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05x03 - Unseen Power of the Picket Fence

Posted: 07/09/14 13:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on Covert Affairs..

Well, I thought about your offer.

I'm gonna take you up on it.


We haven't met. I'm Caitlyn Cook.

Arthur Campbell.

Oh, I know who you are.

Everybody knows who you are.

DNI's office is putting together a team.

They're coordinating it out of the NCTC.

Hayley Price, NCTC.

[Breathing heavily]

Mykola Altan had a surgically-implanted I.E.D.

The surgery was done by his sister, Oksana.

Borz was seen boarding a flight yesterday to Maracaibo.


We need him alive.

Listen, I don't want to butt heads with Langley over this.

I really don't.

So how about we try and work together?

I only want an hour alone with Borz before I turn him over to you.

I got Borz.

I'm gonna use McQuaid's team to bring him home.

The airstrip's five klicks to the Colombian border.

Pedro's supposed to have the jet fueled and ready to go.

Five hours to the border, buddy.

Enjoy the ride.

[Indistinct chatter in spanish]

[Speaking Spanish]

No, gracias.

[Speaking Spanish]

No, gracias.


Me and the boys have had some good times in Colombia.

You ever been, Walker?

We should've picked a smaller border crossing.

There's too many unknown variables here.

Busier the better.

I haven't seen them look in one trunk since we got here.

They just want to clear the traffic.

This car cost four times more than any other one here.

They're gonna look in the trunk just to see if there's anything they can steal.

A luxury automobile sends a message--

"I have money to bribe you."

They're not gonna look in the trunk once they see what's in my wallet, right, boys?

You've got the biggest wallet I've ever seen, boss.

[Men chuckle]

[Cell phone chimes]

Dex says the jet's fueled and ready to go.

We just have to get there.

[Both speaking Spanish]

No. No, gracias.

[Speaking Spanish]

No. No, gracias.

Just give him some money. I'll take a water.

[Both speaking Spanish]


[Speaking Spanish]

Hey, hey!




Come here!

[Shouting in Spanish]

Get back in the car, Ryan.



[Tires squeal, metallic thud]


[Tires squealing, metal clashes]

[Both speaking Spanish]

[Tires screeching]

[Horn honks, tires squealing]

[Metallic crash]

[Brakes squeal]

[Goats bleating]

[Horn honking]

We can't cross the border now.

We should head inland, quietly, 'cause every cop in this country is looking for us.

We're splitting up.

They'll be looking for a foursome.

We're better off in pairs.

Want us to take the principal?

It might be easier for us to carry him.

Thanks, but Borz doesn't leave my sight.

We'll be fine.

We'll be fine.


Okay, new plan.

We got to take this car--

No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no. We already tried your plan.

I'm driving now.

I think I can get us a safe house in Caracas, and then we'll hole up until the CIA can get us out.

Wait in a barrio shithouse for Langley to shuffle some paperwork to get us out?

That's your plan?

Knock him out with this in four hours.


Take care.

That's my plan.

Come with me or don't, but I'm taking Borz with me.

I have no problem going to Caracas.

But after what happened in Chicago, I mean, we can't trust that any CIA site is secure.

Right now a place that they don't control is a lot safer than one that they do.


Let's get a coffee.

We're already late.

Let them wait.

This briefing is a total waste of time.

We could've done this over the phone, but instead, they make us drive all the way out here so they can rub our faces in the border crossing.

This isn't a reprimand.

It's deconfliction protocol.


They want us on the same page so we don't do one thing for our guys while they do something else for theirs.

They're bigfooting us.

Our plan went pear-shaped-- they're gonna cut us out, and they're gonna waste an hour of time doing it.

Forget the coffee.

These things never start on time.

Just more evidence of bureaucratic inefficiency.

Clearly you've never worked with my wife.

Sorry we're late.

Joan, this is Caitlyn Cook.

Nice to finally meet you.


Ryan's been in touch.

What we know so far is, he and Annie are headed to Caracas with Borz Altan and that they're keeping him sedated while they travel.

So the only question now is, how do we get them out?

We appreciate the risks your people took in trying to extract our operative from Venezuela, but moving forward, the CIA will handle the exfiltration.

Our plan is to extract them by boat at night, using the cover of darkness to sneak them in and out of Venezuelan waters.

From there, Altan will be delivered to a specialized interrogation team for questioning about the Chicago attack.

Walker and McQuaid will have to sit tight for a couple of hours, but we'll have them home in no time.

