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05x04 - Silence Kit

Posted: 07/16/14 05:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on Covert Affairs..



Sorry to stop by like this.

I'm missing one more signature for your statement.

Your vital signs are very erratic, señorita.

I have a heart condition-- myocarditis.

You want to tell me what happened the last four months?


If there's something you want to tell me, now's the time.

You could stay a little longer if you'd like.

I would love to, but I got to get going.

Tell me what I need to know, and I will help Oksana.

Who planned the att*ck in Chicago?

I only knew him as the Postman.

We've got nothing in our database, but I know a guy off campus who might be able to help.

His name is Roger Bennett. He's former CIA.

So you lied to a dying man.

That's a pretty dark move, Walker.

I did what needed to be done.

That wasn't a criticism.

That was a compliment.

[g*n cocks]

[Knock at door]

[Dog barks]

How big is that thing?

Oh, don't worry.

It's all bark.

[Dog growls]

Roger, this is Annie.

Annie, Roger.

I didn't know what kind you liked, so we got a mix.

What part of "come alone" did you not comprehend?

I know, but you can trust her.

How can I be sure?

Because I do.

[Dog barking, growling]

[Recording of dog barking stops]

Told you.

What the hell did you get me involved in?

Did you find out something on the Postman?

I know who he is, if that's what you mean.

That's what I mean. Give us a name.

Harris Wilson.

He's an American citizen?

Wilson is a senior-level analyst with the National Security Agency.

Your postman is NSA.


How'd you get this?

He's taking some big risks right now to sell sensitive U.S. secrets, and he's not done.

My sources tell me he's trying to unload more quickly.

Did you back-channel this intel through Fort Meade?


Yeah. Yeah, Auggie.

I marched right into the black box and asked the admiral himself.

"Is one of your employees selling CIA intel?"


I've taken enough risks as it is.

You're gonna be protected as one of our sources.

And what about my sources?

You've got no clue what you're up against.

Roger, you sound a little paranoid.

I'm always paranoid.

And you should be too.

Wilson did time with the special collections services.

That's NSA black-bag sh*t.

Start chasing him, he'll come after you.

Okay, let's unpack this a bit.

You feel you've found the person who leaked the existence of the Chicago facility to Borz Altan.

Harris Wilson.

He's NSA, Upper level management.

He's in charge of the Midwest trunk.

Gives him access to a dozen CIA facilities.

We have to grab him before he leaks anything else.

"Grab him"?

He's an officer for a sister intelligence agency.

It's not so simple.

And he's clean-- no red flags, no strange deposits or withdrawals.

Roger's intel tells a different story.

Well, Roger's our only source on this, and we don't know who his sources are.

I'm friendly with Wilson's supervisor, Don Rixton.

Rixton tells me that Wilson is a boy scout.

It's not gonna be obvious.

Wilson is trained to keep secrets.

Roger said he's trying to move more intel soon.

Let's get a surveillance up and running.

I'll take the first shift.

Keep me posted.

Burgers and binoculars, some old-fashioned spy stuff-- what do you say?

I was supposed to go to the Initiative for National Progress Awards dinner tonight, but I'll get out of it.

That's a tough beltway ticket.

How'd you manage that?

I'm a plus-one.

A plus-one?

Hayley Price.

She's n--

NCTC. I know. I got word.

She wants to talk to me about Chicago.

Yeah, well, I talked to her while you were in Venezuela.

She's good.

Well, you should go.

I don't want to raise red flags with any of the other agencies.

All right, you sure you're gonna be okay on your own?


If anything happens, you will be the first to know.

Hey, Joan.

I need you at the INP Awards dinner tonight.

They're giving Senator Pierson a lifetime achievement award.

Annie and Auggie just brought me compelling intel about who may have leaked the Chicago facility.

I need to monitor that Op.

Monitor it from the event. I need you there.

All due respect... there's a chance more sensitive material's at play.

I get that, but Pierson's considering outsourcing operations for all our domestic facilities.

