03x07 - Cosmic Chaos

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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03x07 - Cosmic Chaos

Post by bunniefuu »

( Yuma ) Last time on "Yu-Gi-Oh ! ZEXAL"...

( Quinton ) At last...

I knew you and I would face each other in battle someday, Kite.

You're gonna regret what you did to Hart...

I'll make sure of that.

( Both ) Now let's duel !

Here goes... I summon Photon Delta Wing !

I Xyz Summon Number : Dyson Sphere

Where is your Number, Quinton ?

You will discover that soon enough.

( Kite ) I know that Number is out there somewhere,

but even if I can't see it, I have to try and take it down !

Photon Delta Wing attack Dyson Sphere !

It failed ?

Of course it did.

To understand why, take a look at my Number !

No way !

A monster bigger than the sun ?

That thing... it's so huge.

How could any monster destroy it ?

It seems impossible !

That's because it is impossible.

No one has ever defeated Dyson Sphere in battle

and no one ever will !

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings

♪ Take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪

Whoa-- That's no monster, it's a mega-monster !

( Quinton ) My Dyson Sphere is more magnificent

than all your Monsters combined !

And it's practically invincible !

Your pitiful att*cks can't damage it, Kite.

That can't be !

There must be a way to destroy it.

You're wrong. As long as it has its Overlay Units,

Dyson Sphere will be shielded from any attack.

So that's why my attack wasn't successful before.

But now I know its weakness...

If you say so, Kite.

I know every move you'll make before you even do.

You can't surprise me.

After all...

I taught you everything you know.

He was Kite's dueling instructor ?

It's true.

Vetrix... I mean, my father... vanished

and my family was torn apart.

Don't let them take us !

My kid brothers were taken away from me...

It was hard to watch them go, but I stayed behind

with Dr. Faker

to try and solve the mystery of my father's disappearance.

That's when I met Dr. Faker's sons...

Kite and Hart.

I suppose when I saw them they reminded me of my own brothers.

I liked them right away and my brotherly instincts

started taking over...

That's why I began teaching Kite how to duel.

More than anything, he wanted to protect his younger brother.

But he knew he would have to become much stronger.

We had many practice duels as I tried to teach him

everything I could.

But we're no longer master and pupil and this duel is for real.

I won't let you stand in my way, Kite.

Your dueling days will soon be over !

I'm ending my turn !

Throw your worst at me, Quinton !

With pleasure, I draw !

You're so predictable.

It's almost like I can read your mind.

You've noticed that Dyson Sphere has , attack points.

But your Galaxy-Eyes has ,.

So you feel confident that I can't attack.

But there's one fact you didn't count on.

Dyson Sphere has another ability...

...and I'm going to activate it right now !

By using one Overlay Unit, my Dyson Sphere

can attack you directly !

No way !

This move will leave Quinton with a serious advantage.

Kite won't have many life points left !

His systems are crashing !

( Quinton ) Go Brilliant Bombardment !

I activate a trap !

Lumenize !

This card not only stops your attack, but my Galaxy-Eyes

gets a power-up equal to Dyson Sphere's attack points !

It appears that Kite now has the advantage over Quinton !


But totally expected.

I activate my own trap... Space Gate !

Space Gate destroys your trap, so say good-bye to Lumenize !

That means your Galaxy-Eyes doesn't power up

and Dyson Sphere still gets to attack you directly !

This one's for my family !

Dr. Faker's treachery tore us apart !

Defeating you will be just the start of our revenge !

Master Kite !

I can't believe it !

He's making Kite look like an amateur !

It is quite remarkable.

I can detect no weakness in Quinton's play.

What's the point in continuing ?

It's hopeless.

You only have life points left, Kite.

Why not admit the truth ?

You'll never out-duel me !

( Yuma ) C'mon, Kite !

You can't quit now !

Think about your little brother !

What will happen to Hart if you lose ?

My brother...

Stand up !

Be quiet !

Let me do the dueling and butt out !

Yeah, stop with the annoying comments, you got that ?