Have you considered air extraction-- getting them out now instead of waiting?

We have. Too risky.

Can we take a look at the risk analysis?

Maybe there's something we can do on our end to mitigate the threat.

I understand your urgency.

Your boss' life is on the line.

But I need to make one thing perfectly clear.

This is a CIA extraction.

McQuaid Security is not to do anything without my authorization.

We'll liaise with you if anything comes up.

In the meantime, if there's anything we can do to help, you just let us know.

Actually, there is one thing.

I understand your boss requested time alone with Altan.

Any idea what he'd want to talk to him about?

This is the first I'm hearing of it.

It's news to me too.

I'll talk to him about it when he gets back.

Thank you.



[Breathing heavily]

Not bad, huh?

I had to pay a six-month lease to get it.

So, if you know anyone who's looking to sublet, then...

In another life, I'd take it myself.


But is it safe?

Safe? In Caracas?

I don't think the term applies.

Ms. Walker, can I tempt you?

It's a little early.

Soldier sleeps when he can, so to speak.


Oh, it's smooth.

Like 100 proof silk.

Jim's family owns a distillery.

Have you heard from Jim and Fitz?

Not yet.

You worried?

Not at all.

They're probably halfway to Puerto Rico by now.

It was pretty generous of you to cut them loose.

I take it you would've done things differently.

I can think of a few scenarios where having a couple extra guys might be useful.



You kind of strike me as someone who likes to do things by yourself.


[Chokes, wheezing]

That busted rib must've punctured something.

He's got internal bleeding. His lung's collapsed.

He needs a chest tube, or he's gonna die and that intel goes with him.

We can't let that happen.

♪ Covert Affairs 05x03 ♪
Unseen Power Of The Picket Fence
Original Air Date on July 8

There's a knife in the side pocket of my bag.


Okay, we need something to sterilize all this.






Here we go.




Okay, this is the tricky part.

You got him?


Do it. Do it.



[Wheezing steadily]

Nice work, Doc.


But all I did was buy him a few hours.

He needs surgery.

You know a doctor that makes house calls?

Well, for the right price, they'll fly to the moon, but this guy's not a thoracic surgeon.

Well, neither are we, so right now our options are us or him.

This guy doesn't know protocol.

The only way to make sure that he isn't being followed is for me to go there and bring him back here myself.

[Wheezing steadily]

Hey, you need anything while I'm out-- toothpaste or, I don't know, bubble gum?

Every badge in Venezuela is looking for you.

You're not fazed by that?

Well, actually, I'm scared shitless, but that's part of the fun, right?

[Continues wheezing]

[Steam hissing]


Well, hey. What are you doing here?

Oh, I just--I had a few follow-up interviews for the Chicago event.

I'm glad we ran into each other.

Last night was fun.

Yeah, it was.

[Clears throat]

But I-I don't think we should do it again.

I don't want anybody to get the impression that I'm not being objective.

I completely understand.

But I have to say, I am a little disappointed.

The sex was pretty great.

I'll take a macchiato with an extra shot.

Excuse me?

You disagree?

No, no. Um...

It was kind of epic.




See you around?



Thank you.

[Telephone ringing]

Hey, this is Auggie.

Hey, it's me.

What's up?

Borz is bleeding internally.

McQuaid went to go get a doctor, but we can't wait till dark to get out of this country.

He needs to be medevacked out of here A.S.A.P.

Putting a chopper down in daylight is gonna be next to impossible.

How bad is he?

McQuaid says he has a few hours tops.

I know this isn't an ideal option, but is there a hospital nearby?

You could drop him off at the E.R.

And scoop him up in a couple days after he's had surgery.

Auggie, this guy is skilled.

As soon as he gets out of surgery and becomes conscious, he will disappear.

I cannot take that chance.

You do what you can with the medevac, but I'm gonna start the interrogation just in case.

All right, I'll call you the second I have something.

Borz's condition sounds too critical to risk moving him.

I know some people in Colombia that may be able to help.

I'll make some calls.



Clear my schedule for the day.

This takes priority over everything.

Excuse me, sir, but you're scheduled for a briefing with the Senate Intelligence Committee.

You're supposed to be there in 30 minutes.

All right.

These are the names of my people in Colombia.

Get their information to Joan.

Right away.

Job's not like you thought it would be, is it?

It's all good.

Who planned the attack in Chicago, and how did you know about the CIA facility?


Those are big questions, I know.