To whom?

My source tells me it's Westbridge Consulting.

They've got a meeting set for tomorrow morning.

After Chicago, we all need to be rowing in the same direction.

Good. So get your oar in the water.

I'll see you tonight.

[Cell phone ringing, vibrating]

Hello, Mr. McQuaid.

Did you get my gift?

It's not every day a man gives me a g*n.

g*ns or roses-- I hope I made the right choice, and may you never have to use it.

I better stay away from you, then.

Well, that's actually why I'm calling.

Seeing we had such a wild time in Venezuela, I was thinking maybe we should do something a little more urbane.

What's that?

I was hoping that you would accompany me to an awards dinner tonight.

I can't.

Well, is that because you still don't trust me or because you don't have anything nice to wear?

You still haven't told me about the hour you spent with Borz Altan in Maracaibo.

Is that a no?

I can't believe you're inviting me to a black-tie dinner night of. I didn't even know I was gonna be in D.C. until a few hours ago.

And obviously it's last minute, but I couldn't pass up the chance to see you.

And I do want to see you.

I'm working.

What are you working on?

Thanks for the g*n.

[Cell phone clatters]

[Engine turning over]

L-ladies' room?

It's downstairs.

[Door closes]

[Tires screech]

[Horns blare]

[Siren wailing]

[Indistinct radio chatter]

[Medical equipment beeping]

[Siren wailing]

[Siren wails]

♪ Covert Affairs 05x04 ♪
Silence Kit
Original Air Date on July 15, 2014

[Siren wailing]

Hello, ma'am, can you hear me?

Can you hear me, miss?


Ma'am, ma'am.

Can you hear me?

[Indistinct chatter]

[Machine beeps]

Do you know who you are?

Do you know where you're at?

Annie Walker.

Yeah, you're actually in the hospital right now, okay?

The doctor's gonna be in shortly.

You're gonna be fine.

[Indistinct chatter]

Limo's here.

I'm ready.

You know, I've never been to a black-tie event on a first date before.

How is this a first date?

Oh, Auggie, those weren't dates.


Oh, that's right.


Incoming call--office. Incoming call--office.


Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Slow down, slow down.

I'll be right there.


Look at us--two new parents out on the town.

Who says we can't have it all?

I'd hardly call a rubber chicken dinner a night on the town.

What's the matter?

You usually enjoy events like this.

I've got a lot on my mind.

You need a wingman for Pierson?

You know I think you're the most charming man in the world, but Pierson doesn't like to feel ganged up on.

I think it's best if I approach her alone.

Besides... You have a new job.

You should let McQuaid see you in action.

Our first night out since Mack was born, and we're spending it apart-- what a waste of a good sitter.


I'll be sure to save you a dance.

Until then.

Until then.


Senator Kelly.

Mr. Michaels.

How have you been managing?

Well, we've been drilling down on all facets related to the Chicago att*ck, and we're closer than ever to finding our culprit.

I can't get into details, but we have a current operation that's gonna yield concrete results.

Committee is not in session, Mr. Michaels.

You don't have to spin.

I'm not spinning, Senator.

I'm dedicated to the task at hand.

Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot.

Call my office tomorrow, let's schedule a time for us to talk shop.

Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me?

Let's find time to get lunch.

[Laughs] Absolutely.


Thank you, Senator.

[Siren wailing]

You're lucky to have escaped without any serious injury-- only a mild concussion, but under the circumstances, I recommend you stay overnight as a precaution.

If it's only a mild concussion, I think I'll check myself out.

I wasn't referring to the car accident.

Your EKG looks a little erratic, and the blood test revealed traces of nitrate medication.

Do you have a heart condition?

There wasn't any record of it in your file.

Heart condition?

Not that I know of.

Maybe there was a mistake in your labs.


Are you taking any other medications I should be aware of?


You don't want to get into this because I'm not your G.P., I get it.

But a heart condition isn't something to ignore.

You need to take it easy.

Now's not a good time.

