01x23 - Hunting Down The Hunter: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x23 - Hunting Down The Hunter: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Yumalast time on yu-gi-oh! Zexal

Kiteget it in gear, orbital !

We're going number hunting again.

Dr. Faker says there was an original visitor who brought the

Numbers to this planet.

I suspect, this mysterious visitor may have found a host in

Heartland city.

Orbital remember that boy yuma you challenged?

He was wearing a strange pendant.

The pendant did not come from this planet.



Locate yuma and gather as much information on him as you can.

Now which locker is yuma's?

Target identified.

Finders, keepers!

Sharkthis doesn't belong to you.

Why don't you do yourself a favor and hand that pendant over

To me right now!?

Not a chance.

This thing isn't yours pal!

Let's duel!

I xyz summon, number : acid golem of destruction!

I activate splash capture!

Number hunter, I now control your acid golem

And all of its power!

Go photon stream of destruction!

It's impossible!

Galaxy-eyes isn't a number card.

Only a number can destroy a number.

Wrong again.

Once acid golem loses its overlay units, that

Rule no longer applies.

You've already lost.

How's that?

Because you're still under acid golem's curse.

I'll take that number now.

Along with your soul as well.


Hello, yuma.

Hey, leave that alone - it's mine!

Oh no, he's got astral!

♪ As life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Down and down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams from dieing ♪

♪ I hi-five the skys

♪ Spread my wings say take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future is still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breathe my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'm taking a chance today



Wake up!

Can you hear me?

Please, you gotta snap out of it!

Bronkoh man, this looks bad

Are you finished yet?


The analysis is still running.

I just have to complete this photon stream probe.

If this works, it could help us figure out if this pendant

Really does come from another world, and just maybe what its

Real purpose is.

Find out everything you can.

Dr. Faker is keeping something from me.

But I'm going to uncover the truth.

If dr. Faker hears about this investigation,

He'll go ballistic.

So will I if you don't get results.

You can count on me!

Is shark gonna be okay?

Caswellthe doctor says there's

Nothing wrong with him physically.

Cathywhy doesn't he wake up then?


Shark's soul has been stolen.

Please, this is no time for jokes.

I think he means it.

Don't ya yuma?

Unfortunately yeah caswell.

When that number hunter kite wins a duel, he takes the

Loser's number and their soul.

He stole something else this time, too.

My golden key.

And astral was inside it when kite took it and flew off.

I have to get it back!

He lives in there?


I can't explain how it works, but it's true.

As long as that key is with me, astral is with me too.

In the end, I'm afraid your key won't be easy to recover,

Especially if you don't know where kite has gone.

We'll help you find it yuma!

Sure, but how?

If that key really is special, kite will want to examine it.

He'll most likely want to run some kind of computer analysis


I think I've just figured out a way to track down your key!

Well I'll be rebooted!

What is it?

The pendant has its own gravitational field inside!

Its own field?

Is that possible?


The field is generating an inter-dimensional link between

This world and, somewhere else.

It must be astral world.

Open that link now, orbital.


Mr. Kayyou want me to track down a crook?

We're counting on you mr. Kay!

All you have to do is upload a virus into the datanet and find

The computer he's using.

I don't know.

After all I'm a teacher not a detective.

There's no way we can fail with your programming skills!

But even so

But nothing mr. Kay

The only way to save shark and astral is if you help us!

May I have a word in private?


I know you want to help.

Especially after all the trouble you caused with

Your crashbug virus.


I bet you feel pretty bad about all the chaos

You caused around the city!

Not so loud, huh?

But now's your chance to make up for it by helping us out!


He's going to help!


You sure we should be hacking into the datanet with a virus?

Sounds kind of risky.

Relax, bronk!

I promise this virus is totally harmless.

It will simply track all datanet searches relating to yuma's key

And then pinpoint where they came from.

Which should lead us directly to kite's computer,

And to yuma's key!

All thanks to mr. Kay's expertise!


Hey, am I wrong or does mr.

Kay's expertise look an awful lot like the crashbug virus?

You mean the virus that made the city grid go haywire

I'm sure mr. Kay had nothing to do with that!

Did you?

You kids and your wild imaginations!


The virus has been uploaded successfully!

Fingers crossed everyone!



Now go find my key!

Carbonic laser, negative, hydrophonic beam, thumb's down

Nothing is working, master kite!

I've tried every energy source on this planet and

There's no response.

Then use a baria crystal.


You heard me.

It comes from the barian world, not from this planet.

Its energy may activate the pendant.

Great idea, but baria crystals are rare.

I'm afraid finding one won't be easy.

Use your crystal.

But that's my energy source!

I can't function without it!

Losing one small shard shouldn't be a problem.

I guess not.

Here goes nothing except my power supply, that is.

This baria crystal lights up my life!

I hate to give up any of it, but I suppose losing

A tiny bit won't hurt, much.


Now I'll move the baria crystal so its energy

Field converges with the pendant

Master kite!

It's working!

The pendant is reacting to the crystal's energy field!

I can't be sure, but it appears that the pendant's

Internal gravity is warping, the readings are quite unusual.

Sir - look!

Do you realize what this is, orbital?

Yuma's pendant has opened up a portal, and I bet it's a portal

To astral world!


I wish he'd learn to look before he leaps.

Could this be astral world?

What is that?

The virus is still searching for kite's computer.

Come on find it!



The virus has detected something, we're in luck!

The data-stream leads to a warehouse that's owned by


That's where my golden key is!


We meet at last.

You must be the visitor from, astral world.

Astrali should have guessed it was you, kite.

How do you know my name?

We were opponents in a duel once.

Oh really?

That number card

It's hard for me to imagine why you'd want to team up with a

Twerp like yuma tsukumo.

At least he is no thief.

Are you not the one who stole the golden key?

So that's what the pendant is called

You also hunt numbers.


Why do you?

Because, numbers are fragments of my memories.

So, you need them to remember?

That is right.

Now please tell me why you want numbers.

I demand you answer me.

I want to learn the numbers' secrets.

And the secrets of astral world and barian world.


The only way to make sure I get the answers I need is to seize

All the numbers.

So I'm going to need you to hand over the numbers you've

Collected with yuma!

If I did that, I would never regain my memories.

Then I'll have to get them another way.

How about a duel?

I gotta get to that warehouse before it's too late!

Photon transformation go!

Hope you're good at subtraction 'cause your about

To lose your number

If I lose this duel, I will lose more than just my numbers.

But I cannot avoid this challenge.


Let's duel!


Why're your cards getting all glowy?

I think astral's using them!

Since you challenged me, I will draw first!

I play a monster facedown in defense mode!

Then I'll place another card facedown and end my turn.

By placing gogogo golem in defense mode, it can avoid being

Destroyed by an attack once per turn.

And then by placing my battle break trap card, I have further

Fortified my defenses.

Now when kite att*cks, this trap will activate, destroying his

Monster and ending the battle immediately.

Go ahead and make your move, kite.

I am ready for you!

Brace yourself.

Here I go!

I'll start by pinning your facedown card in place.

Lock it down reverse buster!

When reverse buster att*cks, you can't activate

Your spell and trap cards!

Now, reverse buster, take out his facedown monster!!

Your gogogo golem is a goner!

Cause I'm activating reverse buster's special ability!


When reverse buster att*cks a facedown monster in defense

Mode, your monster is automatically destroyed!

And since reverse buster's special ability destroyed your

Monster, you might want to say your last good-byes because your

Gogogo golem can't be saved

And it gets better, because when reverse buster destroys a

Monster that way, it gets stronger!

Attack points

If kite uses another monster with at least attack

Points, he can tribute them to summon galaxy

Eyes photon dragon.

Is that his strategy or does he have

Another plan for his monster?

Kite is a clever duelist.

I must be careful or I will lose everything!

I end my turn with a facedown!

I must commend you.

It seems your dueling skills are even more masterful

Than I remember, kite.

How flattering.

But if you're trying to trick me into lowering

My guard, forget it.

I meant what I said.

It is clear that you are the best duelist I have ever met.

Yet I cannot shake this feeling that you are not

Doing this for yourself.

Why is that, kite?


Is this a duel or are we playing twenty questions now?

I understand why you're trying to stall as long as possible

Though, since you're losing.

