you card for card!

And Yuma will be even stronger 'cause I'm dueling with him.

There's no way I'll miss this fight.

You're facing three of us!

(all) We're all ready!

So am I.

And I have more power than you can possibly imagine!

(Yuma) What's happening to him?

Now an army of duelists couldn't defeat me!

(Yuma) That's what you think!

Hey guys, gear up.

Duel Disks go!

Get 'em ready for action!

(Shark) You got it, Yuma!

(Kite) Go!

Photon Transformation!


(Yuma) Okay, guys, let's go!

Since this is a three on one duel,

each of you will share , life points.

And as your lone opponent,

I will possess triple that amount

for a total of twelve thousand life points!

Your end begins now.

How appropriate.

I'm going to trash you right from the start with this card.

I'm sending this Garbage Ogre

from my hand to the graveyard!

That lets me add Garbage Lord to my hand!

Good thing I have all these life points.

Because by giving up a thousand of them,

I can summon to do my Garbage Lord bidding!

But why summon one when I can summon three!

(all) No way!

My trashy trio will send you and your friends to the scrap heap!

(Yuma) Gross, I knew this wouldn't be a clean duel but gimme a break!

Relax, there's no need to panic.

Huh, who's panicking?

He's not done.

I overlay my three Level Garbage Lords!

With these three monsters I build the Overlay Network!

I'm going to unleash a force

greater than anything you've ever faced!

It will bring a whirlwind of agony and destruction!

But before it appears, it will need a huge supply of energy!

(Astral) Oh, no.

It is draining the other Numbers' power.

I feel myself growing weaker.

I Xyz Summon, Number !


That thing only has attack points!

It's so weak.

It's stronger than you think.

Your traps, spells and special abilities

are useless against Heart-Earth.

I'm ending my turn, so try and defeat it if you can!

No problem.

I'm taking you on first!

Be careful Yuma.

There's something fishy about that monster.

Look, that monster is a total weakling!

It'll be a cinch to beat!

So you think my Number is a pushover, Yuma Tsukumo?

Then you'll be the first duelist that feels Heart-Earth's wrath!

That's what you think!

I draw!

I summon Goblindbergh!

Once I've summoned Goblindbergh,

then I can also summon another monster

that's Level or less from my hand!

That's your cue, Gagaga Magician!

Come on out!

Now I overlay my Goblindbergh and Gagaga Magician

in order to build the Overlay Network!

I Xyz SummonNumber : Utopia!

I was hoping you'd summon out Utopia.

Because now I can put my plan in motion

by activating my Battle Route trap card!

When I have a monster on my field,

any monsters you have in attack mode are forced to battle

so Utopia will have to fight Heart-Earth right here and now!

Better keep your guard up.

But his monster is totally weak.

That's exactly what should make you suspicious, Yuma.

Why would Dr. Faker want to force you into a battle

that he's sure he's going to lose?

Oh, yeah, since he's picking this fight,

that means he's probably got a trick or two up his sleeve.

Exactly, You have to be careful.

That just isn't my style.

Now Utopia!

Topple that Heart-Earth!

We'll see whose monster gets toppled, Yuma.

(Yuma) Go Rising Sun Slash!

Big mistake!

I activate Heart-Earth's special ability!

When it's att*cked, this card can equip

itself with one monster from my graveyard.

I'm equipping Heart-Earth with Garbage Ogre!

Heart-Earth now gains your monster's attack points!

So Utopia, thanks for the point power-up!

No way!

Now I understand.

That Number starts the duel as a total weakling.

But because of its special ability,

it can always have more attack points than its enemy!

My Heart-Earth is now stronger than your Utopia!

Your monsters a goner!

No, Faker!

That move's a total fail,

'cause I'm using an Overlay Unit to end this!

Keep it up, Go!

Right, I'm gonna use my spell Double or Nothing!

If my monster's attack is stopped,

this card lets it attack again

only this time with double the attack points!

Get ready, Utopia, attack Heart-Earth again!

You got him!

Good work, Utopia!

Utopia's attack was insignificant.

I can undo the damage all too easily.

I activate Heart-Earth's special ability!

As you will see, by sending the equipped card to the graveyard,

Heart-Earth isn't destroyed!

But poor ol' Heart-Earth.

Since it lost Garbage Ogre,

it loses attack points.

Oh wait, that's fine because now you all take damage

equal to half of Utopia's attack points!

No, Yuma!

(Dr. Faker) Plus by using an Overlay Unit,

Heart-Earth can wield another special ability!

When you're dealt damage, I get even stronger

regaining the same amount of life points that you just lost!

No matter how hard you try,

there's nothing you can do to stop me!

I place one card facedown, and end my turn.

(Shark) Not exactly an impressive performance, Yuma.

(Yuma) Hey...

But that not bad either.

I can handle him from here.

Good luck.

I... draw!

You're full of yourself, Faker!

But you're about to get a lesson in humility right now!

Hey, Shark, you okay?

Don't worry about me.

No, not now!

I guess that injury I got is finally catchin' up with me.

What's wrong?

Is the thought of dueling me making you feel weak?

Not at all!

I'm summoning Hammer Shark!

Luckily in this duel,

I can draw on the power of my teammates cards!

Now I send Utopia's Overlay Unit will go to the graveyard!

What, but I may need that Unit later.

Yeah, well, I need it now!

Can't you get some from Kite?

By sending Utopia's Overlay Unit to the graveyard,

I'm allowed to summon XYZ Remora!

And thanks to the ability of my XYZ Remora,

Xyz Summoning just got easier!

Okay, now I overlay my Level XYZ Remora and Hammer Shark

in order to build the Overlay Network!