Whatever it is you have to do, it can wait.

Your health should always be your first priority.

I appreciate your concern.

Outtake's down the hall.


Auggie, you didn't have to come all the way down here.

Thank you.

You really think I'm gonna go to a party when you're in the hospital?

Come on.

How did you know I was here?

I'm your handler.

I get notified in situations like this.

You know that.

Are sure you're okay?

Yeah. Does Langley knows I'm here?

What did I just say?

You have a concussion or something?

No. Yeah, uh, it's a mild one.

What about my medical records?

Langley in-house services will take care of it in the morning.

Don't worry.

Okay, I got to get out of here.

Hey, will you relax?

You were just in a car crash.

I need to find a rental-car place.

Mine's totaled.

We will get you something tomorrow.

Right now you need to go home.

I followed Wilson to a psychiatrist's office earlier.


I'm want to break in, get the doctor's notes, and see if there's anything I can leverage against Wilson before he makes another play.

No, I'll let Hollman know.

We will put a team together and be on it as soon as possible.

No, I'm gonna do it tonight. I know how and where.

What's going on with you?


No, stop.

You're hiding something.

I don't want to drag you into this.

Drag me into what?

You have been hiding something ever since you got back.

Now, I want the truth.

When I in Fatu Hiva, taking some time on the beach...

I went for a run. It was no big deal.

I've done it a thousand times.


So what happened?

I felt something in my chest.

I thought I was just out of breath.

I mean, there's not a lot of time for fitness when you're on the run.

But something wasn't right.

It hurt.

And it went deeper with each breath.

Every heartbeat was like a Kn*fe.

I couldn't breathe.

I collapsed.

I could have d*ed right there, staring at the sky.

I was lucky.

What had happened to you?

I don't know.

I was afraid to know.

I mean, I was afraid of what it would mean for me.


What do you mean?

The only thing I still have left is my life as an operative.

I can't lose that too.

I had to get help far from the CIA.

So you went to Eyal.

Yeah. Yeah.


Can you believe my mother wanted to throw out my old med-school kit?

Said I'd never put my medical skills to use.

If she could see me now.

You cannot tell your mother about this.

Of course not, neshama.

So that scar on your chest-- is that from that Russian double?


What do you think it is?

I don't know exactly, but I know enough to know it's serious.

I'd like to bring in a cardiologist.

A cardiologist?

Yes, my friend Avram.

He did much better than I did at Haifa.

Don't worry. He's trustworthy.

Your secret is safe, neshama.

I had the full panel.

He kept it discreet-- no names, no forms, no questions.

[Inhales deeply]

[Exhales deeply]


It's an infection of the cardiac muscle tissue.

No, I know what it is.

So I was correct about the scar tissue.

It's spread to my mitral valve, but Avram says it can be managed with nitrate injections.

Well, what about surgery?

We have all the best surgeons here in Israel.

Surgery comes with its own set of risks.

You know what I think?

I think this is a gift.

I think this is your way out.

How can you say that with a straight face?

Every spy always talks about getting out before it's too late.

No one ever does.

Where would I go?

Anywhere you like-- a mountaintop, the beach.

You can use my boat if you want. Stay here in my house.

The point is, get out before it's too late.

The last time you quit, how long did you stay away for?

I don't have a heart condition.

It can be managed.

So you're gonna keep this hidden from your agency?

For how long?

The Talmud teaches us--

The Talmud? Really?

This is life or death, neshama.

I'm bringing out the big g*ns.

Now, the Talmud tells us that for the sake of peace, one may lie, but peace itself should never be a lie.

If you conceal this, it'll just eat you up from inside.

You'll never find what you're looking for.

Being a spy is all that matters to me.

I don't believe that for a second.

You care deeply about too many people for that to be true.

But being in the field is who I am.

That's one of the saddest things I've ever heard.

You gonna drink this with me or what?

To getting out.

[Glasses clink]

You realize this makes you a weaker spy.

I have the injections.

