01x18 - It's in the Cards: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x18 - It's in the Cards: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Yumalast time on yu-gi-oh! Zexal



You have to do something!

It's tori and the others, they!

They what? Cat!

Fortunocat cannot hear you right now.


My name is fortuno. I am a seer of all things and I bring to you

A message on behalf of my master, kite.


We have your friends, yuma, if you want to see them again, you

Must come to my mansion and duel me.

I xyz summon, number shock master

That thing is freaky looking!

Shock master take out gogogo golem!

Your friends' safety depends on you. The more life

Points you lose, the more the rock on

Which they stand will crumble.

Not cool!

Astralthis trembling in my spirit, I think I now understand

What it means to be afraid.


♪ As life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Down and down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams from dieing ♪

♪ I hi-five the skys

♪ Spread my wings say got this time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future is still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breathe my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'm taking a chance today

Ha ha! I see the end! You're kneeling before me!

You're admitting defeat and you're begging me to

Release your little friends!

Ah, bronk tori


Don't worry guys. I can do this.

Come on, you gotta win.

This feeling I have, like I cannot move, I felt it for the

First time during our duel with kite, I now understand that I am

Afraid. This is fear I am feeling

So if this is being afraid. How do I make it stop?

Astral! Hey - astral!

Quit your daydreaming! In case ya' hadn't noticed,

We're dueling.

I know. But you have no monsters in your hand.

And due to shock master's special ability,

You cannot use traps.

If you do not pull a monster card on this next draw

It is over.

So then - all I gotta do is draw a monster!

Here we go, I draw!

All right! But,

Argh! It's kurivolt and it's only got attack points

We can use it! Listen, you must summon that monster

But, he can't really do anything,

Get it on the field. You must trust me.

All right,

Next, I summon, kurivolt!

Good work. Now your kurivolt can use any overlay units in play

So that it can summon more kurivolt tokens

To join it on your field.

Right now, the only monster with overlay units is shock master.

I see what you're saying! With kurivolt's special ability

I can steal shock master's two overlay units to summon two

Kurivolt tokens on my field!


Aw, yeah!

I got three on my field now for the price of one!

Ah, but why rely on such miserable creatures?

Why not summon something stronger?

I see you hold no other

Monsters in your hand!

You had no choice but to rely on those pitiful creatures did you?

Do not panic, yuma! Use voltage summon!


I'm activating the voltage summon spell card!

So why did I do that?

Because it allows you to

Exchange each one of your kurivolt tokens with any monster

From your deck that's level -or-below!

Oh, yeah!

I tribute two kurivolt tokens. And in their place, I

Summon ganbara knight and kagetokage from my deck!

The downside is that voltage summon leaves these two with no

Attack points and no defense points

But - that's no biggie because it's overlay time!

With these two monsters, I

Build the overlay network and xyz summon

Number - utopia!

He was presented with an overwhelming situation, and yet

He was able to shake his fear and move forward, I must ask him

To teach me how to do that.

So that's the number card I'll be taking.

You wish!

Go, utopia, attack shock master! Rising sun slash!

Not only did I just mop the floor with your number, I've

Still got an attack left!

And since your field is wide open, kurivolt

Can attack you directly!

Just hang on, you guys! I'm gonna get you outta there!

It's your move, side show!

Yuma, wait, place the traps in your hand!

You cannot activate them yet, but - have them ready.

Oh, yeah - excellent point! I place two cards facedown and end

My turn!

All is not lost, we may have a chance

What? What are you laughing at, freak show?

I'm laughing at you.

And the fact that you still believe that you have a chance!

It's my turn, I draw!

First things first, from my hand, I summon rainbow shaman!

I should thank you, boy. By summoning an xyz monster and

Using it to clear my field, you enabled me to call

This monster forth!

Yeah, well, you're welcome. Zero attack points?

I activate the xyz plant spell card and with it, I can

Choose a monster and then my plant transforms into a monster

With the same level!

So now I have two rainbow shaman on my field!

You turned a spell card into a monster?


And with that done, I now overlay xyz plant

And rainbow shaman!

With these two monsters, I build the overlay network,

I xyz summon number big eye!

Another number!? You have got to be kidding me!

And it is powerful.

Did you really think that I only had one

Number card at my disposal? You naive fool! I have collected

Dozens of numbers for my master kite!

Can yuma really defeat this guy!?

I really don't think so.

Try to stay focused. You still have utopia.

Right, so we're all good.

Utopia can negate an attack by using an overlay unit

So no matter how powerful the monster, the attack

Won't get through.

Except that I am about to

Activate big eye's special ability!

By using one overlay unit, big eye can seize control of one of

Your monsters!

I am afraid your precious utopia will now become

My little puppet!

Ah, no!

Big eye - seize his monster!. Go temptation glance!


This changes the situation.

Without our number

Utopia! - You will do my bidding!

Attack kurivolt, now!

We're all gonna fall!

Save us, yuma!

Your fate will be delayed a bit more. For big eye cannot attack

On the turn it uses a xyz special ability. So for now.

I place a facedown and end my turn!

My turn! I draw!


Now I can summon a monster!

Dear boy, you haven't gone and forgotten that I can see all

Your cards, now, have

What!? You just drew, a monster card!

So it's the perfect time for me to activate my freezing

Dance trap card!