I Xyz Summon Number Shark Drake!

Yuma, I've decided to take this next move from your playbook.

Check this out.

I'm gonna activate the equip spell Shield Fin from my hand!

And I'm equipping it on Utopia!

Mind if I borrow your monster for a minute?

Go, Utopia!

Smack down that Heart-Earth!

Your pathetic strategy can't work.

I'm too brilliant, Shark!

Since it's under attack, Heart-Earth can now equip itself

with a monster card from my graveyard.

And since I've used this special ability,

Heart-Earth's attack points once again increase

by your monster's attack total

just as it did before when I battled Yuma!

A huge mistake!

Your lack of attention is going to cost you!

Infernal Surge!


I was hoping you'd try that move!

I activate Shield Fin's effect!

Now Utopia's attack points drop to until the end of the turn,

but it can't be destroyed in battle!

Why do that?

Shark did it because he figured out

Heart-Earth's weakness, Yuma.

We're not taking much damage-- only a hundred points.

You changed Utopia's attack points to zero,

so Heart-Earth wouldn't gain any attack points!


Your last battle helped me to realize

there's a flaw in Faker's strategy.

Heart-Earth can only use that special ability once per turn.

So if it can't gain attack points anymore,

it can't use its second special ability to deal damage to us!

Shark Drake, now don't hold back!

Finish off that Heart-Earth!

Deep Sea Destruction!

I see that the brains of sharks

must be even tinier than I realized.

You fool!

It's impossible to outsmart me!

I activate Heart-Earth's special ability!

I send the equipped card to the graveyard,

so Heart-Earth isn't destroyed.

And now you're going to pay for your folly, Shark

because I'm activating yet another

of Heart-Earth's special abilities!

By using one Overlay Unit

you all take damage equal to half of what I took!

Your damage dealt to me?

Think of it as my gift to you.

Hope you enjoy it!


No matter what tactic we try,

he's got a way to turn it against us.

Looks like I'm finished for now.

It's Kite's turn.

All right, Faker...

Ha, it's on.

I'll win this to save Hart!

The fact is, you won't save anyone.

When this is over, you'll have lost everything.

I hate to spoil your plans, you maniac but that won't happen.

I summon Photon Crusher!

Then I'll summon Photon Slasher!

True, I can't summon it normally

but since there's an Xyz monster on your field, all that changes.

I now have the power to summon it from my hand in defense mode.

Now I'll tribute both Photon monsters.

Here comes the monster more savage than a supernova!

With the cataclysmic force of ten black holes put together!

A cosmic scourge that vaporizes anything in its

path Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!


Now those three totally have the upper hand.

Utopia, Shark Drake and Galaxy-Eyes.

They assembled a monster dream team!

All right, Kite my son,

go ahead and try to vanquish me, if you have the strength!

What's wrong, Kite?

I'll be all right.

It's no big deal.

But you can't even stand up.

Your work as a Number Hunter

has drained almost all of your energy.

Very soon you'll have no strength left at all!

Leave Kite alone!

You're the one responsible for what's happening to his body!

What kind of sick person are you

to treat your own son this way?

This has gone far enough!

You're so hungry for power

that you'll manipulate anyone to further your insane plans.

I won't let you cause any more harm!

And so, how do you plan on stopping me?

(Kite) That's the big question.

If I use Shield Fin's effect I can damage him

but then he can use Heart-Earth's ability

to bounce that damage right back to me.

So then what should I do?

Maybe there is no way to stop him.

No... wait.

Yuma, I need to borrow Utopia!


Now, Utopia, attack Heart-Earth with all your might!

It's pointless!

When you attack Heart-Earth

I can equip a monster card from my graveyard to it.

And that's exactly what I'm planning to do

using one my most charming cards-- Garbage Ogre!

That means Heart-Earth now has attack points.

Scorch him with Infernal Surge!

(Kite) Not so fast!

I'm activating Shield Fin's effect!

By lowering Utopia's attack points to ,

it's not destroyed in battle.

Get ready Shark Drake, you're going to strike

at Heart-Earth on my signal.

Another futile attack!

(Kite) This is it, Shark Drake!

Deep Sea Destruction!

I activate Heart-Earth's special ability!

I'll send Garbage Ogre back to the graveyard,

and Heart-Earth isn't destroyed.

And after that, I'll activate another ability!

By giving up an Overlay Unit,

half the points of damage I took are now yours!

So please, enjoy them with my compliments!

No one can defeat me!


We don't have enough life points left!


If we take damage then...

Bow down, Kite, before my superior power!

I don't bow to anybody!

I play the spell Photon Prevent!

I knew you'd try to finish me off with a special ability,

but since I have a Photon monster on my field,

this spell stops all the damage.

You're still standing!?

Yes, this is perfect.

Kite can now attack with Galaxy-Eyes!

Galaxy-Eyes's attack points

are enough to finish this battle!

It's fitting our duel should end this way, Faker.

I always obeyed your orders without question.

Thanks to you, I became a Number Hunter

who preyed on innocent duelists.

Because I believed if I did, you could save Hart.

But now, I know it was all a lie.

I owe it to Hart and the duelists I harmed

to make sure you finally pay for all the pain you've caused.

You didn't show them any pity

and I won't have any for you now!

It's time!

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, attack!

Photon Stream of Destruction!

No way.

Is it over?

Have they actually won the duel?

(Yuma) I can't believe it, we did it!

Faker got beat mega-big-time!

We stuck it to him like a chewed-up wad of bubblegum!

It can't be!

But it is. Huh?

Wait, you gotta be kidding.

It looks like Faker survived...

only now he's got a new friend!

(Faker maniacal laugh)

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪♪