02x13 - Double Jeopardy: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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02x13 - Double Jeopardy: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on yu-gi-oh! Zexal...

Flipthis candy piece scam is workin' out sweet for me!

I already collected four heart pieces that fit and I only need

One more to make the finals. I guess using one piece of candy

To complete my heart piece couldn't hurt.


Yuma, help!

What are you planning to do with flip?

Nistrothis cheat made fake heart pieces.

He's gonna pay with his deck.

And he'll be banned from competing in this and all future

Duel carnivals.

Hey, wait a minute!

You can't just ban him forever!

How about we settle this honorably with a duel.

Dextrafine then.

You'll duel nistro and me together and if you beat either

One of us, then you win the match.

And your friend gets his second chance.

But if you lose,

Then you get the exact same punishment as him.

Let's duel!


He has begun a duel.

I must go.

Number leaving so soon, astral?

Number !

Did you break your seal again?

We all agree that our time has come.

It is time to act, and to destroy!


Subdue utopia, dark mist!

Let's end this duel now!

Straight slash attack!


♪ If life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams won't die ♪

♪ If I hi-five the sky

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today

You can't protect your monster anymore since you have no more

Cards left in your hand!

No more cards in my hand, that's right!

I activate my tasuke knight's special ability!

I almost forgot!

When tasuke knight is in my graveyard and I get att*cked

With no cards in my hand, I can

Not only summon it, but it also ends the battle!

He blocked me?

Toriway to think on your feet, yuma!

It's gonna take more than that to beat me.

You got lucky kid.

Okay, let's see now.

I have two level monsters on my field,

I should summon utopia.

Yo, astral!

Where are you?


Quit stalling, yuma!

It's gonna be impossible to

Summon utopia without astral around.


Seize astral, dark mist!

Give up.

We will absorb you.



Utopia, you must leave me and go help yuma.

Do not let it escape!

Oh no!

I'll just have to win this without utopia.

I... Draw!

This card can't put a stop to any of their monsters.

Tasuke knight, take out morpho butterspy!


That's the best you got for us?

A mosquito could do more damage than you!


Dark mist, destroy number !


It is getting away!

Good luck, yuma.

Stop stallin'!

End your turn so I can crush ya!

Either that or forfeit the duel.


I'll place a card facedown and end my...

Whoa, my key!


But since the card appeared, shouldn't astral be around, too?

Astral, are you there?


Where are you?

If utopia came without astral,

Then something must be seriously wrong.

Utopia got away, but you will pay the price.

Lacking utopia's protection, you will be helpless to resist us.

Your concern for humans must have weakened your mind.

Now numbers, join with me!

Absorb astral so that we can

Complete our mission of destruction.

What are you doing?

All these numbers are under my control now.

But I need more power.

You will be assimilated next!

If the lightshow is over kid, let's get back to dueling!

There's something weird going on.

Be careful, nistro.

I hope yuma finds a way to flip this duel around!

Could it be,

That astral's also battling somewhere far from here?

He must've made a huge sacrifice to send this to me.

So I can't waste this chance.

Now let's go,

Cause right now I'm feelin' the flow!

First I'm gonna overlay my level

Gagaga gardna and tasuke knight!

Then I'll use them to build the overlay network!

I xyz summon, number utopia!


It's a number.

He has a number!

And it's one of the most amazing I've ever seen!

It is spectacular.

Okay then, we're set to take 'em on utopia.

There's no way they can defeat us now!

I'm gonna subtract that number from his deck!

Not yet, nistro.

You have to wait for me.

I'm summoning moonlit papillon.

Don't, dextra!

I told you I'm goin' after that number!

You'll wait your turn.

Now that we know he has a number card, this isn't a game anymore.

We're doing this by the book, understand?

I hate "by the book."

I overlay my level swallowtail butterspy and moonlit papillon!

And with them I'll build the overlay network and then xyz

Summon, photon papilloperative!

That's one mean-looking butterfly!

Hey, wait!

They're using photon monsters,

Just like the ones kite used before!

How come you use photon monsters just like kite?

What'd you say?


You know this kite well, do you?

There is no escape, astral!

You are going to fulfill your mission.

Whether you like it or not.

There is much we have to destroy.

I know kite.

We dueled each other a while ago. But we finished in a draw.

A draw?

But kite is one of the strongest duelists I know.

You'd have to be incredibly skilled!

Either that or...

Mr. Heartland told us, remember?

He said the original number,

The envoy from astral world came to this planet.

Well I think we just found it.

Are you suggestin' that this kid's playin' host to the

Visitor from astral world?

A twerp like him couldn't go toe to toe against kite unless he

Had a major advantage.

I see what you're sayin'.

If he has the original number,

It'll make my victory all the sweeter!

I'm going hunting first, nistro.

And I'll use photon papilloperative's

Special ability!

By using one overlay unit, your utopia switches from defense to

Attack mode and loses attack points!

Then I'll add to your troubles by using my

Spell card berserk scales!

It gives my photon papilloperative a one thousand

Point attack boost.

That monster's way than mine stronger now!

Attack points to be exact yuma.

Your number's safe, but not your life points.

Oh man, I don't have that many more to lose!


Photon papilloperative, attack utopia with vivid swarm!


I activate utopia's special ability!

If I use an overlay unit, I can negate your attack!

Go light wing shield!

I didn't take any damage.

That's right and unfortunately for me, due to berserk scales

Effect, my monster photon

Papilloperative now loses attack points

At the end of the turn.