We'll come back to them in a minute.

Let's talk about the man you met up with in Maracaibo.

What's his name?

Keep your mouth shut, right?

That's what they teach you in the military.

I know you have anti-interrogation training, so I'm not gonna waste your time trying to trick information out of you.

You're going to t*rture me, then?

I don't have to t*rture you, Borz.

You're in enough pain already.

What I have to offer you is relief.

[Grunts, wheezing]

This is morphine.

It's up to you whether you get it or not.


Was the CIA running domestic operations out of the Chicago site?

I cannot speak to the nature of those operations.

So you're unprepared for this briefing.

I have all the information available to me at the moment.

Let's talk about something you do know-- the CIA charter.

You know that operating on U.S. soil is a direct violation of it.

With all due respect, as I said a moment ago, I am not aware of any CIA operation that violates it.

Though the CIA may think otherwise, Mr. Michaels, it is accountable for what happened, and I demand answers.

Are we keeping you from something?

Actually, you are.

I beg your pardon?

Events are still unfolding in this situation, and I would be much better able to better answer your questions if we adjourn until tomorrow, and I could get back to Langley and dig in.

Surely, you have people back at Langley dealing with things.

Yes, I do, but--

Then I see no need to curtail this session.

Since it's nearly noon, I move that we recess for lunch.

Very well.

But I expect to see you back here in one hour, Mr. Michaels.


Yes, sir.

Who financed the attack in Chicago?


Is all this pain really worth protecting people who couldn't care less about you?

You don't know what you're talking about.

The man you met in Maracaibo had a g*n in his hand.

He wasn't there to help you.

He was there for one reason-- to close the loop.

The people you were working with were ready to discard you as soon as you fulfilled your purpose to them.


Let's talk about Oksana.


What happened to her?

What happened to her?

We can't stay here.

We have to go, now.

What happened?

The police are canvassing the entire area.

I heard one of them asking a shopkeeper about us, so I came back here to get you.

It's only a matter of time before they start searching this building too.

[Knocking at door]


You didn't happen to order pizza, did you?

[Knocking at door]

They must have followed you here.

Nobody followed me.

As I said, they're canvassing the entire area.

What are you doing?

We're gonna have to fight our way out.

We can't fight our way out and carry Borz at the same time, and I am not leaving him here.

He is my only link to Chicago.

Okay, if you have a better idea, I'd love to hear it.
[Knocking at door]


What are you doing?


[Knocking at door]


[Knocking at door]


Sorry. I was just about to get in the shower.

Is there anyone else here?



What do you want?

Let me see your I.D.

Your I.D.

It's in there.

What's your purpose here in Caracas?

I'm on vacation.


Not many people choose Caracas as a place to come to relax.

[Speaking Spanish]

[Water running]

Look, I don't know who you're looking for.

But I have rights, and I'm calling my embassy.

Hey, what's that in your hand?

Let me see.


What's that?

[Speaking Spanish]

[Water running]

[Speaking Spanish]

[Speaking Spanish]

[Both speaking Spanish]

[Speaking spanish]

[Door slams]


They're gone.

Nice work.

We should get him in some dry clothes and get out of here.

I'll take care of that, but could I borrow your towel?

Well, these ones will work just fine.


All right, Joan.

Keep me posted.

[Line trilling]

[Cell phone ringing]



Hey, baby.

Listen, um, I can't talk right now.

And why not?

You know why.

Yeah, well, I got to get back anyway.

Lunch break's almost over.

I want to see you tonight.

I think I can make that happen.

You think, or you know?


Don't be late, or I'll start without you.

How about I come over there right now?


Hey, wait.

How is he?

He's dressed.

We should get out of here--

I need you to wait out here.

You do?

Yeah, unless you're gonna tell me what you got during your hour with him, this is my time.

You asked about Oksana.

She's alive.

You left her behind in Chicago, and we got her.

She's not in a good place.

You can imagine what they're doing to her.


You left her, and now people are hurting her for information you have.

Tell me what I need to know, and I will help Oksana.


Who planned the attack in Chicago?

I don't know.

Everything was so careful.

No one was supposed to know anyone else.

They planned it this way.

They who?

I need a name, Borz.

What was the name of your contact in Maracaibo?

I never knew his name.

I know you know something.

Tell me.

Tell me for Oksana.

I went to Washington once for intel about CIA protocols.


It was...


There was snow on the ground.

Where in Washington?

You won't find security footage... of us.

We were very careful.