Back off, 'bot !

You can be just as annoying as Yuma !

Thanks a lot.

Don't be naïve, Yuma.

You should be on my side, not on Kite's.

Kite's the eldest son of Dr. Faker...

the man who betrayed your father.

He's also a Number Hunter,

so you can be sure he'll come after your cards

if he hasn't already.

Can't you see that he's our mutual enemy ?

It's obvious !


Kite and I dueled.

And that means we'll always be friends.

Sure, maybe he doesn't realize he's my friend yet,

but he will someday.

And because he is a friend, I'll always be on his side !

Very touching, Yuma.

Your father spoke about friendship that way, too.

Of course, that was before Faker double-crossed him

and my father !

They trusted him, Yuma !

And they both paid the price.

Maybe you can forget that and be friends with Faker's son...

but I can't.

Not since I learned the truth and made up my mind to leave !

Hey... Wait up !

What's wrong-- Why are you leaving ?

Talk to me !


The past doesn't matter !

All I care about is winning this duel and taking your Number !

You won't.

My rage makes me want this win more than you do.

Enough talk !

Let's get back to dueling !

I draw !

This is it...

Time to beat the unbeatable !

I play the spell card Overlay Break !

This card not only gets rid of Dyson Sphere's Overlay Units,

but now any monster can destroy it in battle

even if it's not a Number !

Impressive maneuver.

And now I can blast Dyson Sphere into space debris !

Destroy it, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon !

Photon Stream of Destruction !

Yet another move I totally expected.

I activate another one of Dyson Sphere's special abilities !

Say what ?

If Dyson Sphere has no Overlay Units when it's att*cked,

then it can retrieve the units it needs from the graveyard.

Now that it has its Overlay Units back,

I activate Dyson Sphere's first ability.

Which means that your dragon's paltry attack will be repelled !

I did warn you.

No one can destroy Dyson Sphere.

Your defeat is unavoidable.

Quinton's got Kite's back against the wall.

One more attack and it's over.

( Kite ) That Number seems indestructible.

I've gotta think...

I place one card facedown.

Your turn.

It's time !

I draw !

Whoa... here it comes !

A direct attack !

Now I'll activate... the spell Gravity Blaster !

A spell ?

This equip spell raises Dyson Sphere's attack points by !

And it gets worse... much worse !

When Dyson Sphere battles your monster,

my spell negates your monster's special abilities.

Why doesn't Quinton attack him directly ?

That would end the duel right now.

You understand what I'm doing, don't you, Kite ?

Defeating you isn't enough.

I want the satisfaction of destroying the card

you treasure most... Galaxy-Eyes !

Take aim, Dyson Sphere !

Attack !

I activate a trap !

Mirror shade !

By giving up half my life points,

I don't take any damage from your attack !

Flaming floppies !

You may not realize it,

but I'm really doing you a favor, Kite.

You've been forced to carry many burdens these past years.

Now you'll be free from them all.

I envy you.

You won't have to hunt Numbers anymore

or take care of your little brother, Hart.

No... You're wrong about Hart !

I never thought of him as a burden and I never will !

My brother Hart means everything to me !

He's the reason I keep fighting on !

Hart needs me and I need him.

So I'm never gonna give up !

Now let's go !

If you want to extend this farce, be my guest.

My turn !

I draw !

( Kite ) I can't believe it !

Out of all the cards in my deck...

...I drew the one that gives me a chance !

Hart, there's still hope !

I was meant to draw this card.

I activate the spell card Message In A Bottle !

What ?

How'd Kite ever get his hands on that card ?

Even though you trained me, there are some things

you don't know about my dueling or my deck !

I never told you about this card.

You see it's very special.

It's the only card my father ever gave me !

It came from his father...

Dr. Faker !

I never used this card 'til now...

so you couldn't know about it.

How could you include your father's card in your deck ?

You know all the terrible things he's done !

( Yuma ) You shouldn't judge Kite !

He's only been trying to help his brother...

the same way you've been trying to help your own family !

