02x01 - Let the Duels Begin

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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02x01 - Let the Duels Begin

Post by bunniefuu »


Yumacome on, come on, come on!

What could be taking him so long?

Astralwhat could be taking whom so long, yuma?

The deliverer...

Of dreams,

And of hopes.

That does not help.

[Horn honking]

He's here!


Hold on...

Hey, wait up!

Don't ya have a letter in your postbag for me?

The name's yuma tsukumo!

Mailmanyuma, huh?

Let's see here...

Okay, right.

Here we go.

Let me just double check this and...


There is no mail for yuma tsukumo.

Have a nice day.

♪ If life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams won't die ♪

♪ If I hi-five the sky

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today

Bronkgood morning to ya, my blue-haired bud!

Caswellit was pretty good until you showed up!

Torilooks like you woke up on the right side of the bed today.

Every side's the right one this morning,

And this here is why!

It's starting!

The world duel carnival!

That explains it.

Yeah, you bet it does tori.

This is gonna be the best duel tournament ever thrown!

Due in no small part to what the duelists could win!

Not only will the winner be immortalized as a champion for

All of time, but they get a free lifetime pass to heartland!

Flipand you'll really flip when ya hear the next part.

Mr. Heartland himself has promised to grant the tournament

Winner one wish and make it come true no matter what it takes!


I already know my wish.

It's gonna be to wish for a hundred more wishes,

How smart is that?

Maybe you should just wish for a less goofy hat.

Cathyi know what I'd wish for. A date with yuma...

So who here's competing?

Better believe I am, see?

What's that thing?

It's a heart piece.

It's what ya need to gain entry into the duel carnival!

I got mine in the mail just this week!

Me too!

Me three!

So everyone's in this.

Not everyone...

Huh? What do you mean?

Surely you're competing.

Who me?

I'm passing.

Since when do you pass on dueling?

Since today...

When the postman rode right

Past my house without giving me that heart piece!

Now the only flow I feel is the flow of tears!


Please, you are embarrassing me, and I am invisible.

That's how I feel, invisible to the world!

I don't get it, why would you be the only one left out?


Does astral have any idea what might have happened?

They probably require all entrants to have some skill.

Kick a guy while he's down, why don't ya?

Will someone please give me a hug?

Yuma, you did apply for the event, right?


Yeah, you know, fill out the online app for entry.

Online app?

Like this one here on the website?

Don't you see the giant icon to apply?

Is that what that's for?

I kinda thought it was just a cool little picture.

It is.

A picture showing you how to apply for the tournament!


It could've happened to anyone.

Actually no, this would only happen to you, yuma.

At least now you will not have to embarrass yourself.


Quit moping.

Just apply right now.

Good thinking!

It just wants my name,

Then my address,

And voila.

I'm all set!

Mr. Heartland: thank you for applying,

But registration is closed.


Snooze, you lose.

Try again next year.


Yuma, what are you doing?

Runnin' from my problems!


What in the world are you doing?

What's it look like I'm doing?

I'm totally freaking out!

Lemme guess,

This has to do with the tournament?

Yeah, you wouldn't happen to have an extra one of those heart

Pieces, would ya?

Afraid not.

In fact, I don't even have one for me.


The only person I duel for now yuma, is myself.



Later, shark!



That's right.

Quattrolong time no see, reginald.

I'm sorry,

Everyone calls you shark now, don't they?

That's right.

What's the duel card supposed to mean?

I simply thought it might come in handy in the duel carnival.

I'm not entering the tournament.

Oh my...

You're still holding on to that old burden, aren't you?

What burden?

Perhaps a story will jog your memory.

It takes place during the finals of a duel tournament.

Where you spied on your opponent's deck and were then


You do remember your opponent, don't you?

It was me.


So there was more to your spying then just wanting to win,


Mystery girlreginald... At the finals... Promise me...

That you'll win...

Win for me,

You need to.

I don't blame you.

You wanted to win so badly for her.

How could you resist my conveniently placed duel deck?

Why it's almost as though that deck was left out on purpose.

You mean...

You set me up!

Why you...

What's done is done.

And that includes your duel career.

Because ever since that day, you've been a no-name nobody.

Whereas I have been winning

Trophy after trophy on the duel circuit.

That must make you feel like...

A loser.

No, I'm not!

So then prove it reginald.

Face me in the world duel carnival.

If you dare.

Oh, I dare all right.


Reginald will be participating

In the world duel carnival just as you wished.

Vetrixexcellent, I knew you wouldn't let me down.

Of course.

But still, I must ask, does he really matter?

He's but an empty shell now.

Perhaps, but he still has a part to play.

All will become clear once I've gathered the numbers.

You'll see.

Very well.

Until then,

I'll just enjoy putting shark through the ringer again.

Please, I'm begging you!

You have no idea what this means to me!

You have to let me in the tournament!

Receptionist :i'm afraid there's nothing I can do, young man.

But thank you for stopping by.

No, you don't understand!

This is a matter of life and...and... And me being so

Heartbroken I can't go on!


Uh-oh, here it comes!

My vitals are slowing...

My body can't take it!

Alright then,

Have a very nice day!

Nice day?

How can I have a nice day if I'm not in the duel carnival?

C'mon, gimme a heart piece! Pleeeaaase!

You certainly have to give him points for perseverance.

Announcementwelcome to all duel carnival travelers.

Baggage claim is on the lower level and all ground

Transportation can be found in terminal a.

Please enjoy your stay here in our fair city and good luck in

The tournament!

Control robotheartland city population has increased by %

And continues to increase every hour.

Did you hear that?

Nistroduelists are coming in by the droves!

This is better than we hoped!

Dextraare all city systems online?

Security systems are online and operational.

Network transmissions are online and operational.

All service bots are online and operational.

You hear that?

We're all good!

All of us except for you, nistro.


Just because things are running smoothly now doesn't mean

They'll stay that way.

We must stay sharp.


I'm as sharp as they come!

But you,

You're the dullest knife in the drawer!

You're lucky I'm here to pick up your slack, dextra!

Oh please.

That's enough, the both of you.

If this is going to work, we need to work together.

Ah, kite.

I've been waiting for you.

Kitewhy'd you call me here, heartland?

I have things to do.

Yes, I know you're busy,

But not so busy that you can't behold the spectacle, the glory

That is the world duel carnival!

Look at them all.

So happy, so excited, so completely and utterly clueless.

They have no idea the only reason we've assembled them here

Is to snatch their number cards! And when I say 'we' I mean you.

After all, you're the one that dr. Faker

Is counting on most you know.

Don't let him down.

After all, there are many powerful duelists competing.

Well you know what I say?

Bring 'em on!

Whatever numbers kite here can't take,

I'll be more than happy to nab.

Appreciate the offer, but I got this.

See, he's full of confidence just like me!

Cause he's earned it.

Worker amr. Heartland,

There's a young duelist without a heart piece who wants to


And I should care why?


He's been at the city gate since quite early this morning,

And I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon.

Please, I'll give you my entire life's saving for a heart piece,

That's almost seventy-five cents!

It's him.

Send in more security, take him away.


Hold it,

Let's let the little rat participate.

You know him?


But you never know who might have a number card these days.

I say,

Are you sure you're not hiding something, kite?

The other day, there was a mysterious expl*si*n at a

Heartland facility.

I don't know anything about that.

All I care about is gathering numbers.

Now please excuse me,

I have to go and prepare for the tournament.

You're excused.

Orbital master kite,

Why didn't you report that yuma was involved with that blast?

Quiet, or I'll power you down permanently!

Sir, quieting down!

The only one I'm focused on...

Is astral.

And I will have my revenge on him!

Uh, you're not still talking about me, are you?

As for yuma,

He is harmless.



Except to himself.

I am not leaving here until someone gives me a heart piece!

I'm not kidding,

I'm a kid!