No, not your heart, your secret.

You have a button now, something to be leveraged.

I trust you.

And you trust Avram.

Secrets have a way of getting out.

And what then?

You think getting booted is the worst possible option?

You got to be careful, neshama.

I owe you one.

I know I say that a lot, but I owe you one.

Annie, you could've told me.

I might have been able to help.

I didn't want to compromise you.

As my handler, you're obligated to report my medical condition.

And I know you.

You will do anything to protect me, but look at it from my position.

I mean, what would you do to be back in the field again?


But not telling the agency doesn't solve the problem.

They won't let me continue to be an operative.

Will you stop thinking about work for a second?

This is your life.

It's not gonna matter, anyway, come tomorrow.


The doctor took a blood sample after the crash.

And as soon as Langley reviews my records, they will pull me from active field duty.

And you want to go out with a win.

I want to do my job until they take it away from me.


How many of those you still have to go through?

A lot.

Any of them in braille?

I'd be happy to take some of the load.

It's okay. I got it.

You mind if I put on some music?

Hold on.

He had an affair.

Makes him a cheater, not necessarily a traitor.

It means he has a secret that we can leverage.

Where we off to?

To convince Joan.

Good thing you're still wearing your tuxedo.

[Engine turning over]

And it is with great honor that on behalf of the INP, I present this award to my friend Senator Claire Pierson.


Thank you. Thank you so very, very much.

And thank you, Doug.

I'm very pleased to cross the aisle to accept this award.


What are you doing here?

Enjoying the party.


Not so much.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

I appreciate it very much.


You look beautiful.


I know.

And moral responsibility...

[Moans softly]

Are the backbone of this country.

Now, more than ever, the work of Congress is vigilant oversight.

We in power owe it to the American people to be the humble stewards of their trust, for it is we who serve them.

And let us never, ever forget this.

Thank you. Thank you humbly for this award.

And may God bless America.


Lovely speech, Claire-- very inspiring.

If you're here to talk departmental budgets, you can save your breath.

I know you won't let our history influence your decision.

My decisions are based on facts, and the facts are against you.

Well, here's one more fact-- we're very close to I.D.'ing the source of the Chicago leak.

Oh, really? Details?

You know I can't tell you that.


Then there you have it.

You know, that's the problem with the CIA.

No line items--

Are you actually-

How's my rainmaker doing?

You better get your umbrella.

I saw you chatting Tim Evans up.

Tim wants to give us the Coronado training contract-- no bid required.

What are we looking at, 7 mil?

12 million.

Oh, good catch.

But now I need you to set your sights on a bigger fish.

Word has it that Pierson wants to outsource a huge chunk of Langley's intelligence apparatus.

We're talking 40 million, 50 million at least.

Is this really the best time?

I know you're concerned about undercutting your wife, but you don't have to be.

Pierson has already made up her mind about going private.

I'm also referring to Chicago.

Are we here to benefit from tragedy?

The att*ck has proven how vulnerable we all are.

Senator Pierson is a patriot who is losing sleep about the safety of her country.

Be her pillow.

Here they are...

The loveliest ladies in the ball.


Thank you, Arthur, although I'm not sure that Joan appreciates the comparison.

So your 30 seconds are up.

She's all yours.

I'm actually here to see you.


Would you be so kind?

Well, why not?

You know, the answer is no.


Uh-uh. Uh-uh.

"Senator" works.

Did you really think that some fancy footwork was gonna be enough to sway me?

Oh, just give it till the bridge.


You're already too late.

Claire, we both know McQuaid Security is best equipped to handle this contract.

Ryan McQuaid is a shark.

After Chicago, a shark is exactly what you need.

I'm risk-averse.

As am I.

And you know why I signed on with the guy?

Because he gets things done.

National policy, state headlines, global access, and Pierson...

For the win.

I'm a tad underdressed.

Don't worry. I look good enough for the both of us.

You see anybody?

Uh, no sign of Calder.

There's Joan. Come on.