You've both done things I don't like...

but I respect one thing.

Kite has hope for his family...

the same as you do !

Hope for his family...

Don't you see that Kite--

Enough !

This feud is none of your business...

so stay out of it, Yuma.

Now with the power of Message In A Bottle,

I can summon three monsters from my graveyard

as long as they each have a different Level.

First I'm gonna bring back Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon !

Welcome back Galaxy-Eyes !

And next, I'm bringing back Photon Thrasher

and Photon Pirate !

When I summon monsters using this spell,

they have zero attack points.

So that's your big play ?

I'm not impressed.

They're powerless and you can't Overlay them

because they're different Levels.

I haven't finished yet.

There's more ?

Yeah, I'm activating another spell card !

It's Upshift !

This card raises the Levels of my monsters on my field

so that they all equal the highest Level monster !

So now all my monsters increase their Level to !

Oh, no.

Oh, yes !

Now I'll overlay my Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon,

Photon Thrasher, and Photon Pirate

in order to Xyz Summon !

Your fate is sealed !

There's no escape...

...from Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon !

As you know... Since my Xyz Summon succeeded,

this space field's effect activates

allowing me to draw one card.

Perfect !

Neo Galaxy-Eyes' special ability activates !

Photon Howling !

Once I Xyz Summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes, all other monsters

immediately lose their special abilities !

That's bad news for your Dyson Sphere !

It's losing power...

I'm also activating the spell card Big Bang Panic !

It transforms your spell card into an Overlay Unit !

Oh, by the way... did I mention

that my monster gains attack points for each Overlay Unit ?

Now Neo Galaxy-Eyes uses one of its Overlay Units

to activate its special ability.

...which lets it absorb all of Dyson Sphere's Overlay Units !

And that seals it because Neo Galaxy-Eyes gains points

for each absorbed unit !

I can't believe it gained so much power !

That's right... more than you know !

My Dragon can now attack once for each Overlay Unit

it absorbed !

Go, Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon...

Attack with Ultimate Photon Stream of Destruction !

Go, Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon...

Attack with Ultimate Photon Stream of Destruction !

( screaming )

This is for you, Kite.

Thank you, Father !

( Quinton ) I can see now that there are things

more powerful than revenge.

Deep down, I always knew that was true...

but today you helped me remember it, Kite.

Quinton... I mean... Christopher Arclight...

It's been a long time since anybody called me by that name.

I don't understand why you ever changed it.

Like our father, we decided to give up our true names.

At first...

I was hoping that I could save my father.

But Byron Arclight really had become someone else.

Vetrix was obsessed with his desire

to get revenge against Dr. Faker.

I got caught up in his plans for vengeance.

I felt... it was my duty as his son.

It isn't.

Once I save Hart, I'm going to confront my father.

And not only that, I'll do what you couldn't do !

I'll stop Vetrix' quest for revenge just like you wanted !

You've grown strong, Kite.

I am proud to have been your teacher.

It was an honor.

The bond we forged can never be broken....

You and Hart will always be like little brothers to me.

Goodbye, Kite.

Goodbye, Chris.

Hey, Kite...

Yes, Yuma ?

I'll look for you in the next round.

We're both definitely gonna make it there !

Let's go.

Right now, Orbital !

Right !

Er, mind if we drop by a mechanic's on the way home ?

I'm way past due for my annual check-up.

Guess I should interpret that surly glare as a "no."

I'll have to maintain myself then.

Let's just hope the robo-union doesn't catch wind of this !

Okay, all systems go !

( Quinton ) I'm so tired...

I need rest...

Vetrix and Dr. Faker both have to be stopped.

Perhaps that is my true purpose here.

We know that your father is in Astral World.

What if... he sent me here in order to intervene somehow ?

Yeah, that's it !

Dad wanted us to team up to stop Dr. Faker and Vetrix !

You think you can do it ?

Yeah !

I promise... we'll stand up to them..

and end their mischief for good !

My father is counting on us !

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪
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