I sense you are hiding something, something that

Troubles you deeply.

Enough talking!

Let's get this duel over with!

Of course.

I do wish we were not meeting as opponents, however.

I find you fascinating.

I think you are very much like yuma.

Like yuma?

Although I was unable to become one with him, my time with yuma

Has helped me understand and appreciate his spirit.

He misses his parents very much.

This longing in yuma's heart drives him to

Follow their example.

That is why he is always trying to "high five the sky."

Yuma never gives up.

And you, think that I'm like him.


You're wrong!

Just one person matters to me.

I only care about hart!

Who is hart?

Never mind!

Let's get back to what's important - dueling!

Get on with your turn!

Alright, I draw!

I now play gogogo giant!

This monster can bring back gogogo golem from my graveyard

In defense mode.

And since it used its special ability, gogogo giant now has to

Switch to defense mode as well.

Two level four monsters on the field.


He must be getting ready to summon a number!

Without knowing the identity of kite's facedown card I am not

Sure if I should risk summoning my number or

Strengthen my defenses?

Since I now have two monsters in defense mode I can activate the

Spell double defender!

Now once per turn I can negate an attack from your monster.

Finally I will end my turn by placing one card facedown.

I must admit I'm surprised.

I thought you'd summon utopia.

But then you'd be taking a big risk, wouldn't you, because

You'd lose the two monsters that are defending you.

And doing that would leave you quite vulnerable.

Those two facedown cards you played - they're there to

Protect you aren't they?

You seem very worried about something.

Are you scared that I'll summon galaxy-eyes photon dragon?

You are scared!

As you should be!

I now play the spell card photon hurricane!

Brace yourself, because all the trap and spell cards on your

Field are about to be blown away!

Hope you weren't counting on those facedown

Cards to save you!

It cannot be!

Yes, the facedown card that made you panic so much

Was nothing I should have feared.

If only you'd had the guts to be more aggressive

On your last turn

I would have been in real trouble.

You're going to pay a price for being so cautious!

Now I'm tributing reverse buster in order to summon photon leo!

I activate its special ability!

Howling blow!

The end is near, because my photon leo's ability blows all

The cards in your hand back into your deck and forces you to draw

The same number of cards again.

Why don't you stop your stalling and get drawing!

I'm afraid you'll have to totally rethink

Your strategy now.

Or you could just give up.

It's clear you don't have what it takes to win this duel.

You're too scared of losing.

Move it, you guys!


Open up!

I know you're in there, kite!


Look at your deck.

Astral's still dueling.

I have to get in and help him!

What're you so worried about?

I'm worried cause he's dueling kite.

And he can't win alone!

So who's this dude kite again?

He's a number hunter, bronk.

Gotta hurry!


Hey kite lemme in!

Now I'll make photon leo even stronger with the equip spell

Photon, spear!

Now when photon leo att*cks your monster in defense mode, if my

Monster is stronger than yours, the point difference is dealt to

You as damage!

Photon leo, stick it to gogogo giant!

Silver spear strike!

Kite was correct.

I have been so anxious about losing this duel, that I focused

All my attention on not losing.

I never gave serious thought to how to win.

C'mon, open!

It won't budge

Give us a hand you guys!

All together!

Wow, I guess we're stronger than I thought.

I uploaded a new virus to crash the warehouse security system.

You should be all clear now.

Thanks mr. Kay, you rock!

Now let's move in!

Hello master kite!

Can you hear me?

I hope he's okay

Because there's no way I'm leaping into that

Thing to rescue him!


What's this?

Uh-oh we're being hacked!

I had better update my anti-virus software!

It's too late!

The whole system is crashing!

Master kite will not be pleased.

Announcementsecurity breach in sector three.

Security breach in sector three

It's yuma, how did they get in here!?

I'm going to need a lot of new parts after

Kite hears about this.

You know you're going to lose.

Why don't you accept the inevitable?

Call it quits and give me all your numbers.

No, I will not quit.

While you were sounding off I remembered some very wise advice

I once heard from a friend of mine.

Prepare yourself number hunter because I am feeling the flow!

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future is still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breathe my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'm taking a chance today
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