It was a meet, not a dead drop?


I need a name.

I only knew him as the Postman.

That's not good enough.

It's all I have.

How did he know about the facility?

Was he CIA?



I don't know. I don't--

I can't help Oksana if I can't identify him.

I swear to you...

It's all I know.

On Oksana.

What did he look like?

Was he American?


Nothing in our files on Postman.

Sorry, Auggie. That's all I could get.

Hey, in the short time you had, it's great you got anything at all.

How'd you do it?

Would you believe all I had to say was "please"?



I've seen how you say "please."

I should go.

We're gonna find another place to lay low, but the sooner you can get us out of this country, the better.

Yeah, as quick as we can.

All right.

[Footsteps approaching]

I got to go.

That was quick.

He's dead.

Did you get what you wanted?

We're leaving.

Get your stuff.

We got to find a new car.

With Borz out of the picture, at least the extraction will be easier.

Have you got any word on a new plan?

We're taking a look at all the options as we speak.

I'll let you know as soon as we have something.

May I offer a suggestion?

I'm all ears.

Get them back to the border crossing and fly them out of Colombia.

Well, you're gonna have to explain that one to me, because I seem to remember that plan not working so well last time, and by "not well," I mean it was a colossal shit show.

They're not smuggling a body in the trunk anymore.

All we're talking about is getting two people past border control.

I have a guy who can do that.

It's an interesting idea, but your entire plan hinges upon entrusting my operative's life to a man I don't know.

Well, know this.

I'm extremely loyal to my boss and would never do anything to put him in jeopardy.

How soon can your man be ready?

20 minutes.

All it takes is a phone call and a wire transfer.

Do it.

Auggie, we're moving on an exfil.


I can't get a Black Hawk down there for love or money.

McQuaid Security has another plan, so I'm letting them run with it.

You should get back to work on the Postman.

Hey, about him, we've got nothing in our database, but I know a guy off campus who might be able to help.

His name's Roger Bennett. He's former CIA.

"Former"? Not retired?

He had a late-onset chemical imbalance, but he's a good guy, and more importantly, he's an expert in black-market intelligence.

Better go talk to him, then.

I think we need a different neighborhood to steal a car.

These cars are too flashy, and riding in style didn't exactly work in our favor last time.

We need something reliable.

Who knows what condition these old beaters are gonna be in?

And the last thing that we need is to be stranded out in the open.

Also, I am allergic to cheap.


Tomas, Ven conmigo.

All good?


I forgot that I ditched my g*n in Maracaibo.

I didn't used to carry one, but...

You know, it doesn't matter.

[Clears throat]

I get it. It's not a good feeling.

You feel naked without it.

But you don't have to worry about that, because I am fast enough for the both of us.


I feel a lot better.

Now, that's what I'm talking about.

Whoa. What are you doing?

Stealing us a car.

Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna let you mar this fine vehicle.

Okay, how do you suggest we--

Electronic skeleton key.

[Car beeping]

It decodes almost any car lock, and it's standard issue to all McQuaid field Ops.

You know, this would look great on your key ring.

The answer's still no.

You're only cheating yourself.

[Knock at door]


Who sent you?

Uh, nobody sent me, Roger.

I need a favor.

I tried calling, but your phone's disconnected.

Don't use phones much these days.

[Dog barking]

Can I come in?

[Dog growling, barking]

Did anyone see you come here?

Were you followed?

I really couldn't tell you, buddy.



Come in.

Hey, uh, your dog sounds territorial.

You want to put it somewhere?

[Dog growling, barking]

[Machine clicks, high-pitched, rapidly shifting tones]

What's that sound?

Frequency jammer.

It's protection against cell phones and walkies.

They won't work in or around this place.

What's going on? Why all the precautions?

Someone started following me a while ago.

I think they're trying to k*ll me.


I've said too much already.

They listen.

They follow, and they listen, and then they k*ll.

So what's this favor?

Hey, don't worry about it, buddy.

Sounds like your plate's pretty full already.

What, are you kidding me?

All I got is time.

Lay it on me.


You ever hear of someone selling intel by the name Postman?


Yeah, I know. It's all I got.

Doesn't ring any bells.

You think you might be able to find out who it is?

I can sure as hell try.

Thanks, Roger.

Send me whatever you got the moment you get it.

I'll give you my email address.

I don't have a computer anymore.

It's not safe.



I'll call you on this phone when I find something.

I tweaked it to work on frequencies beyond a scanner's range-- no GPS either.