I was just trying to call you to get an update.

Could we speak privately?

Yes, of course.

You need me to do what?

We need you to call your friend at the NSA and have him call Wilson into the office.


To get Wilson out of the house.

Then I can talk to his wife.

What are you gonna say to his wife?

He had an affair.

If I can turn her, we can use her.

But we have to move now.

Do you have credible intelligence suggesting that he's gonna make a move tonight?

'Cause that's what I need.

No, but I bumped into him while I was tailing him to his appointment, and he might have made me.

This is thin.

Joan, if Wilson even thinks he's being surveilled, he's gonna lock everything up tight.

He may even move to unload the intel sooner.

He is a direct link to whoever's behind Chicago, and this could be our last chance.

Okay, I'll make the call.

Auggie... "An hour, tops"?

Hayley, I am so sorry.

Work has gone much longer than expected.

I'm up to my eyeballs in work, and I managed to make it here on time.


Hayley Price, this is Annie Walker.

Annie, Hayley. I know who you are.

We have a lot to discuss.

Right, I owe you a phone call.

As soon as things calm down, I promise to find the time.

Great. I expect a call tomorrow.

It was nice to meet you, Hayley.

I'll go get the car.


So what's going on?

There are all these whispers around this party that the agency is running some sort of sensitive Op tonight.

I can't say anything.

I'm still on the clock, and I really got to go.

I am trying to coordinate a response to Chicago, and you're looping me out.

If this pans out, you will be my first call, and if it doesn't, I promise I'll spend tomorrow making it up to you.

If you can show me where the door is...

I know it's a huge favor, Don.

Thank you.

[Car beeping]

[Beeping stops]

Melinda Wilson?

Can I help you?

I'm sorry to bother you at such a late hour, but we don't have much time.

Can I come in?

No, no. Who the hell are you?

Uh, it's about your husband.

You've got five seconds.

Trust me--you don't want to have this conversation on your front stoop.

Time's up.

Your husband is really good at keeping secrets, especially from you.

How many times has he looked you in the eye and lied?

He's doing it again.

Are you having an affair with him?


It's much bigger than that.

What are you talking about?

He's selling classified secrets to t*rrorists.

That's impossible.

Where's Harris now?

He's at work.

It's almost midnight.

Does he usually go to the office this late?


Because he's lying to you.

He's been lying to you all along, but you can help us stop him.

Think about your family.

Are you threatening me?

The only thr*at is your husband.

Can I come in?

No, if you don't go right now, I'm calling the cops.



It was a hail Mary.

I should have been able to turn her.

No one wants to face the truth.

It feels easier to look the other way.

Then call Joan and have Melinda brought in.


I'm sorry, Annie.

A couple of hours one-on-one, I can get her--

It's time to call it a night.


What? What's so funny?

I'm a really good driver.

Even when I was at the farm and I didn't know anything else, I knew that.

After everything I've survived, it's a freak car accident that kills my career.

Your career's not over.

I want to be in the field.

It's my life. It should be my choice.

The hardest decisions in life are sometimes made for us.

It's how we choose to live with them that matters.

I knew that you were good, but that flat out masterful.

Man, you're light on your feet.

Glad I could be of help.

Well, you did more than just help.

That's what you hired me to do, isn't it?

To make it rain.

Money's only part of the equation.

The work that we're doing is making a difference for good.

America will be safer because of the services that we provide, especially in the wake of Chicago.

That's why you're here.

Here's to keeping the lights on for another month.

$40 million just keeps the lights on?

That's just a figure of speech.

Just keep doing what you're doing.

[Glasses clink]

Wilson's wife was uncooperative.

Annie and Auggie are going to circle back in the morning.

How much did you see?

I saw you and a woman exiting a coat closet.

Later, I saw that same woman on Senator Wolpert's arm.

It doesn't take a spy to connect the dots.

It was a lapse in judgment.

Wolpert is known inside the beltway for his shameless sexual proclivities with women he pays.

You are not.