I've got nothing better to do!

Wow, several hours and yuma's still going strong.


Whoa, what's this?

Whoa, no way!

Is that mr. Heartland?

It just can't be.

Hey dude.

Hey dude?

Not a good start.

Worker bmister.

It's mister heartland.


Then what do they call his dad?

Worker csay it!

Fine. Hey, missus heartland.


Oh right, sorry. Mister.

It's just when I look at the color of that suit,

I think missus.

No offense.

Anyway, now that I got ya here, I was wondering if maybe you

Could hook me up with a heart piece, pretty please?

Yuma should really pick his words more carefully.

I agree, it's just he doesn't have that many to choose from.

My dear boy,

I have heard your plight, which is why I've decided to come here

Personally and give you...

This small gift.

Heads up!

A heart piece!

I finally got one!

Now I get to compete!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

What is that pendant there?

What... This?

It has a unique shape.

I guess.

It was a gift from my mom and dad.

Was it?

There is something special about this boy after all.

You must be excited, yuma.

This is what you've always dreamt of.

A chance to finally become a real life duel champion!



There is more to it than just that.

This is a very big tournament you are in.

And a big tournament means there will be a lot of duelists.

Which means there could be a lot of number cards.

Right, and with each one we get, you get back a memory.

And to tell you the truth,

That's the real reason that I wanted this heart piece so bad.

What do you mean, yuma?

I thought this was all about you

To become a duel champion for your father.


And it still kind of is,

But when I think about my dad and all the things he's said,

I think it would mean more to him if I dueled for something

Else, an even bigger cause.

If I dueled for something meaningful like a bond.

A bond?


Like the bond we have, astral.

Like the bond I've felt with every duelist I've ever faced!

See, it's not about whether you win or lose, dueling's about

Something more precious than that.

Something on a whole other level.

That is not true for all.

Whatcha mean?

I mean kite.

Losing is not an option for him.

And he does not give second chances.

Yeah, he wins, I lose and instead of dueling, I end up

Drooling like a mindless zombie.

But don't you worry astral, I'm not afraid of going head-to-head

With him, 'cause I could always...


What's up?


If anything bad happens to you I'll...



Don't cry!

I'm gonna be just fine!

Like I'd be scared of someone named kite.


I'll make him beg like a dog.

Okay, relax.

I don't care what his name is or if you make him beg,

I really just care about one thing.

That you beat him.

And get outta this tournament in one piece, understand?


You'll have me to deal with!

Interesting. Dueling is about something more precious than

Winning or losing. Something on a whole other level. But what,

Yuma? What?

Choices, choices.

Man, it's hard to build a deck.

And I got a hunch not just for me.

Little brother, I promise you things will be as they were.

Crowdcheck it out!

How fast are they going?

They must be going light-speed!

Look at all those hearts!

They're so beautiful!

This parade is amazing!

Those floats are so cool!

I can't believe it's finally here!


Welcome duelists to heartland city. Welcome to

The world duel carnival!

Now then, here are the rules.

The field of play is the entire city,

And the first phase of this tournament will last three days.

During these three days, if you are challenged to a duel, you

Must accept that challenge.

How do you accept a challenge?

Simpleyou will wager your heart piece.

Lose your heart piece,

And you lose your spot here.

But if you win,

You win a heart piece!

Assemble all five pieces and you'll have won a spot in the

Tournament finals!

If you have further questions about the rules, well,

That's just too bad!

Because I'm sure like our viewers at home, I can't wait

Another second to get started!

So let the duels begin!

Aww yeah!

It's every duelist for himself now!

See ya in the finals!

Wonder who'll make the first move?


And who that person's gonna challenge!

Strikeroutta my way!

Move it!

Since winning this tournament is my goal, I'll let my soccer ball

Pick my opponent!

That looks like it hurt.

What's your problem?

This is a duel tournament, not a soccer match!

For me they're one and the same. Now then,

Get up ball boy, 'cause we're duel

So, I'm first?

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today
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