Okay, thanks.

You should go now.


Hey, Roger.

Take care of yourself.

[Pig oinks]

Is this really the time for a pit stop?

This is our ride.

[Engine running roughly]

Taking a chiva to Colombia?

What's the matter?

I thought you were into non-flashy.

This is about as non-flashy as it gets.

No, I'm fine. I'm just surprised.

I didn't know open-air windows satisfied your air-conditioning requirement.

The only requirement that I have is to get the job done.

If I have to sweat my ass off on an overcrowded bus, so be it.


I can live with being hot and sweaty, as long as I keep living, you know?


[People conversing in Spanish]


You're awfully quiet.

I'm just trying to stay alert.

No, you're not.

You're thinking, "can I trust this guy?

"Who is he really? Is he a w*r profiteer?

Is he a mercenary?"

Believe it or not, I'm a patriot, just like you.

I like this little trick you're doing, trying to open up to get me to open up.

Okay, you figured me out.

Cards up.

What did you say to Borz to get him to talk?

I never said he did.

You didn't say he didn't either.

What did you say to Borz to get him to talk?

I just told him it wasn't gonna hurt him to give me what I wanted.

We're here.

Is this our guy?

Our guy was supposed to wave the bus through the crossing.

[People conversing in spanish]



I just got a text from Annie.

They've been stopped at the border, and your man hasn't shown yet.

Where the hell is he?

I don't know.

He should be there.

This your bag?


Follow me, please.

[Chicken clucking]

Can you at least tell us what's the matter?

We won that money at the Plaza Casino last night.

We got lucky at the Blackjack.


Quickly, before he comes back out.

I'm so sorry I wasn't there when your bus arrived.

My captain called me inside to check the logs from the shift change.

You'll explain this to miss Cook, right?

I'm sure she'll understand.

Here we are.

Stay down until you're well past the border.

Vayan con dios, my friends.

Annie and Ryan made it to Colombia.

That's fantastic news.

Care to join me?

I hate to drink alone.

I could really use one. Yeah, maybe a small one.

I have to get home soon.

I've been meaning to say something to you.


This business with Ryan and Borz, if you know what he wanted from him, I need to know too.

I would've told you if I knew by now, Arthur.

We don't stovepipe our intel here, not amongst ourselves.

Glad to hear it.

[Glasses clink]



Life in the private sector's gonna take some getting used to.

You need someone to talk to, I'm here.

I'm sorry.

No problem.

We should do this again sometime, without all the g*ns.

Uh, I don't mix business and pleasure.

Well, then you lose on both counts, Annie Walker.

Oh, by the way, I haven't forgotten that conversation we were having before about how you cracked Borz.

Cards up, remember?

Why do you want to know?

Why don't you want to tell me?

Okay, forget it.

I'm gonna get some sleep.

I told him we had his sister in custody and that it was his fault because he left her behind, and if he told me what I needed to know, I would help her.

Can you?

I shot her in Chicago.

She died four days ago.

Cards up.

So you lied to a dying man.

That's a pretty dark move, Walker.

I did what needed to be done.

That wasn't a criticism.

That was a compliment.


[Cell phone ringing]


That guy you're interested in?

I put some lines in the water, and I, uh, got a bite.

I should have something tomorrow morning if you want to come by.

That is outstanding news.

I'll be there at 8:00.

9:00's better.

Uh, bring doughnuts.



I'll see you then.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Something on your mind?

Just work.

Is everything okay?

See, I was good at my old job.

So good, I got a promotion.

That's good news, isn't it?

That's what I thought, but now...

I don't get to do the parts of my job that I really enjoy.

And I...

Used to think I was, uh...

I used to think I was accomplishing, you know, something, that I was...

The work I was doing was really important.

But now...

It feels like all I do... is go to meetings and write paperwork.

The only NFL team to win the Super Bowl after a perfect season was the '72--

'72 Dolphins.

Don Shula was just as important to that record as the players on the field.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I've still got some time.

You could stay a little longer if you like.

You know what? I'd love to, but I got to--

I got to get going.


[Knocking at door]




Sorry to stop by like this.

I just--I'm missing one more signature for your statement.

You're on my way home.

Come in.

I wasn't planning on going back to Langley this week.





I have it right here.

And a pen.

Bottom right corner?

No, actually on this one, it's the left.

Right there, yeah.

Right here?


You didn't just come down here to have me sign something, did you?


[Knocking at door]