Whatever she costs, it's not worth it.

I keep my personal life and my business separate.

This job requires us to compartmentalize our lives.

Is a coat closet one of those compartments?

You got what you got. Now, how are you going to play it?

I'm the least of your worries.

If I saw you, someone else might have seen you too.

And this could ruin you.


I know how hard you worked to get this job.

If you want to keep it, you can't have secrets anymore.

You're right, Joan.

Thank you.

Good night.

You were supposed to save me a dance.

I'm sorry.

That's not how I wanted that to go down.

I assume you got the contract.

Pierson was going to sub it out to Westbridge.


It's better if it's us.

You mean McQuaid?

The man who still won't talk about the hour he spent alone with the bomber?

I'm gonna have to let go of a lot of good people.

And I'll hire them back for more than they were making with the Agency.

And Mack gets a bump for his college fund.

It's a win-win.




How'd you find my limo?

Oh, it's a long story.

I called the driver.


So what'd you find out about Chicago?

Well, that is why I'm here.

It turns out I stood you up for nothing.

Oh, great.

Well, then on the way home, you can tell me everything you didn't learn.

I can't tell you anything.

Why not if it's nothing?


Why are you here?

I'm gonna make it up to you.

It's after midnight.

Which means it's officially tomorrow, making me a man of my word.

So are you some good guy who's sometimes bad or a bad guy who's trying to be good?

Maybe a little bit of both.


[Geese honking]

How'd you find me?

I'm NSA. I know everything.

[Taser crackles]

[Muffled g*nsh*t]

Wasn't easy working around the wife.

But a sweep team discovered a laptop hidden in Wilson's basement.

TECHINT was able to pull a lead.

How solid?


Turns out the Chicago security protocol wasn't the only intel Wilson sold.

Someone paid for the same specs on a station in Dar es Salaam as well.

Did you evacuate?

Yes, everyone, this past hour--

83 people in total.

Dodged a b*llet.

Thank God.

We also discovered the money was transferred through a bank in Paris two days before the att*ck.

That could lead us to who funded the bombing.

This was a huge win, Annie.

Now, having said that...

What were you thinking?

I can explain.

You have a concussion.

You could've blacked out at the wrong time or worse.

Not only were you putting yourself at risk, you could have compromised the mission.

That's it--a concussion.

This is not something to gloss over.

No, you're right. It won't happen again.

Good, because the DPD needs you f*ring on all cylinders, now more than ever.

Go home, Annie.

You had one hell of a night. Take the day off.

About last night...

Mm, that was fun.

Don't worry. I'm not going to charge you or anything.

Can you zip me up, please?

You know, seeing you there last night, I'm not used to feeling like that.

I was thinking maybe we should go out to dinner.

Don't do that.


Get tied up.

This is no-strings by design.

Last night was not pretend. I know you felt something too.

You're a sweet guy, Calder.

And it was hot when you took control, but don't dare try and control me.


That's not even my real name.

You should go.

But call me.


I saw a woman who looked exactly like you at the gala.

Clearly someone had too much champagne last night.



It's noon.

Well, lunch works for me.

Maybe some other time. I have to go and see a friend.

How did the rest of your evening turn out?

Thanks for the g*n.

You already thanked me.

Yeah, but I feel like a little extra gratitude is deserved.

Are you okay?

Love what you do, and you never work a day in your life.

I'll see you around, McQuaid.


It's me.

How did you do that?

Oh, I've got my own secret ways.

I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company.

Hayley came by after the event last night.



Is this weird?

No. It's fine.


[Whispering] Why did you change my medical records?

Well, it's your life.

No one should be deciding how you spend it.

Thank you.

I appreciate your gratitude, but I need your trust.

What you're doing out there is dangerous.

It requires a handler.

You're more than my handler.

Well, don't forget that again, huh?

Okay, I guess, um, I'll see you at work.



I'm glad you came clean with me last night.

I like it better when we're honest with each other.

Me too.



[Door closes]