Beginning now, for the next two turns, neither one of us can

Summon a monster!

Without a monster, yuma's

Just big eye bait waiting to be obliterated!


I guess I have to end my turn,

How unfortunate! Truly!

The end is here, boy. Tumble into the depths of oblivion

Along with your little friends!

Big eye attack him directly.

Yuma, the trap card!

Oh, yeah, right! I can use traps again starting this

Turn! I'm still in this!

I activate

Nitwit outwit! By sending a monster card in my hand to my

Graveyard, it reduces the damage I take equal to my monster's

Attack points!

Dododo warrior! I need your help!

If you think you've managed to somehow avoid defeat,

Think again!

Utopia attack!

Now would be a good time to play the other trap!

Right! I activate the xyz weight trap card!

Now an xyz monster loses attack points for every one of

It overlay units!

Oh no!


It's impressive that you were able to survive two direct

att*cks, but now I've got a

Surprise for you, the twilight dance spell card!

This spell prevents both of us from summoning

Monsters from our graveyards!

You're all out of options now, boy.

Come on

Your field is empty,

And, I have two powerful monsters ready to do my bidding.

You cannot resist anymore! You don't need a fortune teller to

Tell you that you have no chance!

Your move

This is, the end.

I'm sorry.

There is a way for you to save them, it's the only way.

Surrender this duel. Accept defeat. And relinquish your

Number card to me and to my master kite.

If you do so, then I will let your little friends go


It's a good deal you're being offered here. If you give

Up on one little lamb you will be able to

Save the entire flock.

I can't look!


Don't do it don't do it, yuma!


Why would you even hesitate!?

Clearly, it is the best choice!

I told you that we should not have come here

We have no chance of defeating him, to keep dueling would be to

Doom your friends

There is only one thing we can do now, yuma

We have lost, hand over the number card.

But, if I surrender the duel, then you'll, vanish.

You have to surrender your number card, yuma, in order to

Save your friends - you have to.

There's gotta be another way, astral!

There is not.

My friends have always been there when I needed them

Good times and bad times, ups and downs - through

Thick and thin

I'm not just gonna ditch my friends.

I know. That is why I am saying you

You still don't get it, do you!?

I said - I won't abandon

Any of my friends, astral, and

You're my friend!

If I surrender this duel, then it's lights out for you.

Can that be true?



Stop muttering to yourself over there and tell me your decision!

You really think I'm just gonna call it quits and give you

My number card? Guess you can't see the future after all!

Ah! In that case, master kite is looking forward to watching me

Win and adding your soul to his collection!

What's with that, kite? You're making peons do your dirty work

Now? What's wrong? Too chicken to duel me yourself?

Uh, hey! How do I know that's really kite sitting up there?

It! What are you saying? Of course it's kite!

Oh, yeah? Let's see!

Cat's about to pounce!

A fake!?

So then, that was not kite?

What have you? Do you realize what you have done.

Ha ha ha, I knew something didn't seem right.

I dueled kite once. He seemed like more of the lone wolf type,

Not the type who relies on minions and underlings

To get things done.

You don't even know him, do you? You phoney!

I was afraid of something that was not even there?

Heh, I was kinda freakin' out, too.

But then sometimes you just gotta step up and feel the flow!

Know what I mean, buddy?

Yes I do

I realize now fear is

Not the only emotion I have grown to understand, watching

Yuma confront obstacles and rise up to meet challenges, I

Think I have also learned what

It means to "hope."


What is that!?

Look, guys

Is that, astral?

Whoa, is that astral?!

Yuma, win this.

You got it, pal! Get ready!

It's my turn - I draw!

The comeback spell card!

Use it, yuma! And get utopia back!

On it! First up, I'm activating the spell card comeback!

With this bad boy, I can regain control of a

Monster on your field!

Utopia - come back!


And now we can achieve victory! The path has been made!

Path? - For what?!

For this, chaos number .

Chaos number?

By combining utopia with its overlay units, utopia can

Further evolve itself!

The time is now, yuma!

Go chaos xyz evolution!

Get ready for chaos number !

I give you -- utopia ray!

Where did all this awesomeness come from!?


I did not see this transpiring! Nevertheless - my big eye

Is more powerful!

Not when utopia ray's special ability activates! By using an

Overlay unit, it gains attack points!

Right now, utopia ray has three overlay units, which are all

About to be used!

Go overlay charge!

No, no!

And - for every overlay unit, your monster loses one thousand

Attack points.

That means!

It sure does!

Do it, utopia ray!

Attack big eye!

Rising sun chaos slash!

Uh-! Huh?

Hey, you guys!

He sure is amazing!

Yeah, he's incredible!

He saved us!


That was maybe the coolest thing ever!

Why are you guys all about astral right now?!

What about me!?

Forget it, I'm going home!


Hang on!

Observation number - as long as you have friends,

You have hope.

Sub-observation, .a, yuma is my friend.

Heh, heh, heh! That mutton-headed child thinks

He took all of my number cards

Fortunately, I was wise enough to keep my most

Precious number card here

Wha! It, it's you!

Kite! It's really you!

Master! - I've been watching you. I think that

You're incredible!

I would give you anything and everything!

Kitegood to know. In that case, I'll take that number, and

While we're at it, I'll take your soul.

I thank you for your loyalty.
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