But at least we now know utopia's special ability.


I'll let you take over from here.

I'm fired up to win this thing!

I... Draw!

I tribute my level blade bounzer to summon level

Phantom bounzer!

I hope he's not gonna do what I think.

I am.

I overlay my level phantom bounzer and hammer bounzer!

And just as you feared,

I'll use them to build the overlay network!

I xyz summon, photon strike bounzer!

Oh man, attack points!


It's really strong!

Photon strike bounzer, don't show any mercy!

Go strike streak!

Utopia, use your special ability!

Light wing shield!

Ha, tricked ya!

Tricked me?

Photon strike bounzer has a special ability, too!

It can use an overlay unit to cancel out your xyz monster's

Special ability, and you get hit

With one thousand points of damage!

No way!

If I take that big a hit, it's over!


Got you!

There is no escaping your fate, astral.

You will join with me and become me.

Go, photon strike bounzer!

Attack with strike streak!

I'm playing a trap!

Damage diet!

I only take half the damage from your special ability!



Without your light wing shield, my monster can still attack!

Go on and strike it, strike bounz

He can't survive another attack!

Say sayonara to the rest of your life points!

No chance!

I'm activating the trap half unbreak!

This card can keep my utopia from being destroyed.

And I'll only take half the damage from your attack.

He's still in this thing. But just barely.

The kid is finished.

His utopia is out of overlay units plus he has no more

Facedown cards.

Stay down.

Take it easy on yourself and hand your

Number card over to us.

Why put yourself through any more misery?

I won't ever give up.

Now let's get on with the duel!


If you wanna drag out this farce,

Go ahead.

It's my move!

I draw!

I'm summoning my cardcar d!

Now I can drive this card away and two new cards will race from

My deck to replace it!

Floor it, cardcar!


To draw the card that I need, I've gotta feel the flow!

Double or nothing,

And double tension?

They won't help me.


I gotta think.

There's always a way.

I can still pull this off.

I just have to figure out how.

If only astral were here to help me, but he's not.

Hey, what's wrong?


I didn't think that twerp would ever give up!


He failed badly.

Just as you failed, astral!


I'm sorry astral, I couldn't do it.

Don't give up, yuma!

C'mon, you never quit, remember?

It's true!

Every time you're down or get your deck handed to you, you're

So hotheaded and stubborn that you always get back up again and

Keep fighting. Even when it seems hopeless, 'cause that's

Just you.

Tori's right.

Astral is depending on me.

I'll keep dueling, and I'm gonna win, too.

Because I am so feelin' the flow!


I sense you.

We are connecting.

What is that kid doing?

It feels like I am losing my hold on you!

That is due to the bond between yuma and me.

We out-power you.




It's about time!

What's been keeping you?

Nice to see you, as well.

What is that?

What is that?

Astral's back!

Just when we needed ya!

That must be the envoy who came from astral world.

I suppose you came 'cause you think I'm erate for your

Help. Well, for your information,

I was doing just fine all by myself!

I don't need you making a dramatic entrance at the last

Minute to tell me what to do! So you can go back to goofin'

Off wherever you came from and let me handle these guys.

So this is a two-on-one duel.

You have done well, yuma.

I sense all the pieces are in place for victory.

They are, really?

We can win this...




First, from your graveyard

Activate overlay eater's special ability!

You heard him overlay eater, use your special ability now!

That's the monster yuma sent to the graveyard so he could

Activate gagaga gardna's special ability!

By banishing overlay eater, I can snatch one of your xyz

Monster's overlay units and give it to utopia!

And now photon strike bounzer can't use its special ability!

Although that move was clever,

It won't save you!

Utopia, attack photon papilloperative!

It's not enough damage to defeat me.

That's why I'm using utopia's special ability,

And stopping its attack!

Wait, did you just say "stop it's attack?"

Yes, and next I activate the spell double or nothing

From my hand!

Since I stopped utopia's attack, this spell allows it to attack

Again. Only this time utopia's attack points are doubled!

They really pumped up utopia!

But not by enough, tori.

Don't worry about that!

I activate the double tension spell card!

It doubles the attack points of my monster when it's attacking

For a second time!

I think we can start panicking now!

That's for sure!

Are you ready, yuma?



Go rising sun supreme slash!

I activate my trap, bounzer guard!

Now I can redirect your attack so it att*cks photon strike


You did it!

See, I told you not to give up!

Wow, for a minute there I thought we were doomed!

But then astral showed up to save the day!

Oh please.

Why did you take that hit for me?

I dunno...

It just felt right.

Well, if this doesn't prove that you and astral are a great team,


Yo, kid!

We're gonna give your friend here a second chance like we

Agreed. But I can promise you this.

If flip cheats again, we're not going to be as forgiving!

And one more thing, next time we duel, I'm taking you and the

Original number down.

You're on!

I'll duel you anytime anywhere!

And now, we've gotta go get the jump on some more cheaters!

I could've easily beaten those bullies by myself of course, but

It all worked out anyway!

Boy athere's that little fink flip!

We want our heart pieces... Now!

Get back here!

Don't touch my hat!

Dextra, I think we should keep

Our run-in with yuma a secret from mr. Heartland.

But why?

E I am going to defeat the original number.

I don't want kite interfering.

You got it.

Take it easy, flip.

Boy bbye!

Boy csee you never!

Boy dyeah!

Well, I have one piece anyway.


It's gone!

I'm heart broken